Draft Amendment Local Law No. 1 (Miscellaneous) 2016
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Draft Amendment Local Law No. 1 (Miscellaneous) 2016
Following is a summary of the proposed local law amendments.
Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Refer to Local Law No.1 Current definition Change definition of an Use of plain language and (Administration) 2011 for adult simplification of definition full details on the Adult has the meaning proposed changes given by the Youth Adult means an Justices Act 1992 individual who is 18 or more. Refer to Local Law No.1 Currently no definition for Include definition for burial Ease of use for the community to (Administration) 2011 for “burial” easily identify what is meant by full details on the Burial - means the act the word “Burial” of placing a dead body proposed changes or the ashes of such in either a grave, niche or memorial garden, but does not include the scattering of the ashes. Refer to Local Law No.1 Change definition for cat Change the definition for a The Land Protection (Pest and (Administration) 2011 for and dog cat or dog Stock Route Management) full details on the Regulation 2003 will be repealed proposed changes Current definition cat means an animal of shortly. New simpler definitions the species Felis catus, of cat and dog mirror the cat means an animal of or domestic cat. definitions in the Animal the species felis silvestris dog means an animal of Management (Dogs and Cats) Act catus but does not include the species Canis lupus 2008 a Class 2 pest animal as familiaris, or domestic dog provided by the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Regulation 2003.
dog means an animal of the species canis familiaris but does not include a Class 2 pest animal as provided by the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Regulation 2003.
Refer to Local Law No.1 Local law 1, schedule 2 Remove ‘display of election Decision to not regulate Election (Administration) 2011 for includes ‘display of signs’ as a prescribed Signs was made by council in full details on the election signs’ as a activity and remove 2013 following a legal challenge proposed changes prescribed activity, and associated definitions for an by the Palmer United Party who schedule 1 included election sign, election challenged that restricting the definitions for the period and electorate. number of signs was following – unconstitutional. Current mechanism to regulate the Election sign activity is through Local Law No. Election period 4 (Local Government Controlled Electorate Areas, Facilities, Infrastructure and Roads) 2011 under s.10 Power to remove Risk. Where an election sign is placed in an area that poses risk to other users of Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
the area an authorised person may remove the risk.
Refer to Local Law No.1 Amend definition for Expand the definition for Expansion of the current (Administration) 2011 for “human remains” human remains to include – definition provides greater clarity full details on the into what human remains are and proposed changes human remains means the what they are not. body or part of the body of a deceased person but does not include (a) a part of the body of a deceased person lawfully removed for transplantation, scientific examination or instruction in anatomy or any other branch of medicine; or (b) ashes from a body of a deceased person that has been cremated. Refer to Local Law No.1 Currently no definition for Include the following Provide greater clarity with (Administration) 2011 for “install” definition for install – regards to terminology used full details on the within the local laws. proposed changes install means construct, make, mark, place or erect, or affix to or paint on any surface or structure, and repair, maintain, manage and control. Refer to Local Law No.1 Currently no definition for Include the following Provide greater clarity with (Administration) 2011 for a “Local Government definition – regards to terminology used full details on the cemetery” within the local laws. proposed changes Local government cemetery means a cemetery under the control of the local government, including a cemetery located on land owned by the local government or on land for which the local government is the trustee. Refer to Local Law No.1 Currently inconsistency in Include the following Include the definition for (Administration) 2011 for the use of the terms, “lot”, definitions – property and remove multiple full details on the “allotment”, “land” and references to allotment, property, proposed changes “property” within the local property, in relation to land, lot, land etc. for ease of use and means— laws clarity. (a) a lot; or (b) if a person owns and occupies 2 or more adjoining lots—the parcel of land comprising all of the lots owned by the person
lot has the meaning given by the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, section 10 Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Refer to Local Law No.1 Currently no definition for Include following definition– Currently no definition for (Administration) 2011 for a “memorial” “memorial”. Provides a term full details on the memorial means an object used in Schedule 4 of Subordinate proposed changes or feature that Local Law No. 1 (Administration) commemorates a significant event, individual, Refer to Subordinate Local Law organisation or anniversary. No.1 (Administration) 2011 for details
Refer to Local Law No.1 Currently no definition for Include following definition– Currently no definition for “public (Administration) 2011 for a “public art installation” art installation”. Provides a term full details on the “public art installation” used in Schedule 4 of Subordinate means a creative or proposed changes Local Law No. 1 (Administration) interpretive enhancement to a public place and Refer to Subordinate Local Law includes— No.1 (Administration) 2011 for (a) both standalone art details installations and art installations incorporated externally or internally into buildings, infrastructure or open space; and (b) both permanent and temporary installations. Refer to Local Law No.1 Shopping centre includes Extend definition of Under Local Law No.3, s,23, only (Administration) 2011 for only a structure or group shopping centre to include shops in shopping centres are full details on the of buildings with 2 or “a standalone shop that required to ensure that shopping proposed changes more shops provides trolleys for the use trolleys remain in the shopping of customers” centre precinct. The change in definition will mean that larger standalone shops that provide trolleys (e.g. Bunnings) must also ensure that trolleys stay within the precinct.
