ASA System Needs Scholarship Application

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ASA System Needs Scholarship Application


Information and Criteria

A limited number of scholarships worth $3,000 per annum for up to two years of study are available to teacher education students entering their third or fourth year of an undergraduate teacher education degree course, or the first or second year of a graduate-entry Bachelor of Teaching/Master of Teaching degree course at Avondale College of Higher Education. Each year scholarships are offered in specific teaching fields where ASA perceives there is a high demand. For 2016 scholarships will be offered to male primary undergraduates and secondary undergraduates with specialisation in English, Mathematics and Science. Successful applicants will also receive an additional $3,000 payable during the first year of employment as a graduate teacher with Adventist Schools Australia, bringing the scholarship total to a maximum amount of $9,000. Emphasis in allocation of scholarships will be given to students undertaking teaching majors in short supply.

ELIGIBILITY a) Any permanent Australian resident student entering the third or fourth year of a four-year undergraduate teacher education degree course at Avondale College of Higher Education in 2016. b) Any permanent Australian resident student entering the first or second year of a two-year graduate- entry Bachelor/Master of Teaching degree course at Avondale College of Higher Education in 2016.

Note: A decision regarding the awarding of scholarships to BTch/MTch applicants may be deferred pending receipt of first semester grades and/or professional experience reports. Payments will be backdated for successful BTch applicants. c) The ASA System Needs Education Scholarship is available to both residential and non-residential students. d) The purpose of the ASA System Needs Education Scholarship is primarily to assist Avondale College of Higher Education students.

CRITERIA Applicants must: a) Be a baptised member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and regularly attending his/her local congregation; b) Be a permanent Australian resident; c) Demonstrate competence in meeting professional experience requirements having achieved at least a credit in the most recent practicum result; d) Maintain full-time enrolment in the course approved for this scholarship.

CONDITIONS a) Scholarships are granted on the condition that a student undertakes a full-time study load each semester.

ASA System Needs Education Scholarship Application – 2016 Page 1 b) Continuance of the scholarship is contingent upon the scholarship holder passing all subjects. The scholarship will be suspended for the semester following the failure of any subject, and then reinstated and payments backdated following the next semester in which all subjects are passed. c) Once approved, any variation to the agreed study program can only be considered by the ASA Education Scholarship Committee for the following reasons: i) That any variation is deemed by the Scholarship Committee to be advantageous to the school system; ii) Any variation must have the written support of the Avondale College of Higher Education Dean of the Faculty of Education and Science. d) Any scholarship holder who is deemed to have defaulted from the terms and conditions of their agreement is liable for the repayment of the scholarship in full to ASA with the addition of appropriate administration fees. A scholarship holder may be deemed to have defaulted for the following reasons: i) Changes from the agreed course of study without the approval of the ASA Education Scholarship Committee. ii) Failure to complete the agreed course of study due to failing grades. iii) Failure to accept an appointment to teach in an Adventist school in Australia immediately following graduation. Recipients should be aware that every effort will be made to find a mutually agreeable location; however, if this is not possible employment opportunities in other areas may be offered. e) Recipients must sign a Bond Agreement requiring them to be available to teach for two years for the Seventh-day Adventist school system in Australia. f) In the unlikely event that the Teacher Placement Committee does not offer a teaching position by 31 December of the graduating year, the scholarship holder is not bound to repay the scholarship fund for the amount already extended to them; however, the scholarship will be deemed cancelled and payments extending into the first year of employment will not be made.

PAYMENTS a) While a student, scholarship funds will be credited to the student’s account at Avondale College of Higher Education, allowing the student to choose to have these funds credited to their living or tuition expenses or to their HECS account. The student may also access the funds directly if their student account is in credit. b) Upon accepting employment at an ASA school, ASA will make payment directly to the graduate teacher in two equal instalments, once at the commencement of employment and once at the conclusion of the school year. ASA recognises that payments during employment are subject to Fringe Benefits Tax and undertakes to pay this Tax on behalf of the recipient.

DEFERRAL 1. Requests for deferral will only be considered for taskforce volunteer positions.

2. All requests must be presented to the ASA Education Scholarship Committee in writing and must also have the written endorsement of the Avondale College of Higher Education Faculty of Education and Science before being presented for consideration.


2 Application and Offer Process

1. ASA System Needs Education Scholarship applications close 30 November 2016.

2. Scholarship applications will be processed in the first week of December and offers will be made at the first available opportunity after that date.

3. If you are a transferring student intending to complete your study at Avondale College of Higher Education, please complete a general application form for admission into Avondale College of Higher Education. Generally, scholarships will only be awarded to current students or those students who have applied and been admitted to Avondale College of Higher Education.

4. General application for enrolment forms can be downloaded from the Avondale College of Higher Education website or obtained from the Enquiries Centre. Avondale College of Higher Education Enquiries Centre: (02) 4980 2277 FreeCall Australia: 1800 804 324 E-mail: [email protected]

5. A copy of the Adventist Schools Australia Privacy Statement and Bond Agreement is available upon request from the National Office of Adventist Schools Australia.

