City and Hackney LPC
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City and Hackney LPC
DATE: 2nd July 2015
TIME: 19.00 to 21.30
WHERE: Humdingers of Hoxton 234-236 Hoxton Street, London, N1 5LX
Member Name Initials Attendance Attendance this financial year P= Present, A= Absent, Aa= Apologies sent. Raj Radia (chair) RR P 3 of 3
Stewart Evans SE P 3 of 3
Kirit Shah KS P 1 of 3
Peter Muska PM P 3 of 3
Christopher Ashton CA A 2 of 3
Anish Patel AP Aa 1 of 3
Gwyn Williams GW P 3 of 3
Andrew Gordon AG Aa (Stepped Down) 1 of 2
Sunil Patel SP A 1 of 3
In Attendance
Hitesh Patel (CEO) HP P
Stuart Brown (Minutes) SB P
Mary Clarke MC P
1. PRESENTATION BY MARY CLARKE OF GP FED. ON TRAINEESHIPS, APPRENTICESHIPS, WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAMS AND NON MEDICAL PRESCRIBING. MC delivered a verbal presentation to the committee re. the above subjects and the committee thanked her for her attendance and for the information she imparted.
2. WELCOME BY CHAIR & APOLOGIES RR welcomed everyone to the meeting, apologies were noted (as above). HP stated that AG had stepped down from the committee due to him moving out of the C& H area. HP stated that an email of thanks had been sent to AG, and HP added that he would be missed on this committee. GW stated that the CCA had approached a lady called Dee (from Aldgate Boots) to be AG’s replacement. City and Hackney LPC
SE asked whether the PSNC rep. Prakash Patel had been invited to this meeting. HP stated that he had left email and voice messages inviting him to this meeting, however he had not replied.
3. APPOINTMENT OF NEW LPC MEMBERS HP informed the meeting that there were currently two potential candidates for new members – Kirit Sonigra and Nickil Patel (would be a representative of Clockwork Pharmacy) – both had sent in statements to the committee. HP stated that Clockwork Pharmacy would be splitting into two – one section would join AIMp and the other would still be independent – Nickil Patel would represent the latter type of independent Clockwork Pharmacy. HP asked whether both of them could be recruited. SE stated that he and GW and PM were not currently eligible to vote on the appointment of these new members according to the constitution. RR and KS voted in favour of accepting both candidates into the committee. HP stated that he would ask AP and SP to vote accordingly via email. Action no. Description Who to action 1 To email AP and SP to ask for their thoughts and votes on HP accepting Kirit Sonigra and Nickil Patel into the committee.
4. LPC STRATEGY WORK/ WORK STREAM- HP TO LET MEMBERS KNOW PENDING AREAS OF WORK HP added that he would address the areas which were currently RAG rated as amber below: The formation of a Governance Sub Committee: - the members decided to wait until the new committee would be all present before this subcommittee should be set up. Action no. Description Who to action 2 To form a governance subcommittee at the next LPC HP and All meeting in September 2015. Assessment of LPC member’s skills: – the members decided that SE’s spreadsheet should be re-circulated and populated on arrival of the new LPC members. Action no. Description Who to action 3 To re-circulated and populate SE’s member skills HP and All spreadsheet on arrival of the new LPC members. LPC Budget: - HP asked for KS and SE to work on the LPC budget. SE suggested that a new member of the FAC should be appointed from the CCA members present. Action no. Description Who to action 4 To work up an LPC budget. KS, SE & CCA To appoint a CCA member to the FAC. members Establish relationship with the LPN: - HP stated that AP and PM were currently responsible for making contact with the LPN.
Action no. Description Who to action 5 To contact Ash Soni re. the state of current work of the LPN. PM
Public Health relationships: - HP stated that he currently has a good relationship with Hackney Public health. GW stated that Beneeta Shah currently has a good relationship with City Public health, but he thought that this responsibility would be passed on to him as part of a Boots “reshuffle”. The members decided to leave this section as amber. Establish a relationship with both of the Health watches: - Action no. Description Who to action City and Hackney LPC
6 To make contact with representatives of Health Watch. RR
Service development - HLP: - HP stated that a proposal had been submitted to Hackney Public Health – therefore this section would be left as amber. Service development – Anti-coagulation:- HP stated that a proposal had also been submitted to Hackney Public Health – therefore this section would be left as amber.
PURMS - Pharmacy Urgent Medicine Service - Update from Anish Patel: HP reported that AP had been desperately trying to meet with a clinical lead for this service with no luck, despite email contact being made. HP stated that he had escalated this information up to the CCG urgent care board. GW stated that he has a number of stores that were currently engaged in the PURM service – and activity levels were currently low. HP stated that Rekha Shah (Pharmacy London lead for the PURM service) is currently working to re-design the whole service ahead of its re-launch in April 2016.
