D. Excellence in Teaching/Learning; E. Credit/Non-Credit Articulation)

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D. Excellence in Teaching/Learning; E. Credit/Non-Credit Articulation)

Santa Ana College Strategic Plan 2007-2015

Theme I: Student Achievement (BONNIE & SARA) (A. Literacy across disciplines; B. Eliminate economic barriers for students; C. Transfer/Employment; D. Excellence in Teaching/Learning; E. Credit/Non-Credit Articulation)

GOALS STRATEGIES MEASURES LEAD(S) PROGRESS ON GOALS Spring 2008 A. Literacy across A.1 Define “academic A.1 Academic Literacy and A.1 VP of Academic A.1. Definitions have been created disciplines literacy” and how it integrates Learning Committee minutes Affairs (VPAA); and vetted through the BSI Task Increase student with SLOs Basic Skills/ Literacy Force and the Academic Literacy academic literacy Coordinator; Academic and Learning Committee for both and learning across Literacy & Learning Basic Skills and Academic Literacy. disciplines Workgroup; Title V A.1. Seven broad areas for Coordinator institutional Core Competencies have been established and linked to SLOs for literacy and learning work at the college through college-wide committees as well as individual departments. A.2 Develop, expand, and A.2 General survey of faculty, A.2 VPAA; VP of A.2. The following surveys have increase effectiveness of students and staff about their Student Services (VPSS); been undertaken in an effort to coordinated programs program involvement and their Basic Skills/ Literacy assess the extent to which academic between instruction, student assessment of programs Coordinator & co-curricular programming is services, and community ( A.1-2: Fall 2007) linked and the effectiveness of such outreach. A.2 Follow-up surveys with efforts where they exist. focus on academic literacy and  The CCCSSE learning outcomes of programs.  Service Learning Program Evaluation  FEP program assessment  EOPS program assessment  SSTI, i2T2, Research Scholars, U-LINK assessments

April 3, 2008 1  Research Department surveys (of current & former students)  There are a total of 11 faculty development. workshops planned that will be held 08-09.  The Basic Skills/Literacy Coordinator has attended the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) National Conference, the National Association of Developmental Education (NADE) National Conference, and the Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) symposium. All of these are related to A and D. The information/content from all three conferences will be disseminated over the summer to faculty and a website will be created to continue the lines of communication from these sources.

A.3 Pilot Degrees of A.3 Published results of pilot A.3 Chairs A.3. Part of the pilot has been Reading Proficiency testing study Anthropology/Women’s completed in selected anthropology in Anthropology, Women’s Studies; Reading; Basic courses. Studies and Reading Skills Coordinator Departments. (A.3: Fall 2007)

A.4 Provide comprehensive A.4 Explore the options of A.4 VPAA; VPSS learning assistance center for either co-locating or otherwise (A.4: 2007-2008 all basic/ developmental skills linking existing programs & academic year) across curriculum. services at SAC. A.4. Discussions have occurred about co-locating academic support programs on the second floor of the library on an incremental basis, building on the Math Study Center, the Success Center, and the Testing A.5 Number of workshops and Center, which are already in place. number of attendees A.5 VPAA; VPSS; This effort is coordinated with April 3, 2008 2 A.5 Strengthen partnerships A.5 Feedback via surveys of Various departments campus construction activities and with K-12 to offer literacy- “takeaways” from the meetings (A.5: Fall 2007 – Spring dialogue is continuing. enhancement programs A.5 Research percentage of 2010) A.5. The primary work in this area accessible at local schools successful course completions has centered on collaborative efforts and community centers. between SAC and SAUSD to support secondary student success in the CAHSEE. A three-part program A.6 Applied for grant summer coordinated across credit and non- 2007 A.6 VPAA; VPSS; Basic credit at SAC has been piloted and is A.6 Through Title V grant, Skills/ Literacy slated for expansion in 2008-09. hire a literacy coordinator to Coordinator; Title V coordinate the learning Coordinator A.6. A Title V grant was not initially centers for students. (A.6: Hire literacy funded by the USDE; it is now coordinator – to be funded with a starting date of determined) October 2008. Planning work has been restarted, with an early focus A.7 Document meetings and on staffing including this position surveys A.7 Faculty and an instructional designer. A.7 In monthly workshops, Development Coordinator enhance faculty skills in a (FDC); Basic Skills/ A.7. A robust set of professional variety of strategies, which Literacy Coordinator; development activities have been will improve students’ skills Associate Dean undertaken (or are planned) for the (reading and learning). Information & Learning current year centered on literacy & Resources (ILR) learning. # workshops and extended (A.7:2007-2008, on-going) professional development seminars have been offered with # of faculty participants (complete list attached). B. Eliminate B.1 Create a brochure and B.1 Increased use and B.1 Financial Aid B.1. A college-wide strategic economic barriers employ other strategies to participation in programs by Director; EOPS; VPSS; planning effort has begun at SAC to student more widely communicate students Student Service with the purpose of increasing the achievement programs that would reduce Coordinators visibility of FA available to students students’ economic hardships. (B.1: Spring 2008) and cross-training staff throughout SAC to assist and refer students to hubs for financial support that include financial aid, scholarships, A&R, counseling, EOPS, student life, and more. Implementation is planned for fall 2008. B.2 Work with publishers to B.2 Numbers of faculty and B.2 District Textbook B.2. A RSCCD-wide Textbook Cost decrease cost of books and departments who participate Task Force Reduction Task Force has been materials/ Explore alternative formed to explore options for options to costly textbooks reducing related costs to students. A April 3, 2008 3 report has been issued to the college community and the group’s leaders are active statewide. B.3 Offer or increase grants B.3 Number of students B.3 VPSS; EOPS; B.3. The SAC Work for Your Book for textbooks or one time receiving textbooks, fee Director of Financial Aid Program & Buy a Book Society have emergencies cost, book and waivers, and financial aid/ been expanded to benefit more fee waivers number of requests students. BSI Innovation grants have been created to further underwrite textbook costs for students through loan and rental programs. B.4 Increase programs and B.4-7 Number of students who B.4 VPSS B.4. resources to assist our participate  The financial assistance students with their economic awareness effort described hardships (including above was developed with great proposals to assist AB 540 sensitivity to AB540 and other students) high need groups.  Scholarship funds dedicated to AB540 students have been increased.  A new Opportunity Scholarship Program is being launched by the Academic Senate and SACF to sponsor the tuition of needy students for the coming year.  1 minute FA Outreach presentations were offered to all SAC classes this spring.  KnowHow2Go workshops were offered for parents and students at all SAUSD feeder high schools.

