The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hackensack Was Held at City Hall s2

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The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hackensack Was Held at City Hall s2

City Council Resolutions, October 17, 2006


BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the bills in the following accounts be and are hereby ordered paid:

Current Fund $3,268,182.00 Escrow Account 4,909.08 Payroll Agency 226,355.69 Public Parking System 10,523.03 Capital Account 20,991.60 Trust Account 79,800.00

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso



BE IT RESOLVED that the above ordinance, being Ordinance 35-2006 as introduced as amended, does now pass on first reading and that said Ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on November 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the City Council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said Ordinance and that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish said Ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said Ordinance will be further considered for final passage.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso



BE IT RESOLVED that the above ordinance, being Ordinance 36-2006 as introduced as amended, does now pass on first reading and that said Ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on November 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the City Council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said Ordinance and that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish said Ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said Ordinance will be further considered for final passage.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, a Bergen County Community Development Block Grant Application in the amount of $1,069,250.00 has been proposed by the Madeline Corporation for Martin Luther King, Jr. affordable housing in the municipality of Hackensack; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Interlocal Services Act, Community Development funds may not be spent in a municipality without authorization by the Mayor and City Council; and

WHEREAS, the resolution does not obligate the financial resources of the municipality and is intended solely to expedite expenditure of the aforesaid Community Development funds; and

WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hackensack are in favor of this application as long as the said application conforms with all applicable zoning laws and regulations of the City of Hackensack.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hackensack hereby confirms endorsement of the aforesaid project as long as the project is built in accordance with and in compliance with all the applicable Zoning laws and regulations of the City of Hackensack and does not violate any of the said laws and regulations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the Director of the Bergen County Community Development Program.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, a Bergen County Community Development grant of $31,500.00 has been proposed by the Mayor and City Council for Barrier Free Curb Cuts in the municipality of Hackensack; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Interlocal Services Act, Community Development funds may not be spent in a municipality without authorization by the Governing Body; and

WHEREAS, the aforesaid project is in the best interest of the people of the City of Hackensack; and

WHEREAS, this resolution does not obligate the financial resources of the municipality and is intended solely to expedite expenditure of the aforesaid CD funds;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Body of the City of Hackensack hereby confirms endorsement of the aforesaid project; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the Director of the Bergen County Community Development Program so that implementation of the aforesaid project may be expedited.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the Mayor, City Clerk and the Superintendent of Public Works be and they hereby are authorized to execute a WQM- 003 form to be submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection by T&M Associates in connection with a treatment works approval permit application prepared in connection with the construction of the project known as the “River Street Relief Sewer” located in Block 61, Lot 11, Block 61, Lot 2, Block 59, Lot 1, Block 61.01, Lots 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 2.01, 2.02, 3, 4, Block 62, Lot 1 in the City of Hackensack.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of Hackensack believe that economic growth and development is an important priority for the future of Hackensack; and

WHEREAS, it is essential that the City of Hackensack conduct their own redevelopment site studies in order to ensure that the City’s opportunities and preferences are being examined sufficiently; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack has the power and authority to conduct such a study; and

WHEREAS, it is the perception and belief of the Mayor and Council that the following described properties may qualify to be an area in need of redevelopment as that term is defined by N.J.S.A. 40A:12 A-3

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack is hereby authorized to undertake a preliminary investigation to make such a determination pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6 that a study for redevelopment of the properties starting at the corner of Beech Street and West Railroad Ave running West to First Street, running South to Essex Street and running East along Essex Street to West Railroad Ave to Sussex Street, running West on Sussex Street to Newman Street to Atlantic Street, running East on Atlantic Street to West Railroad Ave and running North on West Railroad Ave to Beech Street.

Block 223 Lot 7 Located at 30 Newman St. Lot 11 (L12-13) Located at 167 Sussex St. Lot 14 (L15-23) Located at 165 Sussex St. Lot 24 Located at 184 Essex St.

Block 225 Lot 1 Located at 170 Sussex St. Lot 20 Located at 175 Atlantic St.

Block 226.01 Lot 1.01 Located at 240 Essex St. Lot 1.02 Located at First & Sussex St. Lot 1.03 Located at 10 First St. Lot 3 Located at 15 Lehigh St.

