Study questions for “Mystery in Alaska”

1. How many pups are produced per year by one mother Steller Sea Lion?

2. Where is Prince William Sound?

3. By what percentage has the population of Steller Sea Lions at Prince William Sound declined during the last 30 years?

4. Make notes on the brief summary of possible causes of this decline given early on in the film.

What are the possible proposed roles (competitor or predator?) killer whales humpback whales

5. What are the main food items of Steller Sea Lions?

6. What happened in July 2000 to the commercial fisheries of pollock west of Kodiak, Alaska?

7. Where is the one spot off the coast of Alaska where there is a population of Steller Lions are increasing?

8. What was the main source of nutrition for humpback whales?

9. Between the late 1800’s and about 30 years ago, what proportion of the original population of humpbacks had been killed by commercial whaling?

10. How did the decline in humpback whales affect the relative abundance of pollock vs. herring?

11. Are pollock bigger or smaller than herrings?

12. In a feeding study at the Marine Science Center at the Vancouver Aquarium, what happened to steller sea lions who were fed a pure diet of pollock?

13. When humpback whales feed on herring, it is a social activity. How much herring can a group get in one day (measured in tons)?

14. How has climate change affected herring populations?

15. Do young sea lions spend more time near the surface or at depth during the winter? 16. From the studies done with infrared technology, what was discovered about the diurnal behavior of herrings and pollocks during the winter?

17. How did the oil spill in Prince William Sound in 1989 affect the herring population?

18. Where is one spot of the coast of Alaska where there is a healthy, growing population of herrings?

19. How were Steller Sea Lions captured for detailed studies of individual movements and individual growth and mortality records.

20. Fish and Game is managing the herring fishery off the coast of Alaska.

How long is each boat allowed to fish?

How many boats are allowed to fish?

What is the total commercial value of the fish caught within 1 hour?

21. Do you think the film maker believes that the shut down the Pollock fisheries in 2000 has helped the Steller Sea Lions?