Acknowledgment of Receipt of Parent/Student Handbook

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Acknowledgment of Receipt of Parent/Student Handbook


Student Name:

Homeroom Teacher:


I have received a copy of the Discovery Student Handbook. I have discussed this information with my child(ren) and understand the school’s expectations.

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Date: The Daily Events section of this agenda book serves as a reference and may be subject to changes or deletions.

Goddard USD 265


Goddard USD 265 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, handicap/disability, or age as to treatment of students in programs and as to employment. Persons having inquiries concerning the District’s compliance with Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act and the Age Discrimination Act may contact the school district's ADA and Section 504 coordinator, the District’s Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 201 South Main, Goddard, KS, 67052, Telephone: 316-794-4000. Those wishing to make a federal inquire may do so at the U.S. Department of Education through the Office for Civil Rights. Contact may be made at [email protected] or (816)268-0550

PRINCIPALS’ MESSAGE Welcome to the Discovery Intermediate School! This handbook is designed to help you become aware of some of the guidelines and school policies we ask you to follow for a successful school year. The staff is looking forward to helping you learn and grow by providing a positive learning environment that promotes success. ABSENCES AND TARDIES Any time a student will miss school all day or part of a day, we ask that a parent/guardian notify the attendance secretary in advance, either in writing or with a telephone call before 9:00 a.m. We encourage parents to request homework assignments when students are absent. Requests must be made by 11:00 a.m. in order to give teachers time to get them assembled. Assignments will be ready for pick-up by 3:00 p.m. Arrangements can also be made to send homework with another student. At the end of each quarter Perfect Attendance awards will be given to any students who have not accumulated any absences or unexcused tardies. AWARDS Students will be eligible to receive quarterly recognition in the following areas: 1. Perfect Attendance-The student has been in attendance every day during the nine week period, and has not been tardy to school more than 2 hours (this applies to excused tardy only). 2. Honor Roll-The student has earned all “A’s and B’s” on their report card during the nine week period. 3. Principal’s Honor Roll-The student has earned all “A’s” on the report card during the nine week period.

BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS The schools will provide each student with the maximum opportunity to acquire an education. No student has the right to interfere with this opportunity. Rules and regulations are developed in each class and enforced with this thought in mind. School rules apply on the bus, school grounds, and at any event where our school is represented, regardless of location. There are six school-wide rules: 1) Treat others with respect and dignity at all times. 2) Follow directions given by our schools’ staff. 3) Keep your hands, feet, books, and objects to yourself. 4) No rude gestures, put-downs, obscenities, or swearing. Harassment will not be tolerated! 2 5) Do not interfere with other students’ learning. STUDENT BEHAVIOR CODE DISRUPTION OF SCHOOL A student shall not use any conduct to cause the substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful function of the school. Neither shall a student urge other students to engage in such conduct for the purpose of causing a disruption or obstruction of any lawful function of the school.

The unacceptable conduct shall include but not be limited to: (1) occupying any school building, school grounds or part thereof with intent to deprive others of its use; (2) blocking the entrance or exit of any school building or corridor or room therein with intent to deprive others of lawful access to or from, or use of, the building or corridor or room; (3) setting fire to or damaging any school building or property; (4) firing, displaying or threatening use of firearms, explosives or other weapons on the school premises for any unlawful purpose; (5) preventing of or attempting to prevent by physical act the convening or continued functioning of any school, class or activity or of any lawful meeting or assembly on the school campus; (6) preventing students from attending a class or school activity; (7) continuously and intentionally making noise or acting in any manner so as to interfere with the teacher's ability to conduct class; (8) written or verbal threats against self, other student(s) or staff member(s). A student shall not cause or attempt to cause damage to private property or attempt to steal private property either on the school grounds or during a school activity. A student shall not cause or attempt to cause damage to private property or attempt to steal private property either on the school grounds or during a school activity. (JCDA-R)

VERBAL/PHYSICAL ASSAULT ON A SCHOOL EMPLOYEE OR STUDENT A student shall not cause, attempt to cause, or verbally lead another to believe he may cause physical injury or bodily harm to another student, school employees and volunteers, or persons employed by vendors and other providers of contracted services:

(1) On the school grounds or property during, before or after school hours; (2) On school grounds or property at any other time when the school is being used by any school personnel or school group; or any group authorized by the school; or (3) Off the school grounds at a school activity, function or event. If it is reasonably believed the act was self-defense or an action was necessary to protect some other person, then it will not be considered an intentional act under this rule. Retaliatory, aggressive behavior will not be considered self-defense. Violation of this policy may lead to suspension or expulsion of the offending student.

CAMERA USE Cameras and camera phones may be used at school, on school property or at school activities or functions only if they are not disruptive and are in compliance with school policy for electronic devices. Cameras shall not be used in such a fashion as to inappropriately invade the privacy of others. No camera shall be used in any restroom, dressing area or locker room. Cameras shall not be used to record confidential material, such as tests.

Cameras shall include film cameras, movie cameras, digital cameras, video cameras, cellular telephone cameras, videophones, internet web cameras and any other device capable of, taking, storing, transmitting or viewing pictures or images.

3 BULLYING Goddard USD 265 will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student and/or disrupts the educational process. A student shall not bully, intimidate or harass another student through words or actions, written, drawn, or spoken. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to: direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving; threats; verbal assault, such as teasing or name-calling; and social isolation or manipulation either in person or on the internet, while on the school district’s property or as an educational disruption brought to the school district through a personal or commercial internet communication.

This policy applies to students on school grounds, while traveling to and from school in school provided vehicles, while waiting for the arrival of, or immediately following the departure of any school bus at designated school bus stops and at school-sponsored activities whether on or off campus. This policy also includes conduct occurring off campus which manifests itself at school and results in a disruption of the educational process.

WEAPONS AND DANGEROUS INSTRUMENTS A student shall not possess, handle or transmit any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon: (1) On the school grounds during, before or after school hours; (2) On school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by any school personnel or school group; or any group authorized by the school; or (3) Off the school grounds at a school activity, function or event.

Violation of this policy will lead to suspension or expulsion of the offending student. ELECTRONIC DEVICES The use of electronic communication devices by pupils on school property during the school day is restricted in accordance with the provisions of individual school policies. Cell phones and other electronic devices shall not be used in a manner that (a) disrupts the educational process, (b) undermines academic integrity, (c) violates confidentiality or privacy rights of another individual, or (d) threatens any individual. (JCDAB)

CELL PHONE VIOLATION The use of cell phones by pupils, during the school day, at the Discovery Intermediate School is prohibited unless approved by the building principal. Students that bring a cell phone to school must have it turned off when they enter the building and stored in their lockers between the hours of 7:45 and 3:01. Students found to be in possession of a cell phone or using a cell phone during these hours are subject to the following disciplinary action:

1st offense: The cell phone will be seized and returned to the student at the end of the school day. 2nd offense: The cell phone will be seized and returned to the student at the end of the school day. The student’s parents will be notified. A detention will be assigned.

3rd offense: The cell phone will be seized and returned only after a parent conference has been held. 1-3 days of In School Suspension will be assigned.

