Written by Nicholas R Forystek
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Written by Nicholas R Forystek © Two Thousand and Six by Neotext
Page 1 Disclaimer
This book is mainly theories the authors holds to be truth but by no means in your own perspective should anything be discredited or presented as your truth. Through out the writings however it may be presented against your perspective wrongfully so. The author grew up as a Christian with out practicing to later claim himself as being a Roman Greek Catholic Astrolovist (Greek love for astrology) and ultimately ended up designing his own religion around the deity of the Sun god Amun-Ra an Egyptian god mixing in Catholicism and Islamic practices. The author has been clinically diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolar disorder type I with psychotic features and grandiose thinking, thus dubbed "SoSouiX" (A three syllable word pronounced “sew-sue’we” that stands for: Symptoms of Solar Orbits under Influential Xylophones). So basically keep an open mind, think out side the box and don't let the writings trample your truth unless you believe in what is said. For more information on the author visit http://www.sosouix.net
I have come to deliver a message of got. The message is this: If the dreams you seek during the day are not enough to light your third eye at night you are going the wrong way, hopefully you may turn perfection around, before your sleep is sound, and may true A.I. discovery be with you.
Page 2 Chapter I Worshiping the Arts of Void
Page 3 We are naturally afraid of that which we do not know. No matter how tuff or fearless we think we are there is still one element to life no one could possibly have experienced whom is reading this and that one thing is death. Even if you experienced a miracle and were pronounced dead and doctors brought you back I propose you weren’t actually dead, rather put into a comma or temporary sleep state. It may be difficult to understand but how is it possible in true death to still be alive.
To say that this realm we live in is anything less then infinite would be ignorant. So it is also foolish to say that we are afraid of nothing. It may very well be possible that there is nothing in this life that you’ve seen that you are afraid of. However the majority of the population fears one thing the most and one thing over all, that one thing is simply nothing or death. I consider death as being nothing because we don’t actually know what is beyond our demise here on Earth and no matter how much we know as humans there will always be a vast infinite spectrum of knowledge we are completely ignorant of. This nothing of knowledge that I speak of I label as being void of anything. As we learn more about our environment this nothing or void begins to take shape and become something. The void however does not go away and it does not get any smaller when we do learn pieces of it. It simply remains at the infinite of nothing.
Take sound for example hundreds of thousands of years ago sound probably existed but we knew nothing about it that we know of today. For instance the howling of a predator was a warning sound to all prey who likely knew nothing about waves traveling through the air and vibrating off of the drum in the ear. A more basic example would be deer and their interaction on roads and with cars. When a deer steps into the road it steps into the void of knowledge, it clearly visually sees the road but to the deer the road and the cars are still unknown. When a car comes it fears the unknown for its brain is void to the knowledge of a moving car and the cars path so the deer locks up in fear when in many cases it could have likely ran off the road in time. Yet the specie continually fears cars some never learning the path cars take on roads and skills us humans have like learning to look both ways before crossing the street. The specie as a whole may not learn this largely due to its inability to communicate with each other as humans do which also falls into the deer’s spectrum of unknown.
The unknown we walk into is where our faith in religion comes in. I propose death has got to be the number one feared thing in humans and I believe it is feared by all humans. For those who have experienced it no longer live to tell the story and those of the living know not how the story ends. Again I say to those who said they were brought back to life in the operating room that they never actually experienced true death for there can be no life. I believe there is a moment in death where for a split second your heart and brain realize it is all over and this feeling of acceptance you get no matter how fearless you think you are is the scariest moment in all of life and in everyone’s life. No matter whether those last moments are the months leading up to a slow death or seconds of a fast death.
Page 4 Since death is the biggest unknown it also plays the biggest part in religion. In every religion the main element is belief in an after life. When a soldier goes off for battle he or she and their family will likely pray to the deities of their religion for his or her safe return, because the soldier’s fate is unknown. The soldier is stepping closer to death than most of any other man does in their lifetime and the soldier and his or her family need guidance into this unknown fate.
In a culture sensitive world, who is to say your religion is better then mine, or mine is better then yours? To me this argument is nothing more then a battle of the ego’s of deities, or the ego’s of the men whom have the most influence in the religion, for to me religion is nothing more then a painting over a blank canvas of void or unknown knowledge that is suppose to give us hope and guidance into what we still fear that which is the unknown. A long time ago there were a people whom depended on fruit to feed their village and so they prayed and worshiped deities of agriculture to bring them an abundant season of fresh fruit, and when the season did not yield enough fruit they would starve and they considered this punishment from their deities. To them the knowledge of growing fruit was largely unknown but today the science to grow fruit year round is well known because of our understanding in photosynthesis and our continued knowledge of the science behind growing an abundance of fruit no matter what season the earth around us is in.
Who is to say Jesus is greater then Muhammad or God is greater then Allah other then us humans whom are not messiahs ourselves. It shows our ignorance because in the meaning of God is Allah, they are just two words that mean the same thing for two different languages commonly misused with the words he, or him. God is neither he nor him rather omnipresent it is a reference to all things which is where the messiah comes into play in each religion. In Christianity the messiah is Jesus in Islam the messiah is Muhammad. These men are two very different people with the same weight on their shoulders, as they are the most high in rank above all humans. These two are also at the heart of a religious conflict that has been occurring for over two thousand years.
Nobody in this generation has eye witness and believable proof to atheists that either messiah actually existed according to the scriptures. However both religions believe in their messiah over the other when both represent the same omnipresent deity. This is what causes the conflict and essentially turns God against itself. Because Jesus represents God and Muhammad represents Allah, yet the idea both words God and Allah represent are the same thing. They are words to explain the creator of all things thus a word is at war with itself.
Some of the most dominate religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism however when it comes down to it one thing stands on top no matter what religion you are a part of whether it’s God, Allah or Buddha you follow it all means the same thing, creator of everything or highest creator or in the light I present these words mean the opposite of nothing. The reason they become three separate entities is because of the culture and language divide
Page 5 amongst humans, just as there are different cultures there are different religious beliefs such as the belief in an after life. In the grand scale the reason one would think their deity is better then another is largely due to the ego of humans whom have the most influence in the religion such as priests when in reality religion is just a painting over a black canvas of that which we do not know. To say you painting is better then mine is foolish especially if there is a third party observing our quarrel with their own painting. Also to say that you know for a fact that miracles were preformed by your messiah is again foolish for only words of the past are you evidence that the miracles were preformed, none of you eye witnessed your messiah in the flesh doing these things. That is not to say however he didn’t nor is it to say that he won’t come back one day to prove himself. I’m merely explaining how nothing more then a word is at war with another word or simply a word is at war with itself.
How can a word stand if it is at war with itself? This is exactly what the bible meant when it was said “a kingdom divided amongst itself can not stand.” Meaning if God and Allah don’t make peace (which they will not because peace didn’t exist) then neither of their religions or beliefs shall stand in the kingdom of Earth and it is time a new, or previous, deity awake and claim the kingdom in the ignorance of humans. After all God and Allah are nothing more then words humans created just as is Satan. Again, a deer has no knowledge of these words but may understand the presence of the all mighty creator. I believe it is more plausible that God and Satan at war can stand together in battle because they are opposites rather then God and Allah at war standing together because they mean the same thing in two different languages.
Page 6 Chapter II Power of the Highest Creator
Page 7 “You are created in God’s image.” This phrase couldn’t be more true and evident in understanding what the word God means. Another way to see this phrase is “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” So who is or what is God? Your parents naturally are Gods or deities, which is very bold statement on my behalf. As you are created in your parent’s image, meaning you will have their characteristics from looks to actions. This is where the trinity comes into play. Not the trinity of the bible which is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for that is a trinity of a highly special scenario in which the son of God is born. Rather the trinity I speak of is that of the father, the mother and the child. It says in the bible the two will come together and become one flesh. Rightfully so you will be born with characteristics and looks of both your father and your mother. These characteristics may not be immediately obvious but do exist in the image of light of your parents. So in my eyes the word God is neither him nor she rather the word God is the concept of life as we know it and the birth of a child is what the word God represents for if we cease the creation of children we cease to exist and essentially defeat God and the plan of life.
Your parents being deities may not be entirely accurate but is one way of looking at it; none the less it is a true statement that you are created in your parent’s image. The reason I propose ones parents as deities is for the same reason of defining and declaring God as well as the highest power or more importantly the highest creator. While humans thrived to understand humans, God already knew existence and further more found the secrets of the planets existence. Seeing also time as being infinite in a long enough time everyone will have the chance to experience everything. You may not experience everything in this lifetime or the next, but in all inevitability you eventually will experience all things.
Many people think of deities as the highest creator there is and to those people I ask does the universe also have a wall that says “you have reached the end of the universe please turn around?” I’m thinking the universe is infinite and life itself as well as the universe can be explained through words such as “infinite” and “everything.” As a child I also asked myself if God is the highest creator then who or what created God? I could never grasp the fact that something did not create God and I always had this idea of a God of Gods meaning I always figured there had to also be something above God. I have come to the conclusion there is no highest creator and for anything to be in existence their must have been a parent. It wasn’t until I was older I really started to understand how this could be. This way of seeing it leads to a very abstract idea you will only see and understand when your mind is ready and the idea is that there was no beginning other then your own and there is no ending once your in existence as well as time has no beginning nor ending. For you may be able to even trace the time line to the beginning of this planet but I believe time is as infinite as the universe and there will always be something before anything.
Picture this, the idea of everything exists thus it is so. In the idea of everything logically the idea of nothing exists thus it is so. However everything
Page 8 does not exist in the idea of nothing and if nothing ever existed solo then there would be nothing simply put. However because everything does exist then the idea of nothing could have never existed by itself, for everything includes nothing but nothing can never include anything. So in reality the idea of nothing doesn’t exist and never could have because something has existed at any point in time. It is very confusing at first for it is the entire reason to existence itself but once you understand or “see it” as it were you’ll understand the entire existence of everything forever more. The key is to logically understand these words; nothing, everything, never, forever, finite, infinite. What I am getting at is that it is impossible for nothing to have ever existed because something exists, meaning it is impossible that there was a beginning or ending to time and to this realm of a universe we live in and this thing we call life.
