Everton Park neighbourhood plan code Application

(a) This code applies to assessing a material change of use, reconfiguring a lot, operational work or building work in the Everton Park neighbourhood plan area if: assessable development where this code is an applicable code identified in the assessment criteria column of a table of assessment for a neighbourhood plan (section 5.9); or impact assessable development.

(b) Land in the Everton Park neighbourhood plan area is identified on the NPM-005.4 Everton Park neighbourhood plan map and includes the following precincts:

(a) Everton Park centre precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-001);

Everton Park centre sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-001a).

Central residential precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002);

(i) Central residential a sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002a);

Central residential b sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002b).

Fallon Park precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-003).

(c) When using this code, reference should be made to section 1.5, section 5.3.2 and section 5.3.3.

Note—This neighbourhood plan includes a table of assessment with level of assessment variations to those in sections 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.10. Refer to Table 5.9.24.A, Table 5.9.24.B, Table 5.9.24.C and Table 5.9.24.D. Purpose

(1) The purpose of the Everton Park neighbourhood plan code is to provide finer grained planning at a local level for the Everton Park neighbourhood plan area.

(d) The purpose of the Everton Park neighbourhood plan code will be achieved through overall outcomes including overall outcomes for each precinct of the neighbourhood plan area.

(e) The overall outcomes for the Everton Park neighbourhood plan area are:

(a) The Everton Park centre located on South Pine Road and Stafford Road retains and enhances its traditional strip shopping character. It provides a range of centre services to meet the needs of existing and future residents of the Everton Park district, including any redevelopment south of the Everton Park centre.

Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans (Everton Park) Effective 30 June 2014 A variety of housing types and densities are incorporated in and around the Everton Park centre, catering for community needs, including emerging young adult and older populations.

Walking and cycling routes are safe and provide connectivity throughout the area, integrating with the Kedron Brook shared use pathway which forms an integral part of this network.

Development is of a height, scale and form which is consistent with the amenity and character, community expectations and infrastructure assumptions intended for the relevant precinct, sub-precinct or site and is only developed at a greater height, scale and form where there is both a community need and an economic need for the development.

(f) Everton Park centre precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-001) overall outcomes are:

(a) This precinct accommodates a range of activities expected in a suburban centre.

The built form and character of the precinct as a traditional suburban shopping strip is maintained.

Development encourages pedestrian activity and movement with active street frontages and links across Stafford Road and South Pine Road in accordance with Figure a.

Development in the Everton Park centre sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-001a):

(i) provides for a range of centre activities with a strong focus on pedestrian movement along the Stafford Road frontage; provides for pedestrian links and relocation of vehicle access on Cutbush Road to enhance connectivity and safety through the centre.

(g) Central residential precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002) overall outcomes are:

(a) This ex-industrial land is redeveloped for residential, centre and recreation uses outside the State Government’s proposed north western transportation corridor.

Redevelopment is in accordance with Figure a, which provides for orderly development and appropriate visual and physical links between the Central residential a sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002a) and Central residential b sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002b).

The State Government's proposed north western transportation corridor is retained and protected pending investigation of future transport, and development adjoining this corridor includes adequate noise and landscape buffering

Note—The proposed north-western transportation corridor is identified in the South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program 2009-2031.

Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans (Everton Park) Effective 30 June 2014 The Central residential a sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002a) contains the former Woolworths distribution centre, which is identified for redevelopment for high density residential uses due to its close proximity to the Everton Park centre and public transport facilities. Development in this sub-precinct:

(i) does not support centre activities such as supermarkets, restaurants, department stores and grouped small-scale tenancies; provides a plaza, accessible as a public space by the community any time of the day.

The Central residential b sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002b) is currently used for large format retail specialising in homewares or home improvement retailing requiring larger tenancies and generating less traffic than convenience shops or shopping centres. Development in this sub-precinct:

(i) ensures that redevelopment proposals for mixed use comprise of non- residential pedestrian oriented activating development at ground level and in the ground storey with residential development in storeys above ground storey, and integrates with the Central residential a sub-precinct; does not support centre activities such as supermarkets, restaurants, department stores and grouped small-scale;

for shops with a gross floor area greater than 1,500m2 is consistent with the outcomes for the sub-precinct; accommodates reshaped existing gross floor area of large format retail uses where the large format retail is integrated with the centre form according to the Centre or mixed-use code.

(h) Fallon Park precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-003) overall outcomes are:

(a) This precinct covers Fallon Park and the Everton Park library and is intended to develop in a coordinated manner into a community node that provides a range of community and recreational services and facilities to the local community.

The library and the ‘Fallon Cottage’ workers cottage are preserved and used for community purposes.

Assessment criteria

The following table identifies the assessment criteria for assessable development.

Table—Criteria for assessable development Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes General PO1 AO1 Development is of a height, scale and form Development complies with the number of that achieves the intended outcome for the storeys and building height in precinct, improves the amenity of the Table neighbourhood plan area, contributes to a Note—Neighbourhood plans will mostly specify a maximum

Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans (Everton Park) Effective 30 June 2014 cohesive streetscape and built form number of storeys where zone outcomes have been varied in character and is: relation to building height. Some neighbourhood plans may also specify height in metres. Development must comply with (i) consistent with the anticipated density both parameters where maximum number of storeys and and assumed infrastructure demand; height in metres are specified. (j) aligned with community expectations about the number of storeys to be built; (k) proportionate to and commensurate with the utility of the site area and frontage width; (l) designed to avoid a significant and undue adverse amenity impact to adjoining development; (m) sited to enable existing and future buildings to be well separated from each other and to avoid affecting the potential development of an adjoining site.