Block 226.02 Lot 11 (L12-14) Located at 202-208 Essex St. Lot 15 Located at 210-16 Essex St.

Block 227 Lot 1 Located at 41 Newman St. Lot 11 Located at 32 First St. Lot 12 (L13) Located at 40 First St. Lot 24 (L25) Located at 53 Newman St. Lot 26 Located at 51 Newman St. Lot 28 Located at 43 Newman St.

Block 228 Lot 11 Located at 52 First St. Lot 15 Located at 58 First St. Lot 19(L20) Located at 60 First St. Lot 40 Located at 59 Newman St. Lot 42(L43) Located at 63 Newman St. Lot 44(45-46) Located at 65 Newman St. Lot 47(48-49) Located at 71 Newman St.

Block 229 Lot 9(L10,17-27) Located at 210 Lee Pl. Lot 11(L12-24) Located at 70-72 First St. Lot 15(L16) Located at 74 First St. Lot 28(L29-39) Located at 199-201 Atlantic St. Lot 40(L41-43) Located at 83 Newman St. Lot 44 Located at 75 Newman St. Lot 46 Located at 73 Newman St.

Block 230 Lot 1 Located at 180-194 Atlantic St. Lot 3.01 Located at 102-108 First St. Lot 3.02 (L30) Located at 96 First St. Lot 4 (L5-6) Located at 114 First St. Lot 7 Located at 116-124 First St. Lot 12 Located at 203 Beech St. Lot 14 Located at 199 Beech St. Lot 16 Located at 195 Beech St. Lot 18 Located at 191 Beech St. Lot 19 Located at 189 Beech St. Lot 21 Located at 183 Beech St. Lot 22 Located at 181 Beech St. Lot 23 Located at 175 Beech St. Lot 24.01 Located at 169 Beech St. Lot 24.02 Located at 173 Beech St. Lot 24.03 Located at 161 Beech St. Lot 25 Located at 135 Railroad Ave. Lot 26 Located at Railroad Ave.* Lot 27 (L28) Located at 119-125 Railroad Ave. Lot 29 Located at 150 Atlantic St. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Members of the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack.

Roll Call: Ayes - Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of Hackensack believe that economic growth and development is an important priority for the future of Hackensack; and

WHEREAS, it is essential that the City of Hackensack conduct their own redevelopment site studies in order to ensure that the City’s opportunities and preferences are being examined sufficiently; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack has the power and authority to conduct such a study; and

WHEREAS, it is the perception and belief of the Mayor and Council that the following described properties may qualify to be an area in need of redevelopment as that term is defined by N.J.S.A. 40A:12 A-3

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack is hereby authorized to undertake a preliminary investigation to make such a determination pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6 that a study for redevelopment of the properties located West of State Street, and bordered by Trinity Place to the South, and bordered by Union Street to the West, and bordered by Central Avenue to the North, be conducted in order to examine its potential for a redevelopment site. The properties located within that site are as follows:

Block 305 Lot 2 Located at 189 State St. & 70 Trinity Pl. Lot 4 Located at 78 Trinity Pl.

Block 316 Lot 1 Located at 220 Union St. Lot 3 Located at 65 Central Ave.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Members of the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of Hackensack believe that economic growth and development is an important priority for the future of Hackensack; and

WHEREAS, it is essential that the City of Hackensack conduct their own redevelopment site studies in order to ensure that the City’s opportunities and preferences are being examined sufficiently; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack has the power and authority to conduct such a study; and

WHEREAS, it is the perception and belief of the Mayor and Council that the following described properties may qualify to be an area in need of redevelopment as that term is defined by N.J.S.A. 40A:12 A-3

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack is hereby authorized to undertake a preliminary investigation to make such a determination pursuant to N.J.S.A, 40A:12A-6 that a study for redevelopment of properties located within an area and bordered by Main Street to the East, and bordered by the Railroad to the South, State Street to the West, and Salem Street to the North, be conducted in order to examine its potential as a redevelopment site. The site includes the properties as follows:

Block 313 Lot 1 Located at 200-18 State St& 13-25 Banta Pl. Lot 5 Located at 207 Main St & 3-11 Banta Pl. Lot 6 Located at 199-205 Main St. Lot 7.01 (L9-10) Located at 191-195 Main St. Lot 8 Located at 197 Main St. Lot 11.01 Located at 181 Main St. Lot 11.02 Located at 187 Main St. Lot 12 Located at 185 Main St.

