Improving Academic Vocabulary In Social Studies

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Improving Academic Vocabulary In Social Studies

Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 jh Related Issue #1: To What extent should ideology be the foundation of Identity? Related Issue #1 Key Terms  Introduction Chapters 1-2  Factors, Expressions, Characteristic, Themes of Ideologies  Point of View  Perspective  Principles of Liberalism  Ideology  ‘Big Brother’  Citizenship  Principles of Collectivism  Personal Identity   Philosophers Collective Identity  Dystopia  Social Contract  Political & Economic Spectrum  State of Nature  Fear, Violence, Dangerous Self-Interest  Personal identity being shaped by ideology  Divine Right of Kings  Life, Liberty and Property  Representative Democracy  Beliefs and Values FACTORS:  Culture  Language  Media  Relationship to the land  Environment  Gender  Religion  Spirituality  Hegemony

Related Issue #1 Key Terms  Introduction Chapters 1-2

CHARACTERISTICS:  Nature of Human Beings  Structure of Society  Interpretations of History

1 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17  Visions of the Future Renaissanace Protestant Reformation THEMES:  Nation  Class  Race  Environment and relationship to the land  Gender  Religion PRINCIPLES OF INDIVIDUALISM:  Rule of law  Individual Rights & Freedom  Private property  Economic freedom  Self-interest  Competition

Related Issue #1 Key Terms  Introduction Chapters 1-2

 PRINCIPLES OF COLLECTIVISM:  Economic equality  Cooperation  Public property  Collective interest  Collective responsibility  Adherence to collective norms

2 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17

RI#2: To what extent is resistance to Liberalism justified?

Related Issue #2 Key Terms Influencial Case Studies 19th Century People/Thinkers (Historical and/or Liberalism Contemporary) Chapters 3-8

3 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17  Aboriginal  Political Parent  Hobbes  The Spirit of Contributions  Economic Parent  Locke Laws to Liberalism  Industrial  Rousseau  On Liberty  Relnship Revolution  Montesquieu  Wealth of between  French  Adam Smith Nations principles of Revolution  J. S. Mill  New Lanark Liberalism and  American  Richardo  Haymarket Riot the origins of Revolution  Charles Dickens  Dominion classical liberal  Age of Reason  Robert Owen Elections Act thought  Humanists  Karl Marx  Voting rights for  Impacts of 19th  Enlightenment  Friedrich Aboriginals, Century  Laissez-Faire Engels women society  Physiocrats  Leon Blum   Development  Merchantilism  George of ideologies  Haudensaunee Bernard Shaw in response to  Great Law of  Norman classical Peace Bethune liberalism  Republican form   Evolution of Edmund Burke of Gov’t modern  Theodore  liberalism Declaration of Roosevelt  Systems that the Rights of  Keynes rejected Man & Citizen  Mary liberalism  Enclosure Wollstonecraft  How Movement  Hitler ideological  Capital  Stalin conflict  Class structure  Jews shaped  Urbanization  Mussolini international  Grassroots  Lenin relations after movements  Freidman WWII  Luddites  Hayek  Imposition of  Chartism  Harper Liberalism  Universal  Klein Suffrage  Reagan(omics)  Socialism Related Issue #2 Key Terms Influencial Case Studies 19th Century People/Thinkers (Historical and/or Liberalism Contemporary) Chapters 3-8

 Utopian  Thatcher(ism)  Modern Socialism  Tony Blair FDR Liberalism  Humanitarians  Alphonse being  Marxism Desjardins challenged by  Communism  Bolsheviks alternative  Command  Calvin Coolidge

4 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 thought Economy  Naomi Klein  Resistance to  CCF  Winston the principles  Classical Churchill of Liberalism conservatism  Fidel Castro justified?  Welfare  JFK Capitalism  Khrushchev  Labour unions  Julius & Ethel  Safety Net Rosenberg  Social Programs  McCarthy(ism)  Laissez-faire  Al Gore  Factory Acts  George W.  Progressivism Bush  Welfare State  Great Depression  Modern Liberalism  October 29, 1929  Stock Market Crash  Business Cycle  Bank Runs  Keynesian Economics  Boom and Bust  Recession  Depression  Monetary Policy  Fiscal Policy  Square Deal  Libertarian

Related Issue #2 Key Terms Influencial Case Studies Chapters 3-8 People/Thinkers (Historical and/or Contemporary)  Stagflation  Sherman Anti-  Labor Standard Trust Act  Unions  Feminism  Clayton Act  Radical  Credit Unions  Reactionary  Communism  The New Deal  Fascism   Totalitarianism Alphabet

5 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17  Techniques of a agencies Dictatorship   Youth Canada’s gov’t  Censorship programs  Indoctrination  The Shock  Scapegoats Doctrine  Emancipation  Bolsheviks Spectrum locations  Reichstag of  Dissent  SA  Canada  National Socialist  USA German Workers Party  Sweden  Aryan  Dictatorship of  United the Proletariat Kingdom  NEP  Netherlands  Five Year Plans  Collectivization  Eyeball to  Kulaks Eyeball….  Ukrainian Famine  Great Purge  Soviet  Enabling Act Invasion Of  Reichstag Fire Afghanistan Decree  SALT I II  Autarky  Eugenics  Helsinki  Roaring Twenties Accords  Red Scare   INF Treaty  Partial Test Ban Treaty


