Memorial Elementary School PTO

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Memorial Elementary School PTO

Memorial Elementary School PTO

General Membership Meeting Minutes

November 11, 2014

Memorial Elementary School Library

(22 in attendance) Call to order: 6:31 PM

1. Welcome- PTO President- Jenn Pistone

a. Jenn welcomed everyone to the meeting.

b. A parent had contacted the PTO with concern over charging for Donuts for Dads because we have many families in need. While the decision to charge one dollar for this costly event was a new concept that all agreed to try out this year, Jenn asked Kati Mann to explain to everyone all of the ways the PTO and Memorial helps families in our school. Jenn told all that the PTO board welcomes all questions and concerns about any PTO event.

i. Kati welcomed everyone and explained many ways how our families in need are helped through Title One and PTO.

ii. She referred to Title One and explanation of the program referenced to October’s PTO meeting. (ie. We are a School- Wide Title One building which means all of the students reap benefits from this designation.)

iii. All 5th grade students were able to attend Mohican this year because of payment plans and one full scholarship was awarded.

iv. Memorial offers “Weekenders”, a program that gives students who receive free lunches a free bag of food to take home over the weekend-(currently 27 families participate). They are placed in student’s bookbags on Fridays. Brunswick City Schools is also giving those families who participate in Weekenders a free turkey for Thanksgiving (generously donated to the school district).

v. Mrs. Hrapshaw is working on a program to help needy families defray holiday expenses.

vi. “Hats Off” generated over $200 for children with cancer.

vii. Devil Dash is an exciting upcoming event with proceeds going to local families in need.

viii. Memorial Elementary assisted 14 students this year, financially, so that all Kindergarten, 4th & 5th grade students could go on their field trips to Severance Hall and Boyert’s Farm.

c. Kati Mann thanked all of the parents for their help supporting PTO functions. There are many ways that the PTO and Memorial Elementary help families throughout the school year. These are not often brought up or addressed, so it is a nice reminder of all that we offer.

2. Treasurer’s Report- Stacy Bardwell

a. Stacy discussed the report in detail.

b. Kim Hennigan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Stephanie McNeely seconded the motion.

i. In Favor: 22 Opposed: 0

ii. Motion Carried

3. Principal’s Report- Kati Mann

a. Last month at the meeting, we discussed possibly changing the school mascot from the Mustangs to the Blue Devils. Parents agreed that it offered a more “community feel” to the district, linking the mascot to middle school and high school. Students and faculty voted, and they unanimously chose to change the mascot to Memorial Blue Devils. b. The first “Owl Star” celebration will be held this week with cake and ice cream.

c. Kati used school money that she saved from this year and last year to purchase new software licenses for the students to use at school. We are excited to have Brain Pop, MobyMax, Starfall, ESGI, Reading A-Z and Science A-Z available for our students. Moby Max and Brain Pop can be accessed from home (links on Memorial’s homepage).

d. The 5th graders have designed covers for the upcoming yearbook. One student will be chosen for the cover this year, but a collage of other students’ work will be displayed on the back of the yearbook, giving more students an opportunity to display their artwork.

e. The Buddy Bench is now on the primary playground. This bench serves as a place for students to go if they don’t have a friend to play with or need to take a break from a current activity or friend on the playground. This is to be used as a positive area. Mrs. Hrapshaw will be addressing students about the bench and its purpose.

f. 3rd Grade Guarantee letters were sent home. If anyone has a question or concern, please contact Mrs. Mann.

4. Approved Minutes from October Meeting- Christine Vozar

a. Parul Sindha made the motion to approve October minutes. Tammy McMillen seconded the motion.

a.i. In favor: 22 Opposed: 0

a.ii. Motion Carried

5. Upcoming Events

a. 11/13-11/14- Donuts with Dad b. 11/13- Picture retakes

c. 11/14- Peer Leadership Day, Owl Star Celebration, Bob Evans Night (6am-10pm), OSU Spirit Wear Day

d. 11/17-21- Staff Turkey Competition- donations go to Brunswick families in need

e. 11/20- Skate Night 6:30-8:30pm

f. 11/21- Browns Spirit Wear Day

g. 11/22- Devil Dash and Walk @BHS Stadium begins at 9am

h. 11/25- Memorial Messenger Deadline, PTO Board Meeting 8:45am

i. 11/26-28- No School- Thanksgiving Break

j. 12/1-19- Christmas Crusade/Canned Food Drive

k. 12/2- Market Day pick up 5:30-6:30pm, PTO meeting 6:30-7:30, Cavs Spirit Day

l. 12/2-5- Student Santa Shoppe in School

m. 12/5- Santa Shoppe (Winter Wonderfest) Family Night

6. Committee Chair People

a. Santa Shoppe-

a.i. Tammy McMillen is calling the event a Winter Wonderfest, as she will be setting up many events for students around the building. There will be a cake walk, crafts, games, Santa visit, dance party and story time with Mrs. Claus.

a.ii. Tammy is looking for more volunteers to help with set-up and help during the Winter Wonderfest hours in the evening. Helpers may arrive as early as 9:30am to help set up Friday morning. There will be a Square reader available only at the gift table to accept credit cards from parents.

b. Skate Night-

b.i. Lisa Glass will be sending out flyers to go home with students on Monday.

7. New Business

a. Kati Mann told everyone that the 5th graders will be going to Hiram House in Moreland Hills (near Beachwood and Orange Schools) next Fall instead of Mohican. Financially, this makes more sense for our families. The cost is about $50-$75 less than the cost of Mohican’s fees, extra expenses and bussing. The dates set are 10/27-10/30. A parent mentioned that the 5th graders would miss their Halloween party, so Mrs. Mann is considering having their celebration either that Friday afternoon or on the following Monday, considering that they have their own combined party in the multi-purpose room anyhow. Parents will also have an opportunity to participate as Chaperones if they are able to stay 2 or 4 full days (there is a small fee for food/lodging). More details to come.

b. The City Business Manager contacted Mr. Mayell about a Tax Increase Financing Ordinance (TIF). 75% of city property taxes are being proposed to repair roads in areas where the new apartment complex is located (Skyview Dr./Pearl Rd.) This is very concerning for our schools. The state already cuts school funding and now local government could take future school funding if this goes through. As parents and members of the community, we are urged to voice our opinions and disappointment to our city council that potential school funds are being taken for road improvements. Please try to attend the city council meeting on November 24th at 7:30pm to express your concerns. This is the 3rd and final reading, so it is crucial that we parents speak up. Please wear Brunswick Blue to show that you oppose the TIF. You may also contact city council members and the information will be posted on the PTO Facebook page.

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Stacy Bardwell and seconded by Lisa Glass at 7:35 pm.

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