Block 314

Lot 1 Located at 226 State St. Lot 2 Located at 236-44 State St. Lot 6 Located at 17-19 Salem St. Lot 8 Located at 15 Salem St Lot 9.01 Located at 237 Main St. Lot 9.02 Located at 11 Salem St. Lot 9.03 Located at 231 Main St. Lot 10 Located at 227-29 Main St. Lot 11 Located at 223 Main St. Lot 12.01 Located at 10 Banta Pl. Lot 12.02 Located at 20-22 Banta Pl. Lot 12.03 Located at 213 Main St. Lot 12.04 Located at 215 Main St. Lot 12.05 Located at 215-1/2 Main St. Lot 12.06 Located at 217 Main St. Lot 12.07 Located at 219 Main St. Lot 12.08 Located at 221 Main St.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Members of the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of Hackensack believe that economic growth and development is an important priority for the future of Hackensack; and

WHEREAS, it is essential that the City of Hackensack conduct their own redevelopment site studies in order to ensure that the City’s opportunities and preferences are being examined sufficiently; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack has the power and authority to conduct such a study; and

WHEREAS, it is the perception and belief of the Mayor and Council that the following described properties may qualify to be an area in need of redevelopment as that term is defined by N.J.S.A. 40A:12 A-3

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack is hereby authorized to undertake a preliminary investigation to make such a determination pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6 that a study for redevelopment of the properties as follows:

Block 419

Lot 2 Located at 112 Passaic St. Lot 5 Located at 120 Passaic St. Lot 31 Located at 75-81 Anderson St. Lot 32 Located at 445 Park St. Lot 33 Located at 443 Park St. Lot 34 Located at 439 Park St. Lot 35 Located at 435 Park St. Lot 36 Located at 433 Park St. Lot 37 Located at 429 Park St. Lot 38 Located at 425 Park St. Lot 39 Located at 421 Park St.

Block 420

Lot 1.01 Located at 70 Anderson St. (formerly known as Lot 1) Lot 1.02 Located at 29 Pangborn Pl. (formerly known as Lot 1A) Lot 3 Located at 74 Anderson St. Lot 4 Located at 80 Anderson St. Lot 5 Located at 82 Anderson St. Lot 6 Located at 86 Anderson St. Lot 7 Located at 88 Anderson St. Lot 8 Located at 90 Anderson St. Lot 10 Located at 96 Anderson St. Lot 11 Located at 100 Anderson St. Lot 12 Located at 102 Anderson St. Lot 13 Located at 106 Anderson St. Lot 14 Located at 108 Anderson St. Lot 15 Located at 114-116 Anderson St.

Block 425

Lot 1 Located at 123 Anderson St.

Block 426

Lot 2 Located at 126 Anderson St. Lot 4.01 Located at 54-56 Linden St. Lot 4.02 Located at 128-134 Anderson St. Lot 6 Located at 62 Linden St. Lot 7 Located at 115 Maple Ave. Lot 8 Located at 111 Maple Ave. Block 427

Lot 1 Located at 80 Linden St.

The total area equals 6.10 acres and the investigation by the Planning Board shall be conducted in order to examine its potential as a redevelopment site.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Members of the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack.

Roll Call: Ayes- Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of Hackensack believe that economic growth and development is an important priority for the future of Hackensack; and

WHEREAS, it is essential that the City of Hackensack conduct their own redevelopment site studies in order to ensure that the City’s opportunities and preferences are being examined sufficiently; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack has the power and authority to conduct such a study; and

WHEREAS, it is the perception and belief of the Mayor and Council that the following described properties may qualify to be an area in need of redevelopment as that term is defined by N.J.S.A. 40A:12 A-3

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack is hereby authorized to undertake a preliminary investigation to make such a determination pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6 that a study for redevelopment of the properties as follows:

