Category - Sexuality/Gay/Lesbian

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Category - Sexuality/Gay/Lesbian

28/01/2011 00:04:00

← Category - Sexuality/Gay/Lesbian ← ← Title: ← Author: ← Love Makes A Family ← Gigi Kaeser and Peggy Gillespie ← (Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Parents and Their Families) ← The XY Survival Guide ← Benjie Nycum ← (Everything you need to know about being young and gay) ← Man to Man ← Dr. Charles Silverstein ← (Gay Couples in America) ← Homosexual Behavior ← Judd Marmor, Editor ← (A Modern Reappraisal) ← Wrestling With The Angel ← Brian Bouldrey, Editor ← (Faith And Religion In the Lives of Gay Men) ← The Hite Report On Male Sexuality ← Alfred A. Knopf ← Surpassing The Love Of Men ← Lillian Faderman ← (Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present) ← Gay&Lesbian Online your ← Jeff Dawson indispensable guide to cruising the queer web ← Origins of Sexuality and ← John P. DeCecco and Michael G. Homosexuality Shively ← Lavender Road To Success ← Kirk Snyder ← (The Career Guide for the Gay Community) ← Matlovich – The Good Soldier ← Mike Hippler ← Gay Priest And Inner Journey ← Malcolm Boyd ← The New Couple Women and Gay Men ← Rebecca Hanas and Myra Turley ← Becoming Visible ← Edited by Kevin Jennings ← Bridge Across the Ocean ← Randy Boyd ← Outing Yourself ← Michelangelo Signorile ← (How To Come Out as Lesbian Or Gay to your Family, Friends, and Coworkers) ← Men Are From Mars, Women Are ← John Gray From Venus ← Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll ← Paul Monette ← Michael ← Henry Flesh ← Finding The Boyfriend Within ← Brad Gooch ← Empowering The Tribe ← Richard L. Pimental-Habib ← (A Positive Guide to Gay and Lesbian Self-Esteem) ← Kathy Acker ← Don Quixote ← Making Gay History ← Eric Marcus ← (The Half-Century Fight For Lesbian And Gay Equal Rights) ← How To Make The World A Better ← Una Fahy Place For Gays And Lesbians ← A Boy’s Own Story ← Edmund White ← The Front Runner ← Patricia Nell Warren ← Same-Sex Marriage Pro and Con ← Andrew Sullivan ← Billy’s Boy ← Patricia Nell Warren ← Parents Of the Homosexual ← David K. Switzer and Shirley Switzer ← Gaydar ← Donald F. Reuter ← (The Ultimate Insider Guide to the gay Sixth Sense) ← Rubyfruit Jungle ← Rita Mae Brown ← As Is ← William M. Hoffman ← Young, Gay, & Proud ← Don Romesburg ← The Gay Crusaders ← Kay Tobin and Randy Wicker ← 501 Great Things About Being Gay ← Taussig ← American Couples ← Philip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz ← (Money, Work, Sex) ← Dual Attraction ← Martin S. Weinberg, Colin J. Williams ← (Understanding Bisexuality) and Douglas W. Pryor ← Permanent Partners ← Betty Berzon ← (Building Gay & Lesbian Relationships That Last) ← Gay Men, Lesbians and the Law ← Ruthann Robson ← Alienated Affections Being gay in ← Seymour Kleinberg America ← Borrowed Time An Aids Memoir ← Paul Monette ← Invisible Lives ← Martha Barron Barrett ← (The Truth About Millions of Women- Loving Women) ← Together Forever ← Eric Marcus ← (Gay And Lesbian Merriage) ← Conduct Unbecoming ← Randy Shilts ← (Gays & Lesbians In The U.S. Military) ← Beyond Acceptance ← Carolyn Welch Griffin, ← (Parents of Lesbians and Gays Talk ← Marian J. Wirth and About Their Experiences) ← Arthur G. Wirth ← Stranger at The Gate ← Mel White ← Why Can’t Sharon Kowalski Come ← Karen Thompson Home? ← Julie Andrzejewski ← Gender Identity, Equity, and Violence ← Geraldine B. Stahly ← (Multidisciplinary Perspectives ← Robert A. Corrigan Through Service Learning) ← Love Undetectable ← Andrew Sullivan ← (Notes On Friendship, Sex, and Survival) ← A Family Matter ← Dr. Charles Silverstein ← (A parents’ Guide to Homosexuality) ← Love Cycles, The Science Of Intimacy ← Winnifred B. Cutler ← States Of Desire ← Edmund White ← Pins ← Jim Provenzano ← Naming the Violence ← Kerry Lobel ← (Speaking Out About Lesbian ← Battering) ← From Female To Male ← Louis Sullivan ← (The Life of Jack Bee Garland) ← Be Yourself – Questions & Answers ← PFLAG for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth ← Our Daughters & Sons – Questions & ← PFLAG Answers for Parents of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People ← Jumping the Broom ← NBJC ← (A Black Perspective On Same-Gender Marriage) ← Gays, Lesbians & Family Values ← Elizabeth A. Say ← Mark R. Kowalewski ← Counseling Same~Sex Couples ← Douglas Carl ← Queer Kids ← Robert E. Owens Jr. PhD ← (The Challenges and Promis for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth) ← Homosexuality and ← Lionel Ovesey Pseudohomosexuality ← Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers ← Lillian Faderman ← (A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America) ← Gay & Lesbian Rights ← Brette McWhorter Sember ← (A Guide for GLBT Singles, Couples and Families) ← Period ← Dennis Cooper ← The Women And The Men ← Nikki Giovanni ← Making History ← Eric Marcus ← (The Struggle For Gay And Lesbian Equal Rights) ← Fighting Words ← Charles Michael Smith ← (Personal Essays by Black Gay Men) ← Are You Still My Mother? Are You ← Gloria Guss Back Still My Family? ← Answers to Questions About Marriage ← Human Rights Campaign Equality ← The Practical Encyclopedia of Sex and ← Stefan Bechtel Health ← Queer In America ← Michelangelo Signorile ← (Sex, The Media, And The Closets Power) ← Human Sexuality ← American Medical Association ← Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual Identities ← Charlotte J. Patterson In Families ← Anthony R. K’Augelli ← On The Road To Same-Sex Marriage ← Robert P. Cabaj ← David W. Purcell ← Living Well ← Peter Shalit ← (The Gay Man’s Essential Health Guide) ← Growing Up Gay In A Dysfunctional ← Rik Isensee Family ← Considering Parenthood ← Cheri Pies ← (A Workbook for Lesbians) ← Out & About Campus ← Kim Howard ← Annie Stevens ← Bulletproof Faith ← Candace Chellew-Hodge ← (A Spiritual Survival Guide For Gay and Lesbian Christians) ← A Ghost In The Closet ← Mable Maney ← Female-to Male Transsexualism ← Leslie Martin Lothstein ← (Historical, Clinical, and Theoretical Issues) ← Becoming Visible ← Kevin Jennings ← Resource Guide to Coming Out ← Human Rights campaign Foundation ← Resource Guide to Coming Out for ← Human Rights campaign Foundation African Americans ← Faith in Our Families ← PFLAG ← Am I Blue? ← Marion Dane Bauer ← (Coming Out From The Silence) ← Dream Boy ← Jim Grimsley ← Speak Out ← Human Rights campaign Foundation ← (Activist Tools for GLBT Eauqlity) ← To Quote A Queer ← John Lessard ← The Last of the Wine ← Mary Renault ← ← Category: Women Rights ← ← U.S. History as Women’s New ← Linda K. Kerber Feminist Essays ← Alice Kessler-Harris ← Kathryn Kish Sklar ← Women’s Ways of Knowing Mary Field Belenky Blythe McVicker Clinchy Nancy Rule Goldberger Jill Mattuck Tarule ← Unfinished Business Julianne Malveaux and Debora Perry ← (The 10 Most Important Issues Women Face Today) ← The Balancing Act Susan J. Bracken ← (Gendered Perspectives in Faculty Jeanie K. Allen Roles and Work Lives) Diane R. Dean ← Daring to Educate Yolanda L. Watson ← (The Legacy Of The Early Spelman Sheila T. Gregory College Presidents) Category: African American A Communication Of The Spirits Roland L. Freeman (African-American Quilters, Preservers, and Their Stories) Heart & Soul Bob Merlis (A Celebration of Black Music Style In Davin Seay America 1930-1975) A Country Of Strangers David K. Shilpler (Blacks And White In America) Stirring the Pots in American Politics Donna Brazile Cooking with Grease Making It on Boroken Promises Lee Jones (African American Male Scholars Cornel West Confront The culture of higher education) Breaking Ice Terry McMillan (An Anthology of Contemporary African- American Fiction) Exposing the “Culture of Arrogance” in Gail L. Thompson the Academy Angela C. Louque A Collection of Quotations By People of Dorothy Winbush Riley Color A Testament Of Hope James M. Washington (The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr.) Brothers Of The Academy Lee Jones Sisters Of The Academy Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela Anna L. Green Dreamer Charles Johnson Imani All Mine Connie Porter Race And Resistance Herb Boyd (African Americans in the 21st Century) Breaking Bread Bell Hooks Cornel West Toward The Decolonization Of African Chinweizu Literature Onwuchekwa Jemie Ihechukwu Madubuike Toward The Decolonization Of African Chinweizu Literature Onwuchekwa Jemie Ihechukwu Madubuike Tempest Rising Diane McKineey-Whetstone Black Profiles In Courage Kareem Abdul-Jabbar The Pact Drs. Sampson Davis (Three Young Men Make A Promise And George Jenkins Fulfill A Dream) Rameck Hunt The Hatwearer’s Lesson Yolanda Joe Freedom Days Janus Adams (365 Inspired Moments In Civil Rights History) Category: Diversity Diversity In Higher Education Caryn McTighe Musil (A Work Progress) A Crucial Agenda WIAHE (Making Colleges and Universities work better for minority students) Driving Change Through Diversity And James A. Anderson Globalization On The Theory Of Social Change Everett E. Hagen Student Cultural Diversity Eugene Garcia (Understanding and meeting the challenge) Educating Citizens In A Multicultural James A. Banks Society The Making and Remarking Of A Carlos E. Cortes Multiculturalist Letters From The Future Deborah A. Brunson Brenda Jarmon Linda L. Lampl White Teachers/Diverse Classrooms Julie Landsman Chance W Lewis Degrees of Choice – Social class, race and Diane Reay gender in higher education Miriam E. David Stephen Ball Theachesr Human Rights and Diversity Audrey Osler Black, White and Jewish Rebecca Walker The Nature of Prejudice Gordon W. Allport And Don’t Call me a Racist! Ella Mazel And Don’t Call me a Racist! Ella Mazel The Anti-Defamation League’s - Hate Caryl Stern-LaRosa Hurts Ellen Hofheimer Bettmann A Problem From Hell Samantha Power (America and the Age of Genocide) 35 dumb things well-intended people say: Dr. Maura Cullen Surprising things we say that widen the diversity gap Category: Middle East, Asia, Indian Americans, and Latin American Eye to eye women Anita Desai The Japanese Today Adwin O. Reischauer (Change and Continuity) Marius B. Jansen Youth, Identity, Power Carlos Muñoz (The Chicano Movement) Youth, Identity, Power Carlos Muñoz (The Chicano Movement) The Latina/o Pathway to the Ph.D. Abriendo Caminos The Majority In The Minority Jeanett Castellanos Lee Jones Hombres y Machos Alfredo Mirandé (Masculinity and Latino Culture) Egypt Knopf Guides Recovering the Sacred Winona Laduke Borderlands La Frontera Gloria Anzaldúa 2002 National Directory of Scholarship, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Internships, and Fellowships for Latino Youth National Directory of Hispanic Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Organizations Hispanic Culture Review HCR Women’s Voices From the Borderlands Lillian Castillo-Speed How to Be a Chicana Role Model Michele Serros Dreaming in Cuban Cristina García Esperanza’s Box of Saints María Amparo Escandón The Accidentl Asian Eric Liu Typical American Gish Jen Yellow Rank H. Wu (Race in America Beyond Black and White) Japanese Teach Yourself War and Peace in the Middle East Avi Shlaim The Dragon’s Village Yuan-Tsung Chen The Flower Drum Song C.Y.Lee Native American Wisdom Kristen Marée Cleary Man on Two Ponies Don Worcester Category: Miscellaneous Human Behavior At Work Keith Davis (Organizational Behavior) The Civil War David Williams Seraph On The Suwanee Zora Neale Hurston Fat Art – Thin Art Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Death in Venice Thomas Mann Strong at the broken places Richard M. Cohen Bully Jim Schutze (A true Story of High School Revenge) Category: Europe Kings & Queens of Hungary Corvina (Princes of Transylvania) Hungary Facts About Germany Category: Religion Worship Resources For The Christian Charles L. Wallis Year Living Religions Mary Pat Fisher The Koran For Dummies Sohaib Sultan Religion in North America Ronald J. Wilkins Prayer As Ballast And Rudder Ira G. Zepp, Jr. The Story Of God Today’s New International Version Revised Edition Kwanzaa Cedric McClester A Brief Illustrated Guide To I.A. Ibrahim Understanding Islam The Complete Kwanzza Dorothy Winbush Riley (Celebrating Our Cultural Harvest) Category: Useful Information Communication in Our Lives AIE Communication in Our Lives AIE Business Communications Himstreet Baty Lehman Study Abroad for Dummies Erin E. Sullivan Carrer X Roads Gerry Crispin Mark Mehler New Perspectives For Student