The power of our minds is far greater then the majority of the people believe for to understand each and every answer to a question one would think only God has is with in each and every one of us. This is why I sometimes discredit Jesus as the only son of God because I believe there were many in the past and many more to come in the future. I believe everyone has the ability to learn every questions answer and more importantly I believe everyone has the ability to find God just as the son of God did. I say that loosely for the kingdom of God has no secrets everything you wish to know is written in front of you. Even in his death for Jesus to say he is the one and only keeps us blind from the knowledge of our environment for it is not Gods word to say you can not be a deity yourself, it is Satan's word, for God gave each and every child whether human or planet the knowledge of self. It is figures like Jesus whom say they are the only that keep you from seeing and becoming a deity yourself. No, let me rephrase that, because it wasn’t even Jesus’ words it was words of the men whom followed him whom wrote the bible. Also I think the loose interpretations over the years probably perverted its text from its original form like some children playing the game of telephone.
Aside from the planet we have powers beyond that which has been seen short of the miracles Jesus preformed. However since each has these powers we conflict with each other for the only thing that exists is what we say and we follow whom we believe are the smart and hold what they say as truth. When the multitudes start believing in one thing, that one thing or belief takes shape and becomes solid or true, only when the masses, or multitudes, start believing in something else will it become false again. This is how Jesus, who I believe was a just man and just a man, came to perform such miracles. At the time medicine and science was primitive to all the lands and he started to solidify him self in belief of that which the people had no clue of and because his belief in himself was so great his miracles took form with the help of the minds of his follows, making no mistake that good will always triumph over evil just as everything will always exist over nothing. This triumph of good over evil is also how I know God wanted you to have all knowledge of God, and is also why I am quick to shoot down parts of the bible that say God has wrath and will unleash it, for God is good and for us to be good is the will of God and yourself even if you don’t know
Page 9 it yet. As the followers of Jesus increased, the minds that believed in his works increased, and they made his works even more solid to the point his believers are still here today. It is those whom gain the powers of will over others and perform wonders that unleash wrath that I believe are actually followers of Satan. Modern science completely discredits the miracles Jesus preformed with its explanation on how things work biologically and elementally but religion sits idle by saturated in the belief of miracles beyond science. For now the stories of miracles remain as stories however still some people break that barrier and overcome what was thought previously not to be overcome. Instead of defining something that was previously unknown, great thinkers like Albert Einstein redefine what was thought to be true.
Jesus and Albert Einstein are perfect examples of men whom are so strong in the mind from their own belief they essentially define the realm we live in. Further more Jesus is an example of how the multitudes of minds, as to say his followers, can actually grow such a belief that they can literally defy the boundaries of physics that we hold to be true. Einstein on the other hand re- defined what we hold to be true and turned one truth into another. What this tells us is that the minds of the realm essentially make up the truth. I put it into a phrase as follows “The weight of one mind is one, the weight of many minds is many, and the weight of a strong mind can grow many minds.”
These truths that we hold to be true draw a distinct line in our infinite environment. However because we are created in the image of Earth, it is the truth of the Earth that we must yield to no matter what. Such truths of the Earth I speak of are as follows; metal is solid and air moves freely. Not to say the Earth isn’t a mind it self that can change these properties. However looking at how we are born and how a computer works it becomes evident everything stems from two becoming one or two become another. Two genders, just as there is two poles north and south just as there is positive and negative, up and down, left and right it is the base makeup of our realm. True and false, one and zero is the make up of computers and I believe as well the makeup of Earth. Take light and dark for example. If light never existed we would not know what dark is for only one of the two would exist thus blinding us of the knowledge of the other. Vice a versa if only dark existed then we would not know light. The tango between these two is what makes the third idea of them to be in existence.
I believe a computer maps our entire existence for just as it stems from hardware on and offs and software ones and zeros it also serves as an electronic mirror to what we are biologically made up of. Except that currently the biological make up is far more advanced but the electrical make up is gaining speed exponentially. Our technology is gaining fast and one day I do believe that electric entities will serve in the universe just as biological entities do and just as humans question their existence electrical entities may also. Meaning I believe in the inevitability that we play God and create the next step in logical life forms and I’m not just talking about artificial intelligence, rather continued existence of something whether they are ignorant of themselves or not.
Page 10 Chapter III Abstract Concepts of You
Page 11 Now we are going to dig into theories of an abstract concept of self that most everyone will want to discredit as the truth however each concept or idea is in fact both true and false. The ideas are abstract because they are “out of the box” ways of looking at the knowledge of self and the reason everything exists, and simply put they are not held to be true in the science world unless you allow them to be true because in the laws of logic the ideas are both true and false.
On a grand scale of Earth not only are we created in our parent’s image (meaning taking on looks and qualities of our parents) but we are also created in the Earths image. This is most likely what was meant by the phrase “we are created in God’s image.” Scientists will tell you that matter is not destroyed rather it is modified or changes form. For instance when something is burned it does not disappear rather it changes to ash and smoke then a lot of it floats into the atmosphere and some is left on the ground. This means as we grow over time we gain biological matter and become an addition to Earth’s matter. In death we convert from biological matter and become part of the Earth which possibly could be the entire reason Earth grew to the size it is now over billions of years.
So who created you? Was it your parents or was it God? The answer is yes. Your parents and God created you. This trails back to the idea of your parents being deities. How then can that be true because neither of your parents created the Earth, Stars, Moon or the Sun? However they did. This is the first abstract concept of you that I’m speaking of. You can say the world existed before you did because you are here now and you see evidence of a past history. So it holds true that the Earth existed before you. Yet it also holds false and you parents did create the universe just for you. Looking through your eyes and using no one else’s words or writings logically tell me you remember seeing the Earth, Moon, Stars and the Sun before you were born. The fact of the matter is using your own mind no one else’s you are unable to recall memory before you were born. Since you cannot it makes it true that your parents created everything for you.
Now for those of you whom are saying this guy is a nut and everything he is saying is wrong and he is full of him self because the Earth was here even before my parents. Remember we are thinking outside the box and it is fact that you in your own memory can not recall anything existing before your birth, thus everything was created and given to you by no one other then your parents and it took two of them. This proves in a certain light the fact that God is the workings of your parents and God is not singular. Not only did your parents create everything but also nothing existed before you, or with out you. Before you were born there was nothing again I challenge you recall something from your own memory of your existence or the universe’s existence before your birth.
The next abstract concept of you is that only you exist in this world. All these people you see and interact with on a day to day basis only exist because you exist and they would not be here if you were not here. This concept falls in the line with the phrase “if I could walk a mile in your shoes.” Simply put you can
Page 12 wear someone’s shoes but you can’t wear their eyes or mind. Meaning your “the one” and you were brought into a canvas called life to experience “everything.” For the idea of everything exists and only because you exist otherwise there would have been nothing in existence which earlier we determined was impossible.
Now if you picking up on the abstract ways of viewing knowledge of self I present then run with it however be careful not to be selfish after all when you’re the only one that exists you should treat yourself (meaning other people) the way you want to be treated which is where the phrases “do on to other as you wish they would do on to you,” and “love your neighbor as you would love yourself” come into play.
Since we determined that you’re the only one that exists and everything exists just for you recognizing that time is infinite that means that over a long enough time line everyone will experience everything. This theory reminds me also of a phrase that states “over a long enough time line the life expectancy and survival rate of everyone drops to zero.” This digs into a concept of time and how it is infinite. Take the number zero for instance it is just as unreachable as the largest number in the world for there is no largest number because adding or multiplying numbers goes on forever, likewise there is no absolute zero in existence. If you take any number and divide it by another number no matter how many times you repeat the division you can never reach absolute zero. This goes to show that because you and everything exist now, you can never again reach absolute nothing as you were before your birth, and even more important you always existed because you exist now.
Ultimately however because you are created in your parents and Earth’s (or God’s) image the Earth has final say in who or what you will become this time around. This I associate with the phrase “God has a plan for each and every one of us.” Basically when you are about to create a baby you can’t just say I wish to birth an alien (or can you?) because you are human and humans birth or create humans and humans are created of Earth’s matter. Just as a cat births cats which are also built of Earth’s matter. In some cases cross breeding does occur in animals and evolution may take place as well but Earth has the final say as well as the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. For instance I firmly believe with out the Sun creatures of Earth would not have eyes just as some don’t who are in the extreme depths of the ocean where light does not shine. So there is an element of you that neither you nor your parents do control rather the Earth controls.
Page 13 Chapter IV The Infinite Bonds of Love
Page 14 A lot can be said about the bonding of love, so much that there are thousands of books on the subject. However we will take a logical look at love as it relates to humans as well as planets. By looking into a stars love for a planet such as the Suns love for Earth, and the Earth’s love for the Moon, we will attempt to define the love humans posses or lack thereof. I mainly take this approach because humans have such a broad idea of the mysteries of love. When I think of love emotionally a huge mass of unclear thoughts and ideas get in the way of the logical meaning of love. Where as the logical meaning of love in a physical perspective has defined boundaries that pertain to the meaning and continued existence of a specie. Simply put physical love creates babies where emotional love can come in all sorts of forms such as family, friends and same sex relationships. I don’t place as much importance on emotional love, and I place the weight of our existence and gravity on physical love.
In order to create a baby a woman must conceive the seed of a man. This is evident not only in humans but also other species. There are two sides to this coin; lets call the north the male and south the female. This north and south attraction is just as natural as a magnet however a lot more complex as it is not an inevitable attraction among humans, it is more of a choice. This is how I see the planets attractions as beings with out choice because they fell into a love so powerful it became irreversible. I for one have found a female that in the presence of I have no choice in my continued and ever growing attraction for and even more mysteriously every written word I try to present to her no matter how many times I attempt to speak in logical form, inevitably it becomes of a godly nature. This is how I stumbled across the theory of the natural attraction the north pole of the Earth has to its south pole. As well as the hold the Earth has on its children via gravity. I believe the planets are beings once like you or I who found a forever love that only can grow in time and never part forever and ever. Magnets are an example of this love that always holds true and always pulls near. The same can be said about the Sun for the Earth. Gravity as I see it is nothing more then love. A lot can be said in word association and phrases. For instance love has often been described using a form of the word magnet itself. I think rightfully so too.