Refer to Local Law No.1 Amend definition for a Include the following to the To align with terminology used in (Administration) 2011 for “structure” definition of a structure – the local laws and provide clarity full details on the with regards to what is proposed changes “a memorial or public art considered a “structure” in the installation” context of council’s local laws.
Refer to Local Law No.1 Schedule 2, part 2 of LL1 Remove camping from the Camping will be included as a (Administration) 2011 for categories categories of prescribed restricted activity under full details on the activities Subordinate Local Law No. 4 proposed changes Camping on local (Local Government Controlled government controlled Areas, Facilities, Infrastructure areas and roads listed as a and Roads) 2011 where it will be prescribed activity allowed where the local government has designated an area for camping.
Refer to Local Law No.1 Schedule 2, part 2 of LL1 Remove abseiling from the Abseiling will be included as a (Administration) 2011 for categories categories of prescribed restricted activity under full details on the activities Subordinate Local Law No. 4 proposed changes Abseiling currently listed (Local Government Controlled as a prescribed activity Areas, Facilities, Infrastructure and Roads) 2011 where it will be Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
allowed where the local government permits the activity by way of signage.
Abseiling may however be approved under another local law approval – such as part of a temporary event approval.
Refer to Local Law No.1 Installation of an Include prescribed activity – Ability to allow and regulate the (Administration) 2011 for information booth or placement of information or full details on the display on a local (b) installation of an display booths in a local proposed changes government controlled information booth or display government controlled area. This area or road is not will not include the sale of goods currently categorised as a as this type of activity would be separate prescribed managed under a Commercial activity Use approval.
Refer to Local Law No.1 Current prescribed activity Remove the prescribed Currently no provision in the local (Administration) 2011 for – activity - operating model laws to regulate the use of full details on the aircraft propelled by a unmanned aircraft (commonly proposed changes “Operating model aircraft motor and replace with – referred to as UAV’s or Drones) propelled by a motor” for commercial purposes. The (o) launching or landing a inclusion of this prescribed model aircraft weighing activity will allow council to more than 500 grams or a regulate and condition approvals remotely piloted aircraft for the use of UAV’s or Drones on weighing more than 500 council owned or controlled land grams, other than an and remove the requirement for unmanned balloon or individuals operating a small unmanned kite recreational model aircraft propelled by a motor to apply for an approval (these individuals are still bound by CASA regulations about safe use of such model aircraft). Conditions of approval for UAVs and drones will be subject to the individual complying with CASA regulations.
Refer to Local Law No.1 Current prescribed activity Remove - “Riding a horse in Include this activity as a restricted (Administration) 2011 for - a local government activity under Subordinate Local full details on the controlled area as a Law No. 4 (Local Government proposed changes “Riding a horse in a local prescribed activity” Controlled Areas, Facilities, government controlled Infrastructure and Roads) 2011 area as a prescribed where it will be allowed where activity” the local government has erected signed permitting the activity. The removal will result in individuals no longer being able to apply for an approval to ride a horse in a local government controlled area as this will only be allowed where the local government has permitted the Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Refer to Local Law No.2 Current definition for what Clarify that in determining Currently a person holding four (Animal Management) it means to have a dog whether a person is large dogs could argue that they 2011 for full details on the under “effective physically able to manage a are physically able to manage proposed changes management” does not dog or a cat, the number of each of the dogs. However, the take into account other dogs or cats under the change to the definition will situations where a person person’s supervision should mean that a person could not has several dogs or cats be taken into account. reasonably say they were able to under their supervision manage a large dog if they already had, for example, three other large dogs on leashes at the same time.
