201208 Hurricane Isaac US Data Sources
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201208 Hurricane Isaac US Data Sources Geospatial Information and Remotely Sensed Imagery Products September 10, 2012 PM
Hazards Data Distribution System (HDDS) http://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2/ Select Event: “201202_Hurricane_Isaac” click on “+“and then “Search” Pre-event available To view pre-event aerial holdings check ”Include baseline data?” “Search” and then select dataset from dropdown list under “201208_Hurricane_Isaac”
Civil Air Patrol Imagery
LA_ISAAC_20120901 201208_Hurricane_Isaac_CAP_AERIAL_2012-Day_20120902_LA https://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2/search-results?batch=201208_Hurricane_Isaac_CAP_AERIAL_2012-09-02-1
MS CAP Imagery20120902 https://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2/search-results?batch=201208_Hurricane_Isaac_CAP_AERIAL_2012-09-02 MS CAP Imagery 201208_Hurricane_Isaac_CAP_AERIAL_MS_ISAAC_20120901
NOAA Aerial Imagery https://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2/pub/data/disaster/201208_Hurricane_Isaac/data/AERIAL_NOAA
EO-1 Landsat-7
HDDS Restricted Self Register for HDDS Restricted. http://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2 If you have not registered on either EarthExplorer or HDDS, click the register button in the top right corner of the screen and go thru the registration process. Once registered, you will have access to EarthExplorer and HDDS download capabilities.
To sign up for the event access - go to http://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2 go to the login button in the upper right corner of the screen enter your usercode and password Click on fill out an access request form select 201202_Hurricane_Isaac fill in the comment box and submit Questions on HDDS Contact: Rynn Lamb [email protected] or Brenda Jones [email protected]
COMO-SKYMED COSMO-4 https://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2/disaster_restricted/201208_Hurricane_Isaac/data/COSMO_ASI
COMO-SKYMED COSMO-2 HDDS Restricted Spot 5: https://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2/disaster_restricted/201208_Hurricane_Isaac/data/SPOT_DOD
HDDS Restricted Spot 4 Acquired September 9, 2012:
Spot Day Buy Found on Earth Explorer; In addition to event specific imagery posted on HDDS, additional SPOT 4 and 5 imagery both pre and post-event. http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ To see Spot data buy imagery, you must first login.
SPOT 4 SPOT 5 World View 2 from Earth Explorer Acquired September 3, 2012
NOAA (1 foot 3 bands will be loaded to HDDS) http://storms.ngs.noaa.gov/storms/isaac/ Also viewable at Google's Crisis Map: http://google.org/crisismap/2012-tropical-system-isaac Activate NOAA Isaac Response Imagery (2012-08-31)
GIS Data and Information:
FEMA ArcGIS Online http://fema.maps.arcgis.com/home/ Isaac Viewer: http://fema.maps.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html? webmap=59f753ab74a842c0beae0c5a3b3faa93 Web Mapping Application http://fema.maps.arcgis.com/apps/OnePane/azuretwitter/index.html?appid=e83387fbe76c465a8fcb68
FEMA Region 10 and Region 4 GIS Leads have launched new FEMA Web Application in FEMA’s GeoPortal. This app will provide users with enhanced mapping capabilities and improved user experience. The application is based on the Hurricane Isaac WebMap and can be viewed from here: http://fema.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=9bb274a07425424098e64a89993e9fe6
Hurricane Isaac Twitter App http://fema.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=e83387fbe76c465a8fcb685041d48439
Public Maps Gallery from ArcGIS Online http://bit.ly/Oun5CQ http://bit.ly/NianMH To request membership: http://www.arcgis.com/home/group.html?owner=PDohertyDRP&title=2012%20Hurricanes
ESRI Hurricanes & Cyclones http://www.esri.com/services/disaster-response/hurricanes/latest-news-map.html
USGS Isaac information (Links to Surge Sensors) http://www.usgs.gov/blogs/features/usgs_top_story/isaac/?from=title REST services:
Web mapping application showing the real-time and sensor deployment http://water.usgs.gov/floods/events/2012/isaac/
USGS crews from several states in the Southeast have deployed about 170 sensors to record storm surge along the coast of LA, MS, and AL. Most of the information will not be available until the sensors are recovered and processed a few days after the storm. The effort will provide valuable data for future storm surge modeling and prediction. The character of the Hurricane Isaac storm surge can be monitored at this site near the west end of the Mississippi Sound.
In addition to the magnitude of the wind-driven water level increase the viewer can observe a significant increase in specific conductance which is evidence that the source of the water is the open Gulf, where specific conductance values are typically above 40000, rather than local runoff.
