Sustainable Urbanization in Konya ,Turkey

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Sustainable Urbanization in Konya ,Turkey

Sustainable Urbanization in Konya ,Turkey

1 Sustainable Urbanization in Konya ,Turkey

The book is based on the discussions of the High-Level Meeting on Sustainable Urbanization in Konya ,Turkey which took place at United Nations Headquarters, New York on 9 March, 2012, organized by UN-Habitat, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization and the Konya Municipality.

Edited by Aliye P. Celik, Richard Jordan, Anamaria Vrabie

2 Acknowledgments

We would like to express deep appreciation and thanks to all speakers, moderators, chairs, respondents and H.E. Tahir Akyurek , Mayor of Konya, and his staff for their invaluable contribution to the Sustainable Urbanization in Konya, Turkey meeting.

We are particularly grateful to Ms. Cecilia Martinez, Director of UN-Habitat, New York City Office, and Ms. Yamina Djacta, Deputy Director UN-Habitat, New York City Office, as well as H. E. Ertugrul Apakan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations and last, but not least, to … and Mr. Mustafa Sen ….

Board of Directors, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization

Lance Jay Brown

Aliye P. Celik

Urs Gauchat

James McCullar

Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization

Mission Statement

The Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization is committed in support of the UN-Habitat Agenda and the Goals 7 and 8 in the Millennium Development Goals. It represents a collaboration of UN, academic, private sector and other institutions organized to promote the identification of frameworks for sustainable development and exchanges of best practices with a new found optimism about our urban future. Its objective is to bring together the different stakeholders and delegations of UN member countries for conferences, discussions and dissemination of innovative policies and solutions applicable to both developing and developed cities and regions of the world. Its programs are meant to promote the goals of sustainable urbanization with an […] to the widest audience of that includes students and the general public.

3 Contents:


H.E. Tahir Akyurek , Mayor of Konya



H. E. Ertugrul Apakan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations


Identity and Image of the City

Professor Urs Gauchat, Dean, College of Architecture & Design, NJIT


Principles for change and sustainability

Professor Lance Jay Brown, FAIA, ACSA Distinguished Professor


User Friendliness : Konya as Perceived by Travel Guides and Websites

James McCullar, FAIA, Past President AIA New York Chapter, Co-Chair, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization


International Tourism

Sarbuland Khan, Tourism World Tourism Organization Senior Adviser, WTO, Past Director, UNECOSOC


The Challenge and Potential of Sustainable Urbanization

Aliye Pekin Celik, Ph.D. Co-Chair, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization


4 Resilient Urban Design

Jeffrey Raven, AIA LEED AP, Principal, Raven A+U


New Mindsets

Professor Dianne Davis, President ICCC


Ideas for Improving Tourism in Konya

Professor Jukka M. Laitamaki, Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management New York University


Closing Remarks

Ms. Yamina Djacta, Deputy Director, UN-HABITAT New York Office


Annex 1: Program


Annex 2: Additional Websites


Annex 3: Speakers Biographies


Annex 4: Informartion on the City of Konya


5 Preface

H.E. Tahir Akyurek , Mayor of Konya

Konya is a city with a rich history and spiritual heritage and with a significant tourism industry. My target as mayor of Konya is the happiness of the people. Konya is a religious and historic city and can be seen as the cradle of civilization and where the east meets the west. Konya is also one of the fastest growing cities in Turkey. The city is implementing social policies in order to fight poverty and improve the lives of the poor – programs ranging from vocational trainings to ecological management.

A main target is to see smiling residents in the city. All services should be integrated, using city information systems. The city of Konya strives to serve as a role model also when it comes to sustainable technology. For example dirty water is cleaned through biological processes and distilled. This water is used for watering green areas. There is also a lot of investment in waste management. Turkey signed the Kyoto protocol and therefore the city believes that sustainable urbanization is the most important step for climate change. The city is working in a lot of areas for improving the environment. For example diminishing pollution produced by vehicles. The city also has priorities in increasing the areas of green land in the city.

Slums are a challenging aspect of urbanization. Slums are unsustainable and a non-clean environment. Konya is trying to build in an environmentally-friendly manner and provide basic social services. Integrated policies for planning have been used, which all takes into consideration available technology in order to neutralize the effects of climate change. Konya is planning for the future and principles and laws are rewritten for 2020.

6 Introduction

H. E. Ertugrul Apakan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations

Today, people living in urban areas exceed half of the world's population. By the year 2050, it is estimated that this rate would almost reach to 70 per cent. This rapid growth of urban population has thus caused “sustainable urbanization” emerge as a global issue. Wise city planning and viable design of infrastructure are not only vital for addressing economic and social problems at the local level, but also essential for tackling the wider issues such as climate change, land degradation and pollution.

Cities have naturally become the main drivers of the global economic activity with their geographical concentration of people, infrastructure, knowledge, and resources. The largest one hundred urban areas, in other words the megacities, are estimated to have a contribution about 30 per cent to the global GDP.

However, urban populations exert more pressure on natural resources. Unsustainable production and consumption patterns create polluted environment which negatively affects health and quality of life. They also have implications on protected areas and biodiversity.

Slums are one of the most challenging aspects of urbanization. Poor living conditions, poverty, unemployment and land insecurity are among the many problems arising due to the slums.

In this context, pursuing “sustainable urbanization” policies is of crucial importance. Building environmentally sustainable, socially responsible and economically productive cities needs to be promoted for viable urban areas for citizens from all economic backgrounds.

7 Of course, integrated polices are indispensable for planning and building sustainable cities. Concerted policies should take into consideration resource efficiency, climate neutrality, appropriate infrastructure and available technology.

Empowerment of local authorities is also central for an integrated urban development policy. Their proximity to inhabitants gives them a pivotal role in providing basic services. They must work together with national governments more closely with a view to alleviating poverty and improving living conditions.

Urban issues are increasingly weighting higher on the international agenda. Urbanization, among others will be a major topic of the upcoming Rio+20 Conference. The sixth World Urban Forum will convene in Naples this year in September, with the theme of Urban Future. These consequent meetings will enlighten the path to the UN-Habitat III Conference, to be held in 2016. I am happy to once again reiterate that Turkey stands ready to host this Conference in Istanbul.

Konya is a vibrant city in the heart of Anatolia with a population of 2 million people at an annual population growth rate of 12 per cent. Almost 75% of its inhabitants live in the urban centers. Konya is also a historical city, a cradle of civilizations in Anatolia, from Hitites to Persians and from Romans to Seljuks and Ottomans.

One could easily say that Konya with its cultural and historical heritage is well positioned to offer an interesting case study from urbanization perspective. With a holistic approach integrating population dynamics and industrialization with cultural and historical aspects, cities like Konya can also contribute substantively to global endeavor on sustainable urbanization.

8 Identity and Image of the City

Professor Urs Gauchat, Dean, College of Architecture & Design, NJIT

When talking about the theme of “Identity and Image”, it is important for the projected image to match the expectation, but also the experience in itself.

Whether Konya is a religious city, a historic city or the cradle of civilization, it is noteworthy that the relationship between image and identity is met. An unfortunate example is the city Bilbao, Spain- a city that is in financial trouble for not being able to ensure a continuous program of festival and events complementary with its landmark museum.

Identity and image are essential in answering the question “who we are”. It is important to maintain the identity of the city. In Konya there are various trade activities, shows and music festivals. The challenge is to identify which factors are of interest to the city and how to connect these factors.

