St. Andrew S Episcopal Church, Lewisburg

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St. Andrew S Episcopal Church, Lewisburg

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Lewisburg Crossings May/June 2017

Twinkies and Root Beer A little boy set out to meet God. He thought it could be a long trip to where God lives so he packed his suitcase with Twinkies and a six- pack of root beer and started his journey. When he had gone about three blocks he met an old man. He was sitting in the park just staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to him and opened his little suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old man looked hungry so he offered him a Twinkie. The elderly gentleman gratefully accepted it and smiled at the lad. His smile was so pleasant the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer. Again, he smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word. As it grew dark, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave, but before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old man, and gave him a hug. He gave him his biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked him, “What did you do today that made you so happy?” He replied, “I had lunch with God.” But before his mother could respond, he added, “You know what? He’s got the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen!” Meanwhile, the old man, also radiant with joy, returned to his home. His son was stunned by the look of peace on his face and asked, “Dad, what did you do today that made you so happy?” He replied, “I ate Twinkies in the park with God.” Before his son responded, he added, “You know, he’s much younger than I expected.” Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Embrace all equally! — author unknown From the Search Committee Dear St. Andrews: I know that not everyone has heard the exciting news that St. Andrews has called the Rev. Sarah Weedon as our next permanent Rector. For those of you who may have been in attendance at Confirmation recently, Sarah (as she prefers to be called), was celebrating with us and sitting right next to Fr. Jim on the alter. We could not announce Sarah on that particular day as her contractual paperwork was not yet executed. However, I now can joyfully share some background and some information about Sarah here. Some highlights include: *She currently serves 2 churches in Shamokin and Mt. Carmel where she started an internet cafe for the impoverished community, developed support services for families dealing with addiction and continues to lead a major facilities evaluation and related long term planning effort. *She has extensive work in Christian formation/education with both children and adults. She was the director of religious education at a large, urban parish and led the development of related programs including bible studies, retreats and workshops. Prior to her ordination, she accumulated a lifetime of service to the church in roles including as an associate Minister and lay positions including Senior Warden, Vestry member, Search Committee Chair and more. *She is flexible and creative with worship. She has many innovative ideas to include youth and children in services and believes that "everybody should have a job, even the little ones." *She believes strongly in the empowerment and mobilization of lay leadership and community outreach. *She worked for several years as a paralegal and has strong administrative and management skills. *She is very excited by the energy and possibilities at St. Andrews and can't wait to start. Mother Sarah cannot begin until July 1st due to her commitment to her current position which is funded by a grant through June. However, she intends to find opportunities to familiarize herself with St. Andrews and its people prior to this start date. Specifically, she plans to attend Vestry meetings, and is strongly encouraging St. Andrews to join her at 1 of 2 "Gather and Send" conferences, which will be an opportunity for an in-depth exploration of St. Andrews, its core identity, mission and future. More info on this to follow shortly. Finally, I would ask that you keep Sarah in your prayers while she is recovering from a fall. A few weeks ago, she slipped on the ice while walking her dog and sustained 3 fractures in her leg. Please feel free to reach out to me if I can answer any questions. We can't wait to welcome Sarah to St. Andrews! Peace, Karen From Our Rector Elect Mother Sarah Weedon Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! Dear All: A very Happy Easter Season to you all! I can’t tell you how much all of your cards and well-wishes have warmed my heart and cheered me up these past weeks. Thank you, thank you! The doctors tell me I can start putting weight on my left foot in around six weeks or so but in the meantime I have a trusty scooter and some crutches to get me around. It was a blessing for me to be able to participate in the Susquehanna Convocation Easter Vigil last Saturday – and to see so many St. Andrew’s people there too! Though we still have some months to go before I will be celebrating with you at St Andrew’s, I feel we have already started the journey together. I will also start attending St. Andrew’s Vestry meetings this month so that I can get to know more about you and your ministries. This will help bring me up to speed at least a little for when I join you on July 1. In the meantime, blessings for you all and I will see you soon! Peace, Mother Sarah Happening Now!

Socks & Underwear It is that time again!! The 2017 Sock and Underwear Campaign is underway from April 30th thru May 21st! Once again we will be collecting checks (made out to St. Andrews with socks and underwear in the memo line) and gift cards (Target and Walmart) for the Clothes Sharing Program at the Eastern Union County Supplemental Food Bank. Please place in the offering or mail to St. Andrews at 255 South Derr Drive, Lewisburg, Pa 17837. We, as parishioners have long supported this ministry to ensure all students involved in the Clothes Sharing Program receive brand new socks and underwear for the start of the 2017-2018 school year this fall. Please join us in providing these very basic necessities to the students in need in our community! We are going to retire from leading this ministry after the 2017 campaign and are willing to speak with any group or individual that may be interested in picking up the reins! ~~ Amy Gronlund & Kim Boop National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 4 The theme this year is For Your Great Name’s Sake! Hear Us... Forgive Us...Heal Us! Taken from Daniel 9:19, which says, “O Lord, Listen! O Lord, Forgive! O Lord, Hear and Act! For Your Sake, O My God...”. As the 2017 National Day of Prayer on May 4th approaches, thousands of individuals, churches, and communities will be working to rally millions of Christian’s to once again heed this call!

Scripture tells us again and again that our fervent prayer is effective. That our loving God responds to His children’s earnest pleas in mighty ways that avail much, and ultimately determine the course of history. At this crucial time for our nation, we can do nothing more important than pray. Thank you in advance for making this spiritual discipline a personal priority and for standing with us as we encourage others to incorporate prayer in their lives. The Lord has graciously anointed our efforts, empowering them to touch and change many hearts and lives. We look forward to seeing His hand move across our land in exciting ways each May in response to our petitions! The church doors will be open from 1-4 PM for those wishing to come to the church to pray. Annual Spring Work Party Saturday, May 6, 9 AM

The Annual Spring Work Party will take place on Saturday, May 6th beginning at 9 AM, with a rain date for outside work on May 13th. The Work Party will involve both inside and outside work a list of which can be found posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. If you have a job you would like to do please sign up ASAP. We will try to have tools and supplies for doing the tasks listed. If you can think of something needed, please bring it along. Contact co-chairs Troy Williamson (contact info) or Bill Simpson (570-524-6450).

Award’s Ceremony Sunday, May 21, 10 AM As we wrap up another year of Church School, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. The end of the year celebration will be during the 10 AM service on May 21. We will recognize the youth of St. Andrews during the service and celebrate together afterwards at coffee hour. We will also recognize the acolytes and graduates of St. Andrews. We hope everyone can join us for this special service and celebration.

Congratulations to our graduates!

Ian Spotts will be graduating from Boston University with a major in History.

Sam Rosevear is graduating from Lewisburg Area High School. Sam will be attending Macalester College in St. Paul, MN. He is excited to continue playing baseball at MAC. He is currently undecided as far as his major but is considering Media and Film Studies, Pre-law/Legal Studies, International Relations, Economics, or some combination of the above.

Harrison Gronlund is graduating from Lewisburg Area High School. Harrison will be enrolling in the Humanities and Sciences Scholars program at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA where he plans to major in Chemistry.

Natalie Ranck Wilson (formerly of Lewisburg) is being awarded her Master’s Degree from the University of Houston on May 12 and has been awarded a Fellowship in Psychology at the Menninger Clinic. Jane Stamm, her grandmother, says “she is so proud she could burst!”

1Vestry Meetings May 21 & June 18

The vestry will meet on these dates to discuss the needs of the church and its parishioners. Please remember to keep our vestry in your prayers as they lead the parish through this transitional time.

Open Table May 31, 4:30-5:30 PM Our May Open Table will feature a menu of Chicken Legs/Thighs, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw Baked Beans, Casseroles, Fruit Salad Bread, and Desserts.

Watch your email for requests for food or help. 2

Day of Pentecost Sunday, June 4

Christians consider the Day of Pentecost the birthday of the church because, from that moment on, the disciples carried the message of Christ everywhere they went all over the world.

The Season after Pentecost, in which Christians develop their relationship with the risen Christ, lasts from the Day of Pentecost to the day before Advent.

Decorations on the Day of Pentecost are red to symbolize tongues of flame and the Holy Spirit; during the season of Pentecost they are green to symbolize the growth and life of the church.

At St. Andrew's, a Pentecost tradition is to wear red on Pentecost Sunday. Those of you who have St. Andrew's tee shirts are encouraged to wear those. If you don't have one, and would like to purchase one for $5, they will be available outside of the secretary's office (limited sizes). All proceeds from the tee shirts go to outreach!

3 Deadline for July/August Crossings is June 15, 2017

Alleluia Offering June 11 Each year during Eastertide, we have the opportunity to draw closer as a community in Christ to serve and support those in our diocese whose lives are marginalized by poverty, homelessness, and hunger.

Through the Operation Understanding Alleluia Appeal, we have a direct impact in helping those in despair through our financial gifts. Grants are given to Episcopal parishes within our diocese that house ministries or that are deeply involved in serving and supporting programs in their communities. Our own Open Table Ministry has benefitted greatly through a grant from Operation Understanding.

It is our hope that everyone will participate in the Alleluia Appeal which accents the Easter theme of Resurrection, new life, hope, and possibility for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Mother Sarah’s first Sunday Sunday, July 2, 2017

Join us for a very special day as we welcome our new Rector, Mother Sarah Weedon to her new home and family. We will be having special coffee hours to celebrate and share in fellowship and light refreshments.

Summer Music Program Janice Snyder, Organist

Attention all musicians (either vocalists or instrumentalists) in the St. Andrew's parish! Here is a grand opportunity to serve God and the parish. Volunteer to provide music for our regular Sunday worship services. This is a wonderful way to contribute to our worship. Your stewardship will be appreciated by all. Please contact me at 570-524-2955 to reserve a Sunday for your gift as a musician. Now is the time because the schedule is open from May through August.

Congratulations Richard Sawyer! Richard Sawyer has been elected by the Standing Committee to a three-year term as a member of the Council of Trustees of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. He has provided the following narrative in hopes it will be of interest and add to our knowledge of what is happening beyond our own community.

“The Diocese of Central Pennsylvania has two components to its governance. One, the Standing Committee, deals with matters mostly relating to our shared faith and to governance through our annual general convention. The other is by our Bishop supported by a Council of Trustees, by the clergy and lay people on the staff of the Diocese, and by committees that consider assigned areas of interest and make recommendations to the Council, the Bishop, and the governing convention. The Council debates and approves the annual budget recommendation to Convention, and may modify it during the year if necessary. It discusses policies such as clergy compensation, provision of health care and other employment benefits, standards for employment of diocesan and parish staff, program support for both ongoing and temporary initiatives in the diocese, and supervision of invested endowment and other restricted funds. It is chaired by the Bishop, and has currently 23 members: seven with Diocese-wide responsibilities, seven Convocation conveners who are elected by the several convocations and are all clergy, and nine who are elected by the Diocesan Convention of whom three are clergy.

Richard shares, “I had not paid much attention to what the Diocese does until now, except for our work with their staff in helping long-range planning and in filling our priest position. One of the most interesting lessons from my first meeting is understanding of the finances. The annual budget is just short of $2 million. Of this about seventy percent comes from Fair Share payments, with the balance from sources including endowment and restricted fund income, registrations and fees for events and specific programs, and other smaller amounts. Our payment to the national Episcopal Church is about fifteen percent of our income, expenses for staff and administrative costs are forty-three percent, ten percent is direct grants to parishes, and the remainder is spent for direct program support. My impression is that the Bishop, Council, and Convention are good stewards of what we contribute. I continue to admire how Bishop Audrey is developing her leadership role. That seems enough for now. The Council meets quarterly, and if I get positive feedback from you, I will report again after the next meeting. It is a privilege I did not expect this late in life to be able to serve beyond our own parish.” Environmental Stewardship Committee

We, as a parish and as individuals, have gotten pretty good at recycling. And while that is a good thing, it can sometimes lull us into forgetting the first 2 parts of that green triangle—“Reduce/Reuse”. Recycling is purposely last in that triad because that should be our last resort; we should first find ways to stop using so much stuff in the first place or reuse what we already have.

So this Easter season, we’d like to encourage ways to Reduce and Reuse. Here are a few suggestions to get started:

 Really try to remember to use those reusable bags you usually forget and leave on the counter or in your car when you go to the grocery store.  If you stop for coffee fairly often, try bringing your own insulated mug. Measure how much your own mug holds so that the coffee shop will know what size to charge. Even though your coffee shop might use “recyclable” cups, the better option would be to bring your own, reusable mug.  Stop using paper towels. This can be a hard habit to break, but if you hide the roll of paper towels and get into the habit of using a rag that you can wash and rinse out over and over again, you’ll forget where you even hid those paper towels that used to fill up the trash can

Let us know how if you have other suggestions—to try at home or at church. There will be a suggestion box on the kitchen counter in the Canterbury Room. We’ll list the ideas in the church bulletin and maybe even have a prize for the best suggestion. Stay tuned!

Volunteers Wanted The Eastern Union County Supplemental Food Program is looking for teen and adult volunteers to carry groceries at the Food Pantry distributions on the first and third Fridays of each month, from 1:15-3:30, in the basement of the First Baptist Church at 51 South 3rd Street in Lewisburg. If you can carry groceries up a flight of steps, please just show up to help on June 2 and 16, July 7 and 21 and August 4 and 18. Questions?? Call Cindy 570-523-6898 4Worship Assistants Needed

It takes a lot of people to help with our prayer and worship services. Acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers and Visitors, Lectors, Prayer Leaders, Ushers, Greeters, Altar Guild, and Choir are all necessary so that we can pray and worship together. Did you ever think about volunteering to be a Worship Assistant? Why not? You’ll get plenty of training and support, and a wonderful opportunity to serve God.

Acolyte - young person or adult - assists at the Eucharist carrying candles, the Gospel Book, and helping the priest at the altar.

Eucharistic Minister - one who helps with the distribution of communion.

Eucharistic Visitor - one who takes communion to shut-ins or others unable to attend church

Lector - one who reads one or both of the lessons (Old and New Testament readings) during the service.

Prayer Leader - one who leads the Prayers of the People during the service.

Greeter/Usher- one who greets everyone coming to our prayer and worship services and ensures that our guests get any help or information that they need. They also take up the collection, hand out bulletins, help with the attendance count, and provide any assistance needed during the service.

Altar Guild - the group who ensures that the items needed for worship are prepared and set out. Responsible for the vessels, linens, and the cleaning of the sanctuary area of the church.

Choir - the group who adds so much to our Sunday service and all our special services throughout the year.

Take a moment and think how you can take an active role in our prayer and worship. Call the parish office at 524-2061 or email [email protected] for further information. Birthdays & Anniversaries

5May Birthdays Mack Doyle 2 Kevin Daly 28 Suzanne Murdza 8 Mike Wright 30 Liz Folk 11 Terry Hackenburg Mark Reeves 6May Anniversaries Doug Spotts 23 John Gerdes 10 Bill & Carolyn Simpson Linda Turner 15 Larry & Judy Wilson 29 Jan Pearson 18 Craig & Victoria Stark Brad Confer 25 Robert & Judy Hontz Anna Kell 27 Kevin Daly & Stephanie Larson 28 Tim & Mary Jo Heyman June Birthdays 31 Don & Wilma Johnson

1 Marianna Archambault June Anniversaries Anne Pusey 2 Sonia Newton 1 John Frey & Anna Kell Grace Evans 2 Genie & John Gerdes 3 Jamie Pusey 6 John & Terri Mumper Carolyn Simpson 7 Paul & Marianna Archambault Billy Simpson, Jr. 12 Anne & Jamie Pusey Sally Mathews 14 Michael & Janie Coyne Brooks Gronlund 15 Jan & Dave Pearson Sally Coup 18 Ted & Maggie Chappen 21 Leigh Donecker 20 Chris Magee & Amy Wolaver 23 Jim Edwards 27 Loren Gustafson & Sarah Bell 7St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 255 South Derr Drive Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 524-2o61

Return Service Requested

Ministry Staff:

Janice Snyder, Organist Home: 570-524-2955

Torri Stark, Church School Coordinator Home: 570-743-1080 Email: [email protected]

Terri Mumper, Administrative Assistant Email: [email protected] Office: 570-524-2061, ext

Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: St. Andrew’s Episcopal - Lewisburg

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