Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One
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Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas
Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: “Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas”
Objective: This tracking tool will measure progress in achieving the coverage and impact targets established at the portfolio level under Strategic Priority One of the biodiversity focal area and as agreed in the business plan for GEF Phase-3 (please see Annex A). The expected impacts of this strategic priority are: (a) countries show concrete improvements in management effectiveness of their protected area systems; (b) protected areas supported show improved management effectiveness; and (c) replications reported and verified.
Structure of Tracking Tool: The tracking tool has two sections. Section One provides background and coverage information on the project, and Section Two provides an assessment of protected area management effectiveness. Section Two is derived from the World Bank/WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use Site-Level Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool for Protected Areas.
Guidance in Applying the Tracking Tool : This tracking tool will be applied three times: at work program inclusion1, at project mid-term during project implementation, and at project completion. The completed forms from projects will be aggregated for analysis of directional trends and patterns at a portfolio wide level.
Projects which fall clearly within Strategic Priority (SP) #1 will only apply the tracking tool for SP#1. Projects that also contribute to SP#2, however, should also apply the tracking tool for SP#2. It is important to keep in mind that the objective is to capture the full range of a project’s contributions to delivering on the targets of the strategic priorities. The Implementing Agency will guide the project teams in the choice of the tracking tools. Please submit all information on a single project as one package (even where more than one tracking tool is applied).
Multi-country projects may face unique circumstances in applying the tracking tools. The GEF requests that multi-country projects complete one tracking tool per country involved in the project, based on the project circumstances and activities in each respective country. The completed forms for each country
1 For Medium Sized Projects when they are submitted for CEO approval.
1 Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas should then be submitted as one package to the GEF. Global projects which do not have a country focus, but for which the tracking tool is applicable, should complete the tracking tool as comprehensively as possible.
The tracking tool is designed to be “user-friendly”, while attempting to ensure objective assessment of the progress of the project situation. Project proponents and managers will likely be the most appropriate individuals to complete the form, in collaboration with the project team, since they would be most knowledgeable about the project. Staff and consultants already working in the field could also provide assistance in filling out the form.
The tracking tool will be used for the remainder of the third phase of the GEF (GEF-3) until June 30, 2006 at which time feedback will be sought from the users of the tracking tool in order to improve and refine it for application during the fourth phase of the GEF. The tracking tools are best thought of as a work in progress that will require refinement through an iterative process of application, reflection and analysis throughout GEF-3. Please keep track of your experiences in applying the tool so that the tool can be improved based on your practical experience in its application.
Submission: The finalized form will be cleared by the Implementing Agencies and Executing Agencies under expanded opportunities before submission to GEF Secretariat for aggregation and analysis at the portfolio level. This tracking tool does not substitute or replace project level M&E processes, or Implementing Agencies’ own monitoring processes. As mentioned above, the tracking tool is to be submitted to the GEF Secretariat at three points: 1.) With the project document for work program inclusion2; 2.) Within 3 months of completion of the project’s mid-term evaluation or report; and 3.) With the project’s terminal evaluation or final completion report, and no later than 6 months after project closure.
2 For Medium Sized Projects when they are submitted for CEO approval.
2 Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas
Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas
1. Rationale: Until now, individual projects have focused on building capacity and management effectiveness within the context of individual PAs, with limited attention to the long-term capacity and policy maturity that underpins the sustainability of PA systems. Therefore, a shift is proposed towards a more comprehensive approach based on support for achieving sustainability of PA systems.
2. Expected impact: Improved management effectiveness of national PA systems, and individual PAs which receive direct support over the long-term.
3. Targets (coverage)
a) At least 15 countries receive support for strengthening PA systems to ensure their long-term sustainability. b) At least 400 PAs supported (through about 80 projects), of which at least 20% should be new additions. c) At least 70 million ha of PAs supported. d) At least 30% of total resources dedicated to capacity building with special attention to indigenous and local communities (and LDCs/SIDS). e) Number of protected areas and total hectares under any “global priority lists”.
4. Performance indicators (impact)
a) X (Y%) countries show concrete improvements in management effectiveness of their PA systems against baseline scenarios by mid-term and end of project (in terms of policy reforms, legislation capacity and increased budgets to PA agencies from a variety of sources). b) X (Y%) PAs supported show improved management effectiveness against baseline scenarios. c) X number of replications reported and verified.
5. Modality to track “targets” (coverage) and “performance indicators” (impact)
This tracking tool will be applied to all relevant projects approved under GEF-3 at work program inclusion, project mid-term and at project completion. The information from each project will be aggregated for portfolio-level analysis. The progress towards meeting the targets and performance indicators will be published annually.
3 Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas
Section One: Project General Information
1. Project name: Payment for Environmental Services
2. Country (ies): Mexico
National Project:__X_____ Regional Project:______Global Project:______
3. Name of reviewers completing tracking tool and completion dates:
Name Title Agency Work Program Leonel Chief of National Forestry Inclusion Iglesias Forestry and Commission Gutiérrez Management Project Mid-term Final Evaluation/projec t completion
4. Funding information
GEF support: US$15.00 million Co-financing: US$141.55 million Total Funding: US$156.55 million
5. Project duration: Planned 4 years Actual ______years
6. a. GEF Agency: World Bank
6. b. Lead Project Executing Agency (ies): National Forestry Commission, Comisión Nacional Forestal (Executor of the current Program)
7. GEF Operational Program: Forest (OP 3) Mountain (OP 4)
8. Project Summary (one paragraph):
The project would expand and improve PES systems in Mexico through (i) developing new, sustainable financing mechanisms for environmental services, which would be channeled either through the existing PES programs or through new, stand-alone local PES mechanisms; (ii) strengthening and improving the efficiency of existing PES programs (PSAH and CABSA); (iii) stimulating the development of stand- alone local PES programs; and (iv) assisting local communities in service provision.
4 Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas
9. Project Development Objective:
The project development objective is to improve the provision of environmental services that bring both national benefits (primarily water services) and global benefits (primarily increased biodiversity conservation) by strengthening and expanding existing programs for payment of environmental services (PES) related to water (PSAH) and to carbon capture and biodiversity (CABSA) as well as supporting the establishment of new local PES mechanisms. The global environment objective of the project is to enhance and protect biological diversity and preserve globally significant forest and mountain ecosystems.
10. Project Purpose/Immediate Objective:
The objectives will be achieved through (i) strengthening the capacity of CONAFOR, INE, community associations, and NGOs to increase flexibility and improve efficiency of existing service provision to support long-term development of the PSAH program in Mexico; (ii) establishing sustainable long-term financing mechanisms including an endowment fund for biodiversity conservation; (iii) establishing legal, institutional, and financial arrangements to pilot market-based mechanisms for payment for environmental services, (iv) documenting links between land use changes, water services improvements, and biodiversity conservation, and (v) defining good practices to replicate, scale up, and sustain programs based on PES markets.
11. Expected Outcomes (GEF-related):
(a) At least 100,000 hectares under environmental service contracts that contribute to increase hydrological services, biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration financed wholly or partially from new financing sources established under the project; (b) 200,000 ha of forests and other natural ecosystems of global biodiversity significance under effective conservation (protection and sustainable management) by landowners before by EOP; (c) XX number of PES contracts to conserve forests or other natural ecosystems by EOP; and (d) Effective biodiversity conservation in the project sites measured by vegetation cover and indicator species of conservation interest.
12. Types of Protected Area Activities Supported:
12. a. Please select all activities that are being supported through the project.
__Enabling Environment (please check each activity below)
_X__Policy, legislation, regulation
__X_Capacity building Capacity building budget: Total $13.02 million of which GEF $4.95 million.
Comments on Capacity Building: Please note if capacity building is geared towards indigenous and local communities: Capacity building is geared towards both for the indigenous and local communities as well as government and NGOs.
_X_ Education and awareness raising
5 Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas
___Institutional arrangements
_X_ Finance and incentives
_X_ Replication and scaling up
_X_ Management practices related to status of biodiversity 12. b. Is carbon sequestration an objective of the project (This question is included for purposes related to the GEF-3 targets for the Climate Change focal area)
_X_ Yes ____ No
The estimated amount of carbon sequestered is:__80,000 tons Ce______
13. Project Replication Strategy
13. a . Does the project specify budget, activities, and outputs for implementing the replication strategy? Yes_X_ No
13. b. For all projects, please complete box below. An example is provided. Replication Quantification Measure Replication Achievement Achievement Target at Mid-term at Final Foreseen Evaluation Evaluation at project of Project of Project start It is expected that at least 200,000 additional ha 200,000 ha of forest and natural areas of global biodiversity significance will be covered by PES program.
14. Scope and Scale of Project: Please complete the following statements.
14.a. The project is working in:
___ a single protected area ____multiple protected areas _X_ national protected area system
14.b. The level of the intervention is: ____ global ____regional _X_ national ___ subnational
14. c. Please complete the table below.
6 Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas
Targets and Timeframe Foreseen at Achievement Achievement project start at Mid-term at Final Evaluation of Evaluation of Project Coverage Project Project Extent in hectares of private 180,000 protected areas targeted by the hectares project
7 14. d. Please complete the table below for the protected areas that are the target of the GEF intervention. Use NA for not applicable. Examples are provided below.
Is this a Global designation or IUCN Category for each new priority lists Protected Area3 Local Designation of protected (E.g., Biosphere Name of Protected Area in Protected Area (E.g, area? Reserve, World Area Hectares indigenous reserve, Please Heritage site, Ramsar I II III IV V VI private reserve, etc.) answer yes site, WWF Global 2000, or no. etc.) 1. Colima- a) AICA Sierra de Manantlan-Cerro Biosphere Reserve Sierra Manantlán No 142,500 X Grande-Villa de de Manantlán b) RTP Manantlán- Alvarez Volcán de Colima 2. Huatulco- a) National Park Huatulco a) AICA Sierra de b) RAMSAR site Miahuatlán 3. (Crucecita- No 187,000 X Cuencas y Corales de la b) RTP Sierra Sur y Copalita/Zimatan) zona costera de Huatulco Costa de Oaxaca a) State Reserve for Ecologic Conservation 4. Zapaliname- Sierra de Zapalinamé No 890,000 NA b) AICA Sierra de Saltillo Zapalinamé c) RTP El Potosí- Cumbres de Monterrey
3 I. Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness Area: managed mainly for science or wilderness protection II. National Park: managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation III. Natural Monument: managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features IV. Habitat/Species Management Area: managed mainly for conservation through management intervention V. Protected Landscape/Seascape: managed mainly for landscape/seascape protection and recreation VI. Managed Resource Protected Area: managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems
8 Is this a Global designation or IUCN Category for each new priority lists Protected Area Local Designation of protected (E.g., Biosphere Name of Protected Area in Protected Area (E.g, area? Reserve, World Area Hectares indigenous reserve, Please Heritage site, Ramsar I II III IV V VI private reserve, etc.) answer yes site, WWF Global 2000, or no. etc.) National Parks Cofre de a) RTP Pico de 5. Coatepec-Xalapa No 51,450 Perote and Pico de Orizaba-Cofre de X Orizaba Perote a) RTP Nevado de Toluca b) AICA Sierra de 6. Valle de Bravo- National Park Nevado de No 140,700 Taxco-Nevado de X Toluca Amanalco Toluca c) Water Sanctuary Valle de Bravo a) RTP El Potosí- 7. Cumbres de National Park Cumbres Cumbres de Monterrey No 1,150,000 X Monterrey de Monterrey b) AICA Sierra de Arteaga a) Biosphere Reserve a) RTP Sian Ka’an- Sian Ka’an 8. Sian Ka’an No 560,000 Uaymil-Xcalak X b) RAMSAR Site Sian b) AICA Sian Ka’an Ka’ann a) RTP Sierra del Norte 9. Oaxaca de Juárez- de Oaxaca-Mixe Yes 250,000 NA Sierra San Felipe b) AICA Sierra Norte de Oaxaca
AICA: CONABIO´s Important Area for Bird Conservation (Área Importante para la Conservación de Aves) RTP: CONABIO’s High-Priority Terrestrial Region (Región Terrestre Prioritaria)
9 Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas
Section Two: World Bank/WWF Site-Level Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool for Protected Areas
Please complete the WB/WWF Site-level management effectiveness tracking tool for each protected area that is the target of the GEF intervention.
10 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas
A Site-Level Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool
Printed in May 2003 © World Bank/WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use.
The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool is a working document, and will be periodically updated based on experience with its implementation. Any such revisions will be reprinted accordingly.
11 Contents
Background 1 The WCPA Framework 1
Purpose of the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool 3
Guidance notes for using the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool 3
Data Sheet and Questionnaire 4
Acknow ledgements Prepared for the World Bank/WWF Alliance.
Many thanks to those people who commented on earlier drafts, including Rod Atkins, David Cassells, Peter Cochrane, Finn Danielsen, Jamison Ervin, Jack Hurd, Glenys Jones, Leonardo Lacerda, Rosa Lemos de Sá, Mariana Montoya, Marianne Meijboom, Sheila O’Connor, Christian Peter, Jeff Sayer. This version of the system also benefited considerably from a consultant’s report written by Antoine Leclerc. Antoine interviewed many people in WWF’s Indochina Programme about the tracking tool, and their experience is reflected here.
Sue Stolton, Marc Hockings, Nigel Dudley, Kathy MacKinnon, and Tony Whitten
April 2003
12 hectares of existing but highly threatened forest Background protected areas to be secured under effective management by the year 20052.To evaluate progress towards this target the Alliance There is a growing concern amongst protected has developed a simple site-level tracking tool to area professionals that many protected areas facilitate reporting on management effectiveness around the world are not achieving the of protected areas within WWF and World Bank objectives for which they were established. One projects. The tracking tool has been built around response to this concern has been an emphasis the application of the WCPA Framework and on the need to increase the effectiveness of Appendix II of the Framework document has protected area management, and to help this provided its basic structure. process a number of assessment tools have been developed to assess management The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool practices. It is clear that the existence of a wide forms part of a series of management range of situations and needs require different effectiveness assessment tools, which range from methods of assessment. The World Commission the W W F Rapid Assessment and on Protected Areas (WCPA) has therefore Prioritisation Methodology used to identify key 1 developed a ‘framework’ for assessment . The protected areas at threat within a protected area WCPA framework aims both to provide some system to detailed monitoring systems such as overall guidance in the development of those being developed by the Enhancing Our assessment systems and to encourage Heritage project for UNESCO natural World standards for assessment and reporting. Heritage sites. The Alliance has also supported the development of both the WCPA framework The WCPA Framework is based on the idea that and the development of the WWF Rapid good protected area management follows a Assessment and Prioritisation Methodology. process that has six distinct stages, or elements: n it begins with understanding the context of The WCPA Framework existing values and threats, n progresses through planning, and To maximise the potential of protected areas, and n allocation of resources (inputs), and to improve management processes, we need to n as a result of management actions understand the strengths and weaknesses of (processes), their management and the threats that they face. n eventually produces products and In the last few years, various methodologies for services (outputs), assessing management effectiveness of n that result in impacts or outcomes. protected areas have been developed and tested around the world. The World Commission on The World Bank/WWF Alliance for Forest Protected Areas provides an overarching Conservation and Sustainable Use (‘the framework for assessing management Alliance’) was formed in April 1998, in response effectiveness of both protected areas and to the continued depletion of the world’s forest protected area systems, to give guidance to biodiversity and of forest-based goods and managers and others and to help harmonise services essential for sustainable development. assessment around the world. As part of its programme of work the Alliance has set a target relating to management effectiveness of protected areas: 50 million 2 Dudley, Nigel and Sue Stolton (1999); Threats to Forest Protected Areas: Summary of a survey of 10 countries; project carried out for the WWF/World Bank 1 Hockings, Marc with Sue Stolton and Nigel Alliance in association with the IUCN World Dudley (2000); Assessing Effectiveness – A Commission on Protected Areas, IUCN, Switzerland Framework for Assessing Management Effectiveness of Protected Areas; University of Cardiff and IUCN, Switzerland
13 Table 1 contains a very brief summary of the Questions in the following tracking tool have elements of the WCPA Framework and the been ordered to make completion as easy as criteria that can be assessed 3. The possible; the element(s) that each refers to are Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool indicated in the left hand column. has been designed to fulfil the elements of evaluation included in the Framework.
3 For a copy of the WPCA Framework or a more detailed summary please visit the WCPA web-site at: or contact WCPA at [email protected]
Table 1: Summary of the WCPA Framework
Elements of Focus of Explanation Criteria that are assessed evaluation evaluation - Significance Where are we now? - Threats Assessment of importance, Status Context - Vulnerability threats and policy environment - National context - Partners - Protected area legislation and policy Where do we want to be? - Protected area system Planning Appropriateness Assessment of protected area design design and planning - Reserve design - Management planning What do we need? - Resourcing of agency Inputs Assessment of resources Resources needed to carry out - Resourcing of site management How do we go about it? - Suitability of Efficiency and Processes management Assessment of the way in which appropriateness management is conducted processes What were the results? Assessment of the - Results of management Outputs implementation of actions Effectiveness management programmes and - Services and products actions; delivery of products and services What did we achieve? - Impacts: effects of Effectiveness and Outcomes Assessment of the outcomes management in appropriateness and the extent to which they relation to objectives achieved objectives
14 Purpose of the Management progress in improving the effectiveness of Effectiveness Tracking Tool management in individual protected areas, to be filled in by the protected area manager or other relevant site staff. As such it is clear that there The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool are strict limitations on what it can achieve: it has been developed to help track and monitor should not for example be regarded as an progress in the achievement of the World independent assessment, or as the sole basis for Bank/WWF Alliance worldwide protected area adaptive management. management effectiveness target. It is also hoped that the tracking tool will be used more generally where it can help monitor progress Because of the great differences between towards improving management effectiveness; expectations, resources and needs around the for example it is being used by the Global world, the tracking tool also has strict limitations Environment Facility. in terms of allowing comparison between sites: the scoring system, if applied at all, will be most useful for tracking progress over time in one site The Alliance has identified that the tracking or a closely related group of sites. tool needs to be:
Lastly, the tracking tool is too limited to allow a n Capable of providing a harmonised detailed evaluation of outcomes and is really aimed reporting system for protected area at providing a quick overview of the management assessment within both the World Bank and steps identified in the WCPA Framework up to WWF; and including outputs. Although we include some n Suitable for replication; questions relating to outcomes, the limitations of n Able to supply consistent data to allow these should be noted. Clearly, however good tracking of progress over time; management is, if biodiversity continues to n Relatively quick and easy to complete by decline, the protected area objectives are not protected area staff, so as not to be reliant being met. Therefore the question on condition on high levels of funding or other assessment has disproportionate importance in resources; the overall tracking tool. n Capable of providing a “score” if required; n Based around a system that provides four alternative text answers to each question, Guidance notes for using the strengthening the scoring system; Management Effectiveness Tracking n Easily understood by non-specialists; a n d Tool n Nested within existing reporting systems to avoid duplication of effort. The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool can be completed by protected area staff or project staff, with input from other protected area Limitations staff. The tracking tool has been designed to be easily answered by those managing the The Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool protected area without any additional research. is aimed to help reporting progress on management effectiveness and should not replace more thorough methods of assessment for the purposes of adaptive management. The tracking tool has been developed to provide a quick overview of
15 All sections of the tracking tool should be anyone reading the report an idea of why the completed. There are two sections: assessment was made). In this section we also suggest that respondents comment on the 1. Datasheet: which details key role/influence of WWF or World Bank projects if information on the site, its characteristics and appropriate. On some occasions suggestions are management objectives and includes an made about what might be covered in the overview of WWF/World Bank involvement. comments column. . Next Steps: for each question 2. Assessment Form: the assessment respondents are asked to identify a long-term form includes three distinct sections, all of management need to further adaptive which should be completed. management at the site, if this is relevant.