By recognizing the linkages between image – expectation – experience, Konya can create a positive and successful experience for tourists. The city has failed when tourists feel disappointed. Image and branching for a city are crucial. The image has to reflect the people living in the city, as well as provide an attractive and memorable setting – also by delivering icons as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. World cities are characterized by iconic buildings, should take under consideration in order to become a well-known international city.

There are several top world cities, which are ranked according to the amenities they provide. London and New York are categorized as Alpha++ (the top group). Hong Kong, Paris, Singapore, Tokyo, Shanghai, Chicago, Dubai and Sidney are in the second group, called Alpha+. The following groups are called Alpha, Alpha-, Beta+ etc. These all consist of mostly the biggest, well-known cities in the Western world. It is noteworthy to cherish all cultural resources within a city. Cultural resources are equally attractive for both tourists and citizens. For example Valencia, a city where festivals and events are taking place every day. Creative cultural industries have a significant role for the sustainable development of a city.

Moreover, Konya is a major university hub. 80 000 students are studying at the University in Konya. The educational aspect could be more visible. It is a factor that projects an image of user-friendliness. Furthermore accessibility is another aspects which should be underlined. Konya has an international airport, it is also served by high speed trains and a future fast train is planned between Istanbul and Konya. These are valuable assets which contribute in a positive way to the Image of Konya.

9 Principles for change and sustainability

Professor Lance Jay Brown, FAIA, ACSA Distinguished Professor

1. Design at all scales in a regional context Promote “a sense of place“ of neighborhood, district, and city identity/character Enhance the legibility of all new development Consider implementation and phasing for all new initiatives Maintain the robust GIS system to help manage Konya’s growth and change

2. Design and Plan inclusively Plan for housing and community development Provide a diversity of housing types for visitors, pilgrims, students Provide a diversity of use types and mix uses Plan for evolving dynamic demographics?

3. Design for quality Enhance the legibility of all new development Consider the quality of the public realm (plazas, streets, parks) Foster a cultural shift within the general populace as relates to sustainability and public health Design for advantageous densities and housing choices Respect views to and from neighboring districts

4. Design and Plan equitably Develop means to engage citizens in the planning and design of their, neighborhoods, districts, the city, and the region as a whole

10 Ensure access to jobs, health care, open space, and other elements cntral to the pursuit of an equitable city

5. Design for environmental sustainability Reinforce continuity of natural systems (e.g. storm water management) Maximize capacity to reduce and manage waste and waste water (Tuz Golu, Salt Lake issue) Minimize dependency on fossil fuels Maximize alternatives to the automobile (TOD, BRT) Make all design and development work done in the future an exemplar of sustainable urban living Continue the process of greening and re-forestation Maintain and enhance Konya’s hard and soft infrastructure and design for risk resilience Raise awareness of on risks, both disaster preparedness, urban resilience, And reconstruction strategies

6. Design for preservation and growth Consider “urban acupuncture” to encourage positive change Promote cultural preservation and enhance appropriate access for visitors/tourism Promote the development and restoration of a quality cultural heritage district and corridors at both site and city scale

7. Plan for jobs and economic development Promote tourism including cottage industry homestays, agritourism. Plan for education and re-education for the information age Develop strategies for increased water resources to maintain and expand Konya’s agricultural success (sugar beet and wheat) (Livestock?) Continue to develop other successful industrial sector growth strategies.

8. Design Plan for maximum accessibility and connectivity

11 Maximize the use and cost effectiveness of information technology Design for social and physical mobility Consider the convergence of energy, information, building and transportation technologies Consider physical connections/linkages to the larger context (boulevard, streets, plazas, parks) Enhance ease of movement and pedestrian accessibility (wayfinding, especially for visitors/tourists

9. Design and Plan for health, recreation, and cultural amenities Enhance personal and public health Emphasize the public realm (again, streets, squares, parks, and other public spaces…the building blocks of community) In addition to historic monumental and religious sites for tourist visitors evaluate and develop a broad range of athletic, camping, concert and other venues for residents and visitors.

10. Planning and Design is a continuing process To paraphrase Jaime Lerner: Sustainable Planning and Design focuses on good ideas, requires good teams, is based on simplicity, benefits from unanimity, requires commitment… and, finally, sustainability calls for all to celebrate the life of your city!

12 User Friendliness : Konya as Perceived by Travel Guides and Websites

James McCullar, FAIA, Past President AIA New York Chapter, Co-Chair, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization

The analysis was developed from the point of view of a potential traveler to Konya, and relied on travel guide books on Turkey available in New York, the Report prepared by the Municipality of Konya, and related travel sites found on Google. The analysis is based on research from these sources, which tend to agree in their assessments.

1. Konya as Tourist Destination

Konya is located between two of Turkey’s top attractions – Cappadocia with its early Christian caves in fairy like rock formations; and Antalya on the Mediterranean which is the fourth ranked tourist destination behind Paris, London and New York. By contrast Konya is not identified as a top city destination, but is recognized for its unique history and potential that set it apart from other cities and regions in the world:

Cradle of Civilization: In local tradition holds that Konya was the first city to emerge after the Flood. After the flood receded, the fertile Konya Plain gave rise to the first known human city – Catalhuyuk – that dates from 8,000 BC. Konya, which was occupied by the Hittites and known as Iconium to the Greeks and Romans, was visited by St. Paul and has left a legacy of medieval Seljuk architecture. To this day it is known as the “breadbasket” of Anatolia.

Sufism: Konya is Home of one of Islam’s greatest mystical movements, the Mevlana or Sufi Sect of “Whirling Dervishes” which advocates “love, charity, humility, equality and tolerance” and helped reshape Islamic thought. The annual Mevlana Festivals is the second largest in Turkey and attracts Muslim pilgrims and visitors from around the world; and the Mevlana Museum is one of Turkey’s most popular attractions.

A Modern City: Konya has emerged as the 7th largest city in Turkey with over one million residents and 80,000 university students served by Turkey’s first high speed train from Ankara. The city, which derives considerable charm from the juxtaposition of old and new, is experiencing a boom in popularity that coincides with the surging interest worldwide in the Sufi mystic poet Mevlana Rumi and the rise of a moderate Islamist government in Turkey. Yet very little information about contemporary Konya is available.

13 2. Summary from Guides and Websites

Tourist Destination

During the annual Mevlana festival in December, Konya is transformed by an influx of pilgrims and visitors. However, at other times, Konya is described as a fairly quiet and even provincial city where one can see most of the sights in a day.

This view is shared by travel tours, which list Konya as an overnight stop between Cappadocia and Antalya, with visits to the Mevlana Museum and occasionally the Karatay Museum of ceramics. This is born out by attendances at Konya’s museums, where the Mevlana draws over 1.6 million visitors (world class comparable to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and half the Topkapi in Istanbul at 3.7 million), but all other venues draw less than 100,000 (see the Konya Report, Chart 39).

The Konya Municipality does not appear to have a comprehensive tourist website or an official tourist office; and only one travel guide listed the address of a local tourist office. A private company was identified as providing half day tours of Konya and day tours to surrounding sites such as Catalhoyuk, Kilistra and Sille.


International air access appears limited to 3 daily flights via Istanbul, which can take 16 hours from New York. A new high speed train from Ankara takes 75 minutes, and overnight trains arrive from Istanbul. Air and rail stations are removed form the central city, with access limited to taxis and local transportation, with the exception of shuttles that meet flights from Istanbul. One travel site advised to be careful with taxi drivers, who can take advantage of visitors to their city.

Historic Sites

Konya has a recognized wealth of historic buildings, most dating from the Seljuk period. However, little remains from earlier periods at the Alaeddin Hill, which was occupied by the Hittites, Greeks, Romans and the Seljuks throughout its long history, and visited by St Paul during his missionary travels. Many of its artifacts were removed to the museum in Ankara, as were those of Catalhuyuk.

