2. the Full Moon Would Be Visible When It Is in Position

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2. the Full Moon Would Be Visible When It Is in Position


An astronomer provided the following diagram of the Earth and Moon to demonstrate the different phases the Moon goes through in one lunar cycle.

2. The Full Moon would be visible when it is in position 3. A) A B) G C) E D) C 4. Correct. Your answer=C, Correct answer=C 5. Explanation: The Moon does not produce its own light. Instead, the light we see from the Moon is actually reflected light from the Sun. When the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun (in position E), we can see from the diagram that it will appear to be completely lit. 6. Refer to the information in question 1.

Starting from when the Moon is New, as the Moon revolves around the Earth, the portion of the Moon that we see lit by sunlight A) increases then decreases B) decreases then increases C) remains the same D) is shadowed by the Earth

Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A


As seen in the diagram, the position of the moon that is lit stays the same throughout the moon's orbit. The side of the moon facing the sun is always lit. The difference is that when the moon is between the sun and earth (New Moon), we do not see the lit side of the moon from our perspective on Earth. On the other hand, when the earth is between the moon and sun (Full Moon), we do see the lit side of the moon because it is facing Earth. The lunar cycle follows a pattern of increasing visible area until the full moon, followed by decreasing visible area until the new moon.

7. Refer to the information in question 1.

When there is a New Moon,

A) the Moon is directly aligned between the Sun and the Earth B) the Earth is aligned between the Sun and the Moon C) the Moon is perpendicular to the Sun and Earth D) the Moon is not hit by any sunlight

Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A


The Moon's rotation takes approximately 27 days and can be considered to occur in 8 main stages. The first four lead to the phase of Full Moon and are called "waxing"; the last 4 lead to the phase of New Moon and are called "waning".

1. At point A we see a New Moon; it occurs when the Sun's light hits only the side of the Moon facing away from the Earth because the Moon is directly between the Sun and the Earth. 2. At point B we see a Waxing Crescent Moon; it occurs when the Moon is lit. 3. At point C we see a First Quarter Moon; it occurs when exactly half the Moon is lit. 4. At point D we see a Waxing Gibbous Moon; it occurs when the Moon is lit. 5. At point E we see a Full Moon. It occurs when the Moon is directly opposite the Sun, and appears fully lit. 6. At point F we see a Waning Gibbous Moon; it occurs when the Moon is lit. 7. At point G we see a Third/Last Quarter Moon; it occurs when exactly half the Moon is lit. 8. At point H we see a Waning Crescent Moon; it occurs when the Moon is lit. 8. Forest fires are not entirely bad for the environment. Many areas in Canada's national parks are often put through a controlled burn to

A) force animal migration into less populated areas B) decrease potential wild fires and allow for new growth of plants C) decrease human tourism to allow the park to stay natural D) change the landscape for the most abundant animal species

Correct. Your answer=B, Correct answer=B


Setting forest fires helps control wildfires by destroying the "ammunition", which is wood, from accumulating to dangerous levels. It also helps thin out smaller bushes and weeds, making room for the plants that do survive the fire. The setting of forest fires intentionally is called "prescribed burning".

Prescribed burns are controlled so as to prevent them from raging into the canopy and completely burning the forest. The fires are intended to run along the ground and clear away the under story and the lower dead branches.

9. A marshmallow has small bubbles of air inside allowing it to float in your hot chocolate.

When heated in a microwave, the marshmallow will:

A) expand. B) implode. C) remain unchanged. D) vaporize into a cloud of brown oxygen gas.

Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A


Air expands as it is heated. This will cause the small bubbles in the marshmallow to grow in size and puff the marshmallow. This is nothing like the marshmallows that you roast over a camp fire and eat, but a huge puffball of solid bubbles.

Do not try this experiment at home without permission. It can ruin your microwave as the marshmallow expands and sticks to the sides of the appliance.

10. Below is a satellite image of a town in the Amazon Rainforest. The numbered points along the river were chosen by scientists as sites where the water quality would be tested. According to several factors, they rated the samples on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the best water quality. The scientists noted that there was very little human development (such as homes, factories or roads) around sites 1, 3 and 4.

