Test Plan and Cases (TPC)

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Test Plan and Cases (TPC)

Acceptance Test Plan and Cases (ATPC)


Team #7

Name Email Address Primary Role Secondary Role Monty Shah [email protected] Project Manager Life Cycle Planner David Wiggins [email protected] IIV&V Off-campus Shaper Pragya Singh [email protected] System Architect Prototyper

Shantanu Sirsamkar [email protected] Requirements Engineer Feasibility Analyst

Operational Concept Suchita Doshi [email protected] Prototyper Engineer Swapnil Savdekar [email protected] Life Cycle Planner System Architect Acceptance Test Plan and Cases Version 1.0

Version no x.xx 11/21/2011

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Version no x.xx Version History

Date Auth Versio Changes made Rationale or n 11/21/1 Wiggi 1.0  Modifications for Initial Draft  Initial draft 1 ns

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Version no x.xx Table of Contents





TABLE OF FIGURES...... V 1. Introduction...... 6 2. Test Strategy and Preparation...... 7 2.1 Hardware preparation...... 7 2.2 Software preparation...... 7 2.3 Other pre-test preparations...... 7 2.4 Requirements Traceability...... 7 3. Test Identification...... 8 3.1 Test Identifier TC-01...... 8 3.2 Test Identifier TC-02...... 9 3.3 Test Identifier TC-03...... 11 4. Resources and schedule...... 13 4.1 Resources...... 13 4.2 Staffing and Training Needs...... 13 4.3 Schedule...... 13

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Version no x.xx Table of Tables

Table 1: Requirements Traceability Matrix...... 7 Table 2: TC-01-01 Forgot Password Function and Login...... 9 Table 3: TC-02-01 Buying a license as a partner site...... 9 Table 4: TC-02-02 Buying a license as an independent site...... 10 Table 3: TC-02-03 Buying a license as an independent user...... 10 Table 6: TC-03-01 Admin Adds Student Account...... 11 Table 7: TC-03-02 Admin Views Student Account...... 12 Table 8: TC-03-02 Admin Edits Student Account...... 12 Table 9: TC-03-02 Admin Generates Report...... 12 Table 4: Testing Schedule...... 13

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Version no x.xx Table of Figures

No table of figures entries found.

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A.1. Introduction

The Acceptance Test Plan is identifies a test execution plan to ensure that the clients requirement documented in the Win Conditions, which the stakeholders have agreed upon, are fulfilled by the product being developed. Test cases will be traced to those win conditions and designed to clearly define weather the win condition is fulfilled or not.

The Test Plan will further identify any necessary actions needed in order to execute the planned cannon of tests. The environment will attempt to emulate the expected user environment as much as is feasible.

Since the product is a combination of both NDI integration and some agile development, testing will have to be planned at both the system and software levels.

Some win conditions will be satisfied through tests planned in this document while others will have to be demonstrated to the client and checked off with the client’s approval.

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A.2. Test Strategy and Preparation

<< Describe the project’s test strategy with respect to such options as:

 Agile test-first  Agile continuous integration  Boundary and exit/entry criteria between unit testing and integration testing  Integration order-of-build  Value-based test prioritization  Test environment preparation  Requirements-test traceability >>

A.2.1 Hardware preparation


A.2.2 Software preparation

<< Describe the procedures needed to prepare the software for the test, including test scaffolding and support software (e.g., input generators, simulators, data recording/reduction software, test output orales). Reference any software manuals, if applicable. Provide the following as applicable:  The specific software to be used, identified by name and, if applicable, version number  Purpose of each software item, security and privacy considerations  Type and description of test data>>

A.2.3 Other pre-test preparations

<< Describe any other pre-test personnel actions, preparations, or procedures needed to perform the test not accounted for in 2.1 or 2.2 above. >> A.2.4 Requirements Traceability

Table 1: Requirements Traceability Matrix

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Win Conditions Verification Type Test Case ID (if applicable)

WC_478: Convert Flash files Demonstration N/A to HTML5 WC_252: Migrate the data Demonstration N/A from old to new database WC_985: Generate reports Demonstration, TC-03 Testing WC_986: Add lessons to Demonstration N/A Leamos and proper documentation WC_244: Forgot password Testing TC-01

WC_725: We need to create a Demonstration N/A user friendly interface for students (should have bigger text, continuous flow, minimizing clicks, less distractions) WC_245: Sales website, Demonstration, TC-02, TC-03 automatic creation of Testing accounts, organizations to be able to manage students

A.3. Test Identification A.3.1 Test Identifier TC-01

TC-01-Forgot Password Functionality and Login

.3.1.1 Test Level

The testing will be performed at the system item level

.3.1.2 Test Class

Correctness Test

.3.1.3 Test Completion Criteria

As a result of using the forgot password function -: - the user can retrieve or reset their password easily without needing to interact with Leamos staff.

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.3.1.4 Test Cases

Table 2: TC-01-01 Forgot Password Function and Login

Test Case Number TC-01-01 Forgot Password Function and Login Test Item Login and forgot password functionality Test Priority Must (M) Pre-conditions The user must have an account registered with Leamos Post-conditions The user successfully resets or is reminded of their password and logs in to the system using that password. Input Specifications Username, Password, and Answers to security questions for the account. Expected Output Specifications User logs into the Leamos system successfully. Pass/Fail Criteria User resets their password by answering security questions. User successfully logs on to the system after resetting their password. User can still logon to the system without using the password reset function if they know their password. Tester can’t think of a better way to further minimize clicks in order to simplify the interface. Password complexity requirements are enforced. Assumptions and Constraints Dependencies Traceability WC_244 A.3.2 Test Identifier TC-02

TC-02-Attaining a Leamos License

.3.2.1 Test Level

The testing will be performed at the system item level

.3.2.2 Test Class

Correctness/Erroneous Test

.3.2.3 Test Completion Criteria

From the home page of the sales website -: - the user can buy a Leamos website as a partner site, independent site, or Independent user.