Refer to Local Law No.2 Current penalty for all Include a separate penalty A regulated dog is a dog who has (Animal Management) animals who don’t comply for a regulated dog and set attacked, or acted in a way that 2011 for full details on the with the minimum the penalty at 50 penalty caused fear to, a person or proposed changes standards for keeping units. another animal or animals under schedule 3 and 3A of Subordinate All other animals remain at may, in the opinion of an Local Law No. 2 (Animal 20 penalty units. authorised person, seriously Management) 2011 is 20 attack or act in a way that causes penalty units. fear to a person or animal. A higher penalty may lessen the likelihood of owners of regulated dogs not complying with the minimum standards for keeping a regulated dog. A higher penalty is also more consistent with the penalties under the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008.
Refer to Local Law No.2 Regulated dogs are Require all regulated dogs The inclusion of this provision (Animal Management) required to be contained to wear a collar consisting of allows an individual to easily 2011 for full details on the in a specified enclosure red stripes alternatively recognise the collar as a regulated proposed changes and are required to wear a spaced with yellow stripes dog collar and provides an early small yellow identification designed to meet prescribed warning sign. As these dogs are tag which is intended to specifications regarding dangerous and pose a significant identify the dog as a visibility, durability, threat to the safety and wellbeing regulated dog. fastening and width. of individuals, this early detection mechanism may prevent an individual from approaching the dog and suffering an injury. Furthermore, a roaming regulated dog wearing the collar would be more than likely reported to council immediately. Owners or responsible persons must ensure regulated dogs wear the collar at all times – maximum penalty 50 penalty units. Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Refer to Local Law No.3 The current local law New changes to the To ensure our laws remain (Community Health and references the Land Biosecurity Act will remove responsive to change, Local Law Environmental Protection (Pest Stock all references to pest plant No. 3 will be amended to include Management) 2011 for Route Management) Act and animal from the Land the reference to the new full details on the Protection (Pest Stock Route Biosecurity Act which will come proposed changes Management) Act and into effect in 2016. include these in the new Biosecurity Act
Draft Amendment Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2016 Draft Amendment Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Miscellaneous) 2016
Following is a summary of the proposed subordinate local law amendments:
Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Refer to Subordinate Local No definition for “family of Include new definition – To define the term family used in Law No.1 (Administration) a deceased person” schedule 13 in relation to burials 2011 for full details on the family of a deceased person outside of cemeteries. proposed changes includes—
(a) a spouse of the deceased; and (b) a guardian of the deceased; and (c) brothers and sisters of the deceased, or of a spouse of the deceased; and (d) ascendants and descendants of the deceased, or of a spouse of the deceased. Refer to Subordinate Local No definition for a Include new definition – To define a new term used in Law No.1 (Administration) “funeral director” schedules 12 and 13 – please see 2011 for full details on the funeral director means a Subordinate Local Law No.1 proposed changes person who carries on the (Administration) 2011 for further business of disposing of human remains and, if a details person who carries on that business is not engaged in a particular case, includes the person who actually undertakes the disposal of the human remains.
Refer to Subordinate Local No definition for Include new definition – To define a new term used in Law No.1 (Administration) schedule 6 - please see 2011 for full details on the “goods on a footpath” goods on footpath means Subordinate Local Law No.1 proposed changes the use of part of a road (for (Administration) 2011 for further example, the public footpath) for the purposes details of extending the area in which an existing retail business displays goods for sale to the public. Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Refer to Subordinate Local No definition for Include new definition – To define a new term used in Law No.1 (Administration) schedule 6 - please see 2011 for full details on the “outdoor dining” outdoor dining means the Subordinate Local Law No.1 proposed changes use of part of a road (for (Administration) 2011 for further example, the public footpath) or a local details government controlled area for the purposes of extending the services of premises providing food and beverages to the public.