. Questions and scores: the main part Final Score: a final total of the score from of the assessment form is a series of 30 completing the assessment form can be questions that can be answered by calculated as a percentage of scores from assigning a simple score ranging those questions that were relevant to a between 0 (poor) to 3 (excellent). A series particular protected area. (So for example if 5 of four alternative answers are provided questions are believed to be irrelevant (and this against each question to help assessors to is justified in the comments column) then the final make judgements as to the level of score score would be multiplied by 30/25 to offset the given. Questions that are not relevant to a fact that some questions were not applied.) If the particular protected area should be additional questions are relevant to the protected omitted, with a reason given in the area, add the additional score to the total if they comments section (for example questions are relevant and omit them if they are not. about use and visitors will not be relevant to a protected area managed according to the IUCN protected area management Category Ia). In addition, there are six supplementary questions which elaborate on key themes in Disclaimer: The whole concept of “scoring” the previous questions and provide additional progress is fraught with difficulties and possibilities information and points. This is, inevitably, an for distortion. The current system assumes, for approximate process and there will be example, that all the questions cover issues of situations in which none of the four alternative equal weight, whereas this is not necessarily the answers appear to fit conditions in the case. Accuracy might be improved by weighting protected area very precisely. We suggest the various scores although this would provide that you choose the answer that is nearest additional challenges in deciding differing and use the comments section to elaborate. weightings. In the current version a simple scoring system is maintained, but the limitations . Comments: a box next to each of this approach should be recognised. question allows for qualitative judgements to be justified by explaining why they were made (this could range from personal opinion, a reference document, monitoring results or external studies and assessments – the point being to give
16 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet Colima-Manantlan-Cerro Grande-Villa de Alvarez Name of protected area Location of protected area (country, Located in the states of Colima and Jalisco; it ecoregion, and if possible map reference) encompasses a portion of the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve. It also forms a corridor between the Sierra de Manantlan and the Nevado de Colima National Park. Vegetation types include temperate forest (pine and oak), cloud forests and dry tropical forest Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Gazetted agreed and gazetted*) When the PES contracts will be Private lands. signed.
Ownership details (i.e. Owners of these lands are ejidos and communities and private owners. owner, tenure rights etc) Ejidos, communities, and private owners Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) About 142,500 ha of forest areas, of which only the eligible areas will be covered by PES contracts for long term management.
Number of staff Permanent and Temporary: N/A Annual budget (US$) N/A Designations (IUCN Area of interest is a Natural Protected Area; as a Biosphere Reserve, core category, World Heritage, area has an IUCN category I and buffer zone has IUCN category IV. Area Ramsar etc) is also considered as CONABIO’s High-Priority Terrestrial Region for biodiversity conservation and Important Area for Bird Conservation Biosphere Reserve is renowned for its biodiversity that includes endemic Reasons for designation species of birds. It is also important to conserve the forest for biodiversity benefits and to conserve hydrological functions of forest for providing water in cities of Colima and Villa de Alvarez. Area is considered with a high potential of ecotourism. The private land holders are paid to generate global biodiversity benefits and hydrological services as specified in the environmental service contracts.
Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. BriefPA details of WWF funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. PA
Brief details of other Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve is part of SINAP (National relevant System of Natural Protected Areas) supported by GEF and World Bank; Projects in PA most of ejidos and communities in area of interest are incorporated to CONAFOR’s national PSA program (PSAH); National Commission for Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) provides budget for supporting a technical staff and financing local conservation projects
List the two primary protected area objectives: To conserve natural habitats for biodiversity of global significance; Objective 1 To preserve at least 80% forest cover to provide connectivity of different ecosystems Objective 2
17 List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Use of fire for agriculture or grazing activities without control measures is affecting Threat 1 forest areas and disturbing natural habitats, leading, in some cases, to land use changes and deforestation Degradation of forest areas and loss of biodiversity due to illegal logging of valuable Threat 2 tree species for local or regional markets, and harvesting of other tree and shrub species for domestic purposes as fuel wood List top two critical management activities Providing training and technical assistance to forest owners (providers of Activity 1 environmental services) for ensuring sustainable management and conservation of critical areas for biodiversity of global significance and provision of environmental services Creation of incentives to reduce land use change and promote restoration of critical Activity 2 areas for conservation of biodiversity of global significance and provision of environmental services; to create changes in management practices and land use for conserving natural habitats providing such environmental services
Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez, Jose Armando Alanis de la Rosa; Shatya Devi Quintero Gradilla Contact details (email etc.): Department: Gerencia de Silvicultura y Manejo, Address: Periférico Poniente 5360, Edificio B, 4o Piso, Col. San Juan de Ocotán, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel: +52(33)3777- 7000 ext. 2020, 2031 2026. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 16/01/2006 * Or formally established in the case of private protected areas
18 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet Huatulco-(Crucecita-Copalita/Zimatan) Name of protected area Location of protected area (country, Located in state of Oaxaca, in Southern Sierra Madre, ecoregion, and if possible map reference) vegetation types include temperate forest (mainly pine- oak forests) in upper watershed and lowland tropical (humid and dry) forests in the coastal foothills as well as mangroves Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Gazetted agreed and gazetted*) When the PES contracts will be Private lands. signed.
Ownership details (i.e. Ejidos and indigenous communities owner, tenure rights etc) Ejidos and indigenous communities Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) About 187,000 ha of forest area, of which only the eligible areas will be covered by PES contracts for long term management. Number of staff Permanent and Temporary: N/A Annual budget (US$) N/A Designations (IUCN Coastal area of Huatulco is a National Park with IUCN category II, and is category, also considered a Wetland of International Importance (RAMSAR site) as World Heritage, Ramsar well as an Important Area for Bird Conservation. Upper watershed is a part etc) of CONABIO’s High-Priority Terrestrial Region for biodiversity conservation. Conservation of forest as natural habitat of biodiversity of global Reasons for designation significance; conservation of hydrologic functions of watershed for water supply and disaster prevention. Huatulco is an important beach resort with growing dependence upon fresh water and the montane forest cover that helps to ensure its reliability. There is also the potential for expanded eco- tourism, including on community-owned forest lands. The private land holders are paid to generate global biodiversity benefits and hydrological services as specified in the environmental service contracts. Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. PA Brief details of WWF funded Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. project or projects in PA Brief details of other Natural Protected Area includes coastal area where a successful tourist relevant development is close to. Huatulco National park is part of SINAP projects in PA (National System of Natural Protected Areas) supported by GEF and World Bank A regional initiative, known as SICOBI, is developed to promote sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity in watersheds where PA is located; developing local PES schemes for biodiversity and watershed conservation is a key element of this initiative. An important number of communities in area of interest are incorporated to CONAFOR’s national PSA program (PSAH) List the two primary protected area objectives:
Objective 1 To conserve natural habitats for biodiversity of global significance.
To conserve natural forest cover to maintain connectivity among ecosystems, Objective 2 preserve scenic beauty and protect hydrological functions of watershed.
19 List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Land use change and deforestation due to an increasingly urbanization process for Threat 1 tourist development in coastal area near to natural protected area. Declining interest of forest owners to implement management activities for Threat 2 conservation and/or protection of forests and biodiversity due to insufficient economic incentives. List top two critical management activities Consolidation and implementation of communitarian territorial planning to ensure Activity 1 conservation of critical areas for biodiversity, water supply and/or scenic beauty Developing of economic incentives to promote protection and conservation of critical Activity 2 areas for biodiversity of global significance and provision of environmental services, and to create changes in management practices and land use for conserving natural habitats providing such environmental services
Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez, Jose Armando Alanis de la Rosa; Shatya Devi Quintero Gradilla
Contact details (email etc.): Department: Gerencia de Silvicultura y Manejo, Address: Periférico Poniente 5360, Edificio B, 4o Piso, Col. San Juan de Ocotán, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel: +52(33)3777- 7000 ext. 2020, 2031 2026. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 16/01/2006 * Or formally established in the case of private protected areas
20 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet Zapaliname, Saltillo Name of protected area Location of protected area (country, Located at south-east of Coahuila State, inside the ecoregion, and if possible map reference) eastern Sierra Madre, the Sierra Zapaliname contains a diverse mix of native pine and oak forests, along with semi-arid scrub at lower elevations.
Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Gazetted agreed and gazetted*) When the PES contracts will be Private lands. signed.
Ownership details (i.e. Ejidos, communities and private owners owner, tenure rights etc) Management Authority Ejidos, communities and private owners
Size of protected area (ha) About 890,000 ha of forest area, of which only the eligible areas will be covered by PES contracts for long term management.
Number of staff Permanent and Temporary: N/A Annual budget (US$) N/A Designations (IUCN This is a state natural protected area for conservation of natural forests and category, biodiversity. Even when this is not a federal protected area, it has an World Heritage, Ramsar equivalent IUCN category VI. It is located inside CONABIO’s High- etc) Priority Terrestrial Region for biodiversity conservation El Potosí-Cumbres de Monterrey and it is also considered a CONABIO’s Important Area for Bird Conservation (Sierra de Zapalinamé). Pine forests and natural grasslands are important habitats for biodiversity Reasons for designation of global significance, such as birds and mammals. Also, the city of Saltillo is in a semi-arid zone with over-exploited aquifers and depends upon water originating in the Sierra Zapaliname. The private land holders are paid to generate global biodiversity benefits and hydrological services as specified in the environmental service contracts Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. PA Brief details of WWF funded Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. project or projects in PA
Brief details of other State government supports technical staff and some conservation relevant activities inside this natural protected area. An initiative to develop local projects in PA schemes for PES through private financing is in progress; currently payments are made by water users on voluntary basis. An important number of forest properties in area of interest are incorporated to CONAFOR’s national PSA program (PSAH) List the two primary protected area objectives:
Objective 1 To maintain natural habitats for conserving biodiversity of global significance To conserve natural forests for maintaining hydrological functions of the area Objective 2 helping to ensure water supply for the city of Saltillo
21 List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Deforestation due to land use change for agriculture, grazing and even for Threat 1 urban/industrial development in closest areas to the city of Saltillo are reducing natural habitats for biodiversity Degradation of forest areas and loss of biodiversity due to illegal logging of valuable Threat 2 tree species for local or regional markets, harvesting of other tree and shrub species for use as fuel wood and inefficient use of fire in agriculture or grazing activities List top two critical management activities Creation of incentives to reduce land use change and promote restoration of critical Activity 1 areas for conservation of biodiversity of global significance and provision of water environmental services; to create changes in management practices and land use for conserving natural habitats providing such environmental services Providing training and technical assistance to forest owners (providers of Activity 2 environmental services) for ensuring sustainable management and conservation of critical areas for biodiversity of global significance and provision of water environmental services
Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez, Jose Armando Alanis de la Rosa; Shatya Devi Quintero Gradilla Contact details (email etc.): Department: Gerencia de Silvicultura y Manejo, Address: Periférico Poniente 5360, Edificio B, 4o Piso, Col. San Juan de Ocotán, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel: +52(33)3777-7000 ext. 2020, 2031 2026. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 16/01/2006 * Or formally established in the case of private protected areas
22 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet Coatepec-Xalapa Name of protected area Location of protected area (country, Located in the state of Veracruz, this site comprises an ecoregion, and if possible map reference) important area of remaining cloud forest (much of which has been replaced by shade coffee and other agricultural systems), with humid pine forest at the higher elevations and dry forest in the lower foothills Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Gazetted agreed and gazetted*) When the PES contracts will be signed. Ownership details (i.e. Ejidos, communities, private owners and federal owned land owner, tenure rights etc) Ejidos, communities and private owners Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) About 51,450 ha of forest areas, of which only the eligible areas will be covered by PES contracts for long term management. Number of staff Permanent and Temporary: N/A Annual budget (US$) N/A Designations (IUCN Cofre de Perote is a National Park with an IUCN category II; area it is also category, considered as CONABIO’s High-Priority Terrestrial Region for World Heritage, Ramsar biodiversity conservation known as Pico de Orizaba-Cofre de Perote. etc) Cloud forests and adjacent well-shaded coffee plantations are habitat of Reasons for designation many endemic plant and animal species of conservation concern. Area is also important for water supply to cities of Coatepec and Xalapa; Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. PA Brief details of WWF funded Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. project or projects in PA Brief details of other Technical staff and conservation activities are supported by federal relevant budget through CONANP inside area of influence of this national park. A projects in PA successful local scheme of PES, motivated by water supply concerns for the urban area of Coatepec, is carried out in the area of interest. PES are helping to maintain the cloud forests of upper high watershed and biodiversity conservation value, and reduce the expansion of field crops and pastures to hillside areas. An important number of ejidos, communities and private properties have been incorporated to national PSAH program carried out by CONAFOR. List the two primary protected area objectives: To conserve critical habitats for endemic species and for biodiversity conservation. Objective 1 To reduce land use change and maintain forest cover to provide connectivity of Objective 2 ecosystems and preserve hydrological functions of watershed for water supply to cities of Coatepec and, eventually, Xalapa List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Deforestation and loss of important habitats for biodiversity due to land use change Threat 1 mainly for agricultural or grazing purposes.
23 Degradation of habitats for biodiversity and forest cover reduction due to inefficient Threat 2 use of fire in agricultural and grazing activities, illegal logging of valuable tree species and use of trees as fuel wood. List top two critical management activities Creation of incentives to reduce land use change and promote restoration of critical Activity 1 areas for conservation of biodiversity of global significance and provision of water environmental services; to create changes in management practices and land use for conserving natural habitats providing such environmental services Providing training and technical assistance to forest owners (providers of Activity 2 environmental services) for ensuring sustainable management and conservation of critical areas for biodiversity of global significance and provision of water environmental services
Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez, Jose Armando Alanis de la Rosa; Shatya Devi Quintero Gradilla Contact details (email etc.): Department: Gerencia de Silvicultura y Manejo, Address: Periférico Poniente 5360,
Edificio B, 4o Piso, Col. San Juan de Ocotán, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel: +52(33)3777-7000 ext. 2020, 2031 2026. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 16/01/2006 * Or formally established in the case of private protected areas
24 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet Valle de Bravo-Amanalco Name of protected area Location of protected area (country, Located at west of Mexico State, in Mexican Trans- ecoregion, and if possible map reference) Volcanic; vegetation types include pine-oak forests in the higher mountains (along with patches of cloud forest) and Balsas dry forest in the foothills. Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Gazetted agreed and gazetted*) When the PES contracts will be Private lands. signed.
Ownership details (i.e. Ejidos, communities and private owners owner, tenure rights etc) Ejidos, communities and private owners Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) About 140,700 ha of forest areas of which only the eligible areas will be covered by PES contracts for long term management. Number of staff Permanent and Temporary: N/A Annual budget (US$) N/A Designations (IUCN Although some areas are part of the Nevado de Toluca National Park, most category, of area of interest is buffer zone of this protected area. National Park has an World Heritage, Ramsar IUCN category II. Area is included inside CONABIO’s High-Priority etc) Terrestrial Region Nevado de Toluca and is also part of the Important Area for Bird Conservation Sierra de Taxco - Nevado de Toluca. The site comprises two endangered ecosystems classified as “Highest Reasons for designation Priority” in the World Bank-WWF Conservation Assessment of the Terrestrial Eco-regions of Latin America and the Caribbean (Dinerstein et al., 1995). The site includes the buffer zone of the Nevado de Toluca National Park; even when site is not part of Biosphere Reserve for monarch butterfly, forests are part of corridor used as wintering area. The city of Valle de Bravo and surrounding irrigation districts suffer from over- exploited aquifers and rely upon these forests to improve seasonal water flows. Area has been recently designated as a Water Sanctuary by local government because its importance for water supply to cities of Mexico and Toluca. Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. PA Brief details of WWF funded Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. project or projects in PA Brief details of other Local initiative for developing local schemes for PES based upon relevant projects in PA watershed conservation and water supply is underway with financing of local state governement. An important number of forest properties are incorporated to CONAFOR´s national PSAH program. List the two primary protected area objectives: To conserve forest cover and improve land management to maintain hydrological Objective 1 functions of watershed To conserve natural habitats and maintain conectivity of forest corridors for Objective 2 biodiversity conservation
25 List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Land use change for agricultural, grazing or even urbanization purposes with Threat 1 consequent loss of natural habitats and biodiversity Increasing erosion and degradation of soil due to inefficient agricultural practices, Threat 2 over-grazing and/or land use change are affecting infiltration and increasing sedimentation. List top two critical management activities Creation of incentives to reduce land use change and promote restoration of critical Activity 1 areas for conservation of biodiversity of global significance and provision of water environmental services; to create changes in management practices and land use for conserving natural habitats providing such environmental services Providing training and technical assistance to providers of environmental services for Activity 2 ensuring sustainable management and conservation of critical areas for biodiversity of global significance and provision of water environmental services
Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez, Jose Armando Alanis de la Rosa; Shatya Devi Quintero Gradilla Contact details (email etc.): Department: Gerencia de Silvicultura y Manejo, Address: Periférico Poniente 5360, Edificio B, 4o Piso, Col. San Juan de Ocotán, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel: +52(33)3777-7000 ext. 2020, 2031 2026. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 16/01/2006 * Or formally established in the case of private protected areas
26 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet
Name of protected area Cumbres de Monterrey Location of protected area (country, Located in the states of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, this ecoregion, and if possible map reference) site comprises the Sierra de Arteaga, an extensive area of native pine forest, with semi-arid scrub in the lower foothills and moist forest along water courses. It includes the Cumbres de Monterrey National Park and the El Taray Reserve. Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Gazetted agreed and gazetted*) When the PES contracts will be Private lands. signed.
Ownership details (i.e. Ejidos, communities and private owners owner, tenure rights etc) Ejidos, communities and private owners Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) About 1,150,000 ha of forest areas, of which only the eligible areas will be covered by PES contracts for long term management. Number of staff Permanent and Temporary: N/A Annual budget (US$) N/A Designations (IUCN Cumbres de Monterrey National Park has an IUCN category II. Site is category, also included in CONABIO´s High-Priority Terrestrial Region for World Heritage, Ramsar biodiversity conservation El Potosí-Cumbres de Monterrey and Important etc) Area for Bird Conservation Sierra de Arteaga. This site contains a high proportion of the world’s nesting cliffs and Reasons for designation feeding area for the threatened endemic Maroon-fronted Parrot. The city of Monterrey has over-exploited aquifers and relies significantly on surface water originating in the pine forests. Conservation of these forests is also considered important for reducing the intensity and damage from periodic floods and gully erosion. Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. PA Brief details of WWF funded Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. project or projects in PA Brief details of other Some forest properties are incorporated to CONAFOR´s national PSAH relevant projects in PA program. List the two primary protected area objectives: To conserve and restore forest natural habitats for conservation of biodiversity of Objective 1 global significance To maintain forest cover to provide connectivity of ecosystems and preserve Objective 2 hydrological functions of watershed for water supply to city of Monterrey List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen)
Threat 1 Declining interest of forest owners to implement management activities for conservation and/or protection of forests and biodiversity (i.e., lack of forest fire prevention and pest control activities) due to insufficient economic incentives, reflected in degradation and reduction of forest cover.
Threat 2 Land use change for agricultural, grazing or even urban purposes and inefficient
27 land management affecting hydrological functions for water supply List top two critical management activities Creation of incentives to reduce land use change and promote restoration of critical Activity 1 areas for conservation of biodiversity of global significance and provision of water environmental services; to create changes in management practices and land use for conserving natural habitats providing such environmental services Providing training and technical assistance to providers of environmental services for Activity 2 ensuring sustainable management and conservation of critical areas for biodiversity of global significance and provision of water environmental services
Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez, Jose Armando Alanis de la Rosa; Shatya Devi Quintero Gradilla Contact details (email etc.): Department: Gerencia de Silvicultura y Manejo, Address: Periférico Poniente 5360, Edificio B, 4o Piso, Col. San Juan de Ocotán, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel: +52(33)3777-7000 ext. 2020, 2031 2026. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 16/01/2006 * Or formally established in the case of private protected areas
28 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet
Name of protected area Cancún-Sian Ka’an Location of protected area (country, Located in the State of Quintana Roo, this site includes ecoregion, and if possible map reference) the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve and the El Eden Private Reserve. It comprises humid and dry tropical forests, mangroves, and semi-arid scrub in the extreme north. Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Gazetted agreed and gazetted*) When the PES contracts will be Private lands. signed.
Ownership details (i.e. Ejidos, communities and private owners owner, tenure rights etc) Ejidos, communities and private owners Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) About 560,000 ha of forest areas, of which only the eligible areas will be covered by PES contracts for long term management. Number of staff Permanent and Temporary: N/A Annual budget (US$) N/A Designations (IUCN Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve has an IUCN category I. Site has been also category, designed as CONABIO’s High-Priority Terrestrial Region for World Heritage, Ramsar biodiversity conservation, an Important Area for Bird Conservation as etc) well as a RAMSAR site. Site is also a UNESCO’s Natural World Heritage Site contains most of the diverse endemic fauna and flora of the Yucatan Reasons for designation Peninsula and is a concentration area for many species of migratory land and water birds. This pilot area is in the general vicinity of Cancun and the booming tourist resorts of the Mayan Riviera, where there is considerable potential to promote eco-tourism as a complement to the well-developed tourism around beach resorts and Mayan ruins. This is an area where PES arrangements based on maintaining natural habitats for biodiversity-based eco-tourism shows genuine promise. PES contracts would help to ensure that participating communities maintain the natural forest and other biodiversity-friendly vegetation. Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. PA Brief details of WWF funded Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. project or projects in PA Brief details of other Biosphere Reserve is administered by CONANP and it is relevant projects in PA part of SINAP (National System of Natural Protected Areas) supported by GEF and World Bank. Conservation and research, among other activities, are carried out in collaboration with NGOs, land holders organizations and other institutions. List the two primary protected area objectives: To conserve forest natural habitats for conservation of biodiversity of global Objective 1 significance To maintain forest cover to provide connectivity of ecosystems and preserve scenic Objective 2 beauty
29 List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen)
Threat 1 Degradation of ecosystems due to inefficient land use practices such as fire for agricultural or grazing purposes (slash and burn), illegal logging of valuable tree species, over grazing and illegal hunting and collection of wildlife and flora.
Threat 2 Land use change for agricultural, grazing or even urban purposes List top two critical management activities Creation of incentives to reduce land use change and promote restoration of critical Activity 1 areas for conservation of biodiversity of global significance based on ecotourism activities; to create changes in management practices and land use for conserving natural habitats providing such environmental services Providing training and technical assistance to providers of environmental services Activity 2 for ensuring sustainable management and conservation of critical areas for biodiversity of global significance
Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez, Jose Armando Alanis de la Rosa; Shatya Devi Quintero Gradilla Contact details (email etc.): Department: Gerencia de Silvicultura y Manejo, Address: Periférico Poniente 5360, Edificio B, 4o Piso, Col. San Juan de Ocotán, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel: +52(33)3777-7000 ext. 2020, 2031 2026. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 16/01/2006 * Or formally established in the case of private protected areas
30 Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet
Name of protected area Oaxaca de Juarez-Sierra San Felipe Location of protected area (country, Located in the State of Oaxaca, this site comprises the ecoregion, and if possible map reference) unique dry oak forest and thorn scrub in a portion of Oaxaca’s central valley and adjacent slopes, along with the moist pine-oak and cloud forests in the mountain ranges both north and south of Oaxaca city Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Gazetted agreed and gazetted*) When the PES contracts will be Private lands. signed.
Ownership details (i.e. Ejidos and communities owner, tenure rights etc) Ejidos and communities Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) About 250,000 ha of forest areas, of which only the eligible areas will be covered by PES contracts for long term management. Number of staff Permanent and Temporary: N/A Annual budget (US$) N/A Designations (IUCN Area is part of CONABIO’s High-Priority Terrestrial Region for category, biodiversity conservation and as Important Area for Bird Conservation World Heritage, Ramsar Sierra Norte de Oaxaca etc) The cloud forests in the Sierra de Norte are presently the most extensive Reasons for designation ones remaining in Mexico, with numerous plant and animal species of conservation interest. The moist pine-oak forests north of Oaxaca city are the main stronghold the globally threatened species of birds. The hydrological services from the mountain forests (both north and south of Oaxaca city) are especially significant because the aquifers that provide water to the city and nearby irrigated lands are classified as over- exploited by the National Water Commission (CNA). Although Oaxaca city is a popular tourist attraction because of its history and nearby archaeological sites, the adjacent mountains (with their pleasant climate, beautiful forests, and exceptional biodiversity) have significant, underutilized eco-tourism potential. PES contracts with communities holding important lands for biodiversity, hydrological functions, and carbon sequestration would serve to limit the clearing of forests for various types of subsistence and commercial agriculture. Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects inNot necessary for GEF-funded projects. PA Brief details of WWF funded Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. project or projects in PA Brief details of other Local initiative for developing PES mechanisms for water environmental relevant projects in PA services have initiated with participation of local NGO. List the two primary protected area objectives: To conserve forest natural habitats for conservation of biodiversity of global Objective 1 significance To maintain forest cover to provide connectivity of ecosystems and preserve scenic Objective 2 beauty List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen)
31 Threat 1 Land use change for agricultural, grazing or even urban purposes
Threat 2 Degradation of ecosystems due to inefficient land use practices such as fire for agricultural or grazing purposes, illegal logging and over grazing. List top two critical management activities Creation of incentives to reduce land use change and promote restoration of critical Activity 1 areas for conservation of biodiversity of global significance to create changes in management practices and land use for conserving natural habitats providing such environmental services Providing training and technical assistance to providers of environmental services Activity 2 for ensuring sustainable management and conservation of critical areas for biodiversity of global significance and to maintain hydrological functions of watersheds
Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez, Jose Armando Alanis de la Rosa; Shatya Devi Quintero Gradilla Contact details (email etc.): Department: Gerencia de Silvicultura y Manejo, Address: Periférico Poniente 5360, Edificio B, 4o Piso, Col. San Juan de Ocotán, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel: +52(33)3777- 7000 ext. 2020, 2031 2026. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 16/01/2006 * Or formally established in the case of private protected areas
32 Colima-Villa de Álvarez (Cerro Grande Manantlán)
Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 1. Legal status The protected area is not gazetted 0 Note: see fourth option for private reserves The government has agreed that the 1 protected area should be gazetted but the Does the protected process has not yet begun area have legal The protected area is in the process of being 2 status? gazetted but the process is still incomplete The protected area has been legally gazetted 3 El área que será cubierta a través de contratos de (or in the case of private reserves is owned by PES, forma parte del ANP Reserva de la Biosfera a trust or similar) Sierra de Manantlán, establecida mediante Decreto Federal instrumento legal de conservación. Por lo Context tanto la propiedad social y la privada forman parte de un marco legal sobre el uso y conservación de los recursos naturales. 2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for controlling 0 Regulations inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 1 land uses and use and activities in the protected area exist activities (e.g. but there are major problems in implementing poaching) them effectively controlled? Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 2 use and activities in the protected area exist but there are some problems in effectively
33 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps implementing them
Context Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 3 El propio Reglamento de la LGEEPA en materia de use and activities in the protected area exist ANP define las condiciones bajo las cuales se and are being effectively implemented pueden llevar a cabo el uso de los recursos dentro del ANP, así como las actividades. De manera particular cada ANP define sus propios mecanismos para controlar los usos y actividades no apropiadas 3. Law The staff have no effective 0 Enforcement capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations There are major deficiencies in staff 1 Can staff enforce capacity/resources to enforce protected area protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, rules well enough? no patrol budget) The staff have acceptable capacity/resources 2 Dado el reconocimiento legal del ANP, las acciones de to enforce protected area legislation and inspección y vigilancia están previstas en LGEEPA regulations but some deficiencies remain
Context The staff have excellent capacity/resources to 3 enforce protected area legislation and regulations 4. Protected area No firm objectives have been agreed for the 0 Objectives protected area
Have objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, 1 been agreed? but is not managed according to these objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, but these are only partially implemented Planning The protected area has agreed objectives 3 .Se establecieron objetivos generales de creación en and is managed to meet these objectives el Decreto, y objetivos específicos en el Programa de conservación y manejo correspondiente,
34 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 5. Protected area Inadequacies in design mean achieving the 0 Possible issue for comment: does the protected Design protected areas major management area contain different management zones and are objectives of the protected area is impossible these well maintained? Does the protected area Inadequacies in design mean that 1 need enlarging, achievement of major objectives are corridors etc to constrained to some extent meet its Design is not significantly constraining 2 Por decreto el área protegida tiene limites objectives? achievement of major objectives, but could establecidos, Dada la categoría de protección be improved (Reserva de la Biosfera) del área, se establecieron dos zonas de manejo (zona núcleo y zona de Planning amortiguamiento), en las cuales sólo esta permitido realizar las actividades previstas en la LGEEPA y su Reglamento en la materia. Sin embargo, a través del PES, se podrán identificar áreas de importancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad y para la provisión de servicios ambientales, que se sumen a la superficie del área protegida. Reserve design features are particularly 3 aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area 6. Protected area The boundary of the protected area is not 0 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure Boundary known by the management authority or local disagreements affecting the protected area? residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected area is known 1 Demarcation Is the by the management authority but is not boundary known known by local residents/neighbouring land and demarcated? users The boundary of the protected area is known 2 by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately demarcated The boundary of the protected area is known 3 Los límites están localizados y son reconocidos por la Context by the management authority and local autoridad y por la población local, sin embargo, no se residents and is appropriately demarcated descartan los problemas de tenencia de la tierra. 7. Management There is no management plan for the 0
35 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Plan protected area
Is there a Management plan A management plan is being prepared or has 1 and is it being been prepared but is not being implemented implemented? An approved management plan exists but it is 2 only being partially implemented because of Planning funding constraints or other problems An approved management plan exists and is 3 El área cuenta con un Programa de Conservación y being implemented Manejo autorizado por la Autoridad correspondiente Additional points The planning process allows adequate +1 opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process +1 for periodic review and updating of the management plan The results of monitoring, research and +1 evaluation are routinely incorporated into Planning planning 8. Regular work No regular work plan exists 0
A regular work plan exists but activities are 1 Plan Is there an not monitored against the plan's targets annual work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are 2 monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions are 3 Las ANP tienen la obligación de preparar un Programa Planning/Outputs monitored against the plan's targets and most Operativo Anual (POA) para ejercer el presupuesto or all prescribed activities are completed anual ya través del cual se evalúan los avances respecto a las metas fijadas 9. Resource There is little or no information available on 0 Inventory the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area
36 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Information on the critical habitats, species 1 and cultural values of the protected area is not Do you have sufficient to support planning and decision enough information making to manage the area? Information on the critical habitats, species 2 and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, 3 species and cultural values of the protected Context area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained 10. Research There is no survey or research work taking 0 place in the protected area
Is there a There is some ad hoc survey and research 1 programme of work management- orientated survey There is considerable survey and research 2 La Universidad de Guadalajara a través del Instituto A strategy for impact and research work but it is not directed towards the needs Manantlán de Ecología y Conservación de la monitoring will be designed and work? of protected area management Biodiversidad, lleva a cabo las líneas de investigación implemented to assess necesarias para darle seguimiento al Programa de achievement in biodiversity Manejo del área. conservation and preservation of environmental services Inputs There is a comprehensive, integrated 3 programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 11. Resource Requirements for active management of 0 Management critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active management of 1 critical ecosystems, species and cultural Is the protected values are known but are not being
37 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps area adequately addressed managed (e.g. for fire, invasive species, poaching)? Requirements for active management of 2 critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are only being partially addressed Requirements for active management of 3 Process critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully addressed 12. Staff numbers There are no staff 0
Are there enough Staff numbers are inadequate for critical 1 people employed management activities to manage the protected area? Staff numbers are below optimum level for 2 critical management activities Inputs Staff numbers are adequate for the 3 management needs of the site 13. Personnel Problems with personnel management 0 Management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Is the staff Problems with personnel management 1 managed well partially constrain the achievement of major enough? management objectives Personnel management is adequate to the 2 achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids 3 Process the achievement major management objectives 14. Staff training Staff are untrained 0
Is there enough Staff training and skills are low relative to the 1 training for staff? needs of the protected area
38 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Staff training and skills are adequate, but 2 could be further improved to fully achieve the Inputs/Process objectives of management Staff training and skills are in tune with the 3 management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs 15. Current There is no budget for the protected area 0 Budget The available budget is inadequate for basic 1 There are important budget limitations for PES will finance conservation Is the current management needs and presents a serious conservation and management activities. and management activities for budget sufficient? constraint to the capacity to manage critical areas for biodiversity conservation and provision of environment services The available budget is acceptable, but could 2 Inputs be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient and meets 3 the full management needs of the protected area
16. Security of There is no secure budget for the protected 0 Budget area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget and the 1 protected area could not function adequately Is the budget without outside funding secure? There is a reasonably secure core budget for 2 Como ANP federal cuenta con recursos de base the protected area but many innovations and establecidos en el presupuesto de egresos de la initiatives are reliant on outside funding federación, sin embargo las ANP en general Inputs dependen mucho del financiamiento externo There is a secure budget for the protected 3 . area and its management needs on a multi-year cycle 17. Management Budget management is poor and significantly 0
39 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps of budget undermines effectiveness
Is the budget Budget management is poor and constrains 1 managed to meet effectiveness critical management Budget management is adequate but could 2 Administrative process for budget allocation needs? be improved sometimes delays implementation of conservation and management activities Process Budget management is excellent and aids 3 effectiveness
18. Equipment There are little or no equipment and facilities 0
Are there adequate There are some equipment and facilities but 1 equipment and these are wholly inadequate facilities? There are equipment and facilities, but still 2 Due to budget limitations, there is an important lack of Process some major gaps that constrain management adequate equipment and facilities There are adequate equipment and facilities 3
19. Maintenance of There is little or no maintenance of equipment 0 equipment and facilities
Is equipment There is some ad hoc maintenance of 1 adequately equipment and facilities maintained? There is maintenance of equipment and 2 Process facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained 3 20. Education and There is no education and awareness 0 awareness programme Programme There is a limited and ad hoc education and 1 Is there a planned awareness programme, but no overall planning for this
40 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps education There is a planned education and awareness 2 La educación ambiental y la concientización programme? programme but there are still serious gaps ciudadana es una línea de acción estratégica en las ANP que todavía requiere de fortalecimiento There is a planned and effective education 3 and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area Process 21. State and There is no contact between managers and 0 Commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users Neighbours There is limited contact between managers 1 and neighbouring official or corporate land Is there co- users operation with There is regular contact between managers 2 Government institutions have substantial co-operation adjacent land and neighbouring official or corporate land on management of protected areas; most of times co- users? users, but only limited co-operation operation between land holders is still limited There is regular contact between managers 3 Process and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management 22. Indigenous Indigenous and traditional peoples have no 0 People input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do indigenous and Indigenous and traditional peoples have 1 traditional peoples some input into discussions relating to resident or management but no direct involvement in the regularly using the resulting decisions PA have input to Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 2 Las comunidades indígenas forman parte del Consejo management contribute to some decisions relating to Asesor del ANP, constituido con el fin de apoyar a la decisions? management Dirección de ANP en la toma de decisiones respecto al manejo del ANP Process Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 3 participate in making decisions relating to management 23. Local Local communities have no input into 0 Communities decisions relating to the management of the
41 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Do local protected area communities Local communities have some input into 1 resident or near discussions relating to management but no the protected area direct involvement in the resulting decisions have input to Local communities directly contribute to some 2 Representantes de los núcleos agrarios locales Under a PES scheme local management decisions relating to management forman parte del Consejo Asesor del ANP, constituido communities will directly decisions? con el fin de apoyar a la Dirección de ANP en la toma contribute to some decisions de decisiones respecto al manejo del ANP relating to management. It is expected that local Process communities will support payments through private contributions. Local communities directly participate in 3 making decisions relating to management Additional points There is open communication and trust +1 between local stakeholders and protected area managers Outputs Programmes to enhance local community +1 welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services 0
Are visitor facilities Visitor facilities and services are 1 Most of protected areas have no facilities or services (for tourists, Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or for visitors. pilgrims etc) good are under construction Las visitas publicas son guiadas por lo tanto los enough? daños que pueden ser ocasionados por esta son limitados Visitor facilities and services are adequate for 2 current levels of visitation but could be improved Outputs
42 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Visitor facilities and services are excellent for 3 current levels of visitation
25. Commercial There is little or no contact between 0 Commercial tourist operators take advantage of In selected sites, with potential Tourism managers and tourism operators using the natural characteristics of protected areas, such as for eco-tourism, project will protected area scenic beauty or biodiversity, for eco-tourist uses but, strengthen links with Do commercial generally, do not contribute to protected area commercial tourist operators to tour operators management develop mechanism for contribute to financing conservation and protected area management activities under a management? PES scheme There is contact between managers and 1 tourism operators but this is largely confined to administrative or regulatory matters There is limited co-operation between 2 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values Process There is excellent co-operation between 3 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts 26. Fees Although fees are theoretically applied, they 0 are not collected If fees (tourism, The fee is collected, but it goes straight to 1 fines) are applied, central government and is not returned to the do they help protected area or its environs protected area The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the 2 management? local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area 3 Fees are established only in protected areas under Project will aim to develop Outputs that helps to support this and/or other federal regulation through Federal Rights Law. financial mechanisms by tourist protected areas La recuperación de recursos tienen la finalidad de sector to support conservation apoyar la operación no básica, la infraestructura y la or management activities under sostenibilidad financiera del ANP PES schemes
43 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 27. Condition Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide Assessment values are being severely degraded 0 details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural values being affected Is the protected Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 1 area being values are being severely degraded managed consistent to its Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 2 Generally, protected areas has been suffering objectives? values are being partially degraded but the degradation of their biodiversity and ecological values most important values have not been due to deforestation, land use change, inappropriate significantly impacted land use and management practices, forest fires and Outcomes illegal logging among others Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are 3 predominantly intact
Additional points There are active programmes for restoration +1 CONAFOR as well as a number of federal, state and of degraded areas within the protected area local government institutions are carrying out Outputs and/or the protected area buffer zone programmes for restoration of degraded areas inside protected areas and buffer zones
28. Access Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are 0 Assessment ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are only partially effective 1 Protection systems are significantly insufficient for in controlling access or use of the reserve in protected areas extent accordance with designated objectives Is access/resource use sufficiently Protection systems are moderately effective in 2 controlled? controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or wholly 3 Outcomes effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives
44 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 29. Economic The existence of the protected area has 0 Possible issue for comment: how does national or Los esquemas de pago por Benefit reduced the options for economic regional development impact on the protected area? servicios ambientales, son una Assessment development of the local communities propuesta para incrementar los Generally, existence of natural protected areas, ingresos, sobre todo en las especially those decreed with strong limitations to zonas núcleo o áreas de Is the protected carry out economic activities, is reducing options for conservación estricta de las area providing development of the local communities. ANP, cuyas restricciones sobre economic benefits el uso de los recursos son to local mayores communities? The existence of the protected area has 1 neither damaged nor benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic benefits to 2 local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy Outcomes There is a significant or major flow of 3 economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) 30. Monitoring and There is no monitoring and evaluation in the 0 evaluation protected area
Are management There is some ad hoc monitoring and 1 activities monitored evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no against regular collection of results performance? There is an agreed and implemented 2 monitoring and evaluation system but results are not systematically used for management A good monitoring and evaluation system 3 Planning/Process exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management 64 TOTAL SCORE
45 Huatulco (Crucecita-Copalita/zimatan)
Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 1. Legal status The protected area is not 0 Note: see fourth option for private gazetted reserves
The government has agreed that 1 Does the protected the protected area should be area have legal gazetted but the process has not status? yet begun The protected area is in the 2 process of being gazetted but the process is still incomplete The protected area has been 3 En los territorios comunales de la Región de legally gazetted (or in the case of Huatulco existen tres mecanismos de Context private reserves is owned by a conservación: The area outside the trust or similar) protected area will be 1. áreas incorporadas a una ANP federal, covered by PES contracts Parque Nacional Huatulco, establecido with the private land mediante Decreto Federal instrumento legal owners to carryout de conservación. Por lo tanto la propiedad conservation activities for social y la privada forman parte de un marco five years. Project will legal sobre el uso y conservación de los ensure legal property or recursos naturales en el área. possession of land
46 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps properties before sing the 2. Áreas Comunitarias Protegidas, las cuales contracts pueden ser certificadas por la CONANP.
3. Ordenamientos territoriales comunitarios
2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for 0 Regulations controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling 1 land uses and inappropriate land use and activities (e.g. activities in the protected area poaching) exist but there are major controlled? problems in implementing them effectively Mechanisms for controlling 2 En el caso de las ANP, en observación al inappropriate land use and Reglamento de la LGEEPA en materia de activities in the protected area ANP, se deberán definir los mecanismos para exist but there are some problems controlar los usos y actividades no apropiadas. in effectively implementing them Context En el caso de áreas comunitarias protegidas, el ordenamiento territorial es el instrumento legal donde se establecen las reglas de uso y acceso del territorio y los recursos naturales.
Mechanisms for controlling 3 inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist and are being effectively implemented 3. Law The staff have no effective 0 Enforcement capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations Can staff enforce There are major deficiencies in 1 staff capacity/resources to
47 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps protected area enforce protected area legislation rules well enough? and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, no patrol budget) The staff have acceptable 2 Respecto al ANP, las acciones de inspección y The capacity of CONAFOR capacity/resources to enforce vigilancia están previstas en LGEEPA. and other agencies will be Context protected area legislation and strengthen to enforce regulations but some deficiencies En el resto del territorio las comunidades y sus compliance of land holders remain organizaciones, son asesoradas por with PES contracts. organizaciones no gubernamentales sobre las facultades que la legislación mexicana les otorga sobre la gestión y control del uso del territorio y los recursos naturales.
The staff have excellent 3 capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations 4. Protected area No firm objectives have been 0 Objectives agreed for the protected area
Have objectives The protected area has agreed 1 been agreed? objectives, but is not managed according to these objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, Planning but these are only partially implemented The protected area has agreed 3 .Se establecieron objetivos generales de objectives creación en el Decreto, y objetivos específicos and is managed to meet these en el Programa de conservación y manejo del objectives ANP Federal, asimismo se definen objetivos en las Áreas Comunitarias Protegidas y en los ordenamientos comunitarios del territorio.
48 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 5. Protected area Inadequacies in design mean 0 Possible issue for comment: does the Design achieving the protected areas protected area contain different management major management objectives of zones and are these well maintained? Does the the protected area is impossible protected area Inadequacies in design mean 1 need enlarging, that achievement of major corridors etc to objectives are constrained to meet its some extent objectives? Design is not significantly 2 Tanto el ANP Federal, como las Áreas constraining achievement of Comunitarias Protegidas, han establecido sus major objectives, but could be límites de acuerdo con los objetivos de Planning improved conservación de las áreas. Sin embargo a través del PES, se podrán identificar áreas de importancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad y para la provisión de servicios ambientales, que se sumen a la superficie del área protegida. Reserve design features are 3 particularly aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area 6. Protected area The boundary of the protected 0 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure Boundary area is not known by the disagreements affecting the protected area? management authority or local residents/neighbouring land Demarcation Is the users boundary known The boundary of the protected 1 and demarcated? area is known by the management authority but is not known by local residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected 2 Context area is known by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately
49 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps demarcated The boundary of the protected 3 Los límites tanto de las ANP Federales como area is known by the de las Áreas Comunitarias Protegidas están management authority and local localizados y son reconocidos por la autoridad residents and is appropriately y por la población local, sin embargo, no se demarcated descartan los problemas de tenencia de la tierra. 7. Management There is no management plan for 0 Plan the protected area
Is there a A management plan is being 1 Management plan prepared or has been prepared and is it being but is not being implemented implemented? An approved management plan 2 exists but it is only being partially Planning implemented because of funding constraints or other problems An approved management plan 3 Programa de Conservación y Manejo del exists and is being implemented Parque Nacional Huatulco
Plan de manejo de Áreas Comunitarias protegidas
Plan de Ordenamiento Comunitario del territorio
Additional points The planning process allows +1 El proceso de planeación comunal participativo, adequate opportunity for key es un instrumento que garantiza una amplía stakeholders to influence the participación de la comunidad en la evaluación management plan del estado actual de los recursos naturales, sus problemas y estrategias de atención. There is an established schedule +1 and process for periodic review and updating of the management plan
50 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps The results of monitoring, +1 research and evaluation are Planning routinely incorporated into planning 8. Regular work No regular work plan exists 0
A regular work plan exists but 1 Plan Is there an activities are not monitored annual work plan? against the plan's targets A regular work plan exists and 2 actions are monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities Planning/Outputs are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions 3 Las ANP tienen la obligación de preparar un Compliance monitoring of are monitored against the plan's POA para recibir la asignación del presupuesto PES contracts will be targets and most or all prescribed anual. conducted yearly; activities are completed prescribed activities must be completed as a requirement for delivering payments 9. Resource There is little or no information 0 Inventory available on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, 1 Dado que el territorio cuenta con diferentes Do you have species and cultural values of the esquemas de conservación, no permite contar enough information protected area is not sufficient to con una sistematización de la información to manage the support planning and decision biológica que permita una planificación regional area? making de conservación
Information on the critical habitats, 2 species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained
51 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Context Information concerning on the 3 critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained 10. Research There is no survey or research 0 work taking place in the protected area Is there a programme of There is some ad hoc survey and 1 Some protected areas are carrying out survey A strategy for impact management- research work and research work to meet different objectives monitoring will be designed orientated survey and implemented to assess and research achievement in biodiversity work? conservation and preservation of environmental services There is considerable survey and 2 Inputs research work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management There is a comprehensive, 3 integrated programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 11. Resource Requirements for active 0 Management management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active 1 Is the protected management of critical area adequately ecosystems, species and cultural managed (e.g. for values are known but are not fire, invasive being addressed species, Requirements for active 2 There are insufficient financing resources for Developing PES schemes poaching)? management of critical conservation and management activities. for sustainable financing of
52 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps ecosystems, species and cultural Absence of economic incentives reduce interest conservation and values are only being partially of land holders to implement conservation and management activities Process addressed management activities Requirements for active 3 management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully addressed 12. Staff numbers There are no staff 0
Are there enough Staff numbers are inadequate for 1 people employed critical management activities to manage the protected area? Staff numbers are below optimum 2 Generally, staff is insufficient for implementing level for critical management critical management activities Inputs activities Staff numbers are adequate for 3 the management needs of the site 13. Personnel Problems with personnel 0 Management management constrain the achievement of major Are the staff management objectives managed well Problems with personnel 1 enough? management partially constrain the achievement of major management objectives Personnel management is 2 adequate to the achievement of Process major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is 3 excellent and aids the achievement major management objectives 14. Staff training Staff are untrained 0
53 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Is there enough training for staff? Staff training and skills are low 1 relative to the needs of the protected area Inputs/Process Staff training and skills are 2 Personal is training but is insufficient adequate, but could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Staff training and skills are in tune 3 with the management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs 15. Current There is no budget for the 0 Budget protected area The available budget is 1 There is important budget limitations for It is expected PES will Is the current inadequate for basic conservation and management activities finance conservation and budget sufficient? management needs and presents management activities for a serious constraint to the critical areas for biodiversity capacity to manage conservation and provision of environmental services Inputs The available budget is 2 acceptable, but could be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient 3 and meets the full management needs of the protected area
16. Security of There is no secure budget for the 0 Budget protected area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget 1 Como ANP federal cuenta con recursos de The funding mechanisms
54 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Is the budget and the protected area could not base establecidos en el presupuesto de egresosbeing developed for the secure? function adequately without de la federación, sin embargo las ANP en Project to implement PES outside funding general dependen mucho del financiamiento contracts is expected to be externo the source of long term financing Inputs There is a reasonably secure core 2 budget for the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding There is a secure budget for the 3 . protected area and its management needs on a multi-year cycle 17. Management Budget management is poor and 0 of budget significantly undermines effectiveness Is the budget Budget management is poor and 1 managed to meet constrains effectiveness critical management Budget management is adequate 2 Administrative process for budget allocation needs? but could be improved sometimes delays implementation of conservation and management activities Process Budget management is excellent 3 and aids effectiveness
18. Equipment There are little or no equipment 0 and facilities Are there adequate equipment and There are some equipment and 1 facilities? facilities but these are wholly inadequate Process There are equipment and 2 Due to budget limitations, there is an important facilities, but still some major gaps lack of adequate equipment and facilities that constrain management
55 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps There are adequate equipment 3 and facilities
19. Maintenance of There is little or no maintenance 0 equipment of equipment and facilities
Is equipment There is some ad hoc 1 adequately maintenance of equipment and maintained? facilities
Process There is maintenance of 2 equipment and facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well 3 maintained 20. Education and There is no education and 0 awareness awareness programme Programme There is a limited and ad hoc 1 Is there a planned education and awareness education programme, but no overall programme? planning for this There is a planned education and 2 La educación ambiental y la concientización A dissemination and awareness programme but there ciudadana es una línea de acción estratégica en awareness strategy Hill be are still serious gaps las ANP que todavía requiere de fortalecimiento, designed and carried out asimismo las acciones que realizan al respecto with Project implementation Process las organizaciones no gubernamentales que trabajan en el área There is a planned and effective 3 education and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between 0 Commercial managers and neighbouring
56 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Neighbours official or corporate land users There is limited contact between 1 Is there co- managers and neighbouring operation with official or corporate land users adjacent land There is regular contact between 2 Government institutions have substantial co- users? managers and neighbouring operation on management of protected areas; official or corporate land users, most of times co-operation between land holders Process but only limited co-operation is still limited There is regular contact between 3 managers and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management 22. Indigenous Indigenous and traditional 0 People peoples have no input into decisions relating to the Do indigenous and management of the protected traditional peoples area resident or Indigenous and traditional 1 regularly using the peoples have some input into PA have input to discussions relating to management management but no direct decisions? involvement in the resulting decisions Process Indigenous and traditional 2 Las comunidades indígenas forman parte del Incorporation to the PES peoples directly contribute to Consejo Asesor del ANP, constituido con el fin program ins voluntary; some decisions relating to de apoyar a la Dirección de ANP en la toma de indigenous people must management decisiones respecto al manejo del ANP. decide to participate in En el caso de las Áreas Comunitarias general assembly of Protegidas, las decisiones de manejo son community members and tomadas en el seno de la Asamblea de there is agreement in areas comuneros. to be incorporated Indigenous and traditional 3 peoples directly participate in making decisions relating to
57 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps management 23. Local Local communities have no input 0 Communities into decisions relating to the management of the protected Do local area communities Local communities have some 1 resident or near the input into discussions relating to protected area management but no direct have input to involvement in the resulting management decisions decisions? Local communities directly 2 Representantes de los núcleos agrarios locales Under a PES scheme local contribute to some decisions forman parte del Consejo Asesor del ANP, communities will directly relating to management constituido con el fin de apoyar a la Dirección de contribute to some Process ANP en la toma de decisiones respecto al decisions relating to manejo del ANP. management. It is expected En el caso de las Áreas Comunitarias that local communities will Protegidas, las decisiones de manejo son support payments through tomadas en el seno de la Asamblea de private contributions. comuneros. Local communities directly 3 participate in making decisions relating to management Additional points There is open communication and +1 trust between local stakeholders and protected area managers Outputs Programmes to enhance local +1 community welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and 0 services
58 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Are visitor facilities Visitor facilities and services are 1 Most of protected areas have no facilities or (for tourists, Inappropriate for current levels of services for visitors. pilgrims etc) good visitation or are under Las visitas publicas son guiadas por lo tanto los enough? construction daños que pueden ser ocasionados por esta son limitados Visitor facilities and services are 2 adequate for current levels of visitation but could be Outputs improved Visitor facilities and services are 3 excellent for current levels of visitation
25. Commercial There is little or no contact 0 Tourism between managers and tourism operators using the protected Do commercial area tour operators There is contact between 1 Commercial tourist operators take advantage In selected sites, with contribute to managers and tourism operators of natural characteristics of protected areas, potential for eco-tourism, protected area but this is largely confined to such as scenic beauty or biodiversity, for eco- project will strengthen links management? administrative or regulatory tourist uses but, generally, do not contribute to with commercial tourist matters protected area management operators to develop mechanism for financing conservation and management activities under a PES scheme There is limited co-operation 2 between managers and tourism Process operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values There is excellent co-operation 3 between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts
59 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 26. Fees Although fees are theoretically 0 applied, they are not collected If fees (tourism, The fee is collected, but it goes 1 fines) are applied, straight to central government do they help and is not returned to the protected area protected area or its environs management? The fee is collected, but is 2 disbursed to the local authority Outputs rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the 3 Fees are established only in protected areas Project will aim to develop protected area that helps to under federal regulation through Federal Rights financial mechanisms by support this and/or other Law. tourist sector to support protected areas La recuperación de recursos tienen la finalidad conservation or de apoyar la operación no básica, la management activities infraestructura y la sostenibilidad financiera del under PES schemes ANP 27. Condition Important biodiversity, ecological Possible issue for comment: It is important to Assessment and cultural values are being 0 provide details of the biodiversity, ecological or severely degraded cultural values being affected Is the protected Some biodiversity, ecological and 1 area being cultural values are being severely managed degraded consistent to its Some biodiversity, ecological and 2 Generally, protected areas has been suffering objectives? cultural values are being partially degradation of their biodiversity and ecological degraded but the most important values due to deforestation, land use change, values have not been significantly inappropriate land use and management Outcomes impacted practices, forest fires and illegal logging among others Biodiversity, ecological and 3 cultural values are predominantly intact
60 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Additional points There are active programmes for +1 CONAFOR as well as a number of federal, state restoration and local government institutions are carrying Outputs of degraded areas within the out programmes for restoration of degraded protected area and/or the areas inside protected areas and buffer zones protected area buffer zone 28. Access Protection systems (patrols, 0 Assessment permits etc) are ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are only 1 Protection systems are significantly insufficient partially effective in controlling for protected areas extent Is access/resource use sufficiently access or use of the reserve in controlled? accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are 2 Outcomes moderately effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or 3 wholly effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives 29. Economic The existence of the protected 0 Possible issue for comment: how does national Los esquemas de pago por Benefit area has reduced the options for or regional development impact on the servicios ambientales, son Assessment economic development of the protected area? una propuesta para local communities incrementar los ingresos, Generally, existence of natural protected areas,sobre todo en las zonas Is the protected especially those decreed with strong limitations núcleo o áreas de area providing to carry out economic activities, is reducing conservación estricta de las economic benefits options for development of the local ANP Federales, de las to local communities. Áreas Comunitarias communities? Protegidas y de las zonas
61 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps de conservación determinadas en los ordenamientos comunitarios del territorio. The existence of the protected 1 area has neither damaged nor Outcomes benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic 2 benefits to local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy There is a significant or major flow 3 of economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) 30. Monitoring and There is no monitoring and 0 evaluation evaluation in the protected area
Are management There is some ad hoc monitoring 1 activities monitored and evaluation, but no overall against strategy and/or no regular performance? collection of results There is an agreed and 2 Project will carry out implemented monitoring and systematic monitoring and evaluation system but results are evaluation on project site Planning/Process not systematically used for management A good monitoring and evaluation 3 system exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management
62 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 58 TOTAL SCORE
63 Oaxaca de Juarez-Sierra de San Felipe
Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 1. Legal status The protected area is not 0 Note: see fourth option for private gazetted reserves
The government has agreed that 1 Does the protected the protected area should be area have legal gazetted but the process has not status? yet begun The protected area is in the 2 1. Áreas Comunitarias Protegidas, las The area outside the process of being gazetted but the cuales pueden ser certificadas por la protected area will be process is still incomplete CONANP. covered by PES contracts with the private land 2. Ordenamientos territoriales owners to carryout Context comunitarios conservation activities for five years. Project will ensure legal property or possession of land properties before sing the contracts The protected area has been 3 legally gazetted (or in the case of private reserves is owned by a trust or similar) 2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for 0 Regulations controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling 1 En el caso de áreas comunitarias The area Hill be covered by land uses and inappropriate land use and protegidas, el ordenamiento territorial es PES contracts with the activities (e.g. activities in the protected area el instrumento legal donde se establecen private land holders and a poaching) exist but there are major las reglas de uso y acceso del territorio y compliance monitoring plan controlled? problems in implementing them los recursos naturales. will be implemented to effectively ensure that inappropriate land use practices will be controlled.
64 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Training and technical assistance to environmental services Context providers will be carried out to ensure effective implementation of best management practices. Mechanisms for controlling 2 inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist but there are some problems in effectively implementing them Mechanisms for controlling 3 inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist and are being effectively implemented 3. Law The staff have no effective 0 Enforcement capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations Can staff enforce There are major deficiencies in 1 protected area staff capacity/resources to rules well enough? enforce protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, no patrol budget) The staff have acceptable 2 The capacity of CONAFOR capacity/resources to enforce Algunas de las comunidades y sus and other agencies will be Context protected area legislation and organizaciones, son asesoradas por strengthen to enforce regulations but some deficiencies organizaciones no gubernamentales, que compliance of land holders remain trabajan en el área, sobre las facultades with PES contracts. que la legislación mexicana les otorga sobre la gestión y control del uso del territorio y los recursos naturales.
The staff have excellent 3
65 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations 4. Protected area No firm objectives have been 0 Objectives agreed for the protected area
Have objectives The protected area has agreed 1 been agreed? objectives, but is not managed according to these objectives The protected area has agreed 2 Se definen objetivos en las Áreas PES schemes will be objectives, Comunitarias Protegidas y en los implemented to meet Planning but these are only partially ordenamientos comunitarios del objectives for biodiversity implemented territorio. conservation and preservation of environmental services; payments will be delivered in compliance with signed PES contracts The protected area has agreed 3 . objectives and is managed to meet these objectives 5. Protected area Inadequacies in design mean 0 Possible issue for comment: does the Design achieving the protected areas protected area contain different major management objectives of management zones and are these well Does the the protected area is impossible maintained? protected area Inadequacies in design mean 1 No existe un área protegida federal need enlarging, that achievement of major establecida en el área, y aunque si bien corridors etc to objectives are constrained to es cierto que, las Áreas Comunitarias meet its some extent Protegidas, han establecido sus límites objectives? de acuerdo con los objetivos de conservación, se pretende que a través del PES, se identifiquen áreas de Planning importancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad y para la provisión de servicios ambientales, que se sumen a
66 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps las superficies actualmente protegidas por cualquier esquema.
Design is not significantly 2 constraining achievement of major objectives, but could be improved Reserve design features are 3 particularly aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area 6. Protected area The boundary of the protected 0 Possible issue for comment: are there Boundary area is not known by the tenure disagreements affecting the management authority or local protected area? residents/neighbouring land Demarcation Is the users boundary known The boundary of the protected 1 and demarcated? area is known by the management authority but is not known by local residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected 2 Context area is known by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately demarcated The boundary of the protected 3 Los límites tanto de las ANP Federales area is known by the como de las Áreas Comunitarias management authority and local Protegidas están localizados y son residents and is appropriately reconocidos por la autoridad y por la demarcated población local, sin embargo, no se descartan los problemas de tenencia de la tierra. 7. Management There is no management plan for 0
67 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Plan the protected area
Is there a Management plan A management plan is being 1 and is it being prepared or has been prepared implemented? but is not being implemented An approved management plan 2 Plan de manejo de Áreas Comunitarias PES contracts will define Planning exists but it is only being partially protegidas activities and management implemented because of funding practices to maintain or constraints or other problems Plan de Ordenamiento Comunitario del increase ES provision and territorio biodiversity conservation. Compliance monitoring system will be implemented to enforce compliance of land owners with PES contracts An approved management plan 3 exists and is being implemented Additional points The planning process allows +1 El proceso de planeación comunal adequate opportunity for key participativo, es un instrumento que stakeholders to influence the garantiza una amplía participación de la management plan comunidad en la evaluación del estado actual de los recursos naturales, sus problemas y estrategias de atención. There is an established schedule +1 and process for periodic review and updating of the management plan The results of monitoring, +1 research and evaluation are Planning routinely incorporated into planning 8. Regular work No regular work plan exists 0
A regular work plan exists but 1 Puede existir un Plan anual de trabajo Compliance monitoring of activities are not monitored para las áreas comunitarias protegidas, PES contracts will be
68 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Plan Is there an against the plan's targets sin embargo no lo es así para el resto del conducted yearly; annual work plan? área identificada para desarrollar PES prescribed activities must contratos be completed as a requirement for delivering payments Planning/Outputs A regular work plan exists and 2 actions are monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions 3 are monitored against the plan's targets and most or all prescribed activities are completed 9. Resource There is little or no information 0 Inventory available on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, 1 Dado que solo una parte del territorio Baseline assessment will be Do you have species and cultural values of the cuenta con esquemas de conservación, carried out for every enough information protected area is not sufficient to no permite contar con una sistematizaciónselected area. to manage the support planning and decision de la información biológica que permita area? making una planificación regional de conservación Information on the critical habitats, 2 species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is Context not being maintained Information concerning on the 3 critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained
69 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 10. Research There is no survey or research 0 work taking place in the protected area Is there a programme of There is some ad hoc survey and 1 Algunas organizaciones no A strategy for impact management- research work gubernamentales en el área han llevado amonitoring will be designed orientated survey cabo diversos estudios and implemented to assess and research achievement in biodiversity work? conservation and preservation of environmental services There is considerable survey and 2 Inputs research work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management There is a comprehensive, 3 integrated programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 11. Resource Requirements for active 0 Management management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active 1 Existen ciertos territorios que son Is the protected management of critical manejados por las propias comunidades, area adequately ecosystems, species and cultural las cuales son asesoradas por managed (e.g. for values are known but are not organizaciones no gubernamentales. fire, invasive being addressed species, There are insufficient financing resources Developing PES schemes poaching)? for conservation and management for sustainable financing of activities. Absence of economic incentivesconservation and reduce interest of land holders to management activities Process implement conservation and management activities Requirements for active 2 management of critical
70 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps ecosystems, species and cultural values are only being partially addressed Requirements for active 3 management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully addressed 12. Staff numbers There are no staff 0
Are there enough Staff numbers are inadequate for 1 Generally, staff is insufficient for people employed critical management activities implementing critical management to manage the activities protected area? El personal que trabaja en las áreas Inputs corresponde a técnicos o promotores de las organizaciones no gubernamentales.
Staff numbers are below optimum 2 level for critical management activities Staff numbers are adequate for 3 the management needs of the site 13. Personnel Problems with personnel 0 Management management constrain the achievement of major Is the staff management objectives managed well Problems with personnel 1 Personnel is committed to achievement enough? management partially constrain management objectives but is insufficient the achievement of major management objectives Personnel management is 2 adequate to the achievement of Process major management objectives but could be improved
71 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Personnel management is 3 excellent and aids the achievement major management objectives 14. Staff training Staff are untrained 0
Is there enough Staff training and skills are low 1 training for staff? relative to the needs of the protected area Staff training and skills are 2 Personal is training but is insufficient adequate, but could be further Inputs/Process improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Staff training and skills are in tune 3 with the management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs 15. Current There is no budget for the 0 Budget protected area The available budget is 1 El presupuesto con el que se pudiera It is expected PES will Is the current inadequate for basic contra actualmente depende e la gestión finance conservation and budget sufficient? management needs and presents que las ONG hacen ante organismos management activities for a serious constraint to the nacionales e internacionales para realizar critical areas for biodiversity capacity to manage actividades de manejo y conservación en conservation and provision el área. Aún así este financiamiento es of environmental services Inputs limitado.
The available budget is 2 acceptable, but could be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient 3 and meets the full management
72 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps needs of the protected area
16. Security of There is no secure budget for the 0 Budget protected area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget 1 Como se ha mencionado el área no The funding mechanisms Is the budget and the protected area could not cuenta con recursos de base, sino que being developed for the secure? function adequately without depende del financiamiento externo Project to implement PES outside funding contracts is expected to be the source of long term Inputs financing There is a reasonably secure core 2 budget for the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding There is a secure budget for the 3 . protected area and its management needs on a multi-year cycle 17. Management Budget management is poor and 0 of budget significantly undermines effectiveness Is the budget Budget management is poor and 1 managed to meet constrains effectiveness critical management Budget management is adequate 2 Administrative process for budget needs? but could be improved allocation sometimes delays implementation of conservation and management activities
73 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Process Budget management is excellent 3 and aids effectiveness
18. Equipment There are little or no equipment 0 and facilities Are there adequate equipment and There are some equipment and 1 facilities? facilities but these are wholly inadequate Process There are equipment and 2 Due to budget limitations, there is an facilities, but still some major gaps important lack of adequate equipment and that constrain management facilities There are adequate equipment 3 and facilities
19. Maintenance of There is little or no maintenance 0 equipment of equipment and facilities
Is equipment There is some ad hoc 1 adequately maintenance of equipment and maintained? facilities
Process There is maintenance of 2 equipment and facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well 3 maintained 20. Education and There is no education and 0 awareness awareness programme Programme There is a limited and ad hoc 1 Is there a planned education and awareness education programme, but no overall planning for this
74 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps programme? There is a planned education and 2 La educación ambiental y la A dissemination and awareness programme but there concientización ciudadana es una línea awareness strategy Hill be are still serious gaps de acción estratégica que todavía designed and carried out requiere de fortalecimiento, asimismo las with Project implementation acciones que realizan al respecto las Process organizaciones no gubernamentales que trabajan en el área There is a planned and effective 3 education and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between 0 Commercial managers and neighbouring Neighbours official or corporate land users There is limited contact between 1 Is there co- managers and neighbouring operation with official or corporate land users adjacent land There is regular contact between 2 Government institutions have substantial users? managers and neighbouring co-operation on management of area; official or corporate land users, most of times co-operation between land Process but only limited co-operation holders is still limited There is regular contact between 3 managers and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management 22. Indigenous Indigenous and traditional 0 People peoples have no input into decisions relating to the Do indigenous and management of the protected traditional peoples area resident or Indigenous and traditional 1 regularly using the peoples have some input into PA have input to discussions relating to
75 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps management management but no direct decisions? involvement in the resulting decisions Process Indigenous and traditional 2 El manejo de las áreas es comunitario, Incorporation to the PES peoples directly contribute to por lo que en aquellas habitadas por program ins voluntary; some decisions relating to indígenas, existe participación de los indigenous people must management mismos en la toma de decisiones de decide to participate in manejo del área. general assembly of community members and there is agreement in areas to be incorporated Indigenous and traditional 3 peoples directly participate in making decisions relating to management 23. Local Local communities have no input 0 Communities into decisions relating to the management of the protected Do local area communities Local communities have some 1 resident or near the input into discussions relating to protected area management but no direct have input to involvement in the resulting management decisions decisions? Local communities directly 2 El manejo de las áreas es comunitario, Under a PES scheme local contribute to some decisions por lo que garantiza la participación de loscommunities will directly relating to management miembros de la comunidad en la toma de contribute to some Process las decisiones de manejo del área. decisions relating to management. It is expected that local communities will support payments through private contributions. Local communities directly 3 participate in making decisions relating to management
76 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Additional points There is open communication and +1 trust between local stakeholders and protected area managers Outputs Programmes to enhance local +1 community welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and 0 services
Are visitor facilities Visitor facilities and services are 1 En el área se ha desarrollado el (for tourists, Inappropriate for current levels of ecoturismo comunitario y aunque existe pilgrims etc) good visitation or are under infraestructura, los niveles nos son los enough? construction apropiados aún. Las visitas publicas son guiadas por lo tanto los daños que pueden ser ocasionados por esta son limitados Visitor facilities and services are 2 Outputs adequate for current levels of visitation but could be improved Visitor facilities and services are 3 excellent for current levels of visitation
25. Commercial There is little or no contact 0 Tourism between managers and tourism operators using the protected Do commercial area tour operators There is contact between 1 Commercial tourist operators take In selected sites, with contribute to managers and tourism operators advantage of natural characteristics of potential for eco-tourism, protected area but this is largely confined to protected areas, such as scenic beauty project will strengthen links management? administrative or regulatory or biodiversity, for eco-tourist uses but, with commercial tourist matters generally, do not contribute to protected operators to develop
77 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps area management mechanism for financing conservation and management activities under a PES scheme There is limited co-operation 2 between managers and tourism Process operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values There is excellent co-operation 3 between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts 26. Fees Although fees are theoretically 0 Fees are established only in protected Project will aim to develop applied, they are not collected areas under federal regulation through financial mechanisms by If fees (tourism, Federal Rights Law. tourist sector to support fines) are applied, La recuperación de recursos tienen la conservation or do they help finalidad de apoyar la operación no management activities protected area básica, la infraestructura y la under PES schemes management? sostenibilidad financiera del ANP The fee is collected, but it goes 1 Outputs straight to central government and is not returned to the protected area or its environs The fee is collected, but is 2 disbursed to the local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the 3 protected area that helps to support this and/or other protected areas 27. Condition Important biodiversity, ecological Possible issue for comment: It is Assessment and cultural values are being 0 important to provide details of the severely degraded biodiversity, ecological or cultural values Is the protected being affected
78 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps area being Some biodiversity, ecological and 1 managed cultural values are being severely consistent to its degraded objectives? Some biodiversity, ecological and 2 Generally, protected areas has been cultural values are being partially suffering degradation of their biodiversity degraded but the most important and ecological values due to Outcomes values have not been significantly deforestation, land use change, impacted inappropriate land use and management practices, forest fires and illegal logging among others Biodiversity, ecological and 3 cultural values are predominantly intact
Additional points There are active programmes for +1 CONAFOR as well as a number of restoration federal, state and local government Outputs of degraded areas within the institutions are carrying out programmes protected area and/or the for restoration of degraded areas inside protected area buffer zone protected areas and buffer zones 28. Access Protection systems (patrols, 0 Assessment permits etc) are ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are only 1 Protection systems are significantly partially effective in controlling insufficient for protected areas extent Is access/resource use sufficiently access or use of the reserve in controlled? accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are 2 Outcomes moderately effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or 3
79 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps wholly effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives 29. Economic The existence of the protected 0 Possible issue for comment: how does Los esquemas de pago por Benefit area has reduced the options for national or regional development impact servicios ambientales, son Assessment economic development of the on the protected area? una propuesta para local communities incrementar los ingresos, Generally, existence of natural protected sobre todo en las zonas Is the protected areas, especially those decreed with núcleo o áreas de area providing strong limitations to carry out economic conservación estricta de las economic benefits activities, is reducing options for ANP Federales, de las to local development of the local communities. Áreas Comunitarias communities? Protegidas y de las zonas de conservación determinadas en los ordenamientos comunitarios del territorio. The existence of the protected 1 area has neither damaged nor Outcomes benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic 2 benefits to local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy There is a significant or major flow 3 of economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) 30. Monitoring and There is no monitoring and 0 evaluation evaluation in the protected area
80 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps There is some ad hoc monitoring 1 Project will carry out Are management and evaluation, but no overall systematic monitoring and activities monitored strategy and/or no regular evaluation on project site against collection of results performance? There is an agreed and 2 implemented monitoring and evaluation system but results are not systematically used for Planning/Process management A good monitoring and evaluation 3 system exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management 55 TOTAL SCORE
Cumbres de Monterrey
Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 1. Legal status The protected area is not gazetted 0 Note: see fourth option for private reserves The government has agreed that the 1 protected area should be gazetted but the Does the protected process has not yet begun
81 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps area have legal The protected area is in the process of being 2 status? gazetted but the process is still incomplete The protected area has been legally gazetted 3 El área que será cubierta a través de contratos de (or in the case of private reserves is owned by PES, forma parte del área protegida Parque a trust or similar) Nacional Cumbres de Monterrey, establecido mediante Decreto Federal instrumento legal de conservación. Por lo tanto la propiedad social y la Context privada forman parte de un marco legal sobre el uso y conservación de los recursos naturales. 2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for controlling 0 Regulations inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 1 land uses and use and activities in the protected area exist activities (e.g. but there are major problems in implementing poaching) them effectively controlled? Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 2 use and activities in the protected area exist but there are some problems in effectively implementing them Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 3 El propio Reglamento de la LGEEPA en materia de use and activities in the protected area exist ANP define las condiciones bajo las cuales se and are being effectively implemented pueden llevar a cabo el uso de los recursos dentro Context del área protegida, así como las actividades. De manera particular cada área protegida define sus propios mecanismos para controlar los usos y actividades no apropiadas 3. Law The staff have no effective 0 Enforcement capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations There are major deficiencies in staff 1 Can staff enforce capacity/resources to enforce protected area protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, rules well enough? no patrol budget) The staff have acceptable capacity/resources 2 Dado el reconocimiento legal del ANP, las acciones de to enforce protected area legislation and inspección y vigilancia están previstas en LGEEPA
82 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps regulations but some deficiencies remain Context
The staff have excellent capacity/resources to 3 enforce protected area legislation and regulations 4. Protected area No firm objectives have been agreed for the 0 Objectives protected area
Have objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, 1 been agreed? but is not managed according to these objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, 2 but these are only partially implemented Planning The protected area has agreed objectives 3 El área protegida ha establecido objetivos generales Adicionalmente el esquema de and is managed to meet these objectives de creación en el Decreto, y objetivos específicos pagos por servicios están planteados en el borrador del Programa de ambientales será conservación y manejo correspondiente. implementado con el fin de lograr objetivos orientados a la conservación de la biodiversidad a al mantenimiento de los servicios ambientales 5. Protected area Inadequacies in design mean achieving the 0 Possible issue for comment: does the protected Design protected areas major management area contain different management zones and are objectives of the protected area is impossible these well maintained? Does the protected area Inadequacies in design mean that 1 need enlarging, achievement of major objectives are corridors etc to constrained to some extent meet its Design is not significantly constraining 2 Por decreto el área protegida tiene límites Adicionalmente, a través del objectives? achievement of major objectives, but could establecidos. De acuerdo a la categoría de PES, se podrán identificar be improved protección, se establece una zonificación, en la cual áreas de importancia para la sólo esta permitido realizar las actividades previstas conservación de la Planning en la LGEEPA y su Reglamento en materia de ANP. biodiversidad y para la
83 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps provisión de servicios ambientales, que se sumen a la superficie del área protegida. Reserve design features are particularly 3 aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area 6. Protected area The boundary of the protected area is not 0 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure Boundary known by the management authority or local disagreements affecting the protected area? residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected area is known 1 Demarcation Is the by the management authority but is not boundary known known by local residents/neighbouring land and demarcated? users The boundary of the protected area is known 2 Los límites del área protegida están localizados y son Adicionalmente a la superficie by both the management authority and local reconocidos por la autoridad y por la población local, del área protegida, PES residents but is not appropriately sin embargo, no se descartan los problemas de contracts will include demarcated tenencia de la tierra. delimitation of areas incorporated to be managed Context and/or conserved for environmental services provision and biodiversity conservation The boundary of the protected area is known 3 by the management authority and local residents and is appropriately demarcated 7. Management There is no management plan for the 0 Plan protected area
Is there a A management plan is being prepared or has 1 Management plan been prepared but is not being implemented and is it being An approved management plan exists but it is 2 El área protegida cuenta con un borrador de ProgramaIn addition, PES contracts will implemented? only being partially implemented because of de Conservación y Manejo, el cual esta siendo define activities and funding constraints or other problems evaluado por la autoridad correspondiente. management practices to maintain or increase ES provision and biodiversity
84 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Planning An approved management plan exists and is 3 being implemented Additional points The planning process allows adequate +1 opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process +1 for periodic review and updating of the management plan The results of monitoring, research and +1 evaluation are routinely incorporated into Planning planning 8. Regular work No regular work plan exists 0
A regular work plan exists but activities are 1 Plan Is there an not monitored against the plan's targets annual work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are 2 monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions are 3 Las ANP tienen la obligación de preparar un ProgramaIn addition, through PES Planning/Outputs monitored against the plan's targets and most Operativo Anual (POA) para ejercer el presupuesto contracts prescribed activities or all prescribed activities are completed anual y a través del cual se evalúan los avances must be completed as a respecto a las metas fijadas requirement for delivering payments 9. Resource There is little or no information available on 0 Inventory the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, species 1 Baseline assessment will be and cultural values of the protected area is not carried out for every selected Do you have sufficient to support planning and decision area. enough information making to manage the area? Information on the critical habitats, species 2 and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not
85 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, 3 Context species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained 10. Research There is no survey or research work taking 0 place in the protected area
Is there a There is some ad hoc survey and research 1 Se llevan a cabo las líneas de investigación A strategy for impact programme of work necesarias para darle seguimiento al manejo del área monitoring will be designed and management- protegida. implemented to assess orientated survey achievement in biodiversity and research conservation and preservation work? of environmental services There is considerable survey and research 2 work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management Inputs There is a comprehensive, integrated 3 programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 11. Resource Requirements for active management of 0 Management critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active management of 1 critical ecosystems, species and cultural Is the protected values are known but are not being area adequately addressed managed (e.g. for Requirements for active management of 2 fire, invasive critical ecosystems, species and cultural species, values are only being partially addressed poaching)? Requirements for active management of 3 critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully Process addressed
86 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 12. Staff numbers There are no staff 0
Are there enough Staff numbers are inadequate for critical 1 Generally, staff is insufficient for implementing critical people employed management activities management activities to manage the protected area? Staff numbers are below optimum level for 2 critical management activities Inputs Staff numbers are adequate for the 3 management needs of the site 13. Personnel Problems with personnel management 0 Management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Is the staff Problems with personnel management 1 managed well partially constrain the achievement of major enough? management objectives Personnel management is adequate to the 2 achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids 3 Process the achievement major management objectives 14. Staff training Staff are untrained 0
Is there enough Staff training and skills are low relative to the 1 training for staff? needs of the protected area Staff training and skills are adequate, but 2 Personnel is trained but is insufficient could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Inputs/Process Staff training and skills are in tune with the 3 management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs 15. Current There is no budget for the protected area 0 Budget
87 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps The available budget is inadequate for basic 1 There are important budget limitations for PES will finance conservation Is the current management needs and presents a serious conservation and management activities. and management activities for budget sufficient? constraint to the capacity to manage critical areas for biodiversity conservation and provision of environment services The available budget is acceptable, but could 2 Inputs be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient and meets 3 the full management needs of the protected area
16. Security of There is no secure budget for the protected 0 Budget area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget and the 1 protected area could not function adequately Is the budget without outside funding secure? There is a reasonably secure core budget for 2 Como área protegida Federal cuenta con recursos de the protected area but many innovations and base establecidos en el presupuesto de egresos de la initiatives are reliant on outside funding federación, sin embargo las área protegidads en Inputs general dependen mucho del financiamiento externo There is a secure budget for the protected 3 . area and its management needs on a multi-year cycle 17. Management Budget management is poor and significantly 0 of budget undermines effectiveness Budget management is poor and constrains 1 Is the budget effectiveness managed to meet critical Budget management is adequate but could 2 Administrative process for budget allocation management be improved sometimes delays implementation of conservation and needs? management activities Budget management is excellent and aids 3
88 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Process effectiveness
18. Equipment There are little or no equipment and facilities 0
Are there adequate There are some equipment and facilities but 1 equipment and these are wholly inadequate facilities? There are equipment and facilities, but still 2 Due to budget limitations, there is an important lack of Process some major gaps that constrain management adequate equipment and facilities There are adequate equipment and facilities 3
19. Maintenance of There is little or no maintenance of equipment 0 equipment and facilities
Is equipment There is some ad hoc maintenance of 1 adequately equipment and facilities maintained? There is maintenance of equipment and 2 Process facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained 3 20. Education and There is no education and awareness 0 awareness programme Programme There is a limited and ad hoc education and 1 Is there a planned awareness programme, but no overall education planning for this programme? There is a planned education and awareness 2 La educación ambiental y la concientización An awareness strategy will be programme but there are still serious gaps ciudadana es una línea de acción estratégica en las designed and carried out with ANP que todavía requiere de fortalecimiento project implementation There is a planned and effective education 3 and awareness programme fully linked to the Process objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between managers and 0 Commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users
89 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Neighbours There is limited contact between managers 1 and neighbouring official or corporate land Is there co- users operation with There is regular contact between managers 2 Government institutions have substantial co-operation adjacent land and neighbouring official or corporate land on management of protected areas; most of times co- users? users, but only limited co-operation operation between land holders is still limited There is regular contact between managers 3 Process and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management 22. Indigenous Indigenous and traditional peoples have no 0 People input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do indigenous and Indigenous and traditional peoples have 1 traditional peoples some input into discussions relating to resident or management but no direct involvement in the regularly using the resulting decisions PA have input to Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 2 Las comunidades indígenas forman parte del Consejo Incorporate to PES program management contribute to some decisions relating to Asesor del área protegida, constituido con el fin de will be voluntary; indigenous decisions? management apoyar a la Dirección del área protegida en la toma de people must decide to decisiones respecto al manejo de la misma participate in a general Process assembly of community members Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 3 participate in making decisions relating to management 23. Local Local communities have no input into 0 Communities decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do local Local communities have some input into 1 communities discussions relating to management but no resident or near direct involvement in the resulting decisions the protected area Local communities directly contribute to some 2 Representantes de los núcleos agrarios locales Under a PES scheme local have input to decisions relating to management forman parte del Consejo Asesor del ANP, constituido communities will directly management con el fin de apoyar a la Dirección de ANP en la toma contribute to some decisions
90 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps decisions? de decisiones respecto al manejo del ANP relating to management. It is expected that local communities will support Process payments through private contributions. Local communities directly participate in 3 making decisions relating to management Additional points There is open communication and trust +1 between local stakeholders and protected area managers Outputs Programmes to enhance local community +1 welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services 0
