Township of Mahwah s26
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The meeting was called to order at 8:00PM by Council President DiGiulio who read the Open Public Meetings Act Statement as prescribed by law. Notice was advertised in The Record on July 14, 2007 stating this meeting would be held in the Municipal Offices, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 8:00PM.
Notice of this meeting is posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board. The minutes of the meeting shall be available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
Salute to the Flag.
Present: Councilmembers Alderisio, DaPuzzo, DiGiulio, Hermansen at 8:07PM, Kidd and Larson. Absent: Councilmember Roth
Also present were Mayor Richard Martel, Township Attorney’s Associate Nilufer DeScherer, Township Engineer Kevin Boswell, Township Engineer’s Associate Michael Kelly and Municipal Clerk Kathrine Coletta.
SPECIAL PRESENTATION Mayor Martel presented each 16 members of the Mahwah Lady Thunderbirds Certificates of Recognition for winning the Little League Softball Championship in the 2007 Midland Park Summer League on July 28, 2007.
PUBLIC PORTION Mr. David Daehnke of 98 Hilltop Road complained about speeding on Hilltop Road. An accident occurred on his street recently where a car took out a sign, went through a stone wall, totaled one of his childrens’ cars and missed hitting his two children standing in his driveway by 4 feet. Mr. Daehnke suggested speed tables be installed.
Mr. Ron Cabezas of 147 Stephens Lane spoke at another Council Meeting about the Play to Play Ordinance and suggested the Township include in our Ordinance about the acceptable of gifts and gratuties. At the time, it was suggested that the Play to Play Ordinance and Mr. Cabezas suggestion be two separate Ordinances. Mr. Cabezas again suggested the Township consider an Ordinance prohibiting the acceptable of gifts and gratuities by Township employees. The Mayor answered at a prior meeting the Business Administrator spoke on this subject. He shall check with the Business Administrator and advise Mr. Cabezas.
Mr. Albert Kidd of 851 Darlington Avenue reminded Council of the large number of foreclosures in the newspaper. Mr. Kidd referred to a segment on Channel 2 News two Sundays ago on truck stops.
Mr. Kidd referred to an article in The Record Newspaper recently on 10 towns looking to form a consortium to buy electricity.
Mr. Kidd asked the status pf the Ciprano Farm case. The Township Attorney’s Associate answered the Public Hearing is scheduled to be held on December 3, 2007 at 6:00PM in the County Building.
Mr. Kidd questioned if anyone on the diaz was aware of a recent bank robbery in town. The Mayor said he heard of a robbery but was uncertain of the details.
Alderisio pointed out that it is his understanding that Councilmembers should not comment on the truck stop as this matter is presently not before the Township Council.
Mr. Peter Cassotis of 107 South Mahwah Road pointed out there were 107 DWI’s in the Township recently.
Mr. Cassotis asked Kidd to furnish his insurance card. DiGiulio interjected that this is a matter between Kidd and the Police Department.
Mr. Gary Paton of 83 Fisher Road said when he was a member of the Township Council he was an advocate of speed bumps. He said there are several nearby towns which can be visited to see them.
Mr. Paton asked if the lawsuit between the residents and the Township on the fire sirens is still ongoing. The Township Attorney’s Associate answered yes it is still in litigation.
Mr. Paton asked if the Township is aware that someone has put up a fence 6 foot high and 200 ft. long on the border of the driveway between the Fire Company #3 property and one of the residents. Mr. Paton said the Fire Company is upset by this and was not aware this fence was going up. He asked who put it up. Mayor Martel said it was requested by the home owner and the approval of the Fire Chief. The home owner thought it would help on the glare of the lights and add protection to their property. Mayor Martel stated the Fire Chief had discussed this with the Fire Department and they said they would like the fence as well.
Mr. Paton asked if the fence cost around $4,000 and said it obviously was not in the budget.