This effort is in support of FEMAs mission in addition to the USGS Hazard and Water Missions. A WWW page is available, the URL is: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ms/nwis/uv? site_no=301104089253400
USGS Isaac Storm Tide Mapper:
HSIN Federal Operations, Emergency Management, Mississippi areas created for Issac https://government.hsin.gov/
NOAA NOAA National Hurricane Center http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/#ISAAC
NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) NWS National Hazards Map: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/largemap.php NWS SPC Current Convective Watches: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ NWS HPC Excessive Rainfall Forecasts: http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/excess_rain.shtml o GIS Data: http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/about_gis.shtml NWS Storm Prediction Center Storm Reports: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/climo/reports/
Intelink (U.S. Government Only) US Hurricanes 2012, has been established within the NGA Pentagon Homepage at the following link on SBU: https://www.intelink.gov/nimagoldweb/nstp/admin/crisis/index.cfm?cn=25 Flooded area shapefiles have been loaded: https://www.intelink.gov/wiki/Hurricane_Isaac_2012
GeoInt-Online (U.S. Government Only) Products being posted https://geoint-online.nga.mil/
Delta State University Talbot Brooks has a team standing up at Delta State to support State production mapping tasks or handle large processing tasks using their server farm. Subramanian Swaminathan will be the primary contact there at 662-402-6299. Available Products: USNG-based atlases ready at: http://gis.deltastate.edu LIDAR, imagery, and other data sets: http://mississippi.deltastate.edu FLEX front end on newer products: http://greatriver.deltastate.edu/IreneUSNG/index.html
HIFLD Working Group HSIP Gold GIS data is available to states that have a Presidentially Declared Disaster (Texas, LA, Miss) www.hifldwg.org
The HSIP Gold database is assembled by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) in partnership with the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group. It is a compilation of approximately 475 of the best available geospatially enabled baseline infrastructure data sets for all 18 Critical Infrastructure Key Resource Sectors assembled from federal, state, local government and private sector mission partners.
POC: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
HSIP Freedom The HSIP Freedom dataset is available to federal, state, local, tribal, and private sector contractors supporting HD, HLS and NP-PPMR&R missions. HSIP Freedom is a compilation of approximately 263 of the HSIP Gold layers available for download through the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) Geospatial Information System (GIS) Community of Interest (COI), which can be accessed at https://government.hsin.gov. To gain access to HSIP Freedom through HSIN, send an email to [email protected] with your: Name; Official Email Address; Organization; Phone Number; Supervisor’s Name; Community of Interest (i.e. Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), Emergency Management).
More information about HSIN can be found at: www.dhs.gov/HSIN. Learn more about HSIP or contact HIFLD at: www.hifldwg.org
If you are a qualified user, you can also download the HSIP Freedom data from HDDS: http://hdds.usgs.gov/hdds2 Login Select 2012_HSIP_Freedom in the event dropdown list Click on the “ad-hoc button” and “search button” On the search results page click on “restricted ad-hoc” tab (the first time in, you need to complete access request form and wait for email notification that you have been granted access) Click on “data” The directory structure will show up on the right side of the screen. Select data to download.
GIS Services: FEMA Services FEMA NSS that is publically available. GIS rest endpoint: http://gis.fema.gov/REST/services/NSS/FEMA_NSS/MapServer Road Closures: The LA and AL DOT road closures feeds have been automated to update every 20 minutes and published to the GIS DMZ. http://gis.fema.gov/REST/services/FEMA/RoadClosures/MapServer Power Outage Mapping: http://gis.fema.gov/REST/services/FEMA/PowerOutages/MapServer Wind o Wind Projections/Analysis: http://arcgis-femaocd-494925365.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com/arcgis/rest/services/HurricaneIsaac/Isaac_2012_Wind_Analysis/ MapServer o Tropical Storm Force Winds Probabilities: https://arcgis.vdem.virginia.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/Weather/TropicalWindProbs34kt/ MapServer o Current NOAA METAR Wind Speed and Direction National Mosaic: http://tm2-elb-1378978824.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/LiveFeeds/NOAA_METAR_current_wind_speed_direction/MapServer o Wind analysis for Advisory 27 have been updated on the FEMA GeoPortal. In addition, Hazus wind analysis shapefiles have been uploaded to the DRT_IN PUBLIC\DRT_IN\2012\Isaac\Shapefiles\Adv27). http://arcgis-femaocd-494925365.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com/arcgis/rest/services/HurricaneIsaac/Isaac_2012_Wind_Analysis/MapS erver o ORNL WindSwath Download https://pas.ornl.gov/geoserver/hurricane/ows? service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=hurricane:Isaac25_2012_SA_customers_S ubs_locations_WindSwath&maxFeatures=50&outputFormat=SHAPE-ZIP