6. Please e-mail your application or post to the following address:

E-mail: [email protected]

Post: Dr Daryl Murdoch, National Director Adventist Schools Australia PO Box 4368 RINGWOOD VIC 3134

7. Phone inquiries regarding the ASA System Needs Education Scholarship should be directed to the National Office of Adventist Schools Australia: 03 9871 7518.


SECTION A 1. APPLICANT DETAILS A) NAME Surname: Click here to enter text. Given names: Click here to enter text. Gender: Marital status:

ASA System Needs Education Scholarship Application – 2016 Page 3 Birth date: Click here to enter text. Birth country: Click here to enter text. Citizenship: Click here to enter text.

B) CURRENT ADDRESS Street: Click here to enter text. Suburb: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text. Postcode: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Mobile: Click here to enter text. E-mail: Click here to enter text.


Degree/Diploma Institution Year Awarded Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

B) NON TEACHING QUALIFICATIONS Do you have any non-teaching qualifications, e.g., First Aid? If so please give details.

Degree/Diploma Institution Year Awarded Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

C) SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS i) Check any of the following for which you have special training, experience or interest.

Art Electronics Physical education

Career guidance Keyboarding School newspaper

Piano Handcrafts Singing

Other musical instruments Library Student guidance

Drama Outdoor education Other (please specify)

Debating Computers Click here to enter text.

ii) Please list any languages other than English in which you are fluent. Click here to enter text. iii) Please list any other unique skills. Click here to enter text. 3. PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION A) PREFERRED TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT


Major subject areas: Click here to enter text. Minor subject areas: Click here to enter text. Other subject areas: Click here to enter text. PRIMARY

Preferred grades: Click here to enter text. Subject specialties: Click here to enter text. ii) EARLY CHILDHOOD Subject specialties: Click here to enter text. B) PREFERRED LOCATIONS FOLLOWING GRADUATION i) Please indicate any geographic limitations on your availability: Click here to enter text.

ii)__Applicants are invited to volunteer further information that might be relevant to the kind of employment or place of employment that is sought, for example: family circumstances, health, spouse’s employment needs, further education plans, relevant hobbies and interests. Click here to enter text. C) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY i) Please provide details of your employment history, including any non-teaching employment.

Employer Type of Work From To Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to Click here to enter text. enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to Click here to enter text. enter text.

ii) Please list the name of the school and the supervisor for your two most recent practicums (where applicable).

Grades taught/subject Name of School Supervisor's Name Date specialisations Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

4. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. FAMILY DETAILS i) Current marital status: ii) Spouse’s name (where applicable):Click here to enter text. iii) Number of children (where applicable):Click here to enter text.

ASA System Needs Education Scholarship Application – 2016 Page 5 Child's Name Date of Birth Child's Name Date of Birth Click here to enter text. Click here to Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. enter text.

2. (OPTIONAL) Does your spouse hold teaching qualifications? Yes No If yes, please provide details:

Degree/Diploma/Certificate Institution Year Awarded Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.


Major subject areas: Click here to enter text. Minor subject areas: Click here to enter text. Other subject areas: Click here to enter text. ii) PRIMARY

Preferred grades: Click here to enter text. Subject specialties: Click here to enter text. iii) EARLY CHILDHOOD Subject specialties: Click here to enter text. 3. OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES Are there any other circumstances that we need to know about that could impact on your performance if employed as a teacher? Yes No If yes, please explain: Click here to enter text. 4. POLICE RECORD i) Have you ever been convicted by any criminal court? Yes No

If yes, please give details: Click here to enter text. ii) I have not been declared as a prohibited employee in any state, territory or country. Please check iii) I understand that a police clearance will be needed before I can be employed. Please check 5. OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS A.i) Please list any other scholarships for which you have applied or are a recipient that may limit your availability for a teaching appointment within Australia: Click here to enter text.

6 A.ii) Please indicate whether or not you wish your application to also be considered for an ASA Regional Education Scholarship. Yes No

(Please see ASA Regional Education Scholarship information and criteria.) A.iii) If yes, please indicate which regional areas you would be willing to serve (tick all that apply): Northern Queensland Bundaberg (Queensland)

South NSW Mildura (Victoria)

Tasmania South Australia

Western Australia

Please note: The acceptance of an ASA Regional Education Scholarship negates any offer of an ASA System Needs Education Scholarship. SECTION B 5. SPIRITUAL VALUES AND ATTITUDES A) CHURCH RELATIONSHIP i) Are you baptised member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Yes No

If yes, please give the date of your baptism: Click here to enter text. If yes, why did you choose to be a Seventh-day Adventist? Click here to enter text. ii) Are you affiliated with another denomination? Yes No If yes, please give the name of your denomination: Click here to enter text. iii) Are you an active participant in your local church program? Yes No

iv) How often do you attend church? v) Name the church where you are a member:Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text. vi) Minister's name: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Mobile: Click here to enter text. E-mail address: Click here to enter text. vii) What church office/s do you currently hold? Click here to enter text. viii) In what capacities have you served your church? Click here to enter text. B) CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE AND BELIEFS