Mr. Paton said it was brought to his attention that their have been incidents of vandalism at Fire Company #3. He further stated the security lighting on the building is not correctly working. The mayor answered the lighting is a maintenance issue which shall be handled by Administration or the Department of Public Works. Mr. Paton asked the status of the power panel in the building. The Mayor answered the panel was looked at by the Township’s Electrical Inspector. It was determined the original amount of work was not necessary. The Mayor is waiting to hear from the Fire Department.
Mrs. Stephanie Derrick of 144 Miller Road feels the Police Department does a good job in the Township. She suggested the Police Chief be asked have a more concentrated effort on speeding.
Mrs. Derrick asked if there was a plan for the collection of leaves in the Township. The Mayor answered the leaf collection has already started and the Department of Public Works employees are out daily picking up the leaves.
Mr. Jim Derrick of 144 Miller Road said with reference to Mr. Kidd’s comments about the truck stop he said he gets the feeling sometimes that the Township will go along with things it likes and will shy away with things it wants to stay away from. He feels they are afraid of a backlash. It bothers him that the Pilot is now switching attorneys. From what he reads in the newspapers the perception looks like Truck stops should be banned. Mr. Derrick said the Township is about business and they need this Truck Stop. Mr. Deerrick stated as a taxpayer this Truck Stop was here first and brought in the Township’s tax base. Mr. Derrick said he feels strip malls are no safer to enter than this Truck Stop is. He said he has been to Planning Board Meetings and they get out of control.
DaPuzzo asked Mr. Derrick if he has been to any Planning Board Meetings and said Pilot Meetings have not been out of control. DaPuzzo said there were only six objectors in the audience and what he must have seen was in front of the Board of Adjustment. DaPuzzo said he welcomes Mr. Derrick to come to the Planning Board Meetings.
Mr. Mike Kuplick of 111 Moffat Road complained about the business next to his home, Nature View Landscaping. Mr. Kuplick said there are 3 companies on the property. He questioned if all three companies have Certificates of Occupancy.
DaPuzzo said he stopped by this property and went to the Planning Board and went for the approvals. When he saw what was done he went to Mara Winokur and said it was not done right and asked her to review it. DaPuzzo stated it was in process and is being done through the courts on December 4, 2007.
Mayor Martel said this is an unfortunate situation and Nature View Landscaping had agreed to do certain things we asked him to do to be in compliance with some resolutions. He has not complied and has been issued some summonses. Hopefully, when he goes to court the Judge will tell him to do what we want him to do.
DiGiulio questioned if the landscaping company has gone beyond what the Certificate of Occupancy allowed. The Township Attorney’s Associate said there are pending summonses issued and a pending court date. What the question now becomes is the Certificate of Occupancy valid, was there jurisdiction to approve this, and can there be a decease and desist order.
DaPuzzo said there was certain criteria Nature View was to follow and the Ordinance was passed that there should be no commercial entities on the residential side of the lot, just employees. This issue is not being ignored but just takes time.
Mayor Martel said he had a meeting with Tom Mulvey and Mara Winokur this morning as to what can be done now and is wondering if the Certificate of Occupancy can be revoked.
Kidd asked what the parking regulation was in front of Mr. Kuplick’s house.
On a motion by Alderisio, seconded by Hermansen, the meeting was closed to the public at 9:08PM. All in favor. Motion carried.
WORK SESSION SUBMISSION OF BILLS AND CLAIMS Any Councilmember with questions on the Bills and Claims was asked to contact Administration prior to the Public Meeting.
ENGINEERING (Boswell-McClave) DiGiulio asked the Township Engineer if he has information on speed tables. The Township Engineer answered yes and he shall provide a summary of the alternatives and the costs to the Council.
Mayor Martel shall check with the Police Department if they have a traffic study on Hilltop Road.
1a. Cragmere Drainage Study; Review of Project Status The Township Engineer reported the study has been completed. Ten areas were identified. The overall costs is $2¼ million.
