Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
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St. Raphael Church Parish Pastoral Council Meeting May 4, 2016 7:00 pm
MEETING MINUTES – Revised 6-8-16
Present: Father Arlan, Brenda Sameshima, Tina Brun, Marina Pascua, Steve Ruiz, Celeste Rivera, Lorine Paden, Dana Lagmay, Leonard Vierra, Jerry Vigil, Bill Thesken
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Brenda Sameshima Opening Prayer - Tina
I. Approval of Meeting Minutes – approved Steve 1st, Tina 2nd.
II. Ministry/Committee Reports
Finance (Jerry Vigil)
o Jerry says there is no official report. After 4-5 years on the job he notes that the expenditures are watched very carefully. There is a lot of transparency. 3-4 months per Finance Committee meetings. Mercedes does the report and the committee goes over it line by line. The Parish is very solvent with money set aside for all future projects. They will update the report that is posted to the right of the church entrance.
o Father Arlan says that we will be audited for this 2015-2016 fiscal year and should be complete by August. We are audited every other year. All parishes in Hawaii use QuickBooks and it is on-line for review by the Diocese. Many safeguards in place.
o Sandra Honl has volunteered to assist Mercedes, and the committee will be meeting and making a 2016-2017 budget.
Worship – EMHC, Lectors, Altar Servers, Aloha & Music (Marina Pascua)
o Worship meeting minutes distributed.
o Evaluation and critique from Easter. We will have a meeting prior to next Easter and plan for a better set-up for the chairs. Need to block the Easter Egg Hunt area the day before Easter and not cut the grass that week.
o Stations of the Cross do not match the prayer at the old church and the walkway. The mistake was noticed after they were paid for and delivered and there was nothing we could do.
o Ohana Mass is always held here as it is familiar territory and makes it easier on the kids.
1 o Halloween party for the kids this year. Dress as a Saint for prizes 10-29-16.
Evangelization - Faith Formation, RCIA, Baptism, Holy Communion & Confirmation (Allison Carveiro)
o No Report
Family Life – Respect Life, Filipino Catholic Club & Stewardship (Dana Lagmay)
o The Filipino Catholic Club is working on a 5-year plan to inspire kids. They meet every last Sunday of the month. They will be decorating the church for Mother’s Day, and buying 200 roses from Costco for all the mothers.
Services – Food Pantry, Bereavement & Health Service (Tina Brun)
o Thanksgiving outreach is in the planning stages.
o You cannot sell Tikis at the craft fair at the Church since it is an idol. We can sell spam musubi, hot dogs etc., but cannot sell a plate lunch since the kitchen is not certified, and it expired last June. With upcoming events that could utilize the kitchen, Brenda, Dana & Celeste volunteer to work to bring the kitchen up to code and re-certify. Need to discuss whether to hire a maintenance man. We have certified Plumbers & Electricians that go to our Parish and we just need to ask them for assistance. Cleanliness and a fire suppression system are the key elements.
Youth – Youth & Young Adults (Paul Curtis)
o No report.
Temporalities – Planning & Building, Maintenance, Garden, Church Cleaners & Gift Shop (Deacon Tom Contrades)
o No report.
Pastor’s Report (Father Arlan)
o Road map of the Diocese is distributed. We have a 5yr. plan in place we will see if they match. By the next meeting we will see if we are following the same road.
o There will be an open Vicariate Meeting in Kalaheo on April 25. This is for all clergy and leaders and they will be discussing the restoration of the Basilica in Honolulu. There will be a restoration and they need $$, and are calling on all parishes to help. We will discuss with the finance committee, the parish and visitors. The Basilica is 172 years old and they have 3 years to complete the renovations before the 175th anniversary celebration.
o There will be a Vicariate workshop on the island. Prior to this workshop in Lihue – no one represented St. Raphael and the Diocese was disappointed. A proposal
2 at least for a year that every minister will attend a Vicariate workshop. Father Arlan will be putting the schedule on the website and will try to get at least 2 people to each workshop. If there is a charge you will be re-imbursed.
o Will work on the 2016/17 budget and estimated budget for the 175th anniversary activities. Need to budget for the Pastors automobile, since it is a 2006 model and insurance won’t cover a car over 10 years old.
o La Sallette statue is in Lihue at Immaculate, then Holy Cross, and then with us in June.
o Andy Honl will upgrade the website with new features.
o Youth – need to revive the Ministry, might get a Youth Minister and share with Holy Cross. Will combine Confirmation for all churches in one church.
III. Old Business
Gearing up for the Koloa Days Parade. Lenny is building a replica of the church for the float. Need parishioners to hand out gifts and walk with the float.
There will be 175 hours of perpetual prayer at the small church Sept. 11-18.
Oct. 29 – All Hallows Eve costume party.
Nov. 19 – Thanksgiving outreach at Salt Pond + Thanksgiving lunch, we have the big pavilion reserved.
Brenda will print 2,000 flyers for the 175th anniversary celebration for island wide distribution.
Dec. 3 – Carnival with 5-6 food booths, rides and crafts and live music.
Dec. 24 – Mass at 5PM & Midnight.
Dec. 25 – No 7AM or 9:30AM Mass. It will be at 11AM with a big luau and entertainment to follow.
Leonard – Roof looked into, no final word on the bathroom roof. All the lawnmowers are broken and under repair. The Knudsen’s are okay with a water line going over their property and will have a written document from Grove Farm providing free Ag water for now. It is $2,000 for materials and a 10-month process. There is 1 acre of jungle south of the property that can be cleared that has old rock walls, and there is a lot that can be done with the new water source.
Steve had a question on the council structure vs By-Laws and we will need clarification on who should attend the meetings.
IV. New Business 3 Frank Nantz small engine repair will fix all the equipment for no charge, just parts.
Amendment to constitution, change the regular meeting time and date to the first Wed. of the month at 7PM unless there is a conflict.
Jerry – At the last Finance committee meeting they discussed losing the Youth to other churches in the area proposed a Youth Facility and a place for them to gather. Designed to have large meetings etc. A Youth Center, multi-use facility. Need to form a committee to discuss. Dana volunteers to be on the committee.
The Vicariate is brainstorming on youth.
Meeting adjourned at 9:27PM
V. Next Meeting
Date: June 8, 2016 @ 7PM
Minutes respectfully prepared by: Bill Thesken, Secretary St. Raphael Church Parish Pastoral Council