Stage 2 Systems Change

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Stage 2 Systems Change

getting it right for every child in Lanarkshire


Group 2. Chronology

A chronology of significant events has been highlighted regularly in significant case reviews or child death enquiries as something that may have enabled practitioners to act earlier to help children and young people. But even at the lowest level of concern, a chronology can help practitioners to become aware of patterns of behaviour or link presenting issues with triggers. Where necessary, integrated chronologies shared across a number of agencies working with a child or family can help to present a much clearer picture of what’s going on and what actions would best help a child or young person.

In Scotland, the need to create a chronology has been recognised since the first steps towards developing an Integrated Assessment Framework in 2002.

The main debates at national and local level in relation to chronologies are: a) Whether a chronology should record significant positive events as well as negative events. Positive events can help to:

 focus on strengths as well as weaknesses, one of the values of Getting it right for every child  demonstrate periods of stability  provide evidence of resilience  communicate to children and families the expectations of practitioners, i.e. it’s worthy of entering in the chronology under positive events  create a clearer understanding of the capacity of families to recover from difficulties. b) The second issue in relation to a chronology is what constitutes a significant event. This discussion brings in the issue of different thresholds between different agencies – what one might consider a significant event another may not. But events can also be significant to one child/family and not significant to another. School absenteeism is an example of an event that may be much more significant to one child than another and a chronology has to be able to reflect individual children’s situations and what’s important for them.

These issues must be robustly considered in preparing any thoughts on a chronology for Lanarkshire so that we can move to the testing stage. TASKS FOR GROUP 2: CHRONOLOGY 1. Spend time carefully considering the resource materials provided. Discuss and record the group’s views and responses to any of the materials. How do people feel about the two main issues in relation to chronologies?

Shared systems don’t make dialogue superfluous it supports further dialogue

The group felt it was important to be clear about the purpose of a chronology


Purpose of Chronology

To provide an easily accessible summary of information that allows further dialogue and exploration with the child his family and other practitioners to help them and others understand their world.


1. For Multiagency use a chronology should support:

- Shared needs; provide more balance and include positive and negative.

- Gathering information to support future practice.

- Promote understanding families in a holistic way.

- Putting life in context.

- Identifying who else was involved.


5. Health

- Temporary registration or failure to do so

- Referrals to other agencies

- Interventions, e.g. measures / (missing word) issues. 2. Spend time discussing and defining significant events for each agency using the resource materials for reference if necessary. This may mean breaking into smaller groups. Make sure definitions are recorded on the sheets provided. Should accurately reflect child’s experiences positive and negative outcomes of work to address difficulties.

Purpose - In agency

- Protection

- Plan and meet needs

- Summary for other agencies practitioners

- For news drive / area / senior level, assists assessment.

In multi-agency

- support and planning

-record for child themselves.

2. Spend time discussing and defining significant events for each agency, using the resource materials for reference if necessary.


Positive or negative changes:

- Attendance <80/ attended

- Family structure

- Behaviour - attainment

- Identified additional support needs

- Exclusions

- Patterns of in-attendance

- Failure to transfer records (?) more

- Home educated episodes

- Educated outside authority.


- Significant allergies, illnesses. Sibling - significant illness. - Referral to specialist pupil (?) services or other services.

- LAC / CP / homeless issues

- Future planning MCMC

- Transition issues

- Travelling children

- Involvement of other agencies

- Young carer

- Parental aggressive behaviour

- Achievement and attainment issues.


- Failure to attend treatment

- A&E

- NHS 24

- Case conference

- Registration

- Accommodation issues – e.g. frequent moves, homelessness, destitution, quality of home care

- D.A.

- Parent (missing word) Health

- Drugs and Alcohol

- Developmental delay / failure to read (?)

- Significant lack of care of child or child’s environment

- Positive health elements impacting in health

- Failure to register/ deregister and failure to address. Temporary registration or failure to do so.

Referrals to other agencies for interventions. Social Work

- Statutory information (LAAC / CP

- Domestic violence, mental health, addiction issues

- Offending behaviour

- Changes in circumstances

- Engagement / or lack of it and other interventions

- Child behaviour

- Link sibling issues, carer’s issues.


- Eviction / moves of home

- Antisocial behaviour

- Maintenance and Benefits Issues

- Additional tenants.

Adult Services

- Addiction issues

- Offending behaviour

- Mental health issues

- Disability

- Engagement issues.

Voluntary Sector

Voluntary Sector

- All of the above


- Offending history

- Soft information - Warrants

- D.A.

- Mappa

- Mural (?)

- Callouts

- Investigations

- Bail conditions.

3. Consider and record the information that will be important to include in any Practice Guidance for Getting it right for every child.

- Definition. Purpose.

- General guidance for sharing

- Some agency specific guidance for recording

- Training would be needed.

4. Any other comments your group would like to make that don’t fit into any of the other sections. Please also list any areas of discussion you could not agree upon.

- This was a really hard task

- Opened people to other aspects of chronology they had not thought of

- Need to build on this – recognise starter for ten and needs more work.

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