Exam Review DBQ Review (AP EXAM ESSAYS)

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Exam Review DBQ Review (AP EXAM ESSAYS)

AP EXAM ESSAYS DBQ CoT CC Issues confronting Muslim Social and economic Compare the political and leaders in S. Asia and N. Africa transformation of Atlantic economic effects of Mongol rule 2005 when defining nationalism (20th world as result of W. Europe, on 2 (China, Middle East, Russia) century) Africa, Americas from 1450 – 1750 CE Social and economic effects of cultural and political changes in Compare the goals and outcomes global flow of silver from mid- 1 (China, Rome, India) during of revolutionary process in 2 2006 16th century to early 18th last centuries of classical era (Mexico - 1910, China - 1911, century (Spain, Japan, China) Russia - 1917) Analyze Han and Roman Formation of national identities Compare the processes of attitudes toward technology in 1 (Middle East, SE Asia, Sub- empire building (social, political, Saharan) from 1914 – present. economic) in Spanish Empire 2007 Evidence from specific with 1 (Ottoman Empire or countries Russian Empire) from 1450 to 1800 Analyze factors that shaped Analyze the changes and Compare the emergence of the modern Olympic movement continuities in commerce in the nation states in nineteenth- from 1892 to 2002 Indian Ocean region from century Latin America with the 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E. emergence of nation states in 2008 ONE of the following regions in the twentieth century. Sub-Saharan Africa The Middle East Analyze African actions and For the period from 1500 to Analyze continuities and reactions in response to the 1830, compare North American changes in patterns of European Scramble for Africa. racial ideologies with Latin 2009 interactions along the Silk American/Caribbean ideologies Roads from 200 B.C.E. to 1450 and their effects on society. C.E.

Analyze similarities and Describe and explain Analyze similarities and differences in the continuities and changes in differences in methods of mechanization of the cotton religious beliefs and practices political control in TWO of the industry in Japan and India in in ONE of the following regions following empires in the the period from the 1880s to from 1450 to the present. Classical period. the 1930s.  Sub-Saharan Africa  Han China (206 B.C.E.–220 2010  Latin C.E.) America/Caribbean  Mauryan/Gupta India (320 B.C.E.–550 C.E.)  Imperial Rome (31 B.C.E.–476 C.E.)

Analyze the causes and Analyze changes and Analyze similarities and consequences of the Green continuities in long-distance differences in the rise of TWO Revolution in the period from migrations in the period from of the following empires. 2011 1945 to the present. 1700 to 1900. Be sure to  A West African Sudanic include specific examples from empire (Mali/Ghana/Songhay) at least TWO different world  Aztec Empire religions.  Mongol Empire DBQ Tips


 Make an argument based on the question

o Ex: Did status improve or decline  Pick one and argue for it (or at least say it did more of one than the other)

o Ex: What were the actions or reactions  Pick one or more and argue for it

Documents & Evidence

 Make sure you address every single document at some point in your essay

 Quoting the documents doesn’t prove “understanding” and can’t be counted as “evidence”

 Analyze the documents individually

o “Docs 2,3,4 all show that…” is fine for a grouping statement, but not for “addressing”, “understanding”, or “evidence”

 “Understanding” means demonstrating a correct analysis of the document’s content

 “Evidence” means using the information in the document to prove why your argument is correct


 Groupings must support your thesis

o If your thesis is “Women’s rights improved”, don’t do a grouping showing how rights declined

o Groupings must have 2 or more documents to qualify as a group

Point of View (PoV)

 “Point of View” means explaining why a person’s gender/occupation/location/religion/etc affect their opinion.

 PoV cannot be analyzed as a group

o Ex: Since Docs 2, 3, and 4 all come from women, they are obviously biased

 A PoV explanation needs to explain “why” a bias exists or “how” a bias affects a person…not simply state that a bias exists.

Additional Document Requests

 You have to request an actual document (ex: a diary, a royal decree, a shipping manifest)

 You have to explain how this document would contribute to your argument

Thesis Statements: Is this acceptable?




Thesis Statements: Is this acceptable?



______Thesis Statements: Is this acceptable?




GROUPINGS: Is this acceptable?



GROUPINGS: Is this acceptable?



GROUPINGS: Is this acceptable?



GROUPINGS: Is this acceptable?


______Addressing Documents & Evidence: Acceptable?



Addressing Documents & Evidence: Acceptable? ______


Addressing Documents & Evidence: Acceptable?...and something else?? ______


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