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Oxford III – Ch. 38 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 1 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words
Chapter 38 cubō, cubāre, cubuī, cubitus/a/um = to lie down [ cube, cubic , accumbent, brachiocubital, concubinage, concubine, covey, cubicle, cubit, decubitus, genucubital, hora decubitus; hor. decub., incubate, incubator, incubus, incumbency, incumbent, procumbent, recumbent, succumb, superincumbent] agnōscō, agnōscere, agnōvī, agnōtus/a/um = to recognize [acknowledge, cognition, cognitive, cognizable, cognizant, cognoscente, cognoscenti, connoisseur, incognita, incognito, incognizant, incognoscent, incognoscible, know, knowledge, metacognition, metacognitive, precognition, recognition, recognize, recognizable, recognizance, reconnaissance, reconnoiter] prōdō, prōdere, prōdidī, prōditus/a/um = to betray [ add, addition, additive, condonation, condone, data (plural), Data Field, Data Field Protection, Data Transfer Rate, date, datum, donate, donation, donative, donee, donor, doromania, doromaniac, Dorothea, Dorothy, dosage, dose, dosimeter, dosemeter, dowager, dower, dowry, edit, edition, editio princeps = First edition., editorial, editorially, endow, endowment, Eudora, extradite, extradition, Fedora, Isidore, misrender, pardon, pardonable, pardonably, pardoner, postdate, predate, render , renderable, renderer, rendition (extraordinary), rendition, rent, rental, renter, surrender, surrendered, surrenderee, surrenderer, surrenderor, tradition, traditional, traditionally, traitor, traitorous, traitorously, treason, treasonable, treasonably, undated] abiciō, abicere, abiēcī, abiectus/a/um = to throw, away [abject, abjectness, adjective, conjectural, conjecture, deject, dejected, dejection, ejaculatory , eject, ejectamenta, ejection, ejective, ejectivity, ejectment, ejector, ejectus (s), ejecta (pl), inject, injection, interject, interjection, jactation, jactitation, jaculate, jaculation, jaculative, jaculator, jaculatorial, jaculatory, jaculiferous , javelin , jet, jetsam, jettison, jetty, jut, object, objection, objectionable, objective, project, projectile, projection, projectionist, projective, projector, reject, rejecter, rejection, subject, subjective, subjectivity, traject, trajectory] complector, complectī, complexus sum = to hug, embrace [accomplice, applicable, apply, complaint, complex, complexity, compliance, complicate, complicity, comply, deploy, duplex, duplicate, duplicity, explicable, explicate, explicit, exploit, implicate, implicit, imply, inexplicable, multiple, multiplex, multiplication, multiplicity, perplex, perplexity, pliable, pliancy, plicate, pliers, ply, quadruple, replica, replicate, reply, sextuple, simple, simplex, simplicity, supple, suppliant, supplication, triple, triplicate] intueor, intuērī, intuitus sum = to gaze at [ intuit, intuition, intuition, intuitionalism, intuitionalist, intuitive, intuitively, intuitiveness, tuition, tuitional, tutelage, tutelary, tutorage, tutee, tutor, tutorial, tutorially, tutorship] futūra, futūrōrum N pl = the future [future, futuristic, futurity, futurology, futurism] [presence, present, presentation, presentative, presentable, presentee, presentor, presentment, essence, essential, future, futuristic, futurity, futurology, futurism, absence, absence, quintessence, quintessence, quintessential, quintessentialize, absence, absent, absentee, absenteeism, absente febre; abs. feb. = “While or when fever is absent.” , absenter, absente reo; abs. re. = “With the defendant absent.”, absently, absentminded, absentmindedly, absentmindedness, disinterest, disinterestedly, disinterestedness, essence, essential, essentialist, essentially, essentialness, essentiate, extraessential, in absentia, interesting, interestingly, misrepresent, misrepresentation, misrepresenter, omnipresence, omnipresent, omnipresently, presence, present, presentable, presentably, presentation, presentation,
Continued Oxford III – Ch. 38 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 2 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words presently, presentment, quatressential, quintessence, quintessential, quintessentialize, represent, representation, representative, representatively, unessential, unessentially] vallum, vallī N = rampart [contravallation, vallate, vallecula, valley, Valley Girl, vallation] difficultās, difficultātis F = difficulty [affair, affect, affected, affection, artifact, artifice, artificial, benefaction, benefactor, beneficent, beneficiary, benefit, calefacient, calorifacient, certificate, certify, chafe, chauffeur, clarify, coefficient, confection, confetti, confit, counterfeit, defacto, defeat, defect, defective, deficient, deficit, diffect, difficacious, difficult, dignify, disaffected, discomfit, diversify, dormifacient, edification, edifice, edify, effect, effectual, efficacious, efficacy, efficient, effigy, exemplify, ex post facto, facient, facile, facilitate, facility, facsimile, fact, faction, factious, factitious, factor, factory, factotum, factual, faculty, falsify, fashion, feasance, feasibility, feasible, feat, feature, febrifacient, feckless, fetish, forfeit, fortify, fructify, glorify, gratify, horrific, horrify, identify, imperfect, imperfection, indemnify, infect, infection, intensify, ipso facto, justify, liquefy, liquifacient, magnificence, magnifico, magnify, malefic, maleficence, malfeasance, manufacture, misfeasance, modify, mollify, mortify, munificence, munificent, nonfeasance, notify, nullify, office, official, officiate, officious, olfactory, orifice, pacific, pacifist, pacify, parturifacient, perfect, perfecto, personify, personification, petrify, pluperfect, pontiff, pontificate, prefect, proficiency, proficient, profit, prolific, putrefy, putrefaction, qualify, ramify, ramification, rarefy, ratify, rectify, refectory, rubefacient, sacrifice, sanctify, satisfaction, satisfy, savoir- faire, scientific, significant, signify, simplify, solidify, somnifacient, sorbefacient, specific, specify, stratify, stupefacient, stupefy, suffice, sufficient, superficial, surface, surfeit, terrific, terrify, testify, typify, unify, verify, vilify, vivify] rūs, rūris N = the country (as in the countryside, not nation) [rural, ruralist, rustic, rurban, rusticate, rustication, rusticism, rusticity, roister, roisterer, roisteringly] rūre (or rūrī)= in the country rūs = to the countryside dīrus, dīra, dīrum = terrible, dire [dire, dire straits, direful, dire wolf] (1) rūsticus, rūsticī M = peasant, a countryperson, a person who lives country [rural, ruralist, rustic, rurban, rusticate, rustication, rusticism, rusticity, roister, roisterer, roisteringly] (2) rūsticus, rūstica, rūsticum = of the country (ADJ); (often with the idea of being unsophisticated) memor, memoris (+ genitive) = remembering, mindful of [commemorate, commemoration, commemorative, commemoratively, commemoratory, immemorial, immemorially, memento, memento mori, memo, memoir, memorabilia, memorable, memorably, memoranda, memorandum, memorial, memorialization, memorialize, memorially, memoria 2ostscrip, memorize, memory, remember, remembrance, reminisce, reminisced, reminiscence (s), reminiscences (pl), reminiscent, reminiscential, reminiscentially, reminiscently, reminiscer, reminisces, reminiscing, - mne root acousmatamnesia, amnemonic, amnesia, amnesiac, amnesic, amnesiophobia, amnestic, amnesty, anamnesis, anamnestic, antimnemonic, ataxiamnesia, ataxiamnestic, autoanamnesis, automnesia, catamnesis, catamnestic, Clytemnestra, cryptanamnesia, cryptomnesia, cryptomnesic, dysmnesia, dysmnesic, ecmnesia, hieromnemon, hypermnesia, hypermnestic, hypomnesia, hypomnesis, hypomnestic, lapsus memoriae, logamnesia, mnemasthenia, mneme, mnemic, mnemon, mnemonic, mnemonicon, mnemonics, mnemonist, mnemonize, mnemophobia, Mnemosyne= The goddess of Memory, mnemotaxis, mnemotactic, mnemotechny, mnemotechnic, neomnesia, paleomnesia, palinmnesia, panmnesia, paramnesia, presbymnemia, promnesia, pseudomnesia, telamnesia, telemnemonike]
Continued Oxford III – Ch. 38 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 3 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words immemor, immemoris (+ genitive) = forgetful of [commemorate, commemoration, commemorative, commemoratively, commemoratory, immemorial, immemorially, memento, memento mori, memo, memoir, memorabilia, memorable, memorably, memoranda, memorandum, memorial, memorialization, memorialize, memorially, memoria 3ostscrip, memorize, memory, remember, remembrance, reminisce, reminisced, reminiscence (s), reminiscences (pl), reminiscent, reminiscential, reminiscentially, reminiscently, reminiscer, reminisces, reminiscing, - mne root acousmatamnesia, amnemonic, amnesia, amnesiac, amnesic, amnesiophobia, amnestic, amnesty, anamnesis, anamnestic, antimnemonic, ataxiamnesia, ataxiamnestic, autoanamnesis, automnesia, catamnesis, catamnestic, Clytemnestra, cryptanamnesia, cryptomnesia, cryptomnesic, dysmnesia, dysmnesic, ecmnesia, hieromnemon, hypermnesia, hypermnestic, hypomnesia, hypomnesis, hypomnestic, lapsus memoriae, logamnesia, mnemasthenia, mneme, mnemic, mnemon, mnemonic, mnemonicon, mnemonics, mnemonist, mnemonize, mnemophobia, Mnemosyne= The goddess of Memory, mnemotaxis, mnemotactic, mnemotechny, mnemotechnic, neomnesia, paleomnesia, palinmnesia, panmnesia, paramnesia, presbymnemia, promnesia, pseudomnesia, telamnesia, telemnemonike] aliquandō = sometimes [alias, alibi, alien, alienable, alienate, aliicide, inalienability, inalienable] noctū = at night, by night [equinoctial, equinoctium, equinox, noctalbuminuria, noctambulate, noctambulating, noctambulation, noctambulant, noctambulic, noctambulism, noctambulator, noctambulist, noctambulous, noctambulatory, noctidial, noctifer, noctiferous, noctiluca, noctilucence, noctilucent, noctilucine, noctilucous, noctimania, noctomania, noctiphobia, noctophobia, noctiphobic, noctophobic, noctuid, noctule, nocturia, (also nycturia), nocturnae, nocturnal, nocturne, Nox, noxial, pernoctation, seminocturnal, trinoctial] paulum = a little [[impoverished, Paul, paucity, Paulist, pauciflorous, paucifoliate, pauciloquence, pauciloquent, pauciloquy, pauciradiate, paucity, pauper, poverty] quam prīmum = as soon as possible, as early as possible [ a priori, primacy, prima donna, prima facie, primal, primarily, primary, primate, prime, primer, primeval, primigenial, primigravida, primiparous, primitive, primogeniture, primordial, prior, priority, priory]
Continued Oxford III – Ch. 38 Vocabulary Info for cardspage P a g e | 4 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including 6 derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See www.wordinfo.info 4. Do not Reuse Cards or recycle them for other/different words Ch. 38 Vocab folding practice 1st Column (to be folded back later) Give English meaning(s) Fold 1st column back, then give Latin cubō, cubāre, cubuī, cubitus/a/um agnōscō, agnōscere, agnōvī, agnōtus/a/um prōdō, prōdere, prōdidī, prōditus/a/um abiciō, abicere, abiēcī, abiectus/a/um complector, complectī, complexus sum intueor, intuērī, intuitus sum futūra, futūrōrum N pl vallum, vallī N difficultās, difficultātis F rūs, rūris N rūre (or rūrī) rūs dīrus, dīra, dīrum rūsticus, rūsticī M rūsticus, rūstica, rūsticum memor, memoris (+ genitive) immemor, immemoris (+ genitive) aliquandō noctū paulum quam prīmum