Examples of premises providing food and beverages to the public Cafes, restaurants, delicatessens, takeaways. Refer to Subordinate Local No definition for To define a new term used in Include definition for – Law No.1 (Administration) schedule 6 - please see 2011 for full details on the “roadside stall” roadside stall means a Subordinate Local Law No.1 proposed changes small-scale semi-permanent (Administration) 2011 for further structure that is— details
(a) constructed along the boundary line of a rural property for the purpose of selling farm produce (such as fruit and vegetables) that has been grown on that property or products (such as jams) made from produce grown on that property; and (b) either partly or wholly within the road reserve. Refer to Subordinate Local For several prescribed In schedules 4, 6, 8, 14 This change brings the laws into Law No.1 (Administration) activities on council insert the following as a line with council’s current 2011 for full details on the controlled land, holding condition that must be requirement of mandatory public proposed changes public liability insurance is imposed: liability insurance for these a usual condition but not a ‘A condition that must be activities. mandatory condition imposed on all approvals is that the approval holder must maintain, at all times during the term of the approval, a public liability insurance policy of not less than $20,000,000 covering the prescribed activity.’
Schedule 4 Alteration or Please see Subordinate Please see Subordinate Amendments made to provide improvement to local Local Law No.1 Local Law No.1 clarity and consistency for the government controlled (Administration) 2011 for (Administration) 2011 for community and officers in areas or roads full details on proposed full details on proposed applying for and assessing amendments amendments approvals under Schedule 4 of Refer to Subordinate Subordinate Local Law No.1 Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011 f (Administration) 2011 for full details on the Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change proposed changes
Schedule 6 Commercial Please see Subordinate Please see Subordinate Amendments made to provide use of local government Local Law No.1 Local Law No.1 clarity and consistency for the controlled roads and (Administration) 2011 for (Administration) 2011 for community and officers in areas full details on proposed full details on proposed applying for and assessing amendments amendments approvals under Schedule 6 of Refer to Subordinate Subordinate Local Law No.1 Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011 f (Administration) 2011 for full details on the proposed changes
Schedule 7 Establishment Currently any person Include the following This proposed change provides or occupation of a wishing to reside in a exemption – flexibility and is responsive to the temporary home temporary home on a changes in our community. property (even for 1 night) An approval under the authorising local law is not Refer to Subordinate requires an approval Local Law No.1 required for the under council’s local laws establishment or (Administration) 2011 for occupation of a temporary full details on the home— proposed changes (a) for less than two weeks in any fifty-two week period if the temporary home is established on a vacant property; or (b) for less than four weeks in any fifty-two week period if— (i) the temporary home is sited on a property occupied by an existing dwelling house; and (ii) the temporary home is located to the rear of the existing dwelling house.
Please see Local Law No.2 (Animal Management) 2011 for full details on the proposed change. Schedule 8 Placement of Current requirement for Amend the 180 millimetre Following a number of complaints movable advertising all movable advertising requirement and extend to from the community on devices devices that are exempt 600 millimetres accessibility for pedestrians and from requiring an approval people with disabilities. The Refer to Subordinate is that they are required to proposed changes seek to Local Law No.1 be at least 180 millimetres address some of the accessibility (Administration) 2011 for from the kerb. concerns we currently have with full details on the the placement of movable proposed changes advertising devices across the region.
Schedule 8 Placement of No requirement for an “A Include requirement for a Following a number of complaints movable advertising Frame” or “Sandwich “sandwich board sign” to be about the placement of devices board” to be placed displayed adjacent to the “sandwich boards” sometimes immediately adjacent to several Km’s from a business Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Refer to Subordinate the primary place of business premises. premises, the requirement to Local Law No.1 business place the sign adjacent to the (Administration) 2011 for business premises seeks to full details on the address some of the visual proposed changes amenity complaints we receive and provide equity for all businesses wishing to advertise their businesses.
Schedule 9 Keeping of No additional Include – requirement to Promotes the principals of animals requirements for the provide a community responsible pet ownership and number of animals kept on management plan where an seeks to limit the impact on the Refer to Subordinate the property application to keep more community where a person Local Law No.1 than 9 animals is received. wishes to keep multiple animals (Administration) 2011 for on a property. full details on the proposed changes
Schedule 9 Keeping of A “cockerel” not included Include a “cockerel” Currently a cockerel is not animals meaning a young rooster included in this schedule. As a cockerel can still create a noise Refer to Subordinate nuisance for neighbouring Local Law No.1 properties the inclusion of (Administration) 2011 for cockerel will ensure applicants full details on the must comply with all conditions proposed changes imposed.