Are visitor facilities Visitor facilities and services are 1 Most of protected areas have no facilities or services (for tourists, Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or for visitors. pilgrims etc) good are under construction enough? Visitor facilities and services are adequate for 2 current levels of visitation but could be improved
Outputs Visitor facilities and services are excellent for 3 current levels of visitation
25. Commercial There is little or no contact between 0 Commercial tourist operators take advantage of In selected sites, with potential Tourism managers and tourism operators using the natural characteristics of protected areas, such as for eco-tourism, project will protected area scenic beauty or biodiversity, for eco-tourist uses but, strengthen links with Do commercial generally, do not contribute to protected area commercial tourist operators to tour operators management develop mechanism for contribute to financing conservation and
91 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps protected area management activities under a management? PES scheme
There is contact between managers and 1 tourism operators but this is largely confined to administrative or regulatory matters There is limited co-operation between 2 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected Process area values There is excellent co-operation between 3 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts 26. Fees Although fees are theoretically applied, they 0 are not collected If fees (tourism, The fee is collected, but it goes straight to 1 fines) are applied, central government and is not returned to the do they help protected area or its environs protected area The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the 2 management? local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area 3 Fees are established only in protected areas under Project will aim to develop Outputs that helps to support this and/or other federal regulation through Federal Rights Law. financial mechanisms by tourist protected areas La recuperación de recursos tienen la finalidad de sector to support conservation apoyar la operación no básica, la infraestructura y la or management activities under sostenibilidad financiera del ANP PES schemes 27. Condition Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide Assessment values are being severely degraded 0 details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural values being affected Is the protected Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 1 area being values are being severely degraded managed consistent to its Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 2 Generally, protected areas has been suffering objectives? values are being partially degraded but the degradation of their biodiversity and ecological values most important values have not been due to deforestation, land use change, inappropriate significantly impacted land use and management practices, forest fires and
92 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Outcomes illegal logging among others Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are 3 predominantly intact
Additional points There are active programmes for restoration +1 CONAFOR as well as a number of federal, state and of degraded areas within the protected area local government institutions are carrying out Outputs and/or the protected area buffer zone programmes for restoration of degraded areas inside protected areas and buffer zones
28. Access Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are 0 Assessment ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are only partially effective 1 Protection systems are significantly insufficient for in controlling access or use of the reserve in protected areas extent accordance with designated objectives Is access/resource use sufficiently Protection systems are moderately effective in 2 controlled? controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or wholly 3 Outcomes effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives 29. Economic The existence of the protected area has 0 Possible issue for comment: how does national or Los esquemas de pago por Benefit reduced the options for economic regional development impact on the protected area? servicios ambientales, son una Assessment development of the local communities propuesta para incrementar los Generally, existence of natural protected areas, ingresos, sobre todo en las especially those decreed with strong limitations to zonas núcleo o áreas de Is the protected carry out economic activities, is reducing options for conservación estricta de las area providing development of the local communities. ANP, cuyas restricciones sobre economic benefits el uso de los recursos son to local mayores communities? The existence of the protected area has 1 neither damaged nor benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic benefits to 2
93 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy Outcomes There is a significant or major flow of 3 economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) 30. Monitoring and There is no monitoring and evaluation in the 0 evaluation protected area
Are management There is some ad hoc monitoring and 1 activities monitored evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no against regular collection of results performance? There is an agreed and implemented 2 Project will carry out systematic monitoring and evaluation system but results monitoring and evaluation on are not systematically used for management project sites A good monitoring and evaluation system 3 Planning/Process exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management 58 TOTAL SCORE
94 Zapalinamé-Saltillo
Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 1. Legal status The protected area is not gazetted 0 Note: see fourth option for private reserves The government has agreed that the 1 protected area should be gazetted but the Does the protected process has not yet begun area have legal The protected area is in the process of being 2 status? gazetted but the process is still incomplete The protected area has been legally gazetted 3 Parte de la superficie que será cubierta a través de En el resto de la superficie (or in the case of private reserves is owned by contratos de PES, forma parte del área protegida de fuera del área protegida, se a trust or similar) carácter estatal Sierra de Zapalinamé. Por lo tanto implementarán contratos de la propiedad social y la privada forman parte de un pago por servicios ambientales Context marco legal sobre el uso y conservación de los con el fin de realizar acciones recursos naturales. de conservación en los próximos 5 años. El proyecto asegurará el reconocimiento legal de la propiedad de la tierra antes de
95 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps la firma de los contratos. 2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for controlling 0 Regulations inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 1 land uses and use and activities in the protected area exist activities (e.g. but there are major problems in implementing poaching) them effectively controlled? Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 2 De manera particular cada área protegida define sus Training and technical use and activities in the protected area exist propios mecanismos para controlar los usos y assistance to environmental but there are some problems in effectively actividades no apropiadas services providers will be implementing them carried out to ensure effective En el resto de la superficie que será cubierta implementation of best mediante contratos de pago por servicios management practices. ambientales, será implementado un programa de Context monitoreo para asegurar un uso apropiado del suelo Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 3 use and activities in the protected area exist and are being effectively implemented 3. Law The staff have no effective 0 Enforcement capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations There are major deficiencies in staff 1 The capacity of conafor and Can staff enforce capacity/resources to enforce protected area others agencies will be protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, strengthen to enforce rules well enough? no patrol budget) compliance of land holders with PES contracts. The staff have acceptable capacity/resources 2 to enforce protected area legislation and regulations but some deficiencies remain Context The staff have excellent capacity/resources to 3 enforce protected area legislation and regulations 4. Protected area No firm objectives have been agreed for the 0 protected area
96 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, 1 but is not managed according to these Have objectives objectives been agreed? The protected area has agreed objectives, 2 but these are only partially implemented The protected area has agreed objectives 3 El área protegida ha establecido objetivos generales Adicionalmente el esquema de and is managed to meet these objectives de creación en el Decreto, y objetivos específicos de pagos por servicios Planning manejo se han estado cumpliendo a través del ambientales será manejo del área protegida. implementado con el fin de lograr objetivos orientados a la conservación de la biodiversidad a al mantenimiento de los servicios ambientales 5. Protected area Inadequacies in design mean achieving the 0 Possible issue for comment: does the protected Design protected areas major management area contain different management zones and are objectives of the protected area is impossible these well maintained? Does the protected area Inadequacies in design mean that 1 need enlarging, achievement of major objectives are corridors etc to constrained to some extent meet its Design is not significantly constraining 2 Por decreto el área protegida tiene límites Adicionalmente, a través del objectives? achievement of major objectives, but could establecidos. De acuerdo a la categoría de PES, se podrán identificar be improved protección se establece una zonificación de manejo áreas de importancia para la del área, previendo las actividades a realizar en cada conservación de la Planning una de ellas. biodiversidad y para la provisión de servicios ambientales, que se sumen a la superficie del área protegida. Reserve design features are particularly 3 aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area 6. Protected area The boundary of the protected area is not 0 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure Boundary known by the management authority or local disagreements affecting the protected area? residents/neighbouring land users
97 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps The boundary of the protected area is known 1 Demarcation Is the by the management authority but is not boundary known known by local residents/neighbouring land and demarcated? users The boundary of the protected area is known 2 Los límites del área protegida están localizados y son Adicionalmente a la superficie by both the management authority and local reconocidos por la autoridad y por la población local, del área protegida, PES residents but is not appropriately sin embargo, no se descartan los problemas de contracts will include demarcated tenencia de la tierra. delimitation of areas incorporated to be managed Context and/or conserved for environmental services provision and biodiversity conservation The boundary of the protected area is known 3 by the management authority and local residents and is appropriately demarcated 7. Management There is no management plan for the 0 Plan protected area
Is there a A management plan is being prepared or has 1 Management plan been prepared but is not being implemented and is it being implemented? An approved management plan exists but it is 2 only being partially implemented because of Planning funding constraints or other problems An approved management plan exists and is 3 El área protegida cuenta con un Plan de Manejo y con being implemented un Plan Participativo de Manejo y Desarrollo en apoyo a la valoración de los servicios ambientales Additional points The planning process allows adequate +1 opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process +1 for periodic review and updating of the management plan
98 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps The results of monitoring, research and +1 evaluation are routinely incorporated into Planning planning 8. Regular work No regular work plan exists 0
A regular work plan exists but activities are 1 Plan Is there an not monitored against the plan's targets annual work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are 2 monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions are 3 Las áreas protegidas tienen la obligación de preparar In addition, through PES Planning/Outputs monitored against the plan's targets and most un Programa Operativo Anual (POA) para ejercer el contracts prescribed activities or all prescribed activities are completed presupuesto anual y a través del cual se evalúan los must be completed as a avances respecto a las metas fijadas requirement for delivering payments 9. Resource There is little or no information available on 0 Inventory the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, species 1 Baseline assessment will be and cultural values of the protected area is not carried out for every selected Do you have sufficient to support planning and decision area. enough information making to manage the area? Information on the critical habitats, species 2 and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, 3 Context species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained 10. Research There is no survey or research work taking 0 place in the protected area
99 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Is there a There is some ad hoc survey and research 1 Se llevan a cabo las líneas de investigación A strategy for impact programme of work necesarias para darle seguimiento al manejo del área monitoring will be designed and management- protegida. implemented to assess orientated survey achievement in biodiversity and research conservation and preservation work? of environmental services There is considerable survey and research 2 work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management Inputs There is a comprehensive, integrated 3 programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 11. Resource Requirements for active management of 0 Management critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active management of 1 critical ecosystems, species and cultural Is the protected values are known but are not being area adequately addressed managed (e.g. for Requirements for active management of 2 fire, invasive critical ecosystems, species and cultural species, values are only being partially addressed poaching)? Requirements for active management of 3 critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully Process addressed
12. Staff numbers There are no staff 0
Are there enough Staff numbers are inadequate for critical 1 Generally, staff is insufficient for implementing critical people employed management activities management activities to manage the protected area? Staff numbers are below optimum level for 2 critical management activities Inputs Staff numbers are adequate for the 3 management needs of the site
100 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 13. Personnel Problems with personnel management 0 Management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Is the staff Problems with personnel management 1 managed well partially constrain the achievement of major enough? management objectives Personnel management is adequate to the 2 achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids 3 Process the achievement major management objectives 14. Staff training Staff are untrained 0
Is there enough Staff training and skills are low relative to the 1 training for staff? needs of the protected area Staff training and skills are adequate, but 2 Personnel is trained but is insufficient could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Inputs/Process Staff training and skills are in tune with the 3 management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs 15. Current There is no budget for the protected area 0 Budget The available budget is inadequate for basic 1 There are important budget limitations for PES will finance conservation Is the current management needs and presents a serious conservation and management activities. and management activities for budget sufficient? constraint to the capacity to manage critical areas for biodiversity conservation and provision of environment services The available budget is acceptable, but could 2 Inputs be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient and meets 3 the full management needs of the protected
101 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps area
16. Security of There is no secure budget for the protected 0 Budget area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget and the 1 Insufficient budget from governments; outside finding isThe funding mechanisms being protected area could not function adequately important for conservation and management activities developed for the project to Is the budget without outside funding but yet limited. implement PES contracts is secure? expected to be the source of long term financing There is a reasonably secure core budget for 2 Inputs the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding There is a secure budget for the protected 3 . area and its management needs on a multi-year cycle 17. Management Budget management is poor and significantly 0 of budget undermines effectiveness Budget management is poor and constrains 1 Is the budget effectiveness managed to meet critical Budget management is adequate but could 2 Administrative process for budget allocation management be improved sometimes delays implementation of conservation and needs? management activities Budget management is excellent and aids 3 Process effectiveness
18. Equipment There are little or no equipment and facilities 0
Are there adequate There are some equipment and facilities but 1 Due to budget limitations, there is an important lack of equipment and these are wholly inadequate adequate equipment and facilities
102 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps facilities? There are equipment and facilities, but still 2 some major gaps that constrain management Process There are adequate equipment and facilities 3
19. Maintenance of There is little or no maintenance of equipment 0 equipment and facilities
Is equipment There is some ad hoc maintenance of 1 adequately equipment and facilities maintained? There is maintenance of equipment and 2 Process facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained 3 20. Education and There is no education and awareness 0 awareness programme Programme There is a limited and ad hoc education and 1 Is there a planned awareness programme, but no overall education planning for this programme? There is a planned education and awareness 2 Existe un programa activo de educación ambiental, sin An awareness strategy will be programme but there are still serious gaps embargo continua siendo una línea de acción designed and carried out with estratégica en las áreas protegidas que todavía project implementation requiere de fortalecimiento There is a planned and effective education 3 Process and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between managers and 0 Commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users Neighbours There is limited contact between managers 1 and neighbouring official or corporate land Is there co- users operation with There is regular contact between managers 2 Government institutions have substantial co-operation adjacent land and neighbouring official or corporate land on management of protected areas; most of times co- users? users, but only limited co-operation operation between land holders is still limited
103 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps There is regular contact between managers 3 Process and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management 22. Indigenous Indigenous and traditional peoples have no 0 People input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do indigenous and Indigenous and traditional peoples have 1 traditional peoples some input into discussions relating to resident or management but no direct involvement in the regularly using the resulting decisions PA have input to Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 2 Incorporate to PES program management contribute to some decisions relating to will be voluntary; indigenous decisions? management people must decide to participate in a general Process assembly of community members Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 3 participate in making decisions relating to management 23. Local Local communities have no input into 0 Communities decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do local Local communities have some input into 1 communities discussions relating to management but no resident or near direct involvement in the resulting decisions the protected area Local communities directly contribute to some 2 Under a PES scheme local have input to decisions relating to management communities will directly management contribute to some decisions decisions? relating to management. It is expected that local communities will support Process payments through private contributions. Local communities directly participate in 3
104 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps making decisions relating to management
Additional points There is open communication and trust +1 between local stakeholders and protected area managers Outputs Programmes to enhance local community +1 welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services 0
Are visitor facilities Visitor facilities and services are 1 Most of protected areas have no facilities or services (for tourists, Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or for visitors. pilgrims etc) good are under construction enough? Visitor facilities and services are adequate for 2 current levels of visitation but could be improved
Outputs Visitor facilities and services are excellent for 3 current levels of visitation
25. Commercial There is little or no contact between 0 Commercial tourist operators take advantage of In selected sites, with potential Tourism managers and tourism operators using the natural characteristics of protected areas, such as for eco-tourism, project will protected area scenic beauty or biodiversity, for eco-tourist uses but, strengthen links with Do commercial generally, do not contribute to protected area commercial tourist operators to tour operators management develop mechanism for contribute to financing conservation and protected area management activities under a management? PES scheme There is contact between managers and 1 tourism operators but this is largely confined to administrative or regulatory matters
105 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps There is limited co-operation between 2 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values Process There is excellent co-operation between 3 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts 26. Fees Although fees are theoretically applied, they 0 Project will aim to develop are not collected financial mechanisms by tourist If fees (tourism, sector to support conservation fines) are applied, or management activities under do they help PES schemes protected area The fee is collected, but it goes straight to 1 management? central government and is not returned to the protected area or its environs Outputs The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the 2 local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area 3 that helps to support this and/or other protected areas 27. Condition Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide Assessment values are being severely degraded 0 details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural values being affected Is the protected Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 1 area being values are being severely degraded managed consistent to its Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 2 Generally, protected areas has been suffering objectives? values are being partially degraded but the degradation of their biodiversity and ecological values most important values have not been due to deforestation, land use change, inappropriate significantly impacted land use and management practices, forest fires and Outcomes illegal logging among others Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are 3 predominantly intact
106 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Additional points There are active programmes for restoration +1 CONAFOR as well as a number of federal, state and of degraded areas within the protected area local government institutions are carrying out Outputs and/or the protected area buffer zone programmes for restoration of degraded areas inside protected areas and buffer zones
28. Access Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are 0 Assessment ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are only partially effective 1 Protection systems are significantly insufficient for in controlling access or use of the reserve in protected areas extent accordance with designated objectives Is access/resource use sufficiently Protection systems are moderately effective in 2 controlled? controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or wholly 3 Outcomes effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives 29. Economic The existence of the protected area has 0 Possible issue for comment: how does national or Los esquemas de pago por Benefit reduced the options for economic regional development impact on the protected area? servicios ambientales, son una Assessment development of the local communities propuesta para incrementar los Generally, existence of natural protected areas, ingresos, sobre todo en las especially those decreed with strong limitations to zonas núcleo o áreas de Is the protected carry out economic activities, is reducing options for conservación estricta de las area providing development of the local communities. ANP, cuyas restricciones sobre economic benefits el uso de los recursos son to local mayores communities? The existence of the protected area has 1 neither damaged nor benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic benefits to 2 local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy Outcomes There is a significant or major flow of 3
107 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) 30. Monitoring and There is no monitoring and evaluation in the 0 evaluation protected area
Are management There is some ad hoc monitoring and 1 activities monitored evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no against regular collection of results performance? There is an agreed and implemented 2 Project will carry out systematic monitoring and evaluation system but results monitoring and evaluation on are not systematically used for management project sites A good monitoring and evaluation system 3 Planning/Process exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management 52 TOTAL SCORE
108 Valle de Bravo - Amanalco
Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 1. Legal status The protected area is not 0 Note: see fourth option for private gazetted reserves
The government has agreed that 1 Does the protected the protected area should be area have legal gazetted but the process has not status? yet begun The protected area is in the 2 process of being gazetted but the process is still incomplete The protected area has been 3 Coincide parcialmente con el ANP Nevado de legally gazetted (or in the case of Toluca la cual fue decretada en la categoría de Context private reserves is owned by a Parque Nacional en fecha 15 de enero de 1936; The area outside the trust or similar) posteriormente, con fecha 19 de febrero de 1937 se protected area will be publicó un decreto modificatorio. covered by PES contracts with the private land owners Incluye el Área de Protección de Recursos to carryout conservation Naturales Zona Protectora Forestal, que incluye los activities for five years. terrenos de las cuencas de los ríos Valle de Bravo, Project will ensure legal Malacatepec, Tilostoc y Temascaltepec, property or possession of determinada área natural protegida de competencia land properties before sing federal mediante acuerdo publicado en fecha 23 de the contracts junio de 2005.
109 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps
De acuerdo a lo anterior, se determina que existen instrumentos legales de conservación, que forman parte de un marco legal sobre el uso y conservación de los recursos naturales en el área
2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for 0 Regulations controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling 1 land uses and inappropriate land use and activities (e.g. activities in the protected area poaching) exist but there are major controlled? problems in implementing them effectively Mechanisms for controlling 2 El Reglamento de la LGEEPA en materia de ANP inappropriate land use and define las actividades y las condiciones bajo las activities in the protected area cuales se pueden llevar a cabo el uso de los exist but there are some problems recursos dentro de las áreas que coinciden con las in effectively implementing them ANP´s. De igual manera en el Programa de Manejo Context y Conservación particular de cada ANP se define sus propios mecanismos para controlar los usos y actividades no apropiadas.
