Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

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Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

.NO.______Date of issue______

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) DEHRADUN – 248 005

TENDER DOCUMENTS (Non-transferable) (NIT NO. 12/IIP/Cleaning & Housekeeping Services/Gen. 12)



S.N. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1. Notice Inviting Tender (detailed) 1-5 2. Quotation 6 3. Terms & Conditions 7-8 4. Agreement 9-12 5. Annexure `A’ 13 6. Status of firm 14


1. Tender documents are non-transferable and can only be used by the Contractor to whom these are issued.

2. Tenderer should ensure that they have received all the above papers.

3. All these documents are to be returned, duly signed by the Tenderer on each page while submitting the offer.

TENDER ISSUED TO M/s______Mobile No.______Telephone No.______Email______


NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (No. 13/IIP/Cleaning & Housekeeping Services/Gen. 13)

Sealed tenders are invited from those registered contractors who fulfill the eligibility criteria given below for the job contract of providing services of Cleaning & Housekeeping of its building and office campus.

Eligibility Criteria : a) Contractors should be registered and possess a valid license under the provisions of Contract Labour (regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. b) Contractors must have experience of satisfactory completion of one job of Rs. 5 Lakhs or two jobs of Rs. 3 Lakhs, three similar jobs contracts in last five years of value of a minimum of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs for the job contract of Cleaning & Housekeeping Services. c) The tenderers are required to produce proof of work experience, EPF & ESI Registration valid Labour License, till 31.12.2014, list of clients / Govt. Deptt proof of satisfactory services issued by the clients, infrastructure along with copy of latest income tax return filed and service tax clearance certificate in original for verification and one photocopy for submission at the time of request for purchase of tender documents. d) The contractor has to comply with the provisions made under the Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and other provisions under laws as applicable in Uttarakhand i.e. reckoning of basis of tender rates will be the minimum wages payable in Uttarakhand State either Central Govt. or State Govt. whichever is higher. e) The Tenderers are expected to quote reasonable rates of service charge and if it is noticed that the rates quoted by the Tenderers are unusually high and unusually low, it will be sufficient cause for rejection of their tenders unless the authorities are convinced about the reasonableness of the rates. f) The duration of the contract shall be for a period of two year from the date of the commencement of the work.

The tender documents with detailed terms & conditions can be obtained from Section Officer, General Section, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Mohkampur, Haridwar Road, Dehradun on payment of Rs. 568.00 (Rs. Five hundred sixty eight only) (Non- refundable) by A/C payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director IIP, Dehradun or by making cash payment with Cashier, IIP on any working day between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. from 2412.2013 to 10.01.2014 The two envelope one containing financial bid only and other envelope containing EMD, copy of valid license, experience certificate, EPF & ESI registration, list of clients, I.T. Return form, Service Tax clearance, and all other requisite documents along with EMD of Rs. 40000.00 (Rs. forty

thousand only) for the work of Cleaning & Housekeeping Services in the form of A/payee D.D from any scheduled Bank in favour of the Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun may be submitted super-scribing on both the envelope. Tender for providing “Cleaning & Housekeeping Services” to the Controller of Administration, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun. Incomplete tenders or tender received without EMD will be rejected outrightly. The last date of submission of tender is 15.01.2014 (till 2:30 p.m.). Tenders received by due date and time will be opened on the same day at 3:30 p.m. in the Auditorium at ground floor of the Institute, in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representative if any.

The Director, IIP Dehradun reserves the right to reject / accept any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.


NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (No. 12/IIP/Cleaing & Housekeeping Services/Gen. 12

1. Indian Institute of Petroleum, invites tenders from reputed valid licensed contractor under the provision of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 for providing Cleaning & housekeeping services of its premises located at Mohkampur, Haridwar Road, Dehradun (U.K.) on job contract basis.

2. Contract will be initially for a period of two year.

3. Contractor with experience and presently handling similar contracts of Govt. / Semi-Govt./Autonomous Bodies may submit their tenders with following details :

a) Attested copy of certificate / License issued by the appropriate authority b) Proof of annual turn over. (Last three financial years) c) Status : Whether proprietor / firm / company d) Experience e) Customers satisfactory proof f) Attested copies of Registration and accounts nos. of EPF and ESI.

4. Tender documents along with detailed terms and conditions of the work can be obtained by the Contractors fulfilling the above mentioned conditions on payment of Rs. 568.00 (non-refundable/non-transferable) by A/C payee D.D drawn in favour of Director IIP Dehradun, or by making cash payment with Cashier, IIP from the General Section of the Institute during office hours between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on any working day from 24.12.2013 to 10.01.2014.

5. Contractors may submit their tenders in two sealed cover envelopes superscribed with “Tender for Cleaning & Housekeeping Services at IIP campus” addressed to Controller of Administration” Indian Institute of Petroleum, Haridwar Road, Mohkampur, Dehradun along with EMD of Rs. 40000.00 (Rs. One lakh only) in the form of D.D in favour of Director, IIP, Dehradun upto 2.30 p.m. on 15.01.2014 which will be opened on the same day at 3:30 p.m. in the presence of the Contractors, or their representative if any.

6. Tenders received after due date & time and or without EMD shall be rejected.

7. Canvassing in connection with the tenders is prohibited and the tenders submitted by the Contractor who resort to canvassing is liable for rejection.

8. The tenderers shall not be permitted to tender for work in the concerned unit of CSIR/IIP in which, relative is posted in the grade between Controller of Administration and Junior Engineer (both inclusive). The contractor shall also intimate the name of the persons who are working with him in any capacity or subsequently employed by him and who are relatives as mentioned above. (Note : A person shall be deemed to be a relative of another if, and only if, (a) they are members of a Hindu undivided family (b) they are husband and wife (c) the one is related to the other in the following manner : father, mother (including step mother), son (including step son), Son’s wife, Daughter, (including step daughter), Father’s : father, Son’s son, Son’s son’s wife, Son’s daughter, Son’s daughter’s husband, Daughter’s husband, Daughter’s son, Daughter’s sons’s wife, Daughter’s daughter, Daughter’s daughter’s husband, Brother (including step brother), Brother’s wife, Sister (including step sister), Sister’s husband.

9. The tenderer shall quote rates of service charge in percentage only..

10. The tenderer should inspect the site and quote the rates after assessing the work requirement.

11. Earnest Money will be forfeited if the contractor fails to commence the work as per the award letter for the work.

12. Except writing rates of service charges in percentage only, the tenderer should not write any condition or make any changes, additions, alterations and modification in the printed form of tenders. Tenderes who are desirous to offer rebate the same should be brought out or clearly mentioned separately in the covering letter and submitted along with the tender. Conditional tender will be summarily rejected.

13. The firm should have telephone facilities round the clock.

14. The firm should have its own head office / branch office locally in Dehradun (U.K.)

15. The Director, IIP reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offers without assigning any reasons. CONTROLLER OF ADMINISTRATION


Name of the work : Cleaning & Housekeeping Services


Rates Schedule :

S.N. Particulars No. of persons (MinimumRate per person per month (RatesTotal Amount nos. of persons – 19) are to be quoted in the respect(Per to month) the Minimum Wages Act of 1948 and as applicable as per Central / Uttarakhand State Whichever is higher). 1. Unskilled manpower 19 Rs. (In figure) Rs. (In figure) for Cleaning & ______Housekeeping Service (In words)______(In words)______per______person per month (Minimum______Wages only)

In addition to the minimum wages for providing manpower for Cleaning & Housekeeping Service (un- skilled), mentioned above the following charges are also livable :

Break-up Amount Rs. (Fig.) Amount Rs. (Words) a) EPF (13.61%) Rs.______Rs.______b) ESI (4.75%) Rs.______Rs.______c) %age of Service Charges Rs.______Rs.______on minimum wages as per S.N. 1 above d) Bonus @ Rs.______Rs.______e) Service Tax @ Rs.______Rs.______

Total Rs.______Rs.______Note :

Please fill up all the columns otherwise the tender is liable to be rejected. Service charges are payable on basic minimum wages without inclusive of any amount.





The Contractors registered under the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and possesses valid licenses are eligible to bid for this contract. It should be ensured that there should be no legal or any other bar for him in this respect. The contractor shall be solely liable for any violation of the provisions of the said Act or any other related Act.


The Contractor shall provide CLEANING & HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE arrangement of the building / premises of the Institute as mentioned in the enclosed Annexure – A Before tendering, the tenderer should inspect the site / location to fully acquaint himself with the condition in regard to accessibility of site / location, nature of work, working condition, conditions affecting accommodation and movement of labour etc. required for satisfactory execution of labour contract. No claim whatsoever will be entertained for any alleged ignorance or otherwise under any circumstances after the award of the contract.


The duration of the contract shall be for a period of two year from the date of commencement of the work which can be curtailed by the Employer if the work is not upto the mark by giving 15 days notice.


3.01 The tendered shall quote rate of service charge in percentage only and keep it in the financial bid envelope. 3.02 Except writing rates of service charge in percentage only the tenderer should not write any conditions or make any changes, additions, alterations and modifications in the tender. Tenderers who are desirous to offer rebate, the same should be brought out mentioned separately in the covering letter and submitted along with the technical bid tender. Conditional tender will be summarily rejected.

3.03 While quoting the amount, the contractor must keep in view that -

i) The laboratory shall reimburse the amount of service tax, if any paid by the contractor to the authorities on account of the services rendered by him. This reimbursement shall be admissible on production of proof of original deposit of the same by the contractor.

ii) Contractor will arrange tools etc. and make own arrangement for storing the tool. Contractor has to arrange workers of different categories depending upon the nature of work as will be directed at site.

3.04 The tenderer must ensure that the wages to be paid to the workers engaged against the contract should not be less than the minimum wages as per the Minimum Wages Act, as amended from time to time.


Income tax, as applicable, will be deducted from the monthly bill of the contractor.


The contractor shall furnish to the laboratory a security deposit equal to one month wages by way of Bank Guarantee or Fixed Deposit Receipt.


6.01 The contractor shall keep the CSIR indemnified against all claims whatsoever in respect of the employees deployed by the contractor. In case any employee of the contractor so deployed enters in dispute of any nature whatsoever, it will be the primary responsibility of the contractor to contest the same. In case CSIR is made party and is supposed to contest the case, the CSIR/IIP will be compensated/ reimbursed by the contractor, the actual expenses incurred towards Counsel fee and other expenses. The contractor shall pay the amount in advance to CSIR on demand. Further, the contractor shall ensure that no financial or any other liability comes on CSIR/ IIP in this respect and shall keep CSIR/IIP indemnified. 6.02The contractor shall further keep the CSIR indemnified against any loss to the CSIR property and assets. The CSIR shall have the right to adjust and / or deduct any of the amounts as aforesaid from the payments due to the contractor under this contract.


The contract agreement as per Annexure – B is to be signed by the contractor before commencement of the work. The Earnest Money shall be forfeited if the contractor fails to execute the agreement within the period specified in the award of work and start work accordingly.


8.1 the contractor must possesses a valid license under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 from Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) or Asstt. Labour Commissioner (Central), Dehradun before the commencement of work and continue to have the same till completion of the contract. The contractor shall also maintain all statutory records as may be required from time to time under the said Act and furnish the same for verification by the Employer / Labour Authority as and when required. The contractor shall also abide by the provisions of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and as amended from time to time.

8.02 The contractor will provide minimum labours for this work of services as mentioned in the quotation. No worker deployed by the previous contractor will be re-deployed by the new contractor. The contractor will also provide photograph and brief bio- data of the workers deployed by him.

8.03 The persons deployed by the contractor for the servies mentioned above shall be the employees of the contractor for all intents and puposes and that the persons so deployed shall remain under the conrol and supervision of the contractor and in no case, a relationship of ‘Employer’ and “Employee” between the said persons and the IIP (CSIR) shall accrue / arise implicitly or explicitly.

8.04 In case any of the persons so deployed by the contractor does not come upto the mark or does not perform his duties properly or indulges in any unlawful riots or disorderly conduct, the contractor shall immediately withdraw and take suitable action against such persons on the report of the Laboratory / CSIR in this respect. Further, the contract or shall immediately replace the particular person so deployed on the demand of the Director of the Laboratory, in case of any of the aforesaid acts on the part of the said person. 8.05 For performing duties, the contractor shall deploy persons in eight hours and as per the requirement of the job. The contractor shall ensure that the persons are punctual and disciplined in performance of their duty. It is further agreed that the contractor shall engage medically and physically fit persons preferably below the age of 50 years, but not below the age of 18 years. If the contractor provides services on National Holidays / Sunday, he should take proper approval from the Competent Authority before providing service.

8.06 The contractor shall at his own cost, if required, take necessary insurance cover in respect of the persons employed for the aforesaid services to IIP and shall comply with the statutory provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. Employees State Insurance Act; Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923; Payment of Wages Act, 1936; The Employees Provident Fund (and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1952; The payment of Bonus Act, 1965; The Minimum Wages Act, 1948; Employer’s Liability Act, 1938; Employment of Children Act, 1938 and / or any other Rules / regulations and / or statutes that may be applicable to them and shall further keep the IIP indemnified from all acts of omission, fault breaches and / or any claim, demand; loss, injury and expense arising out from the non compliance of the aforesaid statutory provision. Contractor’s failure to fulfill any of the obligations hereunder and / or under the said Acts, rules / regulations and / or any bye-laws or rules framed under any of these, IIP/CSIR shall be entitled to recover any such losses or expenses which it may have to suffer or incur on account of such claims, demands, loss or injury from the contractor’s monthly payments.

8.07 The contractor shall submit the proof of having deposited the amount of contribution claimed by him on account of ESI & EPF towards the persons deployed at IIP buildings in their respective names before submitting the bill for the subsequent month. In case the contractor fails to do so, the amount claimed towards ESI & EPF contribution will be withheld till submission of required documents.

8.08 The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful riots or disorderly conduct or acts of his employees so deployed and ensure preservation of peace and protection of persons and property of IIP / CSIR.

8.09 The contractor shall deploy his persons in such a way that they get weekly rest. The working hours / leave for them, do not violate relevant provisions of Shops and Establishment Act. The contractor shall in all dealings with the persons in his employment have due regard to all recognize festivals, days of rest and religious or other customs. In the event of the contractor committing a default or breach of any of the provisions of the Labour Laws including the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 as amended from time to time or furnishing any information, or submitting or filling any statement under the provisions of the said regulations and rules which is materially incorrect, they shall without prejudice to any other liability, pay to the Director of the laboratory a sum as may be claimed by laboratory.

8.10 Contractor will be responsible for qualitative Cleaning & Housekeeping Services in IIP.

8.11 the contractor must have local office situated in Dehradun city in order to have efficient handling and supervision.


In case, the contractor violates any of the terms and conditions of the agreement or commits any fault or their services are not to the entire satisfaction of officer authorized by the Director of the Lab in this behalf, a penalty leading to a deduction upto a maximum of 10% of the total amount of bill for a particular month will be imposed.


8.1 The contractor shall be terminated on any of the following contingencies :-

a) On the expiry of the contract period as stated above, b) By giving one month’s notice by IIP / CSIR on account of :

i) committing breach by the contractor of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement. ii) Assigning the contract or any part thereof to any sub-contractor by the contractor without written permission of the laboratory. c) On contract being declared insolvent by competent Court of Law.

8.2 During the notice period for termination of the contract, in the situation contemplated above, the contractor shall keep on discharging his duties as before till the expiry of notice period.

8.3 It shall be the duty of the contractor to remove all the persons, deployed by him, on termination of the contract, on any ground whatsoever and ensure that no person creates any disruption / hindrance / problem of any nature for laboratory / CSIR.

8.4 The Director, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM, DEHRADUN will have the right to terminate the contract at any time without assigning any reasons.


10.1 In the event of any question, dispute / difference arising under the contract or agreement or in connection herewith (except as to matters the decision of which is specially provided under the agreement) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of Director-General, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, or his nominee. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding on the parties. 10.2 Subject to the aforesaid provisions, the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules made hereunder and any modification thereof from time to time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause.


Tenders submitted by the contractor shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of opening for the purpose of acceptance and award of work and validity beyond 180 days from the date of opening shall be by mutual consent.

The Director, IIP Dehradun does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender or any other tender and reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender without assigning any reasons and the tenderer shall be bound to comply with the same at the rates quoted.

Canvassing in any form in connection with the tender is prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractor/s who resort to canvassing are liable for rejection.

Controller of Administration ANNEXURE `A

The Contractor’s scope of work shall consist of providing Cleaning and Housekeeping Services, which includes Cleaning, Sweeping & Mopping of floors, Cleaning of Glass panes and general cleaning as under :-

Lab. : 280 Guest House : 64 rooms Bathroom : 80

Approximately 97,000 s.q.m (Ninety seven thousand only) consisting of main Laboratory, Pilot, Sheds, Development Laboratories, Guest House, Hostel, Canteen, Health Centre, Auditorium, Library, etc; including the toilets and sweeping of roads in front of Main Laboratory and Auditorium, cleaning of drains, disposal of garbage, etc.

Signature of Tenderer INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM, DEHRADUN (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)



The following information / documents are furnished is support of the status of the company / firm.

1. Name of the firm ______2. Registration No. ______3. License No. issued by Labour Deptt. ______4. Valid upto ______5. EPF Account No. ______6. ESI Registration No. ______7. Proof of Annual Turnover ______8. Experience ______(Please specify the name of organization and no. of workers supplied, and cost of work)

9. Customers satisfaction certificate issued by the Deptt. Where the contractor is rendering services. ______



Name of the work : Cleaning & Housekeeping Services


Rates Schedule :

S.N. Particulars No. of persons Rate per person per month Total Amount (Minimum nos. no .of (Rates are to be quoted in (Per month) persons – 19) the respect to the Minimum Wages Act of 1948 and as applicable as per Central / Uttarakhand State Whichever is higher). 1. Unskilled manpower for 19 Rs. (In figure) Rs. (In figure) Cleaning & Housekeeping ______Service (In words)______(In words)______per ______person per month (Minimum ______Wages only)

In addition to the minimum wages for providing manpower for Cleaning & Housekeeping Service (un-skilled), mentioned above the following charges are also livable :

Break-up Amount Rs. (Fig.) Amount Rs. (Words) a) EPF (13.61%) Rs.______Rs.______b) ESI (4.75%) Rs.______Rs.______c) %age of Service Charges Rs.______Rs.______on minimum wages as per S.N. 1 above d) Bonus @ Rs.______Rs.______e) Service Tax @ Rs.______Rs.______

Total Rs.______Rs.______Note :

Please fill up all the columns otherwise the tender is liable to be rejected. Service charges are payable on basic minimum wages without inclusive of any amount.