USE OF TRAINED DOGS TO PROMOTE DRUG FREE SCHOOLS In order to promote a drug free environment, the Board of Education authorizes the use of dogs

4 specifically trained to detect drugs and to search the facilities and the grounds of USD #265 including any vehicles on USD 265 property. (JDDA-R)

NARCOTICS, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, DRUGS AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES A student shall not possess, sell, use, transmit, distribute, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, any unprescribed controlled substance, drug look alike, drug paraphernalia or alcoholic beverage of any kind: (1) On the school grounds during, before or after school hours; (2) On school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by any school personnel or school group; or any group authorized by the school; or (3) Off the school grounds at a school activity, function or event.

Use of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a registered physician shall not be considered a violation of this rule. It shall be considered a violation of the rule for a student to possess, use or distribute any prescription drug for which the student does not have an authorized medical prescription from a physician. Additionally, it shall be considered a violation of the rule for a student to distribute a drug for which they have an authorized medical prescription from a physician to any other student(s)

It shall not be a violation of this rule for a student to possess or use a needed over the counter medication in a quantity that does not exceed the reasonable personal needs of an average user of said medications. It shall be a violation of this rule for a student to sell, transmit or distribute an over the counter medication to any other student(s).

Violation of any provision of this behavior code may result in suspension and/or expulsion and possible criminal prosecution.

REPEATED SCHOOL VIOLATIONS A student shall not fail to comply with a reasonable request of school personnel during any period of time when the student is properly under the authority of school personnel.

Violation of any provision of this behavior code may result in suspension and/or expulsion and possible criminal prosecution TOBACCO District property is to be tobacco-free. The Board of Education believes that a tobacco-free policy is important in establishing an appropriate learning and working environment for students, teachers and the public. The use of tobacco products in any form is prohibited at all times in or on all district real estate (including parking lots) or personal property (including vehicles) whether owned, leased or rented, or at any school-sponsored event. Any student who violates the terms of this or any other tobacco policy shall be subject to the following disciplinary action: 1st Violation: Discipline report, mandatory parent conference and appropriate law enforcement officials will be contacted and a citation issued. 2nd Violation: Up to a three-day out of school suspension, appropriate law enforcement officials will be contacted and a citation issued. A student found in second violation of the tobacco policy may be offered a tobacco cessation program as an option to suspension. 3rd Violation: Up to a five-day out of school suspension, appropriate law enforcement officials 5 will be contacted and a citation issued. A hearing for a long-term suspension will be held. Any student who violates the terms of this or any other tobacco policy shall be subject to the above discipline in accordance with district policy and Kansas law (K.S.A. 79-3321:3322). Nothing in this policy is intended to diminish the right of the district to take any other disciplinary action that is provided for in Kansas law or district policies. (JDDB)

FIGHTING 1st offense: 1-3 days In School Suspension 2nd offense: 1-3 days out-of-school suspension. 3rd offense: 3-5 days out-of-school suspension and a hearing may be held for a long-term suspension or expulsion from school.


Violation of any provision of this behavior code may result in IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION, a short-term suspension of up to 10 days and/or long-term suspension or expulsion. (JDD-R) Kansas Law 72-8902 (A-1) states: “A suspension may be for a short term not exceeding 10 school days, or for an extended term not exceeding 90 school days. An expulsion may be for a term not exceeding 186 school days. If a suspension or expulsion is for a term exceeding the number of school days remaining in the school year, any remaining part of the term of the suspension or expulsion may be applied to the succeeding school year.” Students are not allowed at school or at school activities while suspended. During the interim, while awaiting a hearing, assignments need to be completed so that students will understand the information covered during their absences.

Sexual Harassment

T he boar d of educat ion is com m itt ed t o pr oviding a posit ive and pr oduct ive lear ning and wor ki ng envir onm ent , f r ee fr om discr im inat ion on t he basis of sex, includ ing sexua l har assm ent . Sexua l har assm ent shall not be t oler at ed in the school dist r ict . Sexua l har assm ent of em ployees or st udent s of the distr ict b y boar d m em ber s, adm inist r at or s, cert if icat ed and support per sonnel, st udent s, vendor s, and an y ot her s having business or ot her cont act wit h t he school dist r ict is st r ict ly pr ohibit ed. Sexu al har assm ent is unlawf u l discr im inat ion of t he basis of sex under T it le I X of the Educat ion Am endm ent s of 1972, T itle VI I of t he Civil Right s Act of 1964, and t he Kansas Act s Against Discr im inat ion. All f or m s of sexual har assm ent ar e pr ohibit ed at school, on school pr opert y, and at all school- sponsor ed act ivit ies, pr ogr am s or event s. Sexua l har assm ent against individua ls associat ed wit h t he school is pr ohibit ed, whet her or not t he har assm ent occur s on school gr ounds. I t shall be a violat ion of t his polic y f or any st udent , em ployee or thir d part y ( visit or , vendor , et c. ) t o sexual ly har ass an y st udent , em plo ye e, or ot her individua l associat ed wi t h t he school. I t shall fur t her be a violat ion f or any em ployee t o discour age a st udent fr om f iling a com plaint , or to f ail t o invest igat e or r ef er f or invest igat ion, any com plaint lodged under t he pr ovisions of t his polic y. Sexu al har assm ent is un we lcom e sexua l advances, r equest s f or sexua l f avor s and ot her inappr opr iat e or al, wr it t en or physica l conduct of a sexual nat ur e wh en m ade b y a mem ber of t he school st af f t o a st udent or whe n m ade by m ade, explic it ly 6 or im plicit ly, a t erm or condit ion of t he individua l’s educat ion; (2) subm ission t o or r eject ion of such conduct by an indivi dual is used as t he basis f or academ ic decisions af f ect ing that individua l; or ( 3) such conduct has the pur pose or ef f ect of int erf er ing wit h an indivi dual ’s academ ic or pr of essional per f orm ance or cr eat ing an int im idat ing, host ile or of f ensive academ ic envir onm ent . Sexu al har assm ent m a y r esult f r om ver bal or ph ysic al conduct or wr it t en or gr aphic m at er ial. Sexua l har assm ent m a y include, but is not lim it ed t o: ver bal har assm ent or abuse; pr essur e f or sexual act ivit y; r epeat ed r em ar ks to a per son, wi t h sexua l or dem eaning im plicat ion; unwel com e t ouching; or suggest ing or dem anding sexua l involvem ent accom panied by im plied or exp licit thr eat s concer ning a st udent ’s gr ades, part icipat ion in ext r a- curr icular act ivit ies, et c. T he dist r ict encour ages all vict im s of sexual har assm ent and per sons wi t h kno wl edg e of such har assm ent t o repor t the har assm ent im m ediat el y. T he dist r ict wi ll pr om pt ly invest igat e all com plaint s of sexual har assm ent and t ake pr om pt corr ect ive act ion t o end t he har assm ent . An y st udent wh o believes t hat he or she has been subject ed t o sexua l har assm ent should discuss the alleged har assm ent wi t h t he build ing pr incipal, anot her adm inist r at or , t he guidance counselor , or anot her cert if ied st af f m em ber. An y school em plo ye e wh o r eceives a com plaint of sexual har assm ent fr om a st udent shall inf or m t he st udent of the em ployee ’s obligat ion t o r eport the com plaint and any pr oposed r esolut ion of t he com plaint t o t he building pr incipa l. If the buildin g pr incipal is t he alleged har asser, the com plaint shall be r epor t ed to t he dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or . T he building pr incipa l or dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or m ay discuss t he com plaint wi t h t he st udent t o det er m ine if it can be r esolved. A f orm t o init iat e this com plaint is at t ached and can also be secur ed f r om t he build ing pr incipal. T he pr incipal of t he school t he st udent at t ends, or t heir designee, shall be consider ed t o be the im part ial invest igat or . I f the pr incipa l, or their designee, is not independ ent or does not believe t hat the y can conduct an independent invest igat ion, t hen t he m att er is t o be r ef er r ed t o t he Dist r ict Com plia nce Coor dinat or . T he Dist r ict ’s Assist ant Super int endent of Hum an Resour ces has been designat ed to coor dinat e com pliance wit h nondiscr im inat i on r equir em ent s of t his policy. T he Com pliance Coor dinat or can be cont act ed at 201 Sout h Main, G oddar d, KS, 67052 or by t elephone at 316- 794- 4000. Com plaint s received wi ll be invest igat ed to det erm ine wh et her , under t he t ot alit y of t he cir cum st ances, t he alleged behavior const it ut es sexua l har assm ent under the def init ion out lined above. Unaccept able st udent conduct m ay or ma y not const it ut e sexual har assm ent , depending on t he nat ur e of the conduct and it s sever it y, per vasiveness and per sist ence. Behavior s whi ch ar e unaccept able but do not const it ut e har assm ent m ay pr ovide gr ounds f or discipli ne under the code of st udent conduct . Conduct f ound t o be sexual har assm ent is subject t o t he f ull r ange of discipl inar y m easur es includ ing expu lsion. An em plo ye e wh o wit ness es an act of sexua l har assm ent shall r eport t he incident t o t he building pr incipa l. Em ployees who f ail t o r epor t com plaint s or incident s of sexua l har assm ent t o appr opr iat e school of f icials m a y f ace discipl inar y act ion. School adm inist r at or s wh o f ail t o invest igat e and t ake appr opr iat e cor r ect ive act ion in r esponse t o com plaint s of sexua l har assm ent m a y also f ace discip linar y act ion. W hen a com plaint cont ains evidence of cr im inal act ivit y or child abuse, t he build ing coor dinat or or dist r ict coor dinat or shall r epor t such conduct t o t he appr opr iat e la w enf or cem ent or SRS aut hor it ies. T o the ext ent possible, conf ident ialit y wil l be m aint ained t hr oughout the invest igat ion of a com plaint . T he desir e f or conf ident ialit y m ust be balanced wit h t he dist r ict ’s obligat ion to conduct a t hor ough invest igat ion, t o t ake appr opr iat e corr ect ive act ion or t o pr ovide due pr ocess t o the accused.

7 T he f iling of a com plaint or ot her wise r eport ing sexual har assm ent shall not r ef lect upon the individua l’s st at us or gr ades. An y act of ret aliat ion against an y per son wh o has f iled a com plaint or t est if ied, assist ed, or part icipat ed in an invest igat ion of a sexua l har assm ent com plaint is pr ohibit ed. An y per son who r et aliat es is subject t o imm ediat e disciplinar y act ion, up t o and includi ng expuls ion of a st udent or t er m inat ion of an em ployee. False or m alicious com plaint s of sexua l har assm ent m a y r esult in corr ect ive or discipl inar y act ion against t he com plainant . A summ ar y of t his polic y and r elat ed m at er ials shall be post ed in each dist r ict f acilit y. T he polic y shall also be published in st udent , par ent and em plo ye e handbooks as dir ect ed b y t he dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or . Not if icat ion of t he polic y shall be included in t he school ne ws let t er or publish ed in t he local ne ws paper annuall y.

RACIAL HARASSMENT The board of education is committed to providing a positive and productive learning and working environment, free from discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color or national origin. Discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color or national origin (“racial harassment”) shall not be tolerated in the school district. Racial harassment of employees or students of the district by board members, administrators, certificated and support personnel, student, vendors, and any others having business or other contact with the school district is strictly prohibited.

Racial harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination. All forms of racial harassment are prohibited at school, on school property, and at all school-sponsored activities, programs or events. Racial harassment against individuals associated with the school is prohibited, whether or not the harassment occurs on school grounds.

It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, employee or third party (visitor, vendor, etc.) to racially harass any student, employee or other individual associated with the school. It shall further be a violation for any employee to discourage a student from filing a complaint, or to fail to investigate or refer for investigation, any complaint lodged under the provisions of this policy.

Racial Harassment is racially motivated conduct which: Affords a student different treatment, solely on the basis of race, color or national origin, in a manner which interferes with or limits the ability of the student to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or programs of the school; Is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to have the purpose or effect of creating a hostile academic environment; or is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to have the purpose or effect of interfering with a student’s academic performance or ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or programs of the school. Racial harassment may result from verbal or physical conduct or written graphic material.

The district encourages all victims of racial harassment and persons with knowledge of such harassment to report the harassment immediately. The district will promptly investigate all complaints of racial harassment and take prompt corrective action to end the harassment.

Any student, who believes he or she has been subject to racial harassment or has witnessed an act of alleged racial harassment, should discuss the alleged harassment with the building principal, another administrator, the guidance counselor, or another certified staff member. Any school employee who receives a complaint of racial harassment from a student shall inform the student of the employee’s obligation to report the complaint and any proposed resolution of the complaint to the 8 building principal. If the building principal is the alleged harasser, the complaint shall be reported to the district compliance coordinator. The building principal shall discuss the complaint with the student to determine if it can be resolved. If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student in this meeting, the student may initiate a formal complaint under the district’s discrimination complaint procedure (see KN).

Complaints received will be investigated to determine whether, under the totality of the circumstances, the alleged behavior constitutes racial harassment under the definition outlined above. Unacceptable student conduct may or may not constitute racial harassment, depending on the nature of the conduct and its severity, pervasiveness and persistence. Behaviors which are unacceptable but do not constitute harassment may provide grounds for discipline under the code of student conduct. The discipline of a student for violation of any provision of the code of student conduct may be enhanced if the conduct is racially motivated.

To the extent possible confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation of a complaint. The desire for confidentiality must be balanced with the district’s obligation to conduct a thorough investigation, to take appropriate corrective action or to provide due process to the accused.

The filing of a complaint or otherwise reporting racial harassment shall not reflect upon the student’s status or grades. Any act of retaliation against any person who has filed a complaint or testified, assisted, or participated in an investigation of a racial harassment complaint is prohibited. Any person who retaliates is subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion for a student or termination of employment for an employee.