14 As noted above, the small number of visitors to all but the Mevlana Museum indicates the rich history of Konya and its surrounding area is under appreciated or not readily accessible.


The Mevlana Festival n December is Konya’s principal attraction. The whirling dervishes, for which Konya is best known, do not appear to be performed year around, and are more likely to be seen in Istanbul than in Konya. No other festivals were listed.

Hospitality: Dining Out & Night Life

Travel guides have found that Konya’s dining and nightlife culture is underdeveloped compared to other destinations in Turkey. Although this has begun to change recently, few restaurants serve alcoholic beverages and décor and service are considered “strictly functional”. Its hotels, while recommended, are not listed as top choices by the guides. It was noted that while fewer people speak English (or any other foreign language), the natural hospitality of the people of Konya usually makes up for that – an important attribute.

The Living City

Very little is available in the guides or websites about Konya’s neighborhoods, universities, and cultural communities that would attract visitors for longer stays. This lack of available information, combined with observations above, further limits Konya’s ability to become more than simply a venue for the Mevlana Festival and a one day stopover for tour groups.

3. Reflections to Improve Konya Visibility

This can be achieved through development of a comprehensive public-private tourism program that builds on Konya’s strengths to make it a destination. Beginning fresh, Konya can create a more thoughtful tourism in contrast to the hustle and bustle of traditional tourism found elsewhere.

Promote Konya

Develop a state of the art website in multiple languages to appeal to the widest audience. Promote Konya to travel publications and tour groups. Consider publication of its own guide (by Lonely Planet or other publishers for placement in bookstores around the world.

Visitors Center / Konya City Museum

15 Propose a new Municipal and regional Visitor’s Center with a state of the art presentation of Konya’s story as the “cradle of civilization” – from the beginning to the present showing its stages of urban, cultural, artistic, social, economic, political, and sustainable development through exhibits, film, photographs and models. (An excellent model of a city museum can be found in Dubai)

The Center would give visitors an overview of places to visit, provide a home base for tours, and coordinate tourism activities in and around Konya.

Expand Accessibility

Work with airlines and rail to streamline service to Konya with package promotions. Ideas include:

1) direct flights to Konya with brief stopover in Istanbul (if feasible for customs)

2) connect non-stop flights to Ankara with high speed rail to Konya (similar to the Charles de Gaulle – TGV connection)

Make easy access from stations to the city center. Regulate taxis for user friendly service (quality of vehicles, rates, language, and knowledge of city)

Encourage use of English as second language and other languages where feasible. Engage university students in tourism program


Develop Konya as an affordable destination and base for exploration; including tour packages that encourage longer stays

Enhance the lodging, dining and nightlife experience to appeal to visitors that build on Konya traditions, including venues with music, dance and poetry within the historic center and other neighborhoods

Consider inns in traditional buildings and historic settings, such as the Paradores in Spain, that may attract visitors and tour groups for longer stays.

Invite visitors to stay with families to experience local culture.

Tours and Local Culture

Identify potential tour themes with guided tours and lectures (one week or more), such as

Cradle of Civilization: Catalhoyuk, Hittite and early Christian sites

16 Spiritual: Sufism and early Christianity

Modern and historic Anatolia: Fly non-stop to Ankara, travel by high speed train (not available in the U.S).and experience Konya and the cradle of civilization

Could Konya become a base with side trips to Cappadocia and Antalya?

Organize tour plans that appeal to different interests: historic buildings, archaeological sites, the bazaar and neighborhoods, cultural (music, poetry, university lectures), traditional dining, nature, etc.

Develop more intense interactive visitor programs with Catalhoyuk and other archaeological sites.

Consider specialized tours to traditional Turkish villages. Sponsor private tours by car and driver.


Continue the Whirling Dervishes programs year around (if feasible) as Konya’s most visible attraction

Identify potential festivals or celebrations for different months of the year, such as reenactments of historic events, Christmas and Easter at early Christian sites, shopping in the bazaar, Turkish kilims, auto and trade shows, and sporting events. Identify programs that adapt to Konya’s colder winters and warm summers.

The Living City

Konya has the potential to attract visitors for more than the Mevlana Festival and its historic sites. Visitors often return to cities to enjoy the local culture.

Identify and promote Konya’s neighborhoods, including its university and cultural communities. Cities have given visibility to neighborhoods through branding of areas that now appear in tourist guides. As a result, we are sometimes astonished to see tourists walking around with guidebooks or tour buses passing through places have been taken for granted.

Promote Konya's local and regional sustainable plans that balance smart growth with preservation of its historic fabric and landscapes.

17 References

Travel Guidebooks

1. Lonely Planet Turkey (Australia, UK, USA, 2011)

2. Fodor’s Turkey (US, CAN, UK, 2009)

3. Rough Guide to Turkey (UK, 2010)

4. Frommer’s Turkey (USA, 2010)

5. A Traveller’s History of Turkey (USA, 2009)

Internet Sources

1. Turkey Travel Planner

2. Turkey Travel Company

3. Exclusive Travel Turkey

4. Sille, Lystra, Catalhoyuk Archaeological Tour

5. Wikitravel

6. Konya Pictures - Turkey Photo Gallery by Dick Osserman

Konya Sept 2008 3880.jpg

“ At the Mevlana Museum. I have the feeling that the crowds it draws are bussed to the museum, pushed through, and then leave for the next town, which is a shame, because they miss a lot in this great town. I have been walking the Konya streets for days and never saw a bus at any of the other sights”.

Konya Museum Annual Attendance

Source: Konya Report, Chart 39

Mevlana 1,644,426

18 Karatay 71,558

Ince Minare 5,669

Arkeoloji Muzesi 6,758

Ataturk Muzesi 574

Etnografya Muzesi 8,298

List of most visited art museums in the world

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article lists the most visited art museums in the world (i.e. all museums with any form of art on display, some museums such as the Natural History Museum are excluded). This list of 100 is based on "2010 worldwide museum attendance numbers" compiled by The Art Newspaper published in April 2011.[1] The country with the highest number of visitors in the top 100 is the United Kingdom. The country with the most museums appearing in the top 100 is the United States. Several major art museums, such as the Palace Museum in Beijing, which annually draws 7 million visitors,[2][3] the Musée d'Histoire de France in the Palace of Versailles with 5,659,606 annual visitors in 2009,[4] the Vatican Museums of Rome, with 5,078,004 visitors in 2011,[5] and the National Palace Museum in Taipei, with 3,441,238 visitors in 2010,[6] were not included.

Rank Museum City Country Visitor Count

1 Musée du Louvre Paris France 8,500,000

2 British Museum London United Kingdom 5,842,138

3 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York United States 5,216,988

4 Tate Modern London United Kingdom 5,061,172

5 National Gallery London United Kingdom 4,954,914

6 National Gallery of Art Washington United States 4,775,114

7 Museum of Modern Art New York United States 3,131,238

8 Centre Pompidou Paris France 3,130,000

9 National Museum of Korea Seoul South Korea 3,067,909

10 Musée d’Orsay Paris France 2,985,510

11 Museo del Prado Madrid Spain 2,732,000

19 Rank Museum City Country Visitor Count

12 Victoria and Albert Museum London United Kingdom 2,629,065

13 State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia 2,490,387

14 Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rio de Janeiro Brazil 2,317,772

15 Museo Reina Sofía Madrid Spain 2,313,532

16 De Young Museum San Francisco United States 2,043,854

17 The National Art Center, Tokyo Tokyo Japan 2,027,980

18 National Portrait Gallery London United Kingdom 1,819,442

19 Tate Britain London United Kingdom 1,665,291

20 Galleria degli Uffizi Florence Italy 1,651,210

20 International Tourism

Sarbuland Khan, Tourism World Tourism Organization Senior Adviser, WTO, Past Director, UNECOSOC

The tourism industry has a significant contribution towards economic growth. Around 5% of the global GNP is generated by tourism and it is one of the sectors which has shown strong resilience in the context of the economic crisis. While there are strong positive aspects of tourism, there are also negative ones which were meant to be addressed by the Global Code of Ethics. The Global Code of Ethics was developed in 1971 by the World Tourism Organization and promotes ten principles intended to build sensitivity for the local culture, biodiversity, as well as for the economic and environmental dimension pertaining to the local community.