One thing about love that I don’t think any one would dispute is the feeling you can get by looking into someone’s eyes. Nobody has been able to define the timeless love felt from looking to someone eyes. The center of eye is void, not black. For an eye absorbs all light making it theoretically impossible to see into ones pupil. You can see a glare from the eye’s lens but other then that there is essentially nothing in the center of an eye to see. Because the pupil absorbs and our mind retains what we see I view the eye as a magnet of light also known as a black hole. Sure we can’t see into the eye but that may be because our own eye is absorbing what is in someone else’s mind as theirs does the same to ours. To explain a bit better let’s take a look at magnets again. How they work is north attracts to south and south attracts to north and this attraction continues recursively, if it weren’t recursive then one magnet could suspend another facing opposite poles indefinitely no matter how you move them around they would stay
Page 15 attracting at distances apart. Instead they snap together because of the recursion in their attraction. This is also the reason why the attraction gets larger as the poles get closer together. It is possible that it is the same recursive attraction that occurs with light when we look into each others eyes. When you’re more attracted to someone the further into the soul the recursion reaches.
Let’s take a look at outer space at night. It is black, or more important it is void. No matter how far you travel it is apparent to even a child that it never ends. This void absorbs not only light on Earth but light of all things from the other planets and beyond. I like to refer to this as God's eye. To make light of the situation, excuse the pun, in the day time when you look up into the sky you can see that God's eye is blue. I think there is a very special bond between the grounds of planets such as Earth and the void sky that stretches on forever and ever. Let’s take a look down now at the ground we call Earth and let’s relate what we see to numbers again and how they are forever increasing. Let’s imagine there are neither hills nor trees in the terrain on the Earth, just a perfectly round ball. When we stand on this ball and look straight ahead we see two planes that stretch into infinity. Now where these planes meet we will call absolute one. If we were to move up into the sky we will add to one and never reach the end as the number just gets bigger and bigger. Here is where it gets difficult to understand because of science and our own eyes. If we were to dig down into the Earth on an absolute straight line could we ever reach the center? Let’s say digging we divide one in half each time, this poses the argument that we can never reach the absolute center of the Earth and I believe it may also explains black holes.
The Earth I believe could have at one time been a black hole where a mass so big hit it and the hole was unable to pull all the mass through causing a massive heated molten lava of a core and since the mass did not directly hit it at any center it caused the mass to spin around using the black hole, which was stuffed up, as the center axis. Aside from that theory I do not believe you can dig into the Earth and reach the other side if your going straight through the center for the Earth is as infinite as the sky we just don’t realize it. If we did reach the center I doubt we would exist to talk about it. This is a hard concept to grasp for some but it also is evident that if the world was an even plane and we walked it would never end just as the galaxy doesn’t end, though we might walk all the way around and see familiar territory as we have on Earth but theoretically it is still infinite with out end. I also believe that if we could see using our eyes to no end that standing on a perfectly smooth Earth you could see your back in the distance. This also runs into the idea I pose of planets and the Sun not being round. I do not believe they are round because I believe they are infinite although opposite infinite of outer space and the only reason they are round is because our eye balls lens is absorbing in a round pattern and looking up at the Sun we are staring at a tango of two infinites that exist with in each other. I see the Sun as being a collapsed infinity that all planets eventually enter rather then a burning star.
Page 16 What does all this infinite business have to do with love? It has to do with the mind being just as infinite as the eye and the eye is our glimpse into others infinite of minds, likewise the planets being a more permanent bond of infinite love. The bible says the gift that God gave you is infinite and ever lasting life. While we are small creatures we were given all the same gift. That gift is everything including the universe. On Earth we are infinite in the eye and memory where God is infinite of the sky and planets. No matter what however we were all given the gift to be of a deity is what I believe so long as you find a love that is as infinite as the north and south poles attractions of a planet or magnet. The love I speak of is one that is everlasting and only grows larger in time, never smaller, and continues forever and ever. People find this very hard to believe because they think they know what love is and it requires work rather the loving attraction I speak of that which lasts forever.
To get scientific gravity to me seems to obviously be magnetism however on such a scale proportional to the mass of the object, for instance the mass of a planet vs. the mass of the magnets on your fridge. Just as a magnetic south reaches for north, the poles of the Earth reach for each other and meet up at the equator as there are most likely north and south poles of the Sun or it could be of completely different design where north and south have collapsed as we know it causing the fire it is made of the burn indefinitely. Then again who is to say the Sun existed first just because the planets orbit the Sun? No one can answer this other then God almighty.
Page 17 Chapter V The Spirit Code of the Soul
Page 18 Next let us define souls from spirits. There is a common misconception where the word soul and the word spirit become interchangeable. However it is my belief that these words mean two very different and definable things. Again relating to magnets I believe souls are such that each person has one and further more they are connectable to other peoples souls. Relating to magnets lets call male souls north and female souls south. In the search for our soul mate as we think of other people I believe that our souls actually connect much like a magnet with each others souls. A spirit however is what I believe to be qualities and characteristics that define a person such as characteristic both biological and action based. As to say that a human is of good spirit vs. a human is of broken spirit, and every human has a soul.
Through out life our minds collect and analysis various data we receive from our senses. This is what builds up our spirit where as everyone by default has a soul that which is no different from one person to another except for the difference of male from female. However in conjunction of souls the spirit is what defines someone as being compatible with another person. In the case of males and females a male born of a north soul will attract a south soul or female. This could also explain a course of homo-sexuality where as a male is born of a south soul and is generally attracted to males of a north soul. Either way I believe the spirit is what will ultimately determine how you interact with another soul. You can also look at it as like the soul being the ground or base of the energy of a human and the spirit is a growing tree on top of that base that can grow in all sorts of different directions depending on the spirit of the human and no spirit grows the same way. Spirits and souls lead into modern astrology as well. Being born of Gemini or Scorpio could be looked at as another way of saying the default soul and spirit you are born of predetermine whom of a different sign you are most likely compatible with.
It is the spirit that leads me to the conclusion that the DNA code of a being is similar or the same as the spirit of an individual. While DNA is a code that holds the base code to the creation of a human it also varies from human to human and could possibly vary depending on our environment, not only in the context of a human whom lives in America vs. a human whom lives in Asia but also in the context of a being on the planet Earth vs. a being on the planet Mars. It is also true that our DNA will not mix with that of say a cat’s DNA in an attempt of cross breeding as to say your spirits don’t mix, but on a base level you can become connected to your cat on a very high emotional level as to say you souls connect.
The way I see it is a spirit is both predetermined at birth with in a certain realm but during your travels in life it yields to change with in that realm depending on your experience. A soul however I see as the more mysterious part of life that we have yet to explain. It’s the part of life that is invisible and the part that eludes scientists, it is also the part that makes us different from plants. A soul is to the mind as a spirit is to the memory of the mind. Your heart is where your mind (soul) and your memory (spirit) come together to determine the
Page 19 nature of your actions as a whole. Just as DNA code says you will be born with arms your spirit says how you will wave those arms when you dance.
Another difference between souls and spirits is their growth. Everyone is born with a soul and ones soul is proportionate to the mass of the matter that the person takes up and it grows with them as their body grows. In death ones soul becomes an addition to the planets soul (becoming part of the north or south poles) just as the body becomes part of the Earth’s matter keeping Earth’s rotation around the Sun balanced. A spirit however is infinitely changing even if it is not infinite in its growth. It appears to humans that our memory maybe infinite but I believe this if far from the truth rather it may be infinite with in the time line of a human however on a grand scale I do not believe our long term memory is infinite. It is however infinite in change, this means that your long term memory can be altered by sacrificing previous memory and this happens with out you even knowing it because you can no longer recall long term memories you once had. So ultimately whether the mind is truly infinite or not has both a yes and no answer.
Another aspect of spirits that we will take a look at is a spirit reflection. It is another way of saying someone has the same spirit as someone else whether in looks, characteristics or actions. Have you ever looked at someone that strangely reminds you of someone else who is not related to that person? This is an example of a spirit reflection. Every action we enlist on in this thing called life essentially can define not only how you act but how you look as well. For instance people who spend the majority of their lives as being grumpy may actually start to show it in their face on a constant basis whereas in their old age they always look grumpy even when they’re not. Laughing as well is a perfect example of how you can contract the spirit of others. Laughing is contagious, not only when one laughs is it likely that another will laugh, but also people who spend a lot of time together can contract the sound of each others laugh. It is an example of what I call the “best friend syndrome.” Some people have been exhibited with desperation in their laugh just as some have a care free sound. Some laughs can be very annoying while some very pleasant. The sound of some one’s laugh may sound unique and that is because there are many different sounding laughs but chances are you’ll laugh much like someone else and further it is likely that the sound is contracted from someone you think of often from idolization. It’s a common example of how our souls connect and contract qualities from each other. This is also evident in crying, it can be just as contagious as a laugh pertaining to they characteristics of a cry. Even deeper then the “best friend syndrome” is the “twin syndrome.” Not only does this pertain to just twins but also any siblings or persons of the same family. Just as you have characteristics of your parents, meaning spirit reflection of, you also will exhibit even more closely a reflection of characteristics and looks from your siblings.
The reflection of spirit is where I attribute the story of Adam and Eve. I believe that all humans stem from Adam and Eve and this is much of the reason
Page 20 why someone cross country may remind you of someone next door. Meaning we are all built with-in a defined realm of DNA that which was set forth by the first male and female human. However since I believe in evolution I also believe that the original Adam and Eve were not humans at all, rather single cell organisms. In time and over time the single cells evolved from nothing more then love. The love is what is the reason and is what makes something evolve over time to adapt to new and possibly harsh conditions. Under these harsh conditions the beings basically laid down the law and said we are not going to cease to exist and so logically and biologically they adapted to harsh conditions. Whether it was slow over time or fast from self mutilation or abnormal birth defects it really doesn’t matter so long as it is something that would help the specie to exist.
Page 21 Chapter VI Designing Heaven on Earth
Page 22 No matter what planet, which I often refer to as orbit, or system, such as solar, you are from one thing is always evident. Your immediate surroundings reveal what your purpose is and how to achieve your objective, furthermore it revels what you were given by existing as a life form. I’m not speaking of the various jobs and activities we experience on Earth as humans, I am speaking of the after life or what I also refer to as the after light. Because we as humans have eyes it is even simpler then ever for us to understand.
As we stand on Earth and look up into the cosmos we see key objects. Number one would be the Sun, number two the Moon, and number three the Stars the less obvious is the Earth because we stand on it. These objects mimic what our purpose in life is and what we are to achieve. Jumping ahead light years of knowledge, the Sun is the son, the Moon is the father, and the Earth is the mother. How we come up with this scenario is from the birth of the son of God. It is written in the bible completely obscure by third parties and in the case of Jesus the parents played a big part in making it even more obscure. There is a possibility of a daughter or son being born of a couple but in the case of God only a son. A daughter of God is something very different and only understood by very few in the entire universe. The reason it is a son and not daughter is so that there is undoubting means to find the father because the mother births the child as a virgin so the mother is obviously known of any child, but the father of a child born of a virgin mother would be much more difficult to spot. Now in the bible they made up stories to cover this up as a secret or it is more likely the authors of the bible did not know the real reason. The father reflects the son just as the Moon reflects the Sun. The mother births the son whom later may grow to be a father himself.
The virgin mother whom gives birth to a child will pick up quickly or already know the exact design of the planet she is walking on, this on some planets is knowledge that is automatically known of all females whom by nature keep it secret to ensure the real father time is found, or maybe even selected. In Earths design of heaven there is only two and no more then two parents and a child, sometimes in rare cases more then one child for one birth. It is however the cosmos of the Sun and the Moon that gives away the design of a child and helps the mother in finding the father. Now I know a lot of you are saying at this point that this is completely unfounded and against what the bible says however this is nothing of the sort. Simply put the knowledge can never leave this Earth of this special scenario and is how it is seen. For instance where did the term “mother earth” come from and why do you think it exists? I am telling you why. Father time as well is a reference to the father whom has to sit on stand by idle while the mother realizes this dream of the son of God. Also why do you think the word Sun and son are the same in sound? It all relates to how a child of God is born of this Earth. This is true for every planet in our solar system and is how naturally other specie subconsciously pickup on the knowledge of babies. The reason however we are not standing on Mars with two Moons is simply because of the galactic time line, Earth is the current harvester of love or life forms.
Page 23 The objective of being an earthling however is very different it is not to birth the son of God. For the son of God is nothing more then a being that enlightens everyone of the Earth to the reason and after light when the planet as a whole is missing the point, and he is only born of two parents whom never made love with each other to make no mistake that they know the knowledge of the universe whether they gained it in this lifetime or a past lifetime. In today’s world however with the Anti-Christ the mother may think she was raped unconscious or the son of God could be aborted (oops). The objective is simply a dream that is the after life. This dream I speak of none if not one of you have ever seen for it was the only dream worthy of God. Your nights are filled with blackness and you do not remember much of it yes? This is because you have not found that one and only love that would turn the light on at night in your dreams as bright as it is in the day time and keep it on forever and ever. For when you rest at night you are shown how bright your light is, this little light of mine, and if blackness or nightmares occur you are far from the truth, furthermore if you lost your virginity chances are you will not be able to find that one and only. I need to be very clear too that it must be of opposite gender for north and north can not hold a magnet together with out south they sure as “hell” can’t hold a planet together.
I no doubt have lost a lot of readers by these statements but it is also evident that the world and its beings are lost and not making it to heaven by the frigid air that can kill a man and the countless ways water as well kills people with things like hurricanes and tsunamis. This is not the Earths doing. This is the multitudes of minds that are going nowhere and furthermore hurting more then they are doing good. If a disease even exists you have lost love completely I really don’t care how much you say you love someone. This globe’s children are walking blind lead by figures that have bigger egos then the knowledge they are bringing you. That is why I am attempting to explain all this and start a new religion. For if you don’t see heaven when you fall asleep make no mistake when you go for the big rest, your still going to see nothing. You have to look at things in the literal sense as well, we are walking on water just as Jesus did, as to say the planet is cold and has ice and we are all dieing for our sins. The text of the revelation is nothing more then a warning of the signs you will see, do you honestly think that you were born to die? How is it you “believe” in Jesus rather then “know” he existed as he did and your belief in the rest of the bibles teachings is non-existent? Did you think that “everlasting life” spoke of in the bible was not truly everlasting life? You believed in science a man made concept rather then the bible. If you think that all creatures die I feel sorry for you because you are playing into the plague of Satan’s words. You were not born to die, I will say it again you were not born to die.
It is a simple case of kinetic vs. potential for all you scientific types. In love kinetic love feels so much greater then potential we indulge in it, lust. However once you’ve lost the ability to see the potential because you have indulged in kinetic activities, you probably aren’t going to see or find the highest potential love you could have had. In fact you probably walked right past it disregarding it
Page 24 as a possibility for you because you walk the path that others tell you to walk. If you do know who your highest potential love is why would you settle for less? In seeing the highest potential and you still walk into the kinetic indulgence you are only going to hurt yourself in the end. This is why virginity is stressed in religion, it’s not just because God wants you to be true to your one and only it’s more because God wants you to find your one and only and in the end it will hurt only yourself that you were not true to that one. By the way it is not your fault it is an inevitable time fault of Earth during the course of the solar system. In the case where this does not happen for anyone, a messiah or messenger steps forward and brings a family where the son of God is birthed of a virgin. This son of God is the child that shall enlighten all of the beings of the globe both living and perished (raising even the dead), not just humans in fact the son of God may not always be human, and that is how global warming will take effect, you see we are one as a whole in Earth’s mind so even if he doesn’t show (as a spectacle), the teachings will seep into everyone’s minds because they now exist. It’s a lot like how when you think of some great idea then the next day you see someone came up with it and capitalized off of it, or you find out the next day someone capitalized on it along time ago.
Page 25 Chapter VII The Holy Trinity of Earth
Page 26 The Earth we live on is a very mysterious place and one thing is evidently seen by most all of humans and other specie as well. The trinity of Earth is this: the coming together of a father and a mother to create a child. There is however a very special trinity which is that of God or the Sun, this trinity is widely known in the Christianity religion which is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but whom is the Holy Spirit? A lot of people get the Holy Spirit confused with the Holy Ghost. In defining souls from spirits we learn that a spirit can be used to describe someone who is living or deceased. However a ghost is that of the dead. The Holy Spirit in the Holy Trinity, meaning that of God, is a person who is the holiest of holy beyond that even of any living priest of any religion and surely the pope as well. The Holy Spirit is used to describe this person whom no doubt is a virgin and follows deities for the sake of the planet disregarding the indulgence of sin by not following other humans whom believe sin is the nature of humans. Sin is the nature of sinners not that of humans.
In the context of the trinity of the Sun there may be two Holy Spirits as well, making the Holy Trinity that of two Holy Spirits and the Son. Also if there is only one Holy Spirit it may be of female or male nature. This changes the Holy Trinity to the following possibilities; the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son of God, or the Holy Spirit, the Mother and the Son of God, or the Holy Spirits and the Son of God. It is evident however in the Holy Trinity that there is always a Mother and a Father, whom either one or both may be of Holy Spirit. In the case of the Holy Spirit the Son is always born of one or two virgins of both a male and female parent. It is when the Holy Spirit is the Mother that the birth is widely exploited because she, the Holy Spirit, is virgin like that of the birth of Jesus, whom is the Son of God, or the Son of the Sun. This is why also a male child was born as well, although the child may be female, it is the father’s resemblance that the child takes on to truly determine the real father since the mother is obviously known.
The story behind the bible is largely fiction in that the Holy Ghost appeared in dreams. This does happen however it is the love between the two that they had before they were formally introduced that helped them understand who their child was. The bible was largely written by men whom were faithful followers of Jesus for sometime, but over the years through translations of languages and scriptures that are now lost it is evident to even a child as well as historians that the writings probably do not hold 100% of the original text.
The father in a Holy Trinity is commonly known today as Father Time. The mother in a Holy Trinity is commonly known today as Mother Earth. The part that isn’t immediately evident is that in the Holy Trinity the Son represents the Sun, the Father represents the Moon, and the Mother represents the Earth. Simply between the ways the two words of Sun and Son sound alike is one way to realize this truth of the Son. Because the term Mother Earth has the word Earth in it is how we determine she represents the Earth. The father however isn’t as simple to determine as the Moon and because no one sees the Son as the Sun we loose the idea behind the Holy Trinity all together. First we must come to realize
Page 27 the trinity of the mother and the father to create the child and this places the planet we stand on as a three party system, known as the trinity. Further more we use our eyes to determine these representations. For instance, standing on Earth looking through our eyes we see the largest orbits, (or heavenly bodies, or planets, or asteroids, or stars) are as follows, the Sun and the Moon, the less obvious is the largest being the Earth which is in it self a trinity the Sun the Earth and the Moon. The largest is the most important being the Earth, because with out the mother whom represents the Earth no child can be born. The next most important is the Moon representing the father, because with out the father we can not seed the mother. The Sun is as important as both the mother and the father because with out the Son or child we cease existence. We come to the conclusion that the Moon represents the father because the Moon is what balances the Earth’s orbit around the Sun and essentially the Moon is the keeper of time for with out it our orbit around the Sun would change which is how we come to the conclusion the Moon represents father time. As asteroids hit the Moon it slowly looses mass and effectively changes time which is why previous civilizations had very different calendars then we do today. We could of course loose the moon entirely through some catastrophic event.