Schedule 9 Keeping of No specific requirement Any person applying for an A regulated dog is a dog who has animals for applying for more than approval to have 3 or more attacked, or acted in a way that 3 dogs with regards to a dogs on a property must not caused fear to, a person or Refer to Subordinate regulated dog keep a regulated dog on the another animal or Local Law No.1 property. (Administration) 2011 for may, in the opinion of an full details on the authorised person, seriously proposed changes attack or act in a way that causes fear to a person or animal. This proposed amendment seeks to limit the number of regulated dogs contained on any one property.
Schedule 12 Undertaking Currently no requirement Include the following This additional information will regulated activities for applicants applying for documents and materials assist officers in making an regarding human remains an approval under this that must accompany informed decision about an — (a) disturbance of schedule to provide application for approval – application for an approval. human remains buried documents or materials (a) a site plan and Additionally, it will make it clear outside a cemetery; or (c) for applications specifications for up front to applicants what is disturbance of human any work to be required to make an application. remains in a local undertaken and government cemetery materials and equipment used; Refer to Subordinate and Local Law No.1 (b) copies of all legal (Administration) 2011 for documents full details on the pertaining to any proposed changes proposed Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
disturbance of human remains; and (c) signed consent of the person or entity who will undertake the work; and (d) signed consent of the executor of the will, or the next of kin, of the deceased person whose remains are to be disturbed. Schedule 13 Undertaking Currently there are no Include – The proposed amendments are regulated activities conditions that must be intended to ensure that the regarding human remains imposed on an approval Conditions that must be appropriate conditions are imposed on an approval are —(b) burial or disposal of imposed on all approvals. that the approval holder human remains outside a must ensure that cemetery (a) the activity is carried out Refer to Subordinate by a recognised funeral director; and Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011 for (b) no public health risk full details on the arises from the activity; and proposed changes (c) the funeral director complies with directions given by an authorised person about (i) the preparation of a grave for the burial of human remains; or (ii) other matters affecting the disposal of human remains; and (d) Global Positioning System (GPS) reference points are captured and recorded and forwarded to the local government to identify the final burial location, at the cost of the approval holder; and (e) a comprehensive description of the burial method and ongoing management of the site is supplied to the local government following the burial; and (f) authorisation is given to the local government to add the details of the burial to the local government property data file. Schedule 14 Undertaking Currently there are no Include the following The inclusion of the additional regulated activities on additional criteria for the additional criteria – criteria allows officers to make an local government granting of an approval informed decision about whether controlled areas and For an application for the activity is consistent with the approval, the additional roads principles that underpin the Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
council’s local laws i.e. protect Refer to Subordinate criteria are that the activity Local Law No.1 will not be likely to cause— community health, safety and (Administration) 2011 for amenity and prevent (a) harm to human health full details on the environmental harm. and safety; or proposed changes (b) property damage; or (c) a nuisance; or (d) obstruction of pedestrian or vehicular traffic; or (e) environmental harm; or (f) environmental nuisance; (g) a loss of amenity; or (h) an obstruction of a view or vista from any premises. Schedule 18 Carrying out Currently there are no Include the following Proposed amendment now works on a road or specific requirements for documents and materials includes specific reference to interfering with a road or domestic or commercial that must accompany domestic and commercial work its operation work carried out on a road application for approval – carried out on a road or or interfering with a road interfering with a road or its Refer to Subordinate or its operation (a) if the application is for operation. This proposed Local Law No.1 domestic work on a amendment ensures adequate (Administration) 2011 for road reservea information is provided during full details on the site plan, clearly the application stage to assist proposed changes showing all officers in making an informed proposed decision. construction within the road reserve; and (b) if the application is for commercial and other work on a road reserve (i) site plans; (ii) landscape plans; (iii) a program of work; (iv) a traffic and pedestrian management plan prepared by a qualified professional. Schedule 18 Carrying out Currently there are no Include provisions with The proposed amendment seeks works on a road or specific provisions with regards to additional criteria to include further requirements interfering with a road or regards to additional for granting an approval for with regards to all works. This its operation criteria for granting an all approvals for work on a amendment will provide guidance approval other than for road – to council officers in deciding on Refer to Subordinate vehicular access and the (1) Additional criteria applications for approval for work Local Law No.1 installation of a gate or applicable for all approvals carried out on a road or (Administration) 2011 for grid for work on a road are interfering with a road or its full details on the that operation that doesn’t relate to (a) new assets installed on proposed changes vehicular access or the the local government road will be of adequate quality; installation of a gate or grid. and Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
(b) existing community assets will be adequately preserved; and (c) disruption to the general community as a result of the work will be minimised. Schedule 1 - Prohibition Currently there are no Include the following – This proposed amendment is on keeping animals in prohibitions with regards based on best practice with prescribed circumstances to the keeping of more More than 10 bee hives regards to community health and than 10 bee hives on a must not be kept on a safety – it brings the local laws Refer to Subordinate Local property over 2001 square property between 2001 into line with the State Law No.2 (Animal metres square metres and 4000 Government’s bee keeping Management) 2011 for square metres in size guidelines. At present a person full details on the may keep as many bee hives as proposed changes they wish on a property larger than 2001 square metres.