False or malicious complaints of racial harassment may result in corrective or disciplinary action against the complainant. K-8 ATTENDANCE POLICY (ABSENCE/TARDY) Each regularly enrolled pupil at Goddard USD 265, grades K-8, shall attend school in accordance with the compulsory school attendance law (see JBD-R). Absences, which accompany valid excuses, (see JBD) will be excused. An absence is unexcused without a valid excuse. The principal shall be responsible for determining the validity of offered excuses for absence from school. Unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action appropriate to each grade level, which includes, but is not limited to, detention, in-school suspension, or Saturday School. Unexcused absences may also result in a student being reported to appropriate authorities. Students with excessive absences may be required to provide additional documentation. The following are deemed as valid excuses within the limits of the attendance policy: personal illness, death in the family, doctor or dental appointments, court proceedings, religious observances, school activities, and other absences which are deemed necessary by the parents and approved in advance by the administration. Administrators will communicate with parents to ensure every effort is made to encourage regular school attendance by all students. Letters will be mailed, per compulsory school attendance law, when students receive three (3) consecutive unexcused absences or five (5) unexcused absences in a semester or seven (7) unexcused absences in a school year (see JBD-R and JBE). In addition, a letter will be mailed when any student accumulates 10 or more absences, excused or unexcused, in one semester. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Parents/guardians are to inform the Student Services secretary whenever there is a change of address, telephone number, or other enrollment information. 9 CHARACTER Good character involves understanding, caring about, and acting upon core principles such as caring, honesty, fairness, responsibility, attitude, tolerance, citizenship, trustworthiness, leadership, and respect for self and others. The staff members of Discovery believe today’s students need to learn life skills to successfully manage tasks, form relationships, solve everyday problems, and adapt to the demands of simply growing up. We stand committed to character development for every student’s academic, emotional and social growth. CHEATING POLICY Cheating is defined as using someone else’s work or answers (on daily work, projects, or tests) rather than your own. This may include, but is not limited to, illegally copying, sending or distributing any copyrighted material or software, or plagiarizing any published work (JU). Both the person copying answers and the person supplying answers will be considered as having cheated on work. 1. All work will be collected and both parties will receive zeros on work, including tests. 2. Students will fill out a form letter explaining the incident. Parents will receive a copy of the letter. The letter is to be signed by parents and returned to the teacher. If the letter is not returned, the student and teacher will contact his/her parent to explain the incident. 3. Repeated incidents of cheating will result in an administrative referral.

CONFERENCES Student/Parent-Teacher Conferences are planned twice during each school year. October 21, 22, and 23 and February 24, 25, 26 are the dates set aside for this year. However, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call Discovery at 794-4030 to schedule a conference any time throughout the year. COUNSELOR A school counselor is available for personal, social, and educational counseling, both individually and in groups. The counselor visits with students about concerns, keeps student records, and administers and interprets various assessments. DRESS CODE Students need to take pride in their personal appearance and all attire must be such as to contribute to a neat appearing student body which promotes a positive atmosphere for learning (JCDB). We want students to be dressed and groomed appropriately for the school setting. Because of different interpretations of what is or is not appropriate, the administration reserves the right to ask anyone whose appearance is disruptive and/or not in good taste to make necessary adjustments. All rulings by the administration will be final. Dress codes also apply to any student activities under the direction of the school. Here are some guidelines to help students with decisions regarding appearance: 1) Walking shorts reaching to mid-thigh may be worn all year round. Short-shorts, gym shorts, boxers with front openings, or swimsuits are not to be worn. Cut-offs may be worn if trimmed appropriately. 2) No mesh, see-through, halter, crop, low cut or tops that expose the midriff are to be worn. Spaghetti strap shirts may not be worn without a shirt under them. All shoulder straps must be at least one inch wide. 3) Sweat/jogging suits may be worn only if they are neat in appearance. Pajamas and slippers may not be worn. 4) Biking shorts or similar snug fitting shorts or pants may not be worn even under other loose fitting clothes. 10 5) Sagging of pants is not allowed. 6) Apparel containing text or graphics that promote or suggest violence or other inappropriate content is not to be worn. 7) In order to maintain a safe school environment, the wearing of clothing color, apparel or accessories in any manner that denotes gang affiliation will not be allowed. Students are to store coats and large equipment bags in their lockers. 8) Chains are not allowed at the intermediate schools. These include, but are not limited to, wallet and watch chains. Jewelry deemed dangerous, such as wristbands and neck collars with spikes, are not allowed. 9) Hats, bandanas and other head apparel may not be worn in the building. The building principal reserves the right to disapprove any apparel that he or she feels may create a disturbance or is inappropriate in the school setting. EARLY DISMISSAL Parents should have a plan for students to follow in case it becomes necessary to send them home before the regular dismissal time. This plan should be reviewed periodically with the students. In situations that warrant an early dismissal from school, the Goddard school district will attempt to broadcast emergencies through local radio and TV stations. INCLEMENT WEATHER - NO SCHOOL When inclement weather threatens to cause school to close, please listen to one of the radio or TV stations listed. Information should be on the air after 6:00 a.m., depending on the situation. The radio stations notified are: KFDI-AM 1070, KFDI-FM 101.3, KEYN-FM 104, KQAM-AM 1410, KFH- AM 1330, KICT-FM 95, KRZZ-FM 96.3, KZSN-FM 102, KKRD-FM 107, KNSS-AM 1240, and B-98. Television stations notified are: KSNW-TV 3, KAKE-TV 10, and KWCH-TV 12. If school is closed, school office telephones will have a recording with that information.

EMERGENCY SITUATIONS FIRE PROCEDURE When an alarm for fire is given, all persons should move in an orderly manner through the prescribed exits and keep moving until they are at least 100 feet from the building. The signal will be high- pitched beeps and flashing lights on the fire alarms in classrooms and hallways. If students are playing on the playground at the time of an alarm, they are to stop at once and line up in an orderly fashion. The all-clear signal will be the ringing of a bell or hand signals. Fire exits will be assigned the first day of school.

TORNADO/SEVERE STORM AND HAZARDOUS SPILLS PROCEDURE Notification for a tornado or severe storm emergency will be short rings of the bell system or intercom, if possible. Students will move to their designated shelter areas, sit with their backs to the wall with their heads down on their legs. If needed, double rows may be formed. Students on the playground are to line up in an orderly fashion and proceed into the building.

FIELD TRIPS Teachers may schedule field trips to enhance classroom instruction. Prior to any field trip, your student’s teacher will send home a permission slip for your signature.

No student will be allowed to leave the building on a field trip without a signed permission slip

11 on file. These slips must be on file by the designated deadline. Students will not be allowed to call home the day of the field trip. Faxed permission will be considered on an individual basis and according to the circumstances involved. The parent or guardian will be required to contact the building administrator before faxing the information (for verification and security purposes). Students must ride the bus to and from the field trip. HEALTH SERVICES Discovery has the services of a health nurse. Eye examinations and hearing tests will be coordinated through the nurse’s office.

The school nurse and teachers do not provide medicine, treatments, or make diagnoses. They only provide first aid and cannot give medication of any kind without a USD 265 Medication Policy completed by a doctor and placed on file in the nurse’s office. Students are not allowed to carry medicine in their pockets or keep medicine in their lockers. For more information contact the school nurse.

