Lichfield City Council
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LICHFIELD CITY COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held in Committee Room 1, Guildhall, Lichfield, at 6.30pm on Thursday, 28 April 2016
PRESENT: Councillor Mrs S James (Chairman) and Councillors Mrs J Allsopp, R Awty, Mrs G Boyle, J Brooks, B Cocksey, D Dundas, Mrs J Eagland, Mrs J Greaves, D Leytham, Miss J Marks, T Matthews, B McMullan, D Smedley, C Spruce, A Thompson, M Thompson, M Warfield and R Yardley.
APOLOGIES: Cllrs B Bacon, Mrs N Bacon, Mrs D Baker I Eadie, C Greatorex, P Hitchman, A Smith and Mrs L Warfield.
Those City councillors present who were also members of the District Council’s Planning Committee and/or Licensing Committee confirmed that their comments at this meeting were a preliminary view and that they might change their view when they heard all of the evidence at the District Council’s Planning Committee and/or Licensing Committee. Councillors R Awty and A Thompson declared an interest under ‘A’ in Application No. 16/00301/FUL because applicant was a personal friend.
95 MINUTES RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 April 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
96 LICENSING APPLICATIONS Members considered the schedule of Premises Licence applications registered with Lichfield District Council in recent weeks, as contained in agenda Appendix C. RESOLVED: That the Premises Licence applications be noted.
97 STURGEON’S HILL/SOUTHERN CROSS The Committee noted a response from Tim Heminsley at Staffordshire Highways advising that the request for the parking restrictions to be extended at the Sturgeon’s Hill/Southern Cross junction had been included in the Cherry Orchard parking restriction proposal. RESOLVED: That the information from Staffordshire Highways regarding Sturgeon’s Hill/Southern Cross be noted.
98 STREET TRADING Members expressed concerns at the Street Trading Policy which had been introduced by Lichfield District Council. The Town Clerk reported that on-going discussions over the City Council’s concerns were continuing with Officers from the District Council; and the detail of a positive written response received earlier in the day from the District Council was noted. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk circulate the District Council’s response to all City Councillors.
99 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RESOLVED: 1 That the decisions of Lichfield District Council on planning applications as listed on Agenda Appendix 'B' be received and noted.
43 2 That the District Council’s reasons for refusal of application 16/00128/FUL, which had been decided differently to the City Council recommendations, be noted. 3 That recommendations be submitted to Lichfield District Council in respect of planning applications as listed in Appendix 'A'.