B.5 IDENTIFY (Access) B.5 Director Financial B.5. This strategy is being addressed available aid dollars for Aid; SAC Foundation through the FA Awareness Initiative students and advertise the Director & activities described above. information B.6 Build stronger loan B.6-7 Outreach Program B.6. Textbook loan activities are libraries on campus for now underway in academic student resources (B.2-7: Spring 2008 and departments and in the outreach ongoing) office as part of Innovation Grant activities at SAC. B.7 Increase books on April 3, 2008 4 reserve loan programs and library services B.7. Reserves include print (books, readings, exams); AV (videos, DVDs, CDs, Cassettes) The “total” includes circulation of books (mostly required textbooks), readings, exams, as well as audiovisual materials --- all course- related and deemed by faculty to be important for student academic success. If we compare stats from 2005 to 2008, it appears that there has been a n increase in reserve loan programs. **In previous years, monthly reserve statistics for March, April, May and June have averaged 3,500 total circulations per month. If the 3,500 per month ballpark figure (this adds an additional 14,000 circs) is added to 27,608, we could estimate that for ’07-’08 “approximately” 41,608 reserve items circulated. ***Even if we lower the total monthly average figure to 3,000 (need to add 12,000 to the 27,608 instead of 14,000), we would still see an increase and could state that for ’07-’08 “approximately” 39,608 reserve items were loaned , 3,000 more than the previous year.

C. Transfer/ C.1 Continue developing fast C.1 Number of students who C.1 VPAA; VPSS; C.1. University transfer has Employment: track to the universities: transfer to 4-year institutions Academic Senate (AS) increased substantially for all groups University Day; Partnership of students at SAC, but most of all Increase transfer, with 4-year schools. for Latino students. Strong progress/course partnerships have been maintained completion, and with UC, CSU, and employment rates private/independent institutions. for all students Innovative programming has continued to expand from i2T2 and the UC Breakfast Club to the April 3, 2008 5 University Mentor Project and a new Guaranteed UCI admission program for future business professionals. C.2 Increase efforts in C.2 Track number of students C.2 VPSS; Outreach C.2. In addition t the above recruitment and retention of contacted, number enrolled and Department; AS programs, the institutionalization of male Latino students. number who drop out (C.1-2: Fall 2007 and One Stop Higher Education Centers ongoing) has created a permanent full service college-going support center for our SAUSD high school students, 98% of whom are Latino, male & female. C.3 Enhance faculty and staff C. 3 Number of faculty and C.3 FDC; Basic Skills/ skills to better meet students’ staff that participate in Literacy Coordinator C.3. Please see A.7. progress report academic learning needs. professional development (C.3: Spring 2008 and above. workshops/ self-reporting ongoing) surveys of faculty and staff participants

D. Excellence in D.1 Identify innovators in D.1-4. Numbers of sessions, D.1 VPAA; VPSS; Basic D.1. The TLC has been meeting Teaching and teaching and learning across variety/ participants and Skills/Literacy regularly and developing strategies Learning disciplines with a focus on surveys; track use of shared Coordinator; FDC for creation of Rubrics, development SLOs and develop a list/bank practices; satisfaction surveys of robust SLOs to meet the college Promote and of activities that can be core competencies, techniques for Sustain Excellence offered assessing SLOs. Through Portfolio in Teaching and Assessment/ Program Review, direct Learning assessment of SLOs is conducted. This creates necessity to assess and review SLOs for quadrennial course revision.

D.2 Enhance engagement in D.2 VPAA; FDC D.2 SLO “Clinics” have been faculty development, (D.1-2: Fall 2007 and offered in the CLI. including SLOs ongoing) The chair of TLC has met with departments, e.g., SCE, chemistry, nursing, exercise science, math to discuss course outline of record SLOS and program-level assessment

April 3, 2008 6 A greater college-wide effort is still needed through staff development.

3 Provide best D.3 Basic Skills/ Email sent to Cher Carrera practices/brown bag lunches Literacy Coordinator; with a focus on SLOs & Department Chairs; AS assessment

D.4 Create meaningful and D.4 FDC; Teaching D.4 The On Course three- day focused staff development for Learning Committee workshop and the Brain-Based existing faculty (e.g., on-line, (TLC); AS Learning two session workshops fit repeated, day/night) were held spring 2008. There are a total of 11 faculty development. workshops planned that will be held 08-09.

D.5 Create a D.5 Number, scope & breadth D.5 FDC D. 5 Wiki has been developed for Teaching/Learning Blogs of Blogs (D.3-5: Fall 2007-2008 OnCourse; wiki will be developed and ongoing) for BSI by end of Spring semester. TLC wiki is to be developed Summer 08.

D.6 Develop and enhance D.6-7 Grants/partnerships D.6 VPAA; VPSS Innovation grants and developed (D.6: Fall 2007 and D.6 A significant number of grants mentor/internships ongoing) have been submitted and secured this year (list attached).

D.7 Coordinator Teacher Randee Loya has all of the D.7 Formalize career ladder Education Program Innovation Grant information that for students to teachers (D.7: Fall 2008) was funded this past year (D.6)

D.7 Several partnerships with K-12 & OC Dept of Education have been formed to provide educational assistance to instructional assistants who want to become teachers: Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program (PTTP) with SAUSD, OCDE,SAC & CSUF; Special April 3, 2008 7 Education paraprofessional Certificate program, leading to a major in Human Services at CSUF; Special Ed credential program

D.8 Assess faculty-defined D.8 Survey D.8 FDC needs (D.8: Fall 2007 and D.8 email sent to Cher every fall annually)

D.9 Pilot Teachers Training D.9 West Ed. Reading D.9 Basic Skills/ D.9 Teachers Apprenticeship Training Literacy Coordinator --The West Ed Reading Participation (D.9: June 2008) Apprenticeship training is scheduled for this June 2008 and next June 2009. Two faculty will attend each year for a total of 4.

--A Title V grant focused on academic literacy across the disciplines will commence October 2008. A major focus of the Title V grant is “teachers training teachers” as we have outlined a series of mentor trainings that will continue from year one to year four of the grant across the disciplines.

E. Credit/Non- E.1 Schedule joint E.1 Frequency and numbers of E.1 AS; CEC faculty; E.1. Joint meetings have been Credit department meetings to assess meetings English/ Math/ Speech established between credit and non Articulation curricular bridges department chairs credit in relation to the Basic Skills E.1 Numbers of participants (E.1: Fall 2007 and initiative and related academic Enhance and evaluative comments beyond) development activities. These cooperative efforts activities are on-going and include between credit and coordinated professional non-credit to development work as well as encourage success continuing leadership by faculty in workforce from credit and non-credit on the preparation, SAC BSI Task Force. transfer, and basic E.2 Implement student E.2 Numbers of successfully E.2 CEC Faculty; E.2. Continuing education transition skills interest/assessment needs enrolled students/retained Outreach Department work is coordinated across outreach surveys at major Continuing students (E.2: Spring 2008) departments in both divisions with April 3, 2008 8 Education sites. on-going activities calendared throughout the academic year. Annual surveys of advancing students with related assessment data informs strategic planning.

E.3 Add General Education E.3 Track SLOs and E.3 Continuing E.3. SCE has been working on SLOs into non-credit courses. assessment of SLOs on courses Education Division adding SLOs to all course outlines Curriculum Committee; of record. The chair of C&I has SAC C&I Council; TLC worked directly with the SCE (E.3: Fall 2007 – curriculum committee and the Spring 2011) “Leadership” team in two staff development activities for SLOs as well as assessment.