Site Rating 1 3 2 7 3 2 4 8 5 7 6 1

11. In general, the water leaving the town is of ______the water that enters the town from the city upstream. 12. A) poorer quality than B) better quality than C) equal quality to 13. Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A 14. Explanation: 15. If we look at the direction of flow, we can see that Site 2 is located at a point where incoming water flows directly into town from the city upstream. The water quality at this site is a reasonable 7. In contrast, water quality at Site 1, where the river exits the town, is much poorer with a quality rating of only 3. It is clear that some factor in the town is impacting water quality negatively. 16. Refer to the information in question 6.

Based on the above information, we can infer that:

A) the water quality improves in undisturbed areas B) the water quality degrades in undisturbed areas C) people don't like living near clean water D) it is legal to dump waste in the rainforest

Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A

Explanation: The water entering the town was tested at Site 2 and was assigned a quality rating of 7. By the time the water flow reaches undisturbed Site 4, its quality has increased to 8. This trend continues between undisturbed sites 3 and 1, where the water quality improves from a rating of 2 to a 3. These results suggest that the conditions of the undisturbed rainforest may contribute to cleaning the water.

17. Jennifer remembered that the xylem and phloem cell layers in the tree were considered the tree's transportation system because the

A) xylem layer carries water and nutrients to the roots B) xylem layer carries food in the form of sugars to the leaves C) xylem layer produces new phloem cells D) xylem layer carries water and nutrients to the leaves

Correct. Your answer=D, Correct answer=D


There are two important types of cells in trees that allow for the movement of water and nutrients. These are the phylum and xylem. Phylum carries food in the form of sugars. Xylem carries water and nutrients.

Cambium is the layer of cells that produces new phylum and xylem cells.


Paintball is a growing sport that involves shooting balls filled with vegetable-oil based paint. The paintball gun operates through a compressed air or CO2 (carbon dioxide) tank. 19. Different speeds of guns are used for different types of activities. The gun speeds used in "fun" recreation and office parties are lower (~280 ft/second) than in professional tournaments (~300 ft/second) for safety reasons. 20. If a slower speed is desired, the pressure in the compressed air tank should be ______than the pressure used for faster shots. 21. A) lower B) greater 22. Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A 23. Explanation: 24. The greater the pressure, the faster the air will move out of the tank and fire the paintball. The lower the pressure, the slower the air will move out of the tank and fire the paintball. So if a lower firing speed is desired, the pressure of the carbon dioxide tank must be reduced. 25. The Moon never appears as bright as the Sun because the Moon

A) is much smaller than the Sun B) only reflects some of the light produced by the Sun C) only reflects the light from the Earth D) is smaller than the Earth

Correct. Your answer=B, Correct answer=B

Explanation: The Moon does not produce its own light. Instead, the light we see from the Moon is actually reflected off of the Sun. This means that the Moon appears brightest when it is directly reflecting as much as possible of the light of the Sun onto the Earth (called a full Moon). This situation occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. Of course, the Moon is never as bright as the Sun, because it is not a perfect reflector.


Nathan was walking through a grove of trees and came across one that had been freshly cut down. He looked closely at the different areas of the cross section of the trunk.

27. The layer of phloem cells is also called the inner bark, and therefore would most likely be labelled 28. A) A B) B C) C D) E 29. Correct. Your answer=B, Correct answer=B 30. Explanation: 31. Phloem is the layer just underneath the bark that carries food around the tree, particularly sugar. 32.

Nicole's parents just purchased an acreage on which they plan to build a new home. Before they build, they want to plant some trees around the acreage since they will take some time to grow.

Nicole and her mom made a list of trees they would like to plant.

Tree Tree description Leaf Decription American o fast growing, long o short stem on Elm lived leaves o excellent shade tree o egg-shaped with o vase-shaped, branched sharp point trunk o sharp toothed o grows 15-30 m tall and edges 11-18 m wide o slow to medium o long stem on growth rate leaves o average life span o oval shaped leafs Flowering o showy blossoms and with points towards the Crabapple tart fruit stem and tip

o grows 5 to 15 m tall o subtle toothed and 1.5-12 m wide edges o pioneer species o cones are small with o needles, occur in scales and sharp ends pairs Lodgepole o tall and slender trunks Pine o long and green o older trees in dense with sharp tips areas have very few living branches near ground o Egg-shaped with o multi-stemmed trunk sharp pointed tips o bark peels off in paper o double toothed strips Weeping edges o Oval shaped crown of Birch weeping leaves and foliage o Long stems connect leaves to o weeping stems o pyramidal shape o single needle o grows up to 40 m high connected to twig by 2 m in diameter o square-sided o cones are sharp needles White Spruce brown/purplish, long with rounded smooth scales o spiral arrangement of needles o on twig Northwest o Single trunk o Long stems on Poplar o grows up to 25 m high leaves by 15 m in diameter o shaped like a o upright oval crown of broad heart foliage o subtle toothed o fast growing, but short edges life of 15 - 30 years

Nicole brought a twig sample home with her. Which of the trees does it belong to?