Innovation Fund: HP stated that MM had been working on a potential bid for this fund re. the subject of bi-lingual labels. HP stated that this bid would have to be re-visited following MM’s departure from the committee. HP stated that a bid of some kind should be put in to access this fund. GW stated that he would want to follow the steps below to develop a new service: Is there a current need for the service? Is there adequate funding for such a service? (Does this funding repeat year after year?) (Where is the most money spent?) How easy would it be to deliver the service? RR and GW suggested that a larger discussion/workshop should be arranged re. this matter at the full day meeting in September 2015. SE asked what amount of money the Innovation Fund currently offers. SE and GW suggested that the JHWS document should be consulted to help establish where the needs currently are for a potential service. GW suggested that all members could be allocated different sections of the JHWS for both City and Hackney areas to read and report on at the next meeting. RR suggested that the “better care fund” could be accessed, should the bid for the innovation fund not be successful.
Action no. Description Who to action 7 To make a note of all the funding streams available in order HP to look at building and bidding for a new service. Action no. Description Who to action 8 To divide up the JHWS document into sections – to then HP send of members, for them to comment on at the service bidding workshop at next meeting. Action no. Description Who to action 9 To make a “service building and bidding” workshop an HP agenda item for the September 2015 meeting.
5. TO APPROVE OPEN MINUTES FROM LPC MEETING OF 28TH MAY 2015 GW asked for a comment meant for the closed minutes to be redacted from the open part of the 28th May minutes. City and Hackney LPC
Actions: Pharmacy Workforce and language Survey: HP reminded the meeting that the CEPN (community education provider network) had asked for a workforce survey to be filled in. GW asked why the CEPN would need this information. HP stated that training needs could be established from the results of this survey – and funding could be sought to meet these training needs. The members agreed that this workforce survey had not been a short exercise and had taken some time to complete. GW asked whether funding could have been asked for, so that pharmacies could be paid for filling in this survey. HP stated that he had only had 25 responses back from pharmacies. The members suggested that the low response had been due to the fact that the survey would have taken quite some time to complete – therefore because no one had been paying for the pharmacist’s time to fill this out – the survey had been abandoned. GW suggested that these surveys should be made simpler and their purpose should be clearly communicated (i.e. just ask the question about what languages are spoken). GW suggested that any workforce statistics would go out of date quickly. GW stated that Pharmacy should identify the training needs – and then they should go to the CEPN to ask them to help secure funding for these needs. The members agreed to park this survey work until CEPN asked for any update on it – whereon the need for it would be asked for. DBS Checks survey: HP asked GW about the number of Boots staff who were currently DBS checked. GW asked whether HP could refrain from asking him about his Boots stores specifically, because he was currently attending the meeting as a CCA rep. and not a Boots rep. GW wondered if the LPC would now be planning to hold a major database of all DBS checked pharmacy staff in C&H. HP stated that he would currently need the DBS check stats of pharmacists and staff, so that NHS E could be told how many would have to be funded.
HP stated that he felt that he may have wasted his time with compiling and sending out these surveys. SE and GW suggested that an email be sent out (with a link to a survey?) to contractors asking them whether they would like to have an enhanced DBS checked funded for. HP stated that Public Health should be approached to ask them to fund every contractor to obtain an enhanced DBS check. SE wondered whether DBS checks were currently specific to a service. Action no. Description Who to action 10 To approach Public Health to ask them to fund every HP contractor to obtain an enhanced DBS check.
Action no. Description Who to action 11 To check whether DBS checks are specific to each service. HP
PURMS: Action Description Who to action no. 12 To post the official set of governance information (for HP the PURM service) up on the C&H LPC website. City and Hackney LPC
Meeting Venues: HP stated that he had discovered that the GP federation currently hold their meetings in the Lawson Surgery, which would not accommodate the LPC. HP stated that the cost of the room hire at Humdingers (the present venue) had increased and the meeting finish time would have to be restricted to 10pm. 13 To source alternative venues (attached to restaurants) for HP/KS (previous evening C&H LPC meetings. action)
Blood born virus service: HP stated that he had received an email response back from the CQC re. whether the BBV service was currently CQC registerable. HP handed out a “scope of registration” document (a decision tree) which had been sent from the CQC, and stated that the CQC had said that it is currently down to the “providers” of the service to have the final say on whether they think their service is CQC registerable or not (by using this “scope of registration” document) The members looked at this document and decided that a chlamydia service would not need CQC registration, whereas a BBV testing service (where blood samples are sent to a lab) would need to be CQC registered. HP stated that a HIV test 14 To inform Public Health that the current BBV testing service HP would need CQC registration, however a BBV point of care test (which would exclude Hep B & C).
15 To send an urgent email to contractors who are currently HP providing the BBV testing service to tell them to suspend the service with immediate effect because it needs CQC registration.
