Introduction to Horticulture Pest ID Study Guide Crabgrass



Goose Grass Introduction to Horticulture Pest ID Study Guide




White Clover Introduction to Horticulture Pest ID Study Guide Wild Garlic

Yellow Nutsedge- stems will be triangular

Black Spot- black spots on leaves, typically on roses

Chlorosis- yellowed leaves all over, indicates lack of nitrogen/iron

Damping off- looks like really small spider-webs on plants, especially seedlings

Fireblight- leaves (usually edges first) will look like they have been slightly burned, may also see black/brown spots on the leaves. Introduction to Horticulture Pest ID Study Guide

Powdery Mildew- typical on cucumbers, etc it looks like baby powder on the leaves, can also appear on grasses

Root Rot- look for roots that look swollen and wet. Also in a sample of grass you will see dead spots, usually no pattern. Also on potted plants the entire plant may be dead/dying and may often be falling over.

Rust- looks like rust on metal. Almost always brown-red in color, usually small splotches. Can be on leaves of almost any plant, especially apples or barberry.

Aphid- look like fleas, can be white, clear, brown, or green

Bagworms- in “cocoon” may look like a pine cone or leaves wrapped up. When they emerge they are basically ½” long black caterpillars.

Caterpillar- uhm…if you don’t know what a caterpillar looks like then I don’t know that I can help you out here…. Introduction to Horticulture Pest ID Study Guide Japanese Beetle

Lacebug- look like stinkbugs

Mealybugs- Typically white, probably will not see them moving. May appear as hard, raised bumps on the plants.

Scale- don’t look like insects at all. They look like raised brown or black raised bumps on stems and leaves of plants.

Spider Mites- black, brown, or red TINY bugs. They are almost too small to see with the naked eye. Look for small spider-web like structures on the plants.

Thrips- Flying insect that looks like a really tiny moth. Typically 1/16” long and very narrow.

White Fly- Flying white insect. Dead ones are white too.