Para el caso particular de la subcuenca Amanalco- Valle de Bravo, existe un Ordenamiento Ecológico Territorial elaborado por una ONG, en coordinación con el gobierno del estado. Mechanisms for controlling 3 inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist and are being effectively implemented 3. Law The staff have no effective 0 Enforcement capacity/resources to enforce protected
110 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps area legislation and regulations Can staff enforce protected area There are major deficiencies in 1 Respecto a los terrenos coincidentes con las ANP, The capacity of CONAFOR rules well enough? staff capacity/resources to las acciones de inspección y vigilancia están and other agencies will be enforce protected area legislation previstas en la LGEEPA, sin embargo, hay strengthen to enforce and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, limitaciones en cuanto al presupuesto operative compliance of land holders no patrol budget) asignado para tal fin with PES contracts. Context
The staff have acceptable 2 capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations but some deficiencies remain The staff have excellent 3 capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations 4. Protected area No firm objectives have been 0 Objectives agreed for the protected area
Have objectives The protected area has agreed 1 been agreed? objectives, but is not managed according to these objectives The protected area has agreed 2 Existen objetivos generales en los Decretos de las objectives, ANP, y objetivos específicos en el Programa de Planning but these are only partially conservación y manejo implemented The protected area has agreed 3 objectives and is managed to meet these objectives
111 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 5. Protected area Inadequacies in design mean 0 Possible issue for comment: does the Design achieving the protected areas protected area contain different management major management objectives of zones and are these well maintained? Does the the protected area is impossible protected area Inadequacies in design mean 1 need enlarging, that achievement of major corridors etc to objectives are constrained to meet its some extent objectives? Design is not significantly 2 Para el ANP Federal se han establecido sus límites A través del PES, se podrán constraining achievement of de acuerdo con los objetivos de conservación identificar áreas de major objectives, but could be importancia para la Planning improved conservación de la biodiversidad y para la provisión de servicios ambientales, que se sumen a la superficie del área protegida. Reserve design features are 3 particularly aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area 6. Protected area The boundary of the protected 0 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure Boundary area is not known by the disagreements affecting the protected area? management authority or local residents/neighbouring land Demarcation Is the users boundary known The boundary of the protected 1 and demarcated? area is known by the management authority but is not known by local residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected 2 Context area is known by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately
112 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps demarcated The boundary of the protected 3 Los límites están localizados y son reconocidos por area is known by the la autoridad y por la población local, en lo que management authority and local respecta al Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca, sin residents and is appropriately embargo, en el caso del Área de Protección y demarcated Recursos Naturales Zona Protectora Forestal, no existe una identificación plena de los límites de localización de dicha area. Asimismo, no se descartan los problemas de tenencia de la tierra. 7. Management There is no management plan for 0 Plan the protected area
Is there a A management plan is being 1 Management plan prepared or has been prepared and is it being but is not being implemented implemented? An approved management plan 2 El área cuenta con un Programa de Conservación y exists but it is only being partially Manejo para la parte coincidente con el Parque Planning implemented because of funding Nacional Nevado de Toluca constraints or other problems Se ha elaborado un estudio de Ordenamiento Ecológico An approved management plan 3 exists and is being implemented Additional points The planning process allows +1 Las comunidades que se encuentran dentro del adequate opportunity for key ANP Nevado de Toluca, reciben el apoyo stakeholders to influence the administrativo y de gestión de las autoridades del management plan Parque. El seguimiento a las actividades identificadas en el ordenamiento ecológico por parte de una ONG, en coordinación con las comunidades, garantiza la participación activa de la población local There is an established schedule +1 and process for periodic review and updating of the management plan
113 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps The results of monitoring, +1 research and evaluation are Planning routinely incorporated into planning 8. Regular work No regular work plan exists 0
A regular work plan exists but 1 Existe un programa operativo anual que se elabora Plan Is there an activities are not monitored para el parque nacional Nevado de Toluca, sin annual work plan? against the plan's targets embargo el área de la APROMSA que coincide con el ANP es mínima A regular work plan exists and 2 actions are monitored against the Planning/Outputs plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions 3 Compliance monitoring of are monitored against the plan's PES contracts will be targets and most or all prescribed conducted yearly; prescribed activities are completed activities must be completed as a requirement for delivering payments 9. Resource There is little or no information 0 Inventory available on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, 1 Do you have species and cultural values of the enough information protected area is not sufficient to to manage the support planning and decision area? making
Information on the critical habitats, 2 Dentro de los límites de las ANP coincidentes con species and cultural values of the el área, existe información relevante, sin embargo, protected area is sufficient for key es preciso sistematizar dicha información, a fin de areas of planning/decision making contar con una sistematización de la información but the necessary survey work is biológica que permita una planificación regional de
114 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Context not being maintained conservación Information concerning on the 3 critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained 10. Research There is no survey or research 0 work taking place in the protected area Is there a programme of There is some ad hoc survey and 1 Some protected areas are carrying out survey and A strategy for impact management- research work research work to meet different objectives monitoring will be designed orientated survey and implemented to assess and research achievement in biodiversity work? conservation and preservation of environmental services There is considerable survey and 2 research work but it is not directed Inputs towards the needs of protected area management There is a comprehensive, 3 integrated programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 11. Resource Requirements for active 0 Management management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active 1 Is the protected management of critical area adequately ecosystems, species and cultural managed (e.g. for values are known but are not fire, invasive being addressed species, Requirements for active 2 There are insufficient financing resources for Developing PES schemes for poaching)? management of critical conservation and management activities. Absence sustainable financing of
115 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps ecosystems, species and cultural of economic incentives reduce interest of land conservation and values are only being partially holders to implement conservation and management activities Process addressed management activities Requirements for active 3 management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully addressed 12. Staff numbers There are no staff 0
Are there enough Staff numbers are inadequate for 1 Existe poco personal para el desarrollo de las people employed critical management activities actividades críticas to manage the protected area? Staff numbers are below optimum 2 level for critical management Inputs activities Staff numbers are adequate for 3 the management needs of the site 13. Personnel Problems with personnel 0 Management management constrain the achievement of major Are the staff management objectives managed well Problems with personnel 1 enough? management partially constrain the achievement of major management objectives Personnel management is 2 adequate to the achievement of Process major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is 3 excellent and aids the achievement major management objectives 14. Staff training Staff are untrained 0
116 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Is there enough training for staff? Staff training and skills are low 1 relative to the needs of the protected area Inputs/Process Staff training and skills are 2 adequate, but could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Staff training and skills are in tune 3 with the management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs 15. Current There is no budget for the 0 Budget protected area The available budget is 1 There is important budget limitations for It is expected PES will Is the current inadequate for basic conservation and management activities finance conservation and budget sufficient? management needs and presents management activities for a serious constraint to the critical areas for biodiversity capacity to manage conservation and provision of environmental services Inputs The available budget is 2 acceptable, but could be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient 3 and meets the full management needs of the protected area
16. Security of There is no secure budget for the 0 Budget protected area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget 1 Como ANP federal cuenta con recursos de base The funding mechanisms
117 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Is the budget and the protected area could not establecidos en el presupuesto de egresos de la being developed for the secure? function adequately without federación, sin embargo las ANP en general Project to implement PES outside funding dependen mucho del financiamiento externo contracts is expected to be the source of long term financing There is a reasonably secure core 2 Inputs budget for the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding There is a secure budget for the 3 . protected area and its management needs on a multi-year cycle 17. Management Budget management is poor and 0 of budget significantly undermines effectiveness Is the budget Budget management is poor and 1 managed to meet constrains effectiveness critical management Budget management is adequate 2 Administrative process for budget allocation needs? but could be improved sometimes delays implementation of conservation and management activities Process Budget management is excellent 3 and aids effectiveness
18. Equipment There are little or no equipment 0 and facilities Are there adequate equipment and There are some equipment and 1 facilities? facilities but these are wholly inadequate Process There are equipment and 2 Due to budget limitations, there is an important facilities, but still some major gaps lack of adequate equipment and facilities that constrain management There are adequate equipment 3
118 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps and facilities
19. Maintenance of There is little or no maintenance 0 equipment of equipment and facilities
Is equipment There is some ad hoc 1 adequately maintenance of equipment and maintained? facilities
Process There is maintenance of 2 equipment and facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well 3 maintained 20. Education and There is no education and 0 awareness awareness programme Programme There is a limited and ad hoc 1 Is there a planned education and awareness education programme, but no overall programme? planning for this There is a planned education and 2 Las actividades que realiza la principal ONG A dissemination and awareness programme but there orientada a la conservación y buen manejo del área,awareness strategy Hill be are still serious gaps resulta fundamental, sin embargo requiere de designed and carried out with mayores recursos tanto económicos como de Project implementation Process personal La educación ambiental y la concientización ciudadana en la ANP requiere de fortalecimiento. There is a planned and effective 3 education and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between 0
119 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Commercial managers and neighbouring Neighbours official or corporate land users There is limited contact between 1 Is there co- managers and neighbouring operation with official or corporate land users adjacent land There is regular contact between 2 Government institutions have substantial co- users? managers and neighbouring operation on management of protected areas; most official or corporate land users, of times co-operation between land holders is still Process but only limited co-operation limited There is regular contact between 3 managers and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management 22. Indigenous Indigenous and traditional 0 People peoples have no input into decisions relating to the Do indigenous and management of the protected traditional peoples area resident or Indigenous and traditional 1 Actualmente el grado de participación de las Incorporation to the PES regularly using the peoples have some input into comunidades indígenas en el proceso de program ins voluntary; PA have input to discussions relating to planificación y toma de desiciones es marginal, indigenous people must management management but no direct toda vez que no se cuenta con personal operativo decide to participate in decisions? involvement in the resulting en el area, que promueva su participación activa general assembly of decisions community members and Process there is agreement in areas to be incorporated Indigenous and traditional 2 peoples directly contribute to some decisions relating to management Indigenous and traditional 3 peoples directly participate in making decisions relating to management
120 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 23. Local Local communities have no input 0 Communities into decisions relating to the management of the protected Do local area communities Local communities have some 1 Under a PES scheme local resident or near the input into discussions relating to communities will directly protected area management but no direct contribute to some decisions have input to involvement in the resulting relating to management. It is management decisions expected that local decisions? communities will support payments through private contributions Process Local communities directly 2 contribute to some decisions relating to management Local communities directly 3 participate in making decisions relating to management Additional points There is open communication and +1 trust between local stakeholders and protected area managers Outputs Programmes to enhance local +1 community welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and 0 services
Are visitor facilities Visitor facilities and services are 1 Most of protected areas have no facilities or (for tourists, Inappropriate for current levels of services for visitors. pilgrims etc) good visitation or are under Dada la cercanía del área a grandes centros enough? construction urbanos, como Toluca y el Distrito Federal, y considerando que una de las principales
121 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps actividades económicas en la zona de amortiguamiento del área es la referente a los servicios turísticos, existen evidencias deterioros Outputs causados por visitantes Visitor facilities and services are 2 adequate for current levels of visitation but could be improved Visitor facilities and services are 3 excellent for current levels of visitation
25. Commercial There is little or no contact 0 Tourism between managers and tourism operators using the protected Do commercial area tour operators There is contact between 1 Commercial tourist operators take advantage of In selected sites, with contribute to managers and tourism operators natural characteristics of protected areas, such as potential for eco-tourism, protected area but this is largely confined to scenic beauty or biodiversity, for eco-tourist uses project will strengthen links management? administrative or regulatory but, generally, do not contribute to protected area with commercial tourist matters management operators to develop mechanism for financing conservation and management activities under a PES scheme There is limited co-operation 2 between managers and tourism Process operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values There is excellent co-operation 3 between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts 26. Fees Although fees are theoretically 0 Project will aim to develop
122 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps applied, they are not collected financial mechanisms by If fees (tourism, tourist sector to support fines) are applied, conservation or do they help management activities protected area under PES schemes management? The fee is collected, but it goes 1 Outputs straight to central government and is not returned to the protected area or its environs The fee is collected, but is 2 disbursed to the local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the 3 protected area that helps to support this and/or other protected areas 27. Condition Important biodiversity, ecological Possible issue for comment: It is important to Assessment and cultural values are being 0 provide details of the biodiversity, ecological or severely degraded cultural values being affected Is the protected Some biodiversity, ecological and 1 area being cultural values are being severely managed degraded consistent to its Some biodiversity, ecological and 2 Generally, protected areas has been suffering objectives? cultural values are being partially degradation of their biodiversity and ecological degraded but the most important values due to deforestation, land use change, values have not been significantly inappropriate land use and management practices, Outcomes impacted forest fires and illegal logging among others
Biodiversity, ecological and 3 cultural values are predominantly intact
123 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Additional points There are active programmes for +1 CONAFOR as well as a number of federal, state restoration and local government institutions are carrying out Outputs of degraded areas within the programmes for restoration of degraded areas protected area and/or the inside protected areas and buffer zones protected area buffer zone 28. Access Protection systems (patrols, 0 Assessment permits etc) are ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are only 1 Protection systems are significantly insufficient partially effective in controlling Is access/resource for protected areas extent use sufficiently access or use of the reserve in controlled? accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are 2 Outcomes moderately effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or 3 wholly effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives 29. Economic The existence of the protected 0 Possible issue for comment: how does national Los esquemas de pago por Benefit area has reduced the options for or regional development impact on the servicios ambientales, son Assessment economic development of the protected area? una propuesta para local communities incrementar los ingresos, Generally, existence of natural protected areas, sobre todo en las zonas Is the protected especially those decreed with strong limitations to núcleo o áreas de area providing carry out economic activities, is reducing options conservación estricta de las economic benefits for development of the local communities. ANP Federales, de las Áreas to local Comunitarias Protegidas y de communities? las zonas de conservación
124 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps determinadas en los ordenamientos comunitarios del territorio.
The existence of the protected 1 area has neither damaged nor Outcomes benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic 2 benefits to local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy There is a significant or major flow 3 of economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) 30. Monitoring and There is no monitoring and 0 evaluation evaluation in the protected area
Are management There is some ad hoc monitoring 1 activities monitored and evaluation, but no overall against strategy and/or no regular performance? collection of results There is an agreed and 2 Project will carry out implemented monitoring and systematic monitoring and evaluation system but results are evaluation on project site Planning/Process not systematically used for management A good monitoring and evaluation 3 system exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management
125 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 47 TOTAL SCORE
126 Coatepec-Xalapa
Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 1. Legal status The protected area is not gazetted 0 Note: see fourth option for private reserves The government has agreed that the 1 protected area should be gazetted but the Does the protected process has not yet begun area have legal The protected area is in the process of being 2 Aún cuando existe un Área Natural Protegida con The area will be covered by status? gazetted but the process is still incomplete decreto estatal desde el año de 1937, sólo una PES contracts with the private pequeña porción coincide con lo que se pretende será land holders to carryout cubierto a través de contratos PES conservation activities for the next five years. Project will ensure legal property or Context possession of land properties before sign of contracts The protected area has been legally gazetted 3 (or in the case of private reserves is owned by a trust or similar) 2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for controlling 0 Regulations inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 1 En el caso de las ANP, en observación al land uses and use and activities in the protected area exist Reglamento de la LGEEPA en materia de ANP, se activities (e.g. but there are major problems in implementing deberán definir los mecanismos para controlar los poaching) them effectively usos y actividades no apropiadas. controlled? También como instrumento legal existe el decreto donde se establecen los fines del área natural pero no Context existe un mecanismo establecido para regular o evitar dichas acciones Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 2 . use and activities in the protected area exist but there are some problems in effectively implementing them Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 3 use and activities in the protected area exist
127 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps and are being effectively implemented
3. Law The staff have no effective 0 Enforcement capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations There are major deficiencies in staff 1 Oficialmente no existe una estructura administrativa. Can staff enforce capacity/resources to enforce protected area La responsabilidad del parquet la han asumido el protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, estado y la defecación pero sin continuidad rules well enough? no patrol budget) The staff have acceptable capacity/resources 2 to enforce protected area legislation and regulations but some deficiencies remain
Context The staff have excellent capacity/resources to 3 enforce protected area legislation and regulations 4. Protected area No firm objectives have been agreed for the 0 Objectives protected area
Have objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, 1 been agreed? but is not managed according to these objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, 2 Se establecieron objetivos generales de creación en but these are only partially implemented el Decreto Planning The protected area has agreed objectives 3 ., and is managed to meet these objectives 5. Protected area Inadequacies in design mean achieving the 0 Possible issue for comment: does the protected Design protected areas major management area contain different management zones and are objectives of the protected area is impossible these well maintained? Does the protected area Inadequacies in design mean that 1 need enlarging, achievement of major objectives are corridors etc to constrained to some extent meet its Design is not significantly constraining 2 Las areas críticas para la conservación de la objectives? achievement of major objectives, but could biodiversidad y determinantes en la provisión de
128 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps be improved servicios ambientales pueden ser incorporadas a través de esquemas PES pudiendo incrementar el Planning tamaño del área. Reserve design features are particularly 3 aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area 6. Protected area The boundary of the protected area is not 0 . Boundary known by the management authority or local residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected area is known 1 Demarcation Is the by the management authority but is not boundary known known by local residents/neighbouring land and demarcated? users The boundary of the protected area is known 2 En el área encontramos tenencia de la tierra de tipo by both the management authority and local ejidal, comunal, pequeña propiedad y terrenos residents but is not appropriately federales aunque sin problemas evidente no se demarcated descartan conflictos agrarios The boundary of the protected area is known 3 Context by the management authority and local residents and is appropriately demarcated 7. Management There is no management plan for the 0 Plan protected area
Is there a A management plan is being prepared or has 1 Management plan been prepared but is not being implemented and is it being An approved management plan exists but it is 2 El Colegio de Biólogos de Veracruz A.C. realizó un implemented? only being partially implemented because of Plan de Manejo para el Parque Nacional Cofre de funding constraints or other problems Perote Planning An approved management plan exists and is 3 being implemented Additional points The planning process allows adequate +1 opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process +1 for periodic review and updating of the
129 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps management plan
The results of monitoring, research and +1 evaluation are routinely incorporated into Planning planning 8. Regular work No regular work plan exists 0
A regular work plan exists but activities are 1 Plan Is there an not monitored against the plan's targets annual work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are 2 monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions are 3 Planning/Outputs monitored against the plan's targets and most or all prescribed activities are completed 9. Resource There is little or no information available on 0 Inventory the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, species 1 Aunque existen varios centros de investigación y and cultural values of the protected area is not enseñanza trabajando en el área de interés como la Do you have sufficient to support planning and decision Universidad Veracruzana y el Instituto de Ecología se enough information making necesita conformar un plan de manejo integral del total to manage the del área y consensuar con las instituciones que area? presentan diferentes intereses en el área Information on the critical habitats, species 2 and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, 3 Context species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained 10. Research There is no survey or research work taking 0
130 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps place in the protected area
Is there a programme of There is some ad hoc survey and research 1 management- work orientated survey and research There is considerable survey and research 2 A strategy for impact work? work but it is not directed towards the needs monitoring will be designed and of protected area management implemented to assess achievement in biodiversity conservation and preservation Inputs of environmental services There is a comprehensive, integrated 3 programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 11. Resource Requirements for active management of 0 Management critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active management of 1 critical ecosystems, species and cultural Is the protected values are known but are not being area adequately addressed managed (e.g. for Requirements for active management of 2 fire, invasive critical ecosystems, species and cultural species, values are only being partially addressed poaching)? Requirements for active management of 3 critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully Process addressed
12. Staff numbers There are no staff 0
Are there enough Staff numbers are inadequate for critical 1 people employed management activities
131 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps to manage the Staff numbers are below optimum level for 2 protected area? critical management activities Staff numbers are adequate for the 3 Inputs management needs of the site
13. Personnel Problems with personnel management 0 Management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Is the staff Problems with personnel management 1 managed well partially constrain the achievement of major enough? management objectives Personnel management is adequate to the 2 achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids 3 Process the achievement major management objectives 14. Staff training Staff are untrained 0
Is there enough Staff training and skills are low relative to the 1 training for staff? needs of the protected area Staff training and skills are adequate, but 2 could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Inputs/Process Staff training and skills are in tune with the 3 management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs 15. Current There is no budget for the protected area 0 Budget The available budget is inadequate for basic 1 There are important budget limitations for PES will finance conservation Is the current management needs and presents a serious conservation and management activities. and management activities for budget sufficient? constraint to the capacity to manage critical areas for biodiversity conservation and provision of environment services
132 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps The available budget is acceptable, but could 2 Inputs be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient and meets 3 the full management needs of the protected area
16. Security of There is no secure budget for the protected 0 Budget area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget and the 1 protected area could not function adequately Is the budget without outside funding secure? There is a reasonably secure core budget for 2 the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding Inputs There is a secure budget for the protected 3 . area and its management needs on a multi-year cycle 17. Management Budget management is poor and significantly 0 of budget undermines effectiveness Budget management is poor and constrains 1 Administrative process for budget allocation Is the budget effectiveness sometimes delays implementation of conservation and managed to meet management activities critical Budget management is adequate but could 2 management be improved needs? Budget management is excellent and aids 3 Process effectiveness