Schedule 2 – Requirement No specific reference to a Include “cockerel” in As mentioned previously a for approval to keep “cockerel” schedule 2 of SLL2 “cockerel” is a young rooster and animal can still create a noise nuisance.
Refer to Subordinate Local Law No.2 (Animal Management) 2011 for full details on the proposed changes
Schedule 5 – Exclusion of Currently animals are Include Mooloolaba Beach Proposed amendment requested animals generally permitted on Mooloolaba as a prohibited animal area by Cr Chris Thompson beach so long as they are as detailed in Local Law Refer to Subordinate under effective control No.2 (Animal Management) Local Law No.2 (Animal 2011 map No. SLL 2.5.12 Management) 2011 for (map SLL2.5.12) full details on the proposed changes
Schedule 5 – Exclusion of Kings Beach prohibited Extend the prohibited dog Proposed amendment requested animals generally dog area currently ends at area in Kings Beach down to by Cr Tim Dwyer Evuka Avenue Dingle Avenue Refer to Subordinate Local Law No.2 (Animal (map SLL2.5.9) Management) 2011 for full details on the proposed changes
Schedule 6 – Dog off Currently Shelly Beach is Change legend in the map This change brings the map into leash areas indicated in the table in to state – line with the table in schedule 6 schedule 6 as a dog off of Subordinate Local law No. 2 Refer to Subordinate leash beach from May to Dogs off leash May to (Animal Management) 2011. This Local Law No.2 (Animal October, 4pm to 8am is a known turtle nesting area and October, 4pm to 8am Management) 2011 for whereas the map (map the specification of it being a dog full details on the SLL2.6.36) does not off leash area only between May proposed changes indicate that this only to October 4pm to 8am ensures applies in May to October the impact to the environment and hatching turtles are minimised. Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Schedule 6 – Dog off Current map for the Twin Change map to reflect the This is a minor amendment to the leash areas Waters dog off leash area correct area – North Shore, name of an existing map and refers to the area as Twin Waters designated dog off leash area. Refer to Subordinate Mudjimba Local Law No.2 (Animal Management) 2011 for full details on the proposed changes
Schedule 6 – Dog off Dicky Beach off-leash area Amend map to extend off- This amendment will extend the leash areas currently ends at beach leash area to beach access off-leash area at Dicky Beach. access 270 269. Proposed amendment requested Refer to Subordinate by Cr Tim Dwyer Local Law No.2 (Animal (map SLL2.6.35) Management) 2011 for full details on the proposed changes
Schedule 2 - Restricted Camping on local Include camping as a Rather than requiring approvals activities for local government controlled restricted activity which will for camping on local government government controlled areas and roads requires only be allowed where the controlled areas and roads under areas, facilities, an approval under Local local government designates Local Law No.1, the amendment infrastructure or roads Law No.1 but is not the area as a camping area will prohibit camping in all areas restricted in Local Law or part of an approval issued and roads unless the area is Refer to Subordinate Local No.4 under SLL1 designated by the council as a Law No.4 (Local camping area or another approval Government Controlled For example – camping may under Local Law No.1 has Areas, Facilities, be allowed as an activity specifically authorised camping in Infrastructure and Roads) under an approval for a a place. 2011 for full details on the temporary event proposed changes Schedule 2 - Restricted Abseiling on local Include abseiling as a Rather than requiring approvals activities for local government controlled restricted activity which will for abseiling on local government government controlled areas and roads currently only be allowed where the controlled areas and roads under areas, facilities, requires an approval local government erects a Local Law No.1, the amendment infrastructure or roads under Local Law No.1 but sign authorising abseiling or will prohibit abseiling in all local is not restricted in Local where the activity is part of government controlled areas and Refer to Subordinate Law No.4 an approval issued under roads unless the local Local Law No.4 (Local SLL1 government erects a sign Government Controlled authorising the activity or where Areas, Facilities, For example – abseiling may it is approved under another local Infrastructure and Roads) be allowed as an activity law approval. This change will 2011 for full details on the under an approval for a ensure that this activity only proposed changes temporary event occurs on sites that are acceptable in terms of safety and have the supporting infrastructure to protect any associated environmental values.
Schedule 2 - Restricted Rock climbing is currently Include “rock climbing” as a The amendment will prohibit rock activities for local not listed as a prescribed restricted activity which will climbing in all local government government controlled activity or regulated under only be allowed where the controlled areas and roads unless areas, facilities, council’s local laws local government erects a the local government erects a infrastructure or roads sign authorising rock sign authorising the activity or climbing or where the where it is approved under Refer to Subordinate activity is part of an another local law approval. This Local Law No.4 (Local approval issued under SLL1 change will ensure that this Subordinate Local Law Current Status Proposed Change Reason for change
Government Controlled For example – rock climbing activity only occurs on sites that Areas, Facilities, may be allowed as an are acceptable in terms of safety Infrastructure and Roads) activity under an approval and have the supporting 2011 for full details on the for a temporary event infrastructure to protect any proposed changes associated environmental values.
Schedule 2 - Restricted Riding a horse on local Include riding a horse as a Rather than requiring approvals activities for local government controlled restricted activity which will for riding horses on local government controlled areas and roads requires only be allowed where the government controlled areas and areas, facilities, an approval under Local local government erects a roads under Local Law No.1, the infrastructure or roads Law No.1 but is not sign authorising the riding of amendment will prohibit riding restricted in Local Law a horse or part of an horses in all areas and roads Refer to Subordinate No.4 approval issued under SLL1 unless permitted by signage or Local Law No.4 (Local authorised under another Government Controlled For example – riding a horse approval under Local Law No.1. Areas, Facilities, may be allowed as an Infrastructure and Roads) activity under an approval 2011 for full details on the for a temporary event proposed changes
Schedule 2 – declaration Currently Schedule 2 Proposed amendments The new maps provide council of off street parking areas identifies 12 off street include an additional 56 with the ability (if required) to parking areas across the maps outlining designated regulate and sign the off street Refer to Subordinate Local coast off street parking areas. parking areas. Law No.5 (Parking) 2011 for full details on the proposed changes Schedule 2 – declaration Currently Beach Terrace at Remove Beach Terrace, This proposed amendment of off street parking areas Mooloolaba is identified in Mooloolaba as an off street provides consistency with what is the schedule as an off parking area as the area is on-road parking and off street Refer to Subordinate street parking area. considered on-road under parking. Local Law No.5 (Parking) the Transport Operations 2011 for full details on the (Road use management) Act proposed changes s 1995
Schedule 3 – persons who Currently there are 3 areas Include – The proposed amendment is in may be issued with a that have been identified response to the increase in parking permit in the region as a Residents within the Sippy student parking off the campus as residential parking permit Downs Regulated Parking a result of paid parking being Refer to Subordinate area – Area as delineated in Map introduced to Sunshine Coast Local Law No.5 (Parking) SLL 5.3.2, including residents University, which may necessitate 2011 for full details on the Nambour Hospital 3p of multi-unit complexes timed parking restrictions on proposed changes s Lady Musgrave Drive, surrounding streets. Residents in Mountain Creek and this area will now be able to apply Birtinya regulated for a residential parking permit if parking area council decides to regulate the area with timed parking zones.