August Arrivals: (Sung To: Frere Jacques ) Teacher: I'm Ms. (Name), I'm Ms. (Name). That's
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August September October November December Arrivals: (Sung to: "Frere Jacques") Arrivals: (tune: Do your ears hang low?)Can you Arrivals: (Sung to: "The farmer in the dell") Arrivals: (Sung to: "The Mulberry bush") Arrivals: (Sung to: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star") Teacher: write your name? Can you write it nice and neat? Teacher: This is the way we start the day, Let's see who is here today, I'm Ms. (name), I'm Ms. (name). Will you please sign your paper Before you leave I'm glad you came today, Start the day, start the day. Who has come to join our play? That's my name, That's my name. your seat? It’s a simple thing to do. And it lets me I'm glad you came today. This the way we start the day, Everyone sit close at hand, Glad to see you here. know you’re through. Hello to everyone, (wave hello) So early in the morning. Say your name, then you can stand, Glad to see you here. Can you write your name? I'm glad you came today. First we smile and shake a hand, Let's see who is here today, What's your name? What's your name? Morning: Children: Shake a hand, shake a hand. Who has come to join our play? Child: CD- My School Family-Jack Hartmann We're glad we came today, First we smile and shake a hand, Morning: I am (name), I am (name). Or We're glad we came today. So early in the morning. CD- I wish you Well- Jack Hartmann That's my name, that's my name. Name Song: Teacher: I have a name. You have a Hello, hello to everyone, (wave hello) Then we sit down quietly, Or I am glad to be here, name. I will call you by your name. Child: I’m ___. We're glad we came today. Quietly, Quietly (Tune: Muffin Man) If you're wearing red today, I am glad to be here. That’s my name. All: Then we sit down quietly, Red today, red today, If you're wearing red today, At school today, at school today. Story: (Sing a Song of Sixpence) We'll work and play today, So early in the morning. Stand up and say "Hoo-ray!" Repeat: for other Morning: It's time to watch and listen, We'll work and play today. We listen very Carefully, colors CD- My School Family-Jack Hartmann We're going to read a book. Hello, hello to everyone, (wave hello) Carefully, Carefully. Or We'll sit down on the rug We'll work and play today. We listen very carefully, Or ; Teacher: Can you find ______? ______, Name Song: Teacher: I have a name. You have a And use our eyes to look. Morning: So early in the morning. ______? Can you find _____? He has a blue shirt name. I will call you by your name. Child: I’m ___. We'll look at pictures, CD- Welcome -Jack Hartmann Morning: on. Children: Point to the child. That’s my name. And hear the story, too. Or CD- Get Ready-Jack Hartmann Story Time: If you want to hear a story, Story: Oh, what fun it is to share (Tune: "The Mulberry bush") Or This is what you gotta do, (Sung to: "If your happy if you know it) This story time with you!. This is the way we start the day, (tune: Frere Jacques) You gotta sit on the rug, "You can find it in a book, if you look. (clap, clap) Planning Time: Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to plan we Start the day, start the day. Hello, _____, hello, _____ Like the pretzels do! You can find it in a book, if you look, (clap, clap) go. Where will you play and work today? Hi ho, hi This the way we start the day, How are you? How are you? So find your place and clap your hands, You'll find stories that are fun. ho, hi ho, hi ho. So early in the morning. We’re so glad to have you, So (insert your name here) will know that you You can learn about the sun. Clean Up: (Improvise a tune) First we smile and shake a hand, we're so glad to have you, understand. You can find it in a book, if you look. (clap, clap) Clean-up, clean-up; Everybody get some toys. Shake a hand, shake a hand. here at school, here at school. Put your hands in your lap, Planning Time: Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to plan we Clean-up, clean-up; All the little girls and boys. First we smile and shake a hand, Story: If you want to hear a story, And turn on your ears! go. Where will you play and work today? Hi ho, hi Clean-up, clean-up; Everybody do your share. So early in the morning. This is what you gotta do, ' is the story that your gonna hear! ho, hi ho, hi ho. Clean-up, clean-up; Everybody, everywhere. Then we sit down quietly, You gotta sit on the rug, (hold up the book) Clean Up: (Improvise a tune) Snack: (Tune: Wash That Man Right Out Of My Quietly, Quietly Like the pretzels do! At this point the children let out a cheer and Clean-up, clean-up; Everybody get some toys. Hair) Then we sit down quietly, So find your place and clap your hands, quickly quiet for story. Clean-up, clean-up; All the little girls and boys. We're going to eat our snack right after our circle. So early in the morning. So (insert your name here) will know that you Planning Time: Clean-up, clean-up; Everybody