Tongji Univesity School of Medicine

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Tongji Univesity School of Medicine

Tongji Univesity School of Medicine

2012-2013 the 1st semester

The examination paper of human anatomy II edition: A

Name : NO:

No I II III IV Total scores checker scores

I Select the one letter answer or completion that is best in each case (one choice one score, 50 in all)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

1. A patient sustains severe blunt trauma to the left upper abdomen and requires surgery. The most probably involved body organ is the ______A. appendix B. gallbladder C. pancreas

1 D. urinary bladder E. spleen

2. Bile enters the gastrointestinal tract at the A. horizontal part of duodenum B. descending part of duodenum C. ileocecum D. jejunum E. pyloric sphincter

3 ___ links the right and left sagittal fissures of the liver. A. porta hepatis B. portal vein C. hepatic artery D. hepatic nerve plexus E. gall bladder fossa

4. Which one is the most superficial of the abdominal wall? A. parietal peritoneum B. deep membranous layer (Scarpa fascia) C. superficial fatty layer (Camper fascia) D. extraperitoneal fat E. transversalis fascia

5. Rectus abdominis is described as ______A. The paired rectus muscles lie bilateral to the median line B. The rectus abdominis muscles are fully enclosed in the rectus sheath C. Tendinous intersections are firmly attached to the posterior layer of the rectus sheath D. The anterior layer of the rectus abdominis is only formed by the aponeurosis of external and internal oblique abdominis. E. The posterior layer of the rectus abdominis is formed by the aponeurosis of external and internal oblique abdominis .

6. The anterior and posterior vagal trunks pass through the diaphragm at ______A. caval opening

2 B. esophageal hiatus C. aortic hiatus D. the level of T8 vertebra E. the level of T12 vertebra

7. Which one of the following runs through within the rectus sheath? A. superior mesenteric artery B. superior mesenteric vein C. superior epigastric artery D. external iliac artery E. internal iliac artery

8. Which is the remnant of the umbilical vein and is enclosed by falciform ligament? A. the median umbilical folds B. the medial umbilical folds C. the lateral umbilical folds D. the round ligament of liver E. the umbilical fossa

9. The organ without mesentery is ______A. appendix B. cecum C. small intestine D. transverse colon E. rectum

10.The gastrohepatic ligament and hepatoduodenal ligament make up______A. falciform ligament B. round ligament C. greater omentum D. lesser omentum E. gastrocolic ligament

11. The jejunum and ileum are distinguished by all these characteristics except that______A. color of jejunum is deeper red compared with ileum

3 B. wall of jejunum is thicker compared with ileum C. arterial arcades of jejunum are a few larger loops than those of ileum D. the vasa recta of jejunum are shorter compared with ileum E. caliber of jejunum is larger compared with ileum

12. Which one mainly supplies the transverse colon? A. celiac trunk B. middle colic artery C. right and left colic artery D. inferior mesenteric artery E. sigmoid artery

13. Which of the following vein is NOT a direct tributary of inferior vena cava(IVC) A. left renal vein B. the left testicular vein C. the right renal vein D. the right testicular vein E. hepatic veins

14. During surgical removal of the uterus, which of the following would be found immediately inferior to the cardinal ligament? A. ovarian neurovascular bundle B. uterine tube C. round ligament of the uterus D. ureter E. obturator artery

15. The sympathetic nerves innervating the pelvic viscera include all the following EXCEPT ______A. inferior mesenteric plexus B. hypogastric plexus C. lumbar splanchnic nerves D. pelvic splanchnic nerves E. pelvic plexus

16. Tearing of the pelvic diaphragm during child-birth leads to paralysis of which of the following muscle? A. Piriformis

4 B. obturator internus C. levator ani D. sphincter urethrae E. sphincter ani externus

17. Which one usually gives off the middle rectal artery? A. lateral sacral artery B. inferior gluteal artery C. internal iliac artery D. internal pudendal artery E. superior gluteal artery

18. Which one is the inappropriate description of the pelvic splanchnic nerve? A. this nerve is preganglionic fiber B. this nerve comes from S2-S4 spinal cord segments. C. this nerve is postganglionic fiber D. this nerve enters pelvic plexus E. this nerve supplies pelvic viscera.

19. If a stab wound injures structures that leave the pelvis above the piriformis muscle, which of the following structures is most likely to be damaged? A. Sciatic nerve B. internal pudendal artery C. Superior gluteal nerve D. Inferior gluteal artery E. Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve

20. Which of the following statements is correct? A. The ovaries are enclosed in the broad ligament B. The position of the uterus changes with the degree of fullness of the bladder and rectum C. The ureter crosses superior to the uterine artery near the uterine cervix D. The normal position of the uterus is retroflexed and anteverted E The uterus is enclosed completely by peritoneum

21. Sacral plexus is formed by the______A. anterior rami of S1-S4 nerves B. anterior rami of L4 and L5 spinal nerves C. the lumbosacral trunk D. anterior rami of S1-S4 nerves and the lumbosacral trunk

5 E. anterior ramus of coccygeal nerve

22. All the following structures support the uterus except ______A. uterosacral ligament B. Ovarian ligament C. Road ligament of uterus D. Broad ligament of uterus E. Cardinal ligament of uterus

23. Which of following lobes of the prostate gland is commonly involved in benign hypertrophy and obstructs the prostatic portion of urethra? A. Anterior lobe B. Middle lobe C. Right lateral lobe D. Left lateral lobe E. Posterior lobe

24. During vaginal examination, which of the following structures may be palpated? A . apex of the urinary bladder B. Fundus of the uterus C. Terminal part of the round ligament of the uterus D. uterine tube E. uterine cervix

25. An abscess in the auditory tube may block a communication between the nasopharynx and which of the following structures? A. Vestibule of the inner ear B. Middle ear C. Semicircular canals D. External ear E. Inner ear

26. Which one of the following structures is located in the middle cranial fossa? A. foramen magnum B. jugular foramen C. cribriform plate D. hypoglossal canal E. foramen spinosum

6 27. Fracture of the foramen rotundum would cause a lesion of which of the following nerve? A. ophthalmic nerve B. optic nerve C. maxillary nerve D. mandibular nerve E. trochlear nerve

28. Which one of the following structures is the outstanding characteristic of the typical cervical vertebra? A. larger body B. longer spinous process C. vertebral foramen D. transverse foramina E. mamillary process

29. The infundibulum connects the pituitary gland to the ______. A. midbrain B. cerebrum C. hypothalamus D. thalamus E. epithalamus

30. The pineal gland is a part of ______. A. thalamus B. hypothalamus C. subthalamus D. epithalamus E. metathalamus

31. Which of the following nuclei in hypothalamus produces a hormone called vasopressin that is involved in preventing dehydration? A. paraventricular nucleus B. preoptic nucleus C. arcuate nucleus D. dorsomedial nucleus

7 E. ventromedial nucleus

32. The ridges that are found on surface of the brain are called ______. A. gyri B. sulci C. ganglia D. fissures E. gray matter

33. The basal ganglia includes corpus striatum, the claustrum, and______A. caudate nucleus B. lenticular nucleus C. dentate nucleus D. pontine nucleus E. amygdaloid body

34. Which of the following is correct regarding the internal capsule? A. It is V-shaped B. it contains the descending fibers of the upper motor neurons C. it contains the ascending fibers from thalamus D. it includes the optic radiation to the visual area in cerebral cortex E. all of the above

35. Induced by the development of intracranial hypertension, ______of cerebellum may be extruded into the foramen magnum of occipital bone. A. vermis B. flocculus C. tonsil D. cortex E. anterior lobe

36. The visual area lies in the cortex of ______sulcus and adjacent gyri. A. angular B. circular C. postcentral D. calcarine

8 E. collateral

37. The Purkinje cells receive direct inputs from ______fibers in the cerebellar cortex. A. mossy B. climbing C. parallel D. both B and C E. none of the above

38. Which of the following structures is not a part of limbic lobe? A. hippocampus B. cingulate gyrus C. insula D. lingual gyrus E. subcallosal gyrus

39. The abducent nerve innervates ______A. The lateral rectus muscles. B. All the muscles of facial expression. C. Muscles derived from gill arches. D. Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons. E. Striated muscle for lateral gaze.

40. Severance of the occulomotor nerve can cause which of the following conditions? A. Complete ptosis B. Abduction of the eyeball C. A constricted pupil D. Impaired lacrimal secretion E. Paralysis of the ciliary muscle

Which of the following cranial nerves contains only sensory fibers? A. facial nerve B. vagus nerve C. trigeminal nerve

9 D. vestibulocochlear nerve E. glossopharyngeal nerve

41. Cell bodies of the sensory neurons of the spinal nerves are located in ______. A. dorsal root ganglia of the spinal nerve B. ventral root ganglia of the spinal cord C. thalamus D. sympathetic ganglia E. parasympathetic ganglia

42. Which of the spinal nerves compose the cauda equina? A. coccygeal nerve B. lumbar, sacral and coccygeal nerves C. sacral nerve D. sacral and coccygeal nerves E. lumbar nerve

43. Neurons that control the skeleton muscles in spinal cord located in ______A. anterior horn of gray matter. B. lateral horn of gray matter. C. interneurons. D. posterior horn of gray matter E. gray matter laminae V of spinal cord

44. The nerves containing parasympathetic fibers are ______A. Abducent nerve B. Accessory nerve C. Trochlear nerve D. Hypoglossal nerve E. Facial nerve

45. Neural tract in spinal cord that convey kinesthetic(sense of position and movement) sense of limb and trunk is A. anterior spinothalamic tract B. reticulospinal tract C. fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus

10 D. posterior spinothalamic tract E. corticospinal tract

46. To sample cerebrospinal fluid in vertebral column, where is a relatively safe point for needle insertion? A. Between C-7 and T-1 vertebrate. B. Between L-3 and L-4 vertebrate. C. Between L-1 and L-2 vertebrate . D. Between T-12 and L-1 vertebrate. E. Between S2 and S4 vertebrate

47. Which cranial nerve controls the muscles involved in masticatory muscles? A. facial nerve B. glossopharyngeal nerve C. trigeminal neve D. vagus nerve E. abducent nerve

48. Sensory impulses from taste receptors are transmitted to the brain by which of the following cranial nerves? A. I, II and VIII B. III, IV and VI C. VII, IX and X D. VII and IX E. only IX

49. The jugular foramen provides a passageway through the cranium for which of the following cranial nerves? A. accessory and hypoglossal B. facial and vestibulocochlear C. olfactory and optic D. glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory E. oculomotor, trochlear and abducent

50. Death may result from bilateral severance of which of the following nerves? A. Trigeminal nerve

11 B. Facial nerve C.Vagus D. Spinal accessory nerve E. Hypoglossal nerve

II Please fill the blank. (one blank one score, 36scores in all ) 1. The deep inguinal ring is an evagination of the______fascia; and the superficial inguinal ring is a slit-like opening of the aponeurosis of______muscle.

2. The omental bursa communicates with the greater sac through the ______foramen.

3. The hepatic portal vein formed by the union of the______vein and the ______vein.

4. The duodenum has four parts, they are______part, ______part, ______part, and______part, respectively. ______supports the duodenojejunal flexure to the abdominal wall.

5. The three layers of kidney coverings are______, ______, ______. 6. Structures supporting ovary contain and ligament of ovary.

7 Terminal line (linea terminalis) forms the pelvic inlet, and the cavity inferior to the terminal line is called .

8. The anterior wall and medial wall of tympanic cavity is called and respectively;The scala tympanus communicates with the at the apex of the cochlea and ends at the window. 9. The vestibulocerebellum plays an important role in the maintenance of body ______. 10.In the dorsal thalamus, the ventral posteromedial nucleus receives the fibers of ______lemniscus; the ventral posterolateral nucleus receives the fibers of ______lemniscus and ______lemniscus.

12 11. The primary somatic sensory area is located in the ______gyrus and posterior part of paracentral lobule.

12. The lamina VII of spinal cord contains the ______nucleus in thoracic and upper lumbar region, and these neurons send preganglionic sympathetic fibers. The ______nucleus occupies a corresponding position in the lateral part of lamina VII of segments S2-S4 spinal cord, and the neurons there are parasympathetic preganglionic neurons.

13. On the surface of the spinal cord, six long longitudinal grooves can be observed, the deep one is ______and a shallow one is ______, two pairs of lateral grooves are ______and ______.

14. On the dorsal aspect of lower part medulla, on each side of the posterior median sulcus there are two elongated swellings. The medial one is ______which is produced by the underlying ______nucleus. The lateral one is the ______which is produced by the underlying ______nucleus.

III Name 10 different structures of this coronal section of brain.(one structure one score, 10 scores in all)

13 IV Please write structures indicated by the following letters(6 scores)








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