In order to protect from possible serious complications and to protect other students from possible exposure to diseases, students who are ill should not come to school. It is the duty of the school to send home any student who appears to be ill or is suspected of having an infection or contagious disease. School health rooms are to care for those students who become ill or injured at school. Students who become ill or injured at school must check out through the nurse’s office. Students should not call parents from a classroom. It is the responsibility of the parents to make arrangements to have ill or injured students picked up either by the parents or by persons the parents designate. No child will be dismissed from school until parents or other designated responsible persons are contacted at home or work. Emergency numbers should be made available to the office and updated regularly.

Parents may be contacted to come and pick up their child during the day if the student becomes ill.

Some of the criteria used to determine if the child should remain at home, or if parents will be contacted to come and pick up the child from school are as follows: 1. If there is a temperature of 99.6 degrees with symptoms, such as headache, sore throat, nausea/vomiting, rashes. 2. If there is a temperature of 100 degrees with no symptoms. THE STUDENT SHOULD REMAIN HOME UNTIL THE TEMPERATURE HAS BEEN NORMAL FOR 24 HOURS WITHOUT THE AID OF MEDICATION. 3. Pink eye – students with pink eye shall be excluded from school until 24 hours after treatment has started. 4. Head lice – If a child is found to have head lice, the parent will be called to come to the school and pick up the student. The student will not be allowed to ride the bus or return to the classroom until checked by the school nurse and found to be free of lice. 5. All injuries which result in unusual swelling, discoloration, or pain. 6. Cuts which appear to require stitches. 7. Dental injuries.

K.S.A. Statute 65-122: Schools and child care facilities; non-admissions and exclusions; readmissions, when. No person afflicted with an infectious or contagious disease dangerous to the public health shall be admitted into any public, parochial or private school or licensed child care facility. It shall be the duty of the parent or guardian, and the principal or other person in charge of any public, parochial, private school or licensed child care facility to exclude therefrom any child or other person affected with a disease suspected of being infectious or contagious until the expiration of the prescribed period of isolation or quarantine for the particular infectious or contagious disease. If the attending person licensed to

12 practice medicine and surgery or local health officer finds upon examination that the person affected with a disease, suspected of being infectious or contagious is not suffering from an infectious or contagious disease, he or she may submit a certificate to this effect to the person in charge of the public, parochial, private school or licensed child care facility and such person shall be readmitted to school or to the child care facility.

HOMEWORK POLICY Homework is a part of the educational program at the school and will be assigned with consideration of the maturity level of the student, the organization of the classroom, and any other activities in which the student might be involved. Our teachers understand that family time is important and do not endorse the idea of homework as punishment. Parents/guardians are asked to assist the staff by ensuring that their students have a quiet area at home with a desk or table so that students can do their best on homework assignments. The student has one day for every day of an excused absence to complete homework and make-up work.

GRADES AND GRADING Report cards and progress reports will be given to the students according to the calendar which is located on the USD #265 website. The grading scale is as follows: A = 95 – 100 C = 73 – 76 A- = 90 - 94 C- = 70 – 72 B+ = 87 - 89 D+ = 67 – 69 B = 83 - 86 D = 63 – 66 B- = 80 - 82 D- = 60 – 62 C+ = 77 - 79 F = 0 – 59 All assignments are to be completed and handed in on time. The following guidelines will be used when a student has late, missing, or incomplete work. 5th Grade Grading Policy: • Parents will be contacted throughout this process as we work with our students to help them complete their assignments. • All homework is due at the beginning of the class period. • Unless otherwise directed by the teacher, a student may correct a homework assignment on which he/she scores a 69% or below; however, the assignment must be turned in the next day. The student can receive up to 70% on the corrected work. The student will be allowed the opportunity to stay after school for help or take the work home to be completed that night. For late and/or missing assignments: - 10% will be deducted from the score on the day after the work was due. - 25% will be deducted from the score on the 2nd day after the work was due. - 50% will be deducted from the score on the 3rd day after the work was due. - A zero will be assigned as the grade on the 4th day after the work was due. - Partial credit may be given for late work received after the 4th day 6th Grade Grading Policy: • Parents will be contacted throughout this process as we work with our students to help them complete their assignments. 13 • All homework is due at the beginning of the class period. • Unless otherwise directed by the teacher, a student may correct a homework assignment on which he/she scores a 69% or below; however, the assignment must be turned in the next day. The student can receive up to 70% on the corrected work. The student will be allowed the opportunity to stay after school for help or take the work home to be completed that night. For late and/or missing assignments: - 25% will be deducted from the score on the day after the work was due. - 50% will be deducted from the score on the 2nd day after the work was due. - A zero will be assigned as the grade on the 3rd day after the work was due. - Partial credit may be given for late work received after the 3rd day We encourage parents to request homework assignments when students are absent. Requests must be made by 11:00 a.m. in order to give teachers time to get them assembled. Assignments may be picked up by a sibling or neighbor if parents are unable to get to the school.

LATE ARRIVALS OR EARLY DISMISSALS Any student arriving late to school should always check in at the office before proceeding to class. Students leaving during the day need to check out through the office and check back in if returning later that same day. Notes pertaining to early dismissals or any absences should be turned into the office. LOCKERS Each student will be issued a locker. The purpose of the locker is to store coats and book bags. Homeroom teachers will assign lockers to students near their classrooms. It is important not to share locker combinations with anyone other than the teacher. According to BOE policy JCAB-R, students are to be held accountable for anything found in their assigned locker. No one should be sharing a locker. In accordance with BOE policy JCAB-R, searches of lockers can be conducted by school administration at any time.

LOST OR DESTROYED TEXTBOOKS Textbooks that are damaged but repairable will require a repair fee. If the book is damaged beyond repair or lost, a replacement fee will be charged. The textbook replacement fee will be prorated on the basis of the full years remaining on a six year book life. If lost textbooks are recovered in the same condition as when issued, funds paid will be refunded.

LOST OR DESTROYED LIBRARY BOOKS Students will be charged a repair fee for library items with repairable damage. Library books are purchased with special binding to endure a long shelf life and are not replaced on a cycle. Therefore, if a book is destroyed or lost, the full replacement cost will be charged. Building principals shall attempt to collect the justifiable value owed by a student of school property lost, damaged or destroyed by a student. If, after buildings’ attempt to collect, the amount remains unpaid, a report will be made to the district police department for collection. LUNCH PERIOD It is required that all students remain at school during the lunch period. All students will go to the lunchroom regardless of whether they bring their lunch, eat in the lunch program, or do not eat. If students do check out through the office for lunch with their parents, they are expected to return 14 within the allotted lunch time before class resumes. Students will behave in a respectful and considerate manner while in the cafeteria. The cafeteria supervisor or homeroom teacher will discipline students who do not follow lunchroom rules.

CAFETERIA RULES 1. Running to lunch, cutting in line, eating in line or climbing under the rail is not permitted. 2. When finished eating, students are to return trays and go back to seats in the cafeteria. 3. No food, drinks, or cafeteria items are to leave the cafeteria. 4. Throwing food, or any other items, is not permitted. 5. Students must be in the designated cafeteria area during their lunch periods unless excused by the cafeteria supervisors. 6. Being disrespectful to the cooks will not be tolerated. Violations of these rules may result in students cleaning tables or eating in isolation. Continual violations may result in further disciplinary action being taken.