A) american elm B) lodgepole pine C) weeping birch D) white spruce

Correct. Your answer=B, Correct answer=B

2. Refer to the information in question 12.

If Nicole wished to plant the list's most ornamental hardwood tree in front of their house, she would choose the

A) lodgepole pine B) northwest poplar C) flowering crabapple D) white spruce

Incorrect. Your answer=D, Correct answer=C

3. Mrs. Ferry began talking about trees and forests by having her students brainstorm all the physical characteristics of deciduous trees. Which of the following characteristics is more strongly associated with coniferous trees?

A) evergreen B) flowering blossoms C) oval or egg shaped leaves D) hardwood

Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A


Deciduous trees are those that drop their leaves in the fall while coniferous trees keep their needles year-round. Thus most evergreens are coniferous trees.


Polaris, the North Star, is located at the end of the handle of Ursa Minor (or the Little Dipper), right at the centre of this chart. It is a unique star as it is situated in a position that makes it appear as though the rest of the stars revolve around it.

5. If the above chart is the view of the night sky at 8 PM, which of the following would represent a 2 AM view of the position of the stars around the north pole? 6. A)




7. Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A 8. Explanation: 9. The Earth rotates from west to east, which is equivalent to left to right on the diagrams. The rotation of Diagram A best represents this counterclockwise motion of 90 degrees (a quarter day). While Answer D also demonstrates counterclockwise motion, it is too far a distance to b traveled in a quarter-day of rotation (6 hours). 10.

For an assignment on air, Rebecca drew a diagram which represented how air would appear at 20°C and standard air pressure.

11. Which diagram shows air that has been heated outside of a container?

12. A)

B) C)

D) 13. Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A 14. Explanation: 15. When air becomes heated, the particles expand and become less dense. This results in fewer particles per area of volume, which is best illustrated by Diagram A. 16. Refer to the information in question 16.

Which diagram represents air at 5°C if the pressure stays the same?


B) C)


Incorrect. Your answer=A, Correct answer=D


When air becomes cooled, the particles contract and become more dense. This results in more particles per area of volume, which is best illustrated by Diagram B.


On a warm day in November, Robert went out to see how shadows moved throughout the day by observing a single pole in the school yard that measured 1.5 m in height. He measured the compass direction and length of the shadow every 30 minutes from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM. He recorded his results in the table below:

Shadow Observations from 1.5 m Pole on November 15 Compass Direction Time of Day Length of Shadow of Shadow 8:00 AM No shadow No shadow 8:30 AM 307° 34.4 m 9:00 AM 313° 14.2 m 9:30 AM 319° 9.5 m 10:00 AM 326° 7.4 m 10:30 AM 333° 6.1 m 11:00 AM 340° 5.4 m 11:30 AM 347° 5.0 m 12:00 AM 355° 4.7 m 12:30 AM 2° 4.7 m 1:00 PM 10° 4.9 m 1:30 PM 17° 5.2 m 2:00 PM 24° 5.9 m 2:30 PM 31° 6.9 m 3:00 PM 38° ? 3:30 PM 44° ? 4:00 PM 51° 24.5 m 4:30 PM No shadow No shadow

18. The graph that best represents the length of the shadow over one day is: 19. A)



D) 20. Incorrect. Your answer=A, Correct answer=C 21. Explanation: Since the Sun is lowest in the sky in the morning and evening, the shadow length is longest then, and shorter during mid-day; Graph C illustrates this correctly (where time is represented by the x-axis and shadow length by the y-axis.) 22.

The Shaw family has a home-based business. They work out of the office in the corner of their house. While on holidays, their home was broken into and their motion detection system called the police with a silent alarm.