 Korea

 Vietnam

 Iran Contra Affair

 U2 Incident  Related Issue #2 Key Terms Influencial Case Studies

6 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Chapters 3-8 People/Thinkers (Historical and/or Contemporary)  Isolationism  Nativism  Dust bowl  Consumerism  Income disparity  Cold War  Iron Curtain  Yalta  “Big Three”  Potsdam  Satellite states  Non-aggression Pact  Superpowers  Expansion  Containment

7 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Related Issue #3 Key Terms Influencial Case Studies Viability of People/Thinkers (Historical and/or Liberalism Contemporary) Chapters 9-12  Gov’t  Assimilation  Pierre Elliot  Nisga’s Final reflecting the  Humanitarianism Trudeau Agreement will of the  Indian Act  Mugabe  Afghanistan people  Modernism  Abraham  Al Qaeda  Should gov’t  Enfranchisement Lincoln  Taliban encourage  White Paper  Mao Zedong  Haiti economic  Red Paper  equality?  Assimilation  How practices  Aboriginal of Political & Healing Economic Foundation Systems  Potlach reflect the  Imposition of values of Liberalism Liberalism  Serve the People  Illiberal  Lead the People thought &  Direct practice Democracy  How practices  may not Representative reflect the Democracy values of  Responsible Liberalism Government  Individual &  Parliamentary Collective Democracy Rights  Republican  Viability of Democracy Liberalism in  Checks and the context of Balances contemporary  Veto issues  3 Branches of Gov’t  Electoral Districts  2/3 vote  Congress  House Of Representatives  Senate  Bill  Proportional rep Related Issue #3 Key Terms Influencial Case Studies Chapters 9-12 People/Thinkers (Historical and/or

8 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Contemporary)  2 Party System  Mayer Arar  Multi-party  Japanese System Canadians  Will of the People  Voter Turnout  Elitism  Lobby Group  Interest Group  Popular Opinion  Consensus Decision Making  Authoritarianism  Oligarchy  Military Dictatorship  One Party State  Monarchies  Iron Law of Oligarchy  Techniques of Dictatorships  Vision  Censorship  Propaganda  Controlled Participation  Directing Public Discontent  Terror  Human Rights violations  Coup  American Bill of Rights  Anti-Terrorism Act  Canadian Charter of rights and Freedoms  Emergency Act  Illiberal Related Issue #3 Key Terms Influencial Case Studies Chapters 9-12 People/Thinkers (Historical and/or

9 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Contemporary)  Bill 101  Bill 178  Bill 86  Quebec Charter  Collective Rights  UDHR  Comprehensive land claims  Specific land claims  War Measures Act  Enemy aliens  Internment  Quiet Revolution  USA PATRIOT Act  Canada’s No-Fly List  Consumerism  Environmental Change  Extremism  Terrorism  Pandemics  Postmodernism  Viability  Kyoto  COP15  Paris Agreement  Carbon Tax  WHO

Related Issue #4 Key Terms Influencial Case Studies Chapters 13-14 People/Thinkers (Historical and/or

10 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Contemporary)  Personal &  Citizen Advocacy  Yushchenko  Orange Crush collective  Citizenship  Nelson  Rwanda worldviews  Individual Rights, Mandella  Ten Thousand  Ideologies roles and  Romeo Dallaire Villages shape Responsibilities individual &  Political collective Participation citizenship  Jus soli  Rights roles  Jus sanguinis and  Naturalization responsibilit-  Philanthropy ies  Pacifism  Perspectives  Election Fraud on the Rights  Agent Orange roles and  Apartheid responsibility-  Civil ies of indiv. disobedience during conflict  Non-violence  Ideologies  shaping Draft dodgers responses to  Just war contemporary  Choice issues   Active and responsible citizenship

11 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 RI#1 Vocab List Point of View Perspective Ideology Big Brother Citizenship Personal Identity Collective Identity

12 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Dystopia Social Contract State of Nature Fear, Violence, Dangerous Self- Interest Divine Right of Kings

13 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Life, Liberty, Property Representative Democracy Beliefs and Values Culture Language Media

14 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Relationship to Land Environment Gender Religion Spirituality Hegemony

15 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Nature of Human Beings Structure of Society Interpretations of History

16 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Visions of the Future Renaissance Protestant Reformation Nation Class Race

17 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Relationship to Land Gender Religion Rule of Law Individual Rights & Freedoms Private Property

18 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Economic Freedom Self-Interest Competition Economic Equality Co-operation Public Property Collective Interest

19 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Collective Responsibility Adherence to Collective Norms Orwell Huxley Hobbes Locke

20 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Rousseau Nelson Mandela Tommy Douglas Milton Friedman Ovide Mercredi Mary Wolstonecraft Al Gore

21 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 1984 Brave New World Leviathan First Nations Holistic Learning Long Walk to Freedom Quebec Act

22 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Official Lang. Act Charter of Rights & Freedoms Multiculturalism Act Myanmar Burma

23 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Vindication of the Rights of Women Second Treatise of Civil Gov’t An Inconvenient Truth

24 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17

RI#2 vocab list

RI#4 Citizen Advocacy Citizenship

25 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Individual Rights, Roles and Responsibilities Political Participation Jus soli Jus sanguinis Naturalization Philanthropy Pacifism

26 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Election Fraud Agent Orange Apartheid Civil disobedience Non-violence Draft dodgers Just war Choice Yushchenko Nelson Mandella

27 | P a g e Improving Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 30-1/30-2 PLP – 2016-17 Romeo Dallaire Orange Crush Rwanda Ten Thousand Villages

28 | P a g e

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