On Mars there is a four party system, which is very different then Earth but Mars’ time is yet to be. A lot of people read the bible and think all these bad things are going to take over Earth in the End of Times. This is true but you have to also realize that the majority of the signs are here and many people realize this and are talking about it, however many other people are choosing to not believe nor repent for their sins. One thing people don’t realize however is that the End of Times is just that, and not the end of the Earth. It is literally the end of “time.” This is evident in history as it will repeat itself, many civilizations rise and fall and with the rise and fall of civilizations there is the rise and fall of calendars and that is where the meaning end of “time” comes into play. Meaning in the end of “time” a new calendar will be created according to the rotation of the Earth or Mars around the Sun determined by Father Time or the Moon.
The other thing that is clearly evident in the night sky when standing on Earth that I did not speak of is the Stars. In the End of Times the second coming may occur, and it may not. I say this loosely as while the star that was created when Jesus was born is the brightest realize it is not the only star in the sky. In fact there are many which should bring you to a conclusion long lost that Jesus is not the only Son of God, he may be the only begotten Son of God but that is for reasons of the people. Every time a child of the Holy Trinity is born a star is placed in the sky. However it is the dream of the parents that unknowingly decide the fate of the world to come. For instance Mary and Joe’s conviction to each other is what created the brightest star in the sky. Every time a child of the Sun is born the world becomes a better place. Jesus was the first child of the Sun born when the world had the word. In the word I mean language as in written or spoken. Before him the other children of the Sun had not these tools and the child may not have even been human for it is a gift given by Earth to all its being to become that of the “stars of the entire show or that of God.” This is evident by
Page 28 staring into the sky, it is said in the Bible that a star was placed in the sky when the Son of God was born. Who said that the other stars were placed for some other reason or no reason at all? The word said this, because Jesus was the first Son of God born during the time that written and spoken word existed. It doesn’t matter who or what you are you have been given the same gift by God that everyone was given. It is when the planet as a whole becomes so cold due to the sins and lost dreams of its inhabitants that a love too powerful for the Earth to ignore appears to show everyone the error of their ways regardless of the Earth this couple is as large or larger then the universe in knowledge.
Page 29 Chapter VIII Entering Dreams of the Sun
Page 30 In the effort to find out what we are and why we exist let’s take a look at what happens to us humans on Earth that which is controlled by the cosmos. During the days of our lives we spend our time awake alert and in focus of countless tasks in everything from jobs to relationships. More importantly, our eyes at this time are open and this is due to the Sun. Then at night we enter a realm that thus far no-one has been able to completely define. We enter the realm of dreams, and this is largely due to the Sun setting. As we walk the path of life everyone over a long enough time will eventually need to sleep. It is the day and night parts that the cosmos play in our lives we will focus on.
I can remember a song that has this phrase “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.” It is this song that largely shows what it is we are trying to achieve, the ultimate dream. Many people have many dreams both in the literal meaning of dreaming at night but as well as dreams in the sense of achieving goals during the day time. However it is my belief that there are only seven dreams in this world that are eternal. Let me explain myself, at night the majority of us see black and have the occasional nightmare. I attribute this to humans chasing the wrong dream. There was a dream I have had a total of three times where it started right when I fell asleep and ended hours later when I awoke. More importantly during these dreams, the light was as bright as daylight and lasted the entire time I was asleep in which I was completely lucid and in control. This is because I achieved the Earth’s dream.
As we go through life and work toward or day time dreams what we don’t realize is that the Earth only has one dream for us that will always light our night which is that of the design of Earth. Making no mistake about my dreams as I knew even before I had them what the goal was and how I was to achieve my one dream that which is the same dream that God has for you. I call it the after life or the eternal light. It is the night time rest that is the ultimate goal you should be trying to achieve. If when you sleep the light as it were is not turned on and turned up bright then you should seriously consider soul searching to find that one and only person that when just in the presence of in the day time will turn the light on for you then attempt being next to that person at night. Making no mistake that when you die and enter eternal rest hopefully you found the eternal dream or light.
There is a way in using word associations that naturally occurs no matter what language or culture you are from to come to this realization. No matter how long the Earth has been in existence, no matter how much we change or evolve ourselves or our language the natural design of what there is to find in life is always evident. We will take a look at the words Adam and Eve. Disregarding the actual story behind the forbidden fruit lets take a look at them as a couple and how the actual words Adam and Eve relate to the one dream of Earth.
Why are Adam and Eve such a perfect couple? Well because at their time they were the only humans that existed making them perfect for each other. It is my belief to every male in the world there is one female and for every female
Page 31 there is the same male. This is what I refer to as “the one” dream or “the one and only” dream. It is also my belief that in the current times it is either extremely rare or none-existent that we find our one and only.
So what is this word association I’m speaking of in the phrase “Adam and Eve?” It is this “Atom and Eve.” Adam being a name sounds exactly like atom which is what matter is made of which is what we see in the daytime. Eve simply put has two meanings both being a name and a reference to when the Sun goes down also known as Evening, however Eve also bears striking resemblance to the word Eye. More importantly the evening eye or third eye that is what you use when you see your dreams. It is the tango of the two worlds of daytime and nighttime, the Eye of Atom and the Eye of Eve. This represents the ultimate goal while on Earth and the gift of sleep is your glimpse to your after light, to turn the Eye of Eve as bright as your Eye of Atom. It should serve you right to know as you sleep if your dreams are blackened nights or nightmares you are far from falling into heaven in the after life or eternal light.
The dream to achieve is only one and it is of Earth’s design of one man and one woman to create a child. If you are so lucky as to have found that one man or one woman surely you know of the dream I speak of for it is bright for the Sun itself lights your dream if you find the right one, and easy would have been the task but you sinned of the flesh. It is my belief that the sin some of us indulge in as humans is what makes the night blackened in our dreams. For what you see during the daytime will manifest at night, and for you to commit such sin against yourself and your one and only it is far better to see nothing then to experience the nightmare of knowing the grief you have caused against yourself, you only love and against God’s plan. It is my belief that for every Adam there is only one Eve. Not just any Eve or Adam but one designed perfect for you so perfect the love could only possibly grow in time forever and ever. I believe it is the ignorance of humans to believe otherwise. I personally can’t believe how many times I have heard the phrase “no-body is perfect.” It makes me so furious I just want to slap anyone who says it and say “never again in my presence say God is not perfect, for God created you.”
Page 32 Chapter IX The Greek Written Universe
Page 33 The Solar System is a mysterious place, and it is my belief it was written by creature of Greek descent in the beginning of it’s time. I mostly attribute this due to the Greek number system and how it relates to planets that both exist and are yet to exist. First to understand the Solar System we must take a look at the Universe. This word universe in the sense I speak of is not the vast majority of open outer space. The word universe I speak of is the “you and I” verse. This is a prewritten verse from Alpha to Omega that define the system of solar starting with the Sun as Alpha and ending with Pluto as Kappa with room for expansion in the prediction of the solar time line all the way to Omega.
The solar time line is one that takes over billions of years for the time of the existence of just one planet. To understand a planets life time as a living being of an existing deity we must look at the structure of the solar system. First is the Sun, the Alpha of all and all planets revolve around the Sun although with orbits the parental relationship is opposite in that which you would think. Meaning the Sun is the child and each planet orbiting around it existed before the Sun. It is an inverse opposite effect from an Earthly parent child relationship that makes the planet exist forever and ever. In the bible it is said that God is past present and future meaning that a child of some planet was born in the past as a present being and then became the future of a living planet that exists in all forms of time.
To further understand the galactic time line lets take a look at the planets under the Sun starting with the first two that are before Earth whom of which do not have moons, Mercury and Venus. These planets have no moons and are making their slow decent into the Sun to become part of the Sun however this takes again over billions of years, at one point each of those two planets had life and had moons meaning there was a vision of a dream to achieve on these planets much like on Earth. Every planet after Earth is a heavenly body yet to have its time as a planet with life forms. The current planet with an abundance of life is Earth, and for every being born of Earth that become a deity a planet will be placed in the solar system with a unknown number of moons depending on the dream the deity willed and the Sun regarded as worthy of a dream under the Sun. This means in all existence of the Earth only six dreams were worthy of their own planets under the Sun, Earth being the seventh. This is why on Earth things appear in the number seven. There are seven wonders, seven seas, seven continents and seven major religions with seven different after life’s some yet to be decided. What isn’t as evident is that there are seven senses. The senses are as follows, gender, taste, touch, temp, sound, sight, smell. These senses given upon to beings of Earth are a result of previously living deities that walked Earth in some form gifting Earth a sense thus the Sun gifting the deity a heavenly body, or planet, of their choice of dream under the Sun. Like I said however the planets existed before the Sun as God is past present and future. Eventually all planets will have their reign of life under the Sun and from each planet new planets maybe born.
Page 34 The first two planets Mercury and Venus once contained life but now they make their descent into the Sun and serve as souls housing for the planet Earth. The common phrase men are from Mars and women are from Venus isn’t entirely accurate but half accurate. Men are from Mercury and women are from Venus. Every soul that once lived on Mercury or Venus that never made it to the Sun are and will be born into Earth for a chance at Earth’s design of a heavenly dream being given a second chance as they are un-forgiven of their original planet. As the souls are birthed into Earth the mass of Mercury and Venus are displaced making the mass of the planet heavier and ultimately increasing their descent into the Sun.
At sometime Earth will loose its moon and increase its descent into the Sun becoming a third soul housing planet for the birth of being into Mars which has two moons meaning there will be three genders on Mars. To create a child on Mars two of the genders that will represent the two moons of Mars must seed the third and the third will be similar to the women on Earth because it is the third gender that represents the body of Mars that will give birth to babies born of a soul form one of the three planets Mercury, Venus, and Earth. When it is Jupiter’s time for life it will be very a very different setup because of Jupiter’s seventy two moons, sixty three of which are known by NASA so far.
