Safe, Appropriate and Affordable Housing for Kansans

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Safe, Appropriate and Affordable Housing for Kansans

Safe, appropriate and affordable housing for Kansans

KSHC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 21, 2015 11:00-2:00 Wesley House 411 E. 12th, Pittsburg, KS 66762

Attendees: (via Phone) Jill Wheeler, Elizabeth Hawn, Eric Martin, (in-person) Cheryl Patrick, Joyce Stockham, Jessica Nasternak, Jay Preston, Becky Gray and Beth Waddle

I. Call to Order & Welcome – Meeting called to order at 11:10am by Joyce Stockham

II. Adoption of Consent Agenda – Joyce Stockham a. Agenda for October 21, 2015 b. Board Meeting Minutes from 8/19/15, 9/30/15, 10/14/15 c. Executive Committee Minutes from 9/16/15

Board was asked to approve all items in the consent agenda through a motion, second and vote to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. Jay Preston moved to approve the Consent Agenda. No second, motion failed. Jill Wheeler moved to approve the consent agenda with the addition of adding executive session to consider item VII of the agenda. Becky Gray seconded. M/S/C

III. Financial Report, Financial Committee Minutes, Audit – Joyce Stockham

Board asked to receive and file financial report and review and select audit vendor. Joyce presented the Financial Report that is an attempt to make sense of our current budget and expenditures. Though the figures are not final and the budget is a work in progress, it appears that we are currently operating under budget. The Fiscal Committee is currently working on next year’s budget and plans to have a clearer picture for the Board prior to the start of the new Fiscal Year in January. Jill Wheeler requested that reporting also include a summary of that includes the monthly expenses. Becky requested a visual of income and expenses by program/grant.

Joyce reported that Tyler Rasmussen resigned as Treasurer and Chair of the Fiscal Committee. Joyce Stockham requested a volunteer to serve as the Treasurer. None present volunteered. If no one volunteers, Joyce Stockham will appoint a Board Member to the position.

The Members present considered the two Audit Proposals received. Jay Preston moved to allow the finance committee to move forward with a full audit of 2014 pending funding availability. Elizabeth Hawn seconded. M/S/C ACTION: Cheryl will draft a letter to KDADS to request a change of use of funds from the Regional Coordinator Stipend line item and the remaining balance from the Summit line item. If necessary, KSHC may offer to use Summit profits to pay a portion of the cost of the full-audit if KDADS will pay the balance.

2001 Haskell Ave, Lawrence, KS 660465 785.856-4960(phone) Safe, appropriate and affordable housing for Kansans

A special phone meeting of the Board will be called at a date TBD to accept a proposal once members have had a chance to review the proposals and additional information is available.

IV. Summit Steering Committee Minutes – Elizabeth Hawn

The Steering Committee met in Manhattan and hopes to set a theme and a concrete date in the next two weeks. They are considering the new convention center as a likely site. The committee plans to contact the local Visitor’s Convention Bureau and local businesses to garner support for the Summit and is contacting potential speakers. Ideas for the Summit should be sent to Elizabeth Hawn via e-mail at [email protected] or text at 816-876-1925. Beth Waddle moved to receive and file the Summit Committee’s report. Jay Preston seconded. M/S/C

V. BoS CoC Coordinator Report – Kate Watson

Cheryl Patrick presented Kate Watson’s report. Regional Coordinators are being sought to fill current vacancies in North-Central, North-East and Douglas County and Kate and Cheryl are helping with these efforts. Becky Gray moved to approve the BOS COC Coordinator’s report. Jay Preston seconded. M/S/C

VI. KSHC Executive Director Report – Cheryl Patrick

a. Organizational Chart – Fund Development Committee should actually be the Summit Planning Committee and the Committees should be a sidebar under the Board of Directors. ACTION: Beth Waddle will work with Kate to develop a MOU to outline the relationship between the BOS COC and KSHC prior to the next Board meeting.

b. Annual Activity Calendar – Jay Preston moved to approve the Annual Activity Calendar with the change of “Executive Directors” to “Executive Committee.” Beth Waddle seconded. M/S/C

c. New Applications for Board Members – Beth Waddle moved to accept all four candidates for Board Membership. Jay Preston seconded. M/S/C New Members will be invited to the December meeting and terms will begin in January. ACTION: Cheryl or Kate will send acceptance letters and digital copies of the Board Orientation materials.

d. By-Law proposed amendments, Notice of Meeting – Cheryl prepared a bylaw amendment to allow for Special Meetings to be called with 24 hours notice. Beth Waddle moved to approve the amendment as proposed. Becky Gray seconded. M/S/C

e. Strategic Action plan – Joyce Stockham would like to see the Board review and follow a Strategic Action Plan to better direct the efforts of this Board of Directors. ACTION: Members comments and input should be directed to Joyce Stockham. Beth Waddle will invite input and participation from the BOS COC Committee with plans to have a joint meeting in March.

f. Proposal to move Dec. meetings for 2015 and 2016 – Proposal to move the meetings from 12/16/2015 to 12/09/2015 and 12/21/2016 to 12/14/2016. Beth 2001 Haskell Ave, Lawrence, KS 660465 785.856-4960(phone) Safe, appropriate and affordable housing for Kansans

Waddle moved to approve the new dates as proposed. Jay Preston seconded. M/S/C

g. NOFA update – The NOFA was issued, COC participants notified and a timeline issued by Cheryl. Applications have been received and are being prepped for the Rank and Review Committee who will receive them tomorrow during training.

Jay Preston moved that Kate make an application for a COC grant to cover the cost of a Coordinated Entry staff position’s salary and benefits, travel, office supplies, etc. Elizabeth Hawn seconded. Joyce Stockham requests that the budget be reviewed by the Finance Committee prior to submission. M/S/C ACTION: Kate will prepare the application.

VII. Other - Jill Wheeler requested an Executive Session. Jay Preston moved to begin an Executive Session. Becky Gray seconded. M/S/C Executive session entered at 1:52pm. No action taken. Jay Preston moved to adjourn Executive Session. Jessica Nasternak seconded. M/S/C Executive session adjourned at 2:03pm

VIII. Adjourn – Becky Gray moved to adjourn. Jessica Nasternak seconded. M/S/C Meeting adjourned at 2:05pm.

2001 Haskell Ave, Lawrence, KS 660465 785.856-4960(phone)

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