HSW-PR12-CL04 - Workplace Inspection - Laboratory Areas Checklist - DRAFT

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HSW-PR12-CL04 - Workplace Inspection - Laboratory Areas Checklist - DRAFT

Checklist Form: Workplace Inspection – Laboratory Areas HSW-PR12-CL04

College / Portfolio: School / Work Unit: Location(s) Inspected: Date of Inspection: Participants:

Comment / Person Due # Elements Y N N/A Hazard / Action Responsible Date 1.0 Layout Area is tidy and well 1.1 kept? Adequate storage area 1.2 provided? Floor is free of 1.3 obstructions? Floor coverings are in 1.4 good condition? 2.0 Environment (working conditions) Temperature is suitable 2.1 for the works being completed? Lighting is adequate for 2.2 the works being completed? All lighting covers and 2.3 fittings are secure? Area is free from 2.4 unnecessary odours? Noise level is 2.5 acceptable/adequately controlled? Ventilation is adequate 2.6 in the area? 3.0 Emergency Procedures Emergency Evacuation 3.1 signs are posted in suitable locations? Fire extinguisher of appropriate type easily 3.2 accessible and labelled? Tag on extinguisher has 3.3 been checked in the last 6 months?

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Health, Safety & Wellbeing Printed copies are considered uncontrolled

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College / Portfolio: Local Induction for all 3.4 persons is completed (where required)? Emergency Evacuation 3.5 routes are clear and free from obstructions? Emergency and hazard 3.6 signage is clearly visible? 4.0 First Aid Facilities First Aid Kits accessible 4.1 and signed? First Aid Kits are 4.2 stocked and contents are in-date? Names and contacts of 4.3 first aiders are displayed and current? 5.0 Welfare/hygiene Washing facilities are 5.1 clean and functional? Lockers or equivalent 5.2 available for staff belongings? Health and safety 5.3 posters and information are displayed? 6.0 Manual Handling Frequently used items are within easy access 6.1 between knees and shoulders? Heavy items are stored 6.2 at waist height? Stepladders or safe steps are available to 6.3 access items stored on high shelves? Trolleys are available 6.4 for heavy items and loads? Safe Work Instructions (SWIs) / Safe Work Method Statements 6.2 (SWMS) are available where applicable and communicated to staff and students? 7.0 Electrical

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Health, Safety & Wellbeing Printed copies are considered uncontrolled

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College / Portfolio: All portable electrical 7.1 equipment has current test and tags? All power leads are in 7.2 good condition and free from damage? Power leads are off the 7.3 floor or placed away from walkways? Power boards used (not 7.4 double adaptors)? Faulty equipment is 7.6 tagged out with an “out of service tag”? “Out of Service” tags 7.7 are available for use. 8.0 General Laboratories Warning and safety 8.1 signage is in good condition? Are the safety showers and eye wash stations 8.2 tested as per the Australian Standards? Processes, plant and 8.3 equipment manuals are current and available? Workshop is free of 8.4 food and drink? 9.0 Hazardous Materials Chemical Inventory and 9.1 SDSs are available? Spill kits are available, 9.2 maintained and signed? Containers are 9.3 appropriately labelled? Chemicals are stored correctly, bunded and 9.4 segregated from all drains? Gas cylinders stored 9.5 securely and appropriately? 10.0 Plant/Equipment Area around plant clean 10.1 to allow for easy access? 10.2 Plant is locked/cannot

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Health, Safety & Wellbeing Printed copies are considered uncontrolled

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College / Portfolio: be accessed when left unattended? Plant and equipment 10.3 maintained and in good condition? Emergency stops are in 10.4 working condition? Plant guarding in place 10.5 where required? Risk Assessments are 10.6 completed and available? Personnel are trained 10.7 and records are retained? 11.0 Fume Hoods Are the fume hoods free 11.1 of dirt, waste and clutter? Are they switched off 11.2 when not in use? Are the fume hoods 11.3 tested on a regular basis? 12.0 Biological Safety Are the benches are 12.1 clean and free from clutter? Are all cabinets are 12.2 clean and tidy? 13.0 Waste Disposal Waste containers are 13.1 provided and labelled with Pictograms? Disposal of chemicals 13.2 are completed as per correct Processes? 14.0 Radiation Safety Radiation Labelling and 14.1 warning signage is displayed? Radioactive sources are 14.2 labelled and monitored for leakage? Records of isotopes are 14.3 kept? 14.4 Personnel in inspection area are following

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Health, Safety & Wellbeing Printed copies are considered uncontrolled

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College / Portfolio: applicable SWIs and are trained with records kept? 15.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) All PPE is correctly 15.1 stored? PPE is well maintained 15.2 and in good condition? Signage of PPE 15.3 requirements displayed and visible? Required PPE available 15.4 for use? Personnel in inspection 15.5 area are trained and records kept? 16.0 Signage Does the lab have 16.1 appropriate mandatory signage on the door? Is the emergency 16.2 direction signage? Emergency and hazard 16.3 signage is clearly visible Health and Safety 16.4 Poster and information is displayed 17.0 Other 17.1



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Health, Safety & Wellbeing Printed copies are considered uncontrolled

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