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Instructions for Icslp96 Authors

The Second International Conference on Music Communication Science, 3-4 December 2009, Sydney, Australia


1Royal College of Music, London, UK & Orpheus Institute, Belgium; 2University of Connecticut, USA

ABSTRACT the limitation that the chain of cues starts at the beginning of the piece so that if the A solo cellist learned and memorized the performance is disrupted the musician is Prelude from J.S. Bach's Suite No. 6 for faced with the embarrassment of having to solo cello for performance and identified start over. For this reason, experienced features that she had attended to in practice performers usually prepare an alternative and performance. After ten months she memory retrieval system that provides wrote out the score from memory and two content addressable access, allowing the months later played the piece from musician to recall any passage in the piece memory. More than three years later she by simply thinking of it (e.g. the “A repeated the two tests in the opposite order. section”). Content addressable access is On both occasions, played was much better provided by performance cues (PCs) than written recall. Written recall was best representing landmarks in the music that at expressive and structural performance the performer is able to consciously think cues and worst at basic performance cues about during performance. PCs provide a for technique. Sensori-motor cues provided mental map of the music that allows the by playing appear to be responsible for the musician to monitor the performance as it better recall when playing. unfolds and to recover from mistakes and INTRODUCTION memory lapses. Concert soloists have been performing Written recall of the score has proved an from memory at least since Clara important source of evidence that PCs Schumann and Franz Liszt created a stir in provide content addressable access to European salons and concert halls of the memory (Chaffin & Logan, 2006; Ginsborg 1830’s by playing without a score. The & Chaffin , 2007). Recall is better at PCs demands placed on memory are representing musical expression and extraordinary and, not surprisingly, structure and declines in the bars that memory and attentional lapses are not follow (an effect of serial position). This uncommon. Thus, when preparing for a pattern of results suggests that musicians memorised performance, it becomes have content addressable access to memory important for musicians to develop a at these points and then retrieve the memory retrieval system that is flexible following bars by serial cuing. In contrast, and that will permit the performance to recall is poorer at PCs representing proceed, whatever may go wrong (Chaffin, decisions about basic technique. One Imreh, & Crawford, 2002; Hallam, 1995; possible explanation is that musicians rely Lehmann & Ericsson, 1998). During music more on serial cuing in places where there performance, memory for what comes next are issues with technique. is normally activated by serial cuing as the This study tested this explanation by current passage cues motor and auditory comparing written and played recall of a memory for what comes next (Chaffin, well-prepared piece after many months Logan & Begosh, 2008). Serial cuing has The Second International Conference on Music Communication Science, 3-4 December 2009, Sydney, Australia without practising it. We have reported summarizes the results of a multiple elsewhere that the written recall was better regression analysis that showed that all of at expressive and poorer at basic PCs the effects of serial order evident in the (Chaffin & Lisboa, 2008; Chaffin, Lisboa, figures were statistically reliable except for Logan & Begosh, 2009). Here we ask interpretive PCs. whether the same effects occurred when the musician played the piece at around the same time. METHOD

The participant: Tânia Lisboa, the cellist and first author was trained in classical cello and piano in Brazil, England and France, and she currently lives in London performing as a cello soloist. The music: The Prelude from J.S. Bach’s Suite No. 6 for solo cello was chosen as a piece that explores both the mellow quality and virtuoso aspects of the instrument. Although the cellist was very familiar with the Prelude and had played other works by Bach throughout her career, she had never learned the Suite No. 6 for performance before. Written for an instrument with five strings, Suite No. 6 presents contemporary cellists with substantial technical challenges because fingerings and left-hand positions must be adapted to play the notes Figure 1: Mean probability of written written for the fifth string on the four strings of a modern cello. Musically, however, the Prelude is comparable to recall of the score (with standard error bars) the other five Bach cello suites. Notated in 104 bars in for serial position of half bars numbered 12/8 time, the piece takes about five minutes to perform. sequentially starting at expressive PCs, Procedure: The cellist videotaped her practice from starts of subsections (structural PCs), initial sight-reading to the last of 8 public performances, interpretive PCs, and basic PCs. 92 weeks later. She provided reports describing the musical structure, decisions about basic technique (e.g., bowing), interpretation (e.g., dynamics), and various kinds of PCs she attended to during performance (expressive, Regressio structural, interpretive, intonation and basic technique Effect of serial n separately for left and right hand). The practice sessions and performances have been described elsewhere. Ten position from coefficien months after the public performances, the cellist was t asked to write out the score from memory. Seven weeks later, she recorded herself playing the piece from memory. PC: Expressive -0.089*** She had not practiced or performed the piece in the intervening weeks. After a period of more than three Starts of -0.072*** years, a second pair of tests was carried out, this time subsections reversing the order of recall: played recall first and written recall second. PC: Interpretive 0.005 We examined accuracy of recall as a function of serial *** position before and after PCs. We also measured the PC: Basic 0.066 tempo of the first played recall using a sound wave processing program to measure the duration of each half R2 0.29*** bar. Measurement of the tempo of the second played recall is ongoing. *** p <.001 RESULTS Table 1. Regression coefficients (unadjusted) for the effects of serial We previously reported that written recall position of half-bars from PCs and was 52% accurate, showing considerable beginnings of subsections of the musical forgetting (Chaffin & Lisboa, 2008). structure on probability of correct recall, Figure 1 shows mean recall probability as a with R2. function of serial position; Table 1 The Second International Conference on Music Communication Science, 3-4 December 2009, Sydney, Australia Probability of recall was highest at First Recall--Section Bounds expressive PCs and beginnings of sub- 100 sections and declined as distance increased – negative serial position effects. For basic 75

PCs the serial position effect was positive – 50 probability of recall was lowest at basic 25 PCs and increased with distance. Written 0 Played 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The effects for expressive PCs and Half-Bars From Section Bounds subsections suggest that these were the main landmarks of the cellist’s memory. First Recall--Expressive Cues Once the beginning of each passage was 100 retrieved, it cued recall of what followed 75 until, at some point, a link failed and the 50 chain was broken, resulting in a poorer 25 recall as distance from the landmark W ritten 0 Played 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 increased (Roediger & Crowder, 1976). Half-Bars From Expressive Cues Expressive PCs were more effective First Recall--Basic Cues retrieval cues than beginnings of subsections. Recall was nearly perfect at 100 expressive PCs and lower at subsection 75 boundaries (M = 0.93 and 0.65 50 respectively, t(32) = 2.72, p =.01). 25

W ritten 0 Played 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The effect of basic PCs on recall was in the Half-Bars From Basic Cues opposite direction. Recall was lower at basic PCs and increased as distance from Figure 2: Mean probability of written and the cue increased. The effect suggests that played recall for serial position of half bars basic PCs did not provide direct, content- numbered sequentially starting at addressable memory access, but operated expressive PCs, starts of subsections, and instead as part of a serial chain of basic PCs. associations, reminding the musician about There were numerous, small hesitations in important details of technique (Chaffin et the played recall. If PCs serve as memory al., 2009; Rubin, 2006). In writing out the retrieval cues, as we have suggested, then score from memory, the cellist was not we would expect these hesitations would performing the relevant actions, and so the occur at PCs as the cellist struggled to memories associated with them were less recall what came next. Table 2 lists the available. significant effects in a multiple regression This interpretation was consistent with the analysis of the tempo. Negative effects results for the played recall which are (bold faced) indicate that playing was compared with those for the written recall slower at these places. in Figure 2. Played recall was almost perfect and showed no drop of with serial position following any of the different Regression Effect types of PCs. When the sensori-motor coefficient context provided by performance was Section Begins 0.120*** present, recall was much better than for the written recall. Switches -0.332*** PC: Expressive -0.152*** PC: Interpretive -0.103** The Second International Conference on Music Communication Science, 3-4 December 2009, Sydney, Australia The second test carried out more than three PC: Bowing -0.079*** years later revealed similar findings. Figure 3 (above) shows that recall was almost R squared 0.29*** perfect for the two played tests and substantially lower for the two written tests. ** p <.01, *** p <.001 The difference demonstrates the large role played by motor and auditory memory. Table 2. Regression coefficients Written recall was better (71%) in the (unadjusted) for the effects of musical second round of testing than on the first structure and PCs on tempo, with R2. (52%). The improvement was probably due to the recent played recall in which the Negative values (bold faced) represent cellist was able to play through the entire slower playing in bars containing the piece from memory. feature or cue in question. Interaction Slower playing at switches and at PCs for indicating Effects bowing probably reflects hesitations due to Effect of serial position difference between following memory retrieval problems. Switches are Recall Tests places were similar musical material is Expressive PCs -0.073* 0.033 repeated at different points in the piece. Structural PCs -0.032 0.025 These are places where it easy to get confused; the cellist was apparently taking Interpretive PCs 0.031 -0.007 the time to think carefully about where she Basic PCs 0.086** -0.050* was in order to avoid mistakes. We have Structural PCs x Expressive PCs -0.018* shown previously (Chaffin & Lisboa, 2008) Table 3. Regression coefficients for the that the cellist often used bowing to help effects of serial position of half-bars from her remember passages that were PCs on probability of correct recall for first particularly difficult to memorize. The and second written recalls. slower tempi at PCs for bowing, therefore, Table 3 summarizes the results of a probably represent hesitations while she mixed hierarchical regression analysis tried to remember these passages. testing the effects of serial order and their interaction with first and second tests. For Expressive and interpretive PCs were also beginnings of sub-sections and expressive marked by slower tempi. In these cases, the PCs, recall declined as distance increased slowing could have been due to musical (see Figure 4, top and middle panels interpretation. We have previously reported respectively). For expressive PCs, the decline was less uniform on the second test. that the cellist emphasized these places For basic PCs, the effect was in the with slightly slower tempi in polished opposite direction – probability of recall performances (Lisboa, Chaffin, R., Begosh, was lowest at basic PCs and increased with & Logan, 2007). Without additional distance – and was larger on the second test analysis, we cannot say whether the slower (see Figure 4, bottom panel). playing at these locations in the played Second Recall--Section Bounds recall was due to the same kind of 100 emphasis or to problems with recall. 75 Percent Recall

1 50 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 25 0.5 0.4 0.3 W ritten 0.2 0 P layed 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 Half-Bars From Section Bounds Written Played Played Written

Recall 1 Recall 2

Figure 3. Percentage correct on two tests of written and played recall, shown in temporal order from left to right. The Second International Conference on Music Communication Science, 3-4 December 2009, Sydney, Australia Second Recall--Expressive Cues was poorer at these points. These two 100 effects (hesitations and poorer recall)

75 suggest that bowing provided the cellist

50 with important retrieval cues.

25 The contribution of bowing to recall is

Written 0 Played further supported by spontaneous 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Half-Bars From Expressive Cues comments that the cellist made during

Second Recall--Basic Cues practice, reported by Chaffin & Lisboa

100 (2008). At one point during practice session 30, the cellist referred to difficulties that 75 she was having in remembering a passage: 50 “[It] actually helped [me] very much to 25 remember where the up-bows were…”. In W ritten 0 P layed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Half-B ars From B asic Cues sessions 33, she said of the same spot, “Maybe the dynamics would help [me Figure 4. Mean probability of correct recall remember] because I‘ve got a crescendo (written and played) as a function of serial position of half bars numbered sequentially on the up-bow” (Chaffin & Lisboa, 2008). from beginnings of subsections (structural These comments indicate that the cellist PCs), expressive PCs, and basic PCs, for used bowing direction to help her recall a second recall tests. passage that she was having difficulty with. DISCUSSION As previously reported, recall was better at expressive PCs and at the beginnings of Played recall was better than written recall subsections (Chaffin & Lisboa, 2008). The on both sets of tests (97% accurate). The cellist was able to locate these places in her movements involved in playing apparently memory, even when she was unable to remember the bars that preceded them. The helped to remind the cellist of what came decrease in recall in the following bars was next. The sensori-motor context provided then due to serial cuing as, at each by playing aided recall by providing successive link in the chain, there was the additional retrieval cues. possibility that retrieval would fail. The probability of recall, therefore, decreased as Two sources of evidence suggested that the distance from the start of the chain movements involved in bowing were increased, producing a negative serial position effect. particularly important: (1) the presence of hesitations at PCs for bowing in the first In summary, the new finding here was that played recall was better than written recall. played recall and (2) the lower written The result is not surprising. Played recall recall of these same locations in both provided serial cuing by the sensori-motor written recalls. First, during the first played context that was absent in the written recall, playing slowed at PCs for bowing, recall. What is interesting is the suggestion that basic PCs were responsible for the suggesting that the cellist needed to think difference. The role of basic PCs in the about what came next at these points. It played recall is eloquently described in an appears that bowing PCs provided retrieval email that the cellist wrote shortly after the cues that were not yet working up to the second played recall, describing her experience. speed required for performance. Second, written recall was also lower in these same “I… was hesitating all the way through but managed to get to the end. At some locations. Recall decreased at basic PCs, places… my fingers seemed to go by which included PCs for bowing, and themselves… mostly it was thinking of increased in the bars that followed. The bowing and fingering (basic PCs) that… effect suggests that the cellist relied more got me through”. on serial cuing by motor (and acoustic) Basic PCs provided the cellist with content cues at these points. Because these cues addressable access to her memory for the piece, allowing her to think about the were absent during written recall, memory bowings and fingerings she had selected The Second International Conference on Music Communication Science, 3-4 December 2009, Sydney, Australia during practice and used during practice and rehearsal on an expert performance. These retrieval cues allowed singer’s long-term recall for words and her to play the piece the way she had melody. In A. Williamon and D. learned it and her actions then provided Coimbra (Eds.), Proceedings of the additional retrieval cues that allowed her to International Symposium on remember the next passage. In this way, Performance Science, Association of she was able to make her way through the European Conservatoires, Porto, piece. November. REFERENCES Lehmann, A. C., & Ericsson, K.A. (1998). Preparation of a public piano Chaffin, R, Imreh, G., & Crawford, M. performance: The relation between (2002). Practicing perfection: Memory practice and performance. Musicae and piano performance. Mahwah, NJ: Scientiae, 2, 69–94. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lisboa, T. (2006, July). Action, thought, Chaffin, R. & Lisboa, T. (2008). Practicing and self in cello performance. Paper perfection: How concert soloists prepare presented at the Conference on for performance. Ictus, 9, 115-142. Teaching, Learning and Performing Music, Royal Northern College of Chaffin, R., Lisboa, T., Logan, T., & Music, Manchester, UK. Begosh, K.T. (2009). Preparing for Memorized Cello Performance: The Lisboa, T., Chaffin, R., Begosh, K.T., & Role of Performance Cues. Music Logan, T. (2007). Memorizing in cello Psychology, in press. playing: Practice, performance and expression. Paper presented at the 3rd Chaffin, R., Logan, T.R., & Begosh, K.T. International Symposium on Cognition (2009). Performing from memory. In S. and the Musical Arts (SINCAM), Hallam, I. Cross, & M. Thaut (Eds.), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology (pp. 352-363). Oxford: Roediger, H. L., III, & Crowder, R. C. Oxford University Press. (1976). A serial position effect in recall of United States presidents. Bulletin of Ginsborg, J. and Chaffin, R. (2007a). The the Psychonomic Society, 8, 275–278. effect of retrieval cues developed during

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