Affairs Peter H. Garland Professionals Thomas W. Grace The Top 10 Career Strategies Gary Joseph Grappo Developing outcomes-based Assessment Amy Driscoll for Learner-centered Education Swarup Wood Journal Of The Freshman Year University of South Carolina A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Kate L. Turabian Theses, and Dissertations 100 Things Every College Freshman William Disbro Ought to Know Category: Dictionary Dictionary of Symbols Carl G. Liungman The American Heritage Dictionary 21st Century Refernce The New Roget’s Thesaurus In Dictionary Norman Lewis Form Webster’s Pocket Dictionary and Webster Thesaurus of the English Language Color Spanish Dictionary Plus Oxford Pocket French Dictionary Webster’s New World Category: Video The Center for Cross~Cultural Study Seville, Spain Dr. Marting Luther King, Jr. Celebration Zephia Brynt Great Ideas Start with Vision Vision Point African American Poetry 1960-1995 Furious Flower Volume I African American Poetry 1960-1995 Furious Flower Volume II African American Poetry 1960-1995 Furious Flower Volume III African American Poetry 1960-1995 Furious Flower Volume IV Seniors California Newsreel Four Years In Retrospect Shattering The Silences California Newsreel (The Case For Minority Faculty) A Question of Color California Newsreel (Color Consciousness in Black America) Step Show’99 CAO COPX Get Real Sundance Film Festival Step Show’98 Signing Naturally Student Videotext Level Multi Percussionist Richard Grimes Landspeed Artists, LTD. Off the Straight & Narrow Mef MOS Seniors Benquet 2004 Category: DVD Freedom Without Walls! Robert e. frye (Fall of the berlin Wall 1989-1009) What Black Men Think Janks Morton Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela Thomas Allen Harris White Teachers/Diverse Classrooms STY/US Publishing, LLC. Race is the Place Ray Telles Rick Tejada-Flores White Privilege 101 Eddie Moore, Jr., Here Am I, Send Me Lawrence Benaquist (The Journey of Jonathan Daniels) William Sullivan Shattering the Silences California Newsreel (The case for Minority Faculty) Furious Flower II California Newsreel No! California Newsreel (Confronting Sexual Assault In Our Community) Category: Audiocassette A Call To Conscience Time Warner Audio Books (The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Category: Big Books The Circle of Life Gabriel Garcia Marquez The Bluestone (2001) James Madison University Atlas of Ancient Egypt John Baines Jaromir Malek Songs of My People Gordon Parks (African American: A Self- Portrait) Land Of the Free David Sean Paludeine Western Maryland College (Alumni Directory 2002) Lost Civilizations- Ramses II: Times Life Magnificence on the Nile Lost Civilizations – The Search Times Life For El Dorado Lost Civilizations – Aztecs: Times Life Religion of Blood & Splendor Lost Civilizations – Wondrous Times Life Realms of the Aegean Lost Civilizations – Southeast Times Life Asia: A Past Regained Lost Civilizations – Early Europe: Times Life Mysteries In Stone Reference Library of Asian Multiculture in Print America Volume I Reference Library of Asian Multiculture in Print America Volume II Reference Library of Asian Multiculture in Print America Volume III Reference Library of Hispanic Multiculture in Print America Volume I Reference Library of Hispanic Multiculture in Print America Volume II Reference Library of Hispanic Multiculture in Print America Volume III Of Hope, Courage and Life Mary Harding Bell, Ed.D Of Hope, Courage and Life Mary Harding Bell, Ed.D He had a dream Flip Schulke (Martin Luther King. Jr., and The Civil Rights movement) Sources: Diversities in Higher American Council on Education Education Microfilm Resources for Research National Archives and Records Administration U.S. Citizenship for Dummies Heller Sicard

Category: Cartoon

The Magic Cow – A Gift Helaine D. Gitomer Harriett Weinstock The Magic Cow – A Gift Helaine D. Gitomer Harriett Weinstock Night Of the Bilingual Hector Cantú Telemarketers Carlos Castellanos Baldo Hector Cantú Carlos Castellanos A Gift From God Nicholas Sironka Nappy Hale Carolivia Herron Joe Cepeda

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