Hartshorne Parish Council

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Hartshorne Parish Council

HARTSHORNE PARISH COUNCIL South Derbyshire District in the County of Derby MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Monday 14 March 2011 Kendricks Close, Repton Road, Hartshorne. PRESENT Councillors –R Bell (Chair), D Jenkinson, R Shadrack, Mrs J Burley, P Smith, C Dobson, Mrs S Murray and D Tagg.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - Councillors Mrs J Slawson, A Jones, N Tilley, Mrs P Worthington, I Harper and P Murray.

ALSO PRESENT – R Smith Clerk to the Parish Council, District Councillor M Stanton (Arrived at 7.45 during Public Participation) and Mr Brearley

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. Mr Brearley asked if there was any progress on the street light at Manchester Lane. Clerk said that DCC had not replied. 2. Mr Brearley said that a new lock was required at the allotments. Clerk said he would look into the matter.

21/11 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING of 14 February 2011. Under Public Participation Item 3 delete ‘place’.

The minutes amended and then approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Any member to declare an interest None

22/11 POLICE MATTERS No report 23/11 MATTERS ARISING Councillor Shadrack reported that he had carried out a full survey of all grit bins in the area. He will pass on the information to the Clerk’. He asked if the grit bin at Wilder Green Cottage could be refilled. .

24/11 HIGHWAYS, PAVEMENTS & PUBLIC FOOTPATHS. 1. Concerns were again expressed about the state of the roads on the Goseley Estate. Councillor Murray said that certain work had been carried out however he was having a site meeting on 31 March with representatives of DDC Highways Department. 2. Councillor Dobson mentioned that a speed sign had been erected just past the traffic lights on Midway Road. 3. Councillor Dobson said the wrongly name street sign at Dunnsmoor Lane had still not been replaced. RESOLVED Clerk to contact SDDC. 4. Councillor Shadrack asked if the DCC would be carrying out a review of the junction of Ticknall Road and Repton Road now that it has been in placed 12 months. RESOLVED Clerk to contact DCC. 5. Councillor Shadrack said that there had a waste bin on the last lamppost on Repton Road near to the junction of Ticknall Road and Repton Road. RESOLVED Clerk to contact SDDC. 6. It was reported that surface water was running off the road and into the drive of 12 Repton Road RESOLVED Clerk to contact DCC.

25/11 PARISH NEWSLETTER AND WEBSITE 1. Councillor Bell had circulated a draft newsletter to all Parish Councillors. After feedback he was now ready for it to go to a printer. RESOLVED that Rink Printers to supply 1700 copies to be circulated in early April. Most Councillors were willing delivery copies.

26//11 RECREATION GROUNDS & ALLOTMENTS 1. The Clerk reported that the repairs to the play surface at Goseley recreation ground were now complete. 2. Councillor Bell said he had been approached by a resident on Tower Road requesting the hedge 1 at the allotments is cut. RESOLVED Clerk to make arrangements for the hedge to be cut.

27/11 PLANNING MATTERS Applications  Reg No. 9 2011 0146 O Outline application (all matters reserved except for access and layout) for the erection of 2 dwellings and new vehicular access at land adj. 159 Ashby Road, Boundary, Hartshorne.  Reg No. 9 2011 0141 FH the erection of extensions including the formation of an annexe at 5 Church Street, Hartshorne.  Application for planning permission to extend the time limit for implementation of 9/2008/0238 for the erection of extensions at 70 Repton Road, Hartshorne. (Please note the above application was notified by e-mail and therefore there are no plans, however the application can be viewed by going to SDDC web site).  Reg No. 9 2011 01 FH the formation of a loft conversion with dormer windows at 49 Main Street, Hartshorne Refusal Planning Application None Withdrawal Planning Application None

1. Last month planning application Reg No. 9 2010 1148 re Coppice Farm, Ticknall Road, Hartshorne Councillor Stanton reported that SDDC had suggested that the Parish Council should submit an application for a TPO on the trees on the site. RESOLVED that the Parish Council submit aTPO on the trees on the proposed development near to Pickstocks.

28/11 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Approved payments for March

Cheq Payee In Respect of Amount R Smith Clerks Salary - February 251.95 R Smith Expenses 40.00 G Watts Lengthsman Wages – February 413.60 Inland Revenue 4th Qtr Tax and NI 533.75 Smith of Derby Annual maintenance of Church Clock 186.00 SDDC Annual Rent for Goseley Recreation Ground 15.00

29/11 Correspondence Correspondence for Action  SDDC – Naming of street at former site of the Chesterfied, Repton Road.  SDDC – Planning Notifcation to Parish Councils  DCC - Consultation on the Proposed Local List of Requirements for Planning Applications By Derbyshire County Council  Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre – Request for donation  Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service – Help Stop Fatal Fires  DALC – Parish Elections Pack  U3A – Request to place notice on Parish Noticeboards RESOLVED not to allow.  RoSPA – Request to continue annual inspections of recreation grounds.

Correspondence for Information Newhall Surgery – Thank you note DALC Circulars Circular No.13-14-15 and17

30/11 Date of Next Meeting

Monday 11 April 2011 at Goseley Community Centre, Hartshorne.

Signed…………………………………………….. Dated……………………………….


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