Moreover, in the present context, the tourism industry should take into account the importance of the ICT sector and the applications dedicated to cities, as well as innovative ways for public-private partnerships.

21 The Challenge and Potential of Sustainable Urbanization

Aliye Pekin Celik, Ph.D. Co-Chair, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization

Sustainable Urbanization includes environmental, economic and social sustainability. Global challenges of rapid urbanization and its impact on global warming and the natural environment, from poverty and inequality to natural and human made disasters have to be addressed by all cities. The city of Konya is trying to address these issues and continue to flourish by being a sustainable city in every meaning of the word.

Its rich history, its Sufi tradition of transparency, tolerance, love for the human kind, makes it easier for it to embrace the universal, United Nations values and development goals. Its past reaches prehistoric times to Hitites in Cataltroyuk and reminds us of the first written peace treaty between the Hitities and the Egyptians. Konya’s objective of being a world city, bringing people of all nations to enjoy its rich heritage is challenging but achievable.

22 Resilient Urban Design

Jeffrey Raven, AIA LEED AP, Principal, Raven A+U

Once an ideal “state” of urban sustainability has been defined by stakeholders, an integrated planning process needs to be undertaken. Considering sustainability and resilience as main challenges, there are two core factors which should be taken into account: Integrated Systems and Management and Governance.

Integrated Systems

Sustainable outcomes require integrated strategies across:

 Spatial scales

 Urban systems

 Physical networks

Management and Governance

Sustainable outcomes require integrated strategies across:

 City complexity:

 Scale, climate, urban form, socio-economics, economic drivers

 Limited institutional capacity

 Legal barriers

 Expertise focused w/in technical silos

 “Black box” vs. accountability and transparency

 Collaboration across jurisdictional boundaries

 Long-term investment vs. short electoral cycles

Strategies Available for Cities

Green and Blue “Fingers” through Compact City

23 Passive Strategies for the Built Environment

 Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS)

 Stormwater retention ponds as design amenity

 Natural Cooling from canals and connected green corridors aligned with prevailing summer

 breezes

 Development pulled back from riverbank flood zone

 Energy-efficiency and dynamic public realm:

 Pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods of cool streets and urban squares lower building cooling loads

 Stormwater retention as urban design amenity

 Multi-modal transportation opportunities

 Enhanced pedestrian connectivity along canals

 Built environment: Passive strategies to lower energy loads

Low-Energy Passive Strategies

“ Locking-in” free, passive benefits from natural systems to ensure long-term resilience: Drawing integrated expertise from energy, urban design, infrastructure planning, climate science and green building design

The case study of Masdar, Abu Dhabi showcases the “Smart City”: Integrated Systems Model, which may contain valuable lessons for the future urban development of Konya.

24 New Mindsets

Professor Dianne Davis, President ICCC

There is a need to look at the anthropological aspect in planning through the “out of the box” innovations for all members of the society including the aging populations. This can be done by:

• Innovative use of Cultural Institutions: to add life to years by getting the elderly involved.

• The Village of Happiness: “Multi-Generational Comprehensive Park” is a great example of that.

• The percentage of aging population is increasing so there is a need for benefiting from the “Agequake “ by adjusting for senior tourism

• Stimulating “out of the box” Solutions is important to find solutions of doing it. An architectural student competition creates awareness about the needs of the aging population among young architects and designers.

Now there is a new approach in trying to serve all the population including the aged, those who have dementia, handicapped , the children. Designing according to certain principles can provide people with dementia in all cultures a life worth living. It takes “only” commitment and creativity to look at cultural venues through a “new lens”, so that they can serve everyone.

Examples of Community Venues are:

• Museums

• Theatres

25 • Movies

• Entertainment Centers

• Book Stores

• Cultural Centers

• Religious Centers

World Health Organization’s : Aging-friendly Cities Guide Check List Released in 2007

No city is too far behind to make some significant improvements based on the Guide Checklist.

These good practices provide ideas that other cities can adopt. WHO and its partners in 33 cities from 22 countries asked 2000 older people to describe the advantages and barriers they experiences in eight areas of City living:

1-outdoor spaces and buildings,



4-social participation,

5-respect and social inclusion,

6-civic participation and employment,

7-communicaiton and information; and

8-community support and health services.

Within the concept of “Imagining the Possible”, a multi-generational well-being park was designed. The so called “Village of Harmony” is a well-being park with integrated facilities from sports to healthcare. Facilities and programs are culturally designed for local residents and to attract tourists.

• Respite resort hotel + Special Gift Shop

• Job training center

• Silver College = 60+ learning center

26 • Athletic & recreation fields, gardens, etc.

The international Council of Caring Communities is working on the next generation of “New Mindset Solutions” by organizing the 2012 International Student Design Competition, in addition to all the competitions it organized between 1994 and 2005. This new event is currently organized in support of the United Nations World Urban Forum which will take place in Naples, Italy 1-7 September 2012.

A Sleeping Giant: The “AgeQuake” is Here! There are challenges and opportunities:

• What “blueprint” is needed?

• What new mindsets and paradigms are essential?

• How will public policies enhance this population change?

• Will populating shifts such as gender and immigration influence design issues?

• What role does technology play?

• Can tourism instigate environmental changes benefiting all?

• What new visions are required for building a society for all ages?

• What factors need to be considered for intergenerational relationships?

Urban Futures - Imagining the Possible: A Society for All Generations is explained well with the quote :“We need a new awareness that ability, not chronology, is the measure of how much people can contribute to society” from H.E. Julia Alvarez, Former Ambassador for the Dominican Republic to the United Nations.

Ideas for Improving Tourism in Konya

Professor Jukka M. Laitamaki, Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management New York University

Rumi’s beautiful words “Come, come, whoever you are,” should be the heart and soul of sustainable development in the Konya Metropolitan Municipality. For the Konya tourism industry this Rumi’s beautiful poem can be the essence of the Konya hospitality when he writes

27 “Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving — it doesn't matter,

Ours is not a caravan of despair.

Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times,

Come, come again, come.”

