Committee Members Present: a Cooper (Chairman)

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Committee Members Present: a Cooper (Chairman)


Committee Members present: A Cooper (Chairman)

Mrs S Bundock B Collier Mrs M Cooper B Dack S Dhaliwal S Hayes T Naisbitt L Stoter

Also present: Councillors Mrs Clarey, Saunders, 4 members of the public, the Clerk, and five representatives of Taylor Wimpey developers: Bill Beyzade, Peter Bigg, Marcus Lambert, Ross Blumire

6387. APOLOGIES Apologies were received on behalf of Councillor Smith.

6388. DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS INTERESTS Councillor Stoter declared an interest in the item relating to the Taylor’s Road presentation as he lives very close by, Councillor Dack declared an interest in Hertfordshire County Council Waste & Minerals Application as he lives fairly close and affects Fairfield.

6389. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – QUESTIONS, COMMENTS & RESPONSES There were no questions at this time. 1 6390. PRESENTATION BY TAYLOR WIMPEY Marcus Lambert and Peter Bigg introduced themselves and gave a visual display and presentation on the Taylor’s Road site, showing proposed changes following their last application. Items for note:  The site now has 2 access points, and separates the B1 units from the housing area. There is a wider access and route through for the farmer to fields beyond the site.  The play area is in a different location to the previous application, and is larger and more prominent.  The density for the site was originally proposed at 48 dwellings per hectare, and is now in the region of 37 – 38. There is identifiable lower density around the periphery of the site.  Affordable housing provision remains on site, there are no apartments, and there are still 4 mobility bungalows.  The site is predominantly 2 storey, with some 2 ½ storey dwellings. There are no 3 storey.  Regarding elevations and design of dwellings, Central Beds Council preferred rural Victorian and as this Committee previously objected to the design, they would like some feedback and ideas on our preferences.  One of the footpaths through the site requires a diversion and they have spoken with the Footpaths Officer who is happy for this to happen and feels it would be an improvement. The diverted route would take it along footways in the site, which would be lit, have good surfacing and be overlooked for security.

Queries raised by Members:  Regarding the safety of children in the play area sited close to the main Taylors Road, it was confirmed that it would be contained and surrounded by fencing and hedging and would be accessed from the development. They will also be providing comprehensive landscaping around the site.  Regarding landscaping of the site, it was confirmed that this Council would look to take on maintenance responsibilities of open spaces and play space within the site.

15/03/12  Regarding off road and on road parking provision, it was confirmed that the provisions are in accordance with the previous application, and the new Central Beds Council parking standards which have increased. Roadway sizes are all in accordance with Highways requirements.  Pointed out that there is a well-established toad home approximately ½ kilometre along the road from the site in a wet ditch, and that measures should be taken to protect it.

Taylor Wimpey representatives advised that they would be holding an exhibition in the near future for residents to view their plans, and they would also be speaking with Highways and the Planners. They will keep the Council informed of progress.

The representatives were thanked for attending the meeting and they then left.

6391. CORRESPONDENCE FOR NOTE Members were previously circulated copies of correspondence from a neighbour of 2 High Street, Stotfold following application CB/12/00466/FULL for erection of one detached dwelling, and who wished to make retrospective comment on the application for note by this Committee. Comments have been made by this Committee and forwarded to Central Beds Council within their deadline. The resident has been strongly advised to forward any comments he has direct to Central Beds Council.

Resolved that the comments made by the neighbour of 2 High Street regarding application CB/12/00466/FULL are noted.

6392. DECISION NOTICES There were none to report.

6393. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mrs Madelaine Palmer was given 3 minutes to speak on applications CB/12/00706/FULL, CB/12/00152/LB 2 and CB/12/00731CA Bowmans Mill, Mill Lane, Astwick as she is a close neighbour of the site.

Members then considered the applications before them and it was:

Resolved that the comments made on the planning applications as listed and forming part of these minutes be forwarded to Central Bedfordshire Council Planning Department.

6394. COMMENTS ON PREVIOUS APPLICATION – RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND Members considered making a recommendation to Council to amend a previous planning comment on the application detailed below. A copy of correspondence from the Planning Officer concerned was copied to Members, and advised that the application was to renew the approved application, not to make comment on the original application.

CB/11/03946/REN – Meat & Livestock Commission Site, Hitchin Road, Stotfold

Recommended that our the resolution giving previous comments on application CB/11/03946/REN is rescinded and that a revised comment is submitted: ‘No objections, however the Committee wished to point out that the reason for submitting their previous objection reasons was to reiterate their objections to the original planning application to planners.


Resolved that application CB/12/00726/FULL Land South of Stotfold, Norton Road (shop, flats & parking space) is called in for consideration by the Development Management Committee should Planners be minded to approve it. Application CB/12/00728/RM is to

15/03/12 be called in – although we have no objections to this application we request an opportunity to support the application in Committee.

6396. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY A check is to be made with the Central Beds Tree Officer to establish whether the following works were done with their approval or knowledge: Lime tree at 8 The Avenue which has had a TPO since 1996 has been cut using a chainsaw. Lime tree in Walnut Close with a TPO has been trimmed again – it was last done 12-15 months ago and it is felt not necessary to do again so soon.

There being no further relevant business the meeting was declared closed at 8.03pm




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