Each room is set up with its own motion detector. Their system triggered activity in the following sequence of areas:

4, 8, 5, 8, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3

23. The suspect likely exited the house through 24. A) the deck door B) the patio door C) the side entrance D) the bathroom window 25. Incorrect. Your answer=A, Correct answer=B 26. Explanation: 27. The alarms go off when movement is observed. Because the last alarm to go off was in the living room, we know that the suspect either exited through the living room window or the patio. Conveniently, the living room window is not one of the possible answers to the question, so by elimination we know that the answer is that the suspect exited through the patio. 28. Which shape would create the most drag and no lift?





Incorrect. Your answer=A, Correct answer=D


Streamlines are curves used in structural designs. A streamlined shape allows air to pass over an object more easily. This is why vehicles that need good aerodynamics have soft edges. On the other hand, objects with a more square structural shape will not allow air to easily pass over. Such objects create drag as air resistance is high.

29. Some of the planets in our Solar System are mainly made up of gases and some have solid surfaces. Which group of planets represents a sample of planets made of gases? A) Jupiter and Mercury B) Neptune and Uranus C) Earth and Mars D) Saturn and Mars

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Arbutus trees are found in the south of British Columbia. They flower and have broad leaves that do not drop in the fall.

31. Arbutuses are classified as: 32. A) deciduous trees B) coniferous trees C) deciduous and coniferous trees D) none of the above 33. Incorrect. Your answer=A, Correct answer=D 34. Explanation: 35. The definition of a coniferous tree is one that bears cones while the definition of a deciduous tree is one that drops its leaves. The arbutus does not meet either of these criteria and is thus simply described as a large flowering plant. 36.

Non-timber products such as mushrooms can be harvested without damaging trees.

Morel mushrooms can be harvested from aspen forests and Matsutake (or Pine mushrooms) from pine forests.

37. Which of the following is an advantage of non-timber forest products such as mushrooms? 38. A) They can be sustainable. B) They are unlimited resources. C) They can be harvested even after all of the trees have been cut down. D) They may only be available for part of the year. 39. Correct. Your answer=A, Correct answer=A 40. Explanation: 41. Sustainability refers to the ability of a practice to be repeated for an extended period of time without depleting the necessary resource(s). Sustainable practices are generally better from all perspectives in the long-term. 42. Since mushrooms continue to grow as long as there are live trees and the weather conditions are sufficiently moist, their harvest is sustainable. In addition, mushrooms can demand very high prices worldwide. Prices of up to $100/100 g are common for the Matsutake in Japan because of their relative rarity around the world. 43.

Mrs. Robins decides to take her class on a field trip to the zoo. Before she leaves, she gives each student a chart outlining the differences between various members of the cat family: Characteristics of Select Male and Female Cats:

Species Weight Length Coat Other 120-260 k 158-250 c Lion yellowish-orange rounded ears, short neck g m 80-140 c tan with black rings and Jaguar 45-115 kg stocky appearance m dots, or black 90-170 c straw-coloured with small Leopard 28-90 kg long, muscular body m black spots 190-330 c yellowish-orange with longer rear legs than Tiger 65-300 kg m black stripes front legs

The students are told that, generally, females tend to be smaller than males of the same species. They are also told that variations in colour are possible.

44. Brent notices an animal that weighs approximately 75 kg and is 160 cm long. It is yellowish in color with black spots. What species of cat did he most likely see? 45. A) a lion B) a jaguar C) a leopard D) a tiger 46. Incorrect. Your answer=A, Correct answer=C 47. Explanation: 48. Based on colour alone, it would appear as though Brent noticed either a jaguar or a leopard. Both of these animals also meet the mass criteria of 75 kg. However, only the leopard meets the length criteria of 160 cm. 49.

Pierre flies at the annual airshow at the International airport. At each show he makes his plane do some incredible feats. Spins, dives, stalls, and steep climbs are just part of the show. 50. Pierre moves the ailerons so that the right one is up and the left one is down. In response, the plane 51. A) rolls to the left B) rolls to the right C) turns to the right D) turns to the left 52. Incorrect. Your answer=A, Correct answer=B 53. Explanation: 54. Ailerons are the small flaps on airplanes used to tilt form side to side. They work by changing the air flow pattern on one wing at a time, so as to allow air through a small opening in the wing and thus allow one wing to fall and the opposing one to rise. If both ailerons are open, they balance out and the airplane begins to fall faster as air resistance is reduced.

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