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Laura Child requested approval to declare the following vehicles surplus and to send them to auction: OFA – 2002 Lumina Van; Sheriff – 2000 Ford Crown Victoria, 2001 Ford Crown Victoria, 2003 Ford Crown Victoria, 2004 Ford Crown Victoria, 1999 Ford Crown Victoria and 2001 Chevy Impala. Representative Lindberg moved for approval. Seconded, Relic. Total: 4; Ayes: 3; Absent: 1 – Schwerd. Motion carried.


Laura Child reported that the Cooperstown Village Police’s request for temporary use of the second floor of the Old Jail, while a mold issue is being resolved in their village office, is expected to last for about two months. {Public Works Committee had previously given verbal approval for this use.} Following discussion, Representative Relic moved to allow the Village Police to use the space at no cost for two months. If additional time is needed, then a rental fee will need to be negotiated. Seconded, Lindberg. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. A letter will be sent to the village regarding use of the building.


Doug Czerkies stated that employees have raised funds for planting a tree in memory of Steve Haffner, former DSS employee. The tree will be planted on the front lawn of the building. Representative McCarty asked what the status was for the court’s Children Center. Doug Czerkies replied that he has sent the floor plans to the court representatives to sketch out what they want. Representative McCarty asked if the MEGA solar application has been signed. Doug Czerkies said that it has. The application does not commit the county to any specific plan or cost at this time. If the county does decide to use MEGA, it will take time for plans to be prepared and it may increase the electric kilowatt cost that the county pays on future bills.


Doug Czerkies reported that the new burner and day tank for the boiler will be installed during the week of April 19, 2010.


Doug Czerkies said that the new boiler installation was complete. Additional work in the boiler room was necessary to complete the project. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Page 2 April 15, 2010

Doug Czerkies reported that the parking lot expansion project is complete. The work was done by the Highway and Building Services staff. A wooden guide rail will be installed along the east side of the new parking area. Representative McCarty asked what the status was for moving the Veterans Office to The Meadows Building. Doug Czerkies responded that his staff is working on the rooms at The Meadows Building.


Doug Czerkies requested approval to purchase a tractor at a cost not to exceed $14,500 under state contract. Representative Lindberg moved for approval. Seconded, Relic. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Doug Czerkies said that a tree will also be planted at Otsego Manor in memory of Ellis Harrington, a former nursing home employee. Doug Czerkies reported that he has received several complaints about the new No Smoking on County Property Policy. Otsego Manor has not yet implemented the policy. Representative Lindberg moved to send a letter to Ed Marchi directing him to implement the new policy immediately. Seconded, Relic. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Representative McCarty stated that he had concerns that the No Solicitation Policy is also not being implemented at Otsego Manor. Barbecues, dinners, raffles, etc. are being conducted at the facility without a waiver of the policy from the Administration Committee.


Doug Czerkies requested approval to declare a 1993 Dodge truck as surplus and to send it to auction. Representative Lindberg moved for approval. Seconded, Relic. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Doug Czerkies reported that snow and ice caused the ice slides on the roof of the Emergency Services Storage Garage to break off this winter. He has to check the roof to make sure there is no damage. Before new slides are installed, the lengths and locations will be redesigned, including the possibility of adding a second row. Representative McCarty said to check with the insurance carrier to see if any of the replacement cost is covered. {It has since been determined that the replacement cost will be less then the deductible.}


Doug Czerkies requested approval to purchase parts for the generator at the Public Safety Building not to exceed $31,000 as an emergency so that bids are not needed. The radiator is leaking and starting to rot. It is an emergency because the building could not function without a generator, if the electric went off. Representative Lindberg moved for approval. Seconded, Relic. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.


Doug Czerkies explained that he has worked with Susan Dalesandro on a hand drawing for the CDC relocation. The plans for the 2nd Floor will work. The committee discussed how to rearrange the 1st Floor for the Community Services’ Business Office. Representative Lindberg moved to relocate Deb Taylor’s office to the empty office at the front of the building and to use the empty tourism space and some of the PHN space for the Business Office. Seconded, Relic. Total: 4; Ayes: 3; Noes: 1 – Schwerd. Motion carried. Doug Czerkies requested approval to purchase a carpet extractor at a cost not to exceed $2,500. Representative Lindberg moved for approval. Seconded, Relic. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.


Doug Czerkies reported that the new burner for the boiler has been installed. This burner will use fuel oil or propane. He said that the county could install underground propane tanks at a cost of $14,992 or above ground propane tanks at a cost of $12,492, which could be paid from CHIP’s funding. Propane heating would be more efficient and require less maintenance for the boiler. The oil tanks would also be left in the ground so that the county could choose which type of fuel to use as the price fluctuated. Because of financial issues, the committee decided to not do anything about propane tanks at this time.