My ideas for improving tourism in Konya are developed in the spirit of these beautiful words by Rumi. Based on the combination of rich cultural heritage and diverse modern municipality, Konya has a lot to offer for international and domestic tourists. Konya has an opportunity to become the new gold standard of tourism when locals and tourists share human experiences and happiness together. These shared experiences have to be the “Bucket List” or Once-in-a- Lifetime authentic and memorable experiences that every tourist should have before they leave this earth. In order to make this happen, the Konya Metropolitan Municipality needs to have a strategic tourism development plan that makes Konya’s tourism industry sustainable and globally competitive based on the Six Alpha Criteria™ of world class Awareness, Associations, Attractions, Activities, Access and Affordability. I hope that my Ideas for Improving Tourism in Konya can offer some seeds for this Konya tourism strategic plan in the form of the following agenda:

1. U.S. Traveler Key Concerns 2. U.S. Traveler Growth Segments 3. Konya Memorable Travel Experiences 4. Konya Tourism Sustainability Issues 5. Six Alpha Competitiveness Criteria 6. Konya Six Alpha Applications 7. Conclusions

1. U.S. Traveler Key Concerns

Spending more on vacation than budgeted Germs, bacteria, and viruses in planes, public transportation and hotels Fuel costs

28 Being able to check emails on daily basis Flight frustrations when booking & at the airport Exchange rates – limits travel to Europe Source: Trip Advisor Survey 2009

57% confident they will take a holiday trip 2011 (50% in 2010) $980 average budgeted expenditure (down from $1040 in 2010) Travel by car (56%) and by plane (34%) 49% book travel at least two months ahead (42% in 2010) 32% of men and 21% of women book within a month Vacation Deficit Index: 21% (32% in 2010) “Those who believe that it is important to take an annual holiday trip but are not confident they will take one.” Source: Mondial Assistance: Access America Vacation Confidence Index 11/16/11

2. U.S. Traveler Growth Segments Go to the nature (change from 2008) 75% visit national park (+13%) 53% go hiking (+3%) 47% engage in an adventure activity (+7) 33% go cycling & biking (+5%) 11% participate in extreme sports (+3%)

Become cultural & educated (change from 2008) 87% visit a historical site (+3%) 66% go to theater (+8%) 36% engage in an educational activity (+2%)

Source: Trip Advisor Survey 2009

29 According to UNWTO’s Tourism 2020 Vision Experiential Tourism will grow fastest: Rural tourism Nature tourism Cultural tourism Soft adventure tourism Heritage tourism Wellbeing holidays

3. Konya Memorable Travel Experiences

4. Konya Tourism Sustainability Issues

1. Effects of tourism on Konya communities 2. Sustaining tourist satisfaction with Konya 3. Economic benefits of tourism for Konya 4. Energy management in Konya 5. Water availability & conservation in Konya 6. Solid waste management in Konya 7. Developmental control in Konya 8. Control of tourist use intensity in Konya 9. Triple Bottom Line of Konya tourism 10. Competitive benchmarking of Konya

SMART: Sustainable Model for Arctic Tourism Support of local economies Operating in an environmentally friendly manner Supporting the conservation of local nature Respecting and involving local communities

30 Ensuring quality and safety of operations Educating visitors about local nature and culture

5. Six-Alpha Competitiveness Criteria™

Awareness: Trade and consumers

Associations: Authentic and appealing

Attractions: Authentic and appealing “Bucket List Attractions”

Activities: Authentic and appealing “Bucket List Activities”

Access: Convenient and fast access

Affordability: Competitive value

6. Konya Six-Alpha Competitiveness Criteria™

Konya Awareness* Strong among pilgrims and Turks Weak among international tourists Konya Associations* “Turkey’s equivalent of the Bible Belt” Whirling Dervishes Seljuk culture Alaaddin Tepesi and Mevlana Ancient mosques and museums Modern economic boom town

31 Konya Attractions* Alaaddin, Aziziye, Iplikci, Kadi Mursel, Semsi Tebrizi and Selimiye Camiis Archaeological Museum Ethnographic Museum Mevlana Museum Karatay Tile Museum Ince Minare Museum Sircali Tombstone Museum Sahib-I Ata Kulliyesi Mosque Tarihi Mahkeme Hamami

Konya Activities* Mevlana Festival and Semas Bazaars Ikonium Sightseeing trips to Catalhoyuk, Gokyurt, Sille, Karaman, Binbirkilise and Sultanhani *) Source: Lonely Planet Turkey 2010 Konya Access* Istanbul (IST)- Konya (KYA): 3 daily flights 1h 15min New York (JFK)-Konya (KYA): 19h 20min Konya (KYA)-New York (JFK): 14h 30min Helsinki (HEL)-Konya (KYA): 9h 25min Konya (KYA)-Helsinki (HEL): 6h 05min 75 minute fast train from Ankara 13.5 hour train from Istanbul *) Source: 3/20-27 2012

Konya Affordability*

32 Istanbul (IST)- Konya (KYA)-Istanbul (IST): $593 New York (JFK)-Konya (KYA)-New York (JFK): $823 Helsinki (HEL)-Konya (KYA)-Helsinki (HEL): $415

25 hotels from $40 to $159 night 12 rated by Trip Advisor: Hilton Garden Inn highest rated ($ 71) 2 rated by Frommer: Hotel Rumi highest *) Source: 3/20-27 2012

Cosmos: Grand Tour of Turkey $ 999 (13 days/1 day in Konya) Agzikarahan Caravanserai Central Holidays: Wonders of Turkey $1685 (15 days /1 day in Konya) Museums & Mausoleum Tauck: Turkey Land of Contrasts $4595 (12 days/1 day in Konya) Mevlana & Catal Huyuk 7. Conclusions: Ideas for Improving Tourism in Konya

In conclusion, the Konya Metropolitan Municipality should develop sustainable, authentic, and memorable “Bucket List” tourism experiences. These experiences should be based on a strategic tourism development plan that makes Konya’s tourism industry sustainable and globally competitive based on the Six Alpha Criteria™ of world class Awareness, Associations, Attractions, Activities, Access and Affordability.

Thank you for this opportunity to share my ideas for improving tourism in Konya. Please let me know if I can help making Konya the new gold standard of authentic and memorable tourism experiences driven by the shared human experiences of locals and tourists.

33 Closing Remarks

Ms. Yamina Djacta, Deputy Director, UN-HABITAT New York Office

It is a great pleasure for UN-Habitat to host this meeting dedicated to the city of Konya. Many positive aspects link our agency with Turkey. Mr. Joan Clos, UN-Habitat Executive Director, is a former Ambassador of Spain to Turkey. Moreover, one of our main conferences – Habitat

34 II was held in1996 in Istanbul and discussion are now taking place for the upcoming Habitat III conference in 2016 to take place again in Istanbul.

The discussion pertaining to the sustainable urbanization of Konya is taking place at a most convenient time – when the preparations for the Word Urban Forum 6 which will be held from 1-7 September 2012 in Naples, Italy are just ongoing. There are many challenges to be addressed by the current urban agenda: rapid urbanization, urban sprawl and an aging population in some parts of the world, are just some examples. Also, it is crucial to identify the real opportunities offered by cities in order to mitigate the risks posed by climate change. If urban densities and urban planning are to be addressed correctly, the urban future will indeed be sustainable for the present and future generations.

UN-Habitat is committed to providing a voice for the local and national authorities. The upcoming conference on sustainable development Rio+20 is going to provide an essential framework for good governance models. It is cities such as Konya that provide a vibrant urban landscape and visionary city leadership – and we look forward to seeing good practice models emerging from this city so rich in history and culture.