BREAKFAST Discovery offers a breakfast program for all students. Breakfast is served beginning at 7:25 A.M. The kitchen will remain open until 7:45 A.M. Students who are still eating breakfast are still expected to be in homeroom by 7:50 A.M. All breakfast items must remain in the cafeteria and cannot be taken to homeroom. Breakfast can be purchased with the students’ lunch cards.

MEDICATION POLICY PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION Under certain conditions, the school nurse or nurse-designated person may give prescribed medication at school. This can be done only upon written request from both the parent or guardian and the attending physician. If at all possible, medication should be taken prior to coming to school or after leaving school under parental supervision. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to have given the initial dose of medication to the child to assure there will be no adverse reaction. Prescription medication must be brought to the school by the parent in the original prescription container. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to assure that the medication and dosage in the container is the same as on the affixed prescription label. The following information must be listed on the label: • Name of student • Date prescription was filled • Prescription number • Prescribing physician’s name • Name of medication, strength • When applicable – expiration date and dosage and storage directions A Request to Administer Medication at School form will be used and will require parental and physician signatures and phone numbers. Prescription bottle directions are not a substitute for a doctor’s written signature.

15 NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION (INCLUDING COUGH DROPS, ANTACIDS, TYLENOL, VITAMINS, ETC.) If supplied from home, over-the-counter medication may be taken at school with written parental permission. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to assure that the medication sent to school is the correct medication. The medication must be in its original container and the following written instructions to the nurse or designated school employee must be included with the medication: • Name of student • Time • Name of medication • Reason for medication • Dosage School employees, who administer the medication in accordance with authorized physician instructions and/or parent/guardian instructions and BOE policy, shall not be liable for damages resulting from adverse reactions. In the event of adverse reaction, the student will be treated according to standard emergency care guidelines. No medication will be administered without proper paperwork and signatures.

ON-LINE SERVICES/INTERNET ACCESS Use of the computer network is a privilege, not a right. The basic rule for use of school computers is that all use must be educational and within behavior expectations. Following these policies will provide students the opportunity to use on-line services. 1) All computer use must support education and research. 2) Users will not use the computer to break any laws. 3) Users will not use the school network to buy items or to make money. 4) Use of the computer for communications not related to schoolwork is not allowed. 5) Students will not use the network to advertise products. 6) Network accounts are for authorized users only. 7) The district has the right to review all communications created on school computers. 8) Users will not use the computer to disrupt the work of others. Hardware, software, and files of others will not be modified, abused or destroyed in any manner by any user. 9) Users will not attempt to harm the district network or attempt to harm or destroy the data of any other user or any system on the network. This includes the creating or sending of computer viruses or similar computer code. 10) Hate mail or other mean and hurtful remarks in communications are not allowed. 11) Users must not illegally copy, send, or hand out any copyrighted files, material or software, or use any prohibited material as their own. 12) Use of the network to access, send or publish inappropriate material is not allowed. 13) Students will not use their full names or provide their home phone number or home address in any Internet Publication. 14) Users will not attempt to go to Internet sites that are blocked by the district. 15) Students will not try to use the network while they are suspended from using the district computers. 16 The Goddard USD 265 District reserves the right to log and monitor Internet and computer use. The district reserves the right to remove a user from the network if any of the above rules are broken.

PARTIES No class time will be used for parties of any type without prior consent from the office. Two school wide classroom parties will be scheduled during the school year.

PERSONAL ITEMS Students should not bring personal items (examples: radios, tape decks, cassette players, C.D. players, video games, pagers, cellular phones, laser pointers, skateboards, scooters, shoe skates) to school unless they have been requested by a teacher and are a useful part of their class work. Such items may be taken from students and kept in the office until parents pick them up. The district is not responsible for loss or damage to any personal property even if the personal property is lost, stolen, or damaged on school grounds.

PLAYGROUND SWINGS GUIDELINES 1) No twisting, hanging upside down, or jumping off of the swings. 2) Only one person is allowed per swing at a time. 3) Students are to sit on the swing, not lay on it with their torso. 4) Standing on the swings is not acceptable. 5) Children not playing on the swings need to stay clear of them. 6) There should be no running in front of, behind, or under anyone who is swinging. 7) No climbing on the swing set poles or the swing chains.


Any student can participate in the breakfast or hot/cold lunch program. Extra food items are available at an additional cost. Money for meals will be paid to the homeroom teacher and applied to the student’s account in the main office. Students are encouraged to prepay meals on a monthly basis. Parents can also bring money directly to the office. Students bringing lunch from home must eat in the cafeteria with their class.

Students are required to maintain a positive balance in their meal accounts in order to purchase a school lunch or breakfast. If purchasing a meal would cause your child’s account to have a negative balance, nutrition services staff will serve your child cheese and crackers in place of the school meal.

If a child is served cheese and crackers for three consecutive days due to a sack lunch or lunch money not being provided by the parent/guardian that information will be turned over to Child Protective Services (CPS) and our USD 265 Police Department for action.

Families may qualify for either free or reduced meals based on total family income and number of dependents. Application forms are available in both school offices.

SCHOOL HOURS Discovery Intermediate School office hours are 7:15-3:45. Students should not arrive to school 17 earlier than 7:00 a.m. Students should not remain after school unless they are under the direct supervision of a staff member.

STUDENT INFORMATION Student information is maintained in a confidential manner. Only a student’s parents/guardians, both custodial and noncustodial, may see a student’s records. We will not release student information to any other parties without parent/guardian consent or unless required by law. Parents/guardians are asked to notify the office if there is any change in address or daytime phone number. We must have a working daytime phone number in the event of a medical or other emergency. ANNUAL NOTIFICATION: FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS & PRIVACY ACT The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.” Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies. Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records that they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information. Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31): • School officials with legitimate educational interest: • Other schools to which a student is transferring; • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes; • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student; • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school; • Accrediting organizations; • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law. Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student

18 handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

For additional information or technical assistance, you may call (202) 260-3887 (voice). Individuals who use TDD may call the Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339. Or you may contact: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington D.C. 20202-4605

SUBSTANCE ABUSE INTERVENTION PROGRAM Goddard USD #265 recognizes the responsibility of the school to regulate and provide a learning environment for all students. Such learning environment shall be regulated so that all student enrollees shall be free of alcohol, tobacco, and/or controlled substances. USD 265 Board policy JDDA states: “ Maintaining drug free schools is important in establishing an appropriate learning environment for the district’s students. The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students on school premises or as a part of any school activity is prohibited.” This policy is required by the 1989 amendments to the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, P.L. 102-226, 103 St. 1928. TARDY POLICY Students are expected to be in their assigned seats or location ready to work when the bell rings. Students arriving late to classes will be excused or unexcused by the classroom teacher. Excessive tardies may result in disciplinary action. TRANSPORTATION Students in the Goddard Schools are fortunate to have the privilege of riding the school bus to and from school daily. With this privilege comes the responsibility of proper behavior while riding the bus. Bus rules emphasize cooperation and safety precautions. We expect all students to respect and obey the rules for riding the bus. Pupils may at any time be denied the privilege of riding the school bus because of failure to follow drivers’ instructions. The Transportation Discipline Coordinator will process violations of bus rules, and disciplinary measures will be taken. If you have questions concerning transportation, you may contact the Transportation Department at 794-4291. School buses provide transportation only to addresses within each school’s attendance area. Transportation will not be provided to any address outside a student’s school attendance area. Passes will be issued for students riding the second route (late) bus. Passes will not be issued to a student in order to ride an alternate route. All students are required to ride their assigned route only. Students staying to ride the second route must be under the direct supervision of a school employee. A bus will be provided for after school instructional or discipline purposes only as determined by the Discovery and Discovery staff. (JGGR-3) Student Responsibilities for Safe & Proper School Bus Operation 1. The driver and/or sidewalk monitor is in full charge of students when they are riding, loading or 19 unloading the bus. Students must obey the driver and/or sidewalk monitor promptly. 2. Students must remain seated. 3. Rough conduct or fighting will not be permitted. Students will be permitted to converse in a normal tone. Profanity is absolutely prohibited. 4. No running on the sidewalk. 5. No food or drink is allowed on the bus or loading area. 6. The use or possession of any tobacco or alcohol is prohibited. 7. Students will not open or close the bus windows without the permission of the driver. 8. Vandalism of any kind will not be tolerated. 9. Students shall stay out of the driver’s seat and shall not tamper with equipment. 10. No animals, firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind are allowed. 11. Any student wishing to ride a different bus must have a note signed by his parent and the principal. Only then may they ride the bus if a seat is available. 12. All aisles, doors, and emergency exits shall remain unobstructed at all times.

SCHOOL BUS DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES The following procedures will be used on all Goddard USD 265 school buses and in the loading area: 1. If a student breaks one or more of the bus rules, the bus driver will give a verbal warning. 2. 2nd Offense: A “bus discipline notice” will be given to the student to take home. 3. 3rd Offense: The parents will be notified by the supervisor of transportation, and the student will be suspended from riding for one to three days. 4. 4th Offense: Student will be suspended of bus privileges for five days, and the student will not be permitted to ride the bus until a conference is held with the building principal, parent, student, director of transportation, and bus driver. 5. Additional offenses may result in suspension of bus privileges for an indefinite period of time, which could include the remainder of the semester or school year. Written notice should be given to the homeroom teacher if a student is to be picked up that day instead of riding the bus home. VISITORS For the safety of our students and staff, if you are not an employee or student of Discovery School, you are required to STOP at the office, sign in, and obtain a visitor’s badge before visiting any area of the building. Please be sure to sign out and return visitor badges when leaving. WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL If a student is withdrawing from school, it is necessary for the parent to notify the office prior to the last day of attendance. All textbooks and library books, etc., belonging to USD 265 must be returned and all fees and/or fines paid. ASSESSMENTS Throughout the school year, students will be required to take formal assessments that provide the data Discovery uses in the school improvement process. These assessments are important indicators of student progress and may determine future courses students are required to take. State Assessments are administered during the spring months. During the 2014-15 school year, all fifth and sixth grade students will complete the math and reading state assessments. These assessments 20 indicate how well students are mastering the Kansas Curricular Standards that make up each subject’s curriculum. Complaints

T he boar d encour ages all com plaint s regar ding t he dist r ict t o be r esolved at t he lo we st possible adm inist r at ive level. W henever a com plaint is m ade dir ect ly to t he boar d as a wh ol e or t o a boar d m em ber as an individua l, it wil l be r ef er r ed t o t he adm inist r at ion for st ud y and possible r esolut ion . T he Dist r ict ’s Assist ant Super int endent of Hum an Resour ces, 201 Sout h Main, G oddar d, KS, 67052, ( T elephone: 316- 794- 4000) . has been designat ed to coor dinat e com pliance wit h nondiscr im inat i on r equir em ent s cont ained in T it le VI of t he Civil Right s Act of 1964, T it le VII of t he Civil Right s Act of 1964, T itle I X of t he Educat ion Am endm ent s of 1972, Sect ion 504 of t he Rehabi lit at ion Act of 1973, t he Am er icans wi t h Disabil it ies Act of 1990 and t he Am er icans wit h Disabi lit ies Act Am endm ent s Act of 2007 and t he Age Discr im inat ion Act. T he gr ievance pr ocedur e is applicab le t o com plaint s alleg ing discr im inat ion on t he bases of sex, disabi lit y, r ace, color , nat ional or igin, and age, includ ing allegat ions of har assm ent . I nf or m at ion concer ning t he pr ovisions of t hese Act s, and t he r ight s pr ovided t her eunder , ar e available fr om t he com pliance coor dinat or .

Com plaint s About Discr im inat ion or Discr im inat or y Har assm ent

Com plaint s of discr im inat ion or discr im inat or y har assm ent b y an em ployee should be addr essed t o t he em ployee ’s super visor , t he buildin g pr incipa l, or t he dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or . Com plaint s b y a st udent should be addr essed t o the build ing pr incipal, anot her adm inist r at or , t he guidance counselor , or anot her cert if ied st aff m em ber . An y school em plo ye e who r eceives a com plaint of discr im inat ion or har assm ent fr om a st udent shall inf or m the st udent of t he em plo ye e’s obligat io n to r eport t he com plaint and an y pr oposed r esolut ion of t he com plaint t o t he buildin g pr incipa l. If the buildi ng pr incipal is t he alleged har asser , t he com plaint shall be r eport ed t o the dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or . Com plaint s b y an y ot her per son alleg ing discr im inat ion should be addr essed t o t he buildin g pr incipa l or t he dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or . T he ident it y of t he individua l f iling a com plaint wi ll be kept conf ident ial t o t he ext ent possible wit ho ut com pr om ising a t hor ough invest igat ion. Com plaint s about discr im inat ion, including com plaint s of har assm ent , wil l be r esolved thr ough t he f ollo wi ng com plaint pr ocedur es:

I nf or m al Pr ocedur es T he build ing pr incipal shall att em pt t o r esolve com plaint s of discr im inat ion or har assm ent in an inf orm al manner at t he buildin g level. Any school em ployee wh o r eceives a com plaint of discr im inat ion har assm ent f r om a st udent , anot her em plo ye e or any ot her individu al shall inf orm t he individua l of t he em plo ye e’s obligat i on t o r epor t t he com plaint and an y pr oposed r esolut ion of t he com plaint t o t he building pr incipal. T he building pr incipal shall discuss the com plaint wit h the individ ual t o det er m ine if it can be r esolved. If t he m at t er is r esolved to t he sat isf act ion of the individu al, the buildi ng pr incipal shall docum ent t he nat ur e of t he com plaint and t he pr oposed r esolut ion of t he com plaint , and f or war d t his recor d t o t he dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or . W it hin 20 da ys af t er t he com plaint is r esolved in this m anner , the pr incipal shall cont act t he com plainant t o det er m ine if the r esolut ion of t he m att er r em ains accept able. I f t he m at t er is not r esolved to t he sat isf act ion of the individ ual in t he m eet ing wi t h t he pr incipa l, or if the indivi dual does not

21 believe t he r esolut ion r em ains accept able, t he individua l m ay init iat e a for m al com plaint . Use of t he inf orm al com plaint pr ocedur e is not a pr er equisit e t o f iling a f orm al com plaint or using t he f orm al com plaint pr ocedur e.