The Township Engineer added a grant was received for $150,000 and thus far $100,000. of the grant has been used. The Township Engineer expects using an additional $15,000. of the grant money. He shall then come back to the Council for direction as to where the remaining funds will be used.
The Township Engineer showed a map identifying the ten areas designed as A through J.
Kidd suggested the property owners be approached to reduce the expenses to the Township. Location B: Detention Basin at BOE Property – Oweno Road: DaPuzzo expressed concern about the work being done and it causing problems to the residents across the street. The Township Engineer said they will add a liner.
DiGiulio asked for a Maintenance Plan to be designed. The Township Engineer answered it is required.
Location C: Oweno Road, Hillside Avenue and Siding Place Drainage: The Township Engineer suggested abandoning the present drainage and orient the drainage in King Street. In order to do this, they would need to acquire a single easement above Hillside Avenue and then drop it to the side of King Street and continue down King Street into Railroad Avenue. This will eliminate a myriad of problems and bring relief to those areas. This would cost approximately $400,000.
Location H: Oweno Road Drainage: The Township Engineer said the work at this location may not be necessary. Part of the Road Improvement Program shall be to install bituminious curb on the low side of the street to have the road pitch properly.
Location I: Malcolm Road Drainage: requires adding the piping which is missing.
Location F: Culvert Under Railroad and W. Airmount Road: The Township Engineer said this is the largest improvement. It involved installing a new crossing under the railroad. An easement would be required.
Location E: Airmount Road Drainage (Including Armour, Malcolm, Oweno and Maysenger): The line would be upsized going up Oweno to Maysenger, taking the water from these locations and controlling the drainage from the people’s yards.
Location G: Olney Road and Lawrence Road Drainage: The pipe has been determined to be too small and since this is a small improvement they can do this within the authorization they have already been given.
The Township Engineer stated they are finalizing the report, will have a draft copy to Council and this is essentially the Master Plan for Drainage Improvement.
Location J: S. Mahwah Road Drainage: The Township Engineer said this area was recently added in as they received complaints from residents in this area.
The Township Engineer suggested grants be sought immediately. The Mayor interjected that Administration and the Township Engineer will be actively pursuing grants.
The Township Engineer said funds are available in the current year for Location D.
The Township Engineer suggested the Township apply for grant money for next year now. The Township Engineer explained this is a long term project – 5 to 10 years.
Larson questioned how much in grant funds could the Township expect to receive. The Township Engineer said the amount could vary year to year.
Kidd asked how many homes are impacted by this drainage condition when it rains. Kidd suggested buying people out from the flooding. The Township Engineer said they want to fix a problem in one location and make sure it fixes a problem in another area at the same time
The Township Engineer shall deliver the Final Report to Council.
1b. Restoration of Winters Pond and Masonicus Brook Stream Cleaning; Discussion The Township Engineer’s Associate said they received the Stream Encroachment and Freshwater Wetland Permits from the Department of Environmental Protection on September 27, 2007. They reviewed the project schedule and budget with Administration and the Department of Public Works. They made the recommendation to the Township to utilize the services of the Bergen County Mosquito Commission to perform the dredging and stream cleaning work proposed. They recommend both projects be performed at the same time. The work that will be performed by the Mosquito Commission will be at no cost to the Township. The Township Engineer’s Associate said this will be a lengthy project and they anticipate the work will take at least one to one and half years to complete.
DiGiulio stated this entails a lot of vegetation around the pond. The Township Engineer’s Associate said if the DPW can do the removal of vegetation work it will be a cost savings to the Township if not they will include in their Budget numbers an outside contractor to do the work.
The Township Engineer emphasized it is out of their control what conditions the weather will be as to how long this project takes.
1c. Verbal Status Report Army Corps. Of Engineers: Senator Jaffee was contacted. Information was received that the NYDEC has had some personnel problems and not enough staff was available to review the Project Management Plan.
2007 Road Improvement Program: This involves mostly drainage work and the project is currently out for bid. They received bids on November 1, 2007 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year, weather permitting.
98 Ramapo Valley Road: They have oversaw the demolition of the structure.
Home Depot: The Township Engineer’s Associate spoke with Mrs. Hurt of the DOT. The Township Engineer’s Associate and Mrs. Hurt are tentatively scheduled to meeting on Monday to review the whole project. Mrs. Hurt wants the Engineers to think about the possibility of Constantine Drive being used as the entrance to Home Depot and the existing driveway onto Route 17 being used as an exit. The Township Engineer’s Associate cannot see Home Depot approving this. He said he will report back to Council on the outcome of the meeting.
Stop Signs: DiGiulio asked if he is discussing the Stop signs with Mrs. Hurt. The Township Engineer’s Associate said he spoke with Mrs. Hurt about the stop signs on McIntosh and Meadowbrook. She said she did not realize the Department of Transportation has already reviewed these stop signs and the Township does not meet the warrants. DiGiulio questioned the stop signs there already. The Township Engineer’s Associate said there are single stop signs there now but they cannot put up four way stop signs. He said the Township will have to provide support documentation to the Department of Transportation for approval.
Young World Day School: The Township Engineer’s Associate said they have reviewed this with the Township Attorney’s office. The Township Attorney’s Associate commented the Engineer has prepared a proposal on costs as Young World Day School has stated they would rather see the Township do the improvements rather then them. The Attorney’s office sent the proposal to Young World Day School and received a letter back from them today. Young World Day School’s Attorney stated they are reviewing the proposal and have nothing conclusive yet and have questions about easements. The Township Engineer said they will come up with a sketch which will keep everyone within the right-of-way. DiGiulio questioned why going into the same curve, one side of the sign says 30 and the other side says 25.
ADMINISTRATION 3e. Correspondence; T-Mobile Proposal; Discussion DaPuzzo made a motion, seconded by DiGiulio to deny the request. Roll call vote: Alderisio, yes; DaPuzzo, yes; Hermansen, yes; Kidd, abstain; Larson, yes; Roth, absent; DiGiulio, yes.
Administration shall inform the Company of Council’s decision.
LEGAL 2a. Ordinance Amending Chapter VII; Constantine Drive Kidd questioned if the surrounding property owners were notified. The Township Attorney’s Associate shall find out.
Ordinance shall be introduced in the Public Meeting.
2b. Ordinance; Temporary Storage Containers Ordinance shall be introduced in the Public Meeting.
ADMINISTRATION 3a. Authorization to Award Bids 1. MTB-07-29: Police Uniforms 2. MTB-07-31: Auto Parts and Supplies Resolutions to award both of the above mentioned bids shall be voted on in the public Meeting.
3b. Certificate of Determination and Award (2007-3) – For Information Only
3c. Mayoral Appointment; Historic Preservation Commission Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
3d. Authorization to Award Non Fair and Open Contract; Rapid Pump and Meter Service Co. Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
TOWNSHIP COUNCIL AND MUNICIPAL CLERK 4a. Endorsement of CDBG Grant Application; Ramapough Mountain Indians Inc. Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
4b. Firefighter Application; Charles M. Brown to Fire Company #1 Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
4c. Firefighter Application; Peter V. Mione to Fire Company #2 Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
PUBLIC MEETING APPROVAL OF BILLS AND CLAIMS On a motion by Larson, seconded by Hermansen, the Bills and Claims, previously signed, totaling $799,814.85, were approved. All in favor. Motion carried. A List of Bills and Claims is on file in the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES On a motion by Larson, seconded by DaPuzzo, the Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes of August 23, 2007, Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes of September 13, 2007, and Closed Session Meeting Minutes of August 23, 2007 were approved. Roll call vote: Alderisio, yes; DaPuzzo, yes; DiGiulio, yes; Hermansen, yes; Kidd, yes; Larson, yes; Roth, absent; DiGiulio, yes.
On a motion by DaPuzzo, seconded by Alderisio, the Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes of September 27, 2007 were approved. Roll call vote: Alderisio, yes; DaPuzzo, yes; Hermansen, abstain; Kidd, yes; Larson, yes; Roth, absent; DiGiulio, yes.
REPORTS OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL and MUNICIPAL CLERK TOWNSHIP COUNCIL; COMMENTS, COMMUNICATIONS AND REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES Alderisio pointed out the Battle of the Bands will be held at Mahwah High School on October 27, 2007. Information of this event occurring in the Township came about 5 days ago. The Ramsey Band is hosting the event and having it in Mahwah. He is concerned that about 2,000 people and 600 cars are expected. He said the Special Events Permit allows the Board of Education not to get a permit. He suggested the Special Events Ordinance be amended to read governmental agency – Board of Education in Mahwah.
DaPuzzo suggested Ramapo College be added as well.
The township Attorney’s Associate shall investigate and provide Ordinance.
Alderisio said he attended the Beautification Committee Clean Up at Continental Solders field. The gentleman at the concession stand spoke to him about ice cream trucks not be permitted in the park when the concession stand is open. The Township Attorney’s Associate shall investigate.
DaPuzzo attended the Planning Board Meeting. Items discussed were a Soil Movement Permit on Blossom Lane, Approval of Commerce bank in the building where Alignment Plus was, Master Plan Time Line and review of Zoning Ordinance #1340.
DaPuzzo attended Mahwah High School’s Soccer Team who beat Riverdell in the County Playoffs this past weekend. Our Soccer Team is having a great year.
DaPuzzo said his daughter was selected as Athlete of the Month at Mahwah High School.
Hermansen said he also attended the Mahwah Girls Soccer Team game in the quarter finals and they are playing this weekend at Riverdell against Northern Highlands this Sunday and wanted people to come out and cheer them on.
Hermansen attended the Clean Up at Continental Solders Park.
Hermansen thanked Troop 951 for the plantings outside of the Senior Center.
Kidd asked Administration what the policies are of the Police Department with regard to information on something like a bank robbery. He further stated how is the public alerted. The Mayor said he will check into this and email the information to Kidd.
Larson asked Alderisio why the Board of Education allowed Ramsey to hold the Battle of the Bands at Mahwah High School. Alderisio said that Ramsey had gotten so huge they could not handle it at their facility and would also cause traffic problems on Main Street.
Larson questioned why we would be taking on other Township’s problems. Hermansen reiterated our High School is generally in the Battle of the Bands and it is a big deal for our band to be in this to win. Since Mahwah High School has participated in the past they had no problem saying they could hold it at Mahwah. Alderisio stated he has a problem with Ramsey making the money and our Township providing the infrastructure and overtime.
Larson asked about the horses at Lake Henry. The Township Attorney stated there is an Ordinance being prepared.
DaPuzzo said there will be Powder Puff Football Game at the Mahwah High School this Friday. It will start at 7:00PM. It is a fundraiser for the senior prom.
DiGiulio thanked everyone who participated in the Clean Up.
DiGiulio attended two Eagle Scout Ceremonies – one for JJ Sass and one for Kevin Adelson.
DiGiulio said the Beautification Committee has decorated by the Township Hall and the bell on Franklin Turnpike.
DiGiulio said that decorations by the bell on Franklin Turnpike were recently destroyed.
REPORTS OF MAYOR AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR DiGiulio said there on October 31st there will be a Halloween Parade starting at 6:00PM at Commodore Perry.
PUBLIC PORTION On a motion by Alderisio, seconded by Hermansen, the meeting was opened to the public at 11:15PM. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Albert Kidd of 851 Darlington Avenue asked the cost of the meals for the seniors. The Mayor answered $7.50.
Mr. Kidd questioned how it works when a contractor requires a police officer for traffic control. The mayor answered the Contractor pay the cost for the Police Officer to be there. The office is off-duty.
Mayor Martel said the Ordinance was just recently revised. He said along with the Ordinance providing to pay the Police Officers $60.00 by the Contractor there should also be a charge for the Police Patrol Car. The Township Attorney does not know if the amount includes the cost of the Police car. Mayor Martel would like a separate cost for the Police Officer and the Police Patrol Car.
Mr. Kidd complained when there is a heavy rain, the wood chips get washed into Lake Henry.
On a motion by Hermansen, seconded by DaPuzzo, the meeting was closed to the public at 11:22PM. All in favor. Motion carried. ORDINANCES - INTRODUCTIONS The title of an Ordinance was read as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER VII ENTITLED “TRAFFIC” OF THE TOWNSHIP CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MAHWAH TO FORMALIZE CONSTANTINE DRIVE AS A ONE-WAY STREET.
Introduced by Hermansen, seconded by Larson.
RESOLVED that the Ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading.
FURTHER RESOLVED that said Ordinance be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on November 8, 2007 at the Municipal Offices, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey at 8:00PM.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Municipal Clerk shall publish said Ordinance with notice of introduction, passage and time and place where said Ordinance will be considered for final passage.
Roll call vote: Alderisio, yes; DaPuzzo, yes; Hermansen, yes; Kidd, no; Larson, yes; Roth, absent; DiGiulio, yes.
Introduced by DaPuzzo, seconded by Hermansen.
RESOLVED that the Ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading.
FURTHER RESOLVED that said Ordinance be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on November 8, 2007 at the Municipal Offices, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey at 8:00PM.
FURTHER RESOVLED that the municipal Clerk shall publish said Ordinance with notice of introduction, passage and time and place where said Ordinance will be considered for final passage. Roll call vote: Alderisio, yes; DaPuzzo, yes; Hermansen, yes; Kidd, no; Larson, yes; Roth, absent; DiGiulio, yes.
On a motion by DaPuzzo, seconded by Larson, the meeting was opened to the public. All in favor. Motion carried.
Being no comments were made from the public, on a motion by DaPuzzo, seconded by Larson, the meeting was closed to the public. All in favor. Motion carried.
On a motion by Alderisio, seconded by Hermansen, the following resolution was passed and adopted:
RESOLVED that the Ordinance be passed and adopted on second reading and the Municipal Clerk is authorized to advertise the Ordinance by title only as having been finally adopted as required by law.
Roll call vote: Adlerisio, yes; DaPuzzo, yes; Hermansen, yes; Kidd, yes; Larson, yes; Roth, absent; DiGiulio, yes.
On a motion by DaPuzzo, seconded by Hermansen, the Ordinance was withdrawn. Roll call vote: Alderisio, yes; DaPuzzo, yes; Hermansen, yes; Kidd, yes; Larson, yes; Roth, absent; DiGiulio, yes.
* * * The title of an Ordinance was read as follows: AN ORDINANCE FOR PUBLIC CONTRACTING (“PAY-TO-PLAY”) REFORM.
On a motion by DaPuzzo, seconded by Larson, the meeting was opened to the public. All in favor. Motion carried.
Being no comments were made from the public, on a motion by Hermansen, seconded by DaPuzzo, the meeting was closed to the public. All in favor. Motion carried. On a motion by DaPuzzo, seconded by Hermansen, the following resolution was passed and adopted:
RESOLVED that the Ordinance be passed and adopted on second reading and the Municipal Clerk is authorized to advertise by title only as having been finally adopted as required by law.
Roll call vote: Alderisio, yes; DaPuzzo, yes; Hermansen, yes; Kidd, yes; Larson, yes; Roth, absent; DiGiulio, yes.
CONSENT AGENDA Resolutions #128-07A through #134-07A were voted on under the Consent Agenda. Resolutions are attached to and made part of these Meeting Minutes.
On a motion by DaPuzzo, seconded by Hermansen, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25PM. All in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathrine G. Coletta, RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk