Understanding by Design 1-Page Template s2

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Understanding by Design 1-Page Template s2

EDCO 300 Differentiated Instruction for Exceptional Learners Course Syllabus

Buena Vista University Mission Statement: We develop students for lifelong success through innovative and imaginative academic and professional preparation.

COURSE INFORMATION: Type of Course: Face-to-Face Hybrid Online Course Meeting Time: %Face-to-Face % Online or Online Components: College Credits: Academic Term and Year: Term IV Fall 12/13 Instructor Title and Name: Instructor Contact Information: Instructor BVU e-mail:

COURSE RESOURCES: Text(s) Information: Required Title: The Inclusive Classroom with My Education Lab Author: Mastropieri, Margo A., Scruggs, Thomas E. Date: 2010 Edition: 4th Edition Publisher: Pearson ISBN number: ISBN-10: 0136101275 ISBN-13: 9780136101277

Additional Resources Needed: An active subscription to LiveText is a requirement for our BVU Teacher Education Program. LiveText accounts can be purchased through the University Book Store or directly from LiveText at www.livetext.com. Students are required to purchase a standard LiveText account with the Field Experience Management (FEM) module. LiveText is a one-time purchase that lasts the duration of your time at the College of Education (up to five years). If you already have an active LiveText account, no repurchase is necessary. For more information, please see the BVU faculty member or your advisor. Also, successful completion and uploading to Live Text of key assignments is required for Teacher Education Program Checkpoints. Failure to submit a key assignment to LiveText may result in failure of the course and an inability to complete TEP Checkpoints. Course Title (Credit): EDCO 300: Differentiated Instruction for Exceptional Learners (3) Catalog Description: Elementary and secondary exceptional students should be integrated into regular classes whenever possible; thus teachers must be prepared to address needs as well as human relations concepts of biases related to students with exceptionalities through instructional methods and collaborative practices. This course provides a foundation for teachers, particularly those planning to teach in regular classrooms, to differentiate instruction in order to serve the developmental, emotional, academic and social needs of exceptional students. The course includes an overview of special education processes and history, as well as targeted environmental and classroom management strategies for creating differentiated and inclusive classrooms. EDCO 300 in conjunction with EDUC 280 and EDCO 290 fulfills the Iowa Department of Education human relations coursework requirements.

Transfer Goal(s): KEY ASSIGNMENT (4’s) 4-Plan and implement differentiated learning opportunities which accommodate diverse needs (P1.7)

3-Match instructional strategies and instructional sequence to the content and the individual (P2.10) 3-Apply Student-Centered Classrooms, Teaching for Understanding, Assessment for Learning, Rigorous and Relevant, and Teaching for Learner Differences to facilitate student learning. (P3.12) 3-Manage the learning environment to actively and equitably engage learners (P3.15) 3-Evaluate and modify resources and curriculum material to fit the content and learners (P3.16) 3-Vary his/her role in the instructional process based on the content, purpose, of instruction, and needs of learners. (P3.17) 3-Use formative and summative assessment data and other student data to identify readiness for learning, design and modify short and long-term instructional plans, and implement appropriate accommodations to meet learners’ needs in all areas of development. (P4.9) 3-Prepare learners for the demands of various assessment formats, providing accommodations and modifications as needed (P4.12) 3-Use multiple assessment methods for students to demonstrate progress towards learning goals (P4.13)

Stage 1: Desired Results Understandings Big Ideas:  There is no “one size fits all” in effective instruction. Curriculum, instruction and assessments must be such that all students are engaged and learning.  Teachers must be able to identify diversity in their student population and know how to teach to them. This includes collaborating with other professionals.  Instruction is driven by data from assessments that must be aligned with learning goals and allow for students to perform to their ability (accommodations and modifications as necessary).  There are research-based instructional strategies to match the learning needs and styles of different learners.  Students don’t try to be different to make teaching hard, they just are different. Teachers have to be careful not to feel emotions (favorable or unfavorable) toward them and should make the classroom environment one of acceptance and tolerance of everyone by everyone.  Legislative and judicial laws protect the rights of students. Teachers should know and follow them.

Students will understand that… 4-Students learn at different rates and in different ways. (P1.15) KEY ASSIGNMENT 4-Based on reflection and data, the teacher systematically adjusts instruction to meet learner needs. (P3.20) KEY ASSIGNMENT 3-Teachers are responsible for maximizing the achievement of all students. (P1.12) 3-Teaching is enhanced by collaboration. (P5.16)

Essential Questions Knowledge & Skill Essential Questions: Knowledge . How do inclusive classrooms enhance the 4- How to identify diverse groups within an educational learning for all students? setting in order to provide appropriate instruction (P1.3) . What are ethical considerations for KEY ASSIGNMENT inclusion? 4- Differentiated instruction is needed in all learning plans . How does differentiation benefit all (P3.6) KEY ASSIGNMENT students? 4- A variety of methods to provide accommodations and . How does collaboration benefit all student modifications (P4.5) KEY ASSIGNMENT learning and teaching practices? 4- IEPs, 504s, or other documents pertaining to student . How can a teacher guarantee that the well-being. (P5.5) KEY ASSIGNMENT needs of all students in the classroom are being met? 3- How the teaching and learning environments are Topic impacted by diversity. (P1.1)  How does reflective practice 3-How learners grow and develop cognitively, socially, strengthen teaching and learning? physically, emotionally, and linguistically. (P1.4)  What types of collaboration exist 3-Methods for maximizing learning opportunities for all among colleagues, parents, students and students. (P1.5) the community? 3-The attributes and implications of Student-Centered  Are modifications to the curriculum Classrooms, Teaching for Understanding, Assessment for and accommodations for learning Learning, Rigorous and Relevant, and Teaching for Learner benefiting disabled students in the long Differences as they apply to learning content. (P3.4) run? 3-Methods of accommodation (the how of learning) and modification (the what of learning) strategies. (P3.7)

Skills  The difference between formative and summative assessments and when to use them  How to match instructional strategies and learning environments to student needs  Characteristics of high and low incidence disabilities  How to match Least Restrictive Environment with the needs of students with exceptionalities  Legal obligations of classroom teachers  How to modify and accommodate students for instruction and assessment of learning goal Stage 2: Assessment Evidence PERFORMANCE TASK: The Key Assignment (performance task) is a separate supporting document. THE KEY ASSIGNMENT AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS CANNOT BE CHANGED.

OTHER EVIDENCE: Suggestions for “other assessment evidence” can be found in the Workshop documents in the column labeled “Ideas for Assessed Tasks. Performance Task Summary Rubric Titles  The “Key Assignment: Identification and  A rubric titled “Rubric for EDCO 300 Key Assignment” is Differentiation of Student Needs Within a another supporting document. This is the rubric that Lesson” is a supporting document to the will be used to score the Key Assignment. syllabus. Other Evidence, Summarized See chart below in the column titled ‘Suggested Assessed Tasks’ to access other evidence. The suggestions for assessed tasks must align with the School of Education learning goals that are identified by letters and numbers (ex-P1.5). If the suggested assessment task is not used the new task will continue to need to be aligned with the learning goals identified in the ‘Alignment with Desired Results’ column.

Stage 3: Learning Activities  See the following workshops.

Readings and Alignment with Workshop Topics Suggested Assessed Resources Desired Results Tasks 1: THE Introduction to Inclusive Teaching Chapters 1 and 2 Visit P1.5 FUNDAMENTALS in the textbook MyEducationLab for P5.5 --Segment A Other Legal Foundations that suggested P3.17 Address Culture (how we identify assessment P1.12 students, ESL, etc---need to opportunities. P5.16 Collaboration: supplement with webquest of key P1.1 Partnerships and legislation Investigate and Procedures present the results Iowa Response to Intervention—use and significance of DE website key litigation and legislation based on Iowa Co-Teaching Models—use DE an assigned website webquest.

Compare Iowa IEP with IEP forms Compare and from other states. Look for all contrast ease of use required components and identify between the Iowa the roles of IEP Team members IEP and IEPs from at least 2 other states. Collaboration: Partnerships and Procedures Evaluate RtI data for accuracy and interpretation. 2: THE Teaching Students with Higher- Chapters 3, 4 Visit P1.15 FUNDAMENTALS-- Incidence Disabilities and 5 in the MyEducationLab for P1.3 Segment B textbook suggested P3.17 Teaching Students with Lower- assessment P1.12 Incidence Disabilities opportunities. P3.4 P3.7 Teaching Students with Other Evaluate case studies Special Learning Needs to determine LRE, appropriate assessments, and/or RtI refferals.

Select and describe two differentiation strategies for at least one exceptionality in each chapter. 3 DEVELOPING Effective Differentiated Instruction for Chapters 6, 7 Visit P1.7 P3.20 EFFECTIVE All Students and 8 in the MyEducationLab for P3.6 P4.5 TEACHING SKILLS textbook suggested P2.10 P3.12 —Segment A Improving Classroom Behavior and assessment P3.15 P3.16 Social Skill opportunities. P1.5 P3.4 P3.7 Promoting Inclusion with Classroom Conduct a literature Peers review on differentiated instruction and universal design, Perceptions of inclusion, or Behavior and social skills development for Students receiving special education services. 4. DEVELOPING Enhancing Motivation and Affect Chapters 9 and Visit P1.7 EFFECTIVE 10 in the MyEducationLab for P1.15 TEACHING SKILLS Improving Attention and Memory textbook suggested P3.6 —Segment B assessment P4.5 Supplement with differentiation— opportunities. P2.10 (Tomlinson, etc) (could compare P1.5 lesson plans with IEP Evaluate lesson plans P3.4 accommodations) and describe P3.7 resources for differentiation. Develop a LiveBinder of these resources. 5. DEVELOPING Teaching Study Skills Chapters 11 and Visit P1.7 P2.10 EFFECTIVE 12 in the MyEducationLab for P3.6 P4.9 TEACHING SKILLS Assessment textbook suggested P4.5 P4.12 —Segment C assessment P4.13 P1.5 opportunities. P3.4 P3.7


Literature review of authentic or alternative assessments in special education

COURSE POLICIES: Make up Policies: Attendance/Tardiness: Class Participation: Grading Policies: It is generally advisable to have no more than 10% of the grade based solely on attendance. Class participation can make up a greater percentage of the grade.

Final Grade: (This grading scale is set by the BVU School of Education and cannot be changed) 93% A 90% A- 87% B+ 83% B 80% B- 77%. C+ 73% C 70% C- 60% D Below 60% F 70% Pass Late work will be accepted at the description of the instructor, and if accepted, a point penalty may apply.

KEY ASSIGNMENT: The Key Assignment for this course is 20% of the final grade.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Buena Vista University believes that personal integrity and academic honesty are fundamental to scholarship. We strive to create an environment where the dignity of each person is recognized and an atmosphere of mutual trust exists between instructors and students. Accordingly, honesty in all academic matters is expected from all students. Actions contrary to academic integrity will not be tolerated. Any attempt to cheat, misrepresent someone else’s work as one’s own, receive credit for work one did not do, obtain an unfair advantage over other students, or aid another student to do the above will be considered a breach of academic integrity. The faculty have confidence in the integrity of students and encourage students to exercise good judgment in fulfilling this responsibility. Activities that have the effect or intention of interfering with learning or fair evaluation of a student’s work or performance are considered a breach of academic integrity. For complete information regarding the Academic Honesty, please refer to the current academic catalog.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Buena Vista University provides reasonable accommodations through an organized process. Students desiring accommodations must follow the University's process. Forms are available at: http://www.bvu.edu/departments/academicaffairs/cae/studentaccommodations sl.asp . Please contact your Site Director or Donna Musel, Director of the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE), to begin this process.


Tutoring Services: As a BVU student, you have free access to SMARTHINKING online tutoring services. You are strongly encouraged to use this service to improve your academic skills. You can submit things electronically or set up a time to meet with one of the tutors. To begin using SMARTHINKING, simply go to the ANGEL Home page, at the top of the third column, click the Go To SMARTHINKING button.

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