British Literature II Grading Policy
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English I Grading Policy
This course is a concentrated, thorough study of grammar, literature, composition, spelling and punctuation. In the composition area, students will apply what they’ve learned from their study of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. The literature taught will be from the textbook, Prentice Hall Literature, as well as various novels. Students will be taught the various literary genres, i.e. short story, autobiography, poetry, plays, essays, and myths. They’ll also study several novels, Romeo and Juliet, and mythology through the course of the year. Two book reports, one per semester, will be required. Students will keep a reader/writer notebook.
First Block (Semester One)
Tests, Assignments, Presentations—85% SSR—5% Semester Exam—10%
Units Include: Reading Narratives (Short Stories, mythology, and The Odyssey) Writing Narratives Reading and Writing International Informational Texts Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet, Themes & Analysis) Research: Social Awareness Presentation SSR Book Club
Second Block (Semester Two) Tests, Assignments, Presentations—85% SSR—5% Semester Exam—10%
Units Include: To Kill a Mockingbird Argumentative Writing & Presentation Research: Letter to Elected Official Realistic Fiction Unit (Speak) Multi-modal Fiction Writing SSR Book Club
Classroom Procedures for Mrs. Siolka
Entering the Classroom
1. Please sit in your assigned seat so I can do attendance quickly. 2. Check the whiteboard or SMARTboard for the starting assignment.
Handing in Your Work
1. Your heading should be in the upper right hand corner Name Date Class Assignment or page number
When passing in your work, hand it to the person on your right until all work is passed to the end of the row. The last person in the row will get up and put the papers in the folder marked for your hour.
Reader/Writer Notebooks
3. Bring your binder to class daily. 4. Fill in all assignments thoroughly. You will be graded on these assignments.
Signing Out of the Room
You may only leave the room if it is absolutely necessary. Bring all needed materials and use the restroom before class, because these will not be considered necessary excuses. Ask permission from the teacher. If you are suddenly ill, do not bother to sign out. Go to the restroom to the right of the classroom, and the teacher will send someone to check on you.
If you know you will be absent, make up your work ahead of time. Excused absences have one full week to make up the work. After that it will be recorded as a zero. Any work due on the day you were absent should be turned in the day you return. Turn in all work in the “In” folder for your hour. Make sure you have the proper heading.
Moving Around the Room
Use common sense. If someone is presenting or teaching, do not sharpen your pencil or get up to throw something in the garbage. Computers should only be open during designated times. Open the door if someone knocks. Do not stand at the door and laugh at them or tease them. Please open the door and get back to work. If you have a question or wish to request to leave your seat, raise your hand. Do not wander around the room. Others are trying to learn and you must not distract them. If you finish your work early, read, do extra credit, do homework for another class, etc. Keep yourself busy and do not bother others. If you choose not to work during class, you owe me time after school for every minute you waste. Emergency Drills
Fire drills Leave seat quietly and exit to your right. Use door to your immediate left. Head to the football field. Stay together as a class and listen for your name to be called for attendance.
Tornado drills Leave seat quietly and exit to the basement under the gym. Sit on the floor and be silent so we can hear the instructions.
Evacuation drills Leave seat quietly and exit to your left. Proceed to the end of the hall and exit the building using the doors adjacent to Ms. Bodoh’s room. Walk quietly to the Bonduel Elementary School gym.
Medical Emergency Alert The classroom door will be shut. All students will remain in their seats. Ignore all bells until the all-clear signal is given.
Intruder drills Shut window shades. Close classroom door. Silently proceed to front corner of room and sit silently. Stay in this position until the all-clear signal is given. Procedures during actual intruder lockdowns will vary according to the situation.