Psalm Wyckoff distributed information on road preservation, including a draft voluntary letter of understanding and a draft local law. Chairman Dubben said that he would rather see an escrow account required instead of a bond. Mrs. Wyckoff said that it is important to have visual and structural baseline studies completed before the roads are used so that causation can be documented for repair costs. Representative Lindberg stated that the voluntary agreements should require the company to pay for the baseline studies. The committee will review the documents. Mrs. Wyckoff said that the Planning Department will continue to monitor what the state and other municipalities are doing about the gas drilling issue. Tim Steinhofer asked if the committee thought a letter should be sent to NYSDEC asking them to notify Otsego County whenever a company applies for a gas drilling permit for our county. The committee agreed that a letter should be sent.


Alvord Road Bridge – Ron Tiderencel said that a letter was received from the Worcester Town Attorney asking the county to fulfill its role in getting the Alvord Road Bridge replaced. He stated that the design is complete and ready to go for bid. However, there are probably not enough funds available for the construction phase. Mr. Tiderencel advised that this is probably the worst bridge in the county and does need to be replaced. If this bridge is closed, it would create a major detour for those residents located on the east side of the railroad tracks. Representative Schwerd asked if CHIPs PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Page 4 April 15, 2010 funding could be used for the bridge. Mr. Tiderencel replied no because the state has already committed $300,000 in multi-modal funding. In addition, the town of Worcester has not budgeted any funding for the project. Representative Relic moved to issue a bid, which includes the Highway staff doing the finishing work, to see what the actual cost will be. Seconded, Schwerd. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

CR #19 – Ron Tiderencel requested approval to purchase a culvert at an estimated cost of $76,106.48 from Otsego Iron & Metal for an emergency repair. Representative Lindberg moved for approval. Seconded, Schwerd. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Ron Tiderencel stated that he hired Scott Ubner to do the excavation work for this project. However, he does not yet have the bill and will email the committee with the amount when he receives it.

Equipment – Ron Tiderencel requested approval to purchase a smoke machine to test vehicle emissions at a cost of $1,509.12 from NAPA. Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Schwerd. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Ron Tiderencel said that he is letting the bid out for a 2010 tandem truck. The cost will be about $150,000. Starting in 2011, the new federal regulations for emission controls will add $10,000 - $12,000 to the price of a truck. Ron Tiderencel added that he is meeting with a gentleman on Monday to discuss bid specs for a bucket truck, which is needed by the tree crew.

Material Bids – Ron Tiderencel requested approval to award the bids for sand, stone, gravel, guide rail, steel, bituminous concrete (hot mix) and culvert pipe. Representative Schwerd moved for approval. Seconded, Relic. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Summer Help – Ron Tiderencel requested approval to hire summer help. There are funds in the 2010 budget for these hires. Representative Relic moved for approval to hire up to six persons. Seconded, Lindberg. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Surplus Equipment – Ron Tiderencel requested approval to declare Truck #100 as surplus and sell it for scrap. The truck should bring more revenue as scrap then selling it at auction. Before the truck is sent for scrap, the West Oneonta Fire Department will be using it for extraction training. Representative Schwerd moved for approval. Seconded, Lindberg. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Municipal Lease Purchases – Ron Tiderencel reported that he is looking at using municipal lease purchases for future equipment purchases. These allow the county to purchase an item, pay for it over a five year period and own it at the end for $1.00. This may make it easier to budget for higher priced items. He will discuss the matter further at budget time.

Snow Plowing – Ron Tiderencel said that the town of Plainfield is considering not plowing the county roads next year.

Night Crew – Representative McCarty asked if with the elimination of the night shift for Mechanics, are truck drivers waiting around in the morning for their vehicles to be PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Page 5 April 15, 2010 looked at and if it was possible to have a couple of Mechanics on the day shift work 4:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.? Ron Tiderencel said that there has not been a problem with drivers having to wait for a vehicle in the mornings, but he will ask if any of the Mechanics want to change their work day to 4 a.m. – 2 p.m.

GPS – Ron Tiderencel stated that additional GPS units have been installed in trucks. The project is working well.

Sand – Representative Relic asked how the county pays for sand it gets from the towns. Ron Tiderencel responded that the county pays only for the sand. The towns do not usually charge for trucking.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Monday, May 24, 2010 at 9:30 am in the Cooperstown Office Building.

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