Tender Evaluation Plan

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Tender Evaluation Plan

Step 5: Tendering & Market Test – Bid Evaluation Plan Template


Objectives of the Template

The BID EVALUATION PLAN TEMPLATE is a detailed document that sets out exactly how the Bid will be run. It includes the BID EVALUATION PLAN and the BID SCHEDULE that will have already been developed.

The main areas that the BID EVALUATION PLAN covers are listed in the contents to the suggested plan structure in this template.

In summary the plan lays out the process for carrying out the bid evaluation (including the timescales for each activity); details the technical competence and commercial congruence methodology and assessment criteria; and, establishes the process from rationalising the bid list to the eventual award recommendation.

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1.0 INTRODUCTION...... 1

2.0 BID EVALUATION PLAN...... 1 2.1 Process Overview...... 1 2.2 Bid Evaluation Teams and Bid Review Team (Attachment No 2)...... 1 2.3 Schedule...... 1 3.0 BID DOCUMENTATION...... 1 3.1 Receipt of Tenders...... 1 3.2 Opening of Tenders...... 1 4.0 SECURITY...... 1 4.1 Bid Evaluation Rooms...... 1 4.2 Bid Documentation Storage...... 1 4.3 Communication with Tenderers...... 1 4.4 Confidentiality and Ethics...... 1 5.0 PHASE 1 EVALUATION - IDENTIFICATION OF NON COMPLIANT TENDERS OR MAJOR DEFICIENCIES...... 1 5.1 Compliance Check...... 1 5.2 Major Deficiencies...... 1 6.0 PHASE 2 EVALUATION – TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL EVALUATION AND SHORTLISTING...... 1 6.1 Technical Evaluation...... 1 6.1.1 Technical Evaluation Criteria...... 1 6.1.2 Technical Scoring...... 1 6.1.3 Minimum Technical Scores...... 1 6.2 Commercial Evaluation...... 1 6.2.1 Contract Terms and Conditions...... 1 6.2.2 Evaluation of Commercial Terms...... 1 6.3 Interface, Cross Contract Checks...... 1 6.4 Alternative Tenders...... 1 6.5 Meetings and Site Visits...... 1 6.6 Short listing...... 1 7.0 PHASE 3 EVALUATION - FINAL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION...... 1



10.0 DEBRIEFING...... 1

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The Document Control Sheet of the master hard copy of this Bid Evaluation Plan will be approved and signed by the following managers to indicate their agreement to its contents:


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What is this bid evaluation plan for?


2.1 Process Overview Overview of the evaluation process Who will evaluate what and when? Who needs copies of the Evaluation Plan – stakeholders, partners etc

This will have been set out in the EVALUATION PROCESS document.

2.2 Bid Evaluation Teams and Bid Review Team (Attachment No 2)

Who is responsible for what? Who is in the evaluation teams? Who reports to whom?

2.3 Schedule

The detailed schedule can be found in the BID SCHEDULE, outline the key milestones here as per the populated example.

Item Activity Return Date + Calendar Days 1.0 Tenders Returned 0 2.0 Tenders Opened and Recorded +1 3.0 Commencement of Bid Evaluation +2 4.0 Stage 1 Identify Non Compliant Tenders and Major Deficiencies +10 5.0 Stage 2 - Preliminary Evaluation Complete +30 6.0 Stage 3 - Final Evaluation Complete +65 7.0 Report on Tenders and Recommendation to Award Complete +70 8.0 Issue Recommendation to Stakeholders +75 9.0 Receive Stakeholder Endorsement of Recommendation +80 10.0 Prepare Formal Contract for Execution +105

Note: Depending on the number of Alternative Tenders received and evaluated, this schedule may have to be extended.

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3.1 Receipt of Tenders

How will tenders be dealt with on receipt? Where will they be stored? Who will have access? Will electronic submissions be allowed? How will time stamps be applied?

3.2 Opening of Tenders

When will tenders be opened? What is the opening procedure? Where is the Bid Opening Form? Who will be present?


4.1 Bid Evaluation Rooms

Where will tenders be stored? Where will evaluation take place – special bid room? Detail any procedures regarding this

4.2 Bid Documentation Storage

Detail any policies and procedures re the storage or tenders, either hard copies or electronically Who has access to the tenders and how will access be controlled?

4.3 Communication with Tenderers

How will communications be made with the tenderers? Who is responsible for this?

4.4 Confidentiality and Ethics

State the organisation’s confidentiality and ethics statements relating to the bid and the tenderers. State the organisation’s policies on socialising, contact, gifts and entertainment from tenderers.

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5.0 PHASE 1 EVALUATION - Identification of Non Compliant Tenders or Major Deficiencies

5.1 Compliance Check

Compliance check process

5.2 Major Deficiencies

Detail the process to deal with MAJOR deficiencies

6.0 PHASE 2 EVALUATION – Technical and Commercial Evaluation and Short-Listing

6.1 Technical Evaluation

How will technical evaluation take place? By whom, where and when?

6.1.1 Technical Evaluation Criteria

Full evaluation criteria should be detailed in the ASSESSENT & SCORING CRITERIA document, however a summary should be placed here.

Item Element Team Leaders Relative Weighting (%)

Total 100

How will the evaluation criteria be used? How will the tenderer be scored?

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6.1.2 Technical Scoring

Specify the scoring system that will be used, for example:

Score Description Definition Meets or exceeds all desired requirements. Response shows full appreciation of problem. 5 Excellent Response indicates full experience. Response needs little or no clarification Response has no schedule or impact cost. Generally meets desired requirements, few weaknesses; some assistance required. Response shows appreciation of problem. 4 Good Response show experience. Response may need some minor clarification. Response may have minor cost or schedule impact. Some weaknesses, significant assistance required. Response shows appreciation of the problem. 3 Fair Response shows some experience. Response will need some clarification. Response may have cost or schedule impact. There is a reasonable risk that the Tenderer may not perform acceptably, even with significant assistance. Response shows some appreciation of problem. 2 Poor Response shows limited experience. Response will need major clarification. Response will have cost or schedule impact. There is a high likelihood that the Tenderer cannot perform the work. Response is weak and shows little comprehension of problem. 1 Unsatisfactory Response shows lack of experience. Response would not allow contract to proceed with work. Response has serious cost or schedule implications. Information Incomplete submittal, failing to comply with the Bid requirements. 0 Missing Response does not allow the evaluator to make a judgement.

6.1.3 Minimum Technical Scores

What threshold criteria must be met for technical acceptance of the Bid? For example:

No Major Deficiencies. An overall Technical score of at least 65%, after weighting. 60% Minimum before weighting on Quality Assurance. 60% Minimum on all other Technical Areas before weighting.

Specify what happens if any of the minimum criteria are not met.

6.2 Commercial Evaluation

Summarise the commercial evaluation process and plan

6.2.1 Contract Terms and Conditions

What contractual terms and conditions are being used to as part of the commercial evaluation?

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For example:

Establishing compliance with parent company guarantee requirements. Establishing compliance with performance guarantee requirements. Establishing compliance with risk items (LD’s Liability, Insurances, etc) Examination of legal status of Tenderer. Examination of qualifications to the proposed Terms and Conditions of Contract. Examination of qualifications to the proposed completion date(s). Examination of qualifications to the Remuneration Schedule. Development of a position on qualifications. Communicate position on qualifications to Tenderers. Clarification of Tenderers qualifications.

6.2.2 Evaluation of Commercial Terms

What are the objectives? What are the commercial terms that are being evaluated? How will they be evaluated?

6.3 Interface, Cross Contract Checks

Are any cross contract interfaces required? What is the planned process ensure proper management of interfaces between contracts?

6.4 Alternative Tenders

Are alternative tenders allowed? How will they be dealt with and evaluated? What could an alternative look like?

6.5 Meetings and Site Visits

Detail the process for making any site visits and holding any meetings with tenderers

6.6 Short listing

Will short listing occur at this stage? How will short listing occur? How many tenderers will be short listed for final evaluation?

7.0 PHASE 3 EVALUATION - Final Evaluation and Recommendation

Detail the process used to select the preferred bid from the shortlist Use of clarification meetings?

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How will the preferred bid be selected? What must they have satisfied to achieve this status? What process shall be used and who needs to be consulted – stakeholders?


Outline process Who needs to be involved? What approvals are required?


Detail debriefing process

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