SAMPLE Modular Budget Justification

BUDGET JUSTIFICATION Year 1 Year 2 Total direct costs: $150,000 $125,000

An additional module is requested in year 1 to fund ………..

Personnel: PI XX, PhD, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, will be responsible for the overall conduct of this research program. She/He will design experiments, supervise personnel, oversee experiments and data analysis, prepare papers and reports, and write manuscripts for publication. ## calendar months effort is requested for Dr. XX.

XXX, Ph.D. is a Research Associate in Dr. XX’s laboratory. She/He is an experienced ______. She/He will be responsible for ______. Included among these duties are ______. He also develops ______. ## calendar months effort is requested for Dr. XXX.

XXXX is a Research Associate in Dr. XX’s laboratory. Mr/s. XXXX is an expert ______and has extensive experience ______. She/He will be responsible for ______. In addition, Mr/s. XXXX performs many of the day-to-day operations in the lab, orders supplies and manages the lab’s chemical and occupational safety programs as mandated by this institution. She/He will work on ______. ## calendar months effort is requested for Dr. XXX.