Internet/Tablet Use
Using the tablets is a privilege, not a right. Do not photograph or take video of your teacher or other students without their knowledge. Do not post video, vines, snapchats, etc. to the internet of things that happen in our class. This can often be a form of bullying, and I don’t want people to be afraid to participate because someone may be videotaping. Only use the internet to search for the subject we are studying. Do not check the WIAA tournament line-ups or play a game. Do not go to sites that you should not be at. If you accidentally reach an unacceptable site, inform the teacher immediately. You will not get in trouble if you keep the teacher informed. Use headphones if you are listening to music so you don’t disturb others.
If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy. Three tardies=one twenty minute detention
Do not touch the teacher’s desk or other things in the room without asking. You are welcomed to use my tape, stapler, white-out, or borrow a pen on occasion if you ask first. There are supplies under the window for you to use. We will never leave early for lunch or at the end of the day. Don’t ask! Don’t line up at the door! When the teacher rises and stands at podium, she expects your full attention. She will only request your silence once. Everyone should stand for the pledge of allegiance out of respect for our country. Even students who are citizens of other countries may stand out of respect, although they will not pledge allegiance to the U.S.
Late Assignments
Major projects and papers will be 10% off if they are late. (UWGB English will be 50 % off if late.) After five days, they will become a zero. You are expected to turn in daily work on time. If not completed, it will be a zero.
Do not post anything that you would not want your grandmother to see. All posts should pertain to the educational question at hand. All posts should be grammatically correct with proper spelling and punctuation. Do not change your screen name. Do not change your picture to something inappropriate.
1:1 Computer Usage
Students are allowed access to their assigned tablets only. Students cannot lend out their tablets. Students must handle the tablets carefully and respectfully; tablets should be placed on safe surfaces. Close tablets when transporting them. Students must always use tablets in clear view of their supervising adult. Tablets are school property. Tablets are not to be decorated and the original name label must remain intact. Student need to start the school day with the 1:1 tablets charged. Tablets should be plugged in at home every night. Students are responsible for transporting their own tablets to and from classes. Students must close their tablets at the request of the teacher. Tablets should only be used for the current assignment, not to check email or other web pages during my class time. Students must remain on task when using tablets in class. Only programs permitted by the teacher should be open or used. Your tablets are to use for learning. Do not check email, apps, or do any other things that are not related to what we are learning in class during my class time. All school computer rules (TAUP policy) must be followed.
ACADEMIC HONESTY (from the student handbook)
The School District of Bonduel expects that all schoolwork submitted for the purpose of meeting course requirements represents the original efforts of the individual student. This includes, but is not limited to, test taking, homework, class assignments, and the original creation of essays, compositions, term papers, and scientific research. All work submitted by a student should be a true reflection of that student’s effort and ability. If such is not the case, then the student has demonstrated unacceptable academic behavior and is subject to disciplinary action.
Plagiarism is defined as the act of claiming someone else’s work, words, and/or ideas as your own without crediting the sources
Academic Dishonesty includes plagiarism as well as any other act of cheating.
Examples include the following: Taking information from the Internet or print sources and submitting it as one’s own work Buying or copying a paper/essay Submitting another person’s work as one’s own work Copying another student’s work (test, quiz, project) Allowing another person to copy one’s own work Using any outside source deemed unreasonable by the teacher for completion of homework and/or assessments Using information from an encyclopedia, book, textbook, web site, database, etc. without citing the source Using another person’s idea, opinion, or theory without citing the source Using any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings, pictures, sounds or other pieces of information from any source, when it is not common knowledge, without citing the source Using quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written word without citing the source Paraphrasing (putting into your own words) another person’s unique ideas, spoken or written, without citing the source
Consequences • The penalty for plagiarism and cheating is a zero (or an “F”) on the work • Parents will be notified • Other actions and consequences may be appropriate, based on the course and the type of work that is compromised. These actions will be determined by the classroom teacher, and may include the following: – Detention or suspension, loss of privileges – The teacher may offer an alternative or “redo” assignment. – Repeated acts of plagiarism or academic dishonesty or in a situation of assessment will be brought to the attention of the building principal. This may result in failure of the course.
Parent Signature: Date: