Environmental Camp Scholarship Application
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This year we are offering three (3) Student Scholarships for a weeks’ stay on Maine’s scenic Hog Island, a landmark of environmental education since 1936. The sessions’ program will take place on the 330-acre island in mid-coast Maine’s beautiful Muscongus Bay and will be led by some of the nation’s most-respected naturalists and environment educators.
Applicants must reside in Lackawanna, Susquehanna, Wayne, or Pike County, Pennsylvania.
Do you have an environmental career in mind for the future? Do you love the outdoors and nature? Do you like adventure? Do you believe that we need to protect our natural environment? If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, you will want to apply for a camp scholarship offered and paid for by the Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society.
Coastal Maine Bird Studies for Teens, Ages 14-17 – June 23-28 During this intensive 6-day, 5-night program on Hog Island, some of the country’s best known birders and ornithologist will lead sessions on field identification, bird song recognition, and conservation practices. This program includes the opportunity to observe Audubon’s seabird conservation field research in action, and is the only Hog Island program that lands participants on Eastern Egg Rock during the puffin breeding season.
Costal Maine Bird Studies is for teens ages 14-17 with avid interest in the outdoors and birds. Limit of 16 participants per session. The tuition is $1,195, which includes all meals, housing, instruction and boat trips and will be paid for by the Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society. This year we have a NEPAS volunteer who will drive the scholarship recipients to and from camp. Otherwise, teens must arrange for transportation to and from the Audubon dock in Bremen, ME at the start and end of the session. Participants may also be picked up and dropped off at the Portland Airport by Audubon staff for an additional $50. .
This program requires physical and emotional maturity and will be awarded based on the information provided on the attached application. For additional information see: http://www.projectpuffin.org/OrnithCamps.html 2
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Name ______first middle initial last Address ______number and street apt. city/town state zip code Telephone ( ) ______Date of birth ____/____ /____
FAMILY Mother (or Guardian) ______Father (or Guardian)______
EDUCATION Current High School ______Expected Completion (mo. /yr.) ______
High School Address ______
Name of teacher writing recommendation ______Telephone ( ) ______
Dates of attendance (include attendance at any other high school or academic summer programs): ______
INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES (attach separate sheet if necessary): Please describe your current academic interests:
Briefly describe your extracurricular activities:
PERSONAL STATEMENT (attach separate sheet to this form)
It is our aim to know you as well as possible through this application. Please take this opportunity to tell us something about yourself that will give us clearer insight into who you are and how you think. You may choose to describe why you are interested in attending this program, discuss an environmental topic of interest to you, or find another way to help us know you better. The topic and approach are entirely up to you.
TO COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION 1. Ask a teacher who is familiar with your work to complete and return the recommendation form. 2. A copy of your school transcript MUST accompany this application (including fall grades, and, if available, PSAT, SAT or ACT scores). 3. The completed application must be taken to your Guidance Office for Processing
NEPAS CAMP SCHOLARSHIP c/o MaryAnn Lunniss P. O. Box 272 Tafton, PA 18464
Questions: Please call 570-226-4288
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______4
Recommendation For: “ Costal Maine Bird Studies for Teens” Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society Ages 14-17, June 23-28, 2012 P.O. Box 711 Honesdale, PA 18431 570-253-9250 Audubon Camp Scholarship
Student’s name ______
TO THE STUDENT Please print your name above and give this form to a teacher who is familiar with your work.
TO THE TEACHER The Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society seeks to provide youth the knowledge and leadership to become conservation leaders in their communities and beyond. The Audubon Hog Island camp scholarships offer a unique and life-changing experience for the youth of Lackawanna, Susquehanna, Wayne and Pike Counties.
Your remarks and recommendation concerning this student will be of great assistance in our evaluation of his or her application to the program.
Please check the appropriate box for each item below and provide a written recommendation of the student on the second page of this form.
No basis to Judge Below average Average Above Average Excellent Ability in high-school courses Potential for college-level work Intellectual curiosity Motivation Emotional stability Sociability with peers Maturity Creativity OVERALL IMPRESSION
Please complete both pages of this form 5
Your Name: ______Email______
Address ______
In what course(s) have you taught this student? ______
Signature: ______Date:______