Theme I.D.6 --SAC Grants Attachment

Datatel Pro Site Fund Competit Board Beg. Endin Admin/Director Project Name Funded Project j. Type ive/ Appv Date g # # Entitleme d Date nt/ Financial Aid 1023 522 SAC Feder Competitiv 12/10/ 08/01/ 12/31/ L. Tanakeyowma/Loy AmeriCorps - TRMDP (SAC) - Year 3 2 al e 07 07 08 Nashua 36,207 1110 519 SAC Feder Competitiv 10/15/ 08/15/ 06/30/ K. Mennealy/R. Jenkins California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO) 8 al e 07 07 08 - 65,000 American Institutes for Research 2031 SAC State Competitiv 08/27/ 07/26/ 07/31/ K. Mennealy/S. Sotelo California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) Preparation Project - e 07 07 08 Class of 207 350,000 2040 535 SAC State Competitiv 09/24/ 07/01/ 06/30/ C. Comeau/C. Comeau California Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project (MDTP) 0 e 07 07 08 25,557 3255 SAC Local Competitiv 10/15/ 08/27/ 06/11/ C. Comeau/C. McClure Carnegie Mellon - "The Open Learning Initiative" e 07 07 08 13,566

1510 SAC Feder Competitiv 12/10/ 09/15/ 09/14/ S. Lundquist/L. GEAR UP II - Year 6 (UCI) al e 07 07 08 Tanakeyowma 131,250 1507 588 SAC Feder Competitiv 10/29/ 09/01/ 08/31/ S. Lundquist/L. GEAR UP III - Year 3 3 al e 07 07 08 Tanakeyowma 800,000 1553 SAC Feder Competitiv 10/15/ 10/01/ 09/30/ E.Ripley/G. Morgan- Head Start Hispanic - Latino Service Partnership (Year 4 of 5) al e 07 07 08 Beazell 150,000 1201 550 SAC Feder Competitiv 08/27/ 07/01/ 06/30/ H. Roberts/M. Grant Int'l Business - Expanding the Franchise (Year 2 of 2) 8 al e 07 07 08 87,000 1580 506 SAC Feder Competitiv 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ D. Guzman/S. Morris Job Dev., Training & Placement Program for the Disabled - 1 al e 07 07 08 Workability III 336,915 2470 518 SAC State Competitiv 09/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ M. Bryant/Yolanda MESA (Math Engineering Science Achievement) Program 2 e 07 07 08 Mugica 81,500 2450 557 SAC State Competitiv 08/28/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/J.B. Santa Ana Middle College High School (SA-MCHS) 0 e 06 06 07 Williams 136,769 3701 569 SAC Local Competitiv 03/12/ 01/01/ 12/31/ M. Bryant/T. Huck Student Support Partnership Integrating Resources & Education 7 e 07 07 07 (SSPIRE) - Year 2 75,039 April 3, 2008 9 1651 536 SAC Feder Competitiv 09/24/ 09/01/ 08/31/ D. Guzman/R. Madrigal Title IV - Student Support Services (III) - Year Two 5 al e 07 07 08 278,295 1693 579 SAC Feder Competitiv 09/24/ 09/01/ 08/31/ D. Guzman/M. Ramirez Title IV - Talent Search III - Year Four 7 al e 07 07 08 320,832 1705 550 SAC Feder Competitiv 09/14/ 09/01/ 08/31/ D. Guzman/R. Madrigal Title IV - Upward Bound III - Year One 5 al e 07 07 08 334,624 1674 581 SAC Feder Competitiv 09/24/ 10/01/ 09/30/ M. Bryant/S. Bautista Title V - HSI Cooperative Arrangement Program - Year Five 6 al e 07 07 08 634,893 1720 587 SAC Feder Competitiv 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ M. Bryant/M. Vargas USDA Partnership for Transfer Success 6 al e 07 07 10 75,000 1828 SAC Feder Competitiv 01/22/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/J. Kalko VTEA - Tech Prep Regional Consortium (sub-award from Coast CCD) al e 08 07 08 30,000 1900 524 SAC State Competitiv 10/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ B. Miller/G. Giroux WIA Center for Nursing Grant - Year 3 0 e 05 07 08 430,628 Subtotal (SAC - Competitive Grants) 4,393,0 75 2570 515 SAC State Entitlemen 10/15/ 07/01/ 06/30/ M. Byant/P. Canzona California Articulation Number (CAN) System Allocation - SAC 0 t 07 07 08 5,000 2090 513 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/A. CARE Program (SAC) 9 t 07 07 08 Kamimura 100,918 2230 506 SAC State Entitlemen 01/22/ 07/01/ 06/30/ D. Guzman/J. Mathis Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) (SAC) 8 t 08 07 08 1,990,4 76 2284 520 SAC State Entitlemen 05/14/ 07/01/ 06/30/ B. Miller/G. Giroux Enrollment Growth - Year 2 - Nursing 3 t 07 07 08 57,142 2250 513 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/A. Extended Opportunities Programs & Services (EOP&S) (SAC) 0 t 07 07 08 Kamimura 1,766,8 95 2417 517 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/M. Bryant Matriculaiton - Credit - Student Follow-Up (SAC) 5 t 07 07 08 395,184 2411 517 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/A. Elseroad Matriculation - Credit - Admissions (SAC) 1 t 07 07 08 267,780 2412 517 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/M. Bryant Matriculation - Credit - Advisement/Counseling (SAC) 4 t 07 07 08 453,172 2413 517 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/S. Matriculation - Credit - Coordination & Training (SAC) 7 t 07 07 08 Lundquist 360,825 2414 517 SAC-DO State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/N. Pham Matriculation - Credit - Institutional Research (District - SAC) 6 t 07 07 08 73,197 2415 517 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/L. Matriculation - Credit - Orientation (SAC) 2 t 07 07 08 Tanakeyowma 450,278 2416 517 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/D. Guzman Matriculation - Credit - Skills Assessment (SAC) 3 t 07 07 08 58,030 2418 SAC State Entitlemen 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ S. Lundquist/S. Matriculation - Credit - Student Success (SAC) t 07 07 08 Lundquist - 2490 516 SAC State Entitlemen S. Sotelo/S. Sotelo Matriculation - Non-Credit - CED 9 t 1,714,5 45 2592 510 SAC State Entitlemen 09/24/ 07/01/ 06/30/ R. Bridges/M. Sugranes TTIP - Librabry Automotive (SAC) 3 t 07 07 08 36,363 2002 SAC State Entitlemen J. Grindel/N. Kanouse Unused Basic Skills funds 06/07 - OT funding - SAC t 1,149,2 34 2003 SAC State Entitlemen J. Grindel/N. Kanouse Basic Skills Initiative - OT funding - SAC t 1,045,4 39 April 3, 2008 10 1829 593 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/H. VTEA - SAC - Accounting 7 al t 07 07 08 Roberts(J.Trone) 4,449 1824 590 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/E. Ripley VTEA - SAC - Advertising & Curriculum Development 4 al t 07 07 08 91,891 1802 591 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/Glen VTEA - SAC - Automotive Technology 9 al t 07 07 08 Hammonds 69,265 1803 590 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/H. Roberts VTEA - SAC - Business Application & Technology (BAT) 6 al t 07 07 08 111,360 1826 591 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/D. Guzman VTEA - SAC - Career Center 3 al t 07 07 08 96,151 1805 592 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/T. Hill VTEA - SAC - Digital Media Arts 8 al t 07 07 08 14,946 1930 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/H. VTEA - SAC - Drafting Technology - AutoCAD al t 07 07 08 Roberts(S.Sherod) 21,500

