Name All Quiet on the Western Front READING GUIDE
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Name All Quiet on the Western Front READING GUIDE Email [email protected] or [email protected] with questions Chapter topics PG #’s DESCRIPTION / summary, refelection etc. Chapter 1
The four friends
Kantorek / actions
Feelings about their teachers / war Kemmerich / boots
“The Iron Youth”
Chapter summary
Chapter 2 Poetry Idealism of youth to realism of war Himmelstoss
Kemmerich last conversation / boots
Chapter summary
Chapter 3 Kat / food Power / men’s change
Himmelstoss / Tjaden training The boys’ revenge Name All Quiet on the Western Front READING GUIDE Email [email protected] or [email protected] with questions Chapter summary
Chapter 4 Earth / soldier connection Instinct Paul / new recruit
Detering / horses
Hiding place / irony?
Gas attack The decision about the hit new recruit “monotonously” –why repeated (meaning?) Chapter summary
Chapter 5 Peacetime conversation Haie’s response to peacetime Himmelstoss confrontation / results
Questions about post- war life Himmelstoss confrontation / result Paul / Kat “brothers”
Chapter summary Name All Quiet on the Western Front READING GUIDE Email [email protected] or [email protected] with questions
Chap. 6 coffins Paul’s lucky moment
Trench life
Recruits experiences / emotions
“wild beasts”
Battle w/French @ frontline “I believe we are lost” meaning More recruits…age? Their fates / reason?
Himm. “wound”
How many left now? Chapter summary
Chap. 7 Himmelstoss French ladies encounter / interactions Paul’s leave / activities / emotions?
Paul visit w/ mother
Paul / the Major
Paul / dad interactions Name All Quiet on the Western Front READING GUIDE Email [email protected] or [email protected] with questions Feelings of belonging at home Treatment of Kantorek
Talk w/ Kemm. Mother Talk w/ his mom
Chapter summary
Chap. 8 Russian prisoners Paul’s realization / Russ. Prisoners Paul’s gifts to prisoners Chapter summary
Chap. 9 The cause of war conversation Purpose of new outfits? Paul’s visit to no man’s land Paul’s first hand to hand combat
Actions / emotions after this event Paul’s guilt / actions he contemplates
“Paul—quiet” –your inference of meaning? Chapter summary Name All Quiet on the Western Front READING GUIDE Email [email protected] or [email protected] with questions
Chap. 10 the feast / the bombing
Albert / Kropp injuries
Fresh sheets / Paul’s feelings—why? Faking a fever—why?
The Dying Room— who goes? Albert’s progress
Peter’s return
“A hospital alone shows what war is.” (explain) Bandages: paper vs. cloth (why?) Chapter summary
Chap. 11 Coins metaphor— explain meaning The transformation that has taken place in them Detering’s actions
The irony of his consequences Muller’s boots—the symbolism behind them Name All Quiet on the Western Front READING GUIDE Email [email protected] or [email protected] with questions Summer 1918
Kat’s fall / Paul’s actions Kat’s fate / Paul’s reation Chapter summary
Chap. 12 “We will not be able to find out way any more.” Why? “I can confront them without fear.” Why? Switch in point of view—from 1st to 3rd Purpose? Paul’s fallen expression Look up situational irony: how is this ending an example of it?
Chapter summary