Block 82.01

Lot 2 Located at Green St. Lot 3 Located at 81-87 Green St. Lot 4.01 Located at Green St. Lot 4.02 Located at 83 Green St. Lot 4.03 Located at Green St. Lot 5 (L6-9) Located at 63 Green St. Lot 10 (L11-12) Located at 55 Green St. Lot 13 (L14) Located at 49 Green St. Lot 15 (L16-21) Located at 35-47 Green St. Lot 25.01 Located at 9-17 Green St. Lot 25.02 Located at 21-25 Green St. Lot 27 Located at 137 Essex St. Lot 28 Located at 141 Essex St. Lot 30.01 Located at 149 Essex St. Lot 30.02 Located at 147 Essex St. Lot 30.03 Located at 151 Essex St.

Block 89 Lot 1.01 Located at 200 South Newman St. Lot 1.02 Located at 301 Lodi St. Lot 1.03 Located at 277 Lodi St. Lot 108 Located at 204 South Newman St.

Block 90

Lot 14.02 Located at South Newman St. Lot 20 Located at South Newman St. Lot 42.01 Located at 171 South Newman St. Lot 42.02 Located at 205 South Newman St. Lot 43 Located at 185 South Newman St.

Block 95

Lot 1.01 Located at 214-234 South Newman St. Lot 1.02 Located at 210 South Newman St. Lot 1.03 Located at 211 South Newman St. Lot 1.04 Located at 215 South Newman St. Lot 10.9 Located at Kenneth St.

Block 100.01

Lot 2.01 Located at 344 Lodi St. Lot 2.02 (L2.03) Located at 123-133 South Newman St. Lot 3.01 Located at 88 Polifly Rd. Lot 11 Located at 99 South Newman St. Lot 12.01 Located at 55 South Newman St. Lot 12.02 Located at 71 South Newman St. Lot 12.03 Located at 67 South Newman St.

Block 100.02

Lot 1 (L2-8,21-28) Located at 215 Elleen Terr. Lot 9 Located at 236 Polifly Rd..

Block 100.03

Lot 1 Located at 200 Elleen Terr. Lot 25 Located at 205 Mary St.

Block 100.04

Lot 1 (L25-29) Located at 195 Kenneth St.

Block 100.05

Lot 1 (L2,3,25-30) Located at 171 Kenneth St. Lot 4 (L5-7) Located at 194 Daniel St.

Block 100.06

Lot 1 Located at 345 Lodi St. Lot 8 (L9-10) Located at 216 Charles St.

Block 100.07

Lot 1 (L2-3) Located at 290 Lodi St. Lot 4 (L5) Located at 5 Owens Rd. Block 100.08

Lot 1 Located at 300 Lodi St. Lot 2 Located at 116 South Newman St. Lot 4 (L5-8) Located at 20 Owens Rd. Lot 9 Located at 110-112 South Newman St. Lot 10 Located at 60 South Newman St. Lot 14.01 Located at 30 South Newman St. Lot 14.02 Located at 193 Essex St.

The investigation by the planning board of the above properties shall be conducted in order to examine its potential as a redevelopment site.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Members of the Planning Board of the City of Hackensack.

Roll Call: Ayes - Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the following organization be granted permission to conduct a Raffle in accordance with the application on file in the office of the City Clerk:

RA: 1811 – Temple Beth El

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program (State) provides loans and/or grants to municipal and county governments for assistance in the acquisition and development of lands for outdoor recreational and conservation purposes; and

WHEREAS, the City of Hackensack desires to further the public interest by obtaining a loan of $63,000 and/or a grant of $737,000 from the State to fund the Hackensack High School Athletic Field; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the governing body resolves that Stephen Lo Iacono, or the successor to the office of City Manager, is hereby authorized to:

(a) Make an application for such a loan and/or grant; (b) Provide additional information and furnish such documents as may be required (c) Act as the authorized correspondent of the above named applicant; and

WHEREAS, the State shall determine if the application is complete and in conformance with the scope and intent of the Green Acres Program, and notify the City of the amount of the funding award; and WHEREAS, the City of Hackensack is willing to use the State’s funds in accordance with such rules, regulations and applicable statutes, and is willing to enter into an agreement with the State for the above named project;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack:

1. That the City Manager of the above named body is hereby authorized to execute an agreement and any amendments thereto with the State for the Hackensack High School Athletic Field project, and;

2. That the City of Hackensack has its matching share of the project, if a match is required in the amount of $737,000.

3. That, in the event the State’s funds are less than the total project cost specified above, the City has the balance of funding necessary to complete the project;

4. The City of Hackensack agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations in its performance of the project;

5. That this resolution shall take effect immediately.

Roll Call: Ayes - Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program (State) provides loans and/or grants to municipal and county governments for assistance in the acquisition and development of lands for outdoor recreational and conservation purposes; and

WHEREAS, the City of Hackensack desires to further the public interest by obtaining a grant of $350,000 from the State to fund the Hackensack River Waterfront Corridor; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the governing body resolves that Stephen Lo Iacono, or the successor to the office of City Manager, is hereby authorized to:

(d) Make an application for such a loan and/or grant; (e) Provide additional information and furnish such documents as may be required (f) Act as the authorized correspondent of the above named applicant; and

WHEREAS, the State shall determine if the application is complete and in conformance with the scope and intent of the Green Acres Program, and notify the City of the amount of the funding award; and

WHEREAS, the City of Hackensack is willing to use the State’s funds in accordance with such rules, regulations and applicable statutes, and is willing to enter into an agreement with the State for the above named project;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack: 1. That the City Manager of the above named body is hereby authorized to execute an agreement and any amendments thereto with the State for the Hackensack River Waterfront Corridor, and;

2. That the City of Hackensack has its matching share of the project, if a match is required in the amount of $350,000.

3. That, in the event the State’s funds are less than the total project cost specified above, the City has the balance of funding necessary to complete the project;

4. The City of Hackensack agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations in its performance of the project;

5. That this resolution shall take effect immediately.

Roll Call: Ayes - Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that City Manager Stephen Lo Iacono be and hereby is authorized to execute form TWA-1 in connection with the Treatment Works Approval Permit Application for property located at River Street between East Kansas and East Broadway, Hackensack, New Jersey.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Mcneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, Bergen County Community Development grants have been proposed by the following organizations located in the municipality of Hackensack, New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Interlocal Services Act, Community Development funds may not be spent in a municipality without authorization by the Mayor and City Council; and

WHEREAS, this resolution does not obligate the financial resources of the municipality and is intended solely to expedite expenditure of the aforesaid Community Development funds.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hackensack hereby confirms endorsement of the following projects; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the Director of the Bergen County Community Development Program so that implementation of the aforesaid projects may be expedited.

Upper Main Alliance Signage Program $ 92,000.00

Friendship House The Treatery on Main $412,500.00

Martin Luther King Jr. Senior Center New Senior Center $575,000.00

New Hope Baptist Church New Family Life Center $1,600,000.00

BC Div. Of Family Guidance Program for Homeless Youth $ 30,000.00

Salvation Army Feeding Program $ 10,000.00

BC CAP, Inc. Child Development Program $ 84,032.00

BC CAP, Inc. Homeless Shelter $177,399.00

Heightened Independence (HIP) Project Outreach $ 54,873.00

Fair Housing Council Discrimination/Housing Counseling $255,000.00

Friendship House Handicapped Accessible Vehicle $ 40,170.00

Volunteer Center of BC Chore Service $ 18,000.00

Community Resource Council Helpline Service $ 25,000.00

Volunteer Center of BC Parent Aides for Teens $ 25,000.00

MLK Jr. Senior Center After School Program $ 40,000.00

MLK Jr. Senior Center Program Coordinator/Supplies $ 59,900.00

BCHC Tenant Outreach Tenant Outreach/Guidance $122,000.00

ARC of Bergen/Passaic Renovation – 223 Moore St. $105,500.00

Bridge Haven Housing Permanent Supportive Housing $ 15,187.50

ARC of Bergen/Passaic Living/Family Support Program $ 13,000.00

Roll Call: Ayes - Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the proper officers be and are hereby authorized to make the following refund for the reason stated:


