The Planning Inspectorate 3/15 Eagle Wing Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6NP

20th October 2017

Dear Sir / Madam

REF: APP/Y0435/W/17/3180590 Woburn Sands Town Council along with three residents of the parish and our ward Councillor all spoke at the Development Control meeting of Milton Keynes Council which refused the permission for this application. We attach copies of these speeches for your information. In the discussion which followed among members of the Development Control panel, stress was laid on the unsuitability of the site re parking arrangements and concern expressed about the closeness of local primary schools to this fast food outlet, amongst other points. We presume you will receive minutes of this meeting. We would like to emphasise the following two key issues: 1(i) Parking is inadequate both for the HGV delivery of ingredients for the making of the pizzas and for the distribution vehicles to supply the pizzas to customers. The suggested condition of HGV deliveries being restricted to 7.00-9.00am will not solve the problem as this is an exceptionally busy time in and out of Russell Street for the start of the school day at Fulbrook and Swallowfield schools including the school buses. 1.(ii) Furthermore the parking of an HGV outside the premises and blocking number 5 Station Road at the same time will also block visibility for exiting vehicles from Russell Street increasing the likelihood of an accident. 1.(iii) The likelihood of up to 12 vehicles wanting a parking space to make deliveries of pizzas at peak times is equally problematic. Russell Street has a large number of homes without drives and residents’ cars fill the street in the evenings. During daytime hours, Russell Street is also the access point for the Town’s public Car Park as well as a new development of 20 flats and three houses situated off the car park access road. The nearby part of Station Road is almost always full of parked cars. 2.(i) The site for the Dominos outlet is not in the core High Street shopping area and it is in the Conservation Area. Thus nearby residents will suffer considerable inconvenience through noise of vehicles coming and going and potentially blocking their driveways. 2.(ii) The changed frontage and signage does nothing whatsoever to enhance the Conservation Area but instead offers a further deterioration with yet more corporate branding. We are disappointed that at no point has Dominos Pizzas made any attempt to discuss these issues with the Town Council. We would be very happy to meet with you to answer any questions you may have when you visit the site for an Inspection, and hope you will be persuaded of the unsuitability of this location for this application and uphold the Development Control’s decision.

Yours sincerely

Lynne Stapleton Town Clerk