1807 592 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/E. Ripley VTEA - SAC - Fire Technology 2 al t 07 07 08 105,000 1810 590 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/B. Miller VTEA - SAC - Nursing (RN) 8 al t 07 07 08 33,110 1812 591 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/E. Ripley VTEA - SAC - Pharmacy Technology 6 al t 07 07 08 36,752 1825 593 SAC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/D. Guzman VTEA - SAC - Vocational Project for Deaf & Hard of Hearing 4 al t 07 07 08 40,419 1827 527 SAC/SC Feder Entitlemen 06/25/ 07/01/ 06/30/ E. Ripley/J. Kalko Vocational & Technical Education Act (VTEA) Program - Tech Prep 7 C al t 07 07 08 Consortium 153,296 SAC Feder Entitlemen 02/04/ 07/01/ 06/30/ K. Meneally/S. Sotelo WIA II - Adult Education & Literacy (SAC) al t 08 07 08 2,493,5 89 Subtotal (SAC - Entitlement Grants) 13,196, 206 2550 503 SAC State Financial 12/10/ 07/01/ 06/30/ D. Guzman/M. Liang Board Financial Assistance Program - Administrative Allowable - SAC 6 Aid 07 07 08 689,275 1404 505 SAC Feder Financial 07/01/ 06/30/ D. Guzman/M. Liang Federal Assistance - Federal Pell Grant (SAC) 2 al Aid 07 08 4,590,2 75 1402 501 SAC Feder Financial 07/01/ 06/30/ D. Guzman/M. Liang Federal Assistance - Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity 5 al Aid 07 08 Grant (SEOG) 243,600 1401 501 SAC Feder Financial 07/01/ 06/30/ D. Guzman/M. Liang Federal Assistance - Federal Work Study (FWS) (SAC) 6 al Aid 07 08 428,275 Subtotal (SAC - Financial Aids) 5,951,4 25 TOTAL (SAC) 23,540, 706

April 3, 2008 11 Theme II: Use of Technology (MARIA) A. Students B. College Environment C. Classrooms

GOAL STRATEGIES MEASURES LEAD(S) PROGRESS ON GOALS A. Students A.1 Determine skills sets A.1 Create Skills A.1 SACTAC co- Completed. SAC students will required; revise to reflect current continuum list chair; C & I graduate with highly trends and needs (A.1: December competitive technology 2007, revise annually) skills that will serve them in their continuing A.2 Determine technology skills A.2 Track implementation A.2 SACTAC co- SACTAC Co-chair met with education and sets of incoming students chair; C&I chair; Dean of Student Affairs to professional life. VPAA determine how we could (A.2: Pilot April/May administer a survey to Early 2008 via Early Decision students. Have Decision) contacted Research for assistance in developing a survey from the A.3 Determine technology skills A.3 Track implementation A.3 Department competency continuum. sets of students by Chairs; Faculty department/discipline (A.3: November 2010)

A.4 Imbed technology skills into A.4 Number of A.4 Curriculum appropriate department departments that require Council; Dept. curriculum technology skills in their Chairs; VPAA student assignments using (A.4: December pre and post tests 2010)

A.5 Determine learning areas A.5 Inventory labs and A.5 SACTAC; Co- where students can learn centers such as Mesa, ACC, chairs appropriate technology skills Nursing (A.5: December required for class assignments. 2009) April 3, 2008 12 A.6 Enhance existing facilities to A.6 Compare inventory to A.6 VPAA; Deans promote technology proficiency 2007 capacity; survey (A.6: December faculty and students 2011) regarding adequacy of technology facilities

A.7 Assess student technology A.7 Assessment of pre and A.7 Department skills upon identified program post tests. chairs and Faculty completion with other resources as needed, e.g., Testing Center, Research Department, ILR (A.7: May 2011) B: College B.1 Provide student e-mail on B.1 Check availability B.1 ITS; A & R Environment registration (B.1: Spring semester 2009) SAC will provide a technology rich B.2 Provide registration 365/24/7 B.2 Check availability B.2 A & R; ITS Datatel and 24/7 registration will environment that will (B.2: Summer 2008) not be implemented until mid promote efficiency and B.3 Install 100% wireless access 2009. productivity for faculty, to Internet on campus B.3 Check availability B.3 VPAA; VPSS; staff and students. ITS (B.3: January 2010) B.4 Plan portal access to college and Datatel information for B.4 Creation of student B.4 SACTAC; SCC students and staff portal and addition of Tech Committee; ITS content to the portal (B.4: Summer 09 Pending Datatel B.4 Creation of faculty/staff implementation) portal

B.5 Implement portal access B.5 Check availability B.5 ITS; VPAA; VPSS (B.5: Fall 09 and ongoing)

B.6 Provide current hardware, B.6 Assessment by faculty B.6 AD, ILR software, and databases to offices, and staff on an annual basis (B.6: January 2009 student labs, the library, and all and annually) classrooms April 3, 2008 13 B.7 Strengthen the technology B.7 Faculty and staff B.7 SACTAC; AD Toolbox series of workshops was training staff development survey of needs ILR; Faculty designed and implemented to program Development refresh foundation skills in Coordinator; Literacy classified staff. 192 staff Coordinator members attended these (B.7: May 2008;May workshops. 2009 and annually) The Academic Senate ran a B.8 Continue to replace and B.8.a Review of hardware B.8 AD ILR; survey re software needs/interests. upgrade office technology inventory Management; VPs Currently running a survey on use (hardware and software) B.8.b Review of software (B.8a: April 2008) of technology in curriculum. inventory Results will be reported in 2008 B.8.c Review of annual (B.8b: Summer 2008) Accreditation IIIC Tech budget Resources self study. B.8.d Assessment of needs (B.8c: Fall 2007 met 8a &8b IIIC Self study comments (B.8d: Fall 2008 and on the difficulty of obtaining ongoing) information. IT is working on a solution. B.9 Enhance and ensure timely, B.9 Annual satisfaction B.9 ITS is efficient and complete technology survey responsible for State budget has resulted in a support in all offices maintenance; ILR significantly reduced budget (B.9: April 2008 and allocation. We need about $500K annually) and have $50K for the year from state instructional equipment B.10 Assess via focus B.10 Web funds. B.10 Continue to develop groups and surveys Development strategies to provide timely Committee; AS; ILR Currently running a survey. information useful functionality (B.10: May 2008) Results will be included in IIIC and effective design for the SAC accreditation self-study webpage, including division/department web pages Currently planning to work with B.11 Provide communication B.11.a List of possible B.11 SACTAC Task the Research Dept. to do a software that allows for software programs Force, VPAA usability study on the public web collaboration such as blogs and B.11.b Assessment of site. Will work with focus groups wikis needs with students of various levels; B.11.c Purchase of will also query faculty and staff. software

April 3, 2008 14 B.12 Include technology in B.12 Review of new B.12 VP AS; VPAA; New classroom building should facilities planning by building plans and Facility Comm.; be the test of whether we’ve been coordinating college and district remodeling plans, including Assistant VC of successful. At this point, the efforts security Facility Planning installations on the F and S (B.12: Fall 07 and buildings have been less than ongoing) optimal.

B.13 Support expanded usability B.13 Faculty and staff B.13 ITS; President development of survey (B.13: May 2009 and Datatel/Colleague annually)

B.14 Provide access to B.14 Report from DSPS B.14 AD; DSPS Need to begin work on this. information to students, staff department (B.14: May 2008 and and faculty with disabilities annually) through the use of state of art specialty technology

B.15 Develop alternative B.15 List of alternatives B.15 VPAA; Foundation Director spoke at strategies for funding technology SACTAC; Director SACTAC in February 08. We including endowments of SAC Foundation need to focus on what projects we (B.15: December 07) would like to pursue. C. Classrooms C.1 Mediate remaining C.1 100% of appropriate C.1 VPAA Have not made any progress this classrooms, as needed classrooms mediated by (C.1: June 2008) year. SAC has 90+ mediated SAC will provide 2007-2008 classrooms to date out of a total innovative instructional of 126+/- technologies that will C.2 Update, replace and C.2 Assessment of C.2 AD ILR; VPAA enable faculty to standardize technology in existing inventory against current (C.2: March 2008 IIIC Self study comments on the enhance and facilitate classrooms every 5 years ITS standards and every year difficulty of obtaining student learning thereafter) information. IT is working on a solution.

Currently running a survey. C.3 Enhance and ensure timely, C.3 Annual satisfaction C.3 SAC ITS Results will be reported in IIIC efficient and complete technology survey responsible for self study for accreditation. support in all classrooms maintenance; ILR (C.3: April 2008 and annually)

April 3, 2008 15 C.4 Fully develop an C.4 Assessment of C.4 VPAA; ILR C.4 An instructional designer will instructional design team and program through faculty (C.4: Spring 2008; be hired from Title V grant funds training program to support survey of needs Survey in Spring next October. Current staff faculty which includes 2009 and annually) member is possibly having his a. facilities position reclassified to ID also. b. personnel c. a responsive organization C.5 List of online courses; C.5 Distance C.5 Continue to maintain and Assessment of students by a Education increase quality of distance student satisfaction survey Coordinator; Division education (defined by a set of and faculty survey Deans; department rubrics) and the quantity of Chairs; Institutional online, and hybrid courses Design Team (pending Title V Grant) (C.5: Spring 2009 end of each semester)

April 3, 2008 16 Theme III: Innovation (BONNIE & SARA) (A. Classroom efforts; B. Embrace scholarship, inquiry and a love of learning; C. Access/Outreach)

GOALS STRATEGIES MEASURES LEAD(S) PROGRESS ON GOALS A. Classroom efforts: A.1 Develop training for faculty A.1 Monitor staff A.1 Faculty A.1. A robust set of professional Increase development in instructional design and development opportunities Development development activities have been of innovative teaching technology to enhance student in instructional design and Coordinator undertaken (or are planned) for techniques success in SLOs technology the current year centered on literacy & learning. # workshops and extended professional development seminars have been offered with # of faculty participants (complete list attached, same as Theme I, A.7.) A.2 Gather input from students A.2 Create student surveys A.2 FDC; VPAA; A.2. email sent to Sandy on innovative strategies AD ILR

A.3 Enhance scope and services A.3-4 New positions A.3-4 VPAA; AD A.3./A.4 New Title V grant will of the Center for Learning and created for the CLI ILR provide Instructional Designer. Instruction (CLI)  Instructional See IIC.4 Designer (A.1-4: Fall 2007 A.4 Foster a broad range of  Graphic Artist and ongoing) classroom support  Media Producer Student Help B. Embrace B.1 Develop training for faculty B.1 Monitor training B.1 FDC; Outreach B.1. A robust set of professional scholarship, inquiry and Outreach staff in motivating sessions and attendance Department; development activities have been and a love of students’ positive attitudes toward department chairs undertaken (or are planned) for learning scholarship and metacognitive the current year centered on Help students embrace skills needed. literacy & learning. # workshops scholarship, inquiry and and extended professional a love of learning B.2 Create list/rubrics for B.2 Student surveys with B.2 FDC; TLC; development seminars have been students to develop “lifelong baseline data Department Chairs offered with # of faculty April 3, 2008 17 learner characteristics.” participants (complete list attached, repeated from above).

B.3 Review and consider B.3.a Dissemination of B.3. Counseling B.3. email sent to Micki curriculum augmentation in rubrics and implementation Division faculty; C&I appropriate counseling courses. B.3.b Report of counseling Council curriculum review status (B.1-4: Spring 2008 and ongoing) C. Access/ Outreach C.1 Offer traditional and non- C.1 Increase course C.1 Faculty; Deans; C.1. Presently there are courses traditional classes 24/7 offering VPAA being offered in a distance Enhance opportunities (C.1: Incremental education mode that allows for student access to increase by 2010) students to access courses and non-traditional delivery materials in non-traditional times. modes C.2 Reach traditional and non C.2 Course Enrollment C.2 Faculty; Deans; Additional distance educations traditional students VPAA courses will be added to the (C.2: Incremental curriculum. increase by 2010)

C.3 Offer access to innovative C.3 Review support C.3 Admission; student support services services offered in non EOPS; Outreach traditional ways Department; Counseling; Financial C.2. Faculty members are using Aid; VPSS; various instructional Academic Programs methodologies and technology to (C.3: Incremental reach all students. Staff increase by 2010) development is offered for faculty.

C.3. Support services are now offered on-line to students with access from all campuses and educational sites. Highlights include counseling, orientation, tutoring, and financial aid assistance. Other models such as the HEC’s & Financial Aid Initiative also support this strategy. These services will approach a 24/7 model in April 3, 2008 18 coordination with our Datatel conversion in 2009.