So how is it I come to these realizations about the planets and the Greek verse? Further more how is it I am predicting NASA will eventually determine there are seventy two moons of Jupiter when they only found sixty three as of the time I am writing this document? It is all visible right here on Earth by looking at the past deities that ruled and looking at the seven most dominate religions. God’s heaven is of one man finding one women which is that of Earth. Mars however is of three genders which is that of ancient Egyptian’s religion by looking at the three pyramids. The Egyptian deities aren’t as easy to see unless you understand the galactic time line. The one that is easy is the Islam faith where you get seventy two virgins in heaven which is how I know that, even if not yet, there will be seventy two moons of Jupiter. It is Allah that is attacking the U.S. soil which claims one nation under God. When this occurs the kingdom is divided between the two and the land in the middle of this conflict is the one that will begin to gain rule in the kingdom once again claiming the ignorance of both God and Allah and returning to begin life on the next planet gifted to the deity. However they are far from ignorant as deities, it is the people whom praise and follow them that make them ignorant. Before I mentioned that God is the deity of Earth, I didn’t mention however Amun is the deity of Mars and Allah is the deity of Jupiter. The timeline is as follows. God reigned as Jesus over the land as a whole and his institution still stands, so in due time Allah will attack God because it is time for the deity in the middle to reign over the land and manifest Mars which is Amun-Ra of the Egyptian ancients. Eventually in billions of years Amun on Mars will be attacked by Buddha which in the end of times on Mars means Allah will rise in the middle and claim Amun and Buddha’s ignorance and Allah will then begin life on Jupiter. This continues so long as there are planets
Page 35 because in due course of time the life of each planet will both rise and fall from heaven into sin.
Under this galactic timeline I speak of I said Allah is of Jupiter what I didn’t mention is Buddha is of Saturn. This is known through the Greek Universe also known as the Greek Alphabet. The reason this is evident is due to the signs that represent the Greek Alphabet not the words themselves. In the universe Alpha is the Sun, Beta is Mercury, Gamma is Venus, Delta is Earth, Epsilon is Mars, Zeta is Jupiter, Eta is Saturn, Theta is Uranus, Iota is Neptune, and Kappa is Pluto. This also means that the Solar System is prewritten up to Omega. Realizing this is by realizing the Egyptian symbolism of the pyramid or the triangle of Delta that which is Earth’s magic symbol. Earlier I said that for each child of the Sun or Holy Trinity a star is placed in the galaxy, this also means that for every Star that exists in the galaxy a planet existed or will exist. What I didn’t speak of is the secrets of the Greek symbols to each planet. What people don’t know is that during the previous reign of the Egyptian deities at least three children of the Sun were born and it is not that the pyramids are aligned to the Stars of Orion’s belt it is that the bodies that lay in the pyramids put the Stars in the sky. What many don’t know about Jesus and other children of the Sun is that the Star they are born of actually follows them through out their lives. This is the Sun’s way of saying “make no mistake this is a child of mine.” This is also a driving force that alerts the animals as well as humans to the presence of a child of God where they as well have no choice but to love the child in its presence. It is the pyramid structure that when on Earth aligns the star where the child lays forever and ever.
Another thing to note of the planets beyond Earth is the huge difference they have in the mobility of the matter that makes up each planet. Meaning when looking from space or looking at the night sky with a telescope at the other planets you’ll see that the other planets are relatively still and not much change happens on these planets. They appear void of climate and change. So what is it that makes Earth when visible from space so erratic in its changing weather system? The answer to this question would be life. The life on Earth and the minds as a collective make up the Earth which as I mentioned earlier is also how you know the people as a whole are lost. The weather of Earth gets tragically violent. It’s not the Earth’s doing it is the collision of the negativity of our minds that make up the changing composition of the ground, water and air. This theory is inline with the Chaos Theory which in summary states that for every action there is an equal reaction however this reactions final motion may occur anywhere in the world. As a common example to explain the Chaos Theory when a butter fly flaps its wings the wind it generates occurs as is which can add to an already massive wind movement.
Page 36 Chapter X Father Time and Mother Earth
Page 37 What makes a planet a world? The answer to this would be father time and mother earth. These are the two key players in all existence. While father time is the omnipresent existence of time which occurs on all planets in the solar system, mother earth is the omnipresent existence of all matter in the universe. Father time and mother earth are as human as they are planetary for it is the mother that gives birth to earth literally. Likewise it is the time that allows the creation and growth of the earth. These two players are also keys in the most perfect heaven you could ever think of.
Imagine this if you will, you see a couple and for the sake of heaven this couple is the actual father of time and the mother of earth. Why is this couple so heavenly? Because in this special couple the father or the male, can manipulate time and the mother or the female, can manipulate earth. What possible scenario of all the heavens and all the worlds could this couple not achieve? The answer is nothing. This couple has complete power over all and everything is within their reach. The father is able to turn a billion years into a single second and vice-a- versa and the mother able to manipulate the world to their liking upon those billions of years. Imagine with one blink of the eye you look at this couple and with in that blink they experienced billions of years starting at the moment your eyes are open and ending the moment you re-open them. They experienced everything possible to experience in that blink and the mother of earth restores the earth to its original state before that blink. Making the couple of father time and mother earth the most heavenly of all because with manipulation of time and with manipulation of earth there is nothing they can not do.
These two are the with out a doubt the most heavenly couple possible further more the gift of time and earth given to this couple is in fact heaven. They are able to anything possible and everything possible with just the ability to manipulate time and earth. It’s like together they can go off on a tangent where and when ever they like and they are in complete control of all things able to restore everything to the second before they took this fantastic journey of a tangent and not a soul other then theirs would know anything ever happened. I challenge you to find a better gift that God could give to a couple to bring them to heaven. The fact of the matter is anything you think of this couple of father time and mother earth could already perform based off of the nature of time and earth. This couple could also bring heaven to all and every creature of the planet.
Heaven is forever life, and I’m not talking about an after life I am talking about life on this planet in biological form. Father time and mother earth together have forever life. Everyone believes that death is inevitable but this is not true. I don’t see how there are followers of the Christian faith whom read the bible and walk away from the words like “everlasting life.” They believe rather then know that Jesus rose from the grave and they accept that they are born to die with out a doubt in their minds when this is far from the truth and it states clearly in the bible that everlasting life is part of Christian teaching. For this reason science is part of the Anti-Christ for it was not the words of Jesus that every biological being will die, that is the words of Satan. You are not born to die.
Page 38 Living forever however is not actually forever. Living forever is being given the option to always live over death rather then being given no option but to die. So in essence father time and mother earth can live forever yet they have the choice to discontinue their lives.
However besides a male being, and a female being, who are the greater father of time and the greater mother of earth? This answer for the mother would be earth itself and the answer for the father would be the outer space or shape that surrounds the planets including earth. While humans are alive however they have their own earth and space of time. Simply put each human has earth via a body and space of time via their eyes. These are the fundamentals a planet gives to their children and while living these are gifts to you and upon perishing these gifts are added to the planet. It is the combination of these two gifts both the body and the eyes that are given to you that create the living Gods. Again using word association we can see how this comes to be, simply using the two “I” and “Me” words. “Me” is an acronym for mother earth. Where “I” sounds just like eye and the eye being as void as the outer space represents time we pass through.
Page 39 Chapter XI The Body of the Anti-Christ
Page 40 What happens however when mother earth and father time are not walking earth? The Anti-Christ seeps in. A lot of people have wild ideas of what the Anti-Christ is, some ideas very real, and some ideas very abstract. Some believe it is a force that exists in all of us and some believe that it will be a single person in human form. Both are correct. When neither father time nor mother earth walk the planet what happens is that over time earth becomes exploited and extorted for the worse. Along that time line however it will eventually bounce back. To Christians this would be considered revelation where the second coming occurs, and a lot of Christians such as my self believe the signs of the revelation are already here.
One thing to understand is that the Anti-Christ is both human and planet form. What I mean by human form is that we do feed the Anti-Christ with our ill sin filled ways of living. Many of us follow the well oiled governmental engine so much that we trample on the truly righteous of the most religious of people. One thing people don’t realize is the bigger picture however that we are actually making the planet itself sin against its will. To explain you must understand that when we write, such as this text, record, voice or video, what we are doing is making the earth transmit our message. So while you think your watching the president make a speech on television what actually you are watching is the planet and you interpret it as what it is. Same goes for audio such as music when it is recorded. When you listen to rock or rap you think you’re listening to the artist, this is true but your also listening to waves the planet is transmitting not the actual artist and if those waves are negative the planet is actually transmitting negativity to its own children. So when video and audio waves are being transmitted you’re looking and listening to the planet sin in the two senses of light and sound. This is the Anti-Christ. The problem is things such as news retransmit death and destruction often over the good news just to get ratings and they don’t realize they are making the planet sin in the eyes of humans. This is a problem and most everyone is ignorant to the fact.
Good will always triumph over evil. So the more evil we make the planet with death and destruction transmitting to our minds the further the globe causes such things as natural disasters to expunge our ill ways. Furthermore there is a stress point as it were. This is the point at which the planet has had enough, but the planet itself is not able to fix itself for it gave all its children the power and will of self. We took that power however and turned it on the planet causing the planet to mass broadcast to all its children the death and destruction we play for so called “shock value.” When however the stress point is reached it will be the return of father time and mother earth to restore the planets love with out the ill fated even knowing, but first their child will walk the lands just as Jesus did as a son of God showing the people where they went wrong. It is the most beautiful thing in the entire universe if you’re lucky enough to see it. For some whom sinned have already perished however they as well, will be risen to heaven but they will not see heaven on earth, only in their rest.
Page 41 Through out every planet’s lifetime there will be the rise and the fall of a deity with in the lifetime of one of the planets moons. Every time the deity’s name will be different but the functional elements of the deity will always be the same. These functional elements I refer to are one and all. In a time when a planet is born there will be “one” love. This means that the dream to find and reach God involves one and only one love you must find. The ladder is all when the corruption of such God occurs, everyone will begin to love all or everyone else instead of the one love and this feeds into the Anti-Christ. It is literally put that you should love only one person to find the one dream God or the planet set forth rather then all persons such as family and friends. One love is the equivalent of a child or human who remains a virgin to find their true love. All love is the equivalent to what most everyone on the earth today enlists on which is not caring about virginity and having more then one sexual partner with in ones lifetime, which consequently spreads out your love for not just one but for more then one or all. At the current time in Earth’s history God on this planet is the representative of one love and Allah on this planet is the representative of all love.