ASA System Needs Education Scholarship Application – 2016 Page 7 i) How long have you been a practising Christian?Click here to enter text. ii) Describe your faith journey and how you came to make a decision to follow Christ: Click here to enter text. iii) Give your own definition of a Christian: Click here to enter text. iv) What are your views about the authority and historical accuracy of the Bible? Click here to enter text. v) What is your attitude to the theory of evolution in the light of Biblical teaching? Click here to enter text. vi) How important to you is the Adventist religion and cultural lifestyle, including Sabbath observance? Click here to enter text. vii) Outline/describe the steps of how you would lead a student to Christ: Click here to enter text. viii) What is your understanding of the term “Ministry of Teaching”? Click here to enter text. C) PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDES We recognise that it is possible to provide an extended response to each of the following questions regarding your professional attitudes. On this application we ask you to provide a brief response in which you indicate your priorities for each of these important areas. i) What inspired you to seek a career as a teacher in the Seventh-day Adventist school system? Click here to enter text. Spiritual, Professional and Ethical Issues ii) In what ways do you as an individual model a Christian lifestyle? Click here to enter text. iii) Outline your attitude to drugs, alcohol, tobacco and marijuana: Click here to enter text. iv) Outline your attitude to pornography: Click here to enter text. v) Outline your attitude to social networking in a professional setting: Click here to enter text. vi) How do you display commitment and enthusiasm for teaching? Click here to enter text. vii) What will be your approach to working with other staff members at the school to which you may be appointed? Click here to enter text. viii) What professional development plans do you have? Click here to enter text. 8 Curriculum Knowledge ix) To what extent are you conversant with State and Church curriculum documents? Click here to enter text. x) How do you plan to infuse special character into your curriculum/learning area/s? Click here to enter text. Planning xi) How important is planning in the professional life of a teacher? Click here to enter text. Teaching and Learning xii) Describe your understanding of Christian philosophy and its impact on teaching and learning: Click here to enter text. xiii) How do you engage students in active and worthwhile learning? Click here to enter text. Assessment and Evaluation xiv) How do you ensure that your assessment procedures are a valid and reliable measure of student learning and progress? Click here to enter text. Behaviour Management xv) List several strategies you will employ to encourage student behaviour that promote learning: Click here to enter text. Pastoral Care xvi) How will you nurture your students spiritually, mentally, physically and socially? Click here to enter text. Duty of Care xvii) What are your duty of care responsibilities as they apply to students and colleagues? Click here to enter text. School and Community xviii) How will you demonstrate your support for the ethos of your school? Click here to enter text. xix) Outline any community service projects in which you have been engaged: Click here to enter text. Information and Communication Technologies xx) Describe your level of computer proficiency and how you use ICT in your classroom to facilitate student learning? Click here to enter text.


ASA System Needs Education Scholarship Application – 2016 Page 9 6. REFEREES 1. (Please give the name, e-mail address and telephone number for three persons willing to supply a reference on your behalf. Your first referee should be your local church or home church pastor.) Referee number 1 (local church or home church pastor) Title: Name: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. E-mail: Click here to enter text. Mobile: Click here to enter text.

Referee number 2 Title: Name: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. E-mail: Click here to enter text. Mobile: Click here to enter text.

Referee number 3 Title: Name: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text. Mobile: Click here to enter text.

2. Please add any other information that you consider may be relevant to your career or factors that you feel might be helpful. Your comments relating to personal issues will be kept within the confidence of the scholarship committee unless you specify narrower limitations. If you do not wish this information to form part of our records please submit the information in a separate letter. Click here to enter text. 7. PLEASE NOTE A.i) The granting of an ASA System Needs Education Scholarship does not guarantee a teaching position upon completion of the course. In the event that the Teacher Placement Committee is unable to offer employment upon completion of an agreed course of study the scholarship holder is not required to repay scholarship funds received to date; however, no further scholarship payments will be made. A.ii) Recipients of the scholarship will be required to sign a Bond Agreement to teach for the Seventh-day Adventist School System in Australia for a period of two years. A.iii) Employment under this agreement will be commensurate with the terms of employment as outlined in the South Pacific Division Working Policy and the Adventist Schools Australia Education Handbook.

8. DECLARATION Please check This declaration signifies that my statements in this document regarding qualifications, employment history, reasons for resignations and/or terminations of previous employment and all other information are complete and accurate. Further, I have read, understand and accept the terms and conditions of the ASA System Needs Education Scholarship.

NAME: Click here to enter text. DATE COMPLETED: Click here to enter text.

Enquiries regarding the ASA Education System Needs Scholarship should be directed to: Dr Daryl Murdoch, National Director Phone: 03 9871 7518 Adventist Schools Australia Facsimile: 03 9870 7715 PO Box 4368 Email: [email protected] 10 RINGWOOD VIC 3134

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application.

ASA System Needs Education Scholarship Application – 2016 Page 11

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