Date of issue______

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) DEHRADUN – 248 005

TENDER DOCUMENTS (Non-transferable) (NIT NO.IIP/Wild Growth Cutting/Gen. 12)



S.N. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1. Notice Inviting Tender (detailed) 1-5 2. Quotation 6 3. Terms & Conditions 7-8 4. Agreement 9-12 5. Annexure `A’ 13 6. Status of firm 14


1. Tender documents are non-transferable and can only be used by the Contractor to whom these are issued.

2. Tenderer should ensure that they have received all the above papers.

3. All these documents are to be returned, duly signed by the Tenderer on each page while submitting the offer.

TENDER ISSUED TO M/s______Mobile No.______Telephone No.______Email______



NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (No. IIP/Wild Growth Cutting Services/Gen. 12)

Sealed tenders are invited from those registered contractors who fulfill the eligibility criteria given below for the job contract of providing services of Wild Growth Cutting of its building and office campus.

Eligibility Criteria : a) Contractors should be registered and posses a valid license holder under the provisions of Contract Labour (regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. b) Contractors must have experience of satisfactory completion of one job of Rs. 3.5 Lakhs or two jobs of Rs. 2.5 Lakhs, three similar jobs contracts in last five years of value of a minimum of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs for the job contract of Wild Growth Cutting Services. c) The tenderers are required to produce proof of work experience, EPF & ESI Registration valid Labour License, till 31.12.2013, list of clients / Govt. Deptt proof of satisfactory services issued by the clients, infrastructure along with copy of latest income tax return filed and service tax clearance certificate in original for verification and one photocopy for submission at the time of request for purchase of tender documents. d) The contractor has to comply with the provisions made under the Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and other provisions under laws as applicable in Uttarakhand i.e. reckoning of basis of tender rates will be the minimum wages payable in Uttarakhand State either Central Govt. or State Govt. whichever is higher. e) The duration of the contract shall be for a period of two year from the date of the commencement of the work.

The tender documents with detailed terms & conditions can be obtained from the Office of the Section Officer, General Section, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Mohkampur, Haridwar Road, Dehradun on payment of Rs. 568.00 (Rs. Five hundred sixty eight only) (Non-refundable) by A/C payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director IIP, Dehradun or by making cash payment with Cashier,IIP on any working day between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. from 05.11.2012 to 16.11.2012 The two bid envelope one containing financial

bid only and other envelope containing EMD, copy of valid license, experience certificate, EPF & ESI registration, list of clients, I.T. Return form, Service Tax clearance, and all other requisite documents along with EMD of Rs100,000.00 (Rs. One lakh only) for the work of Wild Growth Cutting Services in the form of A/C payee D.D from any scheduled Bank in favour of the Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun may be submitted super-scribing on both the envelope “Two Bid Tender for providing “Wild Growth Cutting Services” to the Controller of Administration, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun. Incomplete tenders or tender received without EMD will be rejected straight away. The last date of submission of tender is 20.11.2012 (till 3:00 p.m.). Tenders received by due date and time will be opened on the same day at 3:30 p.m. in the Auditorium at ground floor of the Institute, in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representative if any.

The Director, IIP Dehradun reserves the right to reject / accept any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.


NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (No.IIP/Wold Growth Cutting/Gen. 12

1. Indian Institute of Petroleum, invites tenders from reputed valid licensed contractor under the provision of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 for providing Wild Growth Cutting services of its premises located at Mohkampur, Haridwar Road, Dehradun (U.K.) on job contract basis.

2. Contract will be initially for a period of two year.

3. Contractor with experience and presently handling similar contracts of Govt. / Semi-Govt./Autonomous Bodies may submit their tenders with following details :

a) Attested copy of certificate / License issued by the appropriate authority b) Proof of annual turn over. (Last three financial years) c) Status : Whether proprietor / firm / company d) Eperience e) Customers satisfactory proof f) Attested copies of Registration and accounts nos. of EPF and ESI.

4. Tender documents along with detailed terms and conditions of the work can be obtained by the Contractors fulfilling the above mentioned conditions on payment of Rs. 568.00 (non-refundable/non-transferable) by A/C payee D.D drawn in favour of Director IIP Dehradun, or by making cash payment with Cashier, IIP from the General Section of the Institute during office hours between 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on any working day from 01.10.2012 to 12.11.2012.

5. Contractors may submit their tenders in two sealed cover envelopes superscribed with “Tender for Cleaning & Housekeeping Services at IIP campus” addressed to Controller of Administration” Indian Institute of Petroleum, Haridwar Road, Mohkampur, Dehradun along with EMD of Rs. 100,000.00 (Rs. One lakh only) in the form of D.D in favour of Director, IIP, Dehradun upto 3.00 p.m. on 20.112.2012 which will be opened on the same day at 3:30 p.m. in the presence of the Contractors, or their representative if any.

6. Tenders received after due date & time and or without EMD shall be rejected.

7. Canvassing in connection with the tenders is prohibited and the tenders submitted by the Contractor who resort to canvassing is liable for rejection.

8. The tenderers shall not be permitted to tender for work in the concerned unit of CSIR/IIP in which, relative is posted in the grade between Controller of Administration and Junior Engineer (both inclusive). The contractor shall also intimate the name of the persons who are working with him in any capacity or subsequently employed by him and who are relatives as mentioned above. (Note : A person shall be deemed to be a relative of another if, and only if, (a) they are members of a Hindu undivided family (b) they are husband and wife (c) the one is related to the other in the following manner : father, mother (including step mother), son (including step son), Son’s wife, Daughter, (including step daughter), Father’s : father, Son’s son, Son’s son’s wife, Son’s daughter, Son’s daughter’s husband, Daughter’s husband, Daughter’s son, Daughter’s sons’s wife, Daughter’s daughter, Daughter’s daughter’s husband, Brother (including step brother), Brother’s wife, Sister (including step sister), Sister’s husband.

9. The tenderer shall quote rates of service charge in percentage only..

10. The tenderer should inspect the site and quote the rates after assessing the work requirement.

11. Earnest Money will be forfeited if the contractor fails to commence the work as per the award letter for the work.

12. Except writing rates of service charges in percentage only, the tenderer should not write any condition or make any changes, additions, alterations and modification in the printed form of tenders. Tenderes who are desirous to offer rebate the same should be brought out or clearly mentioned separately in the covering letter and submitted along with the tender. Conditional tender will be summarily rejected.

13. The firm should have telephone facilities round the clock.

14. The firm should have its own head office / branch office locally in Dehradun (U.K.) 15. The Director, IIP reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offers without assigning any reasons.





The Contractors registered under the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and possesses valid licenses are eligible to bid for this contract. It should be ensured that there should be no legal or any other bar for him in this respect. The contractor shall be solely liable for any violation of the provisions of the said Act or any other related Act.


The Contractor shall provide Wild Growth Cutting Services arrangement of the building / premises of the Institute as mentioned in the enclosed Annexure – A Before tendering, the tenderer should inspect the site / location to fully acquaint himself with the condition in regard to accessibility of site / location, nature of work, working condition, conditions affecting accommodation and movement of labour etc. required for satisfactory execution of labour contract. No claim whatsoever will be entertained for any alleged ignorance or otherwise under any circumstances after the award of the contract.


The duration of the contract shall be for a period of two year from the date of commencement of the work which can be curtailed by the Employer if the work is not upto the mark by giving 15 days notice.

3.0 QUOTATION 3.01 The tendered shall quote rate of service charge in percentage only and keep it in the financial bid envelope.

3.02 Except writing rates of service charge in percentage only the tenderer should not write any conditions or make any changes, additions, alterations and modifications in the tender. Tenderers who are desirous to offer rebate, the same should be brought out mentioned separately in the covering letter and submitted along with the technical bid tender. Conditional tender will be summarily rejected.

3.03 While quoting the amount, the contractor must keep in view that -

i)The laboratory shall reimburse the amount of service tax, if any paid by the contractor to the authorities on account of the services rendered by him. This reimbursement shall be admissible on production of proof of original deposit of the same by the contractor.

ii)Contractor will arrange tools etc. and make own arrangement for storing the tool. Contractor has to arrange workers of different categories depending upon the nature of work as will be directed at site.

3.04 The tenderer must ensure that the wages to be paid to the workers engaged against the contract should not be less than the minimum wages as per the Minimum Wages Act, as amended from time to time.


Income tax, as applicable, will be deducted from the monthly bill of the contractor.


The contractor shall furnish to the laboratory a security deposit equal to one month wages by way of Bank Guarantee or Fixed Deposit Receipt.


6.01 The contractor shall keep the CSIR indemnified against all claims whatsoever in respect of the employees deployed by the contractor. In case any employee of the contractor so deployed enters in dispute of any nature whatsoever, it will be the primary responsibility of the contractor to contest the same. In case CSIR is made party and is supposed to contest the case, the CSIR/IIP will be compensated/ reimbursed by the contractor, the actual expenses incurred towards Counsel fee and other expenses. The contractor shall pay the amount in advance to CSIR on demand. Further, the contractor shall ensure that no financial or any other liability comes on CSIR/ IIP in this respect and shall keep CSIR/IIP indemnified.

6.02The contractor shall further keep the CSIR indemnified against any loss to the CSIR property and assets. The CSIR shall have the right to adjust and / or deduct any of the amounts as aforesaid from the payments due to the contractor under this contract.


The contract agreement as per Annexure – B is to be signed by the contractor before commencement of the work. The Earnest Money shall be forfeited if the contractor fails to execute the agreement within the period specified in the award of work and start work accordingly.


8.01. the contractor must possesses a valid license under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 from Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) or Asstt. Labour Commissioner (Central), Dehradun before the commencement of work and continue to have the same till completion of the contract. The contractor shall also maintain all statutory records as may be required from time to time under the said Act and furnish the same for verification by the Employer / Labour Authority as and when required. The contractor shall also abide by the provisions of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and as amended from time to time.

8.02. The contractor will provide minimum labours for this work of services as mentioned in the quotation. No worker deployed by the previous contractor will be re- deployed by the new contractor. The contractor will also provide photograph and brief bio-data of the workers deployed by him.

8.03. The persons deployed by the contractor for the servies mentioned above shall be the employees of the contractor for all intents and puposes and that the persons so deployed shall remain under the conrol and supervision of the contractor and in no case, a relationship of ‘Employer’ and “Employee” between the said persons and the IIP (CSIR) shall accrue / arise implicitly or explicitly.

8.04. In case any of the persons so deployed by the contractor does not come upto the mark or does not perform his duties properly or indulges in any unlawful riots or disorderly conduct, the contractor shall immediately withdraw and take suitable action against such persons on the report of the Laboratory / CSIR in this respect. Further, the contract or shall immediately replace the particular person so deployed on the demand of the Director of the Laboratory, in case of any of the aforesaid acts on the part of the said person.

8.05. For performing duties, the contractor shall deploy persons in eight hours and as per the requirement of the job. The contractor shall ensure that the persons are punctual and disciplined in performance of their duty. It is further agreed that the contractor shall

engage medically and physically fit persons preferably below the age of 50 years, but not below the age of 18 years. If the contractor provides services on National Holidays / Sunday, he should take proper approval from the Competent Authority before providing service.

8.06. The contractor shall at his own cost, if required, take necessary insurance cover in respect of the persons employed for the aforesaid services to IIP and shall comply with the statutory provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. Employees State Insurance Act; Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923; Payment of Wages Act, 1936; The Employees Provident Fund (and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1952; The payment of Bonus Act, 1965; The Minimum Wages Act, 1948; Employer’s Liability Act, 1938; Employment of Children Act, 1938 and / or any other Rules / regulations and / or statutes that may be applicable to them and shall further keep the IIP indemnified from all acts of omission, fault breaches and / or any claim, demand; loss, injury and expense arising out from the non compliance of the aforesaid statutory provision. Contractor’s failure to fulfill any of the obligations hereunder and / or under the said Acts, rules / regulations and / or any bye-laws or rules framed under any of these, IIP/CSIR shall be entitled to recover any such losses or expenses which it may have to suffer or incur on account of such claims, demands, loss or injury from the contractor’s monthly payments.

8.07. The contractor shall submit the proof of having deposited the amount of contribution claimed by him on account of ESI & EPF towards the persons deployed at IIP buildings in their respective names before submitting the bill for the subsequent month. In case the contractor fails to do so, the amount claimed towards ESI & EPF contribution will be withheld till submission of required documents.

8.08. The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful riots or disorderly conduct or acts of his employees so deployed and ensure preservation of peace and protection of persons and property of IIP / CSIR.

8.09. The contractor shall deploy his persons in such a way that they get weekly rest. The working hours / leave for them, do not violate relevant provisions of Shops and Establishment Act. The contractor shall in all dealings with the persons in his employment have due regard to all recognize festivals, days of rest and religious or other customs. In the event of the contractor committing a default or breach of any of the provisions of the Labour Laws including the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 as amended from time to time or furnishing any information, or submitting or filling any statement under the provisions of the said regulations and rules which is materially incorrect, they shall without prejudice to any other liability, pay to the Director of the laboratory a sum as may be claimed by laboratory.

8.10 Contractor will be responsible for qualitative Cleaning & Housekeeping Services in IIP.

8.11. the contractor must have local office situated in Dehradun city in order to have efficient handling and supervision.


In case, the contractor violates any of the terms and conditions of the agreement or commits any fault or their services are not to the entire satisfaction of officer authorized by the Director of the Lab in this behalf, a penalty leading to a deduction upto a maximum of 10% of the total amount of bill for a particular month will be imposed.


10.01.The contractor shall be terminated on any of the following contingencies :-

a) On the expiry of the contract period as stated above, b) By giving one month’s notice by IIP / CSIR on account of :

i. committing breach by the contractor of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement. ii. Assigning the contract or any part thereof to any sub-contractor by the contractor without written permission of the laboratory. c) On contract being declared insolvent by competent Court of Law.

10.02.During the notice period for termination of the contract, in the situation contemplated above, the contractor shall keep on discharging his duties as before till the expiry of notice period.