Note—Development that exceeds the intended number of storeys or building height can place disproportionate pressure on the transport network, public space or community facilities in particular.

Note—-Development that is over-scaled for its site can result in an undesirable dominance of vehicle access, parking and manoeuvring areas that significantly reduce streetscape character and amenity. If in the Everton Park centre precinct, where in the Everton Park centre sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-001a) PO2 AO2 Development: Development is in accordance with Figure a. (a) complements and enhances the traditional shopping strip character of the Everton Park centre; (n) ensures amenity of residential area is protected; (o) minimises the number of vehicular access points by using shared access, driveways and car parking; (p) provides for pedestrian movement through the Everton Park centre; (q) incorporates streetscape improvements, such as seating nodes and street trees for shade. If in the Everton Park centre precinct, where in the Everton Park centre sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-001a)

Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans (Everton Park) Effective 30 June 2014 PO3 AO3.1 Development has a building size and bulk Development has a maximum gross floor area consistent with the traditional strip of 125% of the site area. shopping character of the Everton Park AO3.2 centre. Development incorporates a number of buildings or is designed to read as separate built forms. PO4 AO4 Development provides arcades to facilitate Arcades are provided as shown in Figure a. movement between Stafford Road and Sizer Street, and to any internal roads. PO5 AO5 Development includes vehicular access Development which has vehicular access from arrangements that are designed to be safe Cutbush Road to Lot 56 on RP907701, as and minimise impacts on local traffic and shown in Figure a, is to relocate vehicular amenity. access to a safer position along Cutbush Road. PO6 AO6 Development along Stafford Road frontage Development incorporates: makes a positive contribution to the (a) transparent glass-fronted tenancies with traditional strip shopping character of the pedestrian openings to Stafford Road Everton Park centre. frontage and to any internal roads and major pedestrian routes; (r) building facades to Stafford Road are articulated with colour/texture and architectural features to conceal unsightly exposure of building utilities and relieve existing blank facades. PO7 AO7 Development provides safe and convenient Pedestrian crossings are provided along pedestrian links through the sub-precinct. Stafford Road and South Pine Road in accordance with Figure a. If in the Central residential precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002) PO8 AO8 Development provides an efficient and Development provides roads which are orderly road layout which integrates with constructed and publicly dedicated in the local street network. accordance with Figure a. PO9 AO9 Development provides street trees along Development provides street trees along both road frontages to enhance the landscape sides of the internal roadways as shown in amenity of the precinct. Figure a. If in the Central residential precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002), where in the Central residential a sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002a) PO10 AO10 Development has a building size and bulk Development has a maximum gross floor area consistent with a high density scale. of 125% of the site area.

Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans (Everton Park) Effective 30 June 2014 PO11 AO11 Development provides a centrally located Development provides a publicly accessible and highly accessible plaza in this sub- plaza, located in accordance with Figure a, precinct. The plaza integrates well with which: surrounding uses. (a) is of a regular shape; (b) has a frontage to a public road. PO12 AO12 Development has buildings which are Development ensures that buildings adjacent designed and orientated to reinforce the to the plaza have: character of the plaza area as a public (a) spacing between buildings to allow for space. light penetration, air circulation and views to the urban common area; (s) a ground-level setback of 3m inside the front property boundary; (t) active uses or activation by large windows or openings on the ground level. If in the Central residential precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002), where in the Central residential b sub-precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002b) PO13 AO13.1 Development which includes a retail Development for a shop or large format retail component: activities has a minimum tenancy size of 2 (a) has new retail uses appropriate to the 750m and a new retail use has a maximum 2 Centre frame zone precinct in the tenancy size of 1,500m . Mixed use zone overall outcomes; AO13.2 (u) is not of a scale larger or similar to Development involving redevelopment of District centre zone overall outcomes; existing retail based uses: (v) can retain the amount and tenancy size (a) includes a maximum retail gross floor area of existing large format retail uses only equal to the existing gross floor area and where the redevelopment is consistent tenancy sizes; with Centre or mixed use code (w) for any additional retail based gross floor outcomes and Mixed use zone overall area has a maximum gross floor area of 2 outcomes. 1,500m per tenancy; (x) is designed and arranged in compliance with the Centre or mixed use code. If in the Fallon Park precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-003) PO14 AO14.1 Development proceeds in a planned Development prepares a structure plan for manner. the precinct. A014.2 Development is consistent with this structure plan. Table—Maximum building height Development Building height Building height (m) (number of storeys)

Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans (Everton Park) Effective 30 June 2014 If in the Central residential precinct (Everton Park neighbourhood plan/NPP-002) Any development in this Not specified Development has a maximum precinct building height consistent with Figure a.

Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans (Everton Park) Effective 30 June 2014 Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans (Everton Park) Effective 30 June 2014