18. Equipment There are little or no equipment and facilities 0
Are there adequate There are some equipment and facilities but 1 equipment and these are wholly inadequate
133 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps facilities? There are equipment and facilities, but still 2 Due to budget limitations, there is an important lack of some major gaps that constrain management adequate equipment and facilities Process There are adequate equipment and facilities 3
19. Maintenance of There is little or no maintenance of equipment 0 equipment and facilities
Is equipment There is some ad hoc maintenance of 1 adequately equipment and facilities maintained? There is maintenance of equipment and 2 Process facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained 3 20. Education and There is no education and awareness 0 awareness programme Programme There is a limited and ad hoc education and 1 Dentro del plan de manejo del ANP se contempla de Is there a planned awareness programme, but no overall manera general el tema de educación, pero sin una education planning for this planeación y un esquema de concientización a la programme? pobalción There is a planned education and awareness 2 programme but there are still serious gaps There is a planned and effective education 3 and awareness programme fully linked to the Process objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between managers and 0 Commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users Neighbours There is limited contact between managers 1 and neighbouring official or corporate land Is there co- users operation with There is regular contact between managers 2 Government institutions have substantial co-operation adjacent land and neighbouring official or corporate land on management of protected areas; most of times co- users? users, but only limited co-operation operation between land holders is still limited There is regular contact between managers 3
134 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Process and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management 22. Indigenous Indigenous and traditional peoples have no 0 People input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do indigenous and Indigenous and traditional peoples have 1 La participación de las comunidades indígenas en los traditional peoples some input into discussions relating to procesos de planeación se ha visto relegada en gran resident or management but no direct involvement in the medida regularly using the resulting decisions PA have input to Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 2 management contribute to some decisions relating to decisions? management Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 3 Process participate in making decisions relating to management 23. Local Local communities have no input into 0 Communities decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do local Local communities have some input into 1 No existe una unidad administrativa reconocida Under a PES scheme local communities discussions relating to management but no oficialmente para la ANP sin embargo existen communities will directly resident or near the direct involvement in the resulting decisions diferentes instituciones y actores locales involucrados contribute to some decisions protected area en el área y que han hecho varios trabajos con las relating to management. It is have input to comunidades. Como ejemplo esta Consejo Forestal expected that local management Regional del Perote conformado por los líderes communities will support decisions? regionales representantes de los diversos ejidos, payments through private organizaciones, instituciones, industriales y demás contributions actores que tienen su accionar en la región debido a Process ello se han respetado los acuerdos tomados por el mismo Local communities directly contribute to some 2 decisions relating to management Local communities directly participate in 3 making decisions relating to management
135 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Additional points There is open communication and trust +1 between local stakeholders and protected area managers Outputs Programmes to enhance local community +1 welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services 0
Are visitor facilities Visitor facilities and services are 1 Most of protected areas have no facilities or services (for tourists, Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or for visitors. pilgrims etc) good are under construction enough? Visitor facilities and services are adequate for 2 current levels of visitation but could be improved
Outputs Visitor facilities and services are excellent for 3 current levels of visitation
25. Commercial There is little or no contact between 0 Commercial tourist operators take advantage of In selected sites, with potential Tourism managers and tourism operators using the natural characteristics of protected areas, such as for eco-tourism, project will protected area scenic beauty or biodiversity, for eco-tourist uses but, strengthen links with Do commercial generally, do not contribute to protected area commercial tourist operators to tour operators management develop mechanism for contribute to financing conservation and protected area management activities under a management? PES scheme There is contact between managers and 1 tourism operators but this is largely confined to administrative or regulatory matters There is limited co-operation between 2 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected
136 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Process area values
There is excellent co-operation between 3 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts 26. Fees Although fees are theoretically applied, they 0 are not collected If fees (tourism, The fee is collected, but it goes straight to 1 fines) are applied, central government and is not returned to the do they help protected area or its environs protected area The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the 2 management? local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area 3 En esta región existe un ejemplo claro de cobro por un Project will aim to develop Outputs that helps to support this and/or other servicio ambiental: el agua. El municipio de Coatepec financial mechanisms by tourist protected areas es un ejemplo nacional en la conservación de la sector to support conservation biodiversidad y pago de or management activities under servicios ambientales. Los habitantes de ese PES schemes municipio pagan una cuota en su recibo de agua que va directo a un fideicomiso 27. Condition Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide Assessment values are being severely degraded 0 details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural values being affected Is the protected Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 1 area being values are being severely degraded managed consistent to its Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 2 Generally, protected areas has been suffering objectives? values are being partially degraded but the degradation of their biodiversity and ecological values most important values have not been due to deforestation, land use change, inappropriate significantly impacted land use and management practices, forest fires and Outcomes illegal logging among others Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are 3 predominantly intact
137 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Additional points There are active programmes for restoration +1 of degraded areas within the protected area Outputs and/or the protected area buffer zone
28. Access Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are 0 Assessment ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are only partially effective 1 Protection systems are significantly insufficient for in controlling access or use of the reserve in protected areas extent accordance with designated objectives Is access/resource use sufficiently Protection systems are moderately effective in 2 controlled? controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or wholly 3 Outcomes effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives 29. Economic The existence of the protected area has 0 Possible issue for comment: how does national or Los esquemas de pago por Benefit reduced the options for economic regional development impact on the protected area? servicios ambientales, son una Assessment development of the local communities propuesta para incrementar los Generally, existence of natural protected areas, ingresos, sobre todo en las especially those decreed with strong limitations to zonas núcleo o áreas de Is the protected carry out economic activities, is reducing options for conservación estricta de las area providing development of the local communities. ANP, cuyas restricciones sobre economic benefits el uso de los recursos son to local mayores communities? The existence of the protected area has 1 neither damaged nor benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic benefits to 2 local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy Outcomes There is a significant or major flow of 3
138 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) 30. Monitoring and There is no monitoring and evaluation in the 0 evaluation protected area
Are management There is some ad hoc monitoring and 1 Por la importancia de la zona ha habido a lo largo del activities monitored evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no tiempo diversas instituciones involucradas con el against regular collection of results manejo del área pero no se ha diseñado una performance? estrategia que de resultado. There is an agreed and implemented 2 monitoring and evaluation system but results are not systematically used for management Planning/Process A good monitoring and evaluation system 3 exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management 35 TOTAL SCORE
Cancún-Sian Kaán
Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 1. Legal status The protected area is not gazetted 0 Note: see fourth option for private
139 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps reserves
Does the protected The government has agreed that the 1 area have legal protected area should be gazetted but the status? process has not yet begun The protected area is in the process of being 2 gazetted but the process is still incomplete The protected area has been legally gazetted 3 Dentro de la zona de influencia de la APROMSA se The area outside the (or in the case of private reserves is owned by ubica en área protegida Yum Balam, establecida protected area will be covered a trust or similar) mediante Decreto Federal instrumento legal de by PES contracts with the Context conservación. Por lo tanto la propiedad social y la private land owners to privada forman parte de un marco legal sobre el uso carryout conservation y conservación de los recursos naturales. activities for five years. Project will ensure legal property or possession of land properties before sing the contracts 2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for controlling 0 Regulations inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 1 land uses and use and activities in the protected area exist activities (e.g. but there are major problems in implementing poaching) them effectively controlled? Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 2 El propio Reglamento de la LGEEPA en materia de Training and technical use and activities in the protected area exist ANP define las condiciones bajo las cuales se assistance to environmental but there are some problems in effectively pueden llevar a cabo el uso de los recursos dentro services providers will be implementing them del área protegida, así como las actividades. De carried out to ensure effective manera particular cada área protegida define sus implementation of best propios mecanismos para controlar los usos y management practices. actividades no apropiadas Context En el resto de la superficie que será cubierta mediante contratos de pago por servicios ambientales, será implementado un programa de monitoreo para asegurar un uso apropiado del suelo
140 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land 3 use and activities in the protected area exist and are being effectively implemented 3. Law The staff have no effective 0 Enforcement capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations There are major deficiencies in staff 1 Dado el reconocimiento legal del área protegida, las The capacity of conafor and Can staff enforce capacity/resources to enforce protected area acciones de inspección y vigilancia están previstas en others agencies will be protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, LGEEPA strengthen to enforce rules well enough? no patrol budget) compliance of land holders with PES contracts The staff have acceptable capacity/resources 2 to enforce protected area legislation and regulations but some deficiencies remain Context The staff have excellent capacity/resources to 3 enforce protected area legislation and regulations 4. Protected area No firm objectives have been agreed for the 0 Objectives protected area
Have objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, 1 been agreed? but is not managed according to these objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, 2 but these are only partially implemented Planning The protected area has agreed objectives 3 El área protegida ha establecido objetivos generales Adicionalmente el esquema de and is managed to meet these objectives de creación en el Decreto, y objetivos específicos pagos por servicios están planteados en el Programa de conservación y ambientales será manejo correspondiente. implementado con el fin de lograr objetivos orientados a la conservación de la biodiversidad a al mantenimiento de los servicios ambientales
141 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 5. Protected area Inadequacies in design mean achieving the 0 Possible issue for comment: does the protected Design protected areas major management area contain different management zones and are objectives of the protected area is impossible these well maintained? Does the protected area Inadequacies in design mean that 1 need enlarging, achievement of major objectives are corridors etc to constrained to some extent meet its Design is not significantly constraining 2 Por decreto el área protegida tiene límites Adicionalmente, a través del objectives? achievement of major objectives, but could establecidos. De acuerdo a la categoría de PES, se podrán identificar be improved protección, se establece una zonificación, en la cual áreas de importancia para la sólo esta permitido realizar las actividades previstas conservación de la Planning en la LGEEPA y su Reglamento en materia de ANP. biodiversidad y para la provisión de servicios ambientales, que se sumen a la superficie del área protegida. Reserve design features are particularly 3 aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area 6. Protected area The boundary of the protected area is not 0 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure Boundary known by the management authority or local disagreements affecting the protected area? residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected area is known 1 Adicionalmente a la superficie Demarcation Is the by the management authority but is not del área protegida, PES boundary known known by local residents/neighbouring land contracts will include and demarcated? users delimitation of areas incorporated to be managed and/or conserved for environmental services provision and biodiversity conservation Context The boundary of the protected area is known 2 by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately demarcated The boundary of the protected area is known 3
142 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps by the management authority and local residents and is appropriately demarcated 7. Management There is no management plan for the 0 Plan protected area
Is there a A management plan is being prepared or has 1 Management plan been prepared but is not being implemented and is it being An approved management plan exists but it is 2 El área protegida cuenta con un Programa de In addition, PES contracts will implemented? only being partially implemented because of Conservación y Manejo, autorizado por la autoridad define activities and funding constraints or other problems correspondiente management practices to Planning maintain or increase ES provision and biodiversity An approved management plan exists and is 3 being implemented Additional points The planning process allows adequate +1 opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process +1 for periodic review and updating of the management plan The results of monitoring, research and +1 evaluation are routinely incorporated into Planning planning 8. Regular work No regular work plan exists 0
A regular work plan exists but activities are 1 Plan Is there an not monitored against the plan's targets annual work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are 2 monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions are 3 Las áreas protegidas tienen la obligación de preparar In addition, through PES Planning/Outputs monitored against the plan's targets and most un Programa Operativo Anual (POA) para ejercer el contracts prescribed activities or all prescribed activities are completed presupuesto anual y a través del cual se evalúan los must be completed as a avances respecto a las metas fijadas requirement for delivering payments
143 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 9. Resource There is little or no information available on 0 Inventory the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, species 1 Information is no sufficient Baseline assessment will be and cultural values of the protected area is not carried out for every selected Do you have sufficient to support planning and decision area. enough information making to manage the area? Information on the critical habitats, species 2 and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, 3 species and cultural values of the protected Context area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained 10. Research There is no survey or research work taking 0 place in the protected area
Is there a There is some ad hoc survey and research 1 Survey and research work is carry out to meet different A strategy for impact programme of work objectives monitoring will be designed and management- implemented to assess orientated survey achievement in biodiversity and research conservation and preservation work? of environmental services There is considerable survey and research 2 work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management Inputs There is a comprehensive, integrated 3 programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 11. Resource Requirements for active management of 0 Management critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed
144 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Requirements for active management of 1 critical ecosystems, species and cultural Is the protected values are known but are not being area adequately addressed managed (e.g. for Requirements for active management of 2 There are insufficient financing resources for fire, invasive critical ecosystems, species and cultural conservation and management activities. Absence of species, values are only being partially addressed economic incentives reduces interest of land holders to poaching)? implement conservation activities. Requirements for active management of 3 critical ecosystems, species and cultural Process values are being substantially or fully addressed 12. Staff numbers There are no staff 0
Are there enough Staff numbers are inadequate for critical 1 Generally, staff is insufficient for implementing critical people employed management activities management activities to manage the protected area? Staff numbers are below optimum level for 2 critical management activities Inputs Staff numbers are adequate for the 3 management needs of the site 13. Personnel Problems with personnel management 0 Management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Is the staff Problems with personnel management 1 managed well partially constrain the achievement of major enough? management objectives Personnel management is adequate to the 2 achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids 3 Process the achievement major management objectives 14. Staff training Staff are untrained 0
145 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Is there enough Staff training and skills are low relative to the 1 training for staff? needs of the protected area Staff training and skills are adequate, but 2 Personnel is trained but is insufficient could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Inputs/Process Staff training and skills are in tune with the 3 management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs 15. Current There is no budget for the protected area 0 Budget The available budget is inadequate for basic 1 There are important budget limitations for PES will finance conservation Is the current management needs and presents a serious conservation and management activities. and management activities for budget sufficient? constraint to the capacity to manage critical areas for biodiversity conservation and provision of environment services The available budget is acceptable, but could 2 Inputs be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient and meets 3 the full management needs of the protected area
16. Security of There is no secure budget for the protected 0 Budget area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget and the 1 protected area could not function adequately Is the budget without outside funding secure? There is a reasonably secure core budget for 2 Como área protegida Federal cuenta con recursos de The funding mechanisms being the protected area but many innovations and base establecidos en el presupuesto de egresos de la developed for the project to initiatives are reliant on outside funding federación, sin embargo las área protegida en generalimplement PES contracts is Inputs dependen mucho del financiamiento externo. expected to be the source of long term financing There is a secure budget for the protected 3
146 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps area and its management needs on a multi-year cycle 17. Management Budget management is poor and significantly 0 of budget undermines effectiveness Budget management is poor and constrains 1 Is the budget effectiveness managed to meet critical Budget management is adequate but could 2 Administrative process for budget allocation management be improved sometimes delays implementation of conservation and needs? management activities Budget management is excellent and aids 3 Process effectiveness
18. Equipment There are little or no equipment and facilities 0
Are there adequate There are some equipment and facilities but 1 Due to budget limitations, there is an important lack of equipment and these are wholly inadequate adequate equipment and facilities facilities? There are equipment and facilities, but still 2 Process some major gaps that constrain management There are adequate equipment and facilities 3
19. Maintenance of There is little or no maintenance of equipment 0 equipment and facilities
Is equipment There is some ad hoc maintenance of 1 adequately equipment and facilities maintained? There is maintenance of equipment and 2 Process facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained 3 20. Education and There is no education and awareness 0 awareness programme
147 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Programme There is a limited and ad hoc education and 1 An awareness strategy will be awareness programme, but no overall designed and carried out with Is there a planned planning for this project implementation education There is a planned education and awareness 2 programme? programme but there are still serious gaps There is a planned and effective education 3 and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area
Process 21. State and There is no contact between managers and 0 Commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users Neighbours There is limited contact between managers 1 and neighbouring official or corporate land Is there co- users operation with There is regular contact between managers 2 Government institutions have substantial co-operation adjacent land and neighbouring official or corporate land on management of protected areas; most of times co- users? users, but only limited co-operation operation between land holders is still limited There is regular contact between managers 3 Process and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management 22. Indigenous Indigenous and traditional peoples have no 0 People input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do indigenous and Indigenous and traditional peoples have 1 Incorporate to PES program traditional peoples some input into discussions relating to will be voluntary; indigenous resident or management but no direct involvement in the people must decide to regularly using the resulting decisions participate in a general PA have input to assembly of community management members decisions? Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 2 contribute to some decisions relating to Process management Indigenous and traditional peoples directly 3
148 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps participate in making decisions relating to management 23. Local Local communities have no input into 0 Communities decisions relating to the management of the protected area Do local Local communities have some input into 1 Under a PES scheme local communities discussions relating to management but no communities will directly resident or near direct involvement in the resulting decisions contribute to some decisions the protected area relating to management. It is have input to expected that local management communities will support decisions? payments through private contributions. Local communities directly contribute to some 2 Process decisions relating to management Local communities directly participate in 3 making decisions relating to management Additional points There is open communication and trust +1 between local stakeholders and protected area managers Outputs Programmes to enhance local community +1 welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services 0
Are visitor facilities Visitor facilities and services are 1 Most of protected areas have no facilities or services (for tourists, Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or for visitors. pilgrims etc) good are under construction enough? Visitor facilities and services are adequate for 2 current levels of visitation but could be improved
149 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps Outputs Visitor facilities and services are excellent for 3 current levels of visitation
25. Commercial There is little or no contact between 0 Tourism managers and tourism operators using the protected area Do commercial There is contact between managers and 1 Commercial tourist operators take advantage of In selected sites, with potential tour operators tourism operators but this is largely confined natural characteristics of protected areas, such as for eco-tourism, project will contribute to to administrative or regulatory matters scenic beauty or biodiversity, for eco-tourist uses but, strengthen links with protected area generally, do not contribute to protected area commercial tourist operators to management? management develop mechanism for financing conservation and management activities under a PES scheme There is limited co-operation between 2 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values Process There is excellent co-operation between 3 managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts 26. Fees Although fees are theoretically applied, they 0 are not collected If fees (tourism, The fee is collected, but it goes straight to 1 Fees are established only in protected areas under Project will aim to develop fines) are applied, central government and is not returned to the federal regulation through Federal Rights Law financial mechanisms by tourist do they help protected area or its environs sector to support conservation protected area or management activities under management? PES schemes The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the 2 Outputs local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area 3 that helps to support this and/or other protected areas
150 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 27. Condition Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide Assessment values are being severely degraded 0 details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural values being affected Is the protected Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 1 area being values are being severely degraded managed consistent to its Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural 2 Generally, protected areas has been suffering objectives? values are being partially degraded but the degradation of their biodiversity and ecological values most important values have not been due to deforestation, land use change, inappropriate significantly impacted land use and management practices, forest fires and Outcomes illegal logging among others Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are 3 predominantly intact
Additional points There are active programmes for restoration +1 CONAFOR as well as a number of federal, state and of degraded areas within the protected area local government institutions are carrying out Outputs and/or the protected area buffer zone programmes for restoration of degraded areas inside protected areas and buffer zones
28. Access Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are 0 Assessment ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are only partially effective 1 Protection systems are significantly insufficient for in controlling access or use of the reserve in protected areas extent accordance with designated objectives Is access/resource use sufficiently Protection systems are moderately effective in 2 controlled? controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or wholly 3 Outcomes effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives
151 Issue Criteria Score Comments Next steps 29. Economic The existence of the protected area has 0 Possible issue for comment: how does national or Los esquemas de pago por Benefit reduced the options for economic regional development impact on the protected area? servicios ambientales, son una Assessment development of the local communities propuesta para incrementar los Generally, existence of natural protected areas, ingresos, sobre todo en las especially those decreed with strong limitations to zonas núcleo o áreas de Is the protected carry out economic activities, is reducing options for conservación estricta de las area providing development of the local communities. ANP, cuyas restricciones sobre economic benefits el uso de los recursos son to local mayores communities? The existence of the protected area has 1 neither damaged nor benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic benefits to 2 local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy Outcomes There is a significant or major flow of 3 economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) 30. Monitoring and There is no monitoring and evaluation in the 0 evaluation protected area
Are management There is some ad hoc monitoring and 1 Project will carry out systematic activities monitored evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no monitoring and evaluation on against regular collection of results project sites performance? There is an agreed and implemented 2 monitoring and evaluation system but results are not systematically used for management A good monitoring and evaluation system 3 Planning/Process exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management 48 TOTAL SCORE
152 153