The W. L. Gilbert School Corporation Regular Meeting Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A meeting of the W. L. Gilbert School Corporation was held March 18, 2009, in the school library. The meeting was called to order by S. Sedlack, Chair, at 7:00 P.M. Other members attending were Richard Dutton, Elaine Fortuna, Philip Groth, Susan Hoffnagle, Rose Molinelli, Charles Seaback, Mark Svonkin, and Linda Vaccari. Also attending were Matthew Palmer, Eric Parsons, Jacqueline Vaccari; Student Representatives, David Cressy, Superintendent; Diane Cook, Business.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led, and Mission Statement read by Phil Groth.

Public Forum: None

Student Representatives: Eric, Jackie and Matthew reported on:  CAPT testing completed.  Class choices have begun for next school year.  Sports teams- basketball did not finish well, wrestling won Berkshire League.  Leo Club Students went to United Nations and attended UNICEF meeting.  Pasta Dinner will be held Mar 21st.  M.I.O.S.M. concert presented.  Rehearsals for Beauty and the Beast being held. Performances Mar 27-29.  DECA conference – One student going to California  Student Council won contest w/ Regional, collecting $500 for charity.  Dr. Dutton introduced the Board and explained the make-up and responsibilities.

Call for agenda items – none

Monthly School Presentation - Dan Hatch introduced John Higgins of the World Language Department. Mr. Higgins gave an overview of the department and fielded questions regarding the language program. He also presented his proposal for a trip to Italy in April, 2010 for 10-30 students.

The Board acknowledged Mr. Higgins’ impressive credentials and thanked him for his excellence in the field of his expertise.

Approval of Minutes – A motion was made by M. Svonkin, seconded by L. Vaccari, to approve the minutes of January 20, 2009 (Special Joint Meeting). Voted: YEAS 9 , NAYS 0 , ABSTAINED 0

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A motion was made by L. Vaccari, seconded by R. Dutton, to approve the minutes of January 21, Annual meeting. Voted: YEAS 9 , NAYS 0 , ABSTAINED 0

A motion was made by R. Molinelli, 2nd by P Groth, to approve the minutes of January 21, 2009 Regular Meeting. YEAS 9 , NAYS 0 , ABSTAINED 0

A motion was made by L. Vaccari, seconded by M. Svonkin, to approve the minutes of February 4, 2009 Special meeting. Voted: YEAS 9 , NAYS 0 , ABSTAINED 0

A motion was made by M. Svonkin, seconded by L. Vaccari , to approve the minutes of February 25, 2009, Special meeting, as corrected. (Pg.2 Para 2 Voted Yeas 4, Nays 1 (P. Groth) Abs. 2 (Dutton, Hoffnagle) Voted: YEAS 8 , NAYS 0 , ABSTAINED 1 (C. Seaback did not attend that meeting)

Committee Reports:

Finance – C. Seaback reported on the meeting of March 18, 2009.  Finance report for Jan/Feb. was reviewed.  Diane distributed adjusted budget.  Next meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2009 .

Personnel –S. Sedlack, Chair, No meeting, no report. Personnel matters will be discussed later in executive session. Next meeting to be determined.

Policy - L. Vaccari, Chair, reported:  No meeting to report  Meeting scheduled for April 10, 2009 will be rescheduled due to Good Friday.

Building & Grounds - M. Svonkin, Chair, Principal Hatch reported:  Meeting held March 18, 2009  CREC audit to assess heating and electricity needs reviewed. Recommendations for savings determined to be very helpful.  Boilers are still operating.  Dr. Dutton asked if the Trust would be involved in the capital improvements.  M. Svonkin explained that the building improvements were the responsibility of the School Board. Possible Town Bonding, State funds, and many other factors would have to be considered.  Dr. Cressy said that Federal Funds under the stimulus package were designated for the public schools, not endowed academies.

Next meeting scheduled for May 20, 2009

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Long Range Planning – S. Sedlack, Chair

 Report of Meetings held February 24 and March 18th.  Three area of issues are being addressed due to the changes in economy, politics, etc.  Jonathan Costa is leading the group , an executive summary will be presented.  Next meeting will be held in early April.

Approval of Technology Plan – A motion was made by E. Fortuna, seconded by M. Svonkin to approve the Educational Technology Plan as presented (with minor typographical corrections) and authorize Superintendent Cressy to forward the plan to the State Department of Education. Voted: unanimously approved.

