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Programme title: PGDip Management Science
Final award (BSc, MA etc.): PGDip (where stopping off points exist they should be detailed here and defined later in the document)
UCAS code: N/A (where applicable)
Cohort(s) to which this programme 2017 intake onwards specification is applicable: (e.g. from 2008 intake onwards)
Awarding institution/body: University College London
Teaching institution: University College London
Faculty: Engineering Sciences
Parent Department: School of Management (the department responsible for the administration of the programme)
Departmental web page address: (if applicable)
Method of study: Full-time Full-time/Part-time/Other
Criteria for admission to the Bachelor’s degree in management science (or equivalent) programme: Bachelor’s degree in quantitative or related subject, e.g. engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, etc., including sufficient studies in a relevant and functional management domain minimum 2:1 or equivalent, and a good level of English (IELTS 7)
The entry standard of 2:1 is set to be consistent with the entry standards for all PG programmes (MSc Management, MSc Technology Entrepreneurship, MSc Business Analytics (with specialisation in Management Science)) offered by the School of Management.
Length of the programme: 1 year (please note any periods spent away from UCL, such as study abroad or placements in industry)
Level on Framework for Higher Level 7 Education Qualifications (FHEQ) (see Guidance notes)
Relevant subject benchmark statement QAA Subject Benchmark Statement: Master's Degrees in Business (SBS) and Management (see Guidance notes) Brief outline of the structure of the The PGDip Management Science is an intensive, one-year programme that provides students with a rigorous programme and its assessment foundation in the key knowledge and skills needed to build successful careers in global businesses through a methods: combination of core and elective modules, coursework and exam assessment, and a consulting project. (see guidance notes) Core modules build upon previous studies and develop critical analytical thinking and systems thinking to provide a solid grounding in the concepts and tools that underpin the practice of management in complex, innovation- intensive, and data-driven environments. Core modules also provide an in-depth understanding of how companies work and develop the insight and skills needed to deliver results through people.
Elective modules are integrated in a Management Science concentration that allows students to extend their knowledge and skills in a specialist area.
The design of the modules will draw on the extensive body of material available from existing School of Management modules. This material will be integrated and expanded to incorporate a strong quantitative element and a focus on the knowledge and skills needed to deal with key interdisciplinary management challenges, e.g. complexity, scale, growth, uncertainty, risk, etc., and understanding how people from different disciplines approach business problems.
The PGDip Management Science will comprise the following: three core modules; three elective modules, which make up a Management Science concentration; and a Group Consultancy Project.
The three core modules include: Global Business; Business Diagnostics and Design; and Leadership.
Students select a Management Science concentration and choose three integrated elective modules from one of the following six areas: Business Analytics; Financial Engineering; Marketing Science; Operations and Project Management; Innovation and Technology Management; and Entrepreneurship.
The programme diet is identical to the programme diet for the 4th-year of the MSci Management Science degree programme. Students in the PGDip Management Science programme will be entered in the same modules as students in the 4th-year MSci Management Science programme and share resources, e.g.,classrooms, tutors, PGTA and administrative support, etc..
Subject to the exceptional discretion of the Programme Director, the availability of suitable academic support, and a strong proposal, a student may be permitted to complete an academically-orientated individual research project in place of one or two elective modules in a Management Science concentration.
By offering the exceptional opportunity to pursue an individual research project, the PGDip hopes to also attract and accommodate students considering further postgraduate research: the research that the students undertake during the PGDip can be used to support applications for postgraduate research programmes. This opportunity may be of interest to students having completed undergraduate STEM/management science programmes without having completed a research project, which is often the case in North America.
The Group Consultancy Project provides an opportunity to work as part of a small team tackling an important business issue facing a company.
Enterprise workshops focused on business challenges will be used to support problem-based learning and provide a context for the application of the knowledge and skills from the core modules.
Interdisciplinary coursework and examinations as well as a consulting project will be used to assess students’ ability to apply their knowledge.
This programme can also accommodate students who have completed a suitable quantitative Bachelor’s degree programme that includes sufficient studies in a relevant and functional management domain. This programme will offer these students an opportunity to convert, extend, and apply their previous studies in a specialised management science context. For example, a North American student who majored in physics and minored in quantitative finance may be an acceptable applicant. Board of Examiners: Name of Board of Examiners:
MSING Postgraduate Management Board
Professional body accreditation N/A Date of next scheduled (if applicable): accreditation visit:
The PGDip Management Science programme is designed to develop the key skills required to build successful careers in global businesses. It aims to produce graduates who combine strong quantitative and analytical skills with an in-depth and advanced understanding of organisations, their management, and the changing external context in which they operate.