April 3, 2008 19 Theme IV: Community (BONNIE & SARA) (A. Attitude/Motivation; B. Community/Family involvement; C. Lifelong learning D. Healthful Living)

GOALS STRATEGIES MEASURES LEAD(S) PROGRESS ON GOALS A. Attitude, access A.1 Continue Homeroom for A.1 Pre-post tests for A.1 Dean Student A.1. The program has been and motivation College program for 7th and 8th students and teachers Affairs continued and presently serves Promote an graders in SAUSD middle (A.1: September 2007 – approximately X# of students “achievement attitude” schools June 2008) annually in our community. among our prospective John Vu?? student population and supporting networks A.2 Coordinate all existing A.2 Create annotated roster A.2 Assoc. Dean of A.2. Mentoring programs mentoring programs for pre- of programs and a Student Development have been expanded in the areas college students, including leadership team to plan (A.2: October 2007- of transfer, tutoring for pre- academic programs, to expand the activities, coordinate target June 2008) college students, service learning, reach and impact of 1:1 and small populations and track and student life. group support activities students and mentors

A.3 Expand the direct A.3 Roster of participating A.3 VPSS; VPAA; A.3. This strategy has yet to be involvement of faculty through a SAC faculty, HS faculty AS; Outreach Office; implemented. Check with Lilia visiting scholars program model hosts, and students Division Offices; in pre-college activities through including feedback from Department Chairs one-time activities in discipline- SAC & HS faculty (A.3: September alike classes, HS based courses, 2007 – June 2008) and on-campus course previews.

A.4 Continue professional A.4 Document number of A.4-5 Dean Student A.4. Intersegmental Counseling development conferences for participants, the agenda, Affairs; Dean Professional Development intersegmental counseling and and evaluation data Counseling conferences have been Outreach (A.4-5: October 2007 institutionalized in our region and & Spring 2008) occur in the fall and spring of April 3, 2008 20 each academic year. Expanded activities in association with this A.5 Expand intersegmental A.5.a Document activities plan include counselor to faculty involvement in discipline- and number of beneficiaries counselor networking events and specific articulation and infuse A.5.b Obtain dialogues. To date, such dialogues efforts centered on math and recommendations from HS have occurred between SAC language arts curriculum to & SAC faculty for program credit and noncredit counselors as expand readiness for college level refinement and well as between SAC credit work upon high school improvement counselors and counselors from graduation. feeder high schools. A.6. SAC Outreach Staff have A.6 Expand college-incentive A.6 Develop a master A.6 Outreach; been co-located at HEC’s activities from SAUSD Higher calendar for school and EOPS/DSPS; throughout SAUSD to Education Centers including: college use Financial Aid Office; supplement activities currently o KnowHow2Go (25% Divisions as underway with the support of the seniors) appropriate field staff from the Santa Ana o CC/CSU/UC college (A.6: September Partnership. These activities applications (100%) 2007 – June 2008) include: o Concurrent  Detailed review of all enrollment (10%) transcripts for juniors and o Financial seniors to support college- Aid/Scholarship going application support  A year-round calendar of (100%) college advancement o Case-based support activities including both for juniors and school-based and seniors (100%) college/university based Expand the number of activities for all students. participants  Expansion of concurrent enrollment activities for pre- college students in the Santa Ana service area.  Expanded financial aid awareness activities for all pre-college students and their families.  Continuation of universal college application process for all SAUSD students.

April 3, 2008 21 B.1 Increase partnership and B.1 Track number of B.1 Cabinet with B.1./B.2./B.3. B. Community interaction between the activities, interactions, & management and  The college president meets /Family involvement community and college on a events each year faculty colleagues regularly with neighborhood Extend awareness of department/ faculty level groups and launched a set of the college as part of (including local high schools) good neighbor activities the community inviting community members B.2 Make the college more B.2 Track number of B.2 Cabinet with the to on-going college activities visible in the community at events and interactions the management team, in athletics, arts and culture. community events college participates in over faculty colleagues,  SAC compiled a the course of a program and the Public Affairs B.3 Expand invitations (VIP comprehensive list of all year Office passes) to the community to significant community involvement work undertaken attend campus events (cultural B.3 Track number of VIP B.3-4 Cabinet and events, social events, & sporting by managers on a volunteer passes used verses number the Public Affairs basis. events) of passes given out Office  The SAC Foundation has annually expanded community outreach activities through fundraising, friendraising, and alumni activities throughout the year. B.4. The Youth Expo had record B.4 Actively promote the Santa B.4 Distribute invitations attendance at SAC in October Ana Youth Expo (located at to residents in the 2007 with more than 3,000 SA SAC) as a neighborhood open neighborhoods bordering families on campus for the house with more active SAC participation from college Education and Community Fair. programs and services

B.5. B.5 Expand Padres Promotores B.5.a Expand the visibility B.5 The Office of  The SAC-based headquarters community-based activities of the Platicas, home visits, School and of the Padres Promotores de & Camino de Amistad Community Educación has been community educational Partnerships renovated to accommodate outreach activities & other (B.1-5: September program growth. family-centered work led 2007 – and ongoing) by the Padres here at SAC  The number of training hours and padres has increased, as B.5.b Increase the has the number of involved April 3, 2008 22 involvement of the Padres community parents and on- Promotores in other college campus programs. activities throughout the  Replication training has taken academic year place state-wide and nationally to support other communities efforts to engage and empower parents in support of education. C. Lifelong Learning C.1 Identify community areas of C.1 Surveys/ Attendance at C.1-2 SAC/ District C.2. Increase interest in interest sessions scheduled Marketing; VP  The number of Community lifelong learning across Continuing Services classes and the college and Education; participants has increased community Community Services; over the past year. VPAA  Community Services Program (C.1: Fall has partnered with both the 2008/Spring 2009) Orange County Superior Court and Diversified C.2 Continue to develop C.2 Document offerings. (C.2: Fall 2008 and Monitoring Services to offer marketing plans for offerings both ongoing) court ordered classes to DUI on and off campus offenders as a niche program. In addition, new program C.3 Work with local library to C.3 Number of courses C.3 Library offerings have been tailored develop community services developed department faculty; to reach our large Latino and courses curriculum Vietnamese populations committee; SAC C&I (example: Becoming a Council “Quinceañera Event Planner) (C.3: Fall 2008) as well as to address the current economic market (example: Avoiding Foreclosure)  SAC and SCC are creating a 2-college strategic planning team to improve coordination and to expand market share overall along with profitability.  Community members throughout Santa Ana are invited to year-round cultural, performing arts, and music activities on campus as well

April 3, 2008 23 as in our downtown Santa Ana Art Gallery.

D. Healthful Living D.1 Offer a series of seminars to D.1 Needs assessment D.1 Health and D.1. Increase awareness and address traditional as well as non- surveys/ Surveys after Wellness Center;  Healthful living seminars practice of healthful traditional approaches to sessions / Attendance at Exercise Science have been available cost-free living across the Healthful Living for students, sessions scheduled Faculty; Nursing to employees as part of our college and community staff and community members. faculty; professional development Psychological program. Services  The renovated SAC Fitness (D.1: Fall 2008) Center opened this fall to a D.2 Create a poster campaign record number of student and D.2 Evidence of staff participants. “advertising” on all SAC D.2-3 Dean Exercise  The Health Center has sites Science explored the possibility of (D.2-3: Fit into offering nontraditional D.3 Create a 30-day log for D.3 Self reporting of “Fitness Month” wellness seminars. change on a volunteer basis, improvement according to a 2009)  Health & Wellness activities among faculty and staff check list; publish results are promoted campus-wide (anonymous) through student activities D.4 Incorporate into curricular D.4 C&I/TLC D.4. Interdisciplinary discussions activities where appropriate, e.g., (D.4: Spring 2009 need to be held at the TLC. And Speech, English, History, D.4 Report of participation and ongoing) then at the C&I. Exercise Science, etc.