do your share. We're going to eat our snack right after our circle. We listen very Carefully, understand. (Tune: we wish you a merry x-mas) Clean-up, clean-up; Everybody, everywhere. We're going to eat our snack right after our circle. Carefully, Carefully. Put your hands in your lap, What will you (point to children) plan for Snack: (Tune: Wash That Man Right Out Of My So we can fill our tummies. We listen very carefully, And turn on your ears! worktime? What will you (point to children) plan Hair) Outside: (Tune: Gilligan's Island) So early in the morning. ' is the story that your gonna hear! for worktime? What will you (point to children) We're going to eat our snack right after our circle. My hands are tight behind my back Story: Tune: “Frere Jacques” (hold up the book) plan for worktime? Pleas telll us your plans? We're going to eat our snack right after our circle. I'm standing straight and tall It is story time. At this point the children let out a cheer and Clean Up: (Tune: Frere Jacques) We're going to eat our snack right after our circle. My eyes are looking straight ahead It is story time. quickly quiet for story Are you helping, So we can fill our tummies. I'm ready for the hall Circle ‘round, Planning Time: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah! are you helping, Outside: (Tune: Gilligan's Island) Ready for the hall Then sit down. Zip-a-dee-ay! Pick up toys, Pick up toys My hands are tight behind my back Goodbye Song: (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) When our ears are ready. My, oh, my, it’s time to play. Let us all be helpers, I'm standing straight and tall We are leaving .We are leaving. To our house. To When our hands are steady, Plenty of fun is coming our way. Let us all be helpers. My eyes are looking straight ahead our house. Today is ______Tomorrow is We will start Zip-a-dee-doo-dah! Girls and boys, girls and boys. I'm ready for the hall ______Have a nice day, Have a nice The best part. Zip-a-dee-ay! Snack: Sung to: "The MuffinMan" Ready for the hall day.Tomorrow is ______Have a nice day Planning Time: Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to plan we Clean Up: (To the tune of "Farmer In the Dell" ) Do you know what we have for snack Goodbye Song: (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) Have a nice day! go. Where will you play and work today? Hi ho, hi Let's clean up today what we have for snack, what we have for snack? We are leaving .We are leaving. To our house. To ho, hi ho, hi ho. Let's clean up today Do you know what we have for sackto-day? our house. Clean Up: (Tune:Row, row, row, your boat.) We've had our fun Outside: Hush,Shhh(finger to lips)Quiet please let's all Work time is done. Goodbye: Tune: "Up On The House Top" gather near. So, let's clean up today Now is the time to say goodbye. Find a friend and sit right down Large Group time Snack: Hands up! Hands down! My how fast the time did fly. is here. Shake your head, all around. Our day is done, so we must say, Snack: Hands up! Hands down! Clap clap clap, hands in your lap. "Goodbye, goodbye for today". Shake your head, all around. Touch your back, it's time for SNACK! Clap clap clap, hands in your lap. Outside: Touch your back, it's time for SNACK! Teacher:1,2,3…Kids: eyes on me. Outside: Teacher:4,5,6…Kids: put your finger on your lips. If you want to go outside Teacher: 7,8,9… Kids: in a straight line. Teacher: this is what you've gotta do 10,11,12…keep your hands to yourselves. We're gonna line up like the Big Kids do! Goodbye: Goodbye, now, goodbye, now, The So clap your hands clock says we can go now. Stomp your feet on the floor Goodbye, now, goodbye, now, And when we're all ready See you ______. (Tomorrow, on Monday, etc.) We'll open up the door Goodbye: (Sung to: "Skip to my Lou") shake hands with friends coz it's time to go shake hands with friends coz it's time to go shake hands with friends coz it's time to go I hope I'll see you on ______(say next day you will meet)
January February March April May/June Arrivals: (Sung To: "Are You Sleeping?") Arrivals: (tune: Yankee Doodle) Hello ___it’s nice Arrivals: (tune: Yankee Doodle) Hello ___it’s nice Arrivals: (tune: Yankee Doodle) Hello ___it’s nice Arrivals: (tune: Yankee Doodle) Hello ___it’s nice Where is (name)? to see you how would you like to be greeted? A to see you how would you like to be greeted? A to see you how would you like to be greeted? A to see you how would you like to be greeted? A Where is (name)? knuckle bump, a smile, a wink, high five or knuckle bump, a smile, a wink, high five or knuckle bump, a smile, a wink, high five or knuckle bump, a smile, a wink, high five or Did he/she come? maybe hip thump? maybe hip thump? maybe hip thump? maybe hip thump? Did he/she come? Morning: CD- Look at Me-Jack Hartmann Morning: CD- Friendship Chant or Morning: CD- People to People or Morning: CD- “The More We Get Together” Come and put your symbol, Come and put ypur or Hey!Hi!Howdy!Yo! (Tune: "The Farmer In The Dell") Or