The programme has the following educational objectives:
Provide students with an advanced knowledge and understanding of management science; Adapt and apply students’ prior knowledge to management science and how management science can be applied in practice; Prepare students for further studies in management science; Prepare students for practice in a diverse range of complex, innovation-intensive, and data-driven environments; Prepare students for jobs in industries and organisations characterised by rapid changes in tools, problems, and opportunities, requiring self-development over an entire career; and Enable students to develop the awareness, background, and skills necessary to become responsible citizens, employees, and leaders who can make a contribution to tackling some of the world’s most difficult social and economic problems.
In particular, the programme will help students develop:
A critical appreciation of the relevant principles of mathematics, science, and engineering and how they can be applied in practice to managing complex, innovation-intensive, and data-driven environments; A positive and critical attitude towards leadership, change, and enterprise, so as to reflect the dynamism and vibrancy of the management environment; A knowledge and understanding of management in a global context and the opportunities and problems faced by different types of organisations; An understanding of key interdisciplinary management challenges, e.g. complexity, scale, growth, uncertainty, risk, etc.; An ability to use quantitative and qualitative methods in a creative and systematic way to make well- informed, evidence-based decisions and improve management practice and competitiveness; An ability to identify, formulate, and solve management problems, based on critical analytical thinking; An ability to convert theory into practice and design and implement management systems and processes to meet desired needs; An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams; An ability to communicate effectively; An ability to deliver results through people and advance their effectiveness; A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning; An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility; and A knowledge of contemporary issues necessary to understand the impact of business in a global and societal context. PROGRAMME OUTCOMES:
The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:
A: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of: Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
Management science and how it can The programme includes core and elective modules be applied in practice that combine the foundations and principles of Relevant principles of mathematics, mathematics, science, and engineering with an in- science, and engineering depth understanding of how companies work. Management in a global context Examples, applications, and case studies used in Management in complex, innovation- modules will be selected to be relevant to the intensive, and data-driven practice of management. environments Examples, applications, and case studies used will Key interdisciplinary management include global companies and international challenges organisations. Contemporary issues necessary to Enterprise workshops focused on business understand the impact of business in challenges will be used to support problem-based a global and societal context learning and provide a context for the application of the knowledge and skills from the core modules. The programme includes core module on Global Business. The programme includes a Group Consulting Project. Students have an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of a specific area by taking three integrated elective modules from one of the following concentrations: Business Analytics; Financial Engineering; Marketing Science; Operations and Project Management; Innovation and Technology Management; and Entrepreneurship.
Coursework, examinations, and/or projects
B: Skills and other attributes
Intellectual (thinking) skills: Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
Strong mathematical and quantitative The Business Diagnostics and Design module skills applies students’ mathematical and quantitative Critical analytical thinking skills in a management context. Evidence-based decision-making The programme includes a Management Science concentration that extends students’ quantitative skills and develops critical and analytical thinking and decision-making.
Coursework, examinations, and/or projects C: Skills and other attributes
Practical skills (able to): Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
Ability to identify, formulate, and solve The programme includes core modules on Global management problems Business, Business Diagnostics and Design, and Ability to design and implement Leadership that develop the skills needed to plan, management systems and processes design, and implement complex economic and Ability to function on multidisciplinary technological management systems in different teams environments. Ability to deliver results through The programme includes Group Consulting Project, people which provides students an opportunity to work as part of a small team tackling an important business issue facing a company.
Coursework, examinations, and/or projects
D: Skills and other attributes
Transferable skills (able to): Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
Ability to communicate effectively The programme includes a core module on both orally and in writing Leadership. Computing skills The programme includes Group Consulting Project, which provides students an opportunity to work as part of a small team tackling an important business issue facing a company. Core and elective modules will include opportunities for group work and interaction in seminars. The programme includes enterprise workshops to develop communication skills. Computing skills will be developed as part of the Business Diagnostics and Design core module and through the Management Science concentration elective modules.
Coursework, examinations, and/or projects
The following reference points were used in designing the programme:
the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications: (; the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements: (; the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable); UCL teaching and learning policies; staff research. Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module unit/module can be found in the departmental module handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by UCL and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.
Programme Organiser(s) Michael Manlangit Name(s):
Date of Production: 16 April 2016 Date of Review: 26 July 2016
Date approved by Chair of 26 July 2016 Departmental Teaching Committee:
Date approved by Faculty Teaching Committee July 2016