April 3, 2008 24 Theme V: Workforce Development (NORM) (A. Partnerships; B. Skills across the curriculum; C. Skilled employees for high demand occupations)

GOALS STRATEGIES MEASURES LEAD(S) PROGRESS A. Partnerships A.1 Advisory Committee A.1 Reports from A.1 Dean Human A.1. Regional Expand and identify coordination meetings with coordination meetings Services and advisory/articulation meetings for partners and collaborate business partners and secondary Technology; public safety & protective with industry and schools (e.g., Vital Link, ROP) Coordinator Tech services, digital media arts and communities to identify Prep transportation were developed workforce needs and implemented in collaboration A.2 Enhance internships and A.2 Track contracts and A.2 Dean Special with Vital Link. SAC faculty also work-based learning through increases Services; Dean attended the ROP Regional utilization of Career Center and Human Services and Employer Board Advisory Service Learning Center Technology; Committee held in March, 2008. Coordinator Tech Prep A.2. Work-based learning and

April 3, 2008 25 (A.1-2: Fall 2007 and ongoing) internships opportunities were provided by the Career and B. Skills across the B.1. Invite partners to campus to B.1 Feedback/questionnaires B.1 Dean of Human B.1. High School Inc curriculum speak about skills needed and surveys from students Services and transportation advisory committee Integrate basic skills currently in the workforce and and service area employers; Technology held a meeting at SAC and toured and workplace provide “real world” experience Student self-assessment the program. Regional advisory competencies to for students for workforce development committees were held with the address workforce needs digital media, transportation, fire education needs tech, and criminal justice departments. The animation B.2. Encourage Occupational B.2-3 Course outlines; B.2-3 Department department is involved in the Education faculty to enhance progress report to the chairs; division ACME Animation Project General Education SLOs in Curriculum and Instruction curriculum providing opportunities for course curriculum to Council (C&I) ; progress in committees; C&I students to be mentored by appropriately meet workplace department portfolios Council professional animators. competency needs

(B.1-3: Fall 2007 and ongoing) B.3 Identify additional competencies that need to be included in the curriculum. Include these in the department portfolios. C. Skilled employees C.1 Expand capacity of faculty C.1 Develop a strategic C.1 Administrative C.1 Planning and negotiations are for high demand and space for current high plan for capacity expansion and faculty leaders presently ongoing with Garden occupations demand occupational programs in conjunction with faculty with subject matter Grove Hospital on use of space in Support regional a. Health Sciences leaders, business/industry experts in targeted one of their medical buildings to economic development b. Culinary Arts partners, and SAC facilities areas expand SAC’s allied health by becoming the c. Welding committee (C.1: 2007-2008 program. primary local source of d. More (in academic year phase C.1 Plans are being presently skilled employees for conjunction with one, with phase two being reviewed to determine if high demand High Tech High and in 2008-2009 [early plans need to be submitted to the occupations. other ventures) implementation]) Department of the State Architect for expanding the work space for the welding program. C.1 The new Sheriff’s Academy has been completed to provide a state of the art training center. C.1 The automotive department has collaborated with April 3, 2008 26 high school inc in planning the development of a hybrid diesel program.

C.2.a Number of C.2 Dean of C.2.a Tours are offered in all the C.2 Increase visibility of customized tours and Workforce vocational areas. Tours are programs by developing appropriate support Development; normally customized to meet the specialized tours and offering materials developed Occupational Deans; needs of those requesting the related actual and virtual mini- C.2.b Number of Department Chairs, tours. presentations at feeder schools & occupational areas offering and Outreach C.2.a Presentations are offered workplaces customized tours Department in and available in all the vocational a. HS students C.2.c Number of potential conjunction with areas to students, industry groups, b. Workers in student participants educational and employers or anyone else industry industry partners; requesting presentations. c. Employers Administrative and C.2.b The High School Inc faculty leaders in Transportation Advisory targeted areas Committee toured the automotive facilities in fall 2007. On Junior (C.2: Pilot Day, high school students toured implementation & the manufacturing and expansion in 2007- automotive/welding/diesel 2008 of high demand programs. The Digital Media in-reach and Center hosted a regional advisory outreach tours and workshop for businesses, college, program previews in high school and ROP 10 areas) representatives.

C.3.a Develop a strategic C.3 Facilities C.3 The biology department is plan for new program Committee; AS; just concluding a grant that is C.3 Launch new occupational development in conjunction Curriculum and based on BioTech. They have programs in emerging high with faculty leaders, subject Instruction council developed curriculum and are demand occupations matter experts, beginning to work on a certificate a. Biotech business/industry partners, (C.3: 2007-2008 program and transfer curriculum. b. NanoTech and SAC Facilities academic year phase C.3 A sabbatical has been c. Gaming-3D Committee one, with phase two approved for the 2008-2009 d. Robotics C.3.b Review Regional in 2008-2009 [early school year for a faculty member occupational forecasts; plan implementation]) to work on Gaming curriculum appropriately C.3 The engineering department April 3, 2008 27 has begun initial investigations into expanding into robotics in conjunctions with Digital Media Arts and Computer Science planning to implement a program in 2008-2009.

Theme VI: New American Community (BONNIE & SARA) (A. Civic responsibility; B “Green” efforts; C. Integrated education; D. Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration)

GOALS STRATEGIES MEASURES LEAD(S) PROGRESS A. Civic A.1 Enhance existing efforts, A.1 Monitor participation A.1-2 VPAA; VPSS, A.1. Responsibility including Voter Registration, and demonstrate increase Department Chairs,  A new model for the Multi- Increase awareness and Service Learning, Citizenship Division Curriculum Ethnic Leadership Institute foster proactive civic Day, Constitution Day; reinforce committees, TLC, (MELI) was instituted in responsibility as appropriate in courses across FDC collaboration with United disciplines Way and the Student Development Office at SAC. A.2 Encourage interdisciplinary A.2 Number of (A.1-2: Fall 2007 30 students and community best practices sessions to identify interdisciplinary/best and ongoing) members from throughout examples of SLO- civic practices sessions Orange County are responsibility as embedded in participating in this SAC- courses sponsored leadership April 3, 2008 28 program.  The Santa Ana Civic Leadership Initiative allows students and community members to develop a Santa- Ana-wide leadership network as they implement a project that will improve the lives of residents and youth.  On-campus voter registration drives and awareness activities, including in-class speakers, have been institutionalized in conjunction with District Office partners.  Service learning participation has continued to grow across courses and student organizations and now includes one of the few Peace Corps Volunteer Centers at community colleges in California.  U-Link student are now required to participate in service learning.  Approximately 10-15 students complete Service learning as an option to “Hours to be Arranged” for Psych 100 per semester. Each student does a minimum of 10-15 hours.  Essay Contest for Constitution Day was held.  Exrta credit was offered for participation in CHOC walk, March of Dimes/babies, and /or relay for Life: 30 students participated. April 3, 2008 29 A.2. Discussions need to occur at the TLC and referred to the departments to consider in two strands: 1. As a result of direct SLO assessment within the Department Planning Portfolio, take inventory of what is already being done; 2. make recommendations for department discussion regarding curricular inclusion or SLO revision at the course level.