Annex 1 : Program


Friday, 9 March, 2012 High-Level Meeting on Sustainable Urbanization in Konya ,Turkey

35 Conference Room: 3 (NLB), United Nations Headquarters, New York

9:00 a.m. Registration at the Visitor’s Entrance

10.00 a.m. Welcome Remarks:

Yamina Djacta, Deputy Director, UN-HABITAT New York Office (5 min)

Opening Remarks:

H. E. Ertugrul Apakan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations (5 min) Keynote Address H.E. Tahir Akyurek , Mayor of Konya (15 min) Introduction: H.E.. Francis Lorenzo, President, South -South News (5 min)

10.30 a.m. High Level Structured Discussion: Moderator; Aliye Pekin Celik, Ph.D. Co-Chair, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization (2 min)

Identity: Professor Urs Gauchat, Dean, College of Architecture & Design, NJIT (12 min )

Principles for change and sustainability: Professor Lance Jay Brown, FAIA, ACSA Distinguished Professor, (12 min)

User Friendliness; James McCullar, FAIA, Past President AIA New York Chapter, Co-Chair, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization (12 min) International Tourism: Sarbuland Khan, Tourism World Tourism Organization Senior Adviser, WTO, Past Director, UNECOSOC (12 min) Resilient Urban Design: Jeffrey Raven, AIA LEED AP, Principal, Raven A+U,(12 min) New Mindsets: Professor Dianne Davis, President ICCC (12 min) Respondent.: Prof Birol Akgun (5 min)


1.00 pm Lunch Break 3.00 pm Continuation Prof. Onder Kutlu (5 min) Mustafa Sen Director Genar (5 min)

36 "Ideas for Improving Tourism in Konya.. Professor Jukka M. Laitamaki, Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management New York University Discussion, Brain Storming 5.00 pm Forward looking Strategies, 5.20 pm Closing Remarks, Yamina Djacta, Deputy Director, UN-HABITAT New York Office (5 min)

Annex 2 : Additional websites Excellent photographs, mapped..Dick Osseman

37 history, wiki style Tom Bosnahan’s travel page…good travel site 8 traveler recommended sites

Annex 3: Speakers Biographies

Birol Akgun, PhD is Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Konya University, and Professor in its Department of International Relations. Prof. Akgun received his Ph.D. in 2000 and his MA in 1996 from the Department of Political Science, Case

38 Western Reserve University, USA, and his BA from the Department Public Administration, Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, Ankara, Turkey. Prior to joining Konya University, he was Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations, Selcuk University, and the Program Coordinator, International Relations Research, Institute of Strategic Thinking (SDE), Ankara, ( From April 2004 to 2011, he served as Board Member, Strategic Research Center, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and member of editorial board of Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs published by MFA. He has published numerous books and articles in Turkish and English

Tahir Akyurek, the Mayor of Konya was born in Derebucak in 1959.After finishing Law School at Ankara University, he took duties in the social security system and the Konta Commerce Chamber as well as NGOs. He practiced Law. Since 2004 he is the Mayor of Konya.

Ertuğrul Apakan (born 1947) is a Turkish diplomat. Apakan has been the permanent representative of Turkey to the United Nations in New York since 2009. Apakan was born in Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. He received a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Ankara University and in 1970 graduated from Aegean University in Izmir with a masters degree in economics. Apakan joined the Turkish foreign ministry in 1971. From 1996 to 2000 he was Turkey's ambassador to Northern Cyprus. He became the permanent representative of Turkey to the United Nations in New York in August 2009. During the month of September 2010, Apakan was the President of the United Nations Security Council.

Lance Jay Brown, FAIA is a New York based Architect, Urban Designer, Educator, and Author. He is the Principal of the award winning studio Lance Jay Brown, Architecture + Urban Design founded in 1972. He has served as Assistant Director, Design Arts Program, National Endowment for the Arts, as Professional Advisor to the WTC Site 9/11 International Memorial Design Competition; co-Directed the 2003 NEA funded Upper Manhattan Heritage Project; served as special advisor to Mostar 2004 Urban Reconstruction Workshop, Bosnia Hercegovina and co-Directed the HUD funded “Crosstown 116: Bringing Habitat II Home From Istanbul to Harlem” and urban design workshops in Tblisis, Georgia. He is a re- elected member of The AIA NYC Board of Directors and Chair of the AIA/NYNV Design for Risk Committee. He has received the New York State AIA President’s Award for Excellence in Non-traditional Architecture. In 2003 Brown was simultaneously named ACSA Distinguished Professor and Fellow, American Institute of Architects and in 2007, he was awarded the prestigious AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education, the highest award for an educator in the United States. He has lectured nationally and internationally and has numerous publications including the co-authored "Urban Design for an Urban Century" (Wiley. 2009). In 2011 he was elected the inaugural Chancellor of the ACSA College of Distinguished Professors.

39 Aliye Pekin Celik, PhD, Co-Chair of Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization was instrumental in establishing innovative participatory mechanisms to build alliances to influence momentum towards addressing some of the world’s most pressing concerns in developing countries as the Chief of Economic and Social and Inter-organizational Cooperation Branch, UNDESA. She started the book series on the High Level Segment of Economic and Social Council, worked on the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Countries Emerging from Conflicts. As the Head of NY office of UN-HABITAT, she directed the preparations for the World Conference HABITAT II, which was held in Istanbul, Turkey in 1996. She served UN-HABITAT Nairobi and New York, working on building materials, construction technologies, and sustainable urbanization, energy and gender issues. As a principal researcher in the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Building Research Institute, and the Ministry of Construction and Resettlement and adviser to the

State Planning Department, she worked on energy conservation and affordable adequate housing. She has degrees in architecture from Middle East Technical University, Princeton University, and a PhD from Istanbul Technical University. Celik was a Fulbright Scholar and received numerous awards from OECD (1972), Princeton University (1979), AIA (2009, 1997, 1970) and Soroptimist International NYC (2005), where she served as President from 2008 to 2010.

Diane Davis is an international consultant and public speaker, specializes in integrated products and services for the hospitality, healthcare, built environment and educational industries. Professor Dianne Davis is the founding president of the International Council for Caring

Communities (ICCC), a non-profit organization established in 1994 that has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. ICCC mission is to stimulate and identify successful strategies, creative solutions and cross-sectorial dialogues which bridge gatherings of non-traditional experts and decision-makers from government, private sector, universities and NGOs, as well as United Nations agencies to promote a Society for All Generations. The centerpiece of her work fosters connecting the dots for a better urban future by imagining the possible! Professor Davis received her graduate degrees from Columbia University and since 1966 has been cited in “Who’s Who of American Women.” Currently, she serves as an Advisory Board member of the Digital He@lth Initiative for Technology and Innovation for Equity and on various United Nations NGO Committees. and on the Board of Trustees of New York University Medical Center. Known as an industry catalyst, change agent, and futurist, her goal is to develop “cross over” ventures and stimulate traditional “sleeping” organizations or programs to move into the forefront of performance and impact.

Yamina Djacta has been working in the field of economic and social development for more than twenty years. She also has been working with the United Nations for many years, at both Headquarters and field level, in the areas of policy, planning, programme development, management, capacity development, monitoring and evaluation. She joined UN-HABITAT in

40 January 1996, and is currently the Deputy Director of the New York Office of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT).

Urs P. Gauchat is the Dean of the College of Architecture and Design and Professor of Architecture, New Jersey Institute of Technology. Professor Gauchat transformed the School into an internationally recognized leader in the area of CAD (Computer Aided Design) and community development. Professor Gauchat is particularly interested in creating a bridge between the considerable resources of universities and the needs of communities. As a professional and academic he has a long standing interest and expertise in the field of housing and community building worldwide. From 1978-1998, Professor Gauchat was the President of Gauchat Architects, Inc. Professor Gauchat also served as a consultant to governmental and non-governmental agencies. Professor Gauchat holds a Master in Architecture from the Harvard Graduate school of Design.