The love of one must be sought after before one looses their virginity and the love of all one usually falls into by default by following the people as a whole against the will of Jesus and God for example. When someone finds their one love however there are two things that can occur as a result. One is that the one person someone finds also finds them as well, in which case they can live a full forever lifetime as mother earth and father time. Another scenario which can occur is that neither of the two who form a forever couple finds each other and in which case they have no idea who they are to each other and they both have the love of all. However the down fall is that one of the two who form the couple finds one love and the other has the love of all.
Page 42 Chapter XII The Resurrection of Souls
Page 43 As I described earlier I believe much of the text from biblical periods is askew and I firmly believe one of the biggest part of the story behind Jesus is the most askew that which is of his resurrection. As a being enters this planet I believe there is one thing that becomes constant for all beings. That constant is how the being will make it to the heavenly after life of the planet they are on. I like to refer to it as God’s little test or maybe a better way of saying it is the testament of Earth.
It becomes evident through the bible that there are defined ways we should live our lives. One of the most obvious is that we should live our lives with out sin. Many people believe that this is impossible. I believe that it is a very real thing that you may live with out sin. This actually digs into a concept of context in language with telling a lie for example. With in the context of language you can actually tell the truth disguised as a lie. For instance let’s say you were out drinking and when you got home your significant other who does not want you to be drinking asks have you been drinking. You can “Yeah I’ve been drinking” then maybe you had a glass of water as well and you shout something just to be funny like “DRINKING WATER” to divert the attention from maybe the alcohol that you did drink. In essence you did not lie, and you did tell the truth. It is a matter of telling the truth but deceiving the receiving party of the conversation. Some people might consider this a lie but in reality there was no lie told.
It is possible to live your life with out telling a lie after you have repented or confessed your sins. I firmly believe however by having a priest listening to your confession does nothing for that of God’s kingdom. It may give you a nice fuzzy warm feeling inside to get the truth out but I believe that unless you confess to the people whom were affected by the lies you really have done nothing for yourself and God’s kingdom. This all has to do with passing the testament of the bible and becoming one with out sin in the kingdom of Earth.
So what happens if you don’t make it to the after light and find that forever love of the planet’s design? Well as I described earlier Mercury and Venus are basically housing planets for the male and female souls born into this world. The souls of these planets are the un-forgiven that were once a living being on the planets Mercury and Venus. Being un-forgiven by the kingdom of Mercury or the kingdom of Venus they remained on the planet and were not allowed entrance into the Sun. This is for a very good reason too they remain on the heavenly planet they were born being shown all the secrets to heaven and are also shown the errors of their ways by watching other souls just like them being caught up in the un-forgiven role or watching souls unlike theirs entering the Sun. What will happen is that at the end of the planets reign in the galaxy these souls will be slowly re-birthed into a new design of heaven. For instance souls of Mercury and Venus get a new chance at entering the Sun by being born into a completely different design of heaven such as Earth. However the timeline of a planet is so long that the souls that are re-birthed at that point have forgotten all knowledge of the life they previously had. When Earth joins Mercury and Venus then there will be three planets rebirthing souls into Mars that which is a different design of
Page 44 Earth, Mercury and Venus again giving the souls a second or even third chance. This continues indefinitely during the course of the solar system.
It is this re-birth that I speak of that which is a common resurrection and may explain the actual resurrection of Jesus. I do not fully believe the resurrection of Jesus as it is told in the bible although I don’t disbelieve. Rather I believe that the resurrection of Jesus occurred before he was born meaning he was wrongfully placed on a cross before he was conceived in Mary. The difference was that his name wasn’t Jesus and he had saw the Sun’s dream but he did not make it to the life of his love before he died and further more because he was wrongfully crucified before he was to experience his heavenly love he was give certain rights in heaven that which is the resurrection of his soul with all his previous knowledge. Also because he came back from heaven he had all knowledge of heaven too and not only the planet but the galaxy as well. I believe when Mary conceived Jesus, Jesus himself was the Holy Ghost that came to Joseph in his dream and told Joseph of his own birth and further told Joseph who the mother would be recognizing that Mary and Joseph were destine to be together.
There is another form of resurrection which can occur and it is more of a gift given by God to a couple who loved each other but were wrongfully deceived by the Anti-Christ. This gift is called the Roman Eye or Roaming Eye. The Roaming Eye is an ancient gift of God given to the loyal followers as to makeup for the love lost by the one who followed god but lost their love. The Roaming Eye is where one who was deceived who loved the other will perish and then be allowed to posses the bodies of any female or male depending on the gender of the one still living for the sake of the couple going to heaven. For example if the person who saved them self for another is male, the Roaming Eye will occur in female form, vice-a-versa if the person who saved them self for another is female the Roaming Eye will occur in male form. In the current time of the Earth the gift is of seventy two virgins, this means that the one who saved them self for another gets seventy two virgins on earth by means of a mate becoming the Roaming Eye. So it is the duty of the perished who is resurrected in soul form that can travel from person to person of virgins as to give these virgins to the one who saved their self for their sake but lost due to the perished loving all rather then the one even though the perished really loved just one but was deceived by Satan. In this scenario the still living is the living God and the perished who became the Roaming Eye is the living Allah. In some cases however this gift is rejected as acceptable by the living God for nothing measures up to the love lost, not even seventy two virgins of choice.
There is one other ancient form of soul resurrection that can occur with in one year of a child’s lifetime in which the child’s soul can be switched out for a new soul and is likely the way a son of God is born. “If while the soul of west is at a rest the words of north pull south west,” this is a poem which describes this form of resurrection. What it means is that the love of two people can be so strong they can actually switch out the soul of a child for their soul. A child’s soul
Page 45 by default is the product of two souls joined together which are the mother’s and the father’s soul. However if the mother’s love is significantly stronger for another man and the other man’s love is the same for her, with in the first year of her child’s life she can essentially swap out the original father’s soul for the father she wishes. The child being so young in earth form (meaning barely able to tell the father or mother simply by the child’s looks) will then grow into the form of the new father. This is where the term “New year’s Eve” was coined as it is not just for the meaning of ushering in a new year, rather within one year Eve (that of Adam and Eve) may swap the soul of her new born for the soul of a different father who she wishes.
Page 46 Chapter XIII The Artificially Intelligent
Page 47 Earlier I spoke a little bit on how I believe a computer is in essence an electrical mirror to biological beings. Let’s dig deeper and look into what makes humans so intelligent vs. other animals and the environment around us. Let’s dig into artificial intelligence. In an attempt to conquer true artificial intelligence; let's first define it by analyzing the words "Artificial" and "Intelligence". Merriam Webster's pocket dictionary defines "artificial" as, "man made or not genuine". It defines "intelligence" as "having the ability to learn and understand". So artificial intelligence as defined by Merriam Webster's dictionary is "Man made ability to learn and understand." This concurs with what most people would define as artificial intelligence. As to be politically and scientifically correct, we will change the definition of "Man made" to "Human made", as should Merriam Webster. For years, people have been arguing the definition of intelligence in the context of the words "artificial intelligence". For instance one argument states, a dog is considered intelligent even though a dog may never be able to learn definition of intelligent itself. This argument is best debated in the dictionary definition of intelligent. You can teach a dog a library of tricks based off your actions, but biologically you can't teach it to pronounce words because of its vocal limitations. I personally consider my cat’s intelligent beyond my own comprehension, yet their knowledge is limited by their physical makeup. The following statement, like the one about my cats, may seem true but is incorrect in the definition of artificial intelligence; "A dog possesses intelligence, but in comparison to a human, it is not intelligent." The correct revision of the statement is as follows; "A dog possesses intelligence, but in comparison to a human, its abilities of intelligence are limited." Saying the dog is not intelligent in comparison to a human is wrong. Saying the dog's knowledge is limited in comparison to a human is correct. The word intelligent in the statement is misrepresented with the idea of knowledge. Our own ability to understand each other causes us to misuse words and grammar rules as defined by our language, yet we still get the point across. To misuse the word intelligent and still understand the word in either context is a perfect example of intelligence and what we are trying to achieve artificially. Many people read the statement and interpreted it as "the dog is intelligent, and has lots of knowledge", instead of "the dog has the ability to learn." Any being of Earth other then humans can be intelligent, at the same time know little or nothing about humans and the vast knowledge humans obtain. The word intelligent can be used in either context, but in the term "Artificial Intelligence" most people would agree we're looking at definition; "the ability to learn or understand."
I think nearly everyone would agree when I say computer technology is currently the strongest path for humans to achieve any form of artificial intelligence. Later we will look at cloning as a possibility of artificial intelligence, which in fact is derived from science and electronics, but for now, we will focus on computers and their ability to gain intelligence themselves. One might even say computers, as of today, are already artificially intelligent. In fact, a computer connected to the net could be considered smarter then any one human can ever be. Currently, a computer can processes math more complex and faster then any human, isn't that intelligent? I can look up history, science, and many other
Page 48 subjects and it will teach me about these subjects through text, isn't that intelligent? I would say yes to both these questions, but like most, my views on the word intelligent are misrepresented. Remember, intelligent in the term "artificial intelligence" is "the ability to learn and understand." Feral children are an example of how humans like computers need intellectual stimulus from outside sources to develop the capabilities of their own realm. Computers have the ability to learn, but not understand (for now at least). If I tell a computer x equals four, it can store that information (learn it) and recall that information for anyone who wishes to know what x equals. Thus it learns that x equals four. Does it understand x equals four? No, the only thing a computer understands is that zero equals false and none-zero equals true. As I write this article, the computer corrects my grammar mistakes, does it understand grammar? Yes, but only because its creator told it the rules to grammar, and only after years of learning basic rules, could it have ever learned grammar rules. So does a computer understand things or not!? Essentially a computer does understand and it doesn't. Example: I sit down and communicate to my computer through my keyboard, similar to speaking, and I tell it to show me the website dictionary.com. It understands me and displays the website for me, but if I did not know to open my internet browser and type the web address into the address bar, it would not understand. As a linguist that knows how to speak to a computer through language in literal terms, I could tell it to do this with out the precursor of the internet browser. Aside from teaching a computer new tricks, if I ask the computer the definition of the word "understand" (by typing it in the search box at dictionary.com). It understands me again, and it even knows the definition of the word "understand!" Yet the computer didn't actually understand anything. The point I'm trying to make is that a computer can learn many things through knowledge. However it does not achieve knowledge or understanding by itself, it must be told to understand knowledge by its many creators. So a computer possesses the ability to learn (use of memory), but it does not posses the intelligence to understand by itself. You may have seen computer controlled vacuum cleaners that move around any house running into walls, which allows them to learn their environment so they don't run into any wall twice. Isn't that vacuum understanding its movement according to walls? No, the computer was told to learn the walls by its creator through a predefined process of running into walls; it did not do this by itself.