$ 1,059.85 3 21,C0310 Mattalian, Cindy 2005 ERR PMT 710.20 17 10,C003B Cowan, Gary Michael 2005 “ “ 1,183.54 17 22 Gugino, Adam 2005 “ “ 2,500.89 20 28 Luppino, Charles Jr. 2005 “ “ 987.00 37 9 DeCarvalho, Albino M. & Isaura O. 2005 “ “ 1,172.50 43 6 Thompson, Barry J. 2005 “ “ 1,824.00 53 11 Campoverde, Nelson & Ondina 2005 “ “ 1,641.60 68 6 Cilli, Giorgio & Elena 2005 “ “ 1,189.00 71 1 Colon, Maximo 2005 “ “ 2,033.00 74 5 Siguencia, Trancito 2005 “ “ 1,048.00 75.01 16 Morquecho, Nelson & Beatriz 2005 “ “ 1,568.00 119 40 Gutierrez, Alvaro & Rosario 2005 “ “ 939.00 122 1,C003B Thomas, Charlene 2005 “ “ 1,146.15 122 1,C004J Lopes, Rui 2005 “ “ 1,473.00 124.04 1 Perez, Jorge & Alba 2005 “ “ 1,388.00 124.04 15 Colon, Ileana & John 2005 “ “ 1,832.00 133.01 49 Wilson, Lennox & Hazel 2005 “ “ 333.95 141 20 Loughlin, Brian & Patricia 2005 “ “ 6,003.00 209 1 Lancaster Property Management LLC 2005 “ “ 571.00 219 5,C001D Benalcazar, Jorge & Italia 2005 “ “ 959.27 219 25,C002B Martin, Lawrence L. 2005 “ “ 990.00 228 42 Paponette, Carlyle 2005 “ “ 5,190.00 230 29 RPM Group 2005 “ “ 49.60 237 2B,CG139 Platt, John C. 2005 “ “ 47.91 237 2B,CG178 Frost, Ruth 2005 “ “ 941.00 238 5,C004E Strasser & Associates 2005 “ “ 1,340.00 238 8,C004C Pitters, Amoy 2005 “ “ 1,103.00 238 8,C026D Reina, Corinne 2005 “ “ 1,004.00 306 7 Remache, Luis & Magdalena 2005 “ “ 3,983.00 315 4 254 State Street Realty 2005 “ “ 1,363.28 321 17 Baker, Derik J.M. & Lief, Melissa 2005 “ “ 791.74 330 17.01 Hutchinson, Carol 2005 “ “ 15.50 333 6 Trammell, Juanita 2005 “ “ 773.00 341 8,C0S2C Ene, Constantin & Rodica 2005 “ “ 240.00 343 10,C002B Countrywide Home Loans 2005 “ “ 1,249.11 343 10,C003C Maneckshana, Arnaz 2005 “ “ 791.74 344 16,C006B Mercer, Kristin L. 2005 “ “ 3,400.25 344 16C008H Gunchenko, Nina 2005 “ “ 1,700.00 344 16C008H Gunchenko, Nina 2006 “ “ 1,896.00 23 64 Macias, Edison & Monsereate 2005 “ “ 114.52 23 64 Macias, Edison & Monsereate 2006 “ “ 850.86 344 16,C010B Yuzon, Amparo 2005 “ “ 1,735.00 349 14 Provenzano, Carmelo & Christina 2005 “ “ 445.00 353 63,C0070 Ariosa, Bonjing 2005 “ “ 1,508.00 420 26 Soto, Roberto & Catalina 2005 “ “ 1,006.00 421 8,C0063 DePalma, Richard 2005 “ “ 872.00 424 1.02 Samber, Theron B. & Flora L. 2005 “ “ 788.00 428 1,C004A Ryan, Margaret 2005 “ “ 1,170.00 435 1,C0S8F Adamson, Frances 2005 “ “ 1,698.00 435 38 Siguenza, Angel 2005 “ “ 1,103.00 435 42,C0211 Whitcomb, Gerald & Dana R. 2005 “ “ 821.00 436 7,C003E Goodridge, Donna M. 2005 “ “ 1,339.00 438 5 Brown, Lucille & Nadia & Duncan, Pat 2005 “ “ 1,036.74 438 18 Fraser, Kathleen & Lee, Curtis C. 2005 “ “ 1,829.00 439 40 Sharif, Brownita 2005 “ “ 960.00 442 11,C003G Agnello, Laurie 2005 “ “ 1,525.44 442 11,C005C Woods, James T. 2006 “ “ 2,018.00 443 65 Mohammed, Ali & Maria 2005 “ “ 1,986.00 451 6 Proulx, Scott D & DiCarlo, Michael P 2005 “ “ 2,959.78 452 14,C002H Niederman, Janet D. 2005 “ “ 1,573.96 455.01 8 Fields, Michele 2005 “ “ 1,166.00 502 28 Merino, Ruth 2005 “ “ 1,217.00 506 23 Elvin, Diane A. 2005 “ “ 1,999.40 518 47,C0002 Zamora, Pilar 2005 “ “ 1,314.00 518 47,C0002 “ “ 2006 “ “ 1,304.80 518 47,C0002 “ “ 2004 “ “ 2,044.00 521 43 Sanchez, Gustavo & Rosa M. 2005 “ “ 45,720.00 527 7.01 The Hampshire Co. 2005 “ “ 11,612.60 527 5.03 “ “ “ 2005 “ “ 11,116.00 527 5.03 “ “ “ 2006 “ “ 19,675.39 529 12 “ “ “ 2005 “ “ 18,832.00 529 12 “ “ “ 2006 “ “ 1,222.31 529 16 “ “ “ 2005 “ “ 1,170.00 529 16 “ “ “ 2006 “ “ 885.00 537 4,C0106 Portillo, Nelly & Miguel E. 2005 “ “ 899.00 83 18 Terranova, Alexander 2006 “ “

