Chapter 2 Studying Marriage & Family
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Chapter 2 – Studying Marriage & Family Instructor: Wendy Crapo FAMILY RESEARCH RESEARCH VOCABULARY You see a 16 year old who is unmarried and pregnant. WHAT IS YOU’RE 1ST IMPRESSION OF HER? 1. She’s a slut 2.The boy’s a slime bag
STEREOTYPES: 1st reaction for most people but hopefully we check it and don’t go with it. Simplistic, over generalized, negative opinion that resists change.
The reality is: She got raped. Research Methods Research Methods (cont.)
Survey Research Activity: TAKE A STAND ABOUT THE FOLLOWING STATMENTS: Stand on either the agree side of the room or the opposite side which disagrees. Research Methods (cont.) CLINICAL CASE STUDY: Gives insight into family processes.
Negative: Can't infer about general population.
Research Methods (cont.) OBSERVATIONAL: Unobtrusive observation, video possibly.
Negative: • May hide bad behavior • Low correlation between observed behavior and what they say is really going on • Private relationships are not observable.
Research Methods (cont.) Uses variables, independent and dependent These can be manipulated by change Correlational variables relate 2 naturally occurring variables and determine their relationship. NEGATIVES: All methods or research have limitations and are usually on Caucasians. Theories Theories (cont.) SOCIAL EXCHANGE: Reward - cost = outcome (What am I getting out of this relationship?) Equity: equal exchanges.
Negative: we aren't always rational, sometimes altruistic. Values on rewards/costs which vary with the individual.
Theories (cont.) • STRUCTURAL FUNCTION: How families relate to society. Subsystems of family serve the whole. (basically a dead theory)
Negative: can't test it. Function not clear. Which family functions are vital?
Bias against change. Low relevance to real world.
Theories (cont.) CONFLICT THEORY: Competing forces, conflict not bad. Power: legitimacy, money, physical coercion, love. Negative: conflict rarely good. Tends to ignore affect of love. Differences don't always lead to conflict. Not easily measured.
Theories (cont.) FEMENIST MOVEMENTS: An idea, not really a theory but they have had an effect. Imbalance of power is the core - equality. Lead to men's studies.
Theories (cont.) FAMILY SYSTEMS: Combines structure function and symbolic interaction. Boundaries important. Interactions part of system. System has a goal that transforms over time.
Aware Quiz: Family Strengths Defining the Levels of Family Closeness Defining the levels of Family Flexibility Family Map for Graphing Your Family Family Map (example) A Family Circumplex Model Theories (cont.) FAMILY DEVELOPMENT THEORY: Life span changes Negative: Downplays diversity that all families are not the same. Lots of variation in gender, class, race, ethnicity. Family Life Cycle Role Play and Analyze Vocabulary • Bias: Strong opinions that may cause barriers to hearing anything that is contrary to our opinion.
• Case study method: Individual interviews, traditional and most common.
• Clinical Research: In depth investigation of individual or group who comes to therapy.
• Conflict Theory: Based on belief that life involves discord and power struggles.
Vocabulary • Egocentric Fallacy: Mistaken belief that everyone has the same experience.
• Ethnocentric Fallacy: Based on belief that ones own ethnic group is superior.
• Gender Ideologies: Belief of what men and women "should" do.
• Homeostasis: Stability patterns we are accustomed to.
Vocabulary (cont.)
• Interaction: Reciprocal act.
• Independent Variable: Factors can be manipulated or changed in an experiment.
• Objectivity: Based on scientific findings.
• Stereotypes: Simplistic, over generalization, negative opinions that resist change.