We all would love to believe, as most do, that artificial intelligence only pertains to none biological entities such as computers. As defined by the dictionary definition of artificial intelligence, the advent of cloning may be closer to artificial intelligence as we think. The cloning of biological beings that which exhibit the same life span and capabilities as the entity which was cloned, is in fact intelligent, and is also artificial by dictionary definition. This poses and entirely new argument, by the definition of artificial intelligence any being or entity electronic or biological is created by humans. Not to say another arbitrary specie of being can't achieve this, but for the sake of Earth, we will stick with the dominate specie of humans. A computer created by humans in the eyes of artificial may very well be no different then the creation of a being by means of
Page 49 cloning or natural birth. All three of these methods of creation are no doubt conjured by humans. To say nature did not create the computer is to say nature did not create the human that created the computer. To say humans did not create the baby is to say that it entered this world by means other then natural birth or cloning. There is an obvious difference between all three of these methods of creation which can be separated by a definite line. The dictionary definition of artificial however, does not draw these lines. Thus the definition of artificial becomes a completely obscure idea that doesn't actually exist.
I devised a little theory on how to determine if something truly intelligent using birds as examples. My theory is this: If you place a baby bird, who doesn't know how to fly, in a nest high up in a tree, and it eventually learns to fly, it is considered naturally intelligent. So, if we have a robot bird, who doesn't know how to fly, but it has wings, and it learns to fly, it's artificially intelligent. You can use any animal but we will discuss birds because it's easier to see and explain how they adapt and learn to fly. Earlier we discussed that a computer is only as intelligent as its creator makes it. Arguments pose this is true for biological beings too. In an effort to explain how the bird learns to fly by itself we must look at how it's created. The first and most obvious is the wings of the bird. During the effort of learning to fly, consciously or subconsciously the bird exhibits though its biologically created nerves that when it flaps its wings, it stirs the wind beneath them, the nerves then send signals to the brain which relays those signals back to its muscles which is an elaborate formula to detect and control the resistance in the flapping of its wings. Even more important, in most beings and every human there is a part of the brain that senses gravity and almost immediately the being uses this sense to balance and stabilize itself much like it learns to use its wings. The bird also immediately exhibits though its nerves the pressure of touch, at first this is in small amounts. If the bird falls when trying to stand because it doesn't know how to balance yet, the sense of touch is exhibited even faster. These things are most likely subconsciously learned, but there's no real way to know for sure. It's possible there is no such thing as subconscious contraction of knowledge, but rather the entity or being is so under developed in knowledge itself, it knows nothing other then what it is at first presented with. I personally don't remember having to learn about touch before I instinctively understood touch. It's possible I don't remember because I didn't understand the concept of remembrance itself. This could be because I was born with the biological sensors already predetermined in my DNA and conceptual knowledge comes after predetermined knowledge.
Page 50 Chapter XIV Emotional Driven Decisions
Page 51 Senses are the fundamental input in which biological beings use to formulate output. Let's now say that our little biological bird understands touch, and balance, and of course it's own movement. These will all play key roles in how the bird determines it needs to fly to safely leave the nest. With out hunger, the bird may never feel the need to leave the nest, but curious as most young creatures are, it may not take hunger to for it to make its first flight. Another point to make is that some birds never learn to fly with out the demonstration of their parents. However there is another reason why our biological bird might take his first flight, simply put, he fell out the nest. His sense of gravity kicks in and he realizes through the friction of air his rate of fall is increasing uncontrollably; with out understanding the idea of friction or air, he understand pressure, he panics and starts waving his wings as fast as he can. Some parent birds purposely push their young out their nest, and that's how they learn. In this scenario he learns to fly based off of emotion, more specifically, fear of pressure exhibited through nerves.
Emotion and personality probably plays the biggest role in how we input and formulate output. There can be any number of answers to one question, and any number of ways to present the answer to one question. Which ever way we choose to answer is largely based off how we are feeling. For instance: If someone asks you "What is your name?" you might just say your name. Or if your angry and don't want to be bothered you'll might respond "Go away!" If you're polite and don't want to be bothered you might say "I'm sorry I'd just rather be alone right now." If you feeling curious you might say you name and respond with the same question "What is your name?" Our emotions are also tied with our senses. Emotions are determined by what one already knows to be. Everything you learn through your input senses will affect your characteristics and emotional output.
Most everybody would agree the following statement is true. To say the mind is infinite is an understatement. It seems there is no limit to our memory and what we can learn. However this is far from the truth. We are coded with DNA much like a computer codes algorithms. Although humans are the dominate specie on Earth, we still have only a tiny spec of knowledge on what is beyond Earth. To say that we can possibly understand everything that is beyond our view is an extreme over statement. We do let our minds run free with imagination, and in some ways our imaginations seemed to be more of a prediction or insight that later became true. However there is so much out there (most likely infinite) and we are probably thousands or even infinite times smaller then a spec of dust in the grand scheme. So in conclusion, the mind is apparently infinite, but only with in the domain at which our DNA specifies us to be. There is quite possibly specie out there that has hundreds of senses beyond what we can ever imagine. Much like the dog example, a dog can't learn to speak, but it can learn complex communication in other ways. Another example is that if only snakes existed on Earth, the idea of legs possibly could never be contemplated by the snakes. There are, of course, exceptions. The great thinkers and writers of our history, like Thomas Edison, are good examples of these
Page 52 exceptions. What we should understand out of this statement is that to make a computer, or robot that truly thinks like a human, we might need to model each and every biological element humans have. Take ASIMO for example (Honda's Robot), he understands gravity much like a human does. This allows him to walk on inclines and even walk up stairs. However his gravity sensors are vastly primitive to that of human gravity sensors. They are not nearly as complex and connected to the rest of the mind and body as a human is. This would limit his ability to fully understand, learn and use gravity in every way a human does. On the other hand, it is also entirely possible that a robot in the future could understand gravity beyond what a human does.
The five well known human input senses are as follows: sense of touch (nerves), sense of sight (retina), sense of sound (ear drum), sense of smell (nose), and the sense of taste (tongue). Human output senses are as follows: muscles (touch and expression), sound (speech), and some would say eyes which I think mostly falls in the muscle category of expression. I however do not exclude that the eye can sense beyond expression and look directly at the soul. The muscles around the eye play a big role in output through eyes. With just a simple desktop computer, there can be many senses. However being electronics, it's all classified on the lowest level as simply input and output. The most obvious in creating artificial intelligence is text (keyboard). The sense of light and visualizations also exist in a computer. You input a picture by means of scanner or digital camera, and the computer can output (display) the image for you. This brings us back to the theory that human and computer senses are pre-programmed. Just as we developed a scanner so a computer can recognize light, our creator and/or evolution pre-programmed us with eyes to recognize light. I venture as far as saying we are our own creator through evolution by means of the persistence of life as it is the only thing we have to live for. To say that there is something for a life to live for with out an external life to interact with is to completely go against the basis of life itself. We truly are nothing without each other.
Page 53 Chapter XV When Humans Play God
Page 54 The fantasy role that artificial intelligence has played in our society is that we eventually create entities or beings, electronic or biological which take over or enslave ourselves. This is perfect example of our ignorance. I say this with caution because I too fall victim to this fantasy and indulge in the big screen as I marvel at the possibilities that may await our future. Humans are extremely emotional no matter how many masculine qualities you adapt to. The strongest man is taught never to show emotion or shed a tear in the face of others. Yet in the basis of life, we are all afraid of that which we do not know and that which we can not know. You can say nothing less then that the possibilities of outcome are infinite. I strongly believe that no being or entity can ever know everything that which exists in our seemingly infinite perspective. To say that you do, is to say you are the all seeing being we label as God. Therefore, you are naturally at the whim of the future and what it has in store for you. By nature the possibilities are unimaginable. I'm not illustrating the possibility of a rock falling on your head that which you can not predict, we all know this is a possibility. I'm talking about something beyond your perspective of knowledge where all laws of physics are broken, and all boundaries of earth's nature are disregarded and disrupted. To say that it can't happen would be ignorant, to say that it can happen, would be intelligent. Therefore, self destruction by self construction is a possibility not to be excluded. As we venture further into explaining artificial intelligence it becomes more evident that it's far more likely that the creator gives instruction to the artificial entity to destroy, rather then the artificial entity itself learning the ability to destroy.
In conclusion I propose a theory on how humans can achieve creating artificial intelligence, in which I contradict myself and this writing. A computer is bound to a finite hardware makeup, which could be viewed as the body in comparison to humans. A computer is also bound and made up of finite software, which could be viewed as our minds in comparison to humans. I believe that it is when it becomes in-finite or infinite in it's makeup that the entity will have artificial intelligence. What I mean by this is that everyone understands the idea of infinite and the idea of everything as well. However a computer does not grasp these concepts the way a human can. We as biological entities can think upon a seemingly infinite spectrum of knowledge and while we think that we can never know everything, I believe that is contrary to the truth. We do understand everything. Not as in knowing all things that ever existed in time, but rather the idea and concept of everything as well as the idea and concept of infinite. As we live our lives we at some point will die, as to say we are not infinite and we can never know everything. Yet we understand the concept of everything and infinite and that I believe is the very thing that makes us seemingly so intelligent over something such as a computer. I believe it is also what makes us unique as a life form vs. a computer, where nothing more then understanding the concept and ideas of an infinite spectrum where everything is in existence forever and ever amen.
Page 55