On Behalf of the Practice I Would Like to Wish All Our Patients a Happy and Successful 2017
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NEWSLETTER Issue 3 - WINTER Edition Feb 2017 Dear Patients On behalf of the practice I would like to wish all our patients a happy and successful 2017. Happy New Year to our Patients – Here’s hoping for a healthy and prosperous 2017 for each and every one of you. We will be working with you to ensure that we keep you as fit and healthy as we possibly can. Your new Practice manager Julie Frankish is now in post and works full time – she has over 15 years’ experience as a Nottingham City Practice Manager, if you have any suggestions or comments please do ask to speak to her. We are still awaiting a date from the CQC for our inspection, this should have taken place on 1st Dec 2016 but the CQC have rescheduled. We have been told this will be in early 2017. We are continuing to work with staff to create a knowledgeable and efficient workforce, all our staff are learning new skills to enable them to sit on any seat and do the task at hand. Therefore you may be asked a few more questions and need to be calm whilst the receptionist deals with your query whilst learning. This will ensure that we have adequate cover during annual leave and times when we need to cover sickness in the team. The team we have here at KCPCC are very dedicated and loyal to you our patients – They strive to do the best they can within their powers everyday – Thank you I am sure that by now many of you will know many of our medical team. An updated list of the doctors and nurses timetable is shown on page 2. Happy reading Sally Haywood Interim Practice Manager
SURGERY HOURS - KCPCC is open from 8:00am to 6:30pm.
Lines open from 8:00am to 6:30pm, Monday to Friday
Appointments & Cancellations call 01623 434600 NHS 111 non-emergency service call 111 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
1 Doctor Hameed on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Dr Datta - Thursday Dr Narra - Tuesdays Dr Miah – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
We also offer Saturday Clinics, which are run by Dr Singh, and these are by appointment only.
Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Tania Malan - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Theresa Goldsmith - Tuesday & Wednesday Carolyn Guildford - Friday They all specialise in care for the elderly, minor injury and for any patients needing immediate attention.
Practice Nurses Tracey Hayes-Bradley – Monday to Thursday Jamie Clarkson – Tuesday to Friday They are all fully qualified in chronic disease monitoring. The nurses are now able to offer all new patients a health check after registration.
Support workers Merna Carruthers helps patients to access the support they need. We are supported by an administrative team and a wide-range of healthcare professionals to ensure that you get the help you need.
OVER 2600 APPOINTMENTS WERE NOT KEPT IN 2016 – that’s over 200 every month and means that over 66 working days were lost. We still have too many patients who book appointments and don’t turn up which means that patients needing to see a doctor or nurse are prevented from doing so.
Every “did not attend” costs both money and time which we would prefer to spend helping patients who need that help. So if you can’t make your appointment please ring us on 01623 434600 so that another patient can be looked after. You can also cancel Appointments ‘ON LINE’. ______
ADVICE CORNER Coughs & colds – Besides getting enough rest, these 8 simple remedies might help you feel better: Rest. .. Stay hydrated – drink plenty of fluids. Soothe a sore throat. ... Combat stuffiness. ... Relieve pain. ... Sip warm liquids. ...
2 Add moisture to the air. ... Try over-the-counter (OTC) cold and cough medications
Your Local NHS Services - CHOOSE WELL If you are feeling unwell, there are a range of NHS services on your doorstep, but making a poor choice of where to go, can impact on the availability of appropriate services to the wider patient population. Did you know …? One in every four people who go to A&E could have been treated elsewhere in the community, or could have self-treated. 12% of people admit to having used A&E in the past, even when they knew there was nothing seriously wrong with them. In a three month study period, 1600 people attending A&E required no treatment. Every time someone goes to A&E and is discharged without needing further treatment, the cost to the NHS is £59. Remember A&E (Accident and Emergency) and 999 services are for life threatening and emergency conditions only.
SELF CARE is the best choice to treat very minor illnesses, ailments and injuries - coughs, colds. sore throats, aches and pains, tummy upsets can be treated with some self-care essentials from your medicine cabinet (Paracetamol, indigestion remedies, anti-diarrhoeal medicines and a thermometer). Your local pharmacy has a wealth of knowledge so do ask them. ______
CHAPERONE SERVICE, this is available for any patient wishing to be accompanied during an appointment at the surgery, mainly used during an intimate examination – just ask at reception for more details please.
______ON-LINE SERVICE We are encouraging Patients to register to use the online access to our services, there are appointments available in every session with a GP specifically kept open for online users to book. You can also cancel appointments and order your prescription – without leaving the comfort of your own home. Take a look at our website: http://www.kcpcc.co.uk/ We update the site with any news and updates – If there is anything you would like to see on our website let us know.
If you would like a tutorial on how to access the on line service – please ask at our reception and we will do our best to release a member of staff to go through it with you. SELF HELP
We are keen to help patients improve on self-help and their understanding of their own health and well-being. We hope that the following information will offer some insight into that. Do take a look at our website www.kcpcc.co.uk or NHS Choices for further information about
3 managing these conditions. Please encourage your family and friends to look there too. Here is a list of some common ailments that can be safely self-managed :
Back pain Cold sore Common colds Conjunctivitis
Constipation Coughs Diarrhoea Earache
Haemorrhoids Hayfever Head lice Headaches
Heartburn & Influenza Insect bites Migraine Indigestion
Nasal Congestion Nappy rash Sore throats Sinusitis
Sprains & strains Thrush Warts & verrucas
If in doubt you can also talk to your local pharmacist. ______
PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP Bill Wilson PPG Chair The Patient Participation Group (PPG) was set up To support the practice To increase practice perspective of the local community To influence GP practice developments To build up relationships between patients and practice staff To work with the practice to improve the health of the community and educate patients and GPs.
If you would like to be involved, we are still looking for new members so that we can have a more representative cross section of the practice’s patients. If you have an hour and half to spare once every two months please do think about coming along to a meeting, the more voices we have the more we can help the practice to meet patient’s needs. Meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of the month at 10.30am but if you can’t make that time, we also run an “on-line” group alongside the main PPG so that everyone has a chance to take part. For more information contact Gail Harvey or Dawn Hare at the surgery or email them on [email protected]