USGS ISAAC Web Services USGS_hurricane_isaac_data (0) o storm_tide (1) o rapid_deployment_streamgage (2) o wave_height (3) o barometric_pressure (4) o Tidal gages (5) o meteorological (6) USGS_hurricane_isaac_high_water_marks (7)
Hurricane Isaac Storm Track http://mimir.lsu.edu/maps/rest/services/Tropical_Cyclones/TC_isaac_2012/MapS erver
RIDGE Radar National Mosaic – Static: http://atlas.resources.ca.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/Atmosphere_Climate/RIDGE_Precip_Radar/Map Server
Current NOAA METAR Wind Speed and Directions (National Mosaic): http://tm2-elb-1378978824.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/LiveFeeds/NOAA_METAR_current_wind_speed_directio n/MapServer
USNG Overlay: http://maps1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/NGA_US_National_Grid/MapServer
Wind Projections/Analysis: http://arcgis-femaocd-494925365.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com/arcgis/rest/services/HurricaneIsaac/Isaac_2012_Wind_Analysis/MapServer
Tropical Storm Force Wind Probabilities: https://arcgis.vdem.virginia.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/Weather/TropicalWindProbs34kt/MapServer NOAA METAR current wind speed and direction: http://tm2-elb-1378978824.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/LiveFeeds/NOAA_METAR_current_wind_speed_directio n/MapServer
Coastal Flood: http://arcgis-femaocd-494925365.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com/arcgis/rest/services/R4_CFLA/R4_Coastal_Flood_Loss_V3/MapServer
GOES Visible Image: http://nowcoast.noaa.gov/wms/com.esri.wms.Esrimap/obs
Hurricane Active: http://tm2-elb-1378978824.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/LiveFeeds/Hurricane_Active/MapServer
Hurricane Evacuation Routes: http://gis.fema.gov/REST/services/FEMA/EvacRoutes/MapServer
Open Shelters: http://gis.fema.gov/REST/services/NSS/OpenShelters/MapServer
FEMA 100-Year Flood Zones in the USA: http://maps3.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/A-16/FEMA_100- Year_Flood_Zones_in_the_USA/MapServer
Oceans: http://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Ocean_Basemap/Ma pServer Tangipahoa Map: http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html? webmap=492d3deb966f41688d44d4b26b72ea41&extent= ‐ 90.9348,30.2811, ‐ 89.512,31.2957
Census: OnTheMap for Emergency Management! Access detailed U.S. Census Bureau Demographics affected by disasters Viewer http://onthemap.ces.census.gov/em.html
Other Services: Ushahidi The Faster than Disaster site, supported by Ushahidi has been activated by the State of Mississippi: http://isaac.fasterthandisaster.org
Instagram Isaac damage photos (random): http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~starbird/TtT_for_Hurricanes.csv State Links Alabama Road Closures/ Traffic and Traffic Cameras http://alitsweb.dot.state.al.us/its/
Virtual Alabama: Alabama county imagery is being loaded into Virtual Alabama. https://virtual.alabama.gov/
Louisiana Road Closures/ Traffic and Traffic Cameras http://hb.511la.org/main.jsf
Contraflow New Orleans http://www.dotd.la.gov/maps/Web_ContraFlow2.jpg
LA DOT web application and ArcGIS Server services, USGS and USACE gauges in Louisiana. http://gis.dotd.la.gov/Maps/Hydrowatch.aspx
DOT Traffic Maps (pan out and they have feed of national routes open‐close‐limited
flow) http://www.mdottraffic.com/
Evacuation Routes http://www.gomdot.com/divisions/intermodalplanning/Resources/Maps/pdf/Hurrica neEvacRoutes.pdf
Planned Aster Coverage: Planned Post Event Products: US Forest Service: Will be performing vegetation change detection after storm on disaster sites using 250 meter MODIS data. Results will be posted to HDDS. Pre-Event Imagery Collection for New Orleans: March 2012, 1-foot resolution natural color aerial imagery, public domain (graphic below). On HDDS, this dataset is under Pre-Event/Baseline on HDDS and is listed as BL_LA_201203_new_orleans_la_30cm BP BP sponsored aerial collection made for pre-landfall, shoreline imagery along the Gulf Coast. These will be made available on HDDS.
Reference: http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=2a2a8230b7c44b92999b1b00e925f67b
Pre-Event NAIP for GULF STATES: All of the Gulf States other than AL were flown in 2010. Alabama was flown on 2011.
The most recent year of NAIP Imagery is available on an ArcGIS server. The state based services can be added into ArcGIS Desktop by adding http://gis.apfo.usda.gov/arcgis/services to the Add ArcGIS Server connection. This is a public imagery service available after all current year NAIP imagery for that state has been received, generally, several months after acquisition.
Compressed County Mosaics (Mr. Sid) for the Gulf States are available for free download through the USDA Geospatial Data Gateway, http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/.
MISSISSIPPI: (NAIP 2012) NAIP for Mississippi is in-work however; the coastal areas have not been flown.
2012 NAIP for TEXAS: All of the coastal counties in Texas have been flown in 2012. Only the counties below are available for download on http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/
National Map 1 foot imagery from various dates is available from the National Map: http://raster.nationalmap.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/TNM_Large_Scale_Imagery_Overlay/MapServer See also all National Map Services: http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/example/services.html
Send comments, additions, and corrections to: Glenn Bethel, USDA Remote Sensing Advisor [email protected] (202)720-1280