Picture Book for Training in the Hitler Youth Program

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Picture Book for Training in the Hitler Youth Program


Picture book for training in the Hitler Youth program

A Swedish scholar about the Leader of all Germans:

“All countries that have fought in the World War honor the ‘unknown soldier,’ in Paris he rests under the Arc de Triomphe, in London he is in his final resting place under the black marble of Westminster Abbey; in Berlin, however, he resides in the Reich chancellery. Germany is the only country, in which the ‘unknown solder’ is not dead, but lives.” Fredrik Böök Swedish Academy, Stockholm

Structure of the booklet

1—6: World War and collapse. 7—12 : Adolf Hitler as the people’s leader. 13—19: Adolf Hitler as a person. 20—27: Adolf Hilter as an artist. 28—39: Adolf Hitler as a statesman.

For further explanation the reader is referred to the Heimatabendhefte (sections for local events) for an overview of that which has occurred during the last year on the occasion of the Leaders birthday. Overview of the pictures

1. Thousands of years may pass, and one will never be able to speak without thinking about the German army in the World War. Only then will the veil of the past be removed and the iron front of steel helmets will be visible… 2. …no wavering and no weakening… 3. a monument of immortality.” 4. “That peace, which was once placed on the walled-over grave of the war… An unemployed man without hope. 5. became the hornet’s nest of new struggles.” 6. “But I decided to become a politician.” Picture of the Leader from 1921. 7. “I believe in Germany … 8. and I fight for it today and tomorrow and in the future, until victory comes to us.” 9. “We are a people, but we want to become an empire.” 10. The strength for life of our people has risen victoriously from the ashes of a sunken world” Appeal of the SA in the Luitpold Forest in Nürnberg. The Leader at the heroic honor. 11. “That is the greatest about him…that in him are the roots of our world, and he painted his soul on the stars and still remained a person like you and me.” ---Baldur von Schirach 12. The Leader by the grave of a murdered comrade. 13. The Leader greets workers. 14. The Leader greets children, who bring him flowers. 15. The Leader and his dog. 16. Study in the Berghof. 17. The house Wachenfeld on the Obersalzberg. 18. “Our cathedrals are witnesses to the greatness of the past! The greatness of the present can only be measured by the values of eternity that are left behind.” 19. “Stand firmly… Honorary temple at the royal square (Königsplatz in Munich) 20. and speak like an eternal witness.” 21. Bronze figure “The Party”by Prof. Arno Breeker in the inner court of the new Reichskanzelei (chancellery). 22. The Leader and his main building inspector Prof. Speer during the planning of new constructions. 23. State freeway (Autobahn) between München and Nürnberg. 24. German stadium in Nürnberg. Scale model. 25. “If the movement should ever be silent, then after generations this witness will speak.” 26. “The national socialist revolution has overcome the state of betrayal and perjury, and in its place has created an empire of honor, faithfulness and sincerity. “ 27. Adolf Hitler, the founder of the folk community…” The Leader on the Bückeberg on Thanksgiving Day/. 28. a healthy peasantry… Peasants during the rye harvest. 29. a growing economy… Large industrial complex by night (Opel works, Brandenburg). 30. a strong military… The Leader while reviewing the honor company in front of the imperial chancellery 31. and a powerful empire. New Year’s reception of the diplomatic corps in the large reception hall of the new empirical chancellery. 32. This empire has experienced the first days of its youth. It will continue to grow into the next centuries; it will become strong and powerful.” 33. “As the Leader and chancellor of the German Nation and of the empire, can report the historical entry of my home country into the German Empire.” The complete historical report of the Leader concerning the annexation of the Ostmark into the empire on the occasion of the great announcement on the Heldenplatz in Vienna on March 15, 1938. 34. Munich, 1938. The meeting of the leading statesmen from Italy, England and France with the Leader in Munich on /September 29, 1928 led to the solution of the so-called “Czech crisis” through the decision concerning the return of the Sudeten Germans into the empire. The picture shows, from left to right: Hermann Göring—the English Prime Minister Chamberlain—the Italian Foreign Minister Ciano (half covered)— Mussolini—the interpreter—the Leader—the French Prime Minister Daladier.

35. Prague, 1939. The remaining part of Czechoslovakia after Munich was shown not to be viable, because blinded leaders, following foreign whispers that attempted to reinforce the anti-German position of power. On March 16, 1938 the Leader incorporated the old German imperial states of Bohemia and Moravia into the Reich and granted the Czechs national autonomy within the protectorate of the Reich. The picture shows the Leader by the window on the occasion of an oath of allegiance to the German inhabitants of Prague.

36. Memel, 1939. The Memel area, that was illegally incorporated into the Lithuanian state, was again returned on into the Reich on March 23, 1939. The newly freed Lithuanians honor the Leader after his address in front of the theater.

The sentences of prophecy are exclusively the statements of the Leader.

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