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso


WHEREAS, since their institution in 1977 as part of the package of bills establishing the Property Tax Relief Fund, funded by New Jersey’s first Income Tax, the artificial limits on local budgetary discretion contained in the local government CAP law have, repeatedly, proved to be unworkable and in need of amendment in times of fiscal stress; and

WHEREAS, the latest amendments to the CAP law were enacted in 2004 as part of Governor McGreevey’s FAIR Plan, which was supposed to provide short term property tax relief and produce long term property tax reform, the CAP amendments being a part of the short term relief component; and

WHEREAS, those 2004 amendments drastically lowered the CAP, eliminated important exceptions to the CAP and severely limited the use of ‘CAP banking,’ which is crucial to municipal intermediate range budgetary planning; and

WHEREAS, despite the recommendations of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Property Tax Convention Task Force and despite the energetic efforts of a core of concerned and committed legislators and the outspoken support of a large and growing coalition of citizens’ public interest groups, the Legislature has, to date, failed to advance the cause of property tax reform, continuing decades of inattention to a problem that a majority of our fellow citizens consistently identify as their greatest public policy concern; and

WHEREAS, instead, State policy makers have consistently under-funded, cut and eliminated crucial municipal property tax relief programs, thereby exacerbating the property tax crisis and making it increasingly difficult for municipal budget makers to meet the needs and honor the wishes of local property taxpayers and to deal with current fiscal stresses over which they have no control; and

WHEREAS, in recognition of these serious issues, legislation has been introduced to provide appropriate flexibility to help local budget makers better meet citizen needs for high quality public programs and services; and WHEREAS, in order to do so, the bills (A-3444/S-2183) would: first, make permanent the temporary CAP exception for costs of domestic security preparedness and responses to incidents and threats to domestic security; second, make permanent the temporary CAP exception for liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance and employee group insurance; and finally, provide an exception from the municipal local budget CAP for appropriations for the costs of goods and services, including wage and salary increases that are required under contracts entered into prior to July 7, 2004, the effective date of P.L.2004, c.74, the statute that reduced the local budget CAP limits to the lesser of 2.5% or the consumer price index; and

WHEREAS, while extremely beneficial for rational effective budgetary planning, the ‘CAP banking’ problems created by the 2004 amendments will pose lasting and growing problems for municipalities trying to prepare for unanticipated exigencies and imminent needs.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of the City of Hackensack does fully support and urge swift and favorable action on A-3444/S-2183; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we do respectfully request an amendment to the bill to restore ‘CAP banking’ to its previous status, as it existed prior to the 2004 amendments; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to our State Legislative Delegation and to the New Jersey League of Municipalities.

Roll Call: Ayes – Melfi, Townes, Meneses, McAuliffe, Sasso

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