B.1 Increase campus initiative B.1 Accessibility to B.1-6 President; B.1. A sub-committee of IE&A, B. Increase Green for broad recycling recycling containers; VPAA; VPSS; The Environmental Workgroup, Efforts number of containers for all Facilities Committee; has been formed with recyclable items, including AS; ICC; FDC administrative and faculty batteries and electronic leadership to lessen the carbon items footprint of the campus. Activities (B.1-6 Fall 2007 and include: ongoing)  An awareness campaign college wide to reduce energy usage  The acquisition of environmentally friendly & reusable bags at campus retail centers  Planning for the expansion of consumer recycling around campus  The use of more environmentally friendly food service products in 2008-09

At the first meeting goals will be established.

B.2 Challenge SAC community B.2 All new construction B.2. to develop and adopt new ways of must meet LEED  A natural landscape energy conservation and energy- (Leadership and children’s garden is being efficient buildings Environmental Energy planned for the college’s Design) standards April 3, 2008 30 Child Development Center B.2-6 Report from College that is sprinkler free Council  Office, building and classroom recycling is being improved as part of the janitorial infrastructure.  More energy efficient heating and cooling systems are being installed as part of the college’s facilities renovation efforts (S & D buildings with H under development).

B.3 Advocate for Mass Transit in B.3. SAC has partnered with the conjunction with community City of Santa Ana and the County leaders of Orange to bring light rail to our region and college. Students and staff gave public testimony in support of the effort and accommodations were made to the college’s Master Plan. Federal funding was not secured, but we hope to cultivate future opportunities. B.4 Enhance staff, student & B.4. Our rideshare project surveys community awareness all staff and encourages energy efficient ways of commuting to and from school. Bus passes for eligible students also promote energy efficiency through the EOPS program. B.5. Investigate feasibility of B.5. & B.6. These items will be participating in Foundation for considered by the college’s Community College Initiative to Environmental Workgroup in Improve the Greening of consultation with the facilities Community Colleges statewide. planning department and the B.6 Faculty, administration, staff Facilities Committee. Reports and and students work through recommendations will be shared committees and recommend with the College Council, the policies for Board of Trustees and Academic & Student Senates as resolutions for statewide well as the Board of Trustees. Academic Senate April 3, 2008 31 B.7 Raise awareness with forums B.7 Number of forums; B.7 Facilities B.7. A college-wide information and other visible campus- wide staff and student survey Committee; Research and action campaign will be activities Department; ASG rolled out next fall as part of the (B.7: Spring 2008) “go-live” strategy of the Environmental committee. On- going communication and a Greening of SAC logo will create awareness and action. B.8 Recommend Green Initiative B.8 Reports from B.8 AS B.8. This item is in progress to Academic Senate and Student Academic & Student (B.8: Fall 2008) presently. It is one of the stated Senate Goals for 2008-2009 Senates goals of the Academic Senate for 2007-08. A faculty co-chair ahs been appointed to the Environmental Workgroup, and there will be a regular report made to the Senate.

C. Integrated Education C.1 Outside classroom— C.1.a Monitor staff C. 1-2. President’s C.1.This needs to be done through Educate the faculty, staff,  Create series of development activities; Council, FDC, staff development first and is yet students and community discussions to define and Document number of faculty discipline to be accomplished. A common regarding the New dialog sessions and number of experts re: culture, understanding of what this means American Culture, the  Invite ICC (Clubs) to attendees from constituency Chair C&I, Senate must be established. cultural polyglot that has participate groups President, ICC, transformed us and our  Staff Development C.1.b Document items classified leaders; community, promoting training as a community discussed—send to TLC greater awareness and (not constituency appropriate governance global enrichment. groups) committees for discussion (C.1-2: Spring 2008 (Develop a true integrated and formal action and ongoing) community of learners throughout the institution)

C.2 Inside curriculum— C.2.a Track progress in C.2 As the TLC is working on  Infuse cross department portfolios rubrics and assessment of SLOs disciplinary C.2.b Review TLC goals; within the PA/PR schedule, it will understanding into analyze progress through become more explicit how to April 3, 2008 32 courses and course- minutes and surveys infuse the assessment of SLOs level SLOs into the department portfolios. As  Continue discussion this is done, cross disciplinary at the Curriculum dialogue will lead to infusion of and Instruction cross-disciplinary goals into the Council, the TLC, SLOs. etc. The Freshman Experience cohort addresses some cross-disciplinary issues implicitly by linking classes. More explicit work needs D. Cross-Disciplinary to be done through other venues. Collaboration Create an environment among faculty, staff and students that encourages cross disciplinary collaboration, activities and dialogues. D.1 Allocate money for D.1-5 Document increase D.1 President; D.1. The college’s innovation multidisciplinary speakers, in funding, activities and VPAA; VPSS; VP grant program has created meetings, activities for resources Administrative dialogue across discipline students / faculty Services boundaries as faculty and staff (D.1: Fall 2008) have collaborated on ways to increase student success at SAC. D.2 Review and train D. 2 FDC department chairs to (D.2: Spring 2008) D.2./D.3./D.4. A series of integrate and coordinate Portfolio workshops have been information / procedures in developed and implemented for department portfolios faculty and staff to support the D.3 Train department chairs development of effective planning with regard to best practice portfolios. This element has been integration D.4 FDC, TLC included as a feature of the D.4 Encourage (D.3-4: Fall 2007 training, which targets department interdisciplinary best and ongoing) chairs. practices sessions to identify examples of SLOs embedded in courses D.5 College Council, D.5. A joint SAC Academic D.5 Develop infrastructure IE&A Committee, Senate/SAC Cabinet retreat was throughout existing C&I, TLC, Student held for the purpose of intensively governance committees to Success Committee, reviewing the structure of our April 3, 2008 33 coordinate and enhance each Facilities Committee participatory governance structure other’s work as well as the (D.5: Fall 2007 and and our internal communications implementation of the ongoing) (formal and informal). Numerous Strategic Plan improvements were made as a result and this activity will be continued annually.

D.6./D.7./D.8 D.6 Make Student D 6-8 Every student can D.6-8 Associate The handbook is widely available Handbook widely available demonstrate knowledge of Dean Student Life, on-line and in printed form. The D.7 Review naming of where to acquire services VPSS, Dean of Assessment Committee has been programs and services for Student Affairs renamed for clarity and new clarity (D.6-8: Every student informational outreach efforts are D.8 Add information center can demonstrate being piloted under the Financial to SAC campus to house knowledge of where Awareness Initiative previewed brochures and direct students to acquire services.) above. to appropriate departments

April 3, 2008 34

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