Harkstead Parish Council Meeting Minutes

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Harkstead Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Harkstead Parish Council – Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: Monday August 8 2011


Councillors Present: William Wrinch, Brian Excell, Alison Looser, John Pollett, Chris Bateman. Dave Wood – County, Dave Rose – District. Also Present: 2 Parishioners and clerk.

1. Apologies -Peter Hornsby 2. Declaration of Interest –William Wrinch is a trustee of the village hall. 3. Minutes – July 18 minutes signed as correct. 4. Matters Arising – i) Tony Leeson had bought and installed anti-bird spikes on swings. ii) William Wrinch had attended the Windfarm exhibition in Holbrook. - ADJOURNMENT – Tony Leeson asked if the parish council would be interested in promoting an event for the 2012 Olympics. No. Dave Wood said that Harkstead hadn’t benn ‘formally’ asked about funding towards the Buzabout, as no one from there had attended any of the 4 meetings. The funding would be to cover extra evening service expenses. He said the Chelmo. Recycle centre had re-opened and would have a 3 month trail period, before reviewing it’s continuation. Dave Rose said Babergh and Mid Suffolk wereholding a consultation on the ‘budget challenge’, to get the views from individuals and groups as to which services etc would be kept. The Babergh website has all details and questions. Angela Fleming Brown said FP33 sign still hadn’t been re installed. Clerk has heard that it’s on the list to be done. Angela also said that people had been cutting and burning trees on the shore and again leaving lots of rubbish. Clerk to contact RHS agents Strutt & Parker. Brian Excell said River View Road sign had been broken off it’s posts. Dave Rose will inform the right Babergh department. 5.Millennium Green – no inspection, book signed as such. ii) Roundabout had been immobilised. iii) Chris Bateman had got a quote for £1260 + £252 vat, to repair, refurbish and re paint some of the play equipment. Parish Council agreed that the work go ahead. iv) John Pollett and clerk had found and printed an HMC&E page which stated that red diesel could be used in the type of mower used on the Green. 6.Planning Applications - none 7.Footpaths – nothing. 8.Financial Report. Current Ac. £52. Bus.Prem Ac. £5442 (interest added) Savings £1660. Expenditure - £23.28 by Tony Leeson for Pigeon Spikes. Agreed and cheque raised and signed. A cheque for £4.64, had been sent on from Santander Bank, through Margaret Harward. This was balance remaining from fundraising for the village hall years ago. Account is now closed. 9.Correspondence – New signatory forms from Barclays bank to be completed by William Wrinch, Peter Hornsby, Brian Excell and John Pollett. ADJOURNMENT – Clerk asked to write to Anglian Water and OffWat, about the shoddy attitude and workmanship of the ongoing pipe laying. 10.Any other business – Brian Excell asked if Rodney Cage is still a P.Cllr. Clerk to contact Rodney. Chris Bateman –drug dealing near Rence Park seems to have calmed down a bit. 11.Date next meeting – Monday September 12 at 7.45pm

Being no other business meeting ended at 8.25pm

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