Review Chapter Rules

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Review Chapter Rules

Review Chapter Rules

The following checklist includes the basic sections to be included in the chapter Standing Rules: ____Name & Emblem ____Executive Board ____Mission & Purpose ____Committees ____Membership ____Meetings ____Finances ____Parliamentary Authority ____Organization ____Amendments ____Officers & Related Personnel ____Conflict of Interest Statement ____Dissolution

Sample Chapter Rules

I. Chapter Name and Emblem Section A The name of this chapter shall be______Chapter, District_____, Beta State, Alabama, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. Section B This chapter in Beta State shall be designated by the Greek letters______. Section C The key is the official symbol of membership.

II. Mission and Purposes The purposes of______Chapter shall be the seven Purposes of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Constitution, Article II, and those of Beta State Organization.

III. Membership Membership is in accordance with the Constitution, Article III

• An active member shall be a woman employed as a professional educator or retired from an educational position. An active member shall participate in the activities of the Society. • Reserve membership shall be granted only to those who are unable to participate fully in the activities of the chapter because of physical disability and/or geographic location.-Reserve status shall be granted by a majority vote of the chapter.-A reserve member, so requesting, shall be restored to active membership. • An honorary member shall be a woman not eligible for active membership who has rendered notable service to education or to women, and is elected to honorary membership in recognition of such service. • Recommendations for invitation to membership signed by Delta Kappa Gamma members may be submitted to chapters in other areas. • Recommendation for Membership forms shall be available at each regular chapter meeting. • Recommendation for Membership forms shall be completed by the sponsor and returned to the membership chairman by______. • The Membership Committee shall review Recommendation for Membership (Form 11) and prepare to present the candidates' names to the chapter membership.

1 • Voting for prospective members will occur at the______meeting. • The general membership shall vote by______. ______will elect the candidate to membership. • Invitations to membership shall be in writing and delivered, if possible within ______days following election to membership, • Orientation of members-elect shall be held______. • The orientation program shall be the responsibility of______. • Members-elect will indicate in writing their acceptance to membership within______. • Initiation shall be held______. • The recording secretary shall record in the minutes the name of any member whose membership is terminated. The record shall include the reason and date of termination. • Special recognition of a member's death shall be financed by the chapter assessment/dues. • The executive board shall decide on the disposition of Society jewelry which has been returned to the chapter. • Insert additional chapter Standing Rules if appropriate.

IV. Finances Dues • Financial matters are in accordance with the Constitution, International Standing Rules, and Beta State Bylaws and Policies. • The Finance Committee shall make recommendations for changes in dues no later than______. All members shall be notified prior to the first meeting of the fiscal year. • Chapter dues shall be determined annually by chapter vote no later than the first meeting of the fiscal year. • Annual chapter, state organization, and international dues and fees shall be collected by the chapter treasurer no later than October 31 of each year. • On November 1, members shall be dropped for non-payment of dues and fees. • The chapter treasurer shall forward state and international dues and fees to the Beta State treasurer by November 10. • Include additional chapter Standing Rules if appropriate. Financial Controls • The Finance Committee shall develop an annual budget and present it to the membership no later than the first business meeting of the fiscal year for approval. • The books shall be audited annually by an audit committee appointed by the president. • The treasurer shall submit a report of the chapter's financial status to the chapter at each business meeting. • The treasurer and president should be named on the chapter's bank account, with signatures on the account being changed each biennium as new officers take office.

V. Organization • ______Chapter shall govern the conduct of its business in a manner consistent with the Constitution, International Standing Rules, Beta State Bylaws & Policies, the

2 ______Chapter Standing Rules, and Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised Current Edition. • ______Chapter retains membership in the______Coordinating Council, if applicable.