10.03.It shall be the duty of the contractor to remove all the persons, deployed by him, on termination of the contract, on any ground whatsoever and ensure that no person creates any disruption / hindrance / problem of any nature for laboratory / CSIR.

10.4 .The Director, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM, DEHRADUN Will have the right to terminate the contract at any time without assigning any reasons.

11.0 ARBITRATION 11.1 In the event of any question, dispute / difference arising under the contract or agreement or in connection herewith (except as to matters the decision of which is

11.2 specially provided under the agreement) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of Director-General, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, or his nominee. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding on the parties.

Subject to the aforesaid provisions, the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules made hereunder and any modification thereof from time to time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause.


Tenders submitted by the contractor shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of opening for the purpose of acceptance and award of work and validity beyond 180 days from the date of opening shall be by mutual consent.

The Director, IIP Dehradun does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender or any other tender and reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender without assigning any reasons and the tenderer shall be bound to comply with the same at the rates quoted.

Canvassing in any form in connection with the tender is prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractor/s who resort to canvassing are liable for rejection.

Controller of Administration ANNEXURE `A

The Contractor’s scope of work shall consist of providing Cleaning and Housekeeping Services, which includes Cleaning, Sweeping & Mopping of floors, Cleaning of Glass panes and general cleaning as under :-

Lab. : 280 Guest House : 64 rooms Bathroom : 80

Approximately 97,000 s.q.m (Ninety seven thousand only) consisting of main Laboratory, Pilot, Sheds, Development Laboratories, Guest House, Hostel, Canteen, Health Centre, Auditorium, Library, etc; including the toilets and sweeping of roads in front of Main Laboratory and Auditorium, cleaning of drains, disposal of garbage, etc.

Signature of Tenderer INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM, DEHRADUN (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)



The following information / documents are furnished is support of the status of the company / firm.

1. Name of the firm ______2. Registration No. ______3. License No. issued by Labour Deptt. ______4. Valid upto ______5. EPF Account No. ______6. ESI Registration No. ______7. Proof of Annual Turnover ______8. Experience ______(Please specify the name of organization and no. of workers supplied, and cost of work)

9. Customers satisfaction certificate issued by the Deptt. Where the contractor is rendering services. ______


INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM, DEHRADUN (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)



Rates Schedule: Wild Growth Cutting Services at IIP, Dehra Dun

S.N. Particulars No. of Rate per person per month (are to be quoted in Total persons(Minimum respect of the minimum wages Act and amount Wages Nos. of applicable as per central/Uttarakhand State (Per persons-12) whichever higher). month) 1. Unskilled 12 Rs. (in Rs. (in manpower figure)------figure---- for wild ------growth (In ------(In cutting words)------words)------per person per month (minimum wage ------only) ------In addition to the minimum wages for providing manpower for wild growth cutting service (un-skilled) mentioned above the following charges are also livable

Break up Amount Rs. (Fig.) Amount Rs. (Words)

a) EPF (13.61%) Rs. ------Rs.------b) ESI(4.75%) Rs.------Rs.------C) %age of Service Charges on Rs.------Rs.------Minimum wages as per S.L. 1 above d) Bonus @ Rs.------Rs.------e) Service Tax @ Rs.------Rs.------______- Total Rs.------Rs------

Note: Please fill up all the columns otherwise the tender is liable to be rejected. Service charges are payable on basic minimum wages without inclusive of any amount. Dr. Prasad S Dhurjati Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering & Mathematical Sciences University of Delaware 267 Colburn Laboratory 150 Academy Street Newark, DE 19716-3110, USA

Dr. Eric Benazzi Director (Marketing) Axens IFP Group Technologies 89, Bd Franklin Roosevelt- BP 50802 92508 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex-France

Mr. Prabhakar R Satbhai Regional Manager for FCC Technology for Asia Pacific & India GSMY-GSRC Shell Global Solutions (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Level 19, Tower 2, Petronas Twin Towers, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Prof Kwon-Taek Lim Dean of Industry-University Cooperation Foundaiton Pukyong National University 365, Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan 608-739 Korea

Prof Dr. Matthias Beller Executive Director (Applied Homogeneous Catalysis) Leibniz Institute for Catalysis at University of Rostok Albert Einstein Str. 29A 18059 Rostock Germany

Dr. V Narayana Kalevaru Group Leader Gas Phase Oxidation Leibniz Institute for Catalysis at University of Rostock Albert Einstein Str. 29A 18059 Rostock, Germany Dr. G P Rangaiah (Rangaiah Gade Pandu) Associate Professor Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering National University of Singapore Engineering Drive 4, Singapore 117576

Mr. Bhavik R Bakshi Professor The Ohio State University Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engg. 140 West 19th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210, USA

Prof. Annette L Sobel The University of Missouri 410 S. Sixth Street, Room 101 The University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211, USA

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