Education 548: Effective College Teaching s3
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Johnnie Carr Middle School
Spanish 6 th , 7 th , & 8 th grades Syllabus
School year 2016 – 2017 Room W 286
Instructor: Mrs. Patricia Gacha email: [email protected] Phone: (334) 244-4005
Availability: Tutoring before school by appointment only Tuesdays from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m. & Wednesdays from 6:50 to 7:15 a.m. Please schedule parent-teacher conferences at the front desk.
Textbook: Buen Viaje level 1 (2005) Glencoe, Mc Graw- Hill.
Class materials: Spanish-English dictionary, composition notebook, loose paper, pencils, pens (blue or black ink ONLY), post-it notes (1 pack), and index cards (1 pack).
I. As part of being an International Baccalaureate School (known as IB), the ability to communicate in a variety of modes in more than one language is essential to the IB concept of an international education that promotes intercultural perspectives. In order to make the Spanish class more meaningful for students, the curriculum will be connected in different ways to the rest of subject areas taken by them. You can visit for more information.
II. Course objectives and overview: This course provides students with the opportunity to begin the study of Spanish while introducing them to the study of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and culture are included in the course as well as the development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
III. Classroom expectations and guidelines:
I have high expectations for all of my students. In order for everyone to succeed, it is very important to follow the classroom guidelines and procedures as follows:
1. Be respectful: Allow others to talk without interruption, ridicule, or criticism. Everybody deserves to be respected and heard. Always raise your hand when you want to ask or say something. Inappropriate behavior and excessive talking will not be tolerated. Watch your words before you talk! Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Keep your working area and classroom clean.
2. Be prepared: It is your responsibility to bring all you need to class: notebook, utensils, and assignments. Once you have entered the classroom, you are not allowed to go back to your locker for any reason.
3. Arrive on time: You must be seated in your place when the tardy bell rings, or you will be counted tardy. Make sure you go to the bathroom before entering the classroom.
4. No gum, food, drinks, or electronic devices in class.
If you choose not to follow the classroom guidelines, I will follow the consequences stated on the Student Handbook
IV. Grading Procedures: Students will be evaluated via tests, speaking grades, class work, homework, participation and conduct. 65% Major Grades: Including tests, projects, and presentations. Any and all majors will be announced in class and on the class web page, 35% Minor Grades: Class work, homework, quizzes, and participation. Please study regularly and be prepared to take pop quizzes. Four major grades every nine weeks will be based on a percentage derived from the achievement level that the student reaches on assessment in the four criteria:
Criterion A Comprehending spoken and visual text Criterion B Comprehending written and visual text Criterion C Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text Criterion D Using language in spoken and written form
Grades for all assignments will be entered in I-Now using the 10 point system below: A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (59 and below)
V. Reading specialist: Mrs. Vázquez will be teaching cultural readings twice a month throughout the school year. She will see your student every other Thursday and a grade will be assigned from her lessons. The same rules, procedures, and consequences apply to her class as well.
VI. Academic Integrity Any work submitted by a student in this class for academic grade will be the student's own work. You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts covered in class with other students. However, copying from other student’s assignment is not allowed. During tests, you must do your own work. There will be no talking at all during tests or quizzes or it will result in a zero. ------I have read this syllabus, and understand what is expected of me for this course.
Student name:______Grade level: _____
I have read this syllabus, and understand what is expected of my child, and I agree to support Mrs. Gacha in upholding classroom policies.
Parent signature:______phone#: ( ) _____ -______
Parent signature:______phone#: ( ) _____ -______