VI. A. Officers and Related Personnel • ______Chapter officers shall be a president, a vice-president, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary (all elected), and a treasurer (selected by the executive board), plus the option of a second vice-president and/or a corresponding secretary (both elected). • A slate of officers, with one nominee per office, shall be prepared by the Nominations Committee and presented to the membership at the______meeting, with election taking place in______. (Or substitute procedure chapter uses for election.) • The ballot shall include the slate of officers and nominees for the Nominations Committee. • Officers shall perform duties as specified in the Constitution, Article VI, Beta State Bylaws and as authorized in the______Chapter Standing Rules. • In addition specify responsibilities assigned to each position. B. These officers shall perform the duties as prescribed in the Constitution, Article VI, and as authorized by Beta State Bylaws and Policies and______Chapter Standing Rules. Examples: May be adjusted to meet the needs of the chapter. 1. The president shall: -Act as presiding officer at regular and called meetings and direct the activities of the organization. -Act as chairman of the Executive Board. -Appoint a parliamentarian. -Appoint standing and special committees. -Serve as member ex-officio, without vote, on all committees except the Nominations Committee. -Fill by appointment all vacancies in elected and appointed personnel. -Serve as a member of Beta State Executive Board. -Represent her chapter at all district, state, regional, and international meetings. In the event that it is not possible for the president to attend these meetings, the chapter shall be represented by the first vice-president, or another member named by the president. -Take action with the advice and approval of the Executive Board on matters that cannot be deferred until the next chapter meeting. -Write a history of her two-year biennium. 2. The first vice-president shall: -Serve as presiding officer in the absence of the president. -Succeed to the office of president and serve until the next regular election in the event of the resignation or death of the president. -Serve as chairman of the Educational Excellence Committee, prepare the chapter's yearbook (unless otherwise stated by the chapter), and perform other duties as designated by the president. 3. The second vice-president shall: -Serve as presiding officer in the absence of the president and first vice-president. -Succeed to the office of the president and serve until the next regular election in the event of the resignation or death of the president and the first vice-president.

3 -Serve as chairman of the membership committee (unless otherwise stated by the chapter) and perform other duties as designated by the president. 4. The recording secretary shall: -Record the minutes of all meetings of chapter and executive board. -Attend to any other duties as designated by the president. -Submit news articles to the local paper. 5. The corresponding secretary shall: - Carry on such correspondence and duties as may be delegated by the president. 6. The treasurer shall: -Receive and pay out money belonging to the chapter. -Maintain a record of receipts, bills, cancelled checks, and bank statements. -Submit the records annually for audit -Serve as member ex-officio, without vote, of the finance committee. -Maintain a permanent file of terminations of membership. -Order the president's pin at the chapter's expense and make it available to the nominations chairman before installation of officers. -Assume any duties as may be assigned by the president. 7. The parliamentarian shall: -Act as adviser to the officers and members of the chapter in matters pertaining to interpretations of the Constitution and other governing documents. -Serve as member ex-officio, without vote, on the executive board. -Assume any duties as may be assigned by the president. C. Term of Office 1. Officers elected by______Chapter, in even-numbered years, shall have a term of two (2) years. 2. Only the treasurer may serve in the same office more than two terms in succession. 3. All officers shall be installed at the______meeting and take office on July 1 following the installation. D. Vacancies 1. When a vacancy occurs in the office of president, the first vice-president shall become president and serve until the next regular election. 2. When a vacancy occurs in other elective or appointive positions, the president shall name a successor unless otherwise stated. E. Nominations and Election 1. Nominations for office shall be made by a Nominations Committee elected by the chapter. -The committee shall submit the name of one nominee for each elective office and_____names for a Nominations Committee. Consent of the nominee must be obtained. -After the report of the Nominations Committee has been made to the chapter, additional nominations may be made from the floor, with the consent of the nominee. 2. If there is but one nominee for an office, the election may be by voice vote. If there is more than one nominee for any office, election shall be by a ballot and a majority of votes cast. 3. Nominations shall be presented and voted on at the______meeting in odd- numbered years.

4 VII. Chapter Executive Board A. The members of the chapter executive board shall be the elected officers of the chapter, the immediate past president, and other voting members as shall be determined by the chapter. The treasurer and parliamentarian shall serve as members ex-officio, the parliamentarian without a vote and the treasurer also without a vote if under remunerative contract for her services. B. Duties of the Executive Board 1. Function in accordance with the Constitution, Article VII 2. Select the treasurer for the biennium. 3. Act in matters requiring immediate action and decision. 4. Recommend policies and procedures for consideration by members. 5. Establish rules for budget development and approval, and for the supervision of chapter finances.

VIII. Committees 1. Standing committees (appointed) shall be: a. Society Business (1) Membership/Expansion (2) Finance (3) Rules/Bylaws/Policies (4) Publication and Publicity b. Society Mission and Purposes (1) Educational Excellence (2) Scholarship/World Fellowship/Enhancement (3) Achievement Award c. Other committee(s) Exhibits and Records 2. Standing committees (elected) shall be: Nominations 3. Special committees (appointed) shall be: a Auditing b. Others as may be determined by the chapter president.

Standing committees shall fulfill responsibilities as defined in the Constitution, Article VIII. Committees will submit their required reports on forms supplied by Society Headquarters.

IX. Chapter Meetings 1. Regular Meetings a. Regular meetings of chapters shall be held at least four (4) times per year. b. A quorum for chapter business shall be determined by the chapter and stated as a number. c. There shall be no proxy voting. 2. Meetings of the Executive Board a. Meetings of the executive board shall be held at least twice annually. The board may meet at other times upon the call of the president. b. A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of the board. c. The chapter executive board may meet through electronic communications as long as all the members may simultaneously hear one another and participate during the meeting.


X. Parliamentary Authority The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, Current Edition shall govern the proceedings of______Chapter meetings in all cases not provided for in the Constitution, Beta State Bylaws and Policies, and______Chapter Standing Rules.

XI. Amendments A. Proposed amendments to the Standing Rules may be submitted to the Executive Board by any member or any committee. B. All proposed amendments shall have been approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board before being submitted to the membership. C. These Standing Rules may be amended at any meeting by two-thirds (2/3) vote, provided the members are notified before the meeting,

XII. Conflict of Interest Statement The______Chapter affirms Delta Kapppa Gamma Conflict of Interest Statement A note to the chapter committee working on the Chapter Rules - See the website for a complete Conflict of Interest document. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflicts of interest applicable to non-profit and charitable organizations.

XIII. Dissolution 1. Before a chapter is dissolved, the approval of the Beta State Executive Board must be obtained; therefore, a letter from the chapter president requesting dissolution shall be sent to the state president. She in turn will present Hie request to the Beta State Executive Board. 2. Those members desiring to maintain membership will transfer to another chapter. 3. The charter must be returned to the state organization to be forwarded to International headquarters. 4. Any remaining funds in the chapter account shall be sent to the state treasurer and placed in the Beta State Available Fund. 5. The chapter's paraphernalia and the chapter records shall be relinquished to Beta State. 6. Beta State Executive Board shall decide if the Greek name shall be reused.

Prepared by Beta State Rules, Bylaws Updated March 2015 by & Policies Committee Beta State Rules/Bylaws/Policies Committee Mrs. Patricia V. Robinson, Juanita Badgett, Chairman District II Chairman, District V Sandra Powell/ I Mrs. Darlene Freeman, District I Judy Metcalf/III Ms. Rosemarie Bishop, District II Lynn Boyd/ IV Dr. Rebecca Giles, District III Vonda Ball/ V Mrs. Betty Giles, District IV Rosemary Martin/VI Anne Lee/VII Mrs. Evelyn Bilbo, District VI Catherine Sanders, Beta State Parliamentarian Ms. Margaret Fox, District VII

January, 2011

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