After payment -: - the user is provided with a username and password to the system.

.3.2.4 Test Cases

Table 3: TC-02-01 Buying a license as a partner site

Test Case Number TC-02-01 Buying a license as a partner site

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Test Item Sales Website license attainment Test Priority Must (M) Pre-conditions User has a valid form of payment. Post-conditions User will be provided with the License(s) with a username and password. Input Specifications Customer Name, Admin Username, Admin Password, Email, Payment Information Expected Output Specifications User receives a partner site license after submitting payment through the course merchant. Pass/Fail Criteria User can login using their admin account, take Spanish course, navigate the site, create learner accounts, manage students. Assumptions and Constraints Dependencies Traceability WC_245

Table 4: TC-02-02 Buying a license as an independent site

Test Case Number TC-02-02 Buying a license as an independent site Test Item Sales Website license attainment Test Priority Must (M) Pre-conditions User has a valid form of payment. Post-conditions User will be provided with the License(s) with a username and password. Input Specifications Customer Name, Admin Username, Admin Password, Email, Payment Information Expected Output Specifications User receives an independent site license after submitting payment through the course merchant. Pass/Fail Criteria User can login using their admin account, take Spanish course, navigate the site, create learner accounts, manage students. Assumptions and Constraints Dependencies Traceability WC_245

Table 5: TC-02-03 Buying a license as an independent user

Test Case Number TC-02-03 Buying a license as an independent user Test Item Sales Website license attainment Test Priority Must (M) Pre-conditions User has a valid form of payment. Post-conditions User will be provided with the License(s) with a username and password. Input Specifications Customer Name, Username, Password, Payment Information Expected Output Specifications User receives an independent user license after submitting payment through the course merchant. Pass/Fail Criteria User can login using their account, take Spanish course, navigate the site. Assumptions and Constraints Dependencies

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Traceability WC_245

A.3.3 Test Identifier TC-03

TC-03-Student Management

.3.3.1 Test Level

The testing will be performed at the system item level

.3.3.2 Test Class

Correctness/Erroneous Test

.3.3.3 Test Completion Criteria

After admin has logged in -: - student accounts can be created, viewed, or edited - reports can be generated

.3.3.4 Test Cases

Table 6: TC-03-01 Admin Adds Student Account

Test Case Number TC-03-01 Admin Adds Student Account Test Item Student Management by admin user Test Priority Must (M) Pre-conditions Admin navigates to the Add Student tab. Admin enters new student information in all the fields and clicks the Add button. Post-conditions A new student account is added. Number of licenses remaining is decremented. Input Specifications Name, Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Phone Number, Course Type, Username, Password. Expected Output Specifications A new student can login and view course material using the newly created account. Pass/Fail Criteria A new student can login and view course material using the newly created account. Duplicate Username is not allowed. Password complexity requirements are enforced. Number of licenses remaining is decremented. Reset button on the GUI clears all fields. Assumptions and Constraints Dependencies TC-02-01, TC-02-02 Traceability WC_245

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Table 7: TC-03-02 Admin Views Student Account

Test Case Number TC-03-02 Admin Views Student Account Test Item Student Management by admin user Test Priority Must (M) Pre-conditions There already exists a student account to view. Admin navigates to the View Student tab. Post-conditions Admin views information associated with a student’s account. Input Specifications Expected Output Specifications Admin views information associated with a student’s account. Pass/Fail Criteria Admin views information associated with a student’s account. Account information accurately represents what’s stored in the database. Assumptions and Constraints Dependencies TC-02-01, TC-02-02, TC-03-01 Traceability WC_245

Table 8: TC-03-02 Admin Edits Student Account

Test Case Number TC-03-02 Admin Edits Student Account Test Item Student Management by admin user Test Priority Must (M) Pre-conditions There already exists a student account to edit. Admin navigates to the Edit Student tab Post-conditions The admin can verify changes were made to this student’s profile on the View Student tab. Input Specifications Name, Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Phone Number, Course Type, Username, Password. Expected Output Specifications Selected Student info is updated when the update button is clicked. Pass/Fail Criteria Selected Student info is updated when the update button is clicked. Password field enforces password complexity requirements. Clicking cancel makes no changes to the Database. Remaining number of licenses is unchanged. Assumptions and Constraints Dependencies TC-02-01, TC-02-02, TC-03-01 Traceability WC_245

Table 9: TC-03-02 Admin Generates Report

Test Case Number TC-03-02 Admin Generates Report Test Item Student Management by admin user Test Priority Must (M) Pre-conditions Admin navigates to the Generate Report tab Post-conditions User sees a report on student progress. Input Specifications Expected Output Specifications User sees a report on student progress. Pass/Fail Criteria Admin can generate the report Admin can search and filter the report Assumptions and Constraints Dependencies TC-02-01, TC-02-02 Traceability WC_985

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A.4. Resources and schedule


A.4.1 Resources

<< Identify all resources need for testing, such as test data set, software, budget, and etc >>

A.4.2 Staffing and Training Needs

<< Identify the stakeholders responsible for managing, designing, preparing, executing, witnessing, inspecting and resolving test items. In addition, provide the groups responsible for providing items to be tested. Specify test-staffing needs by skill level. Identify training options for providing necessary skills. >>

A.4.3 Schedule

Table 10: Testing Schedule

Date Test Identifier Responsible person Resources Training needs 01/02/09 TC-01-01 to TC-01-04 John Smith Report test data sets, N/A JUnit

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