Cell Structure: Action no. Description Who to action 16(previou To distribute cell structure lists to members – once the new HP s action) committee is in place in September 2015.
EPS:- To set up closed email groups for the discussion of problems for the different EPS systems: HP stated that he was planning to open up the C&H Pharmacist’s email group to all C&H LPC members and all C&H contractors. HP added that he would be able to use a setting which would vet all replies made on this group. HP stated that EPS issues (moderated by HP) could be discussed as part of this C&H Pharmacist’s email group.
GW warned that this group should not be used to discuss the exchanging of stock – due to governance issues with licensing.
SE informed the meeting that should a pharmacist supply a doctor’s surgery with stock on a written requisition – it currently constitutes wholesale dealing and therefore a wholesaler dealer’s licence would be needed. SE added that a license would not be City and Hackney LPC
needed if the stock supplied would be at cost price, in small quantities (for individual patients) and occasionally supplied.
CPPE – HLP leadership training:- To approach the council to ask whether they would pay for displacement costs for the full day HLP leadership training will be provided by CPPE: HP stated that the HLP training for pharmacists would now take place on a Sunday 11th October 2015, venue TBA. HP added that this would then be followed up by an evening session a couple of weeks after the 11th October 2015.
DoC (Declaration of Competency): Action no. Description Who to action 17(previou To push to get Public Health to accept DoCs for all services HP s action) to solve cross-border problems when Pharmacists move into new areas to work.
PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE UPDATES:- To inform Public Health that the frequency of their current training plan for PGDs will leave gaps in Public Health services: HP stated that he had spoken to a gentleman called Steve at Public Health and he had suggested that a pier training scheme could be implemented for the two PGDs public health is currently responsible for (EHC & Erythromycin). HP added that the training slides and materials would be supplied to a pharmacist who is already trained, and then this pharmacist could train untrained pharmacists. HP stated that the LPC may have to fund these training sessions. RR suggested that it would be each Lead Pharmacist’s responsibility to PGD train new employees when they join that team. GW and KS suggested that it would be a good use of LPC money to fund the PGD training of currently untrained staff in C&H. SE suggested that single independent pharmacies may object to their money being used to train staff in other pharmacies. Action no. Description Who to action 18 To work up a Pier training mechanism proposal to take to Public RR & HP health.
BBV, EHC, Weight Management: Action no. Description Who to action 19 To report back on possibility of training for the Weight HP (previous Management service to Health Care Assistants in C&H from action) company “Skills for training”.
JOINT PRESCRIBING GROUP, PRESCRIBING PROGRAMME BOARD:- Repeat reordering of scripts: Action no. Description Who to action 20 To tailor the Croydon and Brent & Harrow LPCs “Repeat All (Previous reordering” guidance documents to C&H LPC’s needs before Action) sending it to the CCG for their agreement.
One Hackney – reports from quadrant leads (SP, SE, KS and AP): RR stated that he had seen Laura Sharp and fed back to her information re. the progress of the One Hackney program (wrt. Reps actually turning up to the quadrant lead’s pharmacies). RR added that Laura would take this issue to the Forum.
6. CITY OF LONDON –HEALTHY BEHAVOIURS SERVICE. LATEST UPDATE HP declared that there had been no current update on this – WDP is still currently the only provider who has currently bid for this service.
7. JOINT PRESCRIBING GROUP, PRESCRIBING PROGRAMME BOARD Repeat reordering of scripts: HP referred the meeting to action point 25, above. GW reminded the meeting that this “Repeat reordering” guidance document to be created will be guidance and not policy to be enforced.
8. HACKNEY – SUBSTANCE MISUSE SERVICE AWARDED TO WDP – UPDATE HP stated that WDP had been awarded this service as lead provider, however the prescribing side of the service is to be carried out by CNWL. HP asked KS to join him in looking at past and present services in C&H and in other areas, to make sure this new service is to be comparable in terms of remuneration and work load involved. HP also asked KS to join him at any meetings involving the discussion of this service. KS agreed to this. HP stated that CNWL were currently keen to see the introduction of the BBV service, however GW suggested that the Hep B vaccination of drug users could be introduced as an alternative, with a point of care testing service for HIV. HP also stated that WDP were also keen to introduce a “lockson”???? injection service to this substance misuse contract.
9. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES UPDATE HP stated that all the public Health PGDS were currently up to date, and the amended contract (appendices have been altered – not the main bulk of the contract) would be being sent to the LPC ASAP. GW stated that he would help examine the new public health contract for the LPC.
10. A.O.B. Advanced Services Support for Contractors: SE stated that he had collated the MUR figures (declared MURs from the PSNC website) for 10 months for all C&H contractors to highlight the contractors who had done low numbers with a view to supporting them. Action Description Who to action no. 21 To discuss the strategy re. supporting contractors with advanced All services (MURs) at the SEP 2015 full day meeting.