Onder Kutlu,Ph.D. is a professor of Economy and Administrative scences in Selcuk University in Konya. He got a Bachelor’s degree from Ankara University,Faculty of Political Science,Public Administration and Masters in Administration from Exeter University

Jukka M. Laitamaki, Ph.D. is Clinical Professor at New York University Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management. He has his Ph.D. from Cornell University School of Hotel Administration (USA) and M.Sc from the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration. Dr. Laitamaki is a global expert in strategy, marketing, branding, sustainability and entrepreneurship with special focus on international hospitality and tourism industries and higher education. He has 30 years of international strategic consulting and executive education experience in over 20 countries and six continents. He has worked as a strategic management consultant with Service Management Group and McKinsey & Co. and as a professor at U.C. Berkeley, Fordham University and New York University. Dr. Laitamaki’s research has been published in international conferences and journals, including the European Management Journal, the California Management Review and the Journal of Transnational Management. At Fordham University Dr. Laitamaki built and directed the Global Professional MBA (GPMBA). He is a contributor on tourism policy, crises management and global competitive strategies of tourism destinations for the text book Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer by Prentice Hall.

H. E. Francis Lorenzo is the Honorary President of South-South News, an initiative launched during the Sixteenth Session of the High Level Committee on South-South Cooperation at the United Nations in New York to advance the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals. Ambassador Lorenzo leads the initiative through the sharing of best practices in the area of South-South and triangular cooperation. South-South News is a platform for showcasing programmes and building capacity in the field of e-governance, education, health, transfer of technology, renewable energy, food security, climate change, and sustainable development. Ambassador Lorenzo is also an alternate Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations, and worked with the UN Public-Private Alliance

41 for Rural Development and the UN Economic and Social Council .Ambassador Lorenzo was the former Vice President of the Commission for Social Development and is the current vice president of the United Nations Association of the Dominican Republic (UNA-DR), which has brought together key stakeholders in the country. Under the leadership of President Dr. Leonel Fernandez, the Dominican Republic is the only country using Model UN in its public schools.

James McCullar, FAIA, is Co-Chair of the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization and principal of James McCullar Architecture in New York City. His work in community design and affordable housing has been recognized through numerous awards, including a national AIA Honor Award in urban design for the Jamaica Market and election to the AIA College of Fellows. In 2008 he served as President of AIA New York, where he led the chapter’s response to Mayor Bloomberg’s initiatives for PlaNYC which included collaborations for the UN Forum on Sustainable Urbanization in the Information Age and the Greening the Iron Ribbon Conference on the Northeast Megaregion. From 2003 to 2006 in response to the Mayor’s housing initiatives, he led a forum that showcased housing design at the Center for Architecture in New York. As a founding member of the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, he has been engaged in developing collaborations for programs with UN Habitat on emerging issues. He has taught at Kansas State University and the New Jersey School Institute of Technology. He received a BA and BArch from Rice University, a Fulbright scholarship for urban design in Paris, France, and a Masters in Architecture from Columbia University where his thesis was on New York region.

Jeffrey Raven, AIA, LEED AP – RAVEN A+U - Jeffrey is an architect and urbanist with over 20 years of US and international expertise in sustainable design, planning and policy. Recent project work includes resilient urban design in India and Vietnam, Masdar carbon- neutral development in Abu Dhabi, green airport design, and adaptive re-use of the built environment. He is a technical advisor for the development of a sustainable framework for cities throughout the US called STAR Community Index and the Clinton Climate Positive Program for international developments. Jeffrey was educated at Cambridge University, Trinity College, and the Rhode Island School of Design. He is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Columbia University and has been an instructor for The New York Times Knowledge Network. Jeffrey lectures extensively, including The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNEP, Cornell, and Cambridge University. He wrote “Cooling the Public Realm: Climate-Resilient Urban Design”, Resilient Cities (Springer 2011) and is currently contributing to the US National Climate Assessment, with focus on urban design and the built environment.

42 Annex 4: Information on the city of Konya

The districts of Selçuklu,Karatay and Meram of Konya are analyzed in this study. This study reflects the spirit of the city and the city center of Konya is examined in detail.

Sources from different instituions have been used to process qualitative and quantitative datas.

Konya,located in the western Anatolian with Ankara and Karaman,creates Konya sub-region with Karaman.İn the statistical studies,this region that contains Konya and Karaman usually is

43 entitled district level TR52 2. A lower level contains all districts of Konya and its name district-level. This study analyzes Konya, together with the districts of Selcuklu, Meram, Karatay

İn short,in this study ,the city center of Konya is regarded as level4.

First Level

Western Anatolia

Second Level

Konya –Karaman

Third Level


Fourth Level

The City Center of Konya


Within this framework, there are 8 important topics:

1) History

2) İmportant historical and cultural heritages

3) General geography and climate

4) Districts and administrative structure

5) Distribution of Population

6) Transportation

7) Health

8) Education

9) Housing and İnfrastructure status

10) Social life

11) Environmental

12) Agriculture and Livestock

13) Industry

14) Tourism


The history of Konya is a projection of Anatolia,the cradle of many civilizations. Konya is at the intersection of different cultures and its history dates back to B.C. VII.civilization of Çatalhöyük. Many civilizations like Hittites,Lydians,Persians,Pergamon,Romans dominated Konya in the past.

Chart 1.The civilizations that affect historical development of Konya

First States










States between 1071-1923




Until 5.century,Konya was a Byzantine province. In this period, it was attacked by Muslim Arabs and Turks. In XI.centry,Turks who reached to Anatolia with the victory of Manzikert,started a new era in Anatolia and in Konya. After this victory, with the establishment of Anatolian Seljuk state under the leader of Suleyman Shah, Konya became the capital city.

İn the period of Anatolian Seljuks, many statesmen, scholars and men of mysticism like Mevlana Celaleddin, Şems-i Tebrizi, Sadreddin Konevi, Kadı Burhaneddin, Kadı Sıraceddin, Muhyiddin İbni Arabi, Şahabeddin Sühreverdi lived in Konya.

In the XIII.century, Anatolıan Seljuks collapsed after the Mongol İnvasion and Karamanoğulları state was established.

45 İn this period, there were important scholars and men of mysticism like Ahmet Eflaki, Sarı Yakup, Ulu Arif Çelebi, Adil and Alim Çelebi who lived in Konya.

Ottomans ruled over Konya for a short time, but with the intervention of Timur,Karamanoğulları redominated Konya.

Ottomans started to dominate Anatolia after the war of Ankara. Ottomans dominated Konya in the period of Mehmet the Second after he won the title ‘Conqueror’ .Ottomans dominated Konya for a half century. Konya won its independance in 1920.

Konya is the center of tolerance with its history and its diversity.

İmportant historical and cultural heritages

Konya,with its history,reflects traces of many different civilizations and has a lot of interesting works.

Photo 1 The mosque of Alaaddin

The other important works in Konya reflect the features of Seljuks,Karamanoğulları and Ottomans.So,ıt is possible to see a lot of mosques,madrasas,inns,baths,complexs belonging to different period.

Chart 2 The monuments from Karamanogulları,Seljuks and Ottomans

The monuments belongng to Karamanogulları-The shrine of Kalenderhane,the mosque and the shrine of Tursunoğlu,the shrine of Kadı Mürsel,the mosque of Meram Hasbey,the shrine of Burhaneddin Fakıh,the bath of Mehmet Bey,The court bath

The monuments belonging to Seljuks-Slim Minaret,the madrasa of Karatay,the mosque of Alaaddin,the shrine of Karatay,the shrine of Karaaslan,the mosque of Hodja Ahmet Fakih,the mosque of Erdemşah,The madrasa with glass,the mosque of İplikçi

The monuments belonging to Ottomans-The mosque of Selimiye,the library of Yusuf Aga,the mosque of Şerafeddin,the mosque of Hacı Fettah,the mosque of Aziziye,the kulliye of Mevlana

There are 673 historical monuments in the center of the city. 268 historical monuments are in the district of Meram,these of 106 in the district of Selcuklu,these of 209 in the district of Karatay.

Chart 3 .The registered historical monuments in the city center of Konya

The name of district The number of monuments

Meram 268

Selcuklu 106

46 Karatay 299

Total 673

Map 1 The map of historical structures of Konya

Today, there are 52 historical monuments belonging to the period of Seljuks. The oldest work is The mosque of Alaadin. The insription of the mosque of Alaadin belongs to the year of 1155. Also,450 historical monuments belong to Ottoman period. The oldest of these works belongs to the end of the century of XV and the head of the century of XVI.

Photo 2 Madrasa

This study shows us the cultural prosperity of Konya.There are 49 archaeological sites,122 mosques,9 inns,6 baths,9 madrasas and 10 shrines.

Photo 3 The relic of the palace of Kılıçarslan

Chart 4 The cultural and natural assets of the central province of Konya

Photo 4 The museum of Mevlana

The most prominent work is the museum of Mevlana.Also,the library of Yusuf Aga,the mosque of Selimiye in the district of Selçuklu,the Alaaddin Hill and the mosque of Alaaddin attract attention with the relics of the palace of Kılıçarslan that is on the top of the peak of Alaadin,Madrasa with slim minaret and Madrasa of Karatay.Also, we can say that the church of Aya Eleni,the mosque of Hasbeyoğlu and the shrine of Tavusbaba are among these important works.

Photo 5 The church of Aya Eleni

Photo 6 The madrasa of Karatay


Konya is located in the middle of Anatolian peninsula and in the South of the region of central Anatolia, in the heart of the Anatolian province, is surrounded by the provinces of Ankar,Isparta,Afyon,Eskişehir,Mersin,Karaman,Antalya,Niğde,Aksaray.

Generally, Konya is an flat area. Alaaddin Hill is the highest point of Konya.

There are mountains of Tekkeli and Loras in the west of the district of Seljuk.Also,on the way to Aksaray is located the sequence of Bozdağ mountain.

There is a small lake near the village of Obruk.

47 Tepeköy and Kızılhan segments will be accepted as wooded areas.Also,there ara two dams called Altınapa and Sille in the city center of Konya,located in the town of Seljuk.These damsa re the sources of the river of Meram and Sille

The farmlands in Karatay has been irrigated by canals located in the lake of Beysehir,in the dam of Apa.

The rainfall regime of Konya refşlcts the features of the region of central Anatolia.

There are much snow in winter,much rain in spring.

The river flows are higher in winters and in springs.

Chart 5 The observed values meteorological of the city center of Konya for the period between 1975-2010 according to months

Districts and administrative building

There are 200 municipalities,584 villages in Konya.İn Karatay there are 5 municipalities,25 villages,in Meram 7 municipalities,22 villages,in Selcuklu 4 municipalities,20 villages.

The name of district The number of municipality The number of village

Total 200 584

Metropolitan 1 -

Karatay 5 25

Meram 7 22

Selçuklu 4 20

There are 31 districts in Konya.Meram,Selcukul and Karatay are central ditricts.The others are off-center districts.

Chart7 Central and decentralized districts


Central districts 3

Decentralized districts 28

İt is seen that the Selcuk,Meram and Karatay together Konya have an area with 2,092,98km.

Meram has an area of 738,633 km,Karatay of 574,396 km,Sekcuklu of 779,955km. chart 8 The values of area of central districts of Konya


48 MERAM 738.633 km

KARATAY 574.396 km

SELCUKLU 779.955 km

TOPLAM 2.092.98 km

Distribution of population

The highest population of Konya is in Meram,Karatay and Selcuklu.Also,Karaman Ereğli and Aksehir attract attention as the off-center crowdwe districts.

According to TUIK.Karatay embodies a population of 242 495, Meram 2980169,Seljuk 495363

Map 2 The distribution of population in the districts in Konya

Chart 9 –Konya in central disrticts population

The city Districts Population Man Woman

Konya Karatay 242.495 121.261 121.234

Konya Meram 298.169 148.779 149.390

Konya Selcuklu 495.363 244.518 250.845

Konya Total 1.036.027 514.558 521.469

Between 2008-2010,there is no reduction in the number of people in the central district.İn 2008,the number of people per km 426 in 2009.433; in 2010 445 in Karatay.

İn Meram ,in,2008 the number of people pre km 393,in 2010 405;in Seljuk,in 2008 and in 2009 480 and in 2010 507.İn total,this number rose to 507 in 2008 in the center city of Konya.

Chart 10 The population density of city center and central districts of Konya

Chart 11The population growth rate in the districts of the city center of Konya


Konya,located in the middle of the Anatolian province,in many respects is a part of advanced transportation network.İt is easy access to other cities from Konya by plane,by railway,by highway.

49 There is no problem of public transport in the city.

Road transport

Chart 12 The lenght of roads of state,city and village

The feature of road The road of state The road of city The road of village Total

Asphalt 1397 1529 4627 7553

Stabilize 0 2 1597 1599

Leveling 0 0 509 509

Raw 0 0 63 63

Total 1.397 1.531 6796 9.724

The highway transportation is provided from bus station.

2.Railway transportation

The railway transportation of Konya goes back.

Chart 13The railway timetable and routes

3.Air transportation

Konya air transportation is provided by two companies fort he moment.Turkısh Airline and Pegasus Airlines.Konya-İstanbul Atatürk Airport flights every weekday.

Chart 14 Konya Airport Aircraft Traffic

Urban transportation

Urban transportation in Konya is provided by the mınicipality via bus and tram lines.Buses are divided among themselves according to ther passenger carrying capacity as Otokar,Körüklü,Solo.

The number of Solo buses is the highest 60 units operating within the municipal trams in urban transport vehicles ranks second.

Chart 15 Konya Metropolitan Municipality 2011 public transport information(vehicle numbers)

The source-Konya Metropolitan Municipality

50 Konya Metropolitan Municipality has made an important step in local transportation.The number of passengers carried by the Konya Metropolitan Municipality reach to about 67 millon.On the other hand,the number of passengers daily is estimated at 183600.

Chart 16 Total number of passanger transported annual and daily in urban transport

Annual Daily

67 000 0000 183.600

The source- Konya Metropolitan Municipality 2012

Lines in the remotest parts of the city,dating back to the minibus public transport operations carried out by the municipality fort he residents of Konya is an alternative.

Map 3 The density of population and minibus line


Chart 17 The number of health institutions in the city center of Konya

General health services Dental health Laboratorys

State hospital 3 State 2 Bacteriology 5

University hospital 4 Surgery 100 Biochemistry 2

Birth house 1 Private dental clinic 5 FTR 2

Private hospital 7 Private dental prosthetic laboratory 51 Radiology 6

Private ployclinic 2 Oral and dental health center 2 Radiotherapy 1

Chart 18 The number of students for classroom in the central districts of Konya

Selcuklu Meram Karatay

Primary education 38 33 36

General secondary education 33 28 24

Vocational and technical education 37 51 35

Chart 19 The number of schools in the central districts of Konya

Selcuklu Meram Karatay

Preschool 15 9 3

Primary education 91 103 79

51 General secondary education 22 13 13

Vocational and tecnical education 14 5 8

Total 142 130 103

Four institutions of higher education in Konya city center can be mentioned that the level of service. University of Selcuk University, Konya of the institutions and government agencies, universities and Mevlana Karatay had the characteristics of the private university.


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