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Welcome students and staff.
Today is Monday, May 13, 2013.
Please stand for the pledge to the flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please remain standing for a moment of silence. Thank you, please be seated.
Run For Boston 5k – May 11, 2013. For more information, [email protected]
On Monday we will go to homebase when the bell rings at 7:30 for the students to pick up their report cards. After the announcements, the students will go to their 1st period class.
The Spring Prism rehearsal schedule for today which includes Musical Theatre, Chorus and Band Members has been cancelled. Musical Theatre & Chorus students need to see Mrs. Rosel for updated information. Mr. Langford will update band members in class today.
Due to recent developments in the future of our choral department, the fundraiser THS Idol, has been cancelled. We are very sorry to make this announcement and would like to apologize to all involved. Thank you for understanding and support in this difficult decision.
Congratulations to the Jazz Ensemble for hosting a great dinner-dance event here on campus this weekend. There were over 150 in attendance for a wonderful evening of music, food and dancing!
Seniors – If you have received an Academic Scholarship or an Athletic Scholarship from a College or a Scholarship from an organization outside the school, please let Mrs. Croker or Mrs. Morgan know as soon as possible so you can be recognized at the Senior Awards Night.
Registration for summer grade restoration has begun. If you received a 59 on your report card due to unexcused absences this semester, see your guidance counselor to register. Summer sessions will begin June 12. Registration must be completed by June 7.
Registration for summer grade forgiveness and recovery has begun. If you received a D or an F in a math, English, science, or social studies class for either semester, you should see your guidance counselor to register. If you are currently in an E2020 class during the school day or after school and need more time to complete your class, you should register for the summer sessions so you may finish the class. See your guidance counselor to register. Summer sessions will begin June 12. Registration must be completed by June 7 so make sure you check your grades on eSembler to see if you need to register. Senior Scholarships (Pick up forms on table in Guidance Office)
Scholarship Deadline Big Sun (for student athletes) http://www.bigsunathletics.com June 21, 2013 Hughes Exterminating Scholarship [email protected] May 15, 2013 Nordstrom Scholarship http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/nordstrom-cares-scholarship May 14, 2013 Service Scholars (Students attending FSU) [email protected] Southern Scholarship Foundation (housing opportunity) Student Scholarships (Updated 2/21/13 – New Scholarships added) Various
Monday: Pancake Breakfast at the Methodist Church 7:15 – 8:00 am. Students will be checked in and will receive a turquoise blue pass which will allow them to enter first period no later than 8:15am . Any senior who does not have a pass is unexcused. (For attendance purposes at 7:40: A list of those cleared will be emailed to you before the fact.) Dress activity: “What I wanted to be when I was four” (Any student participating in senior week activities MUST have a red lanyard and red senior week card) Tuesday: “College/Career Day” (Students will dress in attire for their chosen career or in college colors Wednesday: “Hat Day” students must take off hats in class Thursday: “Senior Citizens Day” Friday: “Red and white or Senior Class shirts” Senior Picnic – Students will be dismissed at noon. (There will not be a PA announcement. )
Those with green tickets may drive themselves to the picnic; those with yellow tickets will be allowed on the buses. Buses will load on Ianthe Street and will leave at 12:15pm and return before end of school. Extra privileges: Go to the front on the lunch line in cafeteria and (with teacher approval) be dismissed from all classes one minute early.
FYI—all seniors eligible for graduation, who are cleared from the due list will be allowed to participate in Senior Week activities.
There will be a HOPE Club “End of the Year” meeting on Thursday, May 16th after school in Mrs. Farner’s room.
Volunteer Opportunities Word of the Day melliferous\ muh-LIF-er-uhs \ , adjective;
1. yielding or producing honey.
Quotes: He writes of the melliferous odor of linden blossoms; of the fields rushing to meet him; of trees, castles and people; of the greensward that serves him as a dining table; and of the little old ladies who joyfully smile at him. -- Mikhail A. Osorgin, translated by Donald M. Fiene, Selected Stories, Reminiscences, and Essays , 1982
Already he had the melliferous taste of victory on his tongue. -- Wilbur Smith, The Eye of the Tiger , 2001
Origin: Melliferous derives from the Latin word mellifer meaning "honey-bearing." On This Day in History
1607 - Jamestown, Virginia, was settled as a colony of England.
1648 - Margaret Jones of Plymouth was found guilty of witchcraft and was sentenced to be hanged by the neck.
1779 - The War of Bavarian Succession ended.
1787 - Captain Arthur Phillip left Britain for Australia. He successfully landed eleven ships full of convicts on January 18, 1788, at Botany Bay. The group moved north eight days later and settled at Port Jackson.
1821 - The first practical printing press was patented in the U.S. by Samuel Rust.
1846 - The U.S. declared that war already existed with Mexico.
1854 - The first big American billiards match was held at Malcolm Hall in Syracuse, NY.
1861 - Britain declared its neutrality in the American Civil War.
1864 - The Battle of Resaca commenced as Union General Sherman fought towards Atlanta during the American Civil War.
1865 - The last land engagement of the American Civil War was fought at the Battle of Palmito Ranch in far south Texas, more than a month after Gen. Lee's surrender at Appomattox, VA.
1867 - Confederate President Jefferson Davis became a free man after spending two years in prison for his role in the American Civil War.
1873 - Ludwig M. Wolf patented the sewing machine lamp holder.
1880 - Thomas Edison tested his experimental electric railway in Menlo Park.
1888 - Slavery was abolished in Brazil.
1911 - The New York Giants set a major league baseball record. Ten runners crossed home plate before the first out of the game against St. Louis. 1912 - Royal Flying Corps was established in England.
1913 - Igor Sikorsky flew the first four engine aircraft.
1917 - Three peasant children near Fatima, Portugal, reported seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary.
1918 - The first airmail postage stamps were issued with airplanes on them. The denominations were 6, 16, and 24 cents.
1926 - In Warsaw, Joseph Pilsudski had President Wojciechowski arrested.
1927 - "Black Friday" occurred in Germany.
1940 - Winston Churchill made his first speech as the prime minister of Britain.
1949 - The first gas turbine to pump natural gas was installed in Wilmar, AR.
1954 - U.S. President Eisenhower signed into law the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Act.
1958 - French troops took control of Algiers.
1958 - U.S. Vice President Nixon's limousine was battered by rocks thrown by anti-U.S. demonstrators in Caracas, Venezuela.
1967 - Mickey Mantle hit his 500th homerun.
1968 - Peace talks between the U.S. and North Vietnam began in Paris.
1975 - Hailstones the size of tennis balls hit Wenerville, TN.
1981 - Pope John Paul II was shot and seriously wounded in St. Peter's Square by Turkish assailant Mehmet Ali Agca.
1982 - The Chicago Cubs became the first major league baseball team to win 8,000 games.
1985 - Tony Perez became the oldest major league baseball player to hit a grand slam home run at the age of 42 and 11 months.