For m al Com plaint Pr ocedur es:

1* A f orm al com plaint should be f iled in wr it ing and cont ain the nam e and addr ess of the per son f iling t he com plaint . T he com plaint should br ief ly descr ibe t he alleged violat ion. If an indiv idual does not wis h to f ile a wr it t en com plaint and t he m at t er has not been adequat ely resolved, the buildin g pr incipal m ay init iat e t he com plaint . Form s f or f iling wr it t en com plaint s ar e availab le in each buildi ng of f ice and t he cent r al off ice. T he f orm s ar e also included at t he end of t his polic y.

2* A com plaint should be f iled as soon as possible aft er t he conduct occur s, but not lat er t han 180 days af t er t he com plainant becom es a war e of t he allege d violat ion, unless t he conduct f or m ing t he basis f or t he com plaint is ongoing.

3* An invest igat ion shall f ollow t he f iling of t he com plaint . I ndividua ls wh o conduct t he invest igat ion shall be im par t ial . I f t he com plaint is against t he super int endent , t he boar d shall appoint an invest igat ing of f icer . I n ot her inst ances, t he invest igat ion shall be conduct ed b y t he building pr incipal, t he com pliance coor dinat or or anot her individ ual appoint ed b y t he boar d. T he invest igat ion shall be inf or m al but t hor ough. All int er est ed per sons, includi ng t he com plainant and the per son against whom t he com plaint is lodged, wil l be af f or ded an oppor t unit y t o subm it wr it t en or or al evidence r elevant t o t he com plaint .

4* A wr it t en det erm inat ion of t he com plaint ’s valid it y and a descr ipt ion of t he r esolut ion shall be issued by the invest igat or , and a cop y f or war ded t o t he com plainant no lat er t han 30 days af t er t he f iling of t he com plaint .

1* I f t he invest igat ion result s in a r ecomm endat ion t hat a st udent be suspended or expe lled, pr ocedur es out lined in boar d policy and st at e law gover ning st udent suspension and expu lsio n wi ll be f ollowed.

2* I f t he invest igat ion result s in a r ecomm endat ion t hat an em ployee be suspended wit h out pa y or ter m inat ed, pr ocedur es out lined in boar d polic y, t he negot iat ed agr eem ent or st at e la w wi ll be f ollowed .

5* Recor ds r elat ing t o com plaint s f iled and t heir r esolut ion shall be for war ded t o and m aint ained in a conf ident ial m anner by t he dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or .

6* T he com plainant m ay appeal t he det erm inat ion of t he com plaint . Appeals shall be hear d b y t he dist r ict com pliance coor dinat or , a hear ing of f icer appoint ed b y t he boar d, or by t he boar d it self as det er m ined b y t he boar d. T he r equest t o appeal t he resolut ion shall be m ade wit hin 20 da ys aft er t he dat e of t he wr it t en r esolut ion of t he com plaint at t he lo we r level. T he appeal of f icer shall revie w t he evidence gat her ed b y t he invest igat or and the invest igat or ’s repor t , and shall aff or d t he com plainant and the per son against whom t he com plaint is f iled an oppor t unit y t o subm it f ur t her evidence, or ally or in wr it ing, wit h in 10 days af t er t he appeal is f iled. T he appeal off icer wi ll issue a wr it t en 22 det er m inat ion of the com plaint ’s validit y and a descr ipt ion of it s r esolut ion wit h in 30 days aft er the appeal is f iled.

7* Use of t his com plaint pr ocedur e is not a pr er equisit e t o the pur suit of an y ot her r em edies includ ing t he r ight t o f ile a com plaint wi t h t he O ff ice f or Civil Right s of t he U. S. Depar t m ent of Educat ion, t he Equal Em ploym ent Oppor t unit y Com m ission, or t he Kansas Hum an Right s Com m ission.

8* Regar dless of the com plaint r esolut ion pr ocess used, if it is det er m ined eit her dur ing or at t he conclusion of t he pr ocess, t hat discr im inat ion or har assm ent has occur r ed, appr opr iat e adm inist r at ive act ion wi ll be t aken. T he act ion t aken should be designed t o end t he discr im inat or y act ivit y and r em ediat e an y dam age t hat was caused t o t he ext ent possible. Disciplin e of t hose involves m ight include an y discipl inar y m easur e up t o and including expu lsio n or t erm inat ion of em plo ym ent .

9* Ret aliat ion against any per son wh o has made a com plaint , t est if ied, assist ed, or par t icipat ed in any m anner in an invest igat ion or pr oceeding under t he pr ovisions of t he com plaint resolut ion pr ocess is pr ohibit ed. . Discip line of t hose involves m ight include an y discipli nar y measur e up t o and includ ing expuls ion or ter m inat ion of em ploym ent .


Your Name ______

School/Grade ______Date ______

Type of Complaint Sexual______Disability______Racial______Date incident repored______

Reported to______

Please describe the specific incidents that you feel constitute harassment. (use extra sheets if needed):

What is/are the date/s the incident occurred? ______

Please describe the incident including what occurred, when it occurred, and whether there were any witnesses other than you to the event(s). If necessary, attach additional sheets of paper.

23 Are you aware of any other person who has been subjected to similar harassment? If so, please identify such person(s) and describe the details of the harassment including when and what occurred.

Other than the individual(s) you have identified above, is/are there any other person(s) who you feel should be contacted in connection with the investigation of this complaint. If so, please identify the individuals, how to contact them, and what information these individual(s) may have.

This form should be filed with the USD 265 / Goddard Public Schools District Compliance Coordinator, 201 S. Main, Goddard, Kansas 67052 – 316-794-4000.

Your complaint of harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. The investigation will be kept confidential to the extent as possible with the Districts’ need to fully investigate and address the situation. If the investigation verifies that inappropriate behavior has occurred, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the person who has harassed you.

If at any time you feel that as a result of your complaint you are being retaliated against, please file an additional complaint using this form or contact the Districts’ Compliance Coordinator. He can be contacted at 201 South Main, Goddard, KS 67052 or by telephone at 316-794-4000.

Please read the above carefully before signing. Your signature below will indicate that this form accurately and completely describes your complaint of harassment.



Please print name______

Com plaint s About Polic y T he super int endent shall r epor t an y unr esolved com plaint about policies to t he boar d at the next regular l y scheduled boar d m eet ing.

Com plaint s About Cur r iculum T he super int endent shall r epor t a f ailur e t o r esolve any com plaint about cur r iculum t o the boar d at t he next r egular l y scheduled boar d meet ing.

Com plaint s About I nst r uct ional Mat er ials T he build ing pr incipal shall r eport any unr esolved com plaint about inst r uct ional m at er ials t o t he super int endent im m ediat el y af t er r eceiving t he com plaint .

24 Com plaint s About Facilit ies and Ser vices T he super int endent shall r epor t an y unr esolved com plaint about f acilit ies and ser vices t o the boar d at t he next r egular l y scheduled boar d m eet ing.

Com plaint s About Per sonnel The superintendent or the building principal involved shall report any unresolved complaint about personnel to the board at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.


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