Approval of Field Trips A motion was made by M. Svonkin, seconded by R. Molinelli to approve the request of a trip to Italy April 17-25, 2010 by John Higgins for approx. 20 students, subject to Supt. reserving the right to cancel. Unanimously approved.

A motion was made by M. Svonkin, seconded by xxxxxxxx to approve the request of a trip to Anaheim, California April 28-May 3, 2009 by John Dombrowski for one student in DECA program, subject to Supt. reserving the right to cancel. Unanimously approved.

A motion was made by R. Molinelli, seconded by R. Dutton to approve the request of a trip to Gettysburg, PA , May 7 and 8th by Maura Hurley and Wendy Sultaire, for approx. 50 American Studies students, subject to Supt. reserving the right to cancel. Unanimously approved.

Superintendent and Principal’s Report – Dr. Cressy reported:  Graduation date changed to June 23rd .  Hartland student count – (10 students)  Letter from W.B.O.E. Supt. regarding xxxxxxxxx  After review of tapes of WBOE meeting, some encouragement for avoiding arbitration.  Suggestion that parties agree to meet to discuss, share information, off record. Whole boards being present.

A 5 minute recess was called by Chairman Sedlack. Meeting re-convened at 9:20 PM.

A motion was made by M. Svonkin, seconded by S. Hoffnagle to request Gilbert’s Superintendent to approach the Winchester Superintendent to propose a joint meeting of both Boards to be held on April 6, 2009 at The Gilbert Library of both Boards to discuss the Gilbert Board’s Budget and impact of potential cuts on educational and extracurricular programs and to seek a consensus to a reasonable budget.

Subject to:

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1) No party will use any evidence in any subsequent proceeding;

2) No attorneys representing either Board will be present;

3) The date for designation of a mediator is postponed to April 7, 2009.

Voted: unanimously approved.

 Dr. Cressy will be meeting with Clint Montgomery of Reg. #7 regarding several issues Gilbert’s designation.  Budget adoption, meeting on Thurs, Mar. 12, 2009

D. Hatch reported:  Gilbert Band  Public TV  Presentation on Drug/Alcohol use, 8th Graders included.  Working with 8th Grade incoming students.  Assessment in Math & Reading.  Course selection process.  Girls’ Basketball coach, Paul Grossman to get award at Mohegan Sun.  Staff had Irish Soda Bread contest for St. Pat’s Day.

A motion was made by P. Groth, seconded by R. Dutton to extend the meeting beyond 9:30 PM. Voted: Unanimously approved.

Board of Education reports

Hartland – P. Groth Budget has been set, under 1% increase. Lay-off of 2 teachers due to less students.

Winchester – Dr. Dutton and R. Molinelli, reported on the Winchester Board Meeting.  School redistricting plan (has met with some controversy, public comments so far quite negative)  Transportation of Hartford Academy students. (has been picked up outside of budget)

Board Chairman’s Report – S. Sedlack - none

Other -None

A motion was made by M. Svonkin, seconded by R. Molinelli, to enter into executive session inviting the superintendent for the following purposes:

1). To discuss a medically related request of a teacher.

2) To discuss the identification of individual employees who may be identified for termination or dismissal due to pending reduction cuts, since the possibly affected teachers have been notified and consented to other employment situations being discussed in executive session.

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Voted: unanimous approval.

Executive Session March 18, 2009

A motion was made by M. Svonkin and seconded by L. Vaccari to close Executive Session and resume the regular meeting at 10:20 PM.

The following motion was made by C. Seaback and seconded by M. Svonkin: In recognition of Rebecca Boller’s long service to The Gilbert School and her continued assistance to the substitute for her classes, the Board authorizes Superintendent Cressy to pay her the difference between the cost of her lost salary ($21,459.00) and the cost of the long-term substitute ($11, 484.25), totaling $9,974.75, as additional sick time, or 25.5 days. Voted: Unanimous approval.

The following motion was made by M. Svonkin and seconded by R. Molinelli:

The Board regrettably supports Superintendent Cressy recommendations and moves the elimination of the following five positions at the end of the 2008-2009 school year in order to meet the demands of a reduced budget: the Dean of Academic Affairs, 1 English teacher, 1 Science teacher, 1 Special Education teacher and 1 Math tutor. Voted: Unanimous approval.

A motion to adjourn at 10:26 PM was made by L. Vaccari and seconded by M. Svonkin.

Elaine Fortuna

Board Secretary

Respectfully submitted